In the evening and especially tomorrow it is better to be at home. Beautiful aphorisms, quotes and phrases about the evening

If I had not been a well-trained athlete, I would never have withstood so many air battles... My good health and the high degree of fitness of my body helped me fly, fight, and win from morning to late evening.

Napoleon's soldiers fight from morning to evening and march from evening to morning, making unimaginable marches, appearing in the most unimaginable places, not because each of them carries a marshal's baton in his knapsack, but because he hopes to carry at least half a dozen silver forks.

Evening came, some strange evening, when the summer heat of the day began to gradually cool down and the white light of the scorched sky imperceptibly turned into a greenish twilight. Evenings like this don’t happen often over the summer, but they do happen.

And why should we care if someone kissed someone at the boundary line in the evening in the rye!

You don't know what late evening will bring.

My dream is to warm my feet next to a real fireplace on cold autumn evenings, read an interesting novel and leisurely sip tea with you...

In the cold of a winter evening, burning windows warm the soul with especially cozy warmth.

And in the evenings, the whole family watched the radio...

Time changes from morning to evening, and everything is fleeting before the Lord.

When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?” In the evening, before falling asleep: “What have I done?”

I'll come to your room at five in the evening. If I'm late, start without me

The secret to a happy life is to plan your days carefully and leave your evenings to chance.

Sex is no more important than a cheese sandwich. But if you haven't had a bite in your mouth until the evening, a cheese sandwich is extremely important.

Evening is approaching. At this time, the animal seeks loneliness, and the man seeks society.

Nymphomaniac: a woman who wants to make love in the evening, although she did her hair in the morning.

Most people listen to ghost stories during the day with pleasure, but in the evening not without a feeling of fear.

Sunday is God's day, but Sunday eve - Saturday evening - is the devil's time.

Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you really want to go home.

The morning is wiser than the evening, but there is something in the evening too.

Well, there is autumn, it gently and carefully prepares us for the cold. Favorite autumn. A time of reflection, hands in pockets, mulled wine in the evenings and pleasant melancholy...

Evening is a mysterious hour of struggle between light and darkness, when the entire living world passes from one state to another.

What is Don Juan talking about with the woman? In the evening about her merits, and in the morning - about her shortcomings.

In the evening sky, dotted with bright stars, rare clouds floated overhead, and dim moonlight penetrated through the window.

Sex is no more important than a cheese sandwich. But if you haven't had a bite in your mouth until the evening, a cheese sandwich is extremely important.

Evening is the best time of the day. The long working day is over, you can relax and enjoy life.

When at any party I feel unable to show my intelligence, I pretend that I am bored.

During the day everything is different from the evening and at night.

Being bisexual doubles your chances of getting a date on Saturday night.

The world is always more beautiful in the evening.

A woman thinks about whom to spend the evening with, and a man thinks about whom to spend the night with.

If in the evening in a restaurant you see a man with a girl who looks like his daughter, then this is not his daughter.

From the moment autumn began, I live from Friday evening to Friday evening...

How nice it is to sit on the veranda on a summer evening; how easy and calm; If only this evening would never end!

Without a woman, the dawn and evening of life would be helpless, and her noon would be without joy.

Evening is a time to think, morning is a time to collect your thoughts...

French diet: cupcake in the morning, sex in the evening. For quick results, replace the cupcake with sex.

The evening will tell what the day was like.

The evening is not an eternity, it will fly by like a moment.

The evening ceases to be languid...

The morning is wiser by the evening.

This section contains the best quotes about the evening, beautiful aphorisms and sayings about the moment when the sun hides behind the horizon.

Evening is the time when day turns into night. The evening provides an excellent opportunity to relax after a working day, spend time with loved ones, with friends, or collect your own thoughts.

Cooled tea in the kitchen before bed, and an old blanket so gently warms your shoulders. December is freezing outside, and this evening is quietly dying.

Summer evening, seashore, enchanting sunset - this is happiness!

Evening is a state when the day is already very tiring, but you still have to wait until sex.

Tonight is Halloween! And so, in the evening I will dress up in a blanket and go to bed. I didn't care about this holiday.

Me in the evening and me in the morning are two different people; their thoughts, attachments, emotions and plans for life will never coincide.

On long winter evenings, huskies warm naive Chukchi girls.

I am a free and self-sufficient woman! It’s just that my hobby is to cry in the bathroom in the evenings, hugging my knees.

