Prayer is an unfading flower. Prayer of the unfading color for the preservation of the family

The holy image of the icon of the Mother of God of Christ “Unfading Color” was invented and created, as we think, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries on Athos.

The image was based on texts taken from the hymn - akathist. There are words in this text that compare Jesus and his mother, the Holy Mother of God, to beautiful and immortal flowers.

The day of veneration of the icon is considered April 16. One of the most ancient images of the Mother of God in the Orthodox Church is this particular image. Many different and unusual stories of the creation and manifestation of holiness are associated with it.

The icon can be considered one of the most little-known. The question of its origin and development of iconographic subjects is practically absent in Russian literature. The image of the Most Pure Virgin Mary appeared as a consequence of the development of the akathist cycle.

The history of the appearance of the icon

In the eighteenth century, a venerable, festive icon of the Mother of God “The Unfading Flower” appeared in Constantinople. The icon was further spread to the Greek lands. It is believed that the image gained particular popularity in Thessalonica.

The source for this image is the Grateful Canon of Joseph the hymnographer. This canon contains the words “this unfading color,” but they referred more to Christ.

But in the name of the icon of the Mother of God, the words already refer to Mary herself. The erroneous interpretation of words led to the development of this type of iconography. The earliest prototype for the icon was an engraving written in Western style from the Venetian Bible called “The New Treasury”. It dates back to the period 1612.

Here the Mother of God is depicted in full height and standing on the moon. The head of Christ is decorated with four roses. Another iconographic predecessor of the icon can be considered the image of the Madonna with a carnation in her hand, painted by the young Leonardo da Vinci.

The icon stands among the most significant images dedicated to the Mother of God. In fact, the images of the icon of the Mother of God are varied, but they are all united by one symbol - a flower.

Flowers can be used in garlands, on flowering wands. Flowers are depicted on a pedestal on which the Virgin Mary and little Jesus sit. Most often, on icons, the Mother of God is depicted in luxurious, gilded clothes. And also on the icons there are images of Mary up to the waist, but there is always a flower in the hands of the Mother of God.

There are many myths associated with the icon. One myth is associated with its name. It was assumed that the name came from the Mother of God flower that grows on Mount Athos. It is known that in the nineteenth century there was healing from the “immortal” flower of the Virgin Mary.

This story was written down by monks in the tales of the Mother of God and published by the Panteleimon Monastery on Athos. This event, together with the picturesque descriptions of pilgrims to Athos, became the reason why the name of the image began to be attributed to the Mother of God flower. But this is just a myth. It is worth noting that the icons often depict the Mother of God holding a lily flower in her hands.

List Locations

In Russia, four images of the Mother of God were glorified. The first and most ancient was located in the Moscow Alekseevsky Monastery, on the site of which today is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Two more icons are in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

One of them came from the Church of St. Nicholas - “Mutrennaya”, the other arrived from the Church of St. James the Rawhitter. The fourth icon is in the State Russian Museum. It was delivered from the now defunct Trinity-Petrovsky Cathedral.

All icons differ in their iconography and history of origin. But they have one thing in common - joy. And joy is depicted in shimmering gold, in the finest ornaments and with the fragrance of flowers.

The icon of the Mother of God is revered by the Russian Orthodox Church even today. In honor of her, churches are being built in Moscow and the Moscow region at the address: the village of Rublevo, on V. Botylev Street, building number forty-five.

Icon "Unfading Color"

What does the meaning of the “Fadeless Color” icon help with?

The significance of this image is great for Orthodox believers.

  • The holy image carries deep meaning for all Orthodox Christians. People go to her for help and reassurance. To pray in front of a holy and pure image means to cope with your grief. Women of all ages turn to the Mother of God.
  • Young and unmarried women pray for help in finding their betrothed. Women with children ask in prayer to give their daughters and sons the blessing of our Lord. After all, as you know, there are no stronger words in the world than the words of a loving mother.

In front of the holy image, turning to the Mother of God, those asking pray for their loved ones.

She helps:

Those praying before the icon of the Mother of God get rid of vague and sinful feelings that have settled in the soul. All doubts and fears about the future life go away. Most often, young and unmarried people come to the image, having lost faith in finding their soulmate.

The words addressed to the face of the Mother of God convey feelings and a sincere desire to find a betrothed who will not leave her, no matter what happens in life. But not only women come to the face of the Mother of God. In the church and at the icon, men are also frequent guests.

What do they pray for in front of the icon?

Prayers before the Holy Image give strength and faith in the future, banish gloomy and soul-plaguing doubts.

  • People who believe in the Lord, first of all, pray in front of the icon, in the hope of preserving righteousness and purity of deeds and thoughts.
  • And also about the right choice and decision-making about your future spouse.
  • They pray for health, chastity and women's well-being.
  • They also pray for help in solving family problems and getting rid of all illnesses.
  • The prayer asks for help in finding the purpose and meaning of life.

The prayer of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” for marriage is read by women, to get married successfully and find family peace. The institution of marriage teaches that marriage is a commitment made by a believer. The purpose of any woman in fulfilling the divine will is procreation.

Only a woman is capable of giving life to a new person. Therefore, the prayer words read in front of the icon contain great meaning and a desire to fulfill the will of the Lord. The words of prayer can be different, the main thing is that they come from the heart.

Pronounced with special faith and desire, they will help a woman fulfill her desires in a fairly short time.

One of the many options for prayer to the Mother of God:

“Most Pure Mother of God, hear my words addressed to you in prayer. From me, a simple sinner. I ask the words of prayer to lift up the son of God to the throne. He is merciful and I will be heard. In my prayer I ask you to be an intercessor and patroness.

Ask for blessings for your servant: life in love and harmony for spouses, children, obedience, patience and complacency for all the offended and humiliated. For everyone I ask for reason, mercy, a spirit of meekness, purity and righteousness.

