Annual flowers bloom all summer. Annual flowers: names, photos and descriptions of varieties and species

Perhaps everyone would like to turn their estate into a small piece of paradise where they can relax from the everyday hustle and bustle of body and soul. This is where gardening comes to the rescue - a relatively inexpensive and incredibly fun way to make your summer cottage the envy of friends and neighbors.

Garden flowers that bloom all summer are your first assistants in this matter. No matter when guests come to visit you, they will always be delighted with your magnificent flowering flower beds. Let's find out what flowers you need to choose so that the garden remains beautiful from early spring to late autumn.

Draw up a diagram and site plan

Even if in your dreams you have already created a magnificent garden, there is no need to run headlong for seeds and bulbs. This process requires careful preparation. Thoroughly explore the area intended for planting flowers, you can even draw a map. Mark on the diagram shady corners and sunny places, areas with dry and wet soil.

Carefully study the flowering periods of various garden plants. If you choose the right flowers based on their flowering period, then the landscape around your house will continuously change for several months in a row, because as soon as some flowers fade, others will immediately bloom, and so on until autumn.

Perennial flowers for landscape decoration

Perennial garden plants are good because they relieve the gardener of worries about wintering and planting flowers for the next year. Such plants tolerate low temperatures well, and they are also very unpretentious. If you plant perennial flowers in a suitable place, they will delight your eye for a long time.

Perennial plants have different heights: low-growing, medium-growing and tall, in addition, there are also climbing ones. If you correctly take into account and use the height of each type, instead of a flower bed you can get a real work of art.

Low growing perennial flowers

Among the low-growing flowers, they stand out with their bright colors and attractive appearance. phlox. These are suitable garden flowers for Siberia due to their frost resistance. A large number of these flowers form a thick carpet that beautifully frames the flowers higher up. Photo:

Sweet and tender gentian found in gardens throughout the summer. Its petals come in both deep blue and soft blue. The gentian flower looks like a small charming bell. Photo:

A scattering of arabis flowers brightens up any garden. The flowers of this plant are white, soft pink, crimson and even purple. Photo:

Perennial medium-sized flowers

Flowers daylily they resemble a lily in appearance (even the names of these flowers are similar) and have a huge number of different colors. Daylily tolerates both cold and heat well and grows best in sunny areas. Photo:

Poppy- a good example of how absolute unpretentiousness and rare beauty are combined. Poppy flowers fascinate with their airy petals and varied colors. Example in the photo.

Small, unpretentious garden flowers also fascinate with their modesty and tenderness. An example of this is gypsophila and yarrow, which bloom all summer and delight the eye with their simple beauty. Even the photo shows what a beautiful flower this is.

You should also pay attention to the flowers. astilbes and asters.

Perennial tall flowers

Tall plants include magnificent roses. There is no point in describing this flower; it is known and loved all over the world. Photo:

Tall flowers stock-rose They amaze the eye with a variety of shades of pink, but there are specimens with white or dark purple flowers, which appear almost black in the photo.

tall stems foxgloves with small colorful buds will always attract the attention of visitors. Photo:

They will look very cozy and even a little colorful in the garden. sunflowers.

Annual flowers

As the name implies, the life of an annual flower does not last long, but during this time it manages to overshadow perennial plants. Annual flowers are quite easy to care for, but they bloom brighter and more attractive than perennials.

Like the latter, annual flowers can be divided into three groups.

Garden flowers, low annual, long-blooming

Iberis is a beautiful annual plant whose flowers look like small white clouds. In addition, there are various shades of pink, lilac and violet. Photo example:

short dahlias will serve as an excellent decoration for garden paths, and their bright colors will diversify the landscape around.

Nemophila– a very beautiful and delicate flower with an unusual color. Nemophila requires special feeding, but this flower is worth the effort. Photo:

Multi-colored bushes lobelia They will also be a good decoration for any flower garden. Lobelia flowers come in white, blue, blue, red, lilac, violet and pink. Photo:

Annual medium-sized flowers

Dimorphotheca somewhat reminiscent of an ordinary chamomile, but differs favorably from it in its larger flowers, varied colors and taller stem. Photo:

Bushes are often found in gardens calendula. This plant not only delights others with its sunny flowers, but is also a real storehouse of vitamins. Photo:

Marigold can be found in city flower beds in summer, they are absolutely unpretentious, and their color varies from pale yellow to reddish-brown. Photo:

Annual tall flowers

The combination of colors amazes the flower Snapdragon, which blooms throughout the summer. Next to it stands an annual mallow with beautiful flowers in all shades of pink. Photo:

Yellow, red and pink zinnias They are distinguished by their endurance and vitality; one flower can live for more than a month, and even in a vase, zinnias last longer than all other flowers. Photo:

Datura instantly attracts attention with its huge white flowers, which have a strong and fragrant aroma. Example in the photo.

In addition, it is worth noting the beautiful climbing flower called morning glory, which blooms all summer long with beautiful white, pink, blue and purple flowers. By autumn, morning glory can reach three meters in height. Photo example:

You can learn about other garden plants from the video:

With the arrival of the first warmth, the active life of an amateur gardener begins. Some willingly move to live and work in their dachas, while others only enjoy life and work on the site on weekends, taking a break from the harsh regime of everyday work. When laying out land for beds, the central place of honor must be given to a flower garden, flowerbed, or ridge, where annual and perennial flowers coexist.

Types of annual flowers for the garden

Flower beds and flower beds look very beautiful if the plants are planted correctly and with love. In order to admire a flower arrangement from spring to late autumn, you need to select plants taking into account their flowering time, size, color scheme, and growing conditions.

Now you can buy even the most unusual plant varieties. The whole variety of colors is divided into two groups:

  • perennials.
  • annuals.

Basically, perennial plants bloom in early spring, delight with their lush flowering, and then fade, losing their attractiveness. In order for the flowerbed to delight you with its blooms all summer, it is necessary to plant annual plants, the flowering period of which is from June until frost.

