4 vpr all-Russian testing work. Preparation for the All-Russian test work

From the publishing house "Prosveshcheniye" two sets for primary school:

  • “We are preparing for the All-Russian test work»;
  • "All-Russian testing work."

Uniqueness of the sets:

  • suitable for any teaching and learning instruction in elementary school;
  • correspond to the Approximate Basic educational program on primary education;
  • two series of manuals are used in a comprehensive manner to achieve the quality of educational results of the Federal State Educational Standard (Methodological recommendations for the integrated use of manuals “Preparing for the All-Russian test work” and “All-Russian test work”)

Features of the kits:

“We are preparing for the All-Russian test work” /
scientific supervisor Kovaleva G.S.

"All-Russian testing work" /
scientific supervisors: Yashchenko I. V., Stanchenko S. V.

System of mini-works, training tasks and educational tests (for which answers and recommendations are prepared)

A system of thematic control and testing multi-level works in the format of the VPR, compiled based on the results of testing the VPR in all regions of Russia

Diagnosis of achieving educational results

Assessment of key subject and meta-subject learning outcomes. “Rehearsal” of the final work in the format of all-Russian testing works

Preparation for the final control throughout school year through formative assessment

Preparation for final control throughout the academic year through final assessment


  • Preparation for the All-Russian test work with the Prosveshchenie publishing house. Russian language
  • Preparation for the All-Russian test work with the Prosveshchenie publishing house. Mathematics
  • Preparation for the All-Russian test work with the Prosveshchenie publishing house. The world

Series “Preparing for the All-Russian Test Work”

More details

Webinars on the set “Preparing for the All-Russian Test Work”:

Webinar: Strategies and methodological approaches to creating the kit “Preparing for the All-Russian test work.
Lecturer: Kovaleva Galina Sergeevna, Ph.D., Head of the Center for Educational Quality Assessment of the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education.
Webinar recording: https://my.webinar.ru/record/598837.

Course "Russian language".

Webinar: We learn to work with the manual “Preparing for the All-Russian test work. Russian language. Workbook. 4th grade.
Webinar recording: https://my.webinar.ru/record/598845.

Webinar: How can I help a fourth-grader successfully complete the final work (FPR) in the Russian language? How to prevent typical difficulties and mistakes?
Lecturer: Kuznetsova Marina Ivanovna, Ph.D., senior researcher at the Center primary education Institute for Education Development Strategy RAO.
Webinar recording: https://my.webinar.ru/record/714717.

Webinar: Step-by-step preparation to VPR in the Russian language. Set “Preparing for the All-Russian Test Work.”
Lecturer: Kuznetsova Marina Ivanovna, Ph.D., senior researcher at the Center for Primary Education of the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education.
Webinar recording: https://my.webinar.ru/record/863000.

Course "Mathematics".

Webinar: We learn to work with the manual “Preparing for the All-Russian test work. Mathematics. Workbook. 4th grade".
Webinar recording: https://my.webinar.ru/record/598855.

Webinar: How to help a student successfully cope with problems in mathematics? How to prevent typical difficulties and mistakes?
Lecturer: Rydze Oksana Anatolyevna, Ph.D., senior researcher at the Center for Primary Education of the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education.
Webinar recording: https://my.webinar.ru/record/714637.

Webinar: Step-by-step preparation for the VPR in mathematics. Set “Preparing for the All-Russian Test Work.”
Lecturer: Rydze Oksana Anatolyevna, Ph.D., senior researcher at the Center for Primary Education of the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education
Webinar recording: https://my.webinar.ru/record/859454.

Course "The world around us".

Webinar: We learn to work with the manual “Preparing for the All-Russian test work. The world. Workbook. 4th grade".
Webinar recording: https://my.webinar.ru/record/632147.

Webinar: How to help a student successfully cope with problems with the world around them? How to prevent typical difficulties and mistakes?
Lecturer: Demidova Marina Yurievna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, head of the expert and analytical department of the Moscow Center for Quality Education (MCQE).
Webinar recording: https://events.webinar.ru/9331/28827/record/30109.

Webinar: Trends in changes in the content and requirements for learning outcomes in the natural sciences of the subject “The World around us”.
Lecturer: Demidova Marina Yurievna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, head of the expert and analytical department of the Moscow Center for Quality Education (MCQE).
Webinar recording: https://my.webinar.ru/record/859474.