Oh, Most Holy Virgin Mary, protect me from false pride and self-love. Preserve in me and increase the desire to work and bless, I ask you, my labors. The law of God teaches people to live in a righteous marriage, then let me, Holy Mary, fulfill my destiny by becoming a wife worthy of a husband.

For the words of the Lord do not allow a person to remain alone in life. For this reason the Lord created a helpmate and a wife for the husband. He blessed and conveyed to them his desire that they grow and multiply and thereby fill the expanses of the Earth.

Most Holy Mother of God, I pray to you with pure words coming from my very heart. Give me a husband, a pious, kind and honest spouse. So that we can be together in love and harmony. And they could glorify you, Lord - father and son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen".


“My husband and I have been married for three years. At first everything was fine. We understood each other, one might say, perfectly. Helped and supported in difficult situations. But unfortunately, as probably in any family, we had misunderstandings and frequent quarrels occurred on this basis. Of course, we tried and made compromises, but, alas, nothing helped. I was preparing mentally for our breakup. But to be honest, neither my husband nor I wanted a breakup. I have a grandmother. She is a very pious person. And so she told me about the icon of the Mother of God. Granny said that we need to pray to the icon and ask the Mother of God to save our relationship and family. Now I pray and read a prayer every day. My soul somehow becomes lighter and hope appears. “Relationships with my husband began to improve.”


Not every church can find this particular image of the Mother of Christ. But fortunately, in any church shop you can buy either a photo of the “unfading color” icon or a small reproduction of the image. They can be used for their intended purpose - for your own personal purposes.

Place it in your home and, if necessary, say the words of prayer in front of the image. But do not forget that this is only an image.

Real healing of the soul, and help is given by the Lord, our Father.

Without deep faith in the power of the Lord, the words of prayer have no meaning. Remember the words of Christ: “According to your faith it will be given to you.” The miraculous image of the Mother of God gives help only to true believers.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Flower” is not very often found in Russian churches today. But everyone who sees it, at first sight, is attracted by its unearthly purity and tenderness. Its main feature is the image of the Virgin Mary holding the Divine Infant in one hand and a beautiful flower in the other. Most often it is a white lily.

According to legend, it was once upon a time that Archangel Gabriel presented it to the Mother of God as a sign of the good news that she would become the Mother of God himself. This flower is of utmost importance in the symbolism of the “Unfading Flower” icon, denoting the deep spiritual purity of the Mother of God, who was placed by the Lord above even the disembodied Angels.

The history and symbolism of the icon

The icon of the Virgin Mary “Unfading Flower” or, according to the second name, “Fragrant Flower” first appeared in the 17th century in Greece. Her unusual appearance arose as the embodiment in colors of the words of the Akathist - a solemn chant read in honor of the Mother of God. In it, the Most Pure Virgin is called “the root of virginity and the unfading color of purity.”

The appearance of the “Unfading Flower” icon was influenced by the tradition of painting the Orthodox icon “Praise to the Mother of God,” the earliest Russian copy of which dates back to the 14th century. This was the first icon created on the basis of the ancient akathist dedicated to the Mother of God.

The reason for its creation was the miraculous deliverance of Constantinople from the enemy invasion through the mediation of the Mother of God. On the icon, the Prophets who once spoke about the birth of the Virgin Mary are written with the symbols that served as her prototype. So the Prophet Aaron holds a rod, on the top of which you can see a wonderful flower.

This image is associated with the ancient tradition of the Church. It says that once upon a time God, through the prophet Moses, determined only the descendants of the clan of Aaron to be Old Testament clergy. But later, representatives of other clans began to protest, also laying claim to the honor of the priesthood. Then, in order to stop the strife, it was decided to get an answer from above. For this purpose, the rods of representatives of the twelve tribes of the Jewish people were left in the Jewish temple.

After some time, it was discovered that the eleven wands remained unchanged. But on the rod of the descendants of Levi, on which the name of his grandson, Aaron, was written, an almond flower appeared. Moreover, it did not dry out and, later, produced fruit. This phenomenon finally convinced everyone of the chosenness of the family that served in the temple of Jerusalem.

In the Christian tradition, the miracle with Aaron's rod is considered as follows. The rod itself, blooming with a fragrant flower, is a symbol of the pure and immaculate Virgin Mary. And the fruit that appeared on it is the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. Therefore, on the icon “Praise to the Mother of God” they sometimes began to depict the Mother of God with a flower branch in her hands.

Thus, the authors of the “Unfading Color” icon, having borrowed this version of the image, separated it into an independent iconographic plot. Its development was also influenced by the process of literal embodiment in Christian painting of the words of various liturgical books and hymns, especially the thanksgiving canon of Joseph the Songwriter, written in the 9th century. In them, the appearance of the Mother of God is shown by prototype symbols:

  • a source that gives life;
  • lily;
  • star;
  • rose;
  • the sun;
  • olive branch;
  • beautiful garden and many others.

Almost all of these meanings, somewhat earlier, began to be displayed in Catholic painting. The 15th-16th centuries is the time when special compositions appeared there in the form of allegories called “Concepcio immaculata”, which means “Immaculate Conception”, which in the form of engravings began to be included in prayer collections. Probably, these engravings also influenced the emergence of the Greek version of the “Unfading Color” icon.

Variety of images of the “Fadeless Color” icon

It is believed that the first such icon was most likely painted in Constantinople. Then, despite the Turkish yoke, more and more new variants began to appear in Greece. She was especially revered in Thessaloniki. One of the copies of the “Unfading Flower” icon was created on Mount Athos and, around the end of the 17th century, brought to Russia.

In the 18th century, both in Greece and Russia, many other versions of the icon appeared, different from the first image. This century, known for its love of ostentation and multiple figures, endowed the image with a large number of new details. Crowns or crowns appear on the heads of Christ and his Mother. The rose that appears in the hands of the Divine Infant often becomes a flower of purity.