Semyon went to VKontakte in the evening and hands out likes to the women; in the bedroom next to him, his wife is not lying.

Real courage is to climb into the refrigerator after 6 pm for kefir and take kefir!

Tonight I just realized that I am already suffering from garbage. First I recorded myself singing. Then I laughed until I cried from the way I sang. Then I recorded how I laughed and laughed until I cried.

Yesterday I worked with Dima as a pair. For some reason it seemed to me that he was on a roll all evening. To be more precise, he was crazy.

Happiness is wearing a wedding ring that will remind you that in the evening at home you will again see your soul mate who loves and adores you.

“Mom, mom, mom, mom, maaaam, mom!” - so all morning, all day, and all evening, and you leave it to your grandmother, sit in silence and think why you gave it away.

Forty days have we known each other, Thirty have we been together. As now, I remember that day, How we found each other that evening.

I bought Doctor’s sausage today. And indeed, by evening I became a patient.

It’s annoying when you’ve been dying all day, you want to sleep, and in the evening, when you’ve washed your face and made your bed, you get a second wind.

It’s good that there is autumn, it gently and carefully prepares us for the cold. Favorite autumn. A time of reflection, hands in pockets, delicious tea in the evenings and pleasant melancholy.

Women's happiness lies in the firm belief that the man who leaves you in the morning will definitely come in the evening. And it will be like this all my life.

Even at 70 years old, he regularly and regularly fulfilled his marital duties: he took out the trash in the morning and washed the dishes in the evening.

In Dagestan, another boring evening is killed in a shooting fight.

I couldn’t live a day without my family - where else is it so fun and noisy in the mornings and so quiet and calm in the evenings?

Many girls got married so as not to spend evenings alone. And they got divorced for the same reason.

Happiness is when on a cold evening with friends you remember past adventures.

I so want to come home from the cold in the evenings, sit cross-legged with a mug of hot tea with milk in my hands on his lap, and quietly melt with joy...

August is like Sunday evening.

And in the evenings, the whole family watched the radio.

In the evening it turned out that the daughter had her ears pierced, and the wife had a tire. Well, now they’re both sitting, looking at me expectantly.

First I put things off until the evening, and then fuck it.

To love early and marry late is to hear a lark singing at dawn, and at night to eat it roasted for supper. Loving early and getting married late is like listening to the lark at dawn and roasting it for dinner in the evening.

The morning should be good, the day should be useful, and the evening should be memorable!

Happiness is when you feel light and carefree in the morning, afternoon, evening and even at night.

Ninth grade graduation is the only evening where you drink champagne with your parents. Anything stronger is waiting for you around the corner of the school.

We must live as if the coming of Christ was expected this evening.

That awkward moment between Monday morning and Friday evening.

I ran into my ex on the street.. You know, it’s like rearranging a nightstand in the evening - and in the morning, when you’re asleep, you fit into it with all your might.

Briefly about yourself: rumpled in the mornings, cheerful in the evenings!

The woman followed a strict diet. It was a quiet, calm evening. There was no sign of food...

Christmas, a wonderful quiet evening. The tired world will rest from the hustle and bustle.

A woman's happiness lies in knowing for sure that the man who leaves you in the morning will definitely return in the evening. And this is for life.

Yes, I know you can’t hear me.. But every evening I wish you good night.

Childhood is the happiest time, you run out of the toilet in the evening and are glad that you weren’t eaten!

What are you doing tonight? Just don’t think anything bad, but if you do, what do you think of the idea?

I’m sad to face this evening without you.. Not seeing your eyes.. not hugging your shoulders..

On his birthday, the birthday person should know only two words: “Thank you! And come over for tea in the evening!”

Friday is the best day of the week, especially its evening, since the weekend has not yet begun, and work has already ended.

Tea. Tasty food. Movie. Me and I. Perfect evening.

Summer, warm evenings with you - everything is behind us. We go to school on the first of September. I don’t know how to study, I only think about one thing - about you.

It is known that wives are more prone to hysterics in the morning than in the evening. If you want to make sure, come home from work in the evening and then in the morning.

I have loved you for a very long time, and let me kiss your gums on this bright evening!

If we drink to our health in the evening, we are sure to get sick in the morning.

I'm starting to envy you... You don't feel anything... Neither in the morning, nor in the evening, nor towards me...

If I agree to spend the evening and have dinner with you... This does not mean that there will be a common breakfast.

