How to obtain a bank guarantee (algorithm). Bank guarantee - sample We cannot obtain a bank guarantee

How to obtain a bank guarantee: what is a bank guarantee + parties to the contract + 4 types of bank guarantee + 3 methods of obtaining + 4 requirements for the customer + 5 steps for quick receipt.

When signing a contract with a completely new company, every businessman is afraid of falling into a dishonest partner and losing his money.

Now you can insure yourself against such cases, but to do this you need to know.

What kind of tool this is for doing business, we will describe in detail below.

What is a bank guarantee?

Bank guarantee (BG)– this is a document of a financial nature, the task of which is to ensure the fulfillment of all terms of the contract by the executor of the contract (principal) to its customer of services or goods (beneficiary).

In this case, the guarantor that everything will be done is, that is, the bank.

A bank guarantee is required when signing contracts of the following nature:

  1. State;
  2. Municipal;
  3. Commercial;
  4. When announcing a government purchase (tender).

In the event that the contractor does not fulfill his obligations in particular or in general, the bank is obliged to pay a penalty to the customer.

Afterwards, the credit institution will, as soon as possible, demand that the executor pay the amount that they had to pay to the beneficiary.

To receive a bank guarantee, the executing company will have to prove its responsibility and solvency, because financial institutions do not give out big money to everyone.

Who are the subjects of a bank guarantee?

Before obtaining a BG, you need to know which entities are involved in the transaction.


    A person who, according to the contract, is the executor of the order, and before the bank - the borrower.


    The party that prepares documents to obtain a bank guarantee, and also assumes responsibility for paying the penalty to the customer on behalf of the contractor.


    A company that orders services or goods, which enters into an agreement with the principal and pays him a fee for this.

When this type of lending, such as a bank guarantee, first appeared, it could only be obtained from a financial institution.

Today, the law does not prohibit insurance companies from participating in such transactions.

4 types of bank guarantee

To conclude contracts in the state or municipal sphere of activity, the following types of bank guarantees are used:
Type of guaranteeDescription
1. Bank guarantee for the return of the advance. This type of banking service is intended to protect customers from performers who took an advance payment for the work, but refused to continue cooperation after transferring the money.

In such a situation, the credit institution is obliged to return to the state customer the amount of the advance paid.

2. Tender. Participants in public procurement can receive such a guarantee from the bank.

Its task is to ensure the conclusion of a contract with the winning bidder.

If he refuses his duties, the customer will receive a certain amount of money from the bank, which is specified in the contract.

3. Guarantee for the duration of the contractor's warranty. This type of document is often used when purchasing technical equipment.

How does it work? - The customer purchases goods from the supplier along with a guarantee for full service for a certain period of time.

If during this period the equipment breaks down and the supplier refuses to carry out repairs or delays the work, then the customer receives from the bank the amount under the bank guarantee agreement.

4. Guarantee to ensure fulfillment of the terms of the contract. The main function of the document is to provide a guarantee that the contractor will strictly adhere to all the terms of the contract.

According to the law, for violation or failure to comply with at least one point, the customer can receive the amount specified in the bank guarantee.

Bank guarantees are also divided into types:


    Those that are fully paid;


    Obligations are partially paid;


    Payment is made only after the agreement is signed by the beneficiary, if all requirements are met;


    Payment is made without fulfilling the terms of the contract, but with a written application;


    According to this type, one of the parties can change the terms of the contract;


    Changing the contract is considered impossible.

3 popular ways to get a bank guarantee

Today there are 3 common ways to obtain a bank guarantee:


    This type is characterized by personal submission of an application at a branch of a bank or insurance company.

    The classic option is used when the contractor needs to receive a large amount (from 20 million rubles) as a bank guarantee.

    Another option is when the bank has restrictions on the maximum amount of guarantees issued.


    More and more banking services are moving electronically. BG today can be issued and received using an electronic signature online.

    This type of service is convenient because it takes a minimal amount of time and there is no need to collect a bunch of printed certificates. In just 4 business days, the principal can receive approval from the bank.

    There is also a significant disadvantage - these are restrictions on the amount. One guarantee should not exceed 5 million rubles.

    According to the bank's rules, one person can issue several guarantees, but their total amount should be no more than 10 million.


    You can get a BG under an accelerated program in those banks that need new clients.

    It is for this purpose that an expedited procedure for processing and receiving a document was created.

    For this program, the list of required documents and the application review period are reduced (up to 5 working days).

