Alternanthera description. Alternanthera - conditions of cultivation and care in open and closed ground

IN natural conditions Aleternanthera red grows in wetlands, as well as along the shores of lakes and rivers in South America. The plant got its name due to its bright red color.

Alternanthera red round has a long, erect stem on which the leaves are arranged oppositely. The leaf blade is simple, sessile with a small stalk. The height of the bush reaches 20 cm. The growth rate of the plant is slow. In acceptable conditions, Alternanthera blooms, releasing above-water shoots located in the axils of the leaves. The flowers are small in size and inconspicuous in appearance.

Thanks to the color of its leaves, the red alternanthera harmonizes very beautifully with the green vegetation in the aquarium. Moreover, the plant can be planted both in the foreground and in the background - this plant will look great anywhere.

It is necessary to plant bushes in groups, so they will have more decorative look. The place where bushes are planted must be taken seriously, because... the plant does not like frequent transplants and takes a very long time to acclimatize to a new place.

The water parameters are as follows: temperature 20-27°C, hardness dH 5-12°, acidity pH 6.8-7.2. Need weekly changes? parts of the aquarium water are fresh, because in old water the plant significantly slows down its already slow growth.

Lighting should be bright, intensity 0.4-0.5 W/l. The duration of daylight is about 12 hours a day. The plant tolerates temporary shading normally, but its leaves become faded in color.

The soil should be nutritious in the form of coarse river sand or its mixture with fine gravel, spread in a layer of at least 2 cm. Fertilizing with nitrogen-containing microfertilizers is desirable. It is recommended to add divalent iron salts to the water once every 2 weeks in a proportion of 0.1 mg per 1 liter of water.

In most cases, the plant allows experienced florist create a balanced and attractive design ensemble. The tropical alternanthera shrub is a perennial herbaceous plant, native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, Australia and America, where it also lives as a ground cover.

Considering the species, it is worth noting such as red and purple, aquarium and Reineka, their botanical description with photos can be found on this page. In short, this plant can take the form of a grass or a small shrub.

In this issue we will look at photos of the most beautiful species and learn how to grow this tropical plant for your aquarium, garden and home. Traditionally, growing from seeds with all aspects of subsequent care is considered, since it is not possible to purchase seedlings in all regions.

In nature, however, like cultivated species, the plant often grows to a height of 25 cm. Fragile, highly branched stems form a voluminous bush. Small leaves of various colors are located opposite on the stems. They are the main decorative element plants. When the sun hits the leaves, they can change color and become much brighter.

Flowers, unlike leaves, do not stand out much; the inflorescences are located in the axils of the leaves of the plant and are collected in the form of a spike or head, as shown in the photo below. Still, main value alternantera florists consider the leaves, they are much more beautiful than flowers and can have absolutely any color, depending on the type of shrub. In general, many gardeners compare alternanthera to a blazing fire, which can easily decorate a plot, pond or aquarium.

The name comes from the Latin word, which has a literal translation of “changeable.” The plant can change color depending on how the light falls on it and how bright it is. This is not a visual illusion: alternanthera is a polymorphous plant, it is capable of changing depending on the environment.

Popular and beautiful types of alternanthera (with photos)

In Russia, it is grown in open ground as an annual; the tropical shrub does not tolerate frost. Can be used indoors or in aquariums. There are about 200 species of Alternanthera, but only a few are cultivated. We invite you to talk about the most popular of them and look at photos of beautiful shrubs. Alternanthera species, popular among florists, allow you to create beautiful compositions in container culture.

Lilac alternathera (Alternanthera lilacina) is a shrub whose name comes from the color of its leaves. It grows in South America; in our conditions you can rarely see this plant, since it takes root well only in conditions where it is at least half in water. For the same reason, it is quite difficult to grow in an aquarium, which is why it is not a common decoration for them, although it looks very impressive, see this by looking at the photo below.

The stem of the lilac alternanthera is straight, the leaves are located on it opposite, and they are the decorative decoration. They have an elongated elliptical shape. WITH outside The 5-centimeter leaves are red-green or dark in color, and the inner tops are burgundy. Flowers form above the surface of the water; if you grow the purple alternanthera in an aquarium, it can grow up to half a meter in size. You can often find an alternanthera with the name lilacina - this is the purple shrub that can be seen in the photo below.