Annual flowers are also called short-lived annual flowers. They die off after a few months of flowering and need to be planted annually.

In spring or early summer, you can choose to plant any plant from a rich selection of annual flowers and decorate your corner. Annual flowers for the garden are unpretentious and long-blooming: garden aster, blue cornflower, cosmos, Chinese carnation, petunia, tree heliotrope, sparkling salvia, graceful zinnia, snapdragon, nasturtium, balsam and others.

Bright marigolds

Marigolds are a very common annual. Blooms from May to October. Depending on the variety, it can be dwarf up to twenty centimeters, or can grow up to a meter in height. It is an erect bush with numerous feathery green leaves and numerous flowers of yellow, red, orange, red-brown and other variegated colors.

It is advisable to plant marigolds in a sunny place in fresh soil rich in nutrients. Low-growing varieties are good for edging flower beds.

You can sow seedlings in February and March; in April you can plant them in the ground in beds.

Caring for marigolds is simple; it involves moderate watering, fertilizing once a month; wilted flowers must be picked off regularly.

Calendula officinalis

Calendula is an erect, slightly branched plant, oval, oblong leaves, simple or double flowers of orange, yellow, apricot color, dark center.

It grows in height from thirty to sixty centimeters. Flowering time is from June to October.

They look beautiful in groups in beds with red and white flowers, for example, salvia, cornflowers, snapdragons, daisies.

Planted in any normal permeable soil. In dry times it is necessary to water; with normal compost there is no need for additional fertilizer; regular removal of wilted flowers promotes long-term flowering.

Sunflower annual

Sunflower is a strong, upright plant. There are low-growing varieties up to forty centimeters in height and tall varieties that can grow up to two meters. The leaves are large, rough, heart-shaped. The inflorescences are yellow, reddish-brown, orange, the middle is dark. Flowering time is from July to October.

Sunflowers are very beautiful and interesting in small groups; bright flowers are suitable for decorating the background, in front of fences and walls. It is advisable to plant in a warm place, protected from the wind. The plant has a high need for watering. Tall varieties must be tied to a support.

Lobelia erinus

Lobelia is an erect or sometimes creeping bush, up to twenty centimeters in height. The dense leaves are small, narrow, and dark green in color.

A huge number of flowers of pink, blue, purple, cream, sometimes with white centers. It is grown through seedlings, picked not one at a time, but in bunches. It is necessary to plant in the ground in mid-May on permeable, humus soil. Due to its ability to grow as a bush or creep, it is very impressive under or in front of taller flowers, and is good as a frame for a flower bed.

Uniform watering and fertilizing once a month will ensure flowering before frost..

Chrysanthemum bush

There are several varieties of annual chrysanthemums. The yellow multi-stemmed chrysanthemum has fleshy bluish-green leaves. White swamp chrysanthemums have pinnate green leaves and white inflorescences with a yellow center.

It grows in height up to forty centimeters. Blooms from May to October. They are beautiful in beds, when framing flower beds, like flower islands on a lawn. Unpretentious in care. Regular watering and removal of faded inflorescences.

Planting methods

The time for planting and planting annual flowers for the garden is different for different regions of our vast country. In the southern part, summer plants can be sown directly into the ground; as for the northern regions, later planting of seedlings, which you can buy in specialized stores or grow yourself on a windowsill or in a greenhouse, is more suitable.

Planting annuals in the ground

Cold-resistant summer plants, such as marigolds or cornflowers, can be sown in the beds as early as April. Here are a few conditions for successfully planting annuals in the ground:

Planting through seedlings

Due to the diversity of climate, some annual plants require seedling cultivation. These flowers include marigolds, amaranth, petunia, balsam, zinnia, salvia, celosia and others. They need to be planted in the ground at a later date after spring frosts when the soil has sufficiently warmed up.

Many flowers grown by seedlings, for example, Chinese carnation, nasturtium, purslane, sweet tobacco, and lobelia, bloom earlier.

Flowers such as aster and verbena have a long period of development from sowing seeds to abundant flowering. By growing these flowers in seedlings, you can get them to bloom three or four weeks earlier.

You can grow good annual seedlings even in a city apartment on the windowsill. This requires the following conditions:

  • good lighting;
  • warm (15−20 degrees);
  • nutrition;
  • timely watering.

You can start planting seedlings of annual flowers at the end of February and until the end of April. To plant you need:

  • seeds;
  • growing container with lid;
  • land for germination and picking;
  • picking pots.

Some seeds of annual flowers are sprinkled with earth when planting, some germinate exclusively in the light, for example, petunia and lobelia, they are slightly pressed to the ground with a flat object to connect with the ground. Planting conditions and dates are usually indicated on the packaging.

To evenly cover the soil, it is convenient to use a regular sieve.

All flower seedlings are photophilous; only flowers such as marigolds, petunia and fragrant tobacco can be placed half a meter from the window with additional lighting. It also turns on on cloudy days on all windows. There is no need to lengthen the natural day for flower seedlings.

Despite the fact that annual flowers for the garden bloom for only one season, they are no less loved and are often planted in personal plots. The thing is that annual flowers for the garden have brighter colors than perennials, so many summer residents prefer to annually update their flower beds in order to diversify them with bright colors.

Photos and names of annual flowers are given on this page, in addition, below you can learn about planting perennials and caring for them.

Growing annual garden flowers (with photos)

It is preferable to plant annual flowering flowers as seedlings, and some of them are sown as seeds in open ground. What is important is that beautiful annual flowers (for the most part) are easy to care for. Both among annuals and perennials there are plants of different heights: low, medium, tall, so you can choose the desired flower height for any type of flower bed. It often happens that the same flower is presented in two versions, for example, there are some, and there are also annuals, etc. With such a wealth of choice, there is always an alternative, and having a sea of ​​flowers on your site is a realistic prospect for you.