Sometimes graceful branches or even entire garlands of flowers are depicted around the figure of the Virgin Mary, placed in beautiful flowerpots, and turned into pedestals.

Very often the Virgin Mary holds a scepter covered with the most beautiful flowers. Many symbols appear around her: a candle, a tree of paradise, a censer, a staircase leading from earth to heaven, royal chambers, the moon, and so on. They seem to clearly demonstrate the feelings of admiration and praise contained in the words of Christian hymnography.

Here we see some influence of the Catholic tradition with its splendor of forms and love for detail, which was not initially characteristic of Orthodox icon painting.

Lists of the icon “Fadeless Color” glorified in Russia

Moscow shrines

In pre-revolutionary Russia, several revered copies of the “Fadeless Flower” icon are known. One of the most ancient was kept in the Alekseevsky Monastery in Moscow. This was the first monastery in the city intended for unmarried girls. Therefore, the icon was in its place here, because one of the main requests that are addressed to this image is a prayer for the preservation of the purity of soul and body.

The Alekseevsky list was apparently brought to Russia at the end of the 17th century, since a copy of it made in 1691 is known. It was significantly different from the now widespread image. The Infant of God stood on it at full height, leaning his bent arm on the shoulder of the Virgin Mary. The right hand of the Mother of God was wrapped in a ribbon, on which the name of the icon was inscribed. A beautiful flower branch was placed on the throne, in a special jug.

Another famous Moscow copy of the icon was in the Assumption Church in Mogiltsy. In it, Christ, supported by the Mother of God, stands on a beautiful flower growing from the lower part of the image. The Mother of God has a white lily in her hand, and above her head are Angels crowning her with a royal crown. This temple, erected in the very center of the capital, is mentioned in the works of Russian classics: L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoevsky and A. Griboyedov. Today it has been revived again, but the miraculous icon disappeared under Soviet rule, and now a modern copy of it has appeared in the church.

Miraculous icons from the outback

The Russian province was also not left without a wonderful image. In a small monastery in the town of Kadom, Ryazan province, a special list became famous. On it, near the head of Christ, one could see a half-length image of John the Baptist.

The history of the icon is unusual. It was brought as a gift to the monastery by the Bogdanov family. The head of the family brought the image from Georgia. The icon accompanied him everywhere and saved him more than once during military campaigns: both when crossing the stormy Terek and from the bullets of the Circassian cavalry. And most importantly, the image, according to the recollections of old-timers, was already in the temple, very revered by the great Russian Saint Seraphim of Sarov.

The list located in the city of Kungur, Perm Territory, was also especially revered by parishioners. Its peculiarity was the half-length image of the Virgin Mary, as if growing from a magnificent flower garland. A copy of it is kept today in the Tretyakov Gallery.

In 19th-century icons, the plurality of elements tends to disappear. Mary is most often depicted with a modest branch or even a single flower in her hand. Lush garlands of flowers shimmering with a richness of colors are not visible in such images. Their authors try to return to more expressive examples of the Middle Ages, trying to focus on the main thing - the figures and faces of the Mother of God and Christ.

There is no information about the existence of churches dedicated to this image in Russia before 1917. After the end of the persecution of the church in our country, four churches were built in his honor (all of them are in Moscow and the Moscow region) and two chapels.

Since 1998, such a church began to be built for the first time in the village of Rublevo near Moscow. The temple of the “Unfading Flower” icon is located on the banks of the Moscow River, from which there are beautiful views of its picturesque surroundings. The church project was created by a descendant of the famous family of Russian artists - architect and musician Nikolai Vasnetsov.

The lower church was consecrated in the name of the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. The church operates Sunday schools for children and adults, where you can get acquainted not only with the basics of Orthodoxy, but also with the symbolism of the temple of the “Unfading Color” icon, and find out what they pray to this icon for.

By 2012, in the best traditions of Russian northern wooden architecture, a small temple of the “Unfading Flower” icon was built in the village of Sumarokovo, Ruzsky district.

The celebration of the icon took place in Russia on April 3 and December 31 according to the Julian calendar. Currently, it is usually only April 3, or, accordingly, April 16 according to the new style.

How does the “Fadeless Color” icon help?

The icon is popular, first of all, among young girls and boys, since, according to ancient tradition, they pray to it for the preservation of girlish and youthful purity and chastity, protection from temptations, which are so common in the modern world. Also, in front of the image of the “Unfading Flower”, a prayer is made for marriage or marriage, so that the Mother of God will send a worthy and decent husband or wife. Older people ask before the image for help in the fight against spiritual and carnal passions. In addition, it helps to overcome adversity and misunderstanding in family life.

There is a wonderful akathist to the “Unfading Color” icon, praising the Virgin Mary in the most sublime terms. In it, the Mother of God is called the “inexhaustible source of love” and immortality.

Orthodox hymnography also created a troparion and a prayer to the “Unfading Color” icon, which are read in front of the image by everyone who has a request to the Mother of God or wants to glorify her and thank her for her help.

Prayer for marriage to the Unfading Color icon

“Oh, Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of the Virgin, hope of Christians and refuge for sinners!

Protect all those who come running to You in misfortune, hear our groans, incline Your ear to our prayer, O Lady and Mother of our God, do not despise those who require Your help and do not reject us sinners, enlighten us and teach us: do not depart from us, Your servants, for our murmuring.

Be our Mother and Patroness, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful protection.Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; let us pay for our sins.O Mother Mary, our all-offering and speedy Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession.Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who rebel against us.

O Mother of our Lord Creator!You are the root of virginity and the unfading flower of purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts.Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we may see the ways of God’s truth.

By the grace of Your Son, strengthen our weak will in fulfilling the commandments, so that we will be delivered from all troubles and misfortunes and may be justified by Your wonderful intercession at the terrible judgment of Your Son.To him we give glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

How to pray to an icon correctly

First prayer:
“To my Queen, to my hope, to the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and the strange, to the Representative, to the sorrowing, to Joy, to the offended to the Patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow; help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it as if by will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for may we preserve and cover forever and ever. Amen".

