Analysis of the poem “I remember the golden time” by Tyutchev. Analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “I remember the golden time... Tyutchev I remember the golden time ch thought

“I Remember the Golden Time” is the memoirs of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, clothed in poetic form. A brief analysis of “I Remember the Golden Time” according to plan shows all the expressiveness of this wonderful work, revealing its artistic features to 10th grade students. Analysis can be used in a literature lesson to present the material more deeply.

Brief Analysis

History of creation- the poem was written in 1836, when memories from ten years ago stirred up in the poet’s soul.

Theme of the poem- memories of youthful love.

Composition– one-part, the entire work is an integral memory of the lyrical hero.

Genre- love lyrics.

Poetic size- iambic pentameter.

Epithets“golden time”, “sweet land”, “mossy granite”.

Metaphors“dear land to the heart”, “the day was burning out”, “the shadow of fleeting life”.

Personification“The Danube rustled”, “the ruin looked”, “the sun hesitated, saying goodbye”, “the wind played”.

History of creation

This verse is closely connected with the name of Amalia von Krüdener, who was Tyutchev’s youthful love. And the girl reciprocated the poet’s feelings, happily going for walks with him and showing her favor through long conversations. This behavior of his beloved gave Fyodor Ivanovich courage, and he came to ask for her hand. However, the beauty’s parents, who believed that they were related to the imperial family, refused him. Deeply wounded, the young man stopped visiting their house and saw Amalia only 10 years after the breakup. This meeting awakened his happiest memories, which he embodied in a poem written in 1836.

Theme of the poem

Memories of a wonderful youthful feeling are what Tyutchev embodied in his work. The past is seen by the lyrical hero not through a foggy haze, but simple and clear: that was the time when he was happy, in love, and therefore everything seemed to him even better than it really was.


The structure of the poem is one-part. Fyodor Ivanovich consistently recreates the picture of the past, first describing the exhibition - the Danube rustling at the foot of the hill, the ruins of a castle and two young people walking along them. He says practically nothing about the girl, describing her indirectly. You can understand that she is young and so beautiful that even the sun hesitates in saying goodbye to her.

The work ends with an idyllic picture filled with carefreeness: the wind flutters the dress of the lyrical hero’s companion, who is simply looking into the distance. They are young, they feel good together, they enjoy life and each other’s company.


This work belongs to the genre of love lyrics, subtle and heartfelt. Although Fyodor Ivanovich describes the past, there is no sadness in it - it was so beautiful that even memories of it can be exceptionally bright and warm.

This work was dedicated to one of the poet's lovers. The poem reflects the poet's real relationship with a young girl. Can be considered autobiographical. Once pure and strong in love, Tyutchev proposed marriage to the Austrian beauty. Unfortunately or fortunately, Amalia’s parents refused the poet. This did not affect the relationship between the lovers; they became true friends and communicated throughout their lives. The heroine in the poem seems to be a fragile, young girl.

The heroes of the works are young and unhappy to be alone with each other; do not think about the problems and sorrows of life. And only in the last stanza a shadow flies over them, which personifies ordinary life and full of difficult situations and circumstances beyond a person’s control. Thus, he returned from a wonderful dream to reality. This work is dedicated to a woman who occupied an important place in the poet’s life - Amalia Krudener. The plot reveals to the reader a joyful scene of a meeting between two lovers. Only the heroes' memories, memories of that happy time the hero was Alone with his beloved. These feelings are conveyed to those around the lyrical hero and his young fairy: the landscape, the “quiet wind,” “the edge of the sky was smoky in the rays.” A special atmosphere is created by the play of light and shadow. The theme of the struggle between light and shadow can be interpreted as the theme of the struggle between good and evil, day and night. These are opposite concepts that represent light, joy and, of course, confusion and melancholy. How can we summarize that the lyrical hero associates happiness with Spring carelessness? Warm Memories always invigorate the soul and delight the heart. This is what happened to the historical hero; memories of the time spent with his beloved give him inspiration and hope for a happy future.