Look at the photos of garden annual flowers: they are brighter than perennials and bloom more luxuriantly. And in general there are more varieties of annuals.

Features of beautiful annual flowers for the garden

How many flowers there are, so many requirements they place on location, care, soil type, and the timing and method of planting. Perhaps every flower necessarily has some peculiarity. The main common feature of beautiful annual flowers for the garden is that these plants prefer mainly open sunny places, and among less flashy flowers there is sufficient “plasticity”, that is, the ability to adapt to different environmental conditions. And there are beautiful flowers that prefer shade. You can sow annuals yourself, buy seedlings or mature, flowering plants.

Flowers, like vegetables, have their own characteristics: half of them prefer the seedling method, and half prefer only the “seed” method. If you ignore this feature, it is likely to be left without flowers at all. Growing annual flowers through seedlings in relation to all heat-loving annuals and “conditional” annuals, which are annuals only in our climate, for example. If you decide that we grow annual flowers only by planting them in the ground, you should purchase other plants. For example, calendula, poppy, lavatera, godetia,. Also suitable for planting in the ground are sweet peas, decorative beans, sunflowers, and amaranth. In a word, the best annual flowers for planting in open ground are cold-loving and any climbing plants. In the form of seedlings, these annual ornamental flowers will quickly become overgrown, and when planted in the ground they may die or will take a long time to recover.

It is logical to plant the easiest to care for annuals, since, as a rule, there are many of them on the site. Biennial flowers are also conventionally classified as summer flowers, since they essentially also bloom only for one season. In the classic version, they need to be planted a year in advance. In the first year they only develop a rosette of leaves, but in the second year they will bloom. However, if you plant some biennials early, they may bloom this year.

The most beautiful annual and biennial flowers for your garden (table)

Below is the table “The most beautiful annual and biennial flowers for your garden”, after reading which you can choose the plants that are most suitable for your site.

Table “The most beautiful annual and biennial flowers for your garden”:


When to plant

What to plant

Growing conditions

Marigold May 1-10 By seeds in open ground or after May 15 with seedlings (sowing seedlings on March 1-8) Any sunny place
Calendula April 25 - May 8 Only by seeds Any sunny place
Viola (pansy) May 12-15 Seedlings (sowing seedlings at the end of February) Sun or partial shade, good soil moisture is necessary. If covered for the winter, it will bloom again next year.
Petunia After May 15 Only seedlings (sowing seedlings at the end of February)
Salvia May 1-5 Seedlings (sowing - end of February) Open sunny place and loose, nutritious soil
Zinnia After May 15 Seedlings (sowing April 2025) Open sunny place and loose, nutritious soil
Lavatera Beginning of May Only by seeds
Nasturtium May 5-10 Only by seeds Shade or partial shade, not very nutritious soil. Sufficient hydration
Snapdragon May 10-14 Seedlings (sowing on March 15) Any soil and sunny place
Ageratum May 10-14 Seedlings (sowing March 8-14) Any soil and sunny place. Tolerates partial shade
Martricary After May 15 (sowing in early March) Seedlings Any soil and sunny place
Decorative sunflower April 25 - May 6 Only by seeds Any soil and sunny place
Turkish clove May 5-10 Seedlings. If by seeds, then in mid-June in the ground Sunny place, any soil. Cover young plants with lutrasil for the winter
annual flax April 25 - May 3 Only by seeds Loamy soil and sunny location
Daisy April 20 - May 1 Seeds, if seedlings, then after May 10 Any location, sun or partial shade
Amaranth May 1-5 Only by seeds
Decorative beans After May 10 Only by seeds
Sweet pea April 24 - May 5 Only by seeds Open, sunny place, any soil
morning glory After May 10 Only by seeds Open, sunny place, nutritious soil
Godetia May 5-10 Seeds Sunny place, any but loose soil
Nemophila After May 15 Open, sunny place, nutritious soil
Brachycoma After May 15 Only seedlings (sowing March 15-20) Open, sunny place, nutritious soil
Cinneraria May 9-12 Only seedlings (sowing March 1-6) Sunny place, any but loose soil
Annual dahlias (Jolly guys) After May 15 Only seedlings (sowing March 10-15) Sunny location, loamy soil

Growing the best annual flowers

Growing seedlings yourself and sowing seeds in the ground are the most reliable options from different points of view. However, in this case you need to be sure of the quality of the seeds. The best option is to purchase seeds of the best annual flowers from reputable growers. If you are at least partially unsure of the quality of the seeds, sow a triple rate.

Make shallow furrows in the desired direction, no deeper than 1-2 cm. Plant seeds in them, try not to plant too often. Double the seed sowing rate; in open ground it will pay off.

Planting and caring for annual flowers in the country

When planting and caring for annual flowers in the country and in the garden, you need to follow some recommendations:

Water frequently, with warm water, always before flowering and during flowering, as well as in heat and drought. How often? In hot weather - every day, better in the evening.

Loosen “on demand”, according to the condition of the soil. However, not all flowers can be loosened, so it is better to use mulching with various materials instead. Feed perennials in the spring after the snow melts, when buds form, during flowering and after flowering.

Feed the seedlings 2 weeks after planting, when buds form, during flowering and after flowering, also approximately every three weeks.

Feed annuals when 3-4 true leaves appear, buds form, and when flowering.

In the spring you need to feed with organic fertilizers, and starting from the flowering period - with mineral fertilizers. Flowers growing in containers need to be fertilized twice as often. After September 20, flowers are no longer fed.

Annual decorative flowers: photos, names and descriptions

Below are photos, names and descriptions of annual decorative flowers that you can grow in your garden.

Salvia. You will certainly succeed in making Salvia; this flower blooms always and everywhere, as long as there is plenty of water and sunlight. It is better not to sow salvia directly into the ground, but to plant it as seedlings, and the sooner the better. It tolerates some thickening and is undemanding when it comes to soil, but like any other flowers, it prefers well-loose soil.