Second prayer:
“Oh, Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of the Virgin, hope of Christians and refuge for sinners! Protect all those who come running to You in misfortune, hear our groans, incline Your ear to our prayer. Mistress and Mother of our God, do not despise those who require Your help and do not reject us sinners, enlighten us and teach us: do not depart from us, your servants, for our murmuring. Be our Mother and Protectress, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful protection. Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; let us pay for our sins.
Oh, Mother Mary, our most offering and speedy Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession. Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who retaliate against us. O Mother of our Lord Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading flower of purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we may see the ways of God’s truth. By the grace of Your Son, strengthen our weak will in fulfilling the commandments, so that we will be delivered from all troubles and misfortunes and may be justified by Your wonderful intercession at the terrible judgment of Your Son. To him we give glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

“Rejoice, Bride of God, secret rod, unfading blossoming flower, rejoice, Lady, with Her we are filled with joy and inherit life.”

Icon of the Mother of God "Unfading Color"...

April 16
Memorial Day

Icon of the Mother of God "Unfading Color"

The celebration in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Flower” takes place on April 3/16, and in honor of the related image of the Mother of God “Fragile Flower”, which is almost completely close to it today, on November 15/28.

In more ancient images the difference was as follows. On the icon “Unfading Flower” the Infant God sat on the right hand of the Mother of God, and on the icon “Fragile Flower” - on the left. In modern icons these distinctions are often not respected.

How does an icon help?
The image of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” is the iconographic embodiment of chastity and purity, first of all, as spiritual properties, therefore, the Mother of God grants help to those praying before her in acquiring and preserving these wonderful and saving qualities for each of us. Chastity is the integrity of wisdom, inner peace, spiritual silence, humility and meekness; they give the female nature that fortitude that cannot be found anywhere else.

Prayer in front of this image helps in saving a marriage, strengthening a family, resolving family problems, and overcoming sorrows that sometimes happen in our everyday life.

Sincere and earnest prayer in front of the “Unfading Color” icon guides those who are spiritually suffering on the right path, helps to find the strength to endure deep sorrows, not to become weak from disappointment, and relieves them of despondency and heavy thoughts.

First prayer
Blessing my Arita, my hope, the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and the strange to the Representative, the grieving, Joy to the offended, to the Patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow; help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it as if by will: for I have no other help except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, except You, O Mother of God, for may we preserve and cover forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer
ABOUT, Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of the Virgin, hope of Christians and refuge for sinners! Protect all those who come running to You in misfortune, hear our groans, incline Your ear to our prayer. Mistress and Mother of our God, do not despise those who require Your help and do not reject us sinners, enlighten us and teach us: do not depart from us, your servants, for our murmuring. Be our Mother and Protectress, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful protection. Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; let us pay for our sins.
Oh, Mother Mary, our most offering and speedy Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession. Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who retaliate against us. O Mother of our Lord Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading flower of purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we may see the ways of God’s truth. By the grace of Your Son, strengthen our weak will in fulfilling the commandments, so that we will be delivered from all troubles and misfortunes and may be justified by Your wonderful intercession at the terrible judgment of Your Son. To him we give glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to the icon
R Hail, Bride of God, secret rod, unfading blossom, rejoice, Lady, with Her we are filled with joy and inherit life.

About the history and meaning of the icon

Our Lady of Unfading Color,
XVIII century, Tretyakov Gallery
The history of the origin of the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” is touching and at the same time majestic. For a long time, on the island of Kefalonia, located near Athos, a very beautiful and largest island in the Ionian Sea, there is a tradition - it is preserved even now: on the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, white flowers are brought here, similar to the lily with which the archangel appeared in his hand to the Most Pure One. Gabriel, to reveal to Her the will of God about Her. Flowers are reverently and carefully placed under the icon case, to Her face, and there they remain until the very holiday of Her Assumption without water and without sunlight. But a miracle happens: after almost five months, their stems, dried out and in the twilight, are incredibly filled with moisture, come to life, new buds appear instead of dried inflorescences and bloom into white lush flowers - here it is, “unfading color”!

Brought from Fr. Rhodes Greece.
Located in Moscow
It is believed that from the first Athos list, which spread in the Orthodox world, three main ones arose - Greek, Russian, Bulgarian. From them, in turn, came subsequent variants, which gave rise to this amazing iconographic diversity. In terms of time, the creation of the first, Greek original of this icon dates back to the 16th–17th centuries, and its appearance in Russia dates back to the 17th–18th centuries. One of the first revered lists came through pilgrims to the Moscow St. Alexeevsky Monastery, the first mention of which dates back to 1757, and it is in her honor that the celebration is held on April 3/16. It is not known for certain where the iconography of the image came from, but there is an assumption that it was from the Balkans.

Moscow, Armory Chamber,
end of the 17th century Salary - silver
Around the same time, other lists appeared in Central and Southern Russia, and their variety is simply enormous, they are all magnificent, and their indispensable attribute is white, pink, red flowers in flowerpots, garlands, trellises, in other images these are lushly blooming wands in hand of the Mother of God. Sometimes flowers are woven into halos around the head of the Infant Jesus or form a pedestal on which the Most Pure One stands with the Child of God in her arms. In the marvelous inflorescences, stylized to one degree or another, one can discern roses, lilies, and immortelle flowers, which grow abundantly on the slopes of the Holy Mount Athos and are considered a symbol of not only immortality, but also purity.

Our Lady of Unfading Color
from the Church of the Intercession in Fili, Moscow, 18th century
Also, this image arose from the Orthodox iconographic heritage: in the Benaki Museum, in Athens, there is an icon of St. Anne with little Mary, dating back to the 15th century. The Blessed Virgin has a white flower in her hand, and in this symbolism one can clearly read the prototype of the white lily that the Archangel Gabriel will one day hand to Her. In the State Historical Museum there is an icon of the 16th century “The Virgin and Child with a Flower”, where the flower is in the hand not of the Virgin Mary, but of Jesus, as in the icon of the first half of the 17th century “The Virgin and Child” created in Belarus. It is believed that this list became the source for images of the crown on the heads of the Mother of God and the Child of God and organically fit into the canonical principles of Orthodox icon painting.

