Sample letter of recommendation for a student activist. How to write letters of recommendation for schools and universities with examples

Life situations are different, and you may someday need a sample letter of recommendation and how to fill it out.

In this article we will cover the question of why a letter of recommendation is needed at all, what information needs to be displayed in it and how to write it correctly.

From a legal point of view and according to some lawyers, letters of recommendation are a relic of the past, they should not be required when applying for a job, much less considered a mandatory requirement for obtaining the desired position, but employment practice shows that employers still ask for references from the previous applicant places of work or study. What functions does a letter of recommendation, reference letter, letter of introduction actually perform? In fact, the role of letters of recommendation is nothing more than an appendix to a resume, which significantly increases the chances of finding a job.

Let's turn to the concept of “Letter of Recommendation” and figure out what it is. This is a description that is compiled in free form, where the professional qualities of a person looking for a job are fully revealed. A letter of recommendation is drawn up at the place of study of the person or his previous work. Its task is to reflect the qualities of the applicant that are important when applying for a job, and either an educational institution or a former employer is ready to confirm this information. There is no standard template for a letter of recommendation, although there are approximate forms of writing it that reflect the personal and professional qualities of a person.

It is recommended that this document be drawn up based on generally accepted rules for writing business letters, and such paper is for informational purposes only. Let's list a number of rules when writing a letter of recommendation:

  • Using a business style;
  • Compliance with the requirements when addressing a person: Partner, you, colleague, employee;
  • The absence of artistic phrases in the text that are used to decorate the narrative and do not carry any semantic meaning;
  • The document must be certified by the signature of the person filling it out;
  • The originator of the letter of recommendation must also be identified.

Let us recall the fact that a letter of recommendation is drawn up at the previous place of work or study, and there is no standard template for writing it. But if we consider the issue in general terms, then a sample letter of recommendation will have the following structure:

  • We fill in the upper right corner: here we indicate the name of the employer and the institution where we want to get the desired vacancy, or we write the phrase “for presentation at the place of request” if the citizen is looking for work.
  • In the middle at the top of the sheet (just below the right block) we write the title “Letter of Recommendation”.
  • The next block is the main text of the letter, and it may look something like this: “I, Savelyev Ivan Petrovich, in the period from April 20, 2013 to March 15, 2015, was the immediate supervisor of Oleg Ivanovich Pavkin. During this period, Pavkin O.I. held the position of chief accountant of the financial department. His job responsibilities included: payroll for employees and preparation of annual financial statements. Occupying this position, Pavkin O.I. I was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses and seminars to familiarize myself with innovations in tax legislation. He coped with his studies “excellently”, mastering the skills necessary for work. During the period of his work at Businessproject LLC, he was repeatedly rewarded with certificates and bonuses for high performance results. He showed himself on the positive side, non-conflict, sociable, friendly with colleagues. Has a number of achievements, such as: “Best accountant of the department”.
  • After the main part of the letter of recommendation, space is given to indicate the reasons why the applicant left his previous job.
  • The last block is intended for the employer from the previous place of work to give a subjective assessment of the professional qualities of the former employee. Here an opinion is expressed about how the applicant worked, what qualities he showed, and other useful information is provided. The end of the letter is drawn up according to the following principle: “Based on the above facts, and personally assessing the professional qualities of O. I. Pavkin, we note his readiness to perform similar duties at a new place of work due to his full compliance with his previously held position. We wish Pavkin O.I. success and career advancement, improvement in the chosen direction and professional growth.”
  • The entire text of the letter of recommendation must be certified by the signature of the official who compiled it. The date of its writing is also indicated.

The letter of recommendation must be certified by the employee's immediate supervisor. This could be the head of a structural unit, department, or branch. Today, such powers are gradually transferred to HR departments, due to the expansion of their powers, in particular to HR managers.

If the job applicant is a student, then the letter of recommendation must be signed by the dean, the head of the department and, in extreme cases, the rector, which is rare. In the case when a student took advanced training courses or attended preparatory courses, it is the course leader who is assigned the role of compiler of the letter of recommendation, and he also puts his signature on the paper.

Irina Petrova was hired as a journalist for the online publication in December 2014. Already in February 2015, she was transferred to the position of producing editor of the news section; Irina Petrova worked in this position until June 2015.