Updated: 2017-12-09

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Useful material on the topic

I remember the golden time
I remember the dear land to my heart.
The day was getting dark; there were two of us;
Below, in the shadows, the Danube roared.

And on the hill, where, turning white,
The ruins of the castle look into the distance,
There you stood, young fairy,
Leaning on mossy granite,

Touching baby's foot
A century-old pile of rubble;
And the sun hesitated, saying goodbye
With the hill and the castle and you.

And the quiet wind passes by
Played with your clothes
And from the wild apple trees, color after color
There was light on the young shoulders.

You looked carefree into the distance...
The edge of the sky was smoky in the rays;
The day was dying out; sang more sonorously
A river with darkened banks.

And you with carefree joy
Happy day spent;
And sweet is fleeting life
A shadow flew over us.

Analysis of the poem “I remember the golden time” by Tyutchev

The work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev in Russia became known thanks to the efforts of Baroness von Krüdener, who offered a selection of his poems to the Sovremennik magazine. More than once the poet wrote poems about herself, among which “I remember the golden time” occupies a special place.

The poem was written in 1836. Its author is 33 years old, he is a chamberlain, a Russian diplomat in Germany, and a family man. It is dedicated to Amalia Krudener, the poet’s youthful love. The girl’s parents had already chosen a groom for her, but this could not interfere with the young poet’s romantic feelings. For many years this affection remained, becoming friendly. Amalia came to say goodbye to the dying poet, which greatly moved him. “I Remember the Golden Time” was created in the days when, after a long break, F. Tyutchev saw Amalia again. By genre - elegy, by size - iambic with cross rhyme, 6 stanzas. The lyrical hero is the author himself. His memory reproduces with photographic precision the “golden time”: the day was getting dark, the granite was mossy, the Danube was rustling in the shadows. It was spring: wild apple trees fell, color after color, onto the young shoulders. Together, in the serene hour of their life, at its dawn, and at sunset, they looked into the distance. It seemed that they understood each other perfectly, and all nature welcomed their feeling, and happiness was sure to lie ahead.

The landscape is typically German: the Danube itself, the ruins of the ancient Donaustauf castle, granite boulders. And among this peaceful picture is a young fairy, the poet’s beloved girl. The image of the wind is important: the quiet wind fleetingly played with your clothes. It also becomes a metaphor for the passing “fleeting life.” The shadow is also symbolic: in the first stanza the river rustles in the shadows, in the last - the shadow of irrevocably passing time flies over the unsuspecting lovers. Finally, this day is coming to an end: the edge of the sky was smoky in the rays, the day was burning out. Impressions from him will remain in the heart forever. The thoughtfulness of the intonation is emphasized by the ellipses: you looked carefree into the distance... The future seemed cloudless, life seemed very long. By the way, the poet himself was looking at the girl at that moment, and not into the distance. The expression “golden time” is a vivid epithet, a metaphor, a periphrase, and a phraseological unit. Epithets: dear land, with a baby's foot, carefree gaiety, happy day. Personifications: the wind played, the river sang, the sun hesitated, saying goodbye, the ruin looked on.

The impressions of his youth are one of the brightest pages in the life of F. Tyutchev. European romanticism and love became the basis for the elegy “I Remember the Golden Time.”

“I remember the golden time...” Fyodor Tyutchev

I remember the golden time
I remember the dear land to my heart.
The day was getting dark; there were two of us;
Below, in the shadows, the Danube roared.

And on the hill, where, turning white,
The ruins of the castle look into the distance,
There you stood, young fairy,
Leaning on mossy granite,

Touching baby's foot
A century-old pile of rubble;
And the sun hesitated, saying goodbye
With the hill and the castle and you.

And the quiet wind passes by
Played with your clothes
And from the wild apple trees, color after color
There was light on the young shoulders.

