Updating the foundation under a wooden house. Repair of the foundation of a wooden house - from eliminating cracks to complete replacement

Old wooden houses go to new owners in different situations. They can become property by inheritance; some citizens deliberately purchase cheap housing as a summer cottage. Both of them subsequently face the same problems. Due to the influence of time or lack of maintenance, wooden houses require major repairs. First of all, it is necessary to fix the foundation, insulate the walls, repair the roof, replace windows and doors. And after that you can move on to internal work. The foundation is the basis of any structure, so the restoration of a wooden house most often begins with it. Repair work should be carried out in warm and dry weather.
Common foundation damage.
Depending on the area and the era of construction, there are different types of foundations.
The oldest houses stand on ordinary stones, the cracks between which are sealed with cement-sand mortar. Over time, numerous cracks appear, which increase annually if the owners do not carry out timely maintenance.
Monolithic foundations replaced stone foundations a little later. However, they were made by their ancestors without taking into account the depth of soil freezing and without a reinforcing frame. Therefore, the corners of the house often sag, and wide cracks appear in the foundation.

Any of these foundations can be repaired on your own by spending money on materials and devoting your free time to the activity.
Repairing cracks and crevices in the foundation
To restore the strength of the foundation of the house, you must first consider the next steps to repair the entire structure. It’s one thing if you just need a cosmetic update to the appearance (plastering, painting). In this case, you can use reinforcing mesh and plaster to restore the foundation. But if you plan to insulate the house, decorate the walls with siding or relief plaster, then you have to increase the thickness of the base. The technology for such repairs looks different.

First, an excavation is made under the base of the old foundation. This is necessary to increase the adhesion of the new concrete layer to the old one.
Next, reinforcement of sections of the foundation with cracks is carried out. To do this, holes are drilled with a hammer drill into which pieces of reinforcement with a diameter of 8-10 mm and a length of 150-200 mm are hammered. They should protrude outward by about 3-5 cm.
The individual steel pins must be connected to each other with binding wire.
The next stage of repair will be the installation of formwork. The distance between the plank structure and the concrete base is selected taking into account the increase in the width of the walls. The formwork must be securely supported with supports from the outside, and wooden partitions are installed inside to fix the width.

The fastest stage of work will be pouring the cement-sand mixture into the formwork. To speed up the preparation of concrete, you will need a concrete mixer, and you will have to work with construction mixtures using shovels.

In this simple but effective way, you can restore 2-3-meter sections of a cracked foundation.
Complete replacement of the concrete base
In the case of a stone foundation, as well as in case of subsidence of corners with complete spalling of large sections of concrete, it will be necessary to completely replace the foundation. This work must be done in stages, using the following scheme.
The first step is to remove stones or a piece of concrete from under one of the corners. To do this, a certain layer of earth is selected and the remains of the old foundation are removed. At this stage, you can lift the sagging corner of the log box using a jack.

If the soil is loose, then it is necessary to install internal formwork and secure it. The length of the section is limited to 2-3 m.
Using steel reinforcement or rods, a reinforcing frame is made. It must extend beyond the area being restored so that the reinforcing belt can be tied into a single metal structure.

The individual rods are connected to each other with binding wire.

After this, you can begin installing the external formwork. To fix the wooden structure, internal struts and external supports are used.

Stones from the old foundation are placed on the bottom of the formwork, and concrete is poured.

It is important to compact the concrete mixture thoroughly to eliminate large air pores. It is best to break old pieces of concrete with a heavy sledgehammer.
After a day, the formwork can be moved to another area, where an internal plank wall has been pre-installed and a reinforcing frame has been created.

When the entire foundation around the perimeter of the house has been restored, you can start decorating it or start repairing the walls. Now you don’t have to worry about the foundation of the house.

Foundation repair. Causes of destruction. Restoration of the foundations of brick and wooden buildings

In any structure, the foundation is the most important part, since it is this structural element that bears the main load and protects the structure from the penetration of dampness from the soil. But sometimes, due to the influence of unfavorable factors and due to a long period of operation, it is necessary to repair the foundation - this work can be done with your own hands only if you know all the basic nuances of the process. In this article we will look at some options for solving the problem.

Cracks are the first sign of problems with the foundation

Causes of foundation destruction

Let's figure out what factors have a negative impact on the design:

Subsidence If a shallow-depth design is used, then a situation cannot be ruled out in which the soil will sag during freezing and thawing.

There are often cases when the lower part of the foundation is washed away by groundwater, which leads to deformation of the system and can cause the destruction of individual sections

Pushing out the foundation Such troubles happen exclusively with shallow foundations and occur when the ground freezes and pushes the structure located underground upward. That is why such options are not used often, especially if winters in your region are cold.
Frost heaving If the foundation is not very strong, then when the soil freezes, it can break through the structure from the side, which will cause cracks to appear and shift of individual sections relative to the plane of the main system. It is worth noting that such situations most often occur in old buildings, where the material has already been weakened and the surface layer has begun to collapse
Tilting the base Most often this happens due to the fact that groundwater washes away the soil from the outside or inside and there is no support for the side plane. This is the most dangerous situation, as it can cause the destruction of the entire structure.

There may be other causes of problems.
Before you begin to eliminate them, you need to understand the issue in order to prevent similar troubles from occurring later.

Processes occurring in the soil are most often the cause of structural failure

Description of some types of work

We will talk about the most common situations and how to properly fix the problem. Much depends on what material the house is built from - brick or wood. It is on this basis that we will divide all the work.

Brick buildings

Repairing the foundation of a brick house begins with checking how quickly the process of destruction or subsidence occurs. To do this, paper tape is glued to the cracks, which is checked daily; if it breaks within a few days, it means that it is necessary to urgently begin strengthening the structure in order to avoid major problems.

The first way to solve the problem is to saturate the soil under the foundation with cement mortar.

The foundation repair technology in this case is as follows:

  • A hole is dug next to the structure at an angle of 35 degrees to the surface.. The depth should be such that the lower part is located at the bed stone or near the crushed stone cushion. It is important that you free up space and provide access to the soil, which bears the brunt of the load;
  • Next, a pipe with a diameter of 150-200 mm is inserted into the dug hole, through which cementation will be carried out. For work, a liquid cement mortar is prepared, which is poured until the soil is completely saturated (that is, after filling the pipe, the composition will not decrease for at least 2 hours);

Saturating the soil with cement allows you to make the base under the foundation much more reliable and stop the destruction of the structure

  • After 48 hours, the procedure is repeated to ensure the best result.. If necessary, similar work can be carried out in several areas of the system. Such repairs to strip foundations will be effective in cases where problems arose due to weakening of the soil or its washing out by groundwater;
  • After finishing the work, paper is again glued to the cracks, if it breaks within two weeks, then you will have to use more radical methods of work.

