Why can't you look in the mirror when you cry? Why you shouldn't cry in front of the mirror

There are a huge number of all kinds of superstitions in the world.
and prejudices. Believing in them or not is everyone’s personal choice.
There are especially many signs associated with mirrors. People have long been
believe that they are the door to the other world, therefore
you should handle them with extreme caution. Turns out,
You also shouldn't look in the mirror when you cry.
Where does this superstition come from?

When you want to cry in front of the mirror

In moments of sadness, especially when you are alone, tears literally flow from your eyes. Almost any person, after he has cried heartily, goes to the mirror to put himself in order. It happens that he can even express to his reflection a number of claims and complaints about his worthless life, but this is absolutely forbidden to do - this is a very bad omen. Instead of relief, you can end up in a lot of trouble.

Don't shed tears in front of the mirror - you can cry your happiness

No wonder our ancestors considered a mirror a “devilish object.” There are many known cases where mirrors became the cause of a number of troubles and misfortunes. You can ignore or treat signs and superstitions with humor, considering them a relic, but there are so many inexplicable situations associated with mirrors that it’s worth thinking about it and, perhaps, starting to treat them with respect.

Mirrors can store energy. Some of them have a positive energy field, others not so much, especially if some negative events happened before “their eyes”: quarrels, fights and even murders.

If you constantly shed tears in front of the mirror, complain about your failures, hate your reflection and often look at it in a bad mood, then your negative emotions will definitely come back to you again and again. And the more you suffer in front of the mirror, the stronger each time this reaction will occur.

The best way out is to get rid of the mirror that stores your unhappiness.

How to make a mirror your friend and assistant

Look in the mirror only when you are in a good mood. Say only kind and affectionate words to him. Love your reflection, even if it is far from ideal according to your inner conviction. Constantly charge this mystical object with only positive energy, and you will soon see how life will begin to improve. Your “happy mirror” will accumulate joyful emotions, which it will generously share with you.

Why can't you look in the mirror when you cry?

Many people, following the example of their ancestors, believe in various kinds of signs and beliefs. The mystical side of life has always attracted the curious. Superstitions concern numbers, animals and various objects. Mirrors deserve special attention.

Appearing in the 19th century, mirrors excite the imagination of impressionable people. One of the questions that worries them to this day is “Why can’t you look in the mirror when you cry?” What happens if you don't do this?

Justification of fears

In the past, mirrors were associated with the other world. This item was used by fortune tellers and sorcerers. They determined the future in mirrors and used them to communicate with spirits and the dead. According to people who practice magic, this item is energetically strong. After all, beyond it there is a looking glass. This is a mysterious and enigmatic place endowed with special powers.

Therefore, it is assumed that it is unsafe for a crying person to look at his reflection. Such behavior can cause unfavorable changes in a person’s destiny. If everything went well up to this point. Everything worked out well in life and there was no particular reason for concern. What happens after a crying person looks into his reflection? The mirror will capture the reflected image. In the future, a person will have to cry often because of troubles. It is as if he programs his behavior and destiny.

According to other sources, the reason why you should not look in the mirror when you cry lies in the opportunity to cry tears of happiness. Let's say a person expects success in business or love. Looking in the mirror at himself crying, he will lose such happiness. Everything will go wrong. Your loved one will change or leave for someone else.

What to do about it?

Firstly, not everyone believes in these signs. It has been noticed that such people are not influenced by any kind of superstition. They just don't pay attention to it. Secondly, everyone decides their own destiny, it depends on your actions. To be lucky in life, you need to act, and not wait for someone to come and solve everything. Thirdly, advice for those who really believe in such signs.

Don't look in the mirror when you cry. Constantly wiping your eyes will cause them to turn red. It's best to do this after you've finished crying. Then look in the mirror. It will no longer be dangerous.

There is no scientific basis for why you should not look in the mirror when you cry. Therefore, everyone chooses for themselves what to do.

Why should children not look in the mirror until they are one year old?

A common superstition says that a child should not look in the mirror until he is one year old. Why have people long believed that mirrors are dangerous for babies, and how can you protect your child from negative influences?

Why should babies not look in the mirror until they are one year old?

Small children have very weak energy protection, and the mirror is a powerful energy storage device. A mirror is a portal to the other world and on the other side of the mirror surface there are evil forces that can negatively affect the health of a child who is not yet energetically strong.