Yaroslavl regional public organization
artists, icon painters, restorers -Sofia-
By the 19th century, the most complex compositions of the icon were simplified, the abundance of attributes was gone, except for the crown, flowers were often indicated by one branch in the hand of the Mother of God, the icon became less colorful both in composition and in color, therefore, according to historians and art historians of church painting, later lists are inferior ancient. From this point of view, the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”, created by the icon painter Marina Filippova, continues the original, ancient tradition, although the basis for the image is a later canon, not overflowing with attributes.

Kontakion 1

Oh, Most Blessed Virgin Mary, joy and refuge for all Christians, worshiping Your Most Pure Image, we sing a song of praise to You, we offer You our needs, grief and tears. You, oh, our meek Intercessor, all our earthly sorrows and sorrows are close to You, accept our sighs in prayers, help us and save us from troubles, for we tirelessly and with tenderness call to You:

Ikos 1

I am a blessing from God and like a long-awaited gift from heaven, requested by unceasing prayer from God, I was sent down to you, O Theotokos, by your righteous and much-joyed parent Joachim and Anna. But you, O God-chosen Youth, left your parental womb and, like an unquenchable lamp of faith, like a fragrant censer, you appeared in humility at the threshold of the Lord, and the power of the Most High lifted you up to the very entrance, led you into the Holy of Holies and opened all the secrets of Heaven. O Most Merciful Virgin Mary! Open our hearts to Your praise and offer up our prayer to Your Son and our God, that we may call You this:

Rejoice, unattainable purity and indescribable beauty; Rejoice, exalted in Your humility.

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of love; Rejoice, vessel chosen by God.

Rejoice, our zealous Intercessor.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Unfading Flower.

Kontakion 2

Oh, Most Holy Virgin Mary, we are bowed down with sinful thoughts and cold deeds, our heart is enveloped in the cold of life, our eyes are burdened with sinful sleep. But You, O Unfading Flower, having washed us with the morning dew, warm us with the sun of love and mercy. Raise us, O Lady, from the dust of the earth to the Lord, so that we may offer Him this humble prayer of ours and cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

And the angel Gabriel was sent quickly from God to the city of Galilee Nazareth and brought to Thee, O Most Pure Virgin, the holy gospel, saying: Rejoice, O Gracious One, the Lord is with Thee! You have found grace from God. We, unworthy, behold such greatness, and in humility of heart we cry:

Rejoice, O full of grace among women; Rejoice, you who have found grace from God and, moreover, exalted Angel.

Rejoice, for you have conceived a Son who will inherit the throne of His father David; Rejoice, you who kindled the unquenchable Light in the darkness of hearts.

Rejoice, thou who openest the door of eternal happiness to us.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Unfading Flower.

Kontakion 3

We are troubled in sorrow, we spend our days in the vanity and sorrow of our life. But you, O Blessed One, illuminate our souls with Your gospel, fill our hearts with humility. Yes, bowing our heads, we say: Behold, servants of the Lord, may it be done to us according to Your will! To You, O Unfading Flower, and from You Born, we sing all the time: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

In the days of thyself Mariam flowed into the city of Judah, and into the house of Zechariah, and kissed Elizabeth. And hearing Elizabeth kiss Mary, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out with a great voice, saying: From where do I receive this, that the Mother of My Lord may come to me! Oh, Most Pure Virgin! Visit us, the weak and wretched, and lift up our sighs, like incense smoke, to the throne of the Most High, so that from the fullness of a grateful heart we sing to You:

Rejoice, for the Lord has looked upon the humility of His servant; Rejoice, for all your birth will please You.

Rejoice, for You have created greatness, the Mighty One; Rejoice, Source of life and immortality.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Unfading Flower.

Kontakion 4

Oh, the Unfading Color! Oh, fragrant beauty! Visit us in our sorrowful earthly vale, beg Your Son to save us from all trouble and sorrow, anger and sighing, and send us peace into our hearts; May He grant us, as we ask Him, according to our needs, and cover us with His inexhaustible mercy. We, expecting Your all-powerful intercession, magnify our Lord with our souls and cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

As a shepherd, keeping watch at night, the Angel of the Lord brought great joy with good news: for Christ the Lord was born in the city of David, Bethlehem, and was laid in a manger. Oh, Most Pure Mother, who gave birth to Your Firstborn Son, accept from us the following:

Rejoice, Virgin Mother of God, for through You the world has risen to the Light of the undefeatable; Rejoice, Star, showing us the way in the darkness.

Rejoice, dawn of the mysterious day; Rejoice, rebirth of our souls.

Rejoice, faithful refuge and quick Helper in sorrows; Rejoice, Lily of Paradise.

Rejoice, all-singing Virgin; Rejoice, meek dove, who gave birth to the Merciful.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Unfading Flower.

Kontakion 5

The King of the world is coming, the secret Sacrifice is being accomplished; Angels sing in heaven: Glory to God in the highest! The Savior of the world is born. Christ comes, the great Divine mystery. God has appeared in the flesh, and we, unworthy servants, having put aside all worldly cares, with the Angels of God we glorify in passion and joy, like shepherds and like wolves, we worship You, O Mother of God, and we constantly call to Your Divine Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

With this righteous Simeon came in spirit to the church and received the Son of Jesus on his hand, and blessed God, and said: Now do You let Your servant go, O Master, according to Your word, in peace! And for you, O Mother Mary, a weapon will pierce your soul, as the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. We, saved by You, cry out:

Rejoice, Most Blessed One, who brings great sorrow into joy; Rejoice, eternal treasure of Mother's love and tenderness.