Series “All-Russian testing works”

More details

Webinars on the “All-Russian Test Work” set:

Webinar: Organization of general repetition in mathematics in the 4th grade using workbooks from the “All-Russian Test Works” series. Tips and recommendations from VPR developers.
Lecturer: Yashchenko Ivan Valerievich, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, member of the Presidential Council Russian Federation in Science and Education, member of the coordination group for the implementation of the Concept of Mathematics Education in the Russian Federation, head of the federal group of developers of the Unified State Exam in Mathematics, laureate of the Government Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of education, founder of the Talent and Success Foundation.
Webinar recording: https://my.webinar.ru/record/881818.

IN Microsoft Excel there are a lot of different functions that make the user’s work much easier, and in this article we will talk about one of them. It is called VLOOKUP, and if in English, then VLOOKUP.

The VLOOKUP function transfers values ​​from one table to specific cells in another. Let me explain in more detail - in the first table you select the value that you need to find in the left column of the second. If there are matches, then VLOOKUP transfers the value from the column you specified in this row to the first table. Although the definition is a little confusing, using the function is not that difficult. Let's look at a few examples.

Since the function is most often used to fill out the column with the price, which is indicated in individual price lists, let’s take the following example. For example, there is a table with fruits (orange), where for each it is indicated how many kilograms we want to order. Accordingly, for each fruit you need to write down the price from the price list (green) given by the supplier, and then calculate how much the purchase will cost. It is difficult to view each item and transfer data, especially if there are thousands of lines with goods, so we use VLOOKUP.

Click on the top cell in the first table in the Price column, and then the “fx” button in the formula bar to open the Function Wizard window.

The next thing we do is write the arguments into the proposed fields.

Put italics in the field "Search_value" and highlight in the first table the value that we will look for. I have this apple.

In the “Table” line, you need to select the one from which the data will be taken - do not select the header. Note that the leftmost column should consist of the values ​​we are looking for. That is, I need an apple and other fruits, which means their list should be in the left column of the selected area.

So that after we write the formula and stretch it across the entire column, the selected range does not move down, we need to make the links absolute: select the data in the field and press “F4”. Now the address of the cells has become absolute, the “$” sign has been added to them, and the range will not shift.

Where the column number is, put the number corresponding in the second table to the column from which you want to transfer data. My price list consists of fruit and price, I need the second, so I put the number “2”.

IN "Time Lapse" We write “FALSE” - if you need to search for exact matches, or “TRUE” - if the values ​​can be approximate. For our example, we choose the first. If you do not specify anything in this field, the second will be selected by default. Then click "OK".

Here, pay attention to the following: if you work with numbers and specify “True”, then the second table (this is our price list) must be sorted in ascending order. For example, when searching for 5.25, 5.27 will be found and the data from this line will be taken, although there may also be a number below 5.2599 - but the formula will not look further, because it thinks that the numbers below are only larger.

How does VLOOKUP work? It takes the desired value (apple) and looks for it in the leftmost column of the specified range (list of fruits). If there is a match, the value is taken from the same row, only the column specified in the arguments (2), and transferred to the cell we need (C2). The formula looks like this:


Now you can stretch it to required amount stitches down by pulling the lower right corner.

All prices have been transferred from the price list to the procurement table in accordance with the names of the fruits.

If you have in the first table the names of products that are not in the price list, for me these are vegetables, then opposite these points the VLOOKUP formula will produce the error #N/A.

As you add columns to the worksheet, the data for the Table argument of the function will automatically change. In the example, the price is shifted 2 columns to the right. Let's select any cell with a formula and see that instead of $G$2:$H$12 it is now $I$2:$J$14 .

Now let's figure out how to work with the VLOOKUP function in Excel and with drop-down lists. First you need to make a drop-down list. Select the cell, open “Data” at the top and click on the button "Data checking".

In the “Data Type” window that opens there will be “List”, below we indicate the source area - these are the names of fruits, that is, the column that is in both the first and second tables. Click "OK".

I select F2 and insert the VLOOKUP function. The first argument is the made list (F1).

The second is the supplier table with indicated prices. Remember that here the left column must match the data that makes up the drop-down list.

It turned out something like a search: we select a fruit and VPR finds its price in the price list.

If you had the same prices, and then the suppliers gave new list, then you need to somehow see what has changed. Doing this manually takes a long time, but with the help of the function in question, everything can be done very quickly. You will need to add one column and transfer new values ​​into it, and then simply compare the data.

Click on any cell in column D and insert a new one.

I called it New Price - the new prices will be here, and the old prices will be shown in the column on the left. My new table is located on another sheet, so that you can understand how to use VLOOKUP if the data is located on different sheets. In the added column, select the first empty cell.