Repair of a broken foundation can also be done by drilling the structure itself and strengthening it and the soil with cement mortar

A more radical method is the following option for strengthening the base:

  • A trench with a width of 20 and a depth of at least 35 centimeters is dug around the entire structure.. If the ground is not very hard, then you can strengthen the walls with boards, it is important that the edges do not crumble;

Sometimes when digging a trench, big problems are discovered in the form of collapsed areas

  • Next, holes are drilled into the surface, the diameter of which should be 10 mm and the depth approximately 5 cm less than the thickness. For work, a hammer drill with a drill of the appropriate length is used; the tool must be powerful enough, since the work involves high loads;

Technicians use equipment with a stop to make work easier

  • Then pieces of reinforcement are hammered into pre-prepared holes with a diameter of 12 mm, they should protrude on the surface by approximately 50-100 mm. The next step is to construct a reinforcing belt on the surface, which can either be welded or fixed with binding wire. It is important that the design is reliable, because the strength of the final result depends on it;

When constructing, do not skimp on materials; it is better to achieve excessive rather than insufficient reliability

  • Afterwards, if necessary, formwork is installed and pouring is carried out, for which concrete grade M200 is used with a filler of small or medium crushed stone. It is important to carry out the entire work process in one stage in order to achieve maximum structural strength;
  • Such a reinforced concrete ring allows you to distribute the load on the old and new parts of the foundation and eliminate problems with decay and subsidence.

If there are problems on only one side, a similar work process is carried out only there.
This allows you to reduce the labor intensity of work.

Repairing a columnar foundation is carried out in a similar way, with the only difference being that you need to make formwork around each support, and then pour concrete. This allows you to increase the load-bearing capacity of the elements several times.

Wooden structure

There are very common cases when it is necessary to repair the foundation of an old wooden house. Most often, the foundations are in such poor condition that a complete reconstruction is necessary.

The process is carried out as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to simplify the design as much as possible: Remove all furniture from the structure. Next, you need to punch holes in the foundation for the location of metal channels, which should be installed in increments of one and a half to two meters, depending on the reliability of the structure and the features of its design;

If the lower crown is rotten, then it is better to make holes directly in it so that the structure rests on strong logs

  • As for raising the structure, there are two main options. The first is the use of hand jacks; you will need quite a lot of them; when working, you should constantly monitor the uniformity of the process so that the structure does not tilt. The second option involves the use of special equipment; work with it will take a few minutes, but you will have to pay specialists who provide such services;

You can lift the house with hand tools, but it will take a lot of effort

  • After lifting, be sure to make sure that the structure is stable and will not fall on you during work. Next, a trench of the required width and depth is dug, a cushion of crushed stone is poured into it and a reinforcing frame made of reinforcement is installed;
  • Pouring the foundation is no different from ordinary work of this kind. It is necessary for the structure to stand for at least 3 weeks in order for the concrete to gain strength characteristics. After this, the surface is waterproofed and the house box is lowered onto it.

The second option to solve the problem is to repair the foundation with screw piles; this type of work has the following features:

  • First of all, you need to raise the house, this is carried out in the same way as described above, so we will not dwell on this process in detail;
  • Next you need to screw in the piles, their number and length are calculated depending on the structural features and depth of soil freezing. The elements are located on the outside of the old base and can be wrapped either using special equipment or manually;
  • After screwing in, the top edge of the elements is aligned, if necessary, protruding elements are cut to the required height, it is important to achieve minimal differences;
  • Next you need to weld the frame from the channel and profiled pipe so that a reliable foundation is formed on which the house will subsequently be installed. The size and thickness of the products must be sufficient to withstand loads without any loss of reliability;
  • Application of a protective anti-corrosion coating- an important part of the work on protecting metal elements; use only high-quality compounds for this work.

A pile structure will cost much less than a concrete foundation

Of course, when apartments are being renovated, there is no foundation as such, but when working in the private sector, you will have to pay the closest attention to this part of the structure.


Naturally, repairs to the foundation of a wooden house can be carried out by analogy with a brick one; it is not at all necessary to raise it. The most important thing is to choose the option of strengthening the structure in which you will achieve the best result. The video in this review will help you understand the works even better, and if you have questions, ask them in the comments below.

No building can last forever, and one day even the strongest house will require repairs. The most vulnerable part of any structure is the foundation: it must constantly withstand a high load from the weight of the building, in addition, it is affected by humidity, temperature fluctuations and other destructive factors. Repairing the foundation of a wooden house is a labor-intensive process, but with its help you can significantly increase the durability of the structure.

Why is repair needed?

Repair of the foundation under a wooden house is rarely required: if the construction technology is followed, the building can last for many decades. But one day the owner will notice that the house has begun to sag towards the ground or tilt to one side, this indicates that its foundation has begun to deteriorate. Repairing the foundation of a wooden house begins with an inspection: it is necessary to dig a trench around the entire perimeter and carefully inspect the foundation, identifying damaged areas.

It is also important to determine the causes of damage in order to eliminate them, otherwise very soon repairs to the foundation of a wooden house will be required again. The most common reasons why a foundation may become unusable:
  1. Increasing the weight of the building. For example, adding an attic without strengthening the base may result in it not being able to withstand the increased load and starting to crack. Over time, this process will create a risk of collapse for the entire house.
  2. Violation of construction technology. If builders decide to skimp on the quality of materials or ignore drainage work, over time the foundation will begin to collapse. This is the main danger when buying an old house, about the construction of which little is known. A long-awaited purchase can turn into a serious disappointment.
  3. Displacement or subsidence of the soil due to the wrong choice of foundation type.
  4. Time factor. Any material wears out over time, and in this case it is enough to replace part of the foundation and strengthen places that still retain sufficient strength.

Repairing the foundation of a wooden house with your own hands can be done in several ways, depending on the nature and extent of the damage. In some cases, you can do without lifting the house, but more often you have to use jacks to replace the foundation and not damage the walls.

Methods and options for foundation repair

If we are repairing the foundation of a wooden house ourselves, it is necessary to establish as accurately as possible the causes of the problem and outline ways to eliminate it.

Repairing the foundation of a wooden house without raising the house is possible if the building settles evenly due to wear of the strip foundation. A trench is dug along the perimeter of the building, after which it is necessary to remove the crumbled parts of the foundation.

The surface is tapped to remove damaged fragments, after which repairs can begin. There are several methods to restore the strength of the foundation:

  • Holes are made in the foundation into which reinforcement is inserted, after which the trench is gradually filled with concrete mortar. It must completely fill the voids, ensuring the strongest possible bonding of the foundation. Since the base becomes wider, it is necessary to create a new blind area that will remove moisture from it.
  • Another option is to create a full-fledged new reinforced belt that will provide complete fastening. A trench is dug around the perimeter of the house, the width of which is 20-30 cm, and a layer of sand is poured onto the bottom, which needs to be compacted.

The reinforcement is laid, formwork is installed on the outside, the height is equal to the basement of the house. Concrete is poured, after which it must dry completely. After this, the base becomes much thicker, so it is necessary to install drip linings on it.

Foundation repair with building elevation

Repairing the brick foundation of a wooden house is rarely complete without raising the building: the pillars are destroyed unevenly, as a result of which the building begins to settle to one side. How to raise a wooden house to repair the foundation?

Lifting is carried out using jacks; this is a rather complex technological process. The building rises very slowly and gradually, otherwise if a misalignment occurs, the logs or beams may crack.

Before this operation, it is necessary to remove the doors and windows; most often, the floor structure is disassembled. It is recommended to lift the building from 4 sides at once, and after lifting it is installed on temporary supports.