    This option is not suitable for those who are counting on a large amount of money. Under an accelerated bank guarantee, you can receive a maximum of 15 million rubles.

Requirements for the principal

For a bank, the main requirement for a principal is solvency. It is also necessary to streamline the accounting and all documentation of the company.

We consider the following company indicators to be the main requirements:

No. 1.Financial stability.

A company that wants to receive a BG must at the time of application. It is imperative to check all documentation and financial statements for several years.

One of the important requirements from any guarantor is the capital of the company, which must exceed the amount of the bank guarantee.

If your company is just developing and does not have large turnover, start with small contracts so as not to end up in debt later.

No. 2. Long existence on the market.

In business, few people trust newcomers; they are afraid of falling for dishonest people. In the case of banks, the situation is the same.

To obtain a BG, the company must exist for at least 3 months. Although in practice, banks refuse to issue guarantees to newly opened companies.

The only condition under which financial institutions give their permission is a large deposit.

No. 3. Participation in tenders.

Financial institutions trust most of all those who have already had experience participating in government procurement and can also boast of large contracts.

If you don’t have such experience yet, then you need to prove your responsibility and financial stability to the guarantor.

It is also important here to have an excellent reputation for fulfilling contracts, even small ones. If your customers confirm that you have fulfilled the terms of the contract well, then getting approval from the bank will not be difficult.

No. 4. Availability of collateral.

When a company provides collateral in the form of real estate, large equipment, a car, etc., it will be easier to obtain a guarantee.

Moreover, the commission for cash transactions will be reduced.

How to get a guarantee from a bank: 5 main steps

Before applying for a guarantee, you need to objectively assess your strengths.

Calculate the actual turnover of money in the company, whether you can provide collateral as an additional requirement, think about the possible risks.

Stage No. 1.

Decide on a financial institution.

Choosing a bank is the first stage and the most important one for obtaining a bank account. By law, not all credit organizations and insurance companies have the right to engage in this type of activity.

  1. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a bank, go through the following steps:

    Check out the list of organizations that can help you obtain a guarantee.

    Information is available on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation:

    Currently there are 279 of them, but the Ministry of Finance changes the list every month.

    • Of course, it is difficult to make a choice just by the name of the organization, so we advise you to familiarize yourself with the offers of the most popular financial institutions that have been operating for more than one year.
    • Individual entrepreneurs who use a simplified form of taxation must provide a declaration of income and expenses for the last year;
    • For individual entrepreneurs who pay tax according to the general system, you need to prepare a declaration in form 3-NDFL;

    For legal entities that use the general taxation system, it is necessary to provide a balance sheet (form No. 1) and a report on the financial position for the requested period (form No. 2).

Let us note that if a financial institution only needs a few certificates to issue a financial statement, then there is a high probability that they are working unofficially and simply want to deceive you.

Stage No. 3.

We sign the agreement

  1. Before receiving a bank guarantee, we advise you to seek objective advice from a lawyer with a contract drawn up by a financial institution.
  2. As a rule, in the standard guarantee contract FZ-44, the main thing is to indicate:
  3. Rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement;

BG validity period;

Receiving a bank guarantee is the same as applying for a loan.

This service is paid, otherwise there would be no benefit for financial institutions to provide such services. Each bank has its own price list for the provision of financial services, which primarily depends on the demand for this service.

The formation of the final price is also influenced by:

  • BG subject;
  • Period of validity of the agreement with the bank;
  • Guarantee amount;
  • The presence of collateral or its absence.

    For example, if there is collateral, the bank will reduce the service fee.

Today banks charge a commission for providing a guarantee in the amount of 4-6%.

In the image below you will see how the cost of BG can be calculated:

Stage No. 5. Obtaining BG

After paying the amount for providing a bank guarantee, the principal receives one copy of the agreement.

The financial institution must also prepare one copy for the beneficiary.

In addition to the main document, the bank is also required to provide an extract from the state register of bank guarantees of the Russian Federation.

How can I get a bank guarantee?

These simple tips about how to get a bank guarantee, will help you become the owner of a profitable contract for your business in a matter of days.

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To conduct tender activities under 44-FZ and 223-FZ, attracting a bank guarantee is the best form of guarantee of integrity. But many financiers are confused about work patterns. Let's figure it out.

Bank guarantee – what is it?

When concluding any transaction, it is impossible to be 100% sure that the counterparty will fulfill its obligations under the contract, even if it has an excellent reputation in business circles.