And no one is waiting for you in the evening... and you can do whatever you want... and what is it called? Freedom or loneliness..

I remember my graduation party at the university, damn, I once thought that I should be ashamed of my graduation at school!

And I will wait for the appointed meeting, it’s autumn and rain outside. What a pity I am that you are not walking next to me this evening.

My wife used to teach me how to live in the evenings. I bought her a laptop and connected her to the Internet. Now teaching others!

Now you think that your mother doesn’t understand you at all and you don’t want to communicate with her when she asks. And once upon a time, you sat by the window on long evenings and waited for only one thing - for your mother to come home from work. Of course you don't remember this.

A real gentleman will always tell a lady the same thing that he told her in the evening when inviting her to visit.

The morning is worse than the evening.

A sure sign that your life needs to change is when you don’t want to go to work in the morning, and don’t want to go home in the evening.

He is young who feels the same in the evening as he does in the morning. Star - who feels the same in the morning as in the evening.

Attention, guys! Learn cases according to the good old grandfather's method: the day was Nominative, the evening was Instrumental, I am Prepositional for her, she is Dative for me, now I am not Accusative, that she is Genitive.

On autumn evenings all the senses become heightened. Especially sadness for no reason...

Quiet evening of Christmas...The world, tired of worries, will rest this evening!

My dream is to warm my feet next to a real fireplace on cold autumn evenings, read an interesting novel and leisurely sip tea with you.

And in the evening no one waits, and you can do whatever you want. And who will call it: freedom or loneliness...

Autumn is the longest season of the year. The days drag on as if to the rhythm of falling leaves. I really want to put a smile on my face, but it’s sad. There is no time for smiles - spring is far away. The sky is overcast, the sun is so high - its rays do not caress. The whole day is like a dull evening.

Christmas evening is intoxicating, everyday life is sobering.

You are far away and instead of your hands there are evenings of separation...

In the morning it is December, in the evening it is March, and all this is called April.

How to spend an unforgettable evening:
1. Spend the evening.
2. Try not to forget.

I'm already looking forward to tomorrow, our evening with you... when I meet you again. I miss..

Happy first birthday baby! He has grown quite a bit - He walks poorly and babbles, He doesn’t want to sleep in the evening, Sometimes he doesn’t want to eat porridge, He always laughs merrily! Congratulations to mom and dad - The first year is the most difficult!

In the evening I get down on all fours and have sex, picking up the child’s toys on the floor.

I envy you. You don't feel anything. Neither in the mornings, nor in the evenings. Not to me.

I go to bed at 10 pm because I'm already an adult.

Plans for the evening: 1. Get tired

Daughter, don’t go to the disco every evening, you’ll go deaf!
- Thank you, mom, I already had lunch.

My husband helped clean the apartment, found an iron construction set... Guess what he did all evening?

Why haven’t they come up with a “Sleep” Internet tariff plan yet? It would automatically turn off at about ten o'clock in the evening.

A real woman is not the one who gets a new gentleman every day, but the one who “turns on” the same one every evening.

There is no better evening when you sit next to your mother and talk about everything. It doesn’t matter what it’s about, the main thing is that she’s nearby.

With all my Heart I want to Congratulate all the students and Tatyana today! Anyone who agrees with this - let him be drunk in the evening!

Women remember unrepresented flowers and long lonely evenings for a long time.

Waking up late in the evening on Monday is like missing a dangerous turn on a mostly flat road.

New funny laughing statuses, funny short quotes, beautiful aphorisms, the best jokes, phrases, poems and good touching sayings with meaning for VK and classmates.

“Tonight,” he said, “the stars of heaven will shine in our eyes...

"Jonathan Wiley"

It's best not to think too much. Especially alone with yourself. And in the evenings. Otherwise, the past would suddenly appear and stare with dead eyes.

"Erich Maria Remarque"

Jealousy, like illness, worsens in the evening.

The morning is wiser than the evening, but there is something in the evening too.

"Vladimir Vysotsky"

I sincerely wish you a pleasant, cozy, interesting and wonderful evening.

Sometimes on a Friday evening, climbing a flight of stairs is tantamount to conquering a mountain peak without special equipment.

"Yuri Tatarkin"

The evening sticks to the shoulder blades, gnawing on the kozinak as we go.

"Joseph A. Brodsky"

"Janet Fitch"

So again the blue evening looked through my window,
I was hoping for a meeting, but I’m sitting and drinking wine...