After this, you can carry out work to remove supports damaged by time, install formwork and pour a new foundation. The house will be on supports all the time while the new foundation is drying; only after complete drying will it be possible to lower the building into place just as slowly and gradually.

Many companies for repairing the foundation of a wooden house are ready to offer their services, but if you have all the necessary equipment, you can handle this work yourself. It is important to take your time and follow the technology of all work, then the building will not be damaged during the rise and will be completely restored.

Foundation replacement cannot be delayed. If the owner notices even a slight distortion in the house, it is necessary to begin repairs as soon as possible. Damage to the foundation creates a threat of collapse of the entire structure, after which it will be impossible to restore the building.

“The house is bursting at the seams!” - such an emotional statement can often be heard both from the owners of country cottages and small garden houses that were built quite a long time ago. Invisible small cracks first appear on the walls and base of the building, which over time become larger and “capture” more and more new surfaces. The appearance of such cracks serves as the first alarm bell, warning the owner that it is time to repair the foundation. This is not an easy task, but in this article we will try to talk about how to repair and reconstruct an old foundation with your own hands.

  1. Causes
  2. Working with waterproofing
  3. We carry out repair work
  4. Video

When is repair necessary?

The following signs on the building will help you understand how serious repairs are to be made to the foundation of the house:

  1. Distortions of doorways and window frames, which causes problems with opening and closing.
  2. The appearance of new and significant increase in the size of old cracks on wall surfaces.
  3. Annual flooding of the basement or cellar with melt water in the spring.
  4. Destruction or severe cracking of the foundation.
  5. Changing the position of stairs and porches.

It is worth noting that not in all cases these signs indicate the need to repair the foundation of a private house with your own hands. If the building was erected not very long ago or any construction work was carried out next to it, then the cracks may show normal “shrinkage” or be a sign of minor shifts in the foundation.

In order not to start panicking prematurely and saving money for repairs, you should check the rate of crack expansion. The method is simple and not very expensive: you need tissue paper or a paper napkin, which indicates the installation date of such a beacon, and stick it on the crack. Then we observe how long it takes for the paper to tear. The less time it takes for the house to “rip” the paper, the more urgent the foundation restoration work must become.

Most homeowners, having realized that the foundation of a wooden house or one built from any other material needs repair, wonder what caused its damage.

Main causes of damage

Destruction of the supporting structure and foundation of the house can occur due to the following factors:

  • the foundation depth was insufficient for this region;
  • incorrect choice of foundation type and materials for the soils present on the site;
  • incorrect calculation of technical characteristics and parameters;
  • serious technological violations during construction;
  • use of low-quality or non-compliant building materials;
  • the building was completed and rebuilt, as a result of which the maximum load on the structure was exceeded;
  • construction work was carried out not far from the house, which led to significant ground movements;
  • destruction of materials due to aging;
  • incorrect location of waterproofing or its complete absence;
  • change in the level or volume of groundwater or groundwater;
  • the site on which the building is located has been or is exposed to natural hazards such as earthquakes, landslides or floods.

Types of jobs

Today there are many ways and techniques that allow you to reconstruct and strengthen the old foundation. It's no secret that houses are built from a variety of materials, such as brick, artificial and natural stone, wood, reinforced concrete and on various types of foundation. Strengthening the supporting structure of each type of structure is done in a certain way. Repair and reconstruction of the foundation of an old wooden house will require lifting the entire structure into the air, and then laying the foundation. This method is not suitable for buildings built of brick or concrete.

Emergency construction assistance

In the event that it is necessary to make emergency repairs to the old foundation under the house, we take the following actions:

1. Rupture the soil to open the foundation in the place where the crack or cracks are most actively expanding, or in the place of subsidence or “collapse”.

2. Dig a hole to the base at an angle of 35° and, using a metal or asbestos pipe, pump in a solution of liquid concrete. Pour the solution until it stops being absorbed. After one or two hours you will need to repeat the download. This procedure is carried out 2-3 times every other day or two.

3. Install paper test beacons on the crack. If the paper breaks and subsidence of the foundation continues, you will have to perform circular concreting of the foundation.

4. If everything is fine, then cover the exposed area of ​​the structure with soil and compact it thoroughly.

We restore waterproofing

The easiest way to repair foundation waterproofing is injection. When using it, special injection solutions are injected through specially drilled holes in concrete, penetrating to a depth of up to one and a half meters. In the process of their interaction with moisture located in the base, swelling occurs and, thus, the pores close. This stops the flow of moisture from the surrounding soil into the foundation.

How to make repairs on their own?

Of course, it also happens that the causes of deformation and destruction of the foundation can be force majeure circumstances, such as, for example, constant and increasing flooding due to the construction of new multi-story buildings or extensive landslides. It is very difficult to cope with these on your own from a technical point of view, and quite expensive from a material point of view. In all other cases, with effort and time, you can repair and strengthen the strip foundation, or any other, on your own.

We repair strip foundations

In modern construction, this type of foundation is used most often. According to its characteristics, it represents an integral structure, but it is allowed to exceed the permissible loads on its individual sections. Heaving soils can have a serious deforming effect, resulting in a distortion of the foundation of the building. In this case, repairing the strip foundation on your own should begin with balancing the forces acting on it. The easiest way is to increase the area of ​​the entire base of the house. All work begins from the place where the greatest tilt is observed and is carried out in stages:

1. A section of the wall about two meters is outlined and a trench is dug near it, such a depth that the lowest point of the damaged structure is one meter higher than it.

2. Clean the base and the above-ground part of the plinth, freed from soil, from dirt, layers of plaster or paint.

3. All cleaned surfaces are treated with a deep penetration primer.

4. Anchors are screwed into pre-prepared holes in the damaged area. Vertically, the number of rows cannot be less than three, and horizontally, the distance between elements varies from 60 to 120 cm.

5. A reinforcing mesh made of metal rods with a diameter of 10 to 14 mm is welded to the fixed anchors.

6. Concrete solution is pumped into the cavities formed due to destruction.

7. If the damage to the base is quite extensive, then you will have to install formwork at a distance of 7-15 cm from the boundaries of the old base, which will need to be filled with concrete mortar.

8. After the concrete has completely dried, a waterproofing layer is attached to it.

9. The trench is filled with soil layer by layer, compacting each layer.

Such work will have to be carried out quite quickly, since prolonged idleness of the foundation in the open causes more intense subsidence of the structure.

What is the price?

The cost of repairing a damaged or deteriorating foundation is influenced by the following factors:

  • type of base;
  • funds for the purchase of building materials;
  • the price of the repair and installation work itself.

Restoring a strip foundation under a wooden house will cost about 4,000 rubles per 1 m2, and the cost of repairing the same meter, but at the base of piles, will cost twice as much - 8,000 rubles.

Foundation Repair

Delays in foundations are not only typical for new structures, but often for already established ones. This is due to various hydrological and physical-mechanical changes in the lower layers of the soil, which reduces its carrying capacity. In addition, the properties of the soil may change if construction work is carried out near the house.

The first sign of precipitation is cracks in the stage. But don’t be afraid right away, in almost any case you can fix the basics yourself.