There is also a widespread belief among people: young children see what adults cannot see. Looking at himself in the mirror, a child can, in addition to his reflection, see entities living in the Looking Glass.

Sometimes children become so frightened that they may even develop problems with speech and mental development later on.

There is even a sign according to which you cannot even hang photographs of a child around the house until he is one year old.

Where not to hang a mirror

It is not recommended to hang mirrors in the bedroom and personal office. A person who is constantly near a mirror becomes weaker, and his health can deteriorate sharply. The reflection begins to gradually take away strength from its counterpart, who is in the world of the living.

An old mirror filled with negative energy can cause serious damage even to strong adults, but what about children? When babies see their reflection in the mirror for the first time, many of them get scared and start crying.

What psychologists say

Child psychologists take a completely opposite point of view. Modern experts believe that the child even needs to be shown his reflection in the mirror. Babies quickly stop being afraid if they begin to understand that their mother is next to them, who is also visible in the reflection.

This helps the baby to self-determine and quickly begin to learn about the world around him.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves what to do. Some people believe in omens and follow traditions that have developed over centuries, and some modern parents tend to trust child psychologists more.

It is difficult to imagine an apartment or house that does not have a mirror. This household item has long and firmly entered our lives. Mirrors surround us everywhere at home, at work, in the store, on the street. And many are so accustomed to this object that they do not even remember that the mirror has always been considered the strongest magical attribute.

Door to another world

Since the distant past, people have developed numerous signs and superstitions associated with mirrors. They were used for fortune telling, sorcerers and magicians worked with them, mirrors were feared and revered.People have always believed that a mirror not only reflects the real world, but is also a kind of door to another, otherworldly world. Moreover, this belief was widespread not only among illiterate peasants. Even very smart and educated people could not resist the magic of the mirror, its mysterious, unknowable power, which easily violates all physical laws and invades our lives every minute.
Let us remember how many heroes of literature found themselves, by the will of the authors, through the looking glass, in a world where everything is wrong and everything is topsy-turvy. In this strange world, terrible and unusual adventures awaited the heroes. And vice versa, the inhabitants of another world easily overcome the mirror boundary and find themselves in our world. Like the demon Azazelo from Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”

Superstition or reality?

Let's name a few of the most famous signs and superstitions that are associated with mirrors.
In the house of the deceased, mirrors are hung so that the soul of the deceased does not see its reflection and does not remain in the world of living people.
It is unfortunate for a mirror to break, and the fragments of the mirror should not just be thrown away, but buried, preferably on a moonless night. At the same time, under no circumstances should you look like shards.
A corridor of mirrors - mirrors placed opposite each other - can really open the way to another world and through it terrible, dangerous entities can penetrate into our world.
You cannot sit with your back to the mirror, because the mirror can suck the life energy out of you.

Energy of mirrors

Modern science knows nothing about mirrors, but psychics are sure that a mirror is an ideal carrier of information about a person. When a person looks in the mirror, he is not just reflected in it. The mirror remembers him, remembers his emotional state, and this information can be stored in the mirror almost forever.
And through the information accumulated by the mirror, it can influence the person himself. If a person approaches the mirror with a smile, if he is satisfied with himself, his appearance, his present, then these positive emotions are remembered by the mirror and accumulate, creating, as it were, informational protection for the person on a subtle level. Really making him happy and confident.
But if a person approaches the mirror in grief, if he cries in front of the mirror, then the mirror also collects and accumulates information about negative emotions.
These emotions remain in the mirror, but at the same time they can affect the real world. A person finds himself surrounded by a negative information field, which, like a magnet, begins to attract troubles and illnesses to him, and the more unhappy a person feels, the more he attracts failures to himself.

In the Middle Ages they said that mirrors catch damage and give it to those who look into them.

It is difficult to imagine our life without such a completely ordinary object - without a mirror. Every morning, all family members take turns looking at their reflection: the women put on makeup and groom themselves, the men shave and tie their ties, the children try to have time to grimace and make sure that all the buttons are fastened correctly. Having examined ourselves before leaving and making sure that everything is in order with our appearance, we all go about our business.

Today, a mirror has become an indispensable attribute of the interior for everyone, but in the old days people were wary of mirrors, since only those who were associated with magic had mirrors and used them in various “witchcraft” rituals. That is why many superstitions and beliefs have appeared related to the magical power of mirrors and they are passed on from generation to generation. So it is necessary to curtain mirrors if there is a dead person in the house, Christmas fortune-telling is carried out with their help, and even some psychics communicate with the afterlife through the mirror surface. A mirror is a door to the other world, through which the souls of the dead and evil spirits can observe our life and interfere with its course.