You looked carefree into the distance...
The edge of the sky was smoky in the rays;
The day was dying out; sang more sonorously
A river with darkened banks.

And you with carefree joy
Happy day spent;
And sweet is fleeting life
A shadow flew over us.

Analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “I remember the golden time...”

It is generally accepted that in the life of Fyodor Tyutchev there were only three women whom he truly admired. However, the diaries of this poet and statesman keep many secrets, including his relationship with Amalia Krudener. When the girl was only 15 years old, 19-year-old Tyutchev proposed to her. If the young lady’s parents, who considered themselves close to the Austrian throne, had not resisted, then Amelie, as the girl was affectionately called at home, would probably have become the wife of the great Russian poet. But this marriage was not destined to become a reality. Moreover, after an unsuccessful matchmaking, Tyutchev stopped appearing at the girl’s house, and the next meeting with Amelia took place only 10 years later. It was then that the poem “I Remember the Golden Time” was written, dedicated to days long gone by. Nevertheless, they left a very vivid memory in the poet’s soul. Moreover, Tyutchev and Krudener maintained warm friendly relations throughout their lives despite the fact that they lived in different countries.

In the poem, the author is mentally transported to the past, remembering: “The day was getting dark, we were two: below, in the shadows, the Danube was rustling.” The lyrical picture that the poet recreates is complemented by such surprisingly romantic features as the ruins of a white castle in the distance, moss-covered granite stones and warm rays of the setting sun. The poet calls his chosen one nothing more than “young fairy” - a teenage girl who, nevertheless, is full of hidden charm and grace. Her actions seem childish and naive to the poet, but her gestures and gaze already reveal the manners of a real socialite, who in a few years will make a real splash at the court of not only Germany, but also Russia. “You looked carefree into the distance...” the poet notes, realizing that this time was truly happy not only for him, but also for his chosen one. In any case, the young people were spared the need to observe etiquette and could at least be themselves for a little while, enjoying the beauty of nature and the timid feelings that were just emerging between them.

Years later, Tyutchev realizes that that memorable evening was a real gift of fate. After all, before his charm, even now, all other events in life fade, which, according to the poet, flew by like a shadow, without leaving a single bright memory of itself, with the exception of this amazing meeting.

Literary analysis of the poem by F. Tyutchev I remember the golden time

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

1. Poem “I remember the golden time...” - dedication to Baroness Amalia von Krüdener……………………………………………………..….. 4

2. The work of F. Tyutchev in the assessments of critics…………………………………9

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………. 12


he seemed to be ignored, and his lyric poems did not fit into the popular idea of ​​what a “correct” poetic composition should be. And only after Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov’s article “Russian modern poets” (1850) appeared in the most authoritative literary magazine of that time, Sovremennik, that it was as if a veil fell from the readers’ eyes.

Among others, N.A. Nekrasov wrote about the outstanding talent of Fyodor Tyutchev, and then reprinted 24 of his poems, first published in Sovremennik 14 years ago. In 1854, through the efforts of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, the first collection of Tyutchev's poems was published. Shortly before this, 92 poems by Tyutchev were published as an appendix to the third volume of Sovremennik for 1854, and in the fourth volume of the magazine for the same year Nekrasov published Turgenev’s enthusiastic article “A few words about the poems of F. I. Tyutchev”...

if Tyutchev diligently carried his poems to editors, he would still have to stand in the “queue” for a long time for success, for reader response. Why did this happen? Because each literary era has its own stylistic habits, “standards” of taste; creative deviation from these standards sometimes seems like an artistic victory, and sometimes like an irreparable defeat.

The test will present an analysis of F. Tyutchev’s poem “I Remember the Golden Time.”

1. Poem “I remember the golden time...” - dedication to Baroness Amalia von Krüdener

The poem “I Remember the Golden Time” was written by F. Tyutchev no earlier than 1834. It was first published in the Sovremennik magazine in 1836. This poem is addressed to the secular beauty Baroness Amalia von Krudener.