Expectations start at the base of the base stone and sometimes increase over time, reducing the stability and performance of the base.

However, often the sinking can become temporary, as usually the slight sagging of the stone on the stone finds new, more stable support.

But if the dive continues, it is better not to hesitate with repairs.

To determine the presence and speed of movement, paper lamps with the date of their installation are attached to the cracks.

A quick break from them will confirm the need for foundation repairs.

Do it:

  1. pull under the base tilted flock at a 35° angle to the bottom of the layer;
  2. Asbestos is inserted into the hole or a metal tube with a diameter of 15-20 carriers is poured into a thin cement or concrete mixture until the soil under the foundation foundation is completely satisfied (the solution is poured for 1 hour);
  3. After 1-2 days the procedure is repeated.

After this, fix the cracks in the beacons and wait for the result.

If the dive continues, then the technology for correcting the foundations of further strengthening is as follows:

  1. on the periphery of the foundations, a 20 * 35 cm ditch is dug, in which wooden boards are placed in the form of a tree;
  2. lay metal seams in the seams of the old basement and weld them together with the reinforcement, thus creating a reinforced belt;
  3. Pour concrete into the panel with a small charge of crushed stone or gravel.

Example of fundamental cracks

As a result, a reinforced concrete ring around the perimeter of the house, which should significantly strengthen its load-bearing capacity, must be used to evenly distribute the load-bearing capacity of the structure horizontally, thereby stopping the leveling.

This type of foundation repair is used when blind spot cracks are coming from all sides of the building.

Ways to repair old house foundations

If one (or more) is on one side, all of the listed work is done on the problem only.

In a similar way, foundation column repairs are carried out, performing this work along the perimeter of each column.

Advice! Placement between every two columns under concrete cast metal, reinforced concrete or wood beams, as if connecting both columns, can significantly increase the load capacity.

Secure the foundation of a wooden house

Repairing the foundations of a wooden house is perhaps the simplest version of this type of work.

Built according to old technologies, the foundations in such houses often go quite far, leading to the slope of the house.

In this case, minor foundation repairs will not be useful, so you need to build a new one. Fortunately, with a wooden house, this is a very feasible task that can be solved without demolishing a private wooden house.

If you want to replace the foundation, you must unload it completely.

This is done as follows:

  1. remove literally all the objects in it from the house, remove soil, minimize the weight of the house;
  2. under a canopy with a pitch of 2-2.5 m made of lead steel or reinforced concrete beams, which are under the corresponding hole sizes;
  3. The beams are lifted evenly by hydraulic connections and supported by pre-prepared temporary supports;
  4. replace the foundation and after installing the waterproofing, lower the structure into place.

To restore the foundation of an old wooden house, you need to take care of replacing old rotten crowns.

Procedure for lifting a wooden house with trailers

A little about vortices

Nowadays, screw pilots are very often used as an alternative to conventional concrete bases.

According to their characteristics, the purchases are no worse, but the total costs are about three times cheaper.

In addition, helmets can be easily installed (can be installed by hand) and last at least 100 years without changing their physical properties.

The foundations can be repaired by propeller pilots independently, which is only true for wooden houses, which, as we already know, are not very problematic.

The installation technology for propeller pilots is as follows:

  1. depending on the type of soil that is located below the house, the freezing depth, the calculated mass load, the appropriate type (according to GOST) and the number of pilots are selected;
  2. under the raised house, freed from the former foundation, mark the location of the load-bearing walls in the form of a grid and on its periphery, as well as at the intersections in the intended place for screwing each pile;
  3. in certain places, using special equipment or manually using a set of levers, rotate the piles below the floor level at the same height;
  4. then a glued gasket after sanding the section using a specially selected threshold (larger or smaller cross-section depending on the load), thereby creating an actual iron grating channel built according to the shape of the house walls;
  5. Lower house onto prepared grill.

For weak soils that are subject to constant flooding, for wooden, wooden and wooden houses, the base for pilots is the best option.

The house is built on the basis of propeller pilots

Repair of waterproofing foundations

Repairing the foundations of a brick house should also be done when water appears in the basement, cellar or underground.

This indicates a violation of the waterproofing of the foundations and/or plinth, which may adversely affect their integrity.

Two types of waterproofing:

First, the use of a cast asphalt gasket on the surface of the second cylinder is made of material (roofing, waterproofing, brizol, etc.) that are glued together with the same joint.

For insulation, also use cement (from special cement) or asphalt concrete plaster.

Oaklechnaya and paint waterproofing are carried out on both vertical surfaces and horizontal surfaces.

Vertical insulation is mounted on the wall, directly on the ground (down to the level of an empty surface or sidewalk).

Horizontal serves to protect the walls of the house and basement from floor moisture that penetrates from the bottom of the basement of a common or country house.

In uncontested buildings, in the basement, above the level of the sidewalk or empty area of ​​200 mm, in basement houses, horizontal waterproofing is arranged on two levels:

  1. in the basement floors;
  2. in the basement, above the level of the sidewalk or blind surface.

For those who renovate apartments, the fund is not as important as it is practically not a question of cracks and pumping, and in the event of such a problem, the municipal authorities will solve it.

Based on materials from the site: http://fundament-expert.ru

Reconstruction of the foundations of a wooden house and its insulation

Reconstruction of the foundations of a wooden house is necessary in cases where the lower walls of the walls and the foundation of the building have become unusable.

Such negative aspects can be found in a house that has served its owner for many years.

It is based on an old wooden house

Today, craftsmen are ready to offer owners of wooden houses, whose support has become useless, two opportunities for renovation.

The first option is acceptable if the magazines below are located directly on the floor.

In this case, at the corners of the house they are glued to the corner of the gears. This procedure is performed by hand drilling.

The fittings are inserted into the hole. which is then poured with concrete (you need to rely on a long hammer, it must cover above the surface).

Thus, we get the appearance of a pile. The movements rotate every meter.

Use three connectors to lift up a corner and part of the wall. The pilots that stick to the surface are then bent and welded together. Once the entire circumference is completed, we will continue to excavate all of the old substrate and then pour the concrete.

In the second case, the use of reinforcement is not guaranteed. In case the foundation of the house is really very bad in the corners, and a cave breaks out in the middle of the wall.

In most cases they are 50x50.

After this, we pour concrete into the dug wells. Such “pedestals” will serve as the basis for ports through which the house will grow. The joints are replaced with bricks, the panel is laid out and the strip foundation is poured.

Today we will look in more detail at the second version of the reconstruction.

Characteristics of reconstruction

Initially, it should be noted that the tape is the foundation for the reconstruction of wooden houses from very well installed ones.

I would like to mention that all activities are carried out exclusively by an expert.

This is mainly due to the fact that the division of the log from the surface is overloaded with many shades. If you ignore even one of them, you can destroy the structure of the entire house, which can lead to its collapse.

Connections and lifting capacity must be used to perform unloading of the house from the surface, which must be selected according to the size and area of ​​the house.

The criteria for joining and the scheme of measures taken are selected based on an analysis of the condition of the lowest crowns and the condition of the old base.

Preparation of sites for trailers

They decided on technologies, met the master, they did an analysis - it was time to start the main work.