There are several options to reduce transaction risks or eliminate their negative impact. This:

  1. Receiving a security payment from the counterparty (up to 50% of the contract amount)
  2. Conclusion of a liability insurance contract (from 0.5% to 4% of the contract amount)
  3. Hedging
  4. Conclusion of a guarantee agreement
  5. Bank guarantee (from 0.5% to 6% of the contract amount)

Among the listed options, a bank guarantee stands out. Firstly, it is easy to design, and secondly, it is relatively inexpensive.

A bank guarantee provides a written promise by the bank to pay the beneficiary of a contract, loan or security for the principal in the event that the principal fails to fulfill its obligations.

The principal is the individual or legal entity for whom the guarantee is issued. Usually he is the initiator of the guarantee issue.

Beneficiary is the recipient of funds under the guarantee.

The bank that guarantees is called a guarantor.

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The bank guarantee scheme looks like this:

In fact, the bank takes the risks of the Principal’s fulfillment of obligations and requires a remuneration for this in the amount of 0.5–6% of the guarantee amount.

The principal, of course, can do without the participation of the bank by making a security payment to the counterparty’s account. But this will mean diverting money from circulation, which will result in lost profits. Or loans that cost 3–5 times more than the bank’s remuneration.

Types of bank guarantees

Depending on the area of ​​application, it can be divided into several types:

  1. Tender. Provides protection for the company conducting the tender against the refusal of the winning bidder to conclude a contract. Typically, one of the conditions for participation in a tender is that participants must receive such a guarantee. For the organizing company, this is a guarantee of covering the costs of the tender.
  2. To fulfill obligations under the contract(in a narrower application of obligations under government contracts and agreements under 223-FZ). For transactions in which one of the counterparties is the state, the use of collateral is mandatory. In connection with this, this type of guarantee appeared, which is usually drawn up for the amount of prepayment under the contract.
  3. Money back guarantee. It can be issued if the contracts include an advance payment from the customer. It will insure the customer against loss of the advance payment amount if the contractor fails to fulfill his obligations under the contract.
  4. Payment guarantee. The need to formalize it arises when working with a customer on an “open account” basis. It minimizes the seller’s risks from non-fulfillment of payment terms by the buyer.
  5. Customs. Issued to companies obligated to pay customs duties, and is an alternative to “freezing” funds in the accounts of the Federal Customs Service
  6. Judicial. Issued to the defendant in order to present it to the court as an alternative to seizure of property.

There are so many offers that it would seem enough to write a request in an Internet search engine and choose from the many options offered.

But there are pitfalls here:

  1. Not all financial institutions are conscientious. In pursuit of savings, there is a risk of receiving a guarantee that is not registered in the Register of Bank Guarantees. Check the potential bank in the “Register of Banks Having the Right to Issue Bank Guarantees”.
  2. Secondly, a bank guarantee is a full-fledged loan product, to obtain which you need to open an account, collect a package of documents, provide collateral, etc. All this takes time, sometimes up to 20 calendar days. Although the issuance period itself is limited to 3–5 business days.
  3. Bank guarantees are issued against collateral, which the company may simply not have in the required amount. Young companies (up to 9 months from the date of registration) most likely will not receive the product.
  4. Much attention is paid to the borrower's business reputation. In the event of a one-time failure to fulfill obligations under previous contracts, it will be more difficult to obtain a guarantee, and the cost of registration will be higher. In case of repeated violations, it is almost impossible to obtain a guarantee.

Registration at the bank begins with the submission of an application by the initiator (Principal) to the bank orally or in writing. Already at the application stage, the Principal must know the conditions of the Beneficiary.

Such conditions may include:

  1. Coverage amount.
  2. Coverage period.
  3. Requirement period.
  4. Conditionality/unconditionality.
  5. Other conditions.

If a guarantee is needed to participate in a tender, then all the conditions of the beneficiary can be taken from the tender documentation.

  • refusals in registration are possible,
  • you will have the opportunity to choose the most favorable conditions.

If your company has approved loan products in one or more banks, we advise you to apply to these banks. After all, in fact, you will be able to skip the second stage - collecting documents and opening a current account, since you have already done this work to obtain a loan product. In addition, there is a high probability that the warranty conditions for your company will be better.