Of course, at that “golden” time when eighteen-year-old Fyodor Tyutchev and fourteen-year-old Amalia met in Munich, she was not a socialite. The illegitimate daughter of the German aristocrat Count Maximilian Lerchenfeld, although she was the cousin of the Russian Empress, lived in modest poverty and bore the surname Sternfeld of Darnstadt. True, after the death of her father, Amalia’s half-brother obtained the highest permission for her to be called Countess Lerchenfeld.

Tyutchev fell in love at first sight, and it seems that Amalia was touched too. Otherwise, together with a not at all impressive Russian young man, I would not have broken away from the traveling company in order to climb to the ruins of an ancient castle and look from there at the Danube, glorified by Heinrich Heine. (The Danube is located quite far from Munich, of course, by Bavarian rather than Russian standards.) The young people even exchanged baptismal neck chains...

Nature gifted Amalia Lerchenfeld not only with ageless, as if enchanted beauty, but also with the gift of a long and grateful memory. She came to the dying Tyutchev without an invitation. The shocked poet described this visit in a letter to his daughter: “Yesterday I experienced a moment of burning excitement as a result of my meeting with Countess Adterberg, my good Amalie Krüdener, who wished to see me for the last time in this world and came to bid me farewell. In her face, the past of my best years came to give me a farewell kiss.”

At times, too little information remains, but a picture of them is recreated by Tyutchev’s memories of his former love, written 13 years after the first meeting with Amalia and dedicated to her:

“I remember the golden time,

I remember the dear land to my heart.

The day was getting dark; there were two of us;

Below, in the shadows, the Danube roared.

The ruins of the castle look into the distance,

There you stood, young fairy,

Leaning on the hazy granite,

Touching baby's foot

A century-old pile of rubble;

And the sun hesitated, saying goodbye

With the hill and the castle and you.

And the quiet wind passes by

Played with your clothes

And from the wild apple trees, color after color

There was light on the young shoulders.

You looked carefree into the distance...

The edge of the sky was smoky in the rays;

The day was dying out; sang more sonorously

A river with darkened banks.

A shadow flew over us."

Plucking up courage, Fyodor Ivanovich decided to ask for Amalia’s hand in marriage. But the Russian nobleman seemed to her parents not such a profitable match for their daughter, and they preferred Baron Krudener to him. At the insistence of her parents, Amalia, despite the tender feelings she had for Tyutchev, still agreed to marry Krudener.

But in the end, according to Fyodor Tyutchev’s uncle Nikolai Afanasyevich Khlopkov, for him “everything ended well.” It is not known whether Amalia Maximilianovna later regretted her marriage, but she retained friendly feelings for the poet and, at every opportunity, provided Fyodor Ivanovich with any, even small, service. After the Krudeners left, Tyutchev wrote in a letter to his parents: “Do you sometimes see Mrs. Krudener? I have reason to believe that she is not as happy in her brilliant position as I would wish for her. Sweet, lovely woman, but what an unhappy one! She will never be as happy as she deserves.

Having great connections at the Russian court, being closely acquainted with the all-powerful Count Benckedorff, through him she more than once provided friendly services to Fyodor Ivanovich and his family. Amalia Krudener contributed in many ways, for example, to Tyutchev’s move to Russia and Fyodor Ivanovich’s obtaining a new position. The poet always felt terribly uncomfortable accepting these services. But sometimes he had no choice.

marries Count N.V. Alerberg, Major General. Tyutchev had his own worries - expanding his family, service, which remained a burden to him... And yet, fate gave them two more friendly dates, which became a worthy epilogue to their many years of affection.