Rejoice, Mother of our God, who endured the greatest joy and greatest sorrow for Her Son; Hail, Queen of Peace.

Rejoice, hope and consolation for those who cry.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Unfading Flower.

Kontakion 6

Oh, Offering Mother Mary! The sea of ​​life rises with storm and anger, deep abysses have opened up and are ready to swallow us: our heart trembles, our joy is darkened, but You, O Meek and Merciful One, beg Your Son to help us, the sorrowful and the orphaned, in our sorrows; may he tame the rebellious waves of sinful passions; may he turn away all misfortune and danger from us; may He teach us how to keep His eternal righteousness. And at the end of our life, show us a quiet haven and make us worthy to cry out with Simeon the Receiver of God: Now do you let go of your servant, Master! Help us, O Unfading Flower! Do not leave us and save those who call to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

O, stretching out and strengthening in spirit and grace, and You, O His Mother, with love composed all the verbs about the Son in Your heart. Sorrowful and sad, seeking Him, both in the squad, and among relatives and acquaintances, always returning from the Jerusalem festival, and having found Him with great joy, sitting in the church among the teachers, who marveled and were horrified at His Divine mind. Oh, our most pure meekness! Oh, sweetest heart, warming the whole world with love! Hear us, crying out like this:

Rejoice, thou who hast increased the Divine Son with love; Rejoice, sweetest heart, warming our cold souls with love.

Rejoice, wise Leader of parental hearts; Rejoice, Unbreakable Wall for our children and youth.

Rejoice, protection and refuge for the orphaned and helpless in sorrow; Rejoice, Guardian of chastity and virginity.

Rejoice, you who show the honest and right path to meek men; Rejoice, softening of evil hearts.

Rejoice, tenderness of the good.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Unfading Flower.

Kontakion 7

Hell! What will you do for us? - thus asking His Son Jesus and marveling at seeing Him sitting in the temple in the midst of the proud and foolish high priests of the Jews, the Divine Mind, revealing the Divine revelation to them. Oh, descend, O All-Blessed Mother, also to our children: pray for them to Your Son and our God, that the Light of true knowledge of God will reveal to them; cover them with the edge of Your fragrant cover; Enlighten our sons and daughters with the light of reason; strengthen their physical and mental strength; keep them in the fear of God, in obedience to parents and in spiritual purity; grant them to grow to the glory of God and the happiness of the land of our fathers. O Lamp of unquenchable love, anoint them with the oil of Thy mercy, warm them with the meekness of Thy eyes, cover them with the robe of Thy Motherhood. Oh, the Unfading Flower! With strong faith, unshakable hope and great contrition of heart, falling at Your feet, we continually cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

X warm prayer for an adulterous and sinful generation! According to Your command, at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, Your Son and our God made the firstfruits a sign and turned water into wine. Ask, O Mother of God, and now Your Son, may he perform a miracle on us, may he transform our sorrowful days, entwined with lies, resentment and tears, into the joy of rebirth, into the happiness of love and truth, may he strengthen in us the beginning of the Divine Light, the source pure Spirit of the Holy God, the Triune. Let all that is evil and unclean be cast out from our hearts. Oh, unattainable Purity and Ineffable Mercy! Incline Your ear to our prayer and make us worthy to call you:

Rejoice, radiant Light of love and forgiveness; Rejoice, Divine vessel of eternal bliss.

Rejoice, zealous for all of us before the Lord to the Prayer Book; Rejoice, you who quickly bring our needs to the throne of God.

Rejoice, for according to Your word Your Son performs signs, giving joy to man.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Unfading Flower.

Kontakion 8

There is no love, truth has disappeared, lies and enmity, anger and hatred are sown in the human heart. Brother rebels against brother, children against parents and parents against children. Oh, Merciful God! Who has desecrated Your wondrous harvest, who are all the tares and thistles among the wheat? Your anger is righteous, even the ax is at the root, but behold, Your Mother, the zealous Intercessor of the world, falls to You. Oh, greatest Love and most fragrant heart! Turn away from us the wrath of God, which is righteously moved against us for our sins; strengthen those who love us, so that neither persecution nor cruel times will shake them; bring to reason those who hate us and those who harm us; forgive our enemies who do not know what they are doing, soften their angry heart and illuminate their darkness with the light of Christ’s love, and transform their anger and hatred into shame and repentance. Oh, fragrant flower! Our vessels are empty, we do not have the oil of good works, and the lamps of our faith are extinguished by the storm of life. Have mercy on us, fill our hearts with the joy of pure joys, renew us spiritually, and with grateful lips we continually sing to God with tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Having been in the lower and the Highest, you never retreated, the Divine Teacher: you healed the sick, raised the dead, cleansed the lepers, filled the whole world with love, meek Sufferer! Behold, you hang, nailed to the Cross among the villains, and all the people, standing, curse at You, and with them the princes and warriors. And You, O sorrowful Mother, bowed your head at the Cross of Your Son, and the weapon passed through Your Mother’s heart. We, honoring the sorrows of Your Mother’s heart, cry out to You from the depths of our souls:

Rejoice, sweetest Virgin Mary, for Your sorrow will be turned into joy and no one will take this joy from You; Rejoice, who experienced the greatest torment, who in vain was bleeding Your Son on the Cross, humiliated, crucified, spat upon.

Rejoice, for you have been called Queen of Peace and have sat at the right hand of the throne of Your Son and God, our Lord Jesus Christ; Rejoice, for in the sorrow of Your heart You washed away the sorrow of the whole world and the sins of all people with tears.

Rejoice, Meek One, Your Son will rise again, having trampled down the sting of death, and the Light of His resurrection will shine forever; Rejoice, Mother of God, heavenly image of purity and goodness.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Unfading Flower.