We insert the function and specify the arguments. First, what we will look for, in the example an apple (A2). To select a range from the new price list, place the cursor in the “Table” field and go to the desired sheet, I have “Sheet1”.

Use the mouse to select the required columns and rows, without headings.

Next we make absolute references to cells: “Sheet1!$A$2:$B$12” . Select the line and press "F4" to add a dollar sign to the cell addresses. We indicate column (2) and write “FALSE”.

At the end, click the "OK" button.

Now two columns with the new and old prices are located side by side and you can make either a visual comparison, or by applying certain formulas, or conditional formatting.

I hope I succeeded step-by-step instruction on the use and application of the VLOOKUP function in Excel, and now everything is clear to you.

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Webmaster. Higher education with a degree in Information Security. Author of most articles and computer literacy lessons

    All-Russian tests as a form of testing the knowledge of school students were first carried out in 2015 - then they were written by fourth-graders. These testing works are aimed at developing a unified educational space in the country and the formation of uniform training standards: assessment criteria are also uniform for the entire Russian Federation. Each school is sent criteria that are the same for the entire territory of the state, and in accordance with them, the work of schoolchildren is checked.

    VPR are not an analogue of the Unified State Exam, since they were created for a completely different purpose. That is, the grade received by the student is not the final grade for the entire period primary school and does not play a decisive role in future fate And educational activities child.

    The results for the student’s promotion to the next grade are also do not affect. But if a student received a 4 or 5, the teacher can use it as an indicator of knowledge and, in the event of a controversial grade in a quarter/trimester, give a higher score.

    Where is it carried out and tested?

    VPRs are carried out at school and checked here - unlike the Unified State Exam, work is not taken outside the educational organization for verification. However, the results may be used to determine the final grade for the subject if such a decision is made by the school management. The work is checked on the same day - the school is obliged to transfer its results to the unified federal collection form a maximum of 24 hours after they are completed.

    What can you use on VPR?

    You are not allowed to use your phone during the exam, but you may have one with you. Not provided by the state general standard about what writing utensils are used to write the work - in contrast to the final certification work OGE and OGE, where you can only use black pens. But, since all-Russian testing is carried out by the school, the decision on this issue is made by its leadership - they may tell you to write with a pen, or they may allow you to use a pencil.

    However, there is still one general limitation: during the VPR, it is prohibited to use dictionaries, textbooks, notebooks, and reference materials. You can have drafts - the entries made in them are not checked or evaluated.

    How long does VPR last and when is it performed?

    VPRs are completed during one lesson - forty-five minutes. In fact, this is an ordinary test, the same as those that are always regularly carried out in schools. The only difference from traditional tests is that the tasks and the criteria for checking them are all-Russian. They can be held both in spring and autumn. If the child was sick and missed writing the work, then there is no need to write the work at another time.

    Who compiles the VPR?

    Work options are compiled by qualified specialists and reflect those aspects curriculum, which are of greatest importance for general educational training.

    All about the All-Russian Test Works (VPR) 2018-2019

    Letter Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science (Rosobrnadzor) dated 09/12/2017 N 05-419 "On conducting All-Russian testing in grades 2 and 5 at the beginning of the school year"(pdf)

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 2017 No. 1025 "On monitoring the quality of education"(pdf)

    Schedule of all-Russian testing in general education organizations in academic subjects studied at the levels of primary general, basic general and secondary general education for the 2018-2019 academic year.

    Dates Academic subject Class
    April 17, 19, 2019 Russian language 4th grade
    April 24, 2019 Mathematics 4th grade
    April 26, 2019 The world 4th grade
    April 25, 2019 Russian language 5th grade
    April 23, 2019 Mathematics 5th grade
    April 16, 2019 Story 5th grade
    April 18, 2019 Biology 5th grade
    April 25, 2019 Mathematics 6th grade
    April 16, 2019 Biology 6th grade
    April 23, 2019 Russian language 6th grade
    09 April 2019 Geography 6th grade
    April 18, 2019 Social science 6th grade
    April 11, 2019 Story 6th grade
    April 16, 2019 Foreign language Grade 11
    April 02, 2019 Story Grade 11
    April 11, 2019 Geography Grade 11
    April 18, 2019 Chemistry Grade 11
    09 April 2019 Physics Grade 11
    April 04, 2019 Biology Grade 11
    April 02, 2019 Foreign language 7th grade
    April 04, 2019 Social science 7th grade
    09 April 2019 Russian language 7th grade
    April 11, 2019 Biology 7th grade
    April 16, 2019 Geography 7th grade
    April 18, 2019 Mathematics 7th grade
    April 23, 2019 Physics 7th grade
    April 25, 2019 Story 7th grade

    VPR principles- these are new technologies that ensure uniform work for students in all schools in the country, and one system conducting, evaluating and approaching the formation of tasks.