Since the poems to Amalia were published in Sovremennik during Pushkin’s lifetime, Nekrasov, reprinting them, suggested: “Pushkin would not refuse such a poem.” In fact, the poem is not Pushkin’s at all. Tyutchev was fascinated by Heine's poetry and persistently tried to unravel the secret of this charm. Translated, rearranged... However, Heine’s spirit truly breathes freely not in Tyutchev’s translations and imitations, but in the poem “I remember the golden time...”, although in this case the Russian poet thought least of all about Heine, he only wanted as much as possible brighter to illuminate the fading picture of the “best years” of your life with the spotlight of memory. However, the landscape typical of early Heine with the ruins of an old castle, in which the figure of a “young maiden” is inscribed, shifted the personal memory towards a German folk song, slightly simplifying it.

Y. Tynyanov also noted that the syntactic phrase “we were two” is purely German; they don’t write or even say that in Russian. But this, of course, is not a grammatical error, but that very “little bit” that decides everything in art.

The poem “I Remember the Golden Time” is very intimate, and in it he talks about how memories of the past, caused by this meeting, revived the soul of the old poet, made him feel, worry, love. In it, he reveals his most sincere feelings and shows the reader how much a person can love. The composition of this poem includes three logical parts: introduction, main part and conclusion, farewell to the reader.

In the introduction, he shows that his “obsolete heart” plunged into the world of happiness, life, in “golden times.” Speaking about the golden color of some time, Tyutchev expresses an environment that managed to melt the ice in the poet’s heart and made him experience a feeling of love, which is expressed in the author’s words: “I”, “you”, “I”, “you” - a person does not know how to express your love.
Autumn has already begun in a person’s life, youth is a thing of the past, love, like spring in nature, awakens him, rejuvenates him and fills him with energy. By using plural pronouns, the author unites all people, says something - what he said applies to all people.

In the third stanza, the lyrical hero meets his beloved, he comes to life, that same spring comes to him. Here he often uses words with the suffixes -an, -en, which makes the poem “sweeter” and shows the reader that the author really loves the woman he is talking about. The author does not believe that he is dating his beloved, he thought that he had parted with her forever, he cannot bring himself to accept this as reality, for him it is “as if in a dream.”

The poem “I remember the golden time...” is written in the most “colloquial” of iambic tetrameters. Nevertheless, in this text, even an untrained ear notices its melodiousness, or, as Zhukovsky used to say, “singability.” With what artistic means does the author achieve melody?

Firstly, by the fact that here, as in the song, important semantically and rhythmically important groups of words are repeated with slight variations: I remember the time - I remember the region; the day was getting dark - the day was burning down; the ruin looks into the distance - you looked into the distance.

Secondly, the fact that the text is harmoniously voiced by the sounds of nature itself: “The river sang more sonorously in the darkened banks.”

Thirdly, the fact that most of the stress in the stanza falls on the same vowels, for example, in the first quatrain the sound-forming element is jav. There is an alternation of stressed “o” and “e”.

2. The works of F. Tyutchev in the assessments of critics

Fet’s talent, according to Dobrolyubov, can “manifest itself only in capturing fleeting impressions from quiet natural phenomena,” and Tyutchev “is also accessible to sultry passion, stern energy, and deep thought, excited not only by spontaneous phenomena, but also by questions.” moral, interests of public life.”

We can be convinced of the perfection of F. I. Tyutchev’s poetic logic by enjoying his most humane lyrics, even without having the special knowledge and talent of Turgenev, Nekrasov (unlike Nekrasov, Tyutchev does not penetrate into the depths of folk peasant life, the state of nature is important to him and that , what feelings it evokes in a person), Dobrolyubova.

the spirit of aesthetic theories of the end of the century; They spoke more and more insistently about Tyutchev as the “forerunner of the Symbolists”; they wrote more and more often about the attraction of Tyutchev’s poetry to “night”, “chaos”, “madness”. It was as if the critics were competing in intensifying and thickening the colors, trying to emphasize the “nightly” rather than the bright, the “sinister” and not the “pleasant” in the direction of the poet’s thoughts and feelings. Tyutchev’s poetry was called “the poetry of the night,” and the poet himself was called a “victim” of the abyss of secrets and infinity. At this time, Bryusov, one of the first to initiate the scientific study of Tyutchev’s legacy, considered Tyutchev as one of the predecessors of symbolism. However, Bryusov largely managed to overcome the one-sidedness and limitations in the interpretation of Tyutchev’s poetry.