What documents are needed

The documents that banks most often request are:

  1. Documents for opening a current account: application, agreement, constituent documents, certificate of state registration, registration, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP), bank card, licenses, appointment documents for the position of general director and chief accountant and their identity cards, etc.
  2. Guarantee of the company owners and documents for collateral.
  3. Application for a bank guarantee.
  4. Financial statements as of the latest date and for a period of three years.
  5. Tender documentation, procurement registration number.

Some of the papers, for example, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP), a certificate from the tax authority, can only be received within a few days. Therefore, we recommend that you start collecting general documents in advance, at the stage of submitting an application to the bank.

The third stage will be signing an agreement with the bank and paying the fee. Only after completing these steps will the bank issue an official guarantee and register it in the registry.

The guarantee is valid for the period specified in it and after it becomes just a printed sheet of paper. If, at the end of the term, the Beneficiary, for one reason or another, has claims to the execution of the contract, this will have nothing to do with the guarantee.

If the Principal violates his obligations, the Beneficiary will have the right to make a claim to the Guarantor.

Warranty claim

The claim is submitted by the Beneficiary in writing to the guarantor bank. The form of the requirement itself and the list of accompanying documents are approved by law by Resolution No. 1005 of November 8, 2013.

Depending on the type of bank guarantee, the Beneficiary must provide the bank with, as accompanying documents, a calculation of the amount of the claim, confirmation of the occurrence of the guarantee event, and confirmation of the advance made.

The sooner the Beneficiary contacts the bank with a demand, the better, but this must definitely be done before the guarantee expires. The period for making payment on demand is regulated by a bank guarantee. The payment itself can be made after the end of the warranty period.

The guarantor bank cannot refuse payment to the Beneficiary if two conditions are met: the guarantee period has not expired and the grounds for payment of the guarantee are filled out correctly.

Quite often, the terms of a bank guarantee agreement provide for a regressive claim from the Guarantor against the Principal. This means that after paying the amounts requested by the Beneficiary, the bank can charge part of the costs for recourse to the Principal. And even if the regressive requirement is not expressly stated in the contract, Art. 379 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation indirectly allows banks to demand compensation. For the bank, this is a necessary insurance against financial losses, but for the Principal, such a condition of the contract can turn into a headache.

Nobody wants to deal with counterfeits, and the state is actively fighting this phenomenon in various fields of activity. As for counterfeit bank guarantees, they also exist. Fraudsters are coming up with more and more new ways and, circumventing the law, make money from it and simply disappear.

In order not to be deceived, it is important to be careful and not agree to conditions that seem tempting.

Short time

One of the proposals may indicate a short period for issuing a bank guarantee, for example, a few hours or during the day.

Although many banks make a lot of efforts to reduce the processing time for such applications, they are wary of companies with large losses, so they carefully check their history. This takes time and may often require additional documents to make a final decision.

Small volume of requested documents

Usually, by analyzing the package of documents provided by the applicant, one gets an idea of ​​who the bank will have to deal with. It’s one thing if some services of a site attach information about an already accredited participant, and another thing when someone submits an application for the first time and provides the required limited package of documents. This may indicate that the bank is not going to conduct an analysis, but is simply ready to issue a guarantee.

These are just some of the possible offers from banks that do not have the right to issue this type of guarantee. Among them, it may also be that the response to obtaining approval for a bank guarantee may not come in the form of a notification, but simply from a private email address or, in another case, via a telephone call.

It is a pity if someone had to be disappointed after receiving such a guarantee from the bank. It is better to always turn to trusted sources and the list of banks approved by the Ministry of Finance.

Participation in large tenders and concluding lucrative deals for government orders always has a positive effect on the company’s reputation. That is why commercial enterprises, especially young ones, strive to increase their prestige in this way. By law, any company can participate in auctions provided that established requirements are met, one of which is financial support for the contract. For young organizations, the amounts may be prohibitive. However, with proper execution of a bank guarantee, the problem will be solved.

The procedure for issuing a bank guarantee for participation in tenders

A company wishing to participate in the auction must obtain a bank guarantee from a bank or other credit institution. Therefore, before nominating yourself for participation in the competition, you need to understand the intricacies of issuing a bank guarantee, which is a necessary document when conducting a tender. Obtaining it is a rather complicated process, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with the procedure and requirements in advance.