There are not so many aquarium species of alternanthera, one of the most popular, which takes root well in closed conditions, is Reinecka (Alternanthera reineckii), or also known as mini.

This plant enchants and fascinates at first sight. It is very similar to a fiery fire, easily taking root in the underwater kingdom. Since it is quite a dramatic look, it is often used to create a focal point. The origin of this species is recorded in Brazil and Paraguay. In its natural environment, alternanthera is most often found as a marsh plant and can exist calmly in flooded places.

On the stem there are no less interesting elongated ellipsoidal leaves. They are arranged crosswise and grow in groups of 4, so that the opposite leaves are perpendicular to the second pair. As for the sizes, their length usually does not exceed 3.4-4 cm, and the width rarely reaches 1.5 cm. On top they have the green color usual for all plants, but the bottom is often bright and has a shade from pink to scarlet -red, as you can see in the photo below. Often, airy leaves may appear on a stem that protrudes above the surface of the water, which can have a detrimental effect on the underwater part. Leaves under water will begin to wither and fall off. Botanists and flower growers say that this shoot should be pinched in a timely manner. Thus, the underwater alternanthera Reinecka in the aquarium will branch and form a neat bush.

In fact, it is the sheets that are an important decorative part of any alternantera, and we are not only talking about such a type as Reineka mini. The fact is that the flowers are completely invisible and have a pale yellow or white color. Formed in the sinuses, they are very small in size. But, if the varieties are hybrids, whose flowers are more expressive.

Even though Alternanthera Reinecka mini seems like a fairly powerful aquarium plant, it is fragile and brittle. That is why it should be planted on the sides or in the center, but not very bushy. The same applies to the root system; the plant does not tolerate transplantation, since the roots are very fragile and delicate, like strings.

In general, Alternanthera Reinecka mini is the most popular aquarium plant, but the “red” plant, or scientifically Alternanthera red round, has a more solemn appearance.

This bush is a real decoration for any body of water, but it rarely reaches 20 cm in length. The erect stem has oppositely located leaves with a color - red-green above, and bright red and purple below. Red alternanthera is perfect for growing in small aquariums or paluderiums. The fact is that the plant, although fleshy, has a very slowly growing stem, which should be partly above the surface of the water. The beauty of the red alternanthera cannot be expressed in words, so look at its photo below.

In fact, the reproduction of alternanthera, either in open ground or in an aquarium, is a very exciting, but long process that can last up to a year, depending on how exactly it is done. In general, there are three ways to obtain new bushes - by seeds, by dividing the bush or by cuttings. The first one is the most energy-consuming and labor-intensive, so most often gardeners use the other two, and very often. The fact is that alternantera is quite unpretentious plant and this does not depend on whether it is an aquarium or a garden one. Any species can be propagated by these two methods easily, but not very quickly. For everything you need to have a reserve of patience.

Cuttings for propagation and growing new bushes must be cut in the fall. After that, they need to be rooted into the ground. As for the soil for propagation by cuttings, it should be nutritious and rich in lime, but it is often said that this is not necessary, since in relation to the soil, Alternanthera is not whimsical. The cuttings are stuck to the level of the first leaf on the shoot, after which you need to form a distribution greenhouse. It’s also quite simple to do: you can use wooden box and transparent glass, plastic bag or cling film. The temperature in the greenhouse must be very high.

After the cuttings are deepened into the soil, moderate watering should be done until the first new leaves appear. After this, the plant is removed from the breeding greenhouse and planted in a permanent place in a pot or aquarium. The fact is that it is worth remembering that an alternanthera, if grown in terrestrial conditions, when placed in water, can completely shed all its leaves and it may seem that it begins to fade. But don’t be afraid of this, after the plant adapts it will again delight you with its beautiful flowers. If you don’t want to mock the bush, you can make it out of decorative decoration for a terrarium or paluderium, as shown in the photo below.

Many gardeners grow alternanthera as an exotic garden plant, but it is worth remembering that in such conditions it will best take root in very moist soil. And, this species can be propagated by dividing the bush. This happens in the spring. Before this, the plant is carefully transplanted into a separate pot so as not to damage the roots. Further, it must be kept at home all winter at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees. In May, you can divide the mother bush and plant it in separate permanent places. Usually, it is customary to plant 3-4 cuttings or 1-2 parts of the mother plant in one hole.