Everyone knows about marigolds. Indeed, this is a great “tool” for decorating a site. You just need to plant the marigolds, and then they will do everything themselves. The only thing they need is abundant watering, especially in the heat, since these plants are powerful and grow greatly.

Now many varieties of marigolds have been bred, they are different in color (there are even striped ones!), height, among them there are double varieties, and there are also those that bloom as a whole “bush”. And they bloom until the first snow. They can be sown in open ground, they can also be grown through seedlings for early flowering, this does not affect their quality. They reproduce successfully by self-seeding.

Calendula. In its unpretentiousness, calendula is similar to marigolds, if not superior to them. But it is better to sow it in open ground early, at the end of April; the seedling method is not suitable for it.

This flower blooms early and, if faded inflorescences are removed in time, blooms for a long time. By self-seeding, it produces several “harvests” per season. There are no fewer varieties of calendula than there are varieties of marigolds, among which there are also unusual ones, for example, pink calendula.

, or viola. An exquisite flower with a wide variety of colors, blooming, by the way, from June until the first snow. In autumn, it easily tolerates light frosts and continues to produce more and more flower stalks.

There are pansies with giant flowers - up to 9 cm in diameter! The amazing decorative nature of this flower makes it indispensable in any flower garden.

Pansies also grow well in containers, and they can also be planted on an alpine hill. They tolerate partial shade well, and the watering and fertilizing regime for them is normal.

Although it is a biennial, you can have it bloom this year, and in early summer. To do this, the seeds just need to be sown for seedlings as early as possible - at the end of February (or even in the middle), and planted in open ground in mid-May. If the violas are well covered for the winter, then, in the event of a not very frosty winter, they will successfully overwinter and bloom again in the spring.

In terms of its decorative effect, this flower undoubtedly occupies one of the first places among summer flowers. In fact, of course, this flower is a perennial; in our climate it is grown as an annual plant.

Therefore, the general approach to planting petunias is the same as for other perennials - the earliest possible planting. Best time is mid-February. Petunia seeds are small and difficult to even see. They need to be sown on the surface of the soil and under no circumstances fall asleep! Another secret to success is sowing triple the amount of seeds; like any perennial, petunia may have problems with germination. It is best, for insurance, to even increase the seeding rate even more.

A wonderful flowering plant for shady corners. But she doesn't like the sun. It will, of course, bloom there too, but it will quickly fade and its leaves will turn yellow.

Nasturtium loves abundant watering, and it is better to fertilize it moderately, using mineral fertilizers. If you fertilize abundantly, the leaves will be powerful, but there may not be flowering. This plant needs a large volume of soil to bloom beautifully, so if you decide to plant it in a container, it should be large enough.

Nasturtium is a climbing, vigorously growing plant, but there are also miniature bush nasturtiums.

This flower has decorative leaves and flowers, the leaves can be variegated, and the flowers vary in color from orange to pink. Nasturtium should only be sown in open ground in May.

Lavatera. a spectacular, tall plant, blooming with bright pink or white “gramophones”. All you need to do is sow the seeds in the ground at the end of April. Lavatera grows quickly and blooms for a long time, loves fertilizers and watering, and is absolutely undemanding to the soil. You just need to put supports in case of strong winds, since this is a tall plant.

Snapdragon. This amazingly cheerful flyer comes in a variety of colors and heights.

You will get the best results if you grow it in seedlings, and the seeds should be sown in pots in early March. It is sun-loving, and if planted earlier, when there is still not enough light in nature, it can become overgrown. Snapdragon prefers loose, well-fertilized soil, but it does not make any special demands on the composition of this soil. The only secret of success for snapdragons is especially frequent and abundant watering. This is perhaps the most water-demanding summer plant; it does not tolerate drought at all.

Ageratum. A champion of long flowering, it is even popularly called “long-flowering.” Thanks to this quality, it is indispensable in any flower garden of continuous flowering.

In appearance, this flower is noble and, moreover, original: the border of ageratum is somewhat reminiscent of mink fur.

There are varieties of ageratum of different colors; by grouping them together, you can get a spectacular “monoflower”.

Ageratum is absolutely unpretentious, grows on any soil - both in the sun and in partial shade, and is drought-resistant. You can grow it in containers. The method of growing it is from seedlings; seedlings need to be sown in early March.

Decorative sunflower. Similar to cultivated sunflowers, decorative sunflowers also need to be sown with seeds in open ground in late April - early May. There won’t be any problems with it, just don’t forget to water it in time and tie the plants to supports: some varieties reach a height of 3 m.

Decorative cabbage. Ornamental cabbage is planted simultaneously with white cabbage and cauliflower - in a cold nursery in early April. The method of planting in open ground and subsequent agricultural technology are, accordingly, the same.

Ornamental cabbage will delight you all season and will remain, perhaps, the only decoration of the site when the first snow falls. In autumn it becomes even brighter and more beautiful. It will be especially impressive if you plant a mixture of varieties. Cabbage grows well in containers, even small ones.

It's easier to start a daisy than to take it out. It, like the Turkish carnation, reproduces well by self-sowing and can produce several “harvests” per season. She does not have any special care requirements; she can be transplanted from place to place, even in summer. Daisy can be sown as seedlings in early March, or seeds can be sown in open ground in May.

Amaranth. This flower is surprisingly spectacular; you can’t even tell from its appearance that it is an “easy” plant to care for. It is tall, blooms with fluffy drooping “catkins”, its leaves can be of different shades, including dark cherry.

The seedling growing method is not suitable for this flower; it should only be sown in open ground in mid-May. Decorative amaranth is similar in agricultural technology to vegetable amaranth, and you will not have problems with it either. You just have to remember that in the early stages you need to carefully weed out the weeds and keep the soil loose. Amaranth is good not only in a flowerbed, but also in a bouquet; it lasts a long time when cut.