    What will VPR give?

    Specialists from Rosobrnadzor and the Ministry of Education and Science claim that annual testing of primary school graduates will result in:

      to give students good psychological preparation for exams in the 11th and 9th grades (GIA and Unified State Examination);

    • check the volume and quality of knowledge acquired during the academic year;
    • VPR will force schoolchildren to study systematically throughout educational process, and not just in graduating classes;

    • shortcomings of the curriculum in examination disciplines will be visible;
    • parents will understand the overall picture of the student’s knowledge;

    • VPR will help improve the regional education system.

    Children and parents should know that the results of the VPR will not affect the final annual estimates student. They will only be taken into account in the current quarter.

    VPR in the 2018-2019 academic year will take place subject to the following rules:

      The Federal Education Service allocates a specific day to each subject;

      Students are given 45 minutes to complete assignments in each discipline.

      It is prohibited to use reference materials and dictionaries when completing assignments (with the exception of using a draft);

      The results are posted in the journal as grades for the test.

    The results of the All-Russian testing work are announced within 2 weeks. Assessments of the level of knowledge of students in a particular school or class will be publicly available.

    How can a schoolchild prepare for the VPR?

    Parents should not convey to their child their worries and fears about the result of test work, since the test work is the same test work that students previously completed at the end of the school year.

    During this period, it is important to ensure that the student follows the correct daily routine. Healthy sleep, mandatory walks in the fresh air, and good nutrition will help the student prepare physically and psychologically for the certification.

    And the main task of parents is to convince the child that if you do not neglect your studies throughout the entire school year, then there will be no problems with preparing for the senior year.

    Samples of verification works 2017, 2018 on information portal ALL-RUSSIAN INSPECTION WORKS

    Go to page

    On monitoring the quality of education

    All-Russian testing works (VPR) and Regional testing works (RPR) are not a state final certification. They are carried out by the educational organization independently, using uniform versions of tasks for the entire Russian Federation, developed at the federal level in strict accordance with the Federal State educational standard. These are diagnostic works for assessing the individual achievements of students.

    VPR and RPR can be compared with tests, traditionally carried out in past decades in many regions and individual educational organizations. Distinctive Features VPR are the unity of approaches to the preparation of options, the implementation of the work itself and their evaluation, as well as the use modern technologies, allowing to ensure almost simultaneous performance of work by students of all educational organizations Russian Federation.

    VPR tasks are developed at the federal level, RPR tasks at the regional level.

    What do VPR and RPR give?

    Experts from Rosobnadzor report that such a knowledge test in school allows you to:

    • Psychologically prepare students for exams in the senior class, in particular for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam.
    • Determine the amount and level of knowledge that was acquired during the completed year of study.
    • It will provide an incentive for systematic study throughout all years, in addition to grades 9 and 11.
    • Disadvantages in training programs in tested subjects will not go unnoticed.
    • Parents will be aware of the student's level of knowledge.
    • Will provide an opportunity to improve common system training.

    Normative documents

    Schedule of all-Russian testing in educational institutions in academic subjects studied at the levels of primary general, basic general and secondary general education for the 2018-2019 academic year

    Schedule regional studies quality of education in general education organizations of the Stavropol Territory in the 2018-2019 academic year

    date Class Item Form of conduct
    9.10.2018 4 Russian language RPR
    9.10.2018 9 Computer Science and ICT RPR
    11.10.2018 4 Mathematics RPR
    23.10.2018 9 Social science RPR
    24.10.2018 4 The world RPR
    25.10.2018 9 Geography RPR
    13.11.2018 9 Mathematics RPR
    14.11.2018 3
    15.11.2018 9 Biology RPR
    20.11.2018 10 Foreign language RPR
    21.11.2018 2 Comprehensive test work in the Russian language. mathematics, the environment Regional comprehensive verification work
    22.11.2018 10 Computer Science and ICT RPR
    27.11.2018 10 Story RPR
    29.11.2018 10 Chemistry RPR
    4.12.2018 10 Physics RPR
    5.12.2018 9 Story RPR
    6.12.2018 10 Biology RPR
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