Why you shouldn't cry in front of a mirror: beliefs about mirrors

One of the beliefs in Rus' that cannot be ignored is that one should not cry or show negative emotions in front of a mirror. Why is that? The mirror, like a sponge, absorbs anger, resentment, dissatisfaction, anger and pain in order to later project them onto the person looking into it.

The mirror is a carrier of information about the internal state of a person and all the negativity accumulated in it will spill out on you in the form of illnesses, unpleasant changes in appearance, and pregnant women may even experience a miscarriage.

Many of us, after weeping, go to the mirror and share all our failures with our reflection, feeling sorry for ourselves. Remember, this is strictly forbidden. Instead of relief, you will bring on a lot of problems. Remember the old Russian proverb: do not Cry in front of the mirror - you will cry with happiness! Because of your tears in front of your reflection, family life can collapse, health can be undermined and vital energy can be depleted.

Crying in front of a mirror in a dream

If you dreamed that you were looking in the mirror and admiring your reflection, then know that something good is waiting for you soon. If in a dream you did not like your reflection, it means that you are paying little attention to your loved ones who need you so much.

Looking at yourself in the mirror and smiling is good luck. Laughing in front of him means tears and grief. And crying in front of a mirror in a dream means reconciliation with your loved one.

Safety rules: mirror in the house

Psychologists and bioenergetics experts advise people who want to achieve success or find happiness to start their morning in front of the mirror with a smile and say pleasant words out loud, give themselves compliments, and voice their virtues. You can even start a tradition of wishing yourself good luck before going to an important event. Thus, there will be no negativity and the mirror will have no choice but to absorb good energy and give it to you in the near future. Even if you don’t believe in the mystical power of mirrors, you are still guaranteed a good mood and self-confidence for the coming day.

Today you can’t even run out into the street without looking at yourself in the mirror. Therefore, you should know a few rules on how to place it in the house so as not to harm yourself and your family:

  • always place them in the house according to the rules of Feng Shui;
  • keep mirrors clean, always wipe away dust and stains, do not leave drops of water in the bathroom;
  • It is recommended to place symbols of a good life in front of the mirror - coins, fruits, jewelry.

We are often biased towards legends and superstitions. Many believe that these are relics of the past. But it cannot be denied that in every legend there is part of the truth.

Say pleasant words to yourself more often, and you will definitely experience good changes in your life.

is a sign, and most questions related to the mirror are firmly rooted in the human consciousness.

Some follow them, others belong to the category of skeptics and prefer to ignore them. The mystical component surrounds everything in life. We don't like black cats on the 13th, but everyone has this thing hanging in their house. How to handle the attribute? You can’t cry in front of the mirror, but I wanted to! Just kidding, but let's look at the isoteric references. We advise you to just think about it.

You can't cry in front of someone - this is pure superstition!

In your environment, there is probably a person who follows signs and customs. His mother gave them to him, and her mother gave them to him. The chain has grown to the fifth kalen. They are sure you can’t cry in front of the mirror! Most beliefs are carried out “automatically”, for the sake of hygienic preferences. For example, you wouldn't clean up crumbs with your hand—it's messy. This is also a sign, and what a money one! Finances are not handed over, so as not to suffer in debt. Therefore, we take a rag and start collecting garbage, or put the bills on a flat surface. Is this how the subconscious works? You can’t cry in front of the mirror - a similar “fruit”. It is unlikely that we will stand in front of the mirror body and begin to shed crocodile tears. It's not aesthetically pleasing for ladies. Therefore, the sign is not relevant for girls. You can or cannot cry in front of the mirror - it doesn’t matter!

What are the reasons?

A glass variation of the mirror invention appeared in the 13th century, not to mention earlier copies made of bronze or stone. At first, the surface of the object was cloudy, which suggested the occult significance of the magical object. He is a conductor, a “container” of souls, negativity - you can’t cry in front of the mirror! The origin of the world is in the fog. Here they “ruled the show.” For example, a mirror made of Obsidian stone was gloomy, and anything could be imagined in it. What pictures the imagination draws is scary to think about, let alone imagine. Let's digress from the topic: you can't cry in front of the mirror! During the Renaissance, another parable appeared that a mirror cannot lie, the truth is hidden in it. But there was a moment when it symbolized sinfulness. It was full of adultery and vanity. The mirror is the reflection of Satan. Creepy... This is a portal, another world, something that is hidden. Entities live there. Can't you cry in front of the mirror? Read on.