Kontakion 9

So God loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, then have eternal life. And all these ungrateful and malicious people, like a villain, nailed Him to the Cross. We, seeing such a thing, are seized with horror, crying out: God, be merciful to us sinners! For our sins, we endure terrible torment. Oh, Sorrowful Mother, do not turn Your face away from us, break our sinful bonds, cleanse our hearts from the passions and lusts of the evil one, so that in spiritual burning, like a light of repentance, we will kindle ourselves before the Cross of Your Divine Son, constantly praying with the prudent thief: Remember us , Lord, in Your Kingdom! Through Your prayers, Mother of God, correct our feet to do the commandments of the Lord, wash us from sin, make us better, rise to the radiant Unstoppable Light, let us call to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

It's finished! Father, I commend My Spirit into Your hands. Oh, Most Pure Mother! Do you hear how the earth trembles with sadness, its chest disintegrates, coffins are opened, the dead rise and the church veil is torn? Do you see how great darkness has covered the earth and people, in fear and trembling, are beating their hearts, saying: Truly this is the Son of God! We, marveling at such miracles and truly confessing Your Son, the Son of God, truly cry out to You:

Rejoice, Mother of God, behold, all the words that you have composed in Your heart have been accomplished; Rejoice, Blessed Virgin, unfading dawn, unfading day, golden light.

Rejoice, dawn of the unflickering Light of the non-evening; Rejoice, sanctuary of great mystery.

Rejoice, source of our immortality; Rejoice, giver of Divine goodness.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Unfading Flower.

Kontakion 10

Let all human flesh remain silent, and let it stand with fear and trembling, and let it think of nothing earthly within itself. Behold, a great sacrifice is made for the sins of the world, behold, the Savior of the world is placed in a new tomb by the handsome Joseph and is wrapped in a clean shroud. With His soul He ascends into hell to destroy the eternal faiths and lead to freedom from the ages of those bound; from His tomb he proclaims to His mother: Do not weep for Me, Mother, as you behold in the tomb, Whom in your womb without seed you conceived a Son: for I will arise and be glorified, and will exalt with glory unceasingly as God, magnifying You with faith and love. Let us put aside everything earthly and vain, and with a pure heart let us fall to the throne of the King of Glory, constantly crying out: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts! O Mother of our salvation! Make us also partakers of the bright Resurrection of Your Son and eternal bliss, so that we call to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

One day on the Sabbath, a woman came very early to the tomb, carrying aromas, and behold, when they came, they saw: the stone had been rolled away from the tomb, and the Body of the Lord Jesus was missing. The angel, shining brightly towards them, said: Oh, wives! Do not be afraid and do not look for the living with the dead: Christ is risen, as he said! Teach you, O Lady, to invite everyone:

Rejoice, Blessed Virgin Mary, and again the river: Rejoice, for Your Son is risen three days from the grave; Rejoice, for the whole earth rejoices and all the Angels sing in heaven: Christ is Risen from the dead, trampling down death by death for us all, and giving life to those in the tombs!

Rejoice, Giver of eternal and endless life; Rejoice, for through Your love and Your prayers we have been delivered from eternal darkness.

Rejoice, for through You you have brought us a bright feast of holidays; Rejoice, for through You a bright day has come for us, let us embrace each other, forgive all by the resurrection, rejoice and be glad with eternal joy.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Unfading Flower.

Kontakion 11

Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who killed the prophets! Your grave crime has been forgiven by the Lord, and the unsetting Sun of righteousness has risen over the world. Cleanse our souls too, Meek Virgin! Purify our senses, so that we may see Christ emerging from the tomb; Dress us in wedding garments, so that we may joyfully enter the decorated chamber of Christ, singing to Him who has risen: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

When the hour of Your departure to God approached, O Virgin Mother of God, the Angel of the Lord Gabriel, shining brightly, appeared before You, handing You the bright, unfading lily of paradise, and behold, You accepted the will of the Lord with humility and joy and quietly departed to Your Divine To my son. Oh, our tireless Prayer Book! Oh, Unfading Color of the bright heavenly paradise! Send down to us, O Merciful One, a quiet and painless departure from this vale of tears, sighs and sorrows, and let us cry out to You like this:

Rejoice, ascended into Heaven by Your Son, Queen of Heaven; Rejoice, our quick and faithful Helper and Intercessor before Him.

Rejoice, All-Singing Virgin, for Your name unfadingly shines and is blessed from generation to generation; Rejoice, our safe and quiet refuge in the storms of life.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, who does not leave us in Your Assumption.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Unfading Flower.

Kontakion 12

Oh, our terrible last hour! Our hearts and all our hearts tremble whenever we think about him! Why should we leave our near and dear ones orphaned? How will we go, unwashed, in the midst of darkness and the shadow of death to a new life? How will we appear at the Last Judgment of the Creator and God? O our Comforter! O our good Helper! Help us, when this comes, place your loving Mother’s hand on our forehead, so that our suffering will subside and our soul will be reborn, pacify the melancholy of our separation from this world, and may the light of eternal truth shine before our eyes. Oh, Most Pure Mother! We hope in You, we pray to You and cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Oh, my soul, my soul! Rise up, what are you writing off? The end is approaching! Why are you rich in sins? Why aren’t you doing it, why aren’t you getting ready? The Lord is at the door, where do you place your hope? What answer will the Lord pronounce when He, the terrible Judge, comes to judge the earth; Do not weigh this hour or this day, from the edge of the earth to the edge the Archangel's trumpet sounds, and the dead rise, and all the nations gather. And behold, the Son of Man comes to the clouds with His power in all His glory. Where are our good deeds? Where is the mercy? Where is the love? Our inexhaustible multitude of sins has covered the sky. Oh, All-Merciful Mother of God! On this terrible day, appear to us and be an Intercessor for us before Your Son. We rely on You alone, do not forsake us sinners. Be our protection and strengthening, with warm faith and undoubted hope we fall before Your Most Pure Image and with tears we cry:

Rejoice, lightning, illuminating our darkness; Rejoice, you who intercede for us at the Last Judgment of Christ.