"Denis maidanov"

Every night before you go to sleep, imagine your ideal tomorrow. You will see that in many respects this will be the case.

No, really, how many deaths, each more horrific than the next, could threaten a relatively innocent person in the course of an evening?

"Jeffrey Lindsay"

If the evening was unusual, then the morning will be like that too.

The evening, like life itself, succeeds only if everything starts badly.

"Frederick Beigbeder"

The morning is wiser than the evening, the afternoon is more satisfying, and the night is sleepier.

"Yuri Tatarkin"

Evenings seem so long without you.

"Mark Levy"

Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you really want to go home.

As always, the view of the evening city evoked sadness. Something forgotten was remembered, and immediately forgotten again, and this something was most like a vow given to oneself a thousand times and already broken nine hundred and ninety-nine times.

"Victor Pelevin"

Evening came, some strange evening, when the summer heat of the day began to gradually cool down and the white light of the scorched sky imperceptibly turned into a greenish twilight. Evenings like this don’t happen often over the summer, but they do happen.

Evening is a mysterious hour of struggle between light and darkness, when the entire living world passes from one state to another.

"Theodore Dreiser"

May this evening give you wonderful relaxation and a feeling of happiness. Let your body relax and your soul sing.

A woman thinks about whom to spend the evening with, and a man thinks about whom to spend the night with.

Last night he thought that he still had a chance. Last night anything was possible. The trouble with “yesterday evening” is that it is always followed by “this morning.”

"Terry Pratchett"

And in the evening no one waits, and you can do whatever you want. And who will call it: freedom or loneliness...

In the evening it turned out that the daughter had her ears pierced, and the wife had a tire. Well, now they’re both sitting, looking at me expectantly.

The sky is covered with the same haze of rain and smoke that hangs over the quarry starting at noon, like an impatient twilight that cannot survive until the evening.

"Ken Kesey"

Waking up in the evening on a regular day off, I want to die... but today the sunset is especially beautiful.

You don't know what late evening will bring.

Life in retirement is when you spend the day thinking about what to watch on TV in the evening so that you have something to remember in the morning.

"Robert Orben"

It's time to cleanse television of violence, starting with the evening news.

The evening hours of life can even be the most beautiful, just as the most beautiful petals of a flower are the last to bloom.

"Samuel Smiles"

The evening blue was deepening, still retaining shades of indigo, like an unspoken hope.

"Janet Fitch"

The evening gradually entered that phase when you still don’t want to sleep, but you no longer want to live.

"Dmitry Yemets"

The world is always more beautiful in the evening.

"Erich Maria Remarque"

"Kazuo Ishiguro"

During the day everything is different from the evening and at night.

Every morning we open our eyes, like a merchant opens the shutters of his shop, and expose ourselves to deceive our neighbor; and in the evening we close them again, having spent the whole day deceiving them.

"Jean de La Bruyère"

People come to more correct thoughts in the morning than in the evening.

"Sergei Lukyanenko"

I drank vodka and tonic. The evening turned out to be quiet. Quiet evening in hell. And the earth burned like a rotten log worn out by termites.

"Charles Bukowski"

In the evening I often ask myself: what wonderful thing did you have today? And I must note: no matter how painful the day is, a little sunny spot always appears.

"Erich M. Remarque"

Evening is the best time of the day. The long working day is over, you can relax and enjoy life.

"Kazuo Ishiguro"

Sunday is God's day, but Sunday eve - Saturday evening - is the devil's time.

You can't change your life overnight. But overnight you can change thoughts that will change your life forever.

Alcohol helps parliament decide matters at eleven o'clock in the evening that no one in their right mind could resolve at eleven in the morning.

"Bernard Show"

If in the evening in a restaurant you see a man with a girl who looks like his daughter, then this is not his daughter.

Evening approaches as imperceptibly as old age approaches a happy person.

"John Steinbeck"

How nice it is to sit on the veranda on a summer evening; how easy and calm; If only this evening would never end!

"Ray Bradbury"

There is no time to rest during the day, but why can’t you enjoy life at work?

Evening is approaching. At this time, the animal seeks loneliness, and the man seeks society.

"Erich Maria Remarque"

The evening hours glided softly across the sky, like red and yellow flamingos. And invariably their wings plunged into complete darkness.

The meeting will come again.
The candles will be lit again.
And it will be a wonderful evening.

