Pansies love sun or shade. Pansies - flowers of health and love

Hello, reader!

Which flowers have the best eyes? Of course, pansies. I love it when they bloom in the garden and front garden from early spring until the snow. It’s better not to go to the store with seeds again - I’ll definitely buy another bag of viola. And, of course, I collect my seeds. The flower is a biennial, although in warm climates it can grow as a perennial. What can we do to make cheerful pansies flowers delight us all summer?

Pansies - propagation and care

  • We want flowers in early spring- We grow seedlings from seeds at home.
  • If we want them to bloom in summer and autumn, we sow the seeds directly into the ground in the spring.
  • You can also take cuttings from bushes all summer
  • And also about watering, care, land for planting.

Seedlings from seeds

We sow seeds in shallow containers in March - April, in loose, fertile land. Water it, put it in a warm place and wait for sprouts.

They appear quite quickly - after 5-6 days. Then we place them in boxes not very often and again on a bright (read southern - ideally!) window sill. Of course, we water it on time, loosen it - in general, we take care of it. We pay attention and praise for good growth - flowers love it! Is it just flowers?

In May, we plant our seedlings (they may already be blooming, it’s okay - violas can be transplanted even in bloom - they are not fussy) to a permanent place. We continue to take care - water, loosen,... And we rejoice at the early lush flowering!

Reproduction by self-sowing

Pansies also self-sow beautifully. But if we leave all the seed pods to ripen, the bush will soon begin to bloom less and all its energy will go to procreation - the ripening of seeds. Therefore, we leave a few flowers for seeds, and tear off the rest after they wither.

In fact, self-sowing bushes also grow interesting - you can’t guess what color the flower will be, it’s constantly changing. But you shouldn’t do this for a long time (this means leaving self-seeding plants for several years) - the flowers are crushed.

Sowing in open ground

Pansies begin to sow early - in April. But it is better to sow the seeds in warm soil in early to mid-May - they will sprout faster and grow better. These pansies will bloom in the second half of summer and disappear under the snow in bloom.

If you want to have flowering violas in early spring, then you need to sow the seeds directly into the flower beds in the summer. Before winter, good bushes will form and begin to bloom. They will continue to bloom in the garden from early spring. Just don’t forget to cover them so they don’t dry out under the snow.

A few words about

We cut 5-7 cm branches from the ends of the plants. We plant them in rows and constantly water and spray them until roots appear. This method is very simple and well preserves all the properties of the mother plant. When growing your own, it always turns out not quite what was expected. After all, flowers are cross-pollinated.

Cultivated tricolor violet (Viola tricolor) is often found in gardens. They love to decorate lawns with it, alpine coaster, balconies of high-rise buildings. It is better known as pansy. In nature, this plant begins to bloom in dry meadows at the end of May. Its modest closest relative, the field violet (Viola arvensis), also grows in meadows, as well as in forest clearings and edges, like a weed in fields and vegetable gardens.

The flowers received their Russian name thanks to the touching legend about the girl Anyuta, who waited for a long time for her lover after the war, but, without waiting, died on the day of their appointed wedding from melancholy. In memory of her, amazing flowers bloomed all over the earth, reminiscent of her beautiful eyes.

Green pharmacy

Not everyone knows about miraculous properties violets. In the official and folk medicine They use the above-ground parts of tricolor violet and field violet: stems, leaves and flowers. Preparations made from them enhance the secretion of the bronchial glands, increase the secretion of fluid from the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and improve metabolism.

Pansies like medicinal plant have long been popular among the Slavs. In Russian folk medicine, an infusion of the herb is still used today as an effective expectorant for coughs and other respiratory diseases, as a sputum thinner, as well as for rickets, gout, cystitis, and skin diseases. So, as an expectorant, an infusion of tricolor violet is used from 10 g of raw material per 100 ml of water, which is drunk 1 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day after meals.

The use of wild pansies as a medicine is especially common in children's practice - for colds, coughs, asthma, allergies. To treat a cough, for example, prepare herbal syrup: 1 liter of water - 1.25 kg of sugar, juice of one lemon. Pansies (1-2 tablespoons of flowers) are poured with boiling water and left for 12 hours. Add sugar and cook until the syrup thickens. 5 minutes before complete readiness, add lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly. Take it warm. Children need 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day; adults can slightly increase the dose.

Bulgarian doctors widely use violet. In particular, it is recommended for skin rashes, skin ulcers, skin itching, rheumatism, gout, as a diuretic. Prescribed internally for diseases respiratory tract, with inflammation of the bladder.