Caring for different types of alternanthera

It is generally accepted that alternanthera is a rather unpretentious plant, but it is worth noting that this completely depends on the form in which it is grown. The fact is that care for different types can be different. For example, plants grown in land-based conditions are more finicky and require more attention than those whose habitats are ponds, aquariums and terrariums.

If you grew alternanthera as a garden plant, it is worth noting that it will not require certain conditions during wintering. In such conditions, an evergreen plant is most often grown as an annual, in regions with harsh winters, or is not taken indoors. The fact is that during a mild winter, it will not shed its leaves during this period, the only thing is that it should not be watered and the color of the leaves will change slightly from the lack of sun.

If, alternantera is indoor plant, then it requires a large number of bright direct or diffused light, depending on the time of year. Also, the temperature of the content depends on it. Like most plants, Alternanthera has an active growing season in the summer and a dormant state in the winter. In the first case, the temperature can vary from 18 to 28 degrees, and in the second from 10 to 15. As for watering, it should be plentiful in the summer and moderate in the winter. You should not spray the plant with water from a spray bottle, as gray mold can form if there is too much moisture.

If alternatera is an aquarium shrub, then care here will not be particularly difficult. It is important that the water is always soft and clean. Also, for such a shrub you will need to pinch the shoots protruding above the water, otherwise the leaves may disappear under the water. In addition, it is worth remembering that the aquarium shrub is very fragile and does not tolerate algae that dominate nearby, and replanting is contraindicated for them.

In order for the Alternanthera leaves to be colored as intensely as possible, the plant must be planted in the very sunny area garden Alternanthera needs warmth; it does not tolerate frost. It prefers calcareous, nutritious soils, but can also grow on neutral soil. Moderate humidity is required.

To decorate a site, alternanthera is most often used as an annual decorative foliage plant, without bothering with the hassle of transplanting it into a greenhouse for the winter.

Alternanthera is the star of carpet floriculture. Its low growth, excellent tolerance to haircuts, and most importantly, a huge variety of colors allow this plant to be used for carpet beds. borders. alpine slides. floral drawings, figured compositions. With the help of a competent haircut, you can give the alternanthera an ovoid, spherical, comb-like shape.

Alternanthera sessile is used to decorate small bodies of water. In summer it is planted on the bottom in shallow places or along marshy banks.

Alternanthera is very thermophilic, so in winter mother plants transferred from the street to bright greenhouses with a temperature of +12 - +16. Plants that overwinter outside in relatively warm climates still need shelter. Alternanthera is replanted back into the ground only after spring frosts. If night frosts are possible in summer, the plant also needs to be covered.

Alternanthera requires moderate regular watering all year round. It is not allowed to water cold water. It is not necessary to spray the plant.

The main care activity that an alternanter requires is regular, literally weekly haircuts. Thanks to this procedure, the plant bushes strongly, develops many additional leaves and becomes fully decorative.

Alternanthera sessile is placed in containers at the bottom of the reservoir to a depth of 50 cm. It is necessary to limit its spreading and take it away for the winter in time. Overwinters in a cool room.

Alternanthera propagates by dividing old plants and cuttings. When propagated by division, long roots can be cut off without harming the plant. The planted plants should initially be in a bright and warm place. When propagated by cuttings, the planted alternanthera is first kept under a transparent bag in a very warm place. When young leaves appear on the plant, the bag can be removed.

Diseases and pests

Alternanthera is resistant to diseases and pests. Potentially possible damage to gray mold, aphids, spider mite and whitefly.

Varieties and forms of Betzick's alternanthera

    ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’) is a plant with large yellowish leaves. ‘Juvel’ is a large-leaved, tall alternanthera with carmine-red leaves. ‘Kuntzii’ (‘Kuntzi’) - a plant with densely located yellow leaves, dull green at the base. ‘Paronychioides’ (‘Barbed’) is a low-growing alternanthera with curly pinkish-red leaves.

Varieties and forms of alternanthera serrata

    ‘Purple Knight’ (‘Purple Knight’) is a tall (up to 50 cm) alternanthera with dark purple leaves. ‘Royal Tapestry’ is an alternanthera with leaves of red, copper red, purple and burgundy.