Do the work in the following order:

  • Selecting points under the nest;
  • Partial disassembly of the old substrate at selected points;
  • If necessary, organize specific “pedestals”;
  • Installing a socket.

After these activities are completed, we continue to implement basic measures.

Repair of the foundations of a wooden house is carried out using the following technology.

Reconstruction technology

Technology - a model of a monolithic structure.

  • After installing the connectors, we begin to accurately lift the frame;
  • Damaged parts of the old place are dismantled after it.

    In such areas, the coated and reinforcing bonding equipment has an old structure that has survived as a result of survival;

  • All molded formwork is filled with concrete. If something is bad and almost everything is destroyed, then it is advisable to restore it in parts. Remember the internal reinforcement frame;
  • The construction of a house falls on the foundation only if the concrete receives all its strength.

At the final stage of reconstruction, another important event will be carried out: the introduction of thermal insulation of the new base.

How to insulate the foundations of a wooden house?

Don't pay enough attention to this issue, you have dangerously cold floors and discomfort in your home in winter.

So far they have been invented and successfully used for thermal insulation:

Heater - earth, expanded clay

This is the cheapest method of heating, and at the same time it is the most complex process, since it requires large areas of land.

For a house of 100 square meters you need almost 100 cubic meters of land.

Yes, the cost of land is not very good, but the quality characteristics of such insulation are far from perfect.

Using ceramic insulation will cost you a little more. But in this case you will get better insulating properties compared to earth.

This insulation process also involves high physical stress, so a third insulation method, polyurethane foam, is an ideal option.

Insulation - polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is an ideal modern tool for thermal insulation in a wooden house.

Its main advantages are:

  • Lightweight - minimal weight;
  • Low thermal conductivity.

Today, polyurethane foam can be purchased in various thicknesses - thirty, fifty and one hundred millimeters.

Repairing the foundations of an old wooden house - the base of the apartment will be reliable!

The thickness of the insulation should be selected based on the thickness of the already restored substrate.

We suspect

Finally, I would like to summarize: reconstruction of the support of an old wooden house is possible with all forms of destruction.

Each institution can be restored, everything will depend on the chosen technology and the experience of the master.

However, you should not take risks in this regard and it is better to contact a specialized company that has experience in this type of work.

Interesting video:

After restoration, do not forget to take thermal insulation measures.

Today we learned about three types of insulation, but there are many more. Only an expert can give you useful advice on choosing the type of insulation.

On the materials pages: http://domunit.ru

Features of brick houses

Owners of their own brick houses of unsuccessful or old construction are often faced with the need to solve problems caused by deformation and destruction of the foundation of the house. This problem is very typical for brick (stone) private houses due to the rather large weight of brick walls compared to walls made of lighter building materials, for example, wood.

The appearance of cracks in the foundation is a dangerous sign of the beginning of the destruction of a brick house, threatening to lead to distortion and destruction of walls, ceilings, as well as the entire supporting structure.

If the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner

restoration (strengthening) of the foundation, the house may become uninhabitable. A high-quality repaired foundation of a brick house will not only stop the current process of subsidence and distortions and prevent its continuation, but will also provide excellent conditions for the construction of a second floor.

Causes of foundation destruction

Some houses stand intact for centuries, while others collapse after a few decades.

It also happens that the destruction of a house begins even before construction is completed. Typically, the main difference in the lifespan of a building is the quality of the foundation. If over time the first signs of destruction of the foundation of a brick private house appear, then to solve this problem it is necessary to repair it. To do this, it is necessary to first establish the reasons that caused this destruction.

There are three main groups of factors leading to the destruction of the foundation of a brick house: defects in the construction of the foundation, human activity, and the influence of natural factors.

In the first case, during the operation of the building by people, the foundation can be soaked with tap water. As a result, the soil and the foundation of the structure become wet and freeze in winter. In the second case, the reasons for the destruction of the foundation may be poor quality of the solution or illiterate design. In the third case, for example, seasonal soil heaving has a detrimental effect.

Signs of destruction

The main sign that something is wrong with the foundation of a brick private house is the presence of depressions and cracks at its base.

During the process of shrinkage of the building, the foundation may develop cracks, which will not progress and will require only cosmetic repairs. You need to stick paper tape across the cracks and monitor its integrity for ten days. If after this period the tape remains intact, then it is enough to fill the crack with broken bricks and concrete it. If the tape is torn, this means that the foundation will continue to deteriorate in the near future, and therefore it is necessary to immediately begin to restore it.

Self-repair of the foundation of a brick house can only be done for strip and pile structures. Repairing reinforced concrete and concrete foundations requires specific skills and knowledge, as well as the availability of special construction equipment, that is, the involvement of professionals.

The only thing you can do in this case on your own is to strengthen the foundation.

Preparing for foundation repair

Repairing the foundation of a brick house should always be preceded by a thorough technical examination. Accurate and reliable identification of defects that affect the load-bearing properties of the base is extremely important for the correct selection of repair methods.

If you have no experience in performing such work, you should invite specialists who are able to make a professional assessment of damage to the foundation.

Strip foundation repair

A strip foundation may be subject to local heaving of the soil, which causes the foundation of the house to skew. When repairing such a foundation, the first step is to balance the impact of external factors on the foundation.

The easiest way to do this is by increasing the basal area. Before strengthening the foundation of a brick private house, it is necessary to select a section of the wall no more than two meters long and begin to strengthen the foundation of the house according to the framed pattern. Near the building you need to dig a ditch, the distance between the bottom of which and the lowest point of the existing foundation should be about one meter.

Then the old foundation is prepared with a new base. For this purpose, holes are made for grooves and fittings. Then formwork is made for the new foundation. In this case, it is necessary to tie a frame made of reinforcement, which subsequently adheres to the reinforcement inserted into the building. After tying the frame of the building, everything must be filled with concrete. When the concrete is completely dry, the renewed foundation must be buried, and then a new trench must be dug.

You can only work on one area on one side of the house.

Pile foundation repair

Columnar (pile) foundations are usually designed for light loads. Repairing a columnar foundation involves moving the house onto an almost new foundation.

When carrying out such foundation repairs, the following sequence of work is performed:

  • The structure is installed on temporary supports. At the same time, you can continue to live in the house.
  • The pillars are being dismantled.
  • A trench is dug under the house.
  • A sand cushion is compacted under the house.
  • A well-reinforced tape twenty centimeters thick is poured.
  • The pillars are installed on the reinforced tape.
  • Installation of prefabricated or monolithic reinforced concrete beams is carried out.

    The beams are arranged between the pillars like a strip base.

  • In case of significant destruction, the pillars are placed in reinforcing steel cages.
  • The house is lowered onto a freshly prepared foundation, its position is adjusted until doors and windows open optimally.
  • The old foundation is dismantled.

Strengthening the foundation with bricks

You can strengthen the rubble foundation of a brick house using bricks, cement mortar, clay and waterproofing material.

A foundation reinforced in this way can last for several more decades. Therefore, this method is considered one of the best. The work should begin by excavating the soil near the base.

You need to make a trench about a meter wide and up to half a meter deep. Then you need to thoroughly clean the upper and lower parts of the foundation, otherwise it will not be possible to strengthen it properly.