Rejoice, covering the whole world from troubles and sorrows with Your omophorion; Rejoice, for you are the son of the One Mother.

Rejoice, for you alone have been given the ineffable grace to pray for us; Rejoice, you who prepare eternal joy for all your faithful children.

Rejoice, fragrant with your Unfading Flower among us sinners forever.

Rejoice, Mother of God, Unfading Flower.

Kontakion 13

Oh, Unfading Color! Oh, All-Singing Mother Mary, who gave birth to all the saints, the Most Holy Word! Accept our present offering and deliver us all from every misfortune. Warm us with Motherly love and rejoice us with eternal joy. Save us from eternal torment through unceasing prayer to Your Son and grant us, O Queen, the heavenly Kingdom, who cry out for You: Ayaliluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “For God’s blessing...” and the 1st kontakion “Oh, Most Blessed Virgin Mary,...”.


Oh, Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of the Virgin, hope of Christians and refuge for sinners! Protect all those who come running to You in misfortune, hear our groans, incline Your ear to our prayer. Mistress and Mother of our God, do not despise those who require Your help and do not reject us sinners, enlighten and teach us, do not retreat from us, Your servants, for our murmuring. Be our Mother and Patroness, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful Protection. Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life, so that we may pay for our sins. Oh, Mother Mary, our most kind and speedy Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession, protect us from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who rebel against us. O Mother of our Lord Creator! You are the Root of Virginity and the Unfading Flower of purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we may see the ways of God’s truth. By the grace of Your Son, strengthen our weak will in fulfilling the commandments, so that we may be delivered from all troubles and misfortunes and be justified by Your wonderful intercession at the Last Judgment of Your Son, to whom we give glory, honor and worship now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion, tone 5

Rejoice, Bride of God, secret rod, blossoming unfading color, rejoice, Lady, with whose joy we are filled and we inherit life.

The Most Pure Mother of God traditionally helps women who turn to her for help.

The Unfading Color icon symbolizes purity and femininity; it gives girls and women hope for a solution to their problems.

History of the “Fadeless Color” Icon

The appearance of the icon was first recorded in the 18th century in the city of Constantinople. The idea of ​​painting an icon arose thanks to Joseph the hymn writer. In his canons, he praised the Most Pure One and the flower, by which he meant little Jesus Christ. However, an incorrect interpretation of the canon led to the replacement of concepts and the flower resulted in a separate symbol.

The icon depicts the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, with a child in one hand and a branch of flowers in the other. On some icons, the Virgin Mary’s hand is no longer a branch, but a staff decorated with unfading flowers.

The second version of the appearance of the “Unfading Color” icon can be considered a prototype of Mary, depicted with a carnation in her hand. This painting was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in his youth.

Several versions of the icon are known, but one thing unites them - a flower in the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What helps, in what cases do they pray to the icon

Young people of both sexes pray to the “Unfading Color” icon. They ask the Mother of God to help preserve virgin purity, chastity before marriage, and give strength to resist the temptations of carnal love before marriage.

Young people also pray to the face of the Most Pure Virgin Mary for a successful and happy marriage.

Older people, those who are married, turn to the face of the saint to pray for well-being and peace in the family. The Mother of God helps those who cannot find a common language with their spouse.

Prayer to the icon will help in healing from illnesses.

Those who have lost the meaning of life, are tormented by sad thoughts, look to the Mother of God for guidance on the true, correct path.

Prayer for marriage to the “Unfading Color” icon

The icon helps women in their family life. At the wedding, the bride received a blessing from the face of the Most Holy One.

Not only girls asked for a successful and happy marriage. Their mothers also made sure to offer prayers to the Mother of God, begging for a happy family life for their daughters.

Prayer always comes from the heart, the woman reads it in her own words.

Example Prayer

“Oh, Most Holy Theotokos, please hear me and my words that I turn to You in prayer! From a sinner, Servant of God (name). I ask for Your intercession before Your Son. And I will be heard, for he is merciful. I ask you, Most Pure Virgin Mary, to be my patroness. Ask our Lord for me: a peaceful marriage and a loving husband, obedient children, and bestow complacency and patience on all humble slaves. I ask You for all mercy, obedience, justice and pure thoughts for sinners. Most Pure Virgin Mary, save me from sinful narcissism and pride. Help me preserve my love for work, bless the fruits of my labor. Mother of God, help me to become a worthy and righteous wife to my just husband. Help us preserve our family hearth, so that we can live in understanding and love. Give me a husband, noble, decent and benevolent. I will glorify You and Our Lord, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer for the beauty of the “Fragrant (Unfading) Color” icon

Every girl and woman wants to be beautiful. It is not surprising that an icon can help with this.

It is necessary to purchase the consecrated face of the Mother of God in the church.

Take a bath or shower to be completely clean. Tuck your hair under a scarf. Place an icon in front of you and first read the “Our Father”, and then ask for beauty.

Cast a spell for physical beauty three times. Then you need to read the “Our Father” again.

Akathist “Unfading Color”, what is asked in it

Akathist - church hymn to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Unfading (Fragrant) Flower.” In it, believers ask the Mother of God to hear them. They pray for protection before the Lord and salvation from enemies. Get rid of sinful thoughts and lead to a calm and righteous life. They also pray for protection on the Day of Judgment.

Where is the icon

The current image of “Fadeless Color”, unfortunately, is a copy. The original was lost in 1757 during the looting of the St. Alexeevsky Monastery in Moscow.

The main temple where the face of the Virgin Mary “Fragrant Flower” is kept is the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Voronezh.

Where to hang an icon at home

The face of the Virgin Mary should be placed in the bedroom of an unmarried girl, in the right corner. The icon needs a special shelf; it is not advisable to hang it on the wall.

In cases where the help of the Virgin Mary is required by a married woman, the icon is placed in the marital bedroom.

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