This plant is just a lifesaver. It always succeeds and looks impressive. And there are so many varieties of zinnia!

There are yellow, pink, red, orange, crimson, variegated, white, purple, even green!

Also, the flowers can be double, dahlia-like, pompom, and the flower size reaches 12 cm. Even if for some reason you don’t have asters, zinnia will replace them! Moreover, asters bloom in late summer, and zinnia can begin to bloom in the spring, especially if you have grown seedlings.

Zinnia also branches, and from one plant a whole bush is obtained. Zinnia prefers sun and fertilized soil, but whether it is sandy or clayey does not matter. It can grow in partial shade, but there it does not bloom for a long time. Seeds germinate quickly, so seedlings need to be sown late, otherwise the seedlings will spread. Zinnia blooms from June until frost. Zinnia seedlings are afraid of frost, but adult plants tolerate zero temperatures.

This flower is valuable for its appearance - after all, there are not so many ground cover annuals. Well, lobelia is one of the shortest, which allows it to be used in various “designer” ideas. Moreover, it blooms magnificently from June to October.

Lobelia grows well in both sun and partial shade. The main thing is loosening and watering. It is enough to fertilize only occasionally, since if there is an excess of nutrients, the lobelia will bloom poorly. It is planted as seedlings, not just one plant at a time, but whole clumps, in early May. This is just the kind of flower that grows well in containers, even small ones. But it may not succeed if you sow it directly into the ground; this is the only reason for failure with lobelia.

If you have a private house within the city, or your own dacha, you definitely need to arrange a garden, small flower beds near the gates, a cozy courtyard on the site, or even a gorgeous flower garden. Agree, a beautiful organization will delight not only your eyes, just imagine the admiring glances of people passing by, or your guests!

And you probably managed to scroll through our photos of flower beds of unpretentious flowers, making sure of their charm and attractive appearance. Perhaps someone has already guessed that to arrange such splendor, one should use the options of flowering plants. Moreover, both single- and multi-year plants are suitable here. Bright flowers will be a wonderful decoration for any area, and you will feel their subtle aromas throughout the summer! But in this case, it does not mean at all that you need a gardener. Thus, there are a large number of directly unpretentious types of plants that anyone can grow, even if the gardener is an inexperienced gardener. The main task is to adhere to the basic rules when growing flowers.

Annual unpretentious flowers for flower beds

There are a huge variety of such plants. However, among them there are also those that are simply ideal for landscaping street areas, as well as courtyards. They are not at all whimsical; you can buy seedlings at any time, and you do not have to spend a lot of money, effort and time. As a result, grow seedlings on your own.

Such plants exist in numerous variations; there are not only a dozen of them, but several dozen of them! Anyone can buy them at a flower market or in a special store. They are quite strong and begin to bloom quite early. It happens that you can immediately find and buy seedlings that are ten centimeters high, and even have the first flower on it!

  • If we compare even different varieties of this plant, they can have a height of 10 cm and can reach as much as one and a half meters! Everything depends directly on the variety.
  • Their sizes, shapes, and shades are also very diverse. The flowers can be very small, the entire bush will be dotted with them, or they can be huge, on which the inflorescences look like they are made of terry.
  • In marigolds you will find absolutely any colors. There is both yellow and red here. Their height may be the same, but some will have dark red flowers, while others will have lemon yellow flowers. In fact, there is a very wide variety of flowerbed designs. Much of this depends directly on your fantasies.

This type of plant is very popular among landscape designers. And all this is due to the fact that the species blooms for a long time, is unpretentious in care, and you can choose a wide variety of shapes and colors. To grow such flowers yourself, you need to take long, needle-shaped seeds and sow them at a shallow depth, directly in pots/under film. The main thing is to wait until April comes. After a couple of weeks, the marigolds will begin to sprout quickly, and accordingly, you will be able to transplant them into the prepared flower garden/bed.

They need to be watered moderately; it is also important to remember that they love the sun. They will bloom in a flowerbed arranged in the shade only if the plant is planted as an adult, with two or more inflorescences. In this case, growth will stop, but this will not affect flowering at all.


Once you plant this flower, you will want to do it again! They have an amazing subtle aroma, the shades come in a wide variety. It's simply impossible not to fall in love with them. But they still have one drawback. They do not like shade at all, and even with slight shading, the inflorescences will decrease very sharply and many times. Their petals are very delicate, have the shape of small gramophones, perfectly tolerate the rays of the sun, they come in different colors. This species grows well in open areas, delighting people's views.

The plant can be found in a variety of varieties, for example bush or ampelous; the flowers are also regular or double, and indeed in any color of the rainbow. Flowerbeds that are decorated with petunias in the same color scheme, for example, sky blue, soft pink, violet, scarlet, look very impressive. Also varieties come in two colors. At the base, the petals are white or in contrast. If you choose an ampel variety, it is important to know that they will put out loops that are long enough, they will be covered with buds everywhere. You can see them in our photo of unpretentious flowers.

  • To grow such a plant on your own, sow microscopic-sized seeds under a piece of glass, but you do not need to sprinkle them with soil.
  • When you notice the shoots, they need to be replanted while still thin, right with a lump, and it is very important that the root is not damaged.
  • When the second leaf appears, you can transplant the petunia into a flowerbed, where, under excellent conditions, it blooms and blossoms quite quickly.


It has fleshy lashes, its leaves are round in shape, quite wide, and the flowers are delicate and fragrant. But, among the advantages of this plant, this is not the only one! They are considered edible, their seeds are similar to capers, and they are eaten pickled. As for the flowers, they decorate cooked dishes. Such blooming unpretentious flowers in the flowerbed will delight you throughout the warm summer. Moreover, even partial shade will not affect them in any way. Your main task in caring for them is to water and feed the plants in a timely manner.