After doing this work, it will be possible to detect all kinds of damage that the base of a brick house has. They must be sealed with cement mortar. Then you need to wait for it to dry completely. After this, the foundation is covered with roofing felt or covered with bitumen.

At the last stage, bricks are laid using cement mortar near the base of the house. The resulting gap between the masonry and the foundation must be filled with greasy clay. Then the created structure must be left for seven to twelve days, after which the soil should be filled and compacted near the brickwork.

Procedure for laying a foundation below the soil freezing depth

Often the foundation of a house is built so that its base is lower than the freezing depth of the soil.

In this case, the base is practically not exposed to the influence of the soil, which has a lifting nature. In this case, a situation may arise in which the soil is washed away from it by groundwater. Therefore, before strengthening such a foundation of a brick private house, drainage work should be carried out. First, drainage systems must be installed, and then all concrete destroyed by groundwater must be removed.

After this, both repair and restoration work can be carried out on the basis. To strengthen the foundation of a brick private house on such a foundation, you need to do almost the same as in the case of a strip foundation. The only difference is that after completing the repair work, it is necessary to install additional protection against moisture so that it does not cause major damage to the house.

Foundation waterproofing repair

It is also necessary to repair the foundation of a brick private house when water appears in the basement, underground or cellar.

This is a sign of a violation of the waterproofing of the base and/or foundation, which ultimately may negatively affect their integrity.

There are two types of waterproofing: painting and pasting. The painting one is a mastic made of bitumen applied to the surface of the masonry, the lining is made from rolled materials (brizol, waterproofing, roofing felt, etc.), which are glued with the same mastic. In addition, cement (made from special cement) or asphalt plaster is also used for insulation.

Pasting and painting waterproofing is carried out on both vertical and horizontal surfaces.

Vertical insulation is installed on a wall that is directly adjacent to the ground (to the level of the sidewalk or blind area).

Horizontal insulation serves to protect the basement and walls of the house from ground moisture that penetrates from the base of the foundation. In houses without basements, it is carried out in the basement, 200 millimeters above the level of the blind area or sidewalk; in basement buildings, horizontal waterproofing is installed at two levels: at the basement floor and in the basement above the level of the blind area or sidewalk.

Particularly severe cases

Repairing the foundation generally increases its load-bearing capacity, which prevents further destruction of both the foundation itself and other structures, as a result of which the service life of the entire house increases.

Repairing the foundation of an old wooden house with your own hands

However, it must be taken into account that there are cases when repair work carried out to strengthen the foundation does not lead to the desired result. Cracks in the walls continue to appear, the basement is flooded with water, and the house is sagging in old or new places. In this case, it is necessary to make a decision to change the foundation design, which will require reconstruction of floors, walls, and so on.

Repair time

Knowing the rules and methods for repairing the foundation of a brick house, like the foundation of any other building, is not enough.

It is necessary to choose the right time to carry out this work. For example, experts do not recommend starting repair work in the cold season.

This is explained by the fact that, on the one hand, at this time the soil becomes frozen and hard, and on the other hand, cement, like any mortar, loses some of its properties.


A good foundation is the key to long-term operation of a building. But it happens that over time the foundation under the still fairly strong building begins to collapse.

If the house suddenly begins to tilt, to “go somewhere,” urgent repairs are needed.

Repairing the foundation is not entirely easy, but it is possible using the recommendations of specialists.

Main causes of destruction

The choice of foundation restoration technology depends on the cause of the onset of deformation.

The most common reasons:

  • Exceeding the permissible load after the construction of superstructures;
  • Violation of waterproofing;
  • High groundwater level;
  • Ground movement due to freezing and thawing;
  • Errors made during pouring (incorrectly chosen pouring depth, incorrect calculation of cement mixture ratios, etc.)
  • Earthworks near the building.

Types of destruction

The recovery process depends on the degree of its destruction.

Conventionally, all deformations are divided into four types:

  • Peeling.

    This type includes small defects that do not affect the overall strength of the foundation of the house.

  • Cracks. Appear as a result of shrinkage of the house.
  • Subsidence.

    Damage that disrupts the geometry of the house and requires replacement of the foundation.

  • Unrepairable destruction. If the stage of destruction at which repairs can still be made is missed, the structure will have to be demolished.

Only deformations of the first and second degrees are subject to repair and strengthening.

Preliminary diagnosis

You can accurately determine the cause of destruction by contacting a specialized company.

However, the cost of the service is high, so many homeowners decide to carry out the diagnosis themselves. There are several diagnostic methods:

Controlling the rate of increase in crack size.

It is performed with beacon markers made from a cement-gypsum mixture. The prepared solution is placed on the crack, after cleaning its edges. Layer thickness 5 mm, length - 15 cm, height - 5 cm.

3 markers are placed on the crack: one at the beginning, in the center and at the end. If opening continues, the marker will crack within 10-14 days. Measuring the depth of cracks allows you to determine the rate of destruction.

Digging pits. At points of destruction, holes are dug 100 cm long and deep to the base of the foundation.

The width is determined by the convenience of digging and taking into account the possibility of soil collapse. This method allows you to control the depth of the foundation, the condition of the waterproofing coating, and the presence of groundwater under the building.

Repair methods

The base is repaired using several methods.

The choice of a specific one depends on the material of construction and the nature of the destruction.

If cracks appear on the base, but the beacons installed on them do not break within 14 days, it can be partially repaired. Minor destruction of corners or some areas is performed as follows:

  • Next to the damage, dig a trench of such depth that the base is exposed.
  • The bottom is filled with crushed stone.
  • Along the edge they make brickwork or install a concrete block.

    The width of the masonry should cover the area with the defect by 20%.

  • Holes are drilled in the base and rods are inserted, which are welded into the reinforced belt or embedded in the masonry seams.
  • The masonry is covered with waterproofing material.
  • The trenches are filled with earth.


The rupture of beacons within 14 days indicates continued divergence of the crack.

In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the soil under the house. A hole is dug around the foundation at an angle of 35 degrees, a pipe with a diameter of 25-30 cm is inserted into it and liquid cement is supplied.

The soil must be completely saturated with cement mortar. A few hours after pouring, the solution is completely absorbed and a second portion is served.

After filling, beacons are reinstalled on the cracks. If after two weeks the beacons rupture again, the filling is repeated.
If the installed beacons remain intact, proceed to the second stage of strengthening:

  • They dig a trench 35 centimeters wide and a depth equal to the height of the foundation;
  • Formwork is installed in it and reinforced with iron rods;
  • Concrete with crushed stone is poured;
  • This method is suitable for columnar, strip and pile foundations.

Major renovation

Severe destruction of the foundation of the building requires its complete replacement.

The methods depend on the building material.

Overhaul of the foundation under the log house is carried out in the following ways:

Replacement with moving the frame. The method is used for log houses weighing no more than 4 tons.

For example, a 4x4 pine log house weighs 3.5 tons. You can raise such a house without using special equipment. You will need 2 jacks and 2 channels. Next to the destroyed one, a new foundation is poured with a base 20 cm lower than the old one. The log house is lifted with a jack and moved along the channel to the new foundation.

The structure is fixed.