Varieties and forms of Alternanthera charming

    ‘Amabilis’ (‘Excellent’) is a plant with olive green leaves with red spots. ‘Rosea’ (‘Pink’) is a low-growing alternanthera with pinkish-red leaves with an orange tint. ‘Ficoidea’ (‘Fig’) is a plant with pink-purple-green leaves. ‘Metallica’ (‘Metallica’) is a tall, large-leaved alternanthera with dark brown leaves with a purple tint.
    ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’) - alternanthera with golden-yellow leaves. ‘Tricolor’ (‘Tricolor’) is a plant with green-pinkish-red leaves.


The genus Alternanthera belongs to the Amaranthaceae family and includes about 200 species of perennial herbaceous or subshrub plants. The stems of the plant are fragile, highly branched. Leaves are opposite, lanceolate, small size. Leaf color varies different types, can be yellow, red, variegated. If the plant grows in bright light, the color of the leaves becomes more intense.

Alternanthera flowers are small and inconspicuous, located in the axils of the leaves in the form of capitate or spike-shaped inflorescences. At home, the plant rarely blooms.

Many Alternanthera species are grown at home or in the garden, some semi-aquatic varieties are suitable as aquarium plants. Garden views They are used as annual ornamental plants; when wintering indoors, they can grow for several years.


Alternanthera is a heat-loving plant. Species growing outside in winter need to be moved to a greenhouse with a temperature of at least +12°C.

The plant requires weekly pruning of shoots, then it does not spread across the ground, but forms a large number of additional shoots and leaves, becoming more decorative.

When growing Alternanthera in room conditions, it can be kept outdoors in the summer.

Most aquarium species of Alternanthera do not develop well when full immersion into the water, since in nature these are semi-aquatic and marsh plants. Therefore, it is recommended to grow them in an aquarium on special side shelves or in containers placed on the bottom. The water in the aquarium needs to be changed partly.

Diseases and pests

Gray mold, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies.


Seeds and vegetatively, cuttings.

First steps after purchase

Alternanthera rarely suffers from diseases or pests, however, the purchased plant must be quarantined for two weeks to identify diseases or pests.

Before planting in the aquarium, aquarium species are carefully inspected and damaged parts are removed.

Secrets of success

Alternantheras grow well in bright sunlight - the brighter the light, the richer the color of the leaves and more decorative plant. Alternanthera tolerates even direct Sun rays. The temperature in summer should be about +25°C, in winter – not lower than +10°C. The plant is thermophilic and does not tolerate drafts or hypothermia.

Moderate watering is recommended, more abundant in summer than in winter. It is not advisable to allow the earthen clod to dry out. Plants are watered only warm water. Plants do not need spraying, but the leaves must be periodically wiped from dust.

Alternanthera is replanted as the plant grows, better in spring or autumn.

Possible difficulties

Pale leaves, elongated stem

Reasons: 1) lack of lighting.

Leaves lose their decorative effect and become monochromatic

Reason: 1) lack of light, 2) excess nitrogen in the soil.

The appearance of gray mold

Reasons: 1) Excessive humidity, 2) overwatering of the plant.

Family: amaranthaceae (Amaranthaceae).

Homeland: tropics and subtropics of America, Africa, Asia, Australia.

Form: perennial herbaceous or subshrub plant.


Alternanthera is a perennial herbaceous or subshrub plant. Plant height is up to 25 cm. Alternanthera stems are fragile, branch strongly, forming a spreading bush. The leaves are opposite, small, lanceolate. The color of the leaves is very diverse and constitutes the main decorative value of the plant. In the light, the color of the leaves becomes brighter and more intense. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, located in the axils of the leaves, collected in capitate or spike-shaped inflorescences.

About 200 species of alternanthera are known, and among species names There is still a lot of confusion. Some species grow exclusively in water and are of interest only to aquarists. The main types of alternanthera used in the plant have numerous varieties and forms.

Alternanthera Betzick (A. bettzickiana). Homeland - Brazil. Height up to 15 cm (sometimes up to 20 cm). The stems grow vertically, pubescent at the base. The leaves are spatulate, pointed at the ends. The color of the leaves is two-sided: olive-green on top, yellow-red spotted below.

Alternanthera serrata (A. denticulata). Homeland - South America. Height up to 35 cm. Stems are straight, branched. The leaves are linear, narrow, 3 cm long. The color of the leaves depends on the variety.

Alternanthera is lovely, or alternanthera dear (A. amoena). Homeland - Brazil. Height 10-20 cm. Stems are strongly branched from the base, pubescent below, furrowed. The leaves are oblong, lanceolate, pubescent below, with bright red petioles. The color is green-red-orange.