Over the entire period of work in the online publication, Irina Petrova showed herself as a professional journalist and editor, showing the best qualities: efficiency of work, an inquisitive mind, analytical skills, instant switching from task to task, the ability to captivate readers with published materials, broad outlook and individual style letters.

As a journalist, Petrova performed the following functions: filling the site with news, monitoring the work of correspondents and freelance correspondents. In her position as editor, Irina Petrova performed the following functions: stylistic and literary editing of materials, searching for topics for future publications, selecting illustrations, coordinating texts with experts, moderating comments.

Irina handled her job responsibilities flawlessly, and as her immediate supervisor, I can confidently recommend her for work in similar positions.

Editor-in-Chief of the online publication “” Ivan Fomichev

Zabelina Natalya Nikolaevna worked at Advanced Technologies LLC under my direct supervision as an accountant from December 15, 2005 to June 2015.

Zabelina N.N. was responsible for maintaining accounting and tax records in the company, for working with primary accounting documentation, monitoring mutual settlements with suppliers and customers, preparing and submitting reports to the tax service.

Zabelina N.N. has a high level of diligence, is an absolutely non-conflict person, constantly improves her professional level, she is characterized by responsibility and attentiveness, and has excellent mathematical and analytical abilities.

The personal qualities and professional skills of N. N. Zabelina allow us to recommend her for work in the positions of accountant, assistant chief accountant, and chief accountant.

Chief accountant of Advanced Technologies LLC
Gromova Antonina Sergeevna
Contacts: postal address, telephones, e-mail
Seal. Date of.

Sergey Fedorovich Erokhin worked at Tasty World CJSC under my leadership as a delivery driver from September 4, 2008 to May 20, 2015.

Erokhin S.F.’s responsibilities included: control of loading/unloading, timely delivery of food products to retail outlets, catering establishments, as well as vehicle maintenance. During his work at CJSC “Tasty World”, S. F. Erokhin fully coped with his job responsibilities. He always kept the cars entrusted to him in good technical condition and clean. He proved himself to be a responsible, careful, reliable and non-conflict person, and gained respect and authority among his colleagues. Erokhin S.F. knows the technical base of cars well, knows his way around Moscow roads, and has not had any accidents during his work.

The personal qualities and professional skills of Erokhin S.F. allow us to recommend him for work in the following positions: driver, forwarder, forwarding driver.

Director of JSC "Tasty World"
Contacts: postal address, telephones, e-mail
Seal. Date of.

Nikitin Yuri Dmitrievich worked at the Textile City company as a sales manager from January 2005 to July 2015 inclusive.

As a sales manager, Yu. D. Nikitin was involved in large-scale wholesale sales of textile products throughout the Russian Federation. During his work, he demonstrated the ability to navigate the textile market well, analyzed competitors and their assortment, and over ten years of work he collected an impressive client base.

During all the years of work in the company, Yu. D. Nikitin demonstrated a desire for self-education, regularly attending courses on the ability to build a dialogue with clients, working with objections, and making presentations. Yu. D. Nikitin showed himself as an employee with a high level of self-organization, loyalty to the company, and focus on results. Nikitin Yu. D. has high sociability, easily finds a common language with clients and employees, and is non-conflict.

Director of Sales Department at Textile City
Contacts: postal address, telephones, e-mail
Seal. Date of.

Kristina Albertovna Egorova worked at OJSC Business Consulting under my direct supervision as a secretary from October 1, 2010 to March 1, December 2015.

K. A. Egorova’s job responsibilities included: planning the manager’s work schedule, maintaining electronic document management, business correspondence, receiving and sending materials to regional offices, preparing analytical reports.

Dismissal from OJSC Business Consulting took place on the initiative of Egorova K.A. in connection with her move to another city for a new place of residence.

I believe that Egorova Kristina Albertovna has the necessary professional skills and qualities necessary to perform the duties of a secretary/assistant manager in another company.

General Director of OJSC Business Consulting Nikiforov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
Contacts: postal address, telephones, e-mail
Seal. Date of.

A letter of recommendation is a document that is perceived in two ways. In some companies it is treated as a relic from the past, in others (mostly in the West) it is a “start in life”, for example, for a student. One way or another, this application to your resume will not be superfluous.