The collection includes quotes about evening and sunset:

  • I die of love five hundred times an evening. Edith Piaf
  • Most people listen to ghost stories during the day with pleasure, but in the evening not without a feeling of fear. Gotthold Lessing
  • To save time sleeping in the morning, I have breakfast at night...
  • Evening is the best time of the day. The long working day is over, you can relax and enjoy life. Kazuo Ishiguro
  • The morning is wiser than the evening, the afternoon is more satisfying, and the night is sleepier. Yuri Tatarkin
  • Evening approaches as imperceptibly as old age approaches a happy person. John Steinbeck
  • The evening is not yesterday, but today! Valery Igorevich Melnikov
  • Evenings can be incredible, nights can be unforgettable, and still after them comes the most ordinary morning. David Fonkinos
  • Middle age for a woman is when a man still stays with you overnight, but no longer gives you money.
  • Evening newscast - I wonder where they came from? Alexander Tsitkin
  • I imagine a modern wedding night like this: a woman sits and frantically changes her last name in profiles.
  • Yesterday in the program “Good night kids” the puppeteer accidentally hit his head on the table. The children had never heard such wishes for the night from Stepashka...
  • With the arrival of December, the evening is divided into “it’s not evening yet,” “evening,” “it’s not night yet,” and “I have to do something, otherwise I still won’t fall asleep.”
  • Work is time, fun is an hour, internet is night, sleep is not now.
  • Previously, a date was scheduled several days or even weeks in advance. Now it is increasingly being prescribed retroactively. They call you and say, “If anyone asks, I had dinner with you last night, okay?” Patrick O Rourke
  • If you emptied a jar of cucumbers during one drink in the evening, leave the brine; it may come in handy in the morning.
  • Hello, I am the night, and here with your past we decided that today you will not sleep.
  • Life in retirement is when you spend the day thinking about what to watch on TV in the evening so that you have something to remember in the morning. Robert Orben
  • It's time to cleanse television of violence, starting with the evening news.
  • Sometimes on a Friday evening, climbing a flight of stairs is tantamount to conquering a mountain peak without special equipment. Yuri Tatarkin
  • One of the secrets to a long and fruitful life is to grant forgiveness to all people every night before you go to bed. Ann Landers
  • Every night before you go to sleep, imagine your ideal tomorrow. You will see that in many respects this will be the case.
  • The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young. Bernard Show
  • If it’s harmful to eat at night, close your eyes and eat in silence.
  • I don’t know about you, but I would like to have the function of taking my brain out at night, and sleep peacefully, without these thoughts.
  • A little trick: if the day is not going well in the morning, then you need to immediately lie down and wait for the evening. Yuri Tatarkin
  • At every party there are two categories of guests: some want to leave early, others want to stay longer. The difficulty is that they are usually married to each other. Ann Landers
  • I have a day to rest and a night to lie in...
  • During the day you look at beautiful and sexy girls and in the evening at home your wife, for all of them, you love and love...
  • Love comes and goes, and so on three times a night.
  • Nymphomaniac: a woman who wants to make love in the evening, although she did her hair in the morning. Maureen Limpan
  • No matter how dark the night is, the morning will always come after it.
  • Night gives shine to stars and women. George Byron
  • Every night, before we fall asleep, we spend a long time remembering what we most want to forget.
  • On the first of January I drink water and with every sip I understand that this is why I should have been drinking it all night
  • You can't change your life overnight. But overnight you can change thoughts that will change your life forever.
  • Evening is approaching. At this time, the animal seeks loneliness, and the man seeks society. Erich Maria Remarque
  • If you chased the teas at night, then at night the teas will chase you in revenge.
  • Conversation on the phone: - Is this an ambulance? The man feels bad here... - Oh, what a pleasant voice! What are you doing tonight?
  • Evaluate the day by the evening, and life by the end. James Herbert
  • That night the queen gave birth to a son, Tolya, and a daughter, Kolya.
  • Last night he thought that he still had a chance. Last night anything was possible. The trouble with “yesterday evening” is that it is always followed by “this morning.” Terry Pratchett
  • The secret to a happy life is to plan your days carefully and leave your evenings to chance. Minion McLaughlin
  • The world is always more beautiful in the evening. Erich Maria Remarque
  • According to the classic Russian diet, you need to eat once a day. But from morning to evening! Mikhail Zadornov
  • Cocktail Party: A place where you meet old friends whom you are seeing for the first time in your life. Mac Benoff
  • Television is a great thing: you can sit at home every evening and watch your wife’s favorite show.
  • The evening, like life itself, succeeds only if everything starts badly. Frederic Beigbeder
  • The morning is wiser than the evening, but there is something in the evening too. Vladimir Vysotsky
  • Evening is a mysterious hour of struggle between light and darkness, when the entire living world passes from one state to another. Theodore Dreiser
  • The morning of the party is more dreary. Georgy Alexandrov
  • Evening is time to think, morning is time to collect thoughts... Vladimir Chernov
  • I swore - you are beautiful and pure, And you are like night, like hell, like blackness. William Shakespeare
  • ...The kettle makes different noises. In the morning it’s hurried and cheerful, in the evening it’s full and peaceful. Tatyana Ustinova