They are very diverse in varieties. There are even those in which the loops are almost three meters tall, while the shoots are completely covered with flowers. You can also choose plants with shorter shoots; they will look very beautiful. And their varieties have bright colors, the flowers are covered with terry, shades can be found in both red and yellow. This plant has rather large seeds that resemble peas. They need to be planted directly into the ground, as they begin to sprout quite quickly. The same goes for flowering.


A long time ago, everyone has known these flowers that resemble an orange sun. They are not only decorative, because they are also considered medicinal. Calendula grows in small bushes that are literally sprinkled with orange flowers, and in a wide variety of shades. It is advisable to pluck the upper parts in a timely manner so that the growth of the plant is stopped. This type of plant belongs to the asters; the flowers are very reminiscent of chamomile, and of course an aster. Very beautiful, the views covered with terry are simply incredible.

Growing calendula is not at all difficult. You can grow seedlings yourself, or plant seedlings purchased at the market/store in flower beds.

This plant needs sunlight, water in moderation, and the soil must be loose. Under such conditions, the plant will bloom quite early. Flowers that will fade must be carefully trimmed so that the overall appearance of the flower garden is not spoiled. You can also collect calendula seeds if you wish. In this case, you will need to leave literally a few bushes with three or more inflorescences.

Perennial unpretentious flowers for the flower bed

If we compare perennials with annuals, then the former do not have such a wide variety compared to the latter. And besides, they simply do not bloom throughout the summer. However, some of the perennials are still unpretentious, pleasing the eye with their flowering throughout the summer.


A folk flower that has long received a huge reputation among people. Many songs with poems were written about him. This plant is actually great for people who don't have the time or energy to take care of their flower beds. It grows with minimal care. The petals of the plant are sky blue, as well as yellow and white pink. Flowers with terry covering are very popular.

Cornflowers are grown in absolutely any way, from seeds, pieces of rhizomes, and also by dividing bushes. If you plant such a plant once, your flowerbed will be landscaped simply wonderfully, because cornflowers begin to sprout in the spring, and they do not require any special care or care.

Tradescantia garden

Perennial plant. It blooms with small blue flowers, spreading independently throughout the flower garden or flower bed, while completely covering their surfaces. The stems have a bright green color, they have small flowers, as well as long leaves of a longitudinal shape, which looks incredibly beautiful, like one huge, lush carpet! The plants do not require mowing or pruning; the stems reach a length of 20 cm if the area is exposed to sunlight. The stems of Tradescantia are quite strong, they stand perfectly in an upright position, and quite continuous thickets are formed.

These plants need to be watered regularly; they grow very well in the shade, and they bloom, but not too much, although the stems increase in length. Also, if desired, propagate plants; to do this, break off the petiole and stick it into moist soil. In the autumn, small seeds fall from it, but they begin to sprout beautifully in the spring. In this case, there is absolutely no need to dig up or plow the soil in the flowerbed. Over the course of an entire summer, just one stem can produce a whole square meter of green carpet.


It is also called a doggie. The plant blooms throughout the summer. These flowers are unpretentious for the garden; they have very interesting shapes with bright, charming shades. They can be either tall or short. Inflorescences can also be of different colors. Dogs come in any colors, with the exception of blue and light blue. Small bushes tolerate shade well, but at the same time, it is better to provide a sunny part of the flowerbed for growing them. Yes, and be sure to water the plant regularly. By observing these conditions, flower beds with snapdragons in your garden will be simply magnificent.

And it is absolutely not necessary to have extensive experience in gardening in order to grow beautiful flowers on your plot. As you noticed from the article, both single- and perennial plants are completely unpretentious in terms of care, which means that such plants are perfect for a “newbie” in this business. After all, caring for them does not require any special effort or spending a lot of time.

But creating a beautiful flower bed and subsequently caring for it is always pleasant, but it is not always easy work. It is the flower beds in which perennial and even unpretentious flowers are planted that will help the gardener reduce conditions. Perennial flowers that bloom throughout the summer are the most ideal option in this case. Of course, you can also choose roses that will require special care. At the same time, you can choose completely unpretentious plants, for example, those discussed in this article. In any case, perennials will sprout in the same place every year. At the same time, they easily tolerate wintering, and they do not need to be planted every year.

I really want to hope that when choosing beautiful types of flowers, you will not be afraid of the difficulties of caring for them. As a result, you will enjoy gorgeous perennial flowers that bloom throughout the summer. But this is the very best reward for any gardener. We wish you success in this matter and good results!

50 photos of unpretentious flowers for a flower bed

The contemplation of flowers in a well-groomed flowerbed always pleases the eye and gives positive emotions. Annual flowers that bloom all summer (the name and photo will be presented below) will delight you with their multicolor all season, from the beginning of spring until the onset of the first cold weather. And your flowerbed with continuously flowering annuals will be one of the most beautiful.

The desire to make your summer cottage a little paradise is inherent in each of us. This is all quite possible; moreover, you can plan and decorate your garden in such a way that it looks different every year. The quality of annual flowers, valuable for a creative summer resident, allows you to arrange new flower arrangements every year.

Flower garden with annual flowers

Annuals have many advantages; you don’t have to worry about how they will winter, you can plan their location on the site in advance. If you correctly calculate the shades and flowering times of individual species, you can get a great result - flower beds that play with all the colors and aromas of summer throughout the entire season. Most annual flowers prefer sunny places, but there are some that do well in the shade.

Annuals for flower beds

For these plants, the entire growing season takes place in one season, they develop quickly and bloom profusely. The most unpretentious flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer, are petunia, marigolds, sage, calendula, nasturtium. In most cases, flower beds have a given shape, certain boundaries: diamond-shaped, round, rectangular.