A document written on behalf of the teacher might look something like this:

I, associate professor Alexey Petrovich Petrov, am a teacher of Alexander Dmitrievich Alekseev in the period 2009-2013. in the disciplines "International Tourism", "Ethics", "New Directions of Russian Tourism". During the training, I noted the high level of knowledge of Alexander Dmitrievich: written and oral exams passed with “excellent” marks; participation in city student conferences with reports: “Prospects for the development of tourism in Murmansk”, “Bringing regional tourism to the international level”, “Development of extreme tourism in the region”; successful completion of educational and practical training in the travel agencies "Russia Tour", "Around the World" as a manager.

Alexander Dmitrievich is my graduate student, his project “Rural tourism in the Murmansk region: development prospects” was awarded a unanimous rating of “5”. The student conducted his research on the basis of personally collected data and surveys, which gives his work great value.

I am confident that Alexander Dmitrievich Petrov will prove himself in his future workplace as an proactive, responsible, creative employee.

  • The high status of the referent, as well as mention of his personal acquaintance with the bearer.
  • Inclusion of opinions “from the outside”: the student’s classmates, teachers, dean’s office.
  • Specific examples of a student's achievements are a minimum of unfounded laudatory characteristics.
  • The mentioned successes should resonate with the specifics of the position being sought.
  • Description of both professional, business and personal qualities.

A letter of recommendation is a document that can help an applicant, especially abroad. Its substantive, stylistically correct, well-founded content often serves as the main factor for the employer’s decision-making.

Is your student planning to continue studying abroad and has asked for a Letter of Recommendation? This task should be approached with all possible attention, because your reputation as a teacher is at stake!

Before you agree, decide: can you write a letter of recommendation in a positive way? If you don’t have a high opinion of a person or simply don’t know him well, it’s better to refuse immediately - it’s in your common interests.

To begin, have the student provide (preferably in writing):

  • a story about what he is interested in, what he does outside of school hours and what he has achieved in this (for example, he is the captain of a football team);
  • a text about why he wants to enter a given university, why he thinks he is ready for this;
  • some universities develop their own form, which indicates which points must be included in a letter of recommendation;
  • a stamped envelope with the recipient's address (if you have to send the text yourself).

It would be good to talk with the student, discuss his goals in study and career, choice of university, and any extracurricular activities that can be mentioned in the text. Find out why he turned to you.

The letterhead of your educational institution will give the text credibility. In general, follow the standard rules of business correspondence (some of the features of written business language we discussed earlier). It is necessary to accurately name the addressee. As a last resort, “To Whom It May Concern” (“To All Interested Persons”) will do.

Part 1. Introduction

I am pleased to recommend___ I am happy to recommend___
I am writing in enthusiastic support of ___ I am writing to enthusiastically support___
It is with great pleasure that I am writing this letter of recommendation for___ It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for___
Based on my experience with ___, I can say... Based on my experience with ___, I can say...
He has been my student during the past five years. He has studied with me for the last five years.
I got to know him very well during this time. I got to know him well during this time.
I’ve learned a lot about him and his abilities. I learned a lot about him and his abilities.
The candidate and the opportunity are a perfect fit. The candidate and the position for which he is applying are simply made for each other.
He is well prepared to move onto the collegiate level. He is well prepared for the transition to the collegiate level.

Depending on which university the letter of recommendation will be sent to, it is written in American or British English. We discussed some differences in one of the previous articles, and you can check the nuances with your teacher at regular or distance English courses.

Part 2. Characteristics of activities

It's not just about studying. Perhaps the student worked as a laboratory assistant for you, gave lectures, or helped classmates in some subjects. The more details and specifics, the better, but outright exaggerations should be avoided - the admissions committee will not accept them at face value.

Among his achievements... Among his achievements...
Over the years, I have had the pleasure of watching... Over the years, I have had the pleasure of observing...
His talents and motivations are not limited strictly to the lab. His abilities and aspirations are not limited to just the laboratory.
was unrivaled in my course had no equal in my subject
a challenge that he met with great success a difficulty which he overcame with great success
balances his time manages your time in a balanced manner
consistently gets excellent marks on his homework and tests Consistently gets excellent grades on homework and tests
excellent oral communication skills/ written communication skills excellent oral/written communication skills
computing technology skills computer skills

Part 3. Personal qualities

Although the conversation is about intangible things, specifics are still appreciated. Comparisons are in order.