Replacement with house lifting. The method is used if the log house is heavy or there is no free area for movement. Under the log house, two holes are punched on one side and channels are inserted.

Repairing the foundation of an old wooden house with your own hands

Jacks are installed under the beams, the frame is raised 20 cm and supports are installed. Then the same procedure is carried out on the other side. Formwork is installed around the perimeter of the building and concrete is poured. Sometimes the only repair option is to completely destroy the foundation and pour a new one.

Partial repair with reinforcement.

If the foundation is damaged in some places, jointing is performed with reinforcement. The corner of the frame is raised, jointed with M12 reinforcement and filled with cement mortar.

The frame can be lowered or moved for any repair option no earlier than three weeks, when the concrete has gained strength.

Repair of the foundation of a brick building

It is much more difficult to repair such a foundation, since it is impossible to raise it.

The repair stages are as follows:

  • Digging a trench around the perimeter of the foundation. It is impossible to dig up the soil to the bottom of the foundation: this will lead to even greater destruction. If the concrete of the old base is poured to 150 cm, the maximum depth of the trench is 120 cm.
  • A reinforcing belt is installed around the base. It is made from a mesh with cells 40x40 cm. Holes for M12 reinforcement are made in the corners. The reinforcing mesh is welded.
  • The trench is filled with concrete based on M500 cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3.

    Allow the base to stand for at least a month.

  • After pouring the foundation, the foundation of the house will be securely fixed.

Restoring the foundation is a complex and expensive type of construction work. Minor damage can be repaired on your own.

Watch the video:

Serious damage will require the involvement of construction workers and industrial equipment.

Foundation repair is a costly and complex undertaking; to do it correctly, you need to know the principle of the structure, the causes and signs of foundation failure. A wooden private house is very common in our area, which is not surprising, because wood is an affordable material, construction costs are relatively low, and the completed house will be environmentally friendly and warm. These are the absolute advantages of a wooden structure. There are also disadvantages, but they do not appear immediately, but after some time of use.

Most often, owners of wooden houses are faced with the fact that the house is “bursting at the seams.” Windows and doors warp, walls sag, and cracks appear. All these visual defects are caused by one reason - the destruction of the foundation. To extend the life of the house, it is necessary to eliminate this destruction in a timely manner. This will require strengthening or reconstruction of the foundation (restoration), complete (overhaul) or partial (elimination of cracks).

It is worth noting that repairing the foundation of an old wooden house is not an easy undertaking, so it is advisable to entrust it to professionals. But, you can do the work yourself. The main thing here is the time factor. The problem must be fixed as soon as it is discovered.

Causes of foundation destruction

Before you begin a detailed study of how to repair the foundation of a wooden house, you need to understand what caused its deformation. Two factors can contribute to this:

change in the bearing capacity of the soil. This occurs due to an increase in the load on the foundation, and therefore on the soil underneath it. The reason may be improper drainage of rain/melt water or an increase in groundwater levels, which leads to soil erosion. The construction of other buildings near the house also increases the load on the soil. As a result, the soil seems to be squeezed out from under the foundation of the house, which can ultimately lead to subsidence of the house or its warping.

loss of strength of the material from which the foundation is made. Among the main reasons are the following: incorrect choice of foundation type, exposure to water, incorrect brand of concrete used during construction, incorrect calculation of the depth of soil freezing, violation of construction technology.

Identifying the cause of foundation failure provides a starting point for investigation.

Types of foundation deformation

The second point to consider is identifying the extent of damage to the foundation. According to the criterion of maintainability, they can be divided into 4 types.

1. Minimal damage.

These include partially exfoliated finishing of the foundation of a wooden house. Such defects do not have a significant effect on the bearing capacity of the foundation. In addition, they are visible to the naked eye and can be removed without any problems.

2. Moderate damage.

These include the appearance of cracks in the foundation of a house due to subsidence or destruction of the foundation. In this case, you should be careful, because... crack crack discord. First of all, its direction is determined. As a rule, horizontal cracks in the foundation are the least dangerous, but vertical or zigzag cracks should alert you. It will also be determined whether the subsidence of the foundation is temporary or whether it is progressive.

The nature of the destruction can be determined using beacons installed on the crack (see photo).

You can use ordinary paper as beacons, but it is worth remembering that when moisture gets in, the paper gets wet and will no longer give a complete picture of the behavior of the crack. Plaster plasters are suitable for use. But the easiest way is to apply a little putty to the wall and use a spatula to draw a straight line and make a mark. Such a beacon is good because it breaks at the slightest movement of the surface. Installing a beacon will not only allow you to notice the enlargement of the crack, but also determine the rate of destruction.

Important. The beacon must be installed on a clean, dry wall to prevent it from moving. The thickness of the beacon should not exceed 5 mm.

If the foundation temporarily settles, the beacons will remain motionless. Those. there is a high probability that the soil under the foundation has moved a little, has taken its place and does not intend to move anymore. Therefore, you only need to perform routine repairs to foundation cracks.

Repairing cracks:

  • widen the crack;
  • clean it from falling parts and dust;
  • treat with a primer;
  • seal the seam with a special mixture or cement mortar.

The destruction of beacons indicates that the fault in the foundation or wall is increasing. This means that sealing cracks will not help, it’s time to take urgent measures - this type of deformation can be classified as catastrophic.

3. Catastrophic damage.

These are foundation defects that can lead to the destruction of the house. Of course, it is advisable to repair the foundation under a wooden house in a timely manner, but there are times when the moment is missed.

Then the technology for carrying out repair work will be determined by the type of foundation. The most popular of which are columnar and ribbon. In each individual case, each owner decides for himself whether he needs to strengthen the foundation or completely replace it.

4. Unremovable deformations.

In this case, the condition of the foundation is so deplorable that there is nothing to repair. It is usually easier and cheaper to destroy an old house and build a new cottage in its place that meets all the requirements of a modern person.

Repairing the strip foundation of a wooden house is somewhat more complicated, so we will dwell on it in more detail.

Strengthening the foundation of a private house - ways to strengthen it

The strengthening method is chosen when the deformations of the foundation are removable and the soil underneath is stable. Or if there is a need for an addition to the house, and the existing foundation cannot cope with the increasing load.

Strip foundation strengthening technology - instructions

  • dig a trench around the perimeter of the foundation. Its width should be sufficient for convenient work and take into account the fact that the thickness of the foundation will increase;
  • clean the foundation surface from soil;

Advice. You can clean the surface well using a metal brush.

  • drill holes. Its diameter should exceed the diameter of the reinforcement by 1 mm. This is necessary for a more dense installation of metal rods;
  • hammer the reinforcement into the holes. Thus, the new foundation will be securely connected to the existing one;
  • make a reinforced belt. To do this, reinforcement is welded to the installed pieces;

Advice. It is advisable to weld the reinforcement only in a few places, and do the main part of the strapping using wire. This type of fastening does not require special skills or tools. But if it is present, the reinforcing belt does not deform when concrete is poured and hardened.

  • formwork is installed;
  • concrete is poured. After the concrete has hardened, the formwork is removed, and the reinforced foundation stands for several more days;
  • the new foundation is being waterproofed;
  • a blind area is made that will allow water to be drained away from the foundation.