The procedure for obtaining a bank guarantee includes several stages:

  1. Selecting a credit institution. By law, not any bank can act as a guarantor. The list of organizations that have the right to issue bank guarantees can be found on the website of the Ministry of Finance. However, you should not make a decision in favor of one or another credit institution based solely on this list; you can use the following actions:
    • issue a guarantee at your bank, provided that it is on the list;
    • learn about the advantages of different credit institutions from other tender participants;
    • contact a brokerage company;
    • look at the register of banks on the government procurement website.
  2. Selecting an option to obtain a bank guarantee. Credit organizations working in the field of securing government contracts have developed individual options for issuing guarantees. There are three of them:
    • classic version of consideration. It is used for large contract amounts (from 20 million rubles), as well as when it is necessary to set the maximum limit value for issuing a guarantee. In a classic approach, a credit institution analyzes the financial condition of the company and fixes a certain amount of money for one year;
    • expedited review option. Credit organizations interested in attracting companies that win tenders offer special programs for the prompt execution of a bank guarantee. Such programs provide for the fulfillment of clear requirements and the provision of a simplified package of necessary documents. All this makes it possible to consider the application submitted by the winner of the competition in a shorter time frame. Thus, receiving a bank guarantee will take up to five days. However, with an accelerated review option, you can count on an amount of no more than 15 million rubles;
    • electronic bank guarantee. This type of consideration significantly saves time, relieving the company participating in the tender from the need to provide a “paper” package of documents. The provided documents must be certified with an electronic signature, in turn, the bank guarantee is also issued in electronic form and also using an electronic signature. As a rule, it takes no more than four business days to receive a guarantee. The disadvantage of this option is the reduced amount of the guarantee, which does not exceed three to five million rubles. If several guarantees are provided, the total amount cannot exceed ten million rubles.
  3. Additional terms and conditions. Their implementation may be required by the bank, so such conditions also need to be taken into account when issuing a bank guarantee. The most common requirements are:
    • opening an account. This is usually necessary when the guarantee amount is 10–15 million rubles. The bank may require the company to open an account and also conduct transactions through it;
    • deposits and pledges. Today, many credit institutions have abandoned the mandatory requirement for collateral and deposits. This instrument is used in cases where the financial indicators of the company participating in the tender do not correspond to the amount of the guarantee;
    • surety. Very often banks put forward such a requirement as mandatory. However, such a condition in the absence of collateral and deposits is quite adequate.

The procedure for issuing a bank guarantee consists of only two stages.

  • At the first stage, the credit institution checks the submitted documents and, through analysis, determines the company’s capabilities to fulfill its obligations. At the same stage, the bank chooses the method of issuing a guarantee and determines the amount of remuneration for its services. In total, these actions will take no more than an hour.
  • At the second stage, the credit institution carefully analyzes the package of documents, the financial condition of the company, and within three to five days announces a decision on issuing a bank guarantee.

Is there a chance for a young company to obtain a bank guarantee on its own?

As mentioned earlier, participation in government tenders is a profitable and prestigious event, the obligatory condition of which is securing a contract. Its size can reach up to 30% of the contract value. Young companies cannot always exclude such funds from circulation, however, a bank guarantee can be obtained for this amount, provided that the company meets the requirements of the credit institution.

The main requirements that banks impose on companies wishing to receive a bank guarantee are as follows:

  • company registration date. The company must be registered at least six months before submitting the application;
  • losses of the organization. The company must not have debt or its existence must be justified by compelling reasons;
  • availability of property. In most cases, credit institutions will require it to be provided as collateral.

The first two points are realistic to fulfill: in six months the company will just get a little accustomed to the market, but will not yet have time to accumulate debts. Problems often arise with the latter requirement due to the fact that the company has not yet accumulated sufficient resources. As a result, the young organization will not be able to participate in the auction due to lack of guarantee.

True, a guarantee can now be obtained without collateral, but the amount of such a document may not be what the company was counting on. Nevertheless, there are no hopeless situations: you can contact a brokerage company for help. Thanks to connections, experienced specialists will be able to negotiate with the bank on the optimal conditions for issuing a bank guarantee, and will also take on the preparation of the necessary documents, which will significantly increase the young company’s chances of winning.

What documents are needed to obtain a bank guarantee?

To issue a bank guarantee, you must provide a package of documents to the credit institution. As we said earlier, the bank’s consideration of the application is divided into two stages. The following documents are required for the initial preliminary analysis:

  • company website address or brief information about it;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities received 30 days before the date of submission of the application to the bank for a guarantee;
  • quarterly financial statements (forms 1 and 2) for the last year, and with a simplified taxation system - a declaration for the last year;
  • tender registration number or link to it.