It is not enough to say: “Mary is a patient mentor to her peers” (“Mary patiently taught her classmates”), one must give an example. You should also avoid ambiguous expressions.

Part 4. Summary

Emphasize the most significant characteristics and formulate a conclusion:

His abilities and determination will continue to grow. His abilities and motivation will only grow.
He will continue to grow as a leader / creative thinker. He will continue to develop his leadership skills/ability to think creatively.
He will make a great student at ... He would make a great student at...
Without hesitation, I recommend him for ... I have no doubt recommending it for...
He is an exceptional candidate / would be an excellent candidate for ... He is an excellent candidate / could be an excellent candidate for...
I warmly recommend him for... I highly recommend it for...
I am sure you will find him equally impressive. I'm sure it will make the same strong impression on you.
It is with the utmost confidence that I recommend him to your university. I can recommend him for admission to your university with absolute confidence.
Please do contact me if you have any further questions. Please contact me if you have any questions.

for a graduate of class 11 “a” of the MBOU “Sosnovo-Ozersk secondary school No. 1” of the Eravninsky district, Republic of Buryatia

Ardan Valerievich Dambaev, born on 02/23/1998, place of birth in the village of Sosnovo-Ozerskoye, Eravninsky district, passport data 8111 444331 issued by the TP of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Republic of Belarus in the Eravninsky district on 03/28/2012, residing at the address of the Republic of Belarus, village of Sosnovo-Ozerskoye, Domninskaya St. 6a.

The education department of the municipal municipality "Eravninsky district" and the administration of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Sosnovo-Ozerskoysosh No. 1" recommend school graduate Ardan Valerievich Dambaev for admission to a military institution.

Dambaev Ardan Valerievich is a current graduate of the Sosnovo-Ozersk Secondary School No. 1, a candidate for a gold medal, and has a certificate with honors for basic general education.

Ardan’s successes speak for themselves; he is one of the brightest and most significant representatives of the 2015 graduates. In 2012, Ardan took courses on the topic “ International communication technologies and public speaking skills”, has a certificate of registration on international personnel records, assistance in obtaining higher education, including abroad, as well as career guidance in the international field of activity in the system of non-governmental organizations at the UN, UNESCO Yekaterinburg. Based on the results of this study, he received a diploma as a graduate of the UNESCO International Youth Leaders Summer Academy for successfully completing the course “International Communication Technologies and Public Speaking” with the right to participate in events of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations at the UN, UNESCO.

This graduate has a high, positive performance in participating in International, All-Russian and municipal Olympiads and extracurricular activities:

International level:

    2012, certificate of participation in the International Spelling Competition

All-Russian level:

    2010, certificate of participation in the All-Russian Youth Subject Championship in History (5th place)

Regional level:

    2009, diploma of the Interregional Research and Production Commission dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Buryat chronicler, Uligershin, local historian R.E. Erdyneev

    2010, diploma, for 1st place in the artistic speech competition of the Scientific and Production Complex dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the honored worker of culture Sh.N. Nimbuev

    2010 Certificate of Honor for 3rd place in the Republican Scientific and Practical Competition for teachers and students “Beligey Tuyaa”

    2010, certificate for third place at the republican mini-football competition among teams of secondary schools of the Republic of Belarus

    2010, certificate of participation in the IV Republican Competition of Literary Words “Wonderful Treasure of Buryatia”

    2010, certificate for 2nd place in the Futsal Festival among neighborhood teams for the City Council Deputies Cup

    2011, letter of gratitude for participation in the III Republican Conference “Nimbu Readings”

    2011, certificate of honor, for VI place in the Republican Scientific and Practical Team of teachers and students “Beligey Tuyaa”

    2011, certificate of participation in the Republican competition “Gulamta” (10th place in the republic)

    2011, results of participation in the republican interdisciplinary competition “Polyathlon-monitoring” (the achieved level is sufficient)

    2013, certificate of participation in the Republican Scientific and Production Complex “Step into the Future” section “Buryat Language”

    2013, diploma for third place in the Republican Olympiad of the BSU “Baikal Perspective”

    2013, letter of gratitude for participation in the V Republican Scientific and Production Committee “Beligateuyaa”

    2013, letter of gratitude for participation in the interregional Olympiad in the Buryat language

    2013, certificate of participation in the Interregional Olympiad in Baikal Studies"