In an effort to “bring Tyutchev closer to the Symbolists, highlighting the world of mysterious night material,” Bryusov rediscovered the poet to the reading public. His attention was drawn to the lines of a famous poem:

The soul would like to be a star,

But not when from the midnight sky

These lights are like living eyes,

They look at the sleepy earthly world, -

But during the day...

Although Bryusov called Tyutchev the first poet of the “new school”, whose “break with the Pushkin tradition” was “stronger than Fet’s,” the understanding of the significance of the poetic discoveries made by Tyutchev led to the idea of ​​​​continuing and developing the great Pushkin tradition. “Pushkin, Tyutchev Baratynsky,” wrote Bryusov, “these are three cherished names for everyone who loves Russian poetry, their works are great examples of our poetry.”

Time has discarded everything random, subjective and one-sided in the interpretation of Tyutchev’s poetry and justified the assessment given to his work by Pushkin, Nekrasov, Tolstoy, and revolutionary democrats. His work, marked by the depth of philosophical thought and the ability to penetrate the secrets of nature and the human soul, has received wide recognition. Tyutchev reflected everything heavenly in the earthly. The image of the earthly was man, the eternal - Nature.

According to Yu. N. Tynyanov, Tyutchev’s poems are, as it were, answers to completely real philosophical and political questions of the era. I. Aksakov, in turn, protested against this simple operation of “Tyutchev’s thought”: “He has not only thinking poetry, but poetic thought.” Because of this, the external artistic form is not put on his thought, like a glove on a hand, but has grown together with it, like a covering of skin with the body, created together and simultaneously, by one process: it is the very flesh of thought.”
Here, although the term “external artistic form” and the image of “skin on the body” are not particularly convincing, the denied approach to “thought” and “verse” as a hand and a glove is very convincing.

Philosophical and political thought must be recognized here as themes, and, of course, their function in lyric poetry is completely different than in prose. That is why, although it is undoubtedly that they were a significant element in Tyutchev’s poetry, the nature of this significance is not at all indubitable, and therefore it is illegal to distract their study from the general literary one; therefore, it is necessary to take into account their functional role. There is no theme outside of verse, just as there is no image outside of vocabulary. The naive approach to verse as a glove, and to thought as a hand, which lost sight of the function of both in lyric poetry as a special form of art, led in the study of Tyutchev to a dead end of mystical “secrets” and “wonderful inventions.” The same direction of study led to the legend about Tyutchev’s historical “loneliness,” which has not been completely eliminated. The “secrets” should be replaced by the question of Tyutchev’s lyrics as a literary phenomenon...


Tyutchev is a very famous Russian poet. He lived at the same time as many famous poets and writers, and, in my opinion, is in no way inferior to them. He describes in his poems unique moments that once happened or periodically occur in the life of nature or man; in his poems he shows harmony in our world.
One of the first places in Tyutchev’s work is occupied by love lyrics, since there are a lot of them among all his poems, and he composed them throughout his life.

the poet with his beauty even in his youth.

Democratic criticism of the 19th century highly valued the poetry of F. I. Tyutchev. I. S. Turgenev argued: “They don’t argue about Tyutchev; whoever does not feel it, thereby proves that he does not feel poetry.” F. I. Tyutchev and Dobrolyubov highly appreciated the perfect lyricism, contrasting the poet with the “pure” lyricism of A. Fet.

List of used literature

1. Marchenko A. M. F. Tyutchev: life and creativity. – M.: Education, 2004. P. 18.

Marchenko A. M. F. Tyutchev: life and creativity. – M.: Education, 2004. P. 18.

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