For the second stage of consideration of the application, the list of documents is already more extensive:

  • Juristic documents:
    1. Passports of the head of the organization and business owners.
    2. Certificate of state registration.
    3. Articles of association.
    4. Certificate of registration with the tax authority (OGRN, INN).
    5. Certificates from the tax authority about open accounts and the absence of debt.
    6. Certificate of amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
    7. List of participants or extract from the register of shareholders of the company.
    8. Documents confirming the powers of the general director.
  • Accounting documents:
    1. Financial statements.
    2. For organizations applying the general taxation system: balance sheet (Form 1) and income statement (Form 2).
    3. For organizations and individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system: a tax return under the simplified tax system for the last completed year, an extract from the book of income and expenses.
    4. For individual entrepreneurs using the general taxation system: tax return 3-NDFL.
  • Tender documents:
    • Documents on the government contract (link to tender, draft contract, etc.).
  • Documents about the company:
    1. General information about the company in any form.
    2. Information that may influence the bank's decision, for example, work experience and performance of similar contracts.

The following list contains the documents that banks most often request. Only a credit institution can provide a complete list.

Where can I get a bank guarantee for a government contract?

Modern legislation has significantly narrowed the range of credit institutions that have the right to work in the field of government procurement. Thus, bank guarantees can be issued by banks that are included in the list of banks that meet the established requirements.

  • Availability of a license to carry out banking operations issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • Carrying out banking activities for at least five years.
  • Availability of own capital in the amount of at least one billion rubles and authorized capital of at least 500 million rubles.
  • Compliance with mandatory standards stipulated by Federal Law No. 86-FZ of July 10, 2002 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” for all reporting dates over the last six months.
  • There is no requirement from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to implement measures for the financial rehabilitation of the bank; however, this requirement does not apply to banks in respect of which measures to prevent bankruptcy are being implemented.

The register of credit institutions entitled to issue bank guarantees is maintained by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the basis of information received from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and is posted on the Ministry’s website. Currently, this list includes 259 banks.

However, today you can get a bank guarantee not only from a bank, where you will have to do all the work of collecting and preparing documents yourself. An alternative may be to turn to intermediaries. Specialists of brokerage companies, as a rule, have extensive experience in working with government procurement, will help in choosing a credit institution, and will also take on the work of issuing a bank guarantee.

Does your company need help obtaining a bank guarantee?

Obtaining a bank guarantee on your own, as has been noted more than once, is a rather complicated procedure that also requires a lot of time. Even large companies do not always cope with such an event, and for young companies, fulfilling all the requirements established by a credit institution becomes especially difficult, and the result is missed opportunities.

The problem lies in the absence of its own tender department or specialist who could deal with all the necessary documentation. But such an employee appears when the company regularly participates in tenders. The young company simply does not need it. Deadlines for submitting applications are limited, and lack of experience in issuing bank guarantees and concluding contracts can lead to the loss of valuable time.

Completing documents to obtain a bank guarantee takes a lot of time, but ultimately provides the company with the opportunity to participate in the tender. If you need to save time, but an electronic guarantee is not suitable due to the low amount, then it is better to entrust the documentation to a specialist. This will not only allow you to meet deadlines and free up working time, but also prevent mistakes that could lead to refusal to receive a guarantee.

Get a bank guarantee
from 3000 rub.

Send a request

For many entrepreneurs, a bank guarantee is one of the necessary and irreplaceable documents when applying for participation in the state. procurement The bank acts as a guarantor that the entrepreneur (participant in tender procurement) will fulfill all his obligations to fulfill the contract. Some customers require a bank guarantee when submitting an application to participate in a competition or auction. Thus, customers reinsure themselves against unscrupulous entrepreneurs. Any entrepreneur can receive bank guarantees, but some may encounter certain difficulties.

Bank guarantee. How to get

It is not difficult to obtain a bank guarantee from a bank for companies that have extensive experience and a good reputation. But for inexperienced legal entities and individuals who have just begun to develop their business, when obtaining a bank guarantee, a lot of difficulties may arise:

  • Guarantor banks require collateral for reinsurance. The following is considered as collateral:
  1. pledge of property (movable, immovable);
  2. pledge of funds.
  • To obtain a bank guarantee, you will need to provide a package of documents;
  • It will take the bank up to 2 weeks to review the application for a bank guarantee (which is not entirely suitable for entrepreneurs who decided to participate in government procurement late);
  • Guarantor banks often require remuneration for their services, the percentage of which is greatly inflated. Which is not entirely suitable for the client.