People looked into it to plunge into the depths future, see stories from the past. The nature of the object “spreads” rumors and becomes surrounded by legends. The surface stores, “seals” the memory of everything that happened in front of its “face”. I would like to cite an example of a psychic issue where they guessed what the mirror saw. Almost everyone completed the task. Remember the Christmas fortune-telling, where the girls build a mirrored corridor, and they see a narrowed one. What else can you see? If you consider the presence of a lit candle, then anything! But this has nothing to do with our expression - “you can’t cry in front of the mirror.” Although... since the attribute, like a sponge, absorbs what is happening around it, it absorbs tears!

We are not allowed in front of the mirror!

It will bring back the negative! If you cried near the mirror, then when you go up to it and look in, you will get your tears back! The boomerang principle. Your image, so sad and gloomy, will remain in the memory of the mirror. Being in a great mood, you look into it to fix your hair, and the mirror will take away your joy. Have you heard that there are very heavy attributes that you don’t want to look at at all? Begins to knock in the temples. Mirror etiquette is what it is. Like, you cried near the entrance to the portal, get your tears back! People say: you can’t cry in front of the mirror, the happiness will go away. Hide your crying not only from strangers, but also from mirrors! People complain about the mirror that tears will continue to flow all your life! That's how much has been invented, but, of course, not statistically confirmed.

You have already cried: what should you do?

Just clean the surface. Take some baking soda and wipe it with a cloth! This way you remove the negative plaque, and your assistant is clean again, both outside and inside. Smile more so that it absorbs positive dynamics and always “mirrors happiness.” In general, wash your mirrors more often and fill your home with light, joy and warmth.

Believe it or not? - you decide

We cannot say whether you are a skeptic or not. But you should be careful with such magically mystical things from our everyday life. You can't cry in front of the mirror - so be it. We will listen, we will not do this, then there will be peace and tranquility in our souls. How many other signs are there associated with the mirror, and how many books and films. Interest in this subject will never dry up! Can't you cry in front of the mirror? Shall we check?

I looked in the mirror and cried, considering myself the most unfortunate of all living people, the wedding date was set, all that was left was to prepare. It’s so terrible when you are married to an unloved person, to a person whom you saw only once in your life, I was angry with my parents who did not want to understand me, with my mother who knew that I loved someone else, with my father who seemed to want get rid of me quickly. Only a few weeks separated me from a “new life” that I didn’t need at all. How naive I was. The week flew by very quickly, and I already seemed resigned to my “fate”, my mother tried to calm me down every day, saying that my future husband is a very good man, even if he is not handsome, she continued, but beauty is not at all the main thing in a man , and I listened to her in silence, and the tears flowed by themselves, I did not agree with her, appearance was very important to me, and I always imagined my future husband as a tall, handsome man, like all girls of my age. but in life there is a completely different scenario, and those childhood dreams of a wonderful new life were smashed to smithereens on the rocks of reality. There were only two days left before the appointed date; my mother had already bought a dress. that same white dress, which I previously thought made the girl the happiest in the world, only saddened me. The wedding day arrived, all my relatives gathered to congratulate me and wish me a happy marriage, I took this as a mockery, I hated each and every one of them, as if they were all involved in my misfortune. And tears treacherously flowed down my cheeks, my mother did nothing but touch up her makeup, and I just prayed to Allah so that I could love the one I was marrying. Allah heard my prayers, my husband won my heart with his endless kindness and patience, and over time I realized that my mother was right, beauty is not the main thing in a man, because now that I recognized his soul, he became the most beautiful for me. I lived with him in marriage for 3 happy years, until Allah took him to Himself. A year has already passed since he passed away, I returned to my father’s house, we had no children, all that remained from him were memories and his clothes, which I brought with me. And for several months now, the man whom I loved before the wedding has been asking my father for my hand. But I don’t want to get married anymore, and I won’t go. Because there is no one else like my husband in the world. I want to appeal to my sisters, you don’t need to wait for a rich and handsome man to get married, marry a righteous man, and you will be happy with him, even in poverty. In sha Allah.

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