Most often, flowers in a flower bed are located in one plane, but there are multi-tiered, raised, vertical options. In such places, low-growing annual flowers look very advantageous; they are planted singly or together with tall flowers. Most often they act as ground covers, filling empty spaces between, for example, roses or other cultivated shrubs.

Marigolds Karina

Marigolds are distinguished by long-term flowering, have a bright yellow-orange color scheme with brown shades, they are unpretentious, growing equally well in sunny areas as well as in the shade.


Everyone's favorite petunia shows a whole rainbow of shades and prefers sunny places. It loves warmth, blooms all season, but with the onset of the first cold weather it stops growing.

Blue salvia

Salvia is an unpretentious flower that goes well with other plants. The flowers are shaped like candles; the range of shades is varied, but candles in lilac, purple, pink, and red shades look especially beautiful in flower beds.

Science knows many varieties of salvia; it can also be perennial.

Photo of lilac salvia:

Salvia in the flowerbed

Calendula with yellow or orange voluminous flowers stands out as a bright spot among its fellows. In addition to its remarkable decorative qualities, it has medicinal properties, and its flowers and leaves can be used to prepare various dishes.

Calendula - annual flowers, photo:

Calendula vulgare

Nasturtium has many varieties, its double varieties are especially beautiful.

Nasturtiums in different colors

It loves light and sun, but can also grow in the shade, although there it produces more lush foliage than inflorescences. Nasturtium flowers are bright orange, red, yellow.

Annual flowers that bloom all summer - Snapdragon (Antirrinum, “dogs”) attracts attention with its unusual shape and combination of colors (pink and white, yellow, just white or pinkish).


It looks harmonious when planted together with other plants.

If you plant zinnia in your home, you will admire its long flowering for a long time; one flower can “last” up to 35 days.

Zinnia - annual

Even when cut, it lives in a vase for a very long time and does not fade. The more fertile the soil in the flowerbed, the brighter the flowers will be, which can be either short or very tall. The color of zinnia flowers can be monochromatic or variegated; it loves sunny places and warmth.

Calceolaria is another representative of intricately shaped flowers.


Dimorphotheca buds are simple in appearance, but this is where their charm lies. The flowers are shaped like a chamomile, the stems are about 30 cm high, the colors are varied - purple, orange, white, pink, double-colored petals. It is distinguished by abundant, long-lasting flowering, is unpretentious, and is not particularly afraid of pests and diseases.


Another popular representative loved by gardeners has a rich color palette. These soft blue, purple, red, white, blue and lilac bushes look great in flower beds, in hanging containers, and along paths. Unpretentious, light- and moisture-loving annual flowers for the garden. The photo and their name are well known to summer residents - lobelia.


Nemophila (American forget-me-not) is not very common in our open spaces, requires regular feeding, and is notable for the fact that it can bloom during the rains.


It has a delicate aroma and looks great in flower beds, thanks to its delicate but noticeable color. Depending on the variety, it can be white, white-blue, has purple, black or blue spots, edges along the edges (with a white flower).

Nemophila with spots

There are very dark purple nemophiles, almost black in color.

Coreopsis are garden flowers that are annual in size and smaller in height than perennials.


They are distinguished by abundant long-lasting flowering, feel good in flower beds, in flowerpots, near borders, and anywhere in general. They take root well and are absolutely unpretentious.

Brachycoma annual densely growing can boast of all shades of purple and lilac.


It is unpretentious, but feels most comfortable on fertile sandy soil. Loves the sun, but also blooms well in cloudy weather, thermophilic.

Annual dahlia flowers are unpretentious and have an interesting feature: the lower they are, the faster they give color.

Annual dahlias

The most common variety is “Jolly Guys”. Low-growing, dwarf varieties are ideal for borders and flower beds; the flowers are bright and of different shades.

Just because of the aroma alone, enchanting and unlike anything else, it is worth planting Mattiola (night violet) on the plot.

Mattiola - night violet

The genus Matthiola annuals includes up to 20 different varieties of this fragrant plant. The flowers are small, dense, soft lilac, pink or dark purple. There are also white, pale yellow Mattiola (gray matthiola). It is easy to care for, blooms profusely, loves sun, but also grows well in partial shade. The plant has a medium height and blooms throughout the summer.

Garden annual balsam is a fairly tall plant (50-70 cm) with large flowers, which can be double or semi-double.

Garden annual balsam

The colors of balsam are varied: white, scarlet, pink, crimson flowers.

Datura or Datura

The large-flowered datura is a real decoration of the garden; it blooms with large white flowers shaped like a bell. There are also red, blue, and yellow varieties. It grows quickly and has abundant, long-lasting flowering. Datura is a tall plant (1 m or more).

Mallow annual

Annual mallow is beautiful and noticeable due to its size (from 30 to 120 cm) and bright double flowers. It is unpretentious in care, drought-resistant, if you pinch off faded flowers in time, you can significantly extend its flowering time.


From May to September, cornflower blooms - an unpretentious plant of medium height, with dense small flowers of bright blue, pink, crimson, purple, and white. Looks harmonious in mixed flower beds.


Annual bellflower is a low-growing plant with light blue flowers. It loves sunny places, but can grow in the shade, although it does not bloom as profusely. Blooms from May to September.

Iberis snow-white

Snow-white iberis (“bitter”) is one of the shortest annuals (up to 30 cm), sun-loving, but feels good in shaded areas. Varieties of Iberis umbellata vary in soft pink, lilac, and lilac shades.


Shade-loving annuals

For so-called “problem” places - under trees with a lush crown or spreading bushes - unpretentious annuals that prefer shade are suitable. Such flowers have dense foliage, saturated with all shades of green. Their flowering is not as abundant as that of their sun-loving counterparts, but this factor in no way detracts from their beauty.

Cosmea annual

Multi-colored bright Cosmos - shade-loving annual flowers for flower beds, can create a joyful atmosphere even in shaded areas of the site. Cosmea blooms profusely for a long time, its shape is similar to a chamomile, the color scheme is replete with all shades of pink and crimson. Shaded areas are noticeably “refreshed” by white cosmos.