Therefore, the search for quick investments may be delayed, which will lead to the loss of a profitable large government contract.

How to get a bank guarantee without collateral

Obtaining a bank guarantee without collateral is a completely feasible mission. But there are some peculiarities when issuing a bank guarantee. Clients must understand that when a guarantor bank issues an irrevocable bank guarantee, it takes on a certain risk; the risk is that if the client fails to fulfill its contractual obligations, it is the bank that will have to pay compensation, which should fully satisfy the customer. Compensations are paid by the bank from the reserve, authorized fund. It is possible to obtain a bank guarantee without collateral if the company’s all indicators (financial inclusive) are impeccably high.

Bank guarantees without collateral are quite possible, but for this the financial institution needs to check and make sure that the client company is a stable business partner and has a good reputation. Bank guarantees without collateral or security are issued after the most in-depth verification and analysis by the bank's security service. A bank guarantee without collateral or collateral is issued by the bank in the shortest possible time, but at significantly higher interest rates.

Obtaining a bank guarantee from a bank

A bank guarantee can be obtained by anyone who has decided to develop their business and increase their production capacity by participating in state tenders. procurement Bank guarantees without collateral can be issued without any problems, but you need to remember some nuances:

  • A bank guarantee to legal entities without collateral or guarantors is issued by any financial institution. But it is best to make a bank guarantee in a bank that is registered with the Ministry of Finance of Russia and is in the top 10 banks of the Central Bank of Russia; it is this unsecured bank guarantee that is considered genuine.
  • A bank guarantee without collateral is a big risk for the bank, so it is necessary to provide a full package of documents that will confirm the client’s reliability and financial platform. After all, in fact, an unsecured guarantee is a kind of loan, only with a more thorough and in-depth study of the risk.
  • It is possible to obtain bank guarantees only after a thorough, as deep as possible check. This may take the bank about three weeks. But sometimes the company only has a couple of days to receive a bank guarantee.

Bank guarantee

A bank guarantee of collateral is a more feasible task. Its registration will require less time and documents. But at the same time, the bank will still carry out a certain study procedure:

  • Trustworthiness;
  • State of the art;
  • Financial opportunities;
  • Debts and more.

Subject to complete reliability and compliance with all financial requirements. The institution is issued a collateral bank guarantee.

How to obtain collateral bank guarantees? A collateral bank guarantee can be obtained if you provide:

  • Deposit;
  • Real estate or other material assets.

How to make a collateral bank guarantee? To do this, you need to contact a financial institution - a bank that is registered by the Ministry of Finance of Russia and is in the top of the Central Bank of Russia. A collateral bank guarantee is not a new product, and is very popular among entrepreneurs for attracting quick investments. A collateral bank guarantee is much more profitable than:

  • Credit;
  • Unsecured bank guarantee.

This financial product is extremely beneficial for companies, since the interest paid to the bank is significantly lower than when repaying a loan. The return of the prepayment (advance payment) is guaranteed.

How to get a bank guarantee quickly interests many. To register, please contact:

  • Solid bank;
  • Brokerage office.

A reputable bank, which is included in the register of top banks of the Central Bank of Russia. Collect the necessary package of documents. The bank will conduct an inspection and issue a bank guarantee. For discussion and provision of a bank guarantee. It may take up to 10 business days. The procedure is the same as when applying for an unsecured bank guarantee or lending under a bank guarantee.

But for quick registration, it is better to contact a brokerage office that directly cooperates with reputable banks. It is financial advisors who have complete information about all offers and other financial products. Brokerage companies will select the most favorable conditions, with a low interest rate, that are right for you. To do this, consultants constantly study the market of proposals, compare, and analyze. When applying for a bank guarantee, the client is provided with a personal consultant who will help fill out all the necessary documents. The financial consultant will deal only with your application throughout the entire registration process.

Such cooperation will be equally beneficial for both parties. As a rule, brokerage houses charge a percentage of the bank guarantee for their services. But at the same time, they help you prepare the documents correctly, which significantly reduces the risk of your application being rejected by the bank. They recommend which financial institution to contact and issue a bank guarantee on more favorable terms for the client. To register through a brokerage firm, you must provide a complete package of documents. The processing time for information on your application will be up to 7 working days.

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