Topics of the issue: sayings about sunset, sayings about darkness, aphorisms about dusk, phrases, jokes and quotes about evening and twilight...

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Evening is an absolutely unique and extraordinary time of day. With the onset of dusk, even a person’s thoughts change. What is this connected with? Let's try to use quotes about the evening in order to understand this issue.

The world is always more beautiful in the evening.
Erich Maria Remarque

Evening is the best time of the day. The long working day is over, you can relax and enjoy life.
Kazuo Ishiguro

They don't talk about everyday life in the evenings.
Henry Lyon Oldie

During the day everything is different from the evening and at night.
Anthony Burgess

In the cold of a winter evening, burning windows warm the soul with especially cozy warmth.
Haruki Murakami

A little trick: if the day is not going well in the morning, then you need to immediately lie down and wait until the evening.
Yuri Tatarkin

The morning is worse than the evening if the evening is a success.
Anna Veter

The best thing about Sunday is Saturday evening.
Gilbert Sesbron

Many sayings and quotes about the evening claim that this is a pleasant time when you can relax after the hustle and bustle of the working day, relax and devote time to your family and yourself. After all, it is in the evening that we have the opportunity to devote ourselves to something that we like or that we love. Well-planned leisure time is very important.

In everyone's life there is one evening that is somehow connected with time, with memory and song. One day it must come - it will come spontaneously, and when it ends, it will fade away and will never happen again exactly. All attempts to repeat it are doomed to failure. But when such an evening comes, it is so beautiful that you remember it for the rest of your life.
Ray Bradbury

Evening approaches as imperceptibly as old age approaches a happy person.
John Steinbeck

And even the kettle makes different noises. In the morning - hasty and cheerful, in the evening - well-fed and peaceful.
Tatyana Ustinova

One of the secrets to a long and fruitful life is to grant forgiveness to all people every night before you go to bed.
Ann Landers

Evaluate the day by the evening, and life by the end.
James Herbert

Last night he thought that he still had a chance. Last night anything was possible. The trouble with “yesterday evening” is that it is always followed by “this morning.”
Terry Pratchett

Most people listen to ghost stories during the day with pleasure, but in the evening not without a feeling of fear.
Gotthold Lessing

The world is renewed every evening: the dirty is sent for dry cleaning. Worn things go to waste.
Henry Miller

The time when the sun sets behind the horizon and night falls on the earth is not something supernatural for modern people. But our ancestors had many superstitions about this. How human perception of the dark time of day has changed can be traced by reading statements and quotes about the evening with meaning.

The evening of life brings with it its lamp.
Joseph Joubert

The evening gradually entered that phase when you still don’t want to sleep, but you no longer want to live.
Dmitry Yemets

There is always something to do in the evening. Finally, you can start getting ready for bed. But in the morning you won’t always find something to do. Especially if you slept until lunchtime.
Yuri Tatarkin

The morning is wiser than the evening, but there is something in the evening too.
Vladimir Vysotsky

Evenings can be incredible, nights can be unforgettable, and still after them comes the most ordinary morning.
David Fonkinos

Jealousy, like illness, worsens in the evening.
Paul Lotan

The evening, like life itself, succeeds only if everything starts badly.
Frederic Beigbeder

Evening is a mysterious hour of struggle between light and darkness, when the entire living world passes from one state to another.
Theodore Dreiser

Many people are used to spending a cozy evening in front of the TV, watching the next series and eating dinner. Not a good time, to be honest. But you can, for example, read. If you don’t know what, read these quotes about the evening, and choose the author of the aphorism and then read his book.

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