(A. versicolor). Homeland - Brazil. According to some opinions, it is a type of Betzick's alternanthera. Height up to 15 cm. Strongly branched stems form spreading bushes. Young shoots are pubescent. The leaves are wide, oblong, spatulate, tapering towards the petiole, wrinkled, blunt-pointed, shiny. The color is variegated green-red-pink.

Alternanthera sessile (A. sessilis) is of tropical origin and grows along the banks of water bodies. The length of the stems is 20-50 cm. It spreads by rhizomes and takes root by stems. Thus, a decorative mat is formed along the shore and surface of the reservoir. The leaves are opposite, narrow, and the color ranges from bright green to beet green, depending on lighting conditions.

Growing conditions

In order for the alternanthera leaves to be colored as intensely as possible, the plant should be planted in the sunniest part of the garden. Alternanthera needs warmth; it does not tolerate frost. It prefers calcareous, nutritious soils, but can also grow on neutral soil. Moderate humidity is required.


To decorate a site, alternanthera is most often used as an annual decorative foliage plant, without bothering with the hassle of transplanting it into a greenhouse for the winter.

Alternanthera is the star of carpet floriculture. Its low growth, excellent tolerance to haircuts, and most importantly, a huge variety of colors allow this plant to be used for carpets, floral designs, and figured compositions. With the help of a competent haircut, you can give the alternanthera an ovoid, spherical, comb-like shape.

Alternanthera sessile is used to decorate small plants. In summer it is planted on the bottom in shallow places or along marshy banks.


Alternanthera is very thermophilic, so in winter mother plants are transferred from the street to bright greenhouses with a temperature of +12 - +16. Plants that overwinter outside in relatively warm climates still need shelter. Alternanthera is replanted back into the ground only after spring frosts. If night frosts are possible in summer, the plant also needs to be covered.

Alternanthera requires moderate regular watering all year round. It is not allowed to water with cold water. It is not necessary to spray the plant.

The main care activity that an alternanter requires is regular, literally weekly haircuts. Thanks to this procedure, the plant bushes strongly, develops many additional leaves and becomes fully decorative.

Alternanthera sessile is placed in containers at the bottom of the reservoir to a depth of 50 cm. It is necessary to limit its spreading and take it away for the winter in time. Overwinters in a cool room.


Alternanthera propagates by dividing old plants and cuttings. When propagated by division, long roots can be cut off without harming the plant. The planted plants should initially be in a bright and warm place. When propagated by cuttings, the planted alternanthera is first kept under a transparent bag in a very warm place. When young leaves appear on the plant, the bag can be removed.

Diseases and pests

Alternanthera is resistant to diseases and pests. Potential problems include gray mold, aphids, spider mites and whiteflies.

Popular varieties

Varieties and forms of Betzick's alternanthera

  • ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’)- a plant with large yellowish leaves.
  • ‘Juvel’- large-leaved, tall alternanthera with carmine-red leaves.
  • ‘Kuntzii’ (‘Kuntzi’)- a plant with densely arranged yellow leaves, dull green at the base.
  • ‘Paronychioides’ (‘Barbed’)- low-growing alternanthera with curly pinkish-red leaves.

Varieties and forms of alternanthera serrata

  • ‘Purple Knight’- tall (up to 50 cm) alternanthera with dark purple leaves.
  • ‘Royal Tapestry’- alternanthera with leaves of red, copper-red, purple and burgundy shades.

Varieties and forms of Alternanthera charming

  • ‘Amabilis’ (‘Excellent’)- a plant with olive-green leaves with red spots.
  • ‘Rosea’ (‘Pink’)- low-growing alternanthera with pinkish-red leaves with an orange tint.
  • ‘Ficoidea’ (‘Fig’)- a plant with leaves of pink-violet-green color.
  • ‘Metallica’- tall, large-leaved alternanthera with dark brown leaves with a purple tint.

Varieties and forms of alternanthera variegated

  • ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’)- alternanthera with golden yellow leaves.
  • ‘Tricolor’ (‘Tricolor’)- a plant with green-pinkish-red leaves.

Varieties and forms of alternanthera sessile

  • ‘Rubra’ (‘Purple’)- Alternanthera purpurea has pink-red leaves.
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