Strengthening the foundation of a wooden house allows you to redistribute the load of the structure over a larger area. As a result, the foundation will stop subsiding or collapsing.

Complete replacement of the house foundation

Often the foundation sags so much that water can easily flow into the room. In this case, you need to figure out how to raise the foundation of a wooden house? Or the old foundation can no longer cope with the load on it and then the foundation is reconstructed.

Replacing the foundation under a wooden house - technology

  • maximum reduction of constant and variable load on the foundation. To do this, everything that can be taken out of the house is removed, it is advisable to even dismantle the floor and disassemble the stoves. The exception is furnaces on a separately poured foundation. Naturally, residents are also evicted during the renovation;
  • load calculation (weight of the house). Weight can be easily determined by having data regarding the density of the wood from which the house is built and the total cubic capacity of the wood used. The cubic capacity is calculated based on the dimensions of the house and the thickness of the walls;

Advice. A small and light wooden house is raised using a vault. To do this, an 80x80 beam is placed at the corner of the house. Next, the timber rests on the log. By pressing on the beam you can lift the house like a large lever.

  • choosing a jack to raise a house. Depends on the weight of the structure, the lifting capacity of the jack and their number;
  • digging pits (trenches). It breaks out along the entire perimeter of the house or only in those places where the house needs to be raised. Its presence simplifies access to the foundation. In addition, the appearance of water in the pit will make it possible to understand the level of groundwater;
  • jack establishment. To raise the house smoothly, you need to install the jack correctly. It is installed only in safe places, without destruction or damage;
  • lifting the house. You need to lift the house carefully, slowly, and most importantly evenly;

Advice. To protect yourself in case the jack cannot cope with the load or is installed unsuccessfully, you need to place wooden wedges between the house and the foundation pad. It is advisable to insert wedges every 15-20 mm.

Important: To lay the foundation for a wooden house, you need to raise the entire structure. Considering that the house is wooden, the maximum load will fall on the lower crowns. To prevent them from sagging, you need to tighten the lower crown with a steel hoop or fill it with boards.

  • dismantling the old foundation. If the budget is very limited, and the condition of some parts of the foundation is satisfactory, then partial disassembly can be performed, i.e. remove only the destroyed foundation. However, the cost of work will not decrease significantly, but the quality of work may suffer;

Advice. The old foundation must be dismantled down to the ground.

  • installation of a sand-cement cushion for the future foundation. Despite the fact that the foundation is laid for a finished house, the pillow is an important component of it;
  • installation of concrete or brick supports in the corners of the house. Installation of piles is also possible. They will reduce the load on the foundation in the future. The height of the support is equal to the height of the new foundation;
  • reinforcement. After the columns are installed, the reinforcement is installed. The reinforcement belt will give the foundation strength. We remind you that his installation of an armored belt for the foundation is carried out using wire, not welding;
  • installation of formwork;
  • pouring concrete. The foundation must stand for several days to gain strength. After this, the formwork is removed and the foundation is left open for another 1-2 days;
  • waterproofing. To protect the wood of the house from rotting, you should lay a layer of waterproofing on the foundation. Roofing felt is excellent for these purposes;
  • lowering the house. The house goes down as slowly as it went up;
  • Finishing work. This includes complete waterproofing, cladding, drainage and blind areas.

From the description it is clear that replacing the foundation under a wooden house is a rather risky and time-consuming undertaking, for the implementation of which it is advisable to invite specialists.

How to raise a house and move it to a new foundation is implemented in practice can be seen at

Using the methods described above, you can repair the strip foundation of a wooden house. But what about those who have a columnar foundation?

Repair of a columnar foundation of a wooden house - technology

  • the house rises to the calculated height. The height should be sufficient to carry out the work and at the same time not contribute to severe sagging of the lower crown.
  • leaning pillars are dismantled. It is worth noting that a dilapidated support post must be removed, and a tilted one is simply leveled.
  • soil is selected at the site where new pillars will be installed. We remind you that the pillars are installed at the corners of the building and at the junction/intersection of walls.
  • a sand-cement cushion is placed under the pillar.
  • The pillar is being reinforced.
  • concrete is poured.
  • steel or wooden beams are installed, which take on the entire load from the weight of the house and transfer it to the pillars.
  • the building is going down.

If you need to replace one or two pillars, you can do it as follows. A dig is made in the place where the pillar to be replaced is installed. The tilt angle is 35°. A pipe is inserted into it and filled with solution. After hardening, the old pillar is removed and the new one is leveled. The process is presented more clearly in the photo.

It is worth noting that repairing or completely replacing a pile foundation is much simpler and faster than a strip foundation and takes only a few days, after which you can operate the house as usual.

Repair of brick and rubble foundations - replacement with a monolith

In times of total shortage, i.e. During the construction of the main part of the houses, the foundations were built of bricks (both strip and columnar). Due to its fragility, repairing the brick foundation of a wooden house usually involves replacing the brickwork with a more durable material - concrete. This reinforcement technology is applicable for rubble stone foundations. The method was described on the “House and Dacha” forum and judging by the reviews, the technique showed itself well in practice.

To carry out repair work you will need

  1. Concrete mortar
  2. Armature
  3. Corner for making supports
  4. Jacks for raising a house with a lifting capacity of 20 tons.

Dismantling the old rubble (or brick) foundation masonry We dismantle the old rubble (or brick) foundation masonry in small sections of half a meter.

The freed fragments at the base of the house are needed to install a jack and further transfer the weight of the house onto metal supports.

Construction of a base plate for a jack A base plate for a jack is made at the site of the destroyed base. The platform must be strong and stable, it is poured from concrete with mandatory reinforcement.

Hanging a house with jacks Hanging a house with jacks. You need to lift alternately in all openings.

Transferring the weight of the house to a metal support When the house is hung, it is necessary to install supports pre-welded from the corner, onto which we lower the house.

Installation of external formwork and pouring concrete Upon completion of the reinforcement, the outer part of the formwork is installed and concrete is poured.

In this way, the foundation under a wooden house is replaced.

After reading this article, you have gained an idea of ​​how to repair a damaged foundation, how to strengthen the foundation of a wooden house, and in which cases it must be completely replaced. Using this information, you will gain sufficient knowledge to do the work yourself.

Repairing the foundation of a wooden house - strengthening, reconstructing and replacing the old foundation with your own hands - My Life

Repairing the foundation of a wooden house - strengthening, reconstructing and replacing the old foundation with your own hands Foundation repair is a costly and complex undertaking to do it correctly,
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Your Zodiac sign makes up only 50% of your personality. The remaining 50% cannot be known by reading general horoscopes. You need to create an individual...

Description of the white mulberry plant. Composition and calorie content of berries, beneficial properties and expected harm. Delicious recipes and uses...

Like most of his colleagues, Soviet children's writers and poets, Samuil Marshak did not immediately begin writing for children. He was born in 1887...

Breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method help cope with attacks of high blood pressure. Correct execution of exercises -...
About the university Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky is the largest university in the region, with more than 14...
Macroeconomic calendar
Representatives of the arachnid class are creatures that have lived next to humans for many centuries. But this time it turned out...
Girls and women almost always associate white shoes with a wedding dress, although the white color of shoes has long been no longer required. A...