They love the shade of nasturtiums, forget-me-nots, marigolds, pansies, and mallows - their buds have rich colors and feel comfortable in any weather. With brovallia, fuchsia, lobelia, and impatiens, you can create bright and harmonious group plantings in shady areas of the garden.


It should be borne in mind that some shade-loving annual flowers for the garden do not react well to direct sunlight; it is recommended to plant them in the darkest areas of the site.

Climbing annuals

Annual climbing flowers are very popular among gardeners and summer residents. Their beauty is in no way inferior to perennial representatives, they grow faster and require minimal care. In addition to their visual appeal, they can be used to decorate fences, country houses, and be used as sun protection over a gazebo. Annual climbing flowers for the garden (those species that are not afraid of drafts) can serve as a kind of wind shield for more vulnerable plants. If you have imagination, you can create amazing and rational design compositions.

morning glory

The beautiful morning glory prefers regular watering and sunlight, otherwise it is unpretentious. Reaches three meters in one season.

Climbing sweet peas like moist soil and sun, but not direct sunlight. The coloring is very diverse, blooms from July to November, reaches a height of 3 meters.

Nasturtium climbing Climbing nasturtium (annual) and liatris (perennial)

There is a variety of climbing nasturtium (Nasturtium large), which grows up to 3 meters in length, Kobeya with large bell flowers, and Thunbergia winged with large orange buds. All of them belong to annual climbing vines.


Ipomoea Quamoclitus pinnate (Ruby stars) looks very beautiful - it braids a large area with complexly dissected leaves, along which bright red flowers, shaped like stars, are evenly, not very often, located.

Quamoclitus pinnate (Ruby stars)

Annual flowers that are not afraid of heat

And the following information, I think, will be of interest to my fellow countrymen, residents of Kuban. Last summer (2017) was very hot for us. Other regions complained about the cold summer, but in our case it was the opposite. And in my flower beds, in the flower beds of many of my friends, there was no particular splendor. Some flowers refused to bloom, others had unusually sparse flowers, and others simply survived in extreme heat - it was a pity to look at them.

However, there were flowers that were not affected by either the abnormally hot sun or the rare but torrential (in the full sense of the word) rains. But before, I even weeded them out. These were annuals, but they sprouted by self-sowing and did not grow where I needed them. That is, last year’s summer showed that these flowers are very resilient. Under the conditions of last summer, they were the only ones that bloomed and smelled profusely.

These are mirabilis, aromatic tobacco and purslane. I will write briefly about each.


This flower was always present in the flower garden of my grandmother, then my mother, and I also love it very much. True, as a child I did not know its real name; we all called it “night dawn”. And it fully lived up to its name. The flowers opened in the evening, stood open all night and only closed in the morning at dawn. We had varieties with bright crimson flowers, but there are also ones with white, yellow, pink and soft salmon petals. I’ve even seen it with flowers of different colors on the same bush. In its homeland it is a perennial; in the conditions of Kuban it can survive the winter, or even freeze out, but then numerous shoots appear around the frozen plant, of which only the strongest and healthiest remain. I think that in the conditions of the middle zone this is definitely an annual. By the way, many people grow it at home on the windowsill.

Mirabilis is a very unpretentious plant. Apart from evening watering, light loosening, and removing weeds, last year he received nothing from me, but he was almost the main decoration of the garden. Bloomed until the coldest weather. And they arrived almost in December.

Fragrant tobacco

For me, fragrant tobacco is a flower that I “planted and forgot.” It is an annual plant, but every year in the spring new shoots appear in the same place. I just have to limit its spread throughout the garden. But to be honest, I don't try too hard. The flowers of fragrant tobacco are not very noticeable, but in the evenings such an aroma spreads throughout the garden that you don’t want to get rid of the “extra” plants. It also does not require special care. Only seedlings can be “clogged” by weeds, so removing weeds is mandatory at first. Then, when the plant rises up, no weeds are afraid of it, because only the strongest and strongest survive the winter. By the way, I often replant tobacco plants in the spring from those places where I don’t need it to empty bald spots in the flowerbed. As it grows and becomes a fluffy bush, it not only covers a bare spot in the flower garden, but also creates a wonderful backdrop for low-growing plants.


Purslane is also a flower from my childhood. Every summer I saw him in both my grandmother’s and mother’s flower gardens. We called it “the carpet” because it covered the ground with a bright carpet along the paths in the front garden. It was the purslane that gave the flower garden a certain completeness and completeness. What beautiful purslane flowers! There are simple ones, there are double or semi-double ones in a wide variety of colors. Purslane blooms all summer, from June until frost. In the evenings the flowers close, but in the morning they “burn” like multi-colored lights in a flowerbed. You can sow purslane only once and, thanks to its abundant self-sowing, it will delight you every year. Loves sunny places, blooms poorly or not at all in the shade. Grows well in sandy soils. But he also likes my black soil. I don’t know how true my observations are, but it seems it’s better not to fertilize purslane. By growing, purslane can even survive weeds. At least I have never observed weeds in the place where it grows.

When choosing annual flowers for your garden, you can buy seedlings or seeds in specialized flower shops or supermarket departments. Today, the choice of seeding materials is so wide that finding the desired flower is not difficult.

Tall representatives are great for decorating flower beds or mixed borders; in mixed flower beds they usually create the background. When planning the design of the site for the summer season, take into account the combination of sizes (heights) of plants and their color scheme. Botanical requirements for soil moisture, degree of illumination, and fertilization should also be kept in mind. Sometimes plant species with the same name can be both tall and short, medium-sized. When purchasing seeds, read the attached information. Annual flowers that bloom all summer - the name and photo are always on the packaging. Try to ensure that crops that grow next to each other are close from an agrotechnical point of view.

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