    2013, diploma for second place in the 20th Republican football tournament “Ulhasaa Cup”

    Certificate of participation in the Republican Complex Olympiad “Lingua-2013”

    2014, diploma of the Republican Scientific and Production Company “Star of the East”, in the category “For the study of Buddhist traditions”

    2014, certificate for participation in the competition of the Buddhist Sandhi of Russia “Ekhe helen-nyutagai magtaal”

    2014, certificate of participation in the interregional game competition “British Bulldog” in English (2nd place in the region)

    2014, certificate for third place in the XXI Republican mini-football tournament among youths

    2014, diploma for 2nd place in the region in the interregional English language competition “British Bulldog”

Dambaev Ardan Valerievich demonstrates a sufficiently high level of basic knowledge necessary to continue studying, has general academic and subject skills, and is proficient in modern computer technologies. The graduate is able to navigate the educational and social situation on the basis of personally acquired subject knowledge, cultural heritage, norms of social behavior and interpersonal communication. Dambaev Ardan knows how to systematize material within the educational topic, is able to reason, knows how to work rationally, and is able to apply his knowledge in practice. Self-awareness and adequate self-esteem, the need for self-knowledge are developed.

Dambaev Ardan is a developed personality, capable of self-determination with a strong civic position and a sense of patriotism. The young man demonstrates social maturity, responsibility for his actions, and has a legal culture. He is distinguished by his ability to defend his views and beliefs, and the ability to find a non-standard solution in an unexpected life situation.

Ardan Dambaev leads a healthy lifestyle and is conscious of his health. This is an indispensable participant in school and regional sporting events. He is involved in the school military-patriotic club “Zorig”, which taught him to use the simplest methods of first aid and act in emergency situations.

In school he is attentive, disciplined, and neat. The material explained by the teacher is learned quickly and easily. The graduate is able to build further educational plans and identify the meaning of his educational activities. He is always ready for lessons and uses additional material in preparation. The graduate knows how to justify his knowledge and the results obtained. Able to translate acquired knowledge into spiritual and material activity forms. Dambaev Ardan is a repeated participant in subject Olympiads in the Buryat language and literature. Possesses competent written and oral communication. Able to plan his work and free time. Dambaev Ardan is an interesting interlocutor, as he is an original, non-standard, peculiar person who has his own point of view on most issues.

If necessary, he knows how to defend his views and position, make up his mind in a situation of choice, while showing firmness and determination.

It has a developed sense of collectivism and mutual support. For his sensitive and responsive character, he is respected and trusted among his comrades. Performs duties in the class team responsibly and conscientiously. Rejoices at the successes of his comrades. Never achieves his own at the expense of others or to their detriment.

Kindness, modesty, responsiveness are the main traits of his character.

Head of the PA "Eravninsky district":___________/Shagdarova V.I/

Director of secondary school No. 1:____________________/Tyshkenova I.Yu./

Letters of recommendation have become widespread as a source of information about a potential employee. Companies, by considering information from such documents, can more objectively study all the strengths and weaknesses of the character and labor potential of each applicant for a vacant position.

A letter of recommendation is most often required when applying for a new job, but it can also be necessary for a student, for example, to receive a grant or scholarship. In the first case, the compiler should ideally be the previous employer, in the second - the dean or one of the teachers. These letters can be written by representatives of various legal entities, as well as individuals who are well acquainted with a particular person.

You can download a sample letter of recommendation below, or you can create its structure and content yourself, in any form. This form is not strictly regulated, it is advisory in nature, however, the basic details and structure of the document must comply with generally accepted business standards.

The introductory part provides information that the employee actually worked in such and such an organization in such and such a position. In this case, it is necessary to write down the time frame for the employee’s stay in the described position, as well as his functional responsibilities. Here you can also devote a few lines to what events and important work projects the person took an active part in, what contribution he made to the advancement of the cause.

The main part includes a brief description of the personal and work qualities of the recommended person. In this section, the recommender describes what achievements characterize a particular employee, and can also give an example of how his best qualities are demonstrated, focusing on his greatest strengths.

It is best to write a letter of recommendation to an employee on the company’s letterhead. Under the text, the recommender puts his signature (preferably also a seal) and leaves personal details with a transcript of his position, indicating his last name and initials. In this case, contacts are needed so that a potential employer can contact the recommender and personally ask questions to get a more complete picture.

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