Interesting fact

The German poet Goethe was very fond of pansies. Every spring in Weimar he planted them himself. These flowers are still called Goethe's flowers today, and German gardeners have developed special varieties with large, surprisingly beautiful flowers. In honor of the famous classic, they gave them the names of the heroes of his works: almost black flowers - Doctor Faustus, bright red - Mephistopheles, pale blue - Margarita, golden - Nadezhda.


There are warnings that pansies should not be used for hepatitis. It is not advisable to treat children under 2 years of age with them.

If this medicinal plant is not suitable for you or you took too large a dose, the following symptoms may appear: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, gastrointestinal dysfunction.

We do not forget that each of us has an individual body: what is useful for a neighbor in the country may not be beneficial for us. Therefore, before using any folk remedy you should consult your doctor.

In German folk medicine, an infusion of field violet is used for diseases of the respiratory system, inflammation of the bladder, splinters, difficulty urinating, rheumatism, and gout.

Tricolor violet is part of the famous antiallergic tea Averin. Averin tea is a herbal collection, including string herb (4 parts), tricolor violet (4 parts) and nightshade (1 part), belongs to the St. Petersburg merchant Averin, who lived in the first half of the 19th century. It’s easy to prepare: 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and leave for 1-2 hours. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day. This infusion is also useful for washing or bathing (helps with gout and arthritis).

For insomnia, neuroses, depressive states and other psychological disorders, they also take pansies in the form of an infusion, 1 tbsp. spoon several times a day and before bedtime.

Natural cosmetic

Tricolor violet is a natural phytoestrogen, an excellent remedy that protects and soothes the skin, gives it radiance and elasticity, and protects it from aggressive influences. environment, helps prevent signs of aging.

To improve hair growth, strengthen it and eliminate dandruff, use pansy oil extract: the grass (1 part) is thoroughly crushed and poured vegetable oil(5 parts), heated to 60 degrees. Leave for 12 hours. Before rubbing, it is necessary to heat the extract in a water bath. Use to get results several times a week.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

Collect aboveground part violets during flowering, cutting off the stems with a knife. Place without compaction in baskets or bags. Dry in a well-ventilated area, laying out in a thin layer, stirring occasionally. To avoid increased grinding, the finished raw material is left in a heap for 2-3 days. Only then they pack it.

Take a close look at the pansies: as if little faces are looking inquisitively at us with slight reproach, joyful curiosity, sincere surprise and readiness to help...

Curious facts

    Lovers in many countries especially revered the violet and considered it a symbol of fidelity and love. On Valentine's Day (February 14), these flowers were given to loved ones. It was enough to send a violet without any accompanying words - it was tantamount to a confession of feelings.

    In France and England, these flowers were given as a keepsake when parting. It was believed that as long as they were preserved in boxes, between the pages of books, love and devotion were alive.

    There is a belief that if you sprinkle pansy juice on a sleeping person's eyelids, then when he wakes up, he will fall in love with the first person he sees.

    It is believed that an amulet depicting this flower increases the sexuality of its owner, supports him in difficult times, helps him survive long separation, protects from serious quarrels.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Since childhood, we have been familiar with amazingly beautiful and unusual flowers - Pansy or tricolor violet, the cultivation of which is not difficult, because the plant takes root well in our climatic conditions. The flower grows well in slightly shaded areas. The value of violets is not only in their abundant flowering, but also in its medicinal properties.

What is a pansy flower?

Viola, brothers, hatchets, moths, Ivan da Marya, funny eyes, earthflower, three-eyed - this is the name of the flowers Pansies, which are grown in open ground, are annual, biennial and perennial, belong to the violet family. It is distinguished by long flowering, which begins very early. The tricolor violet continues to delight until the beginning of summer, if planted later - until late autumn. When the brothers lose their decorative qualities, they are easily replaced by others.

Pansies are not only admired, but also widely used in medicine. Medicinal properties help with:

  • severe cough;
  • problems with the respiratory system;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • used as an antiseptic;
  • used as a choleretic drug.

What they look like

Pansies are classified as cultivated flowers that have an unusual shape: the petals are presented in a rich color palette from snow-white to blue-black with yellow, red, blue shades, in the center there is an unusual spot of bright color. The leaves are light green in color and oval in shape with jagged edges. Three-eyed flowers exude a delicate and pleasant aroma. In the axils of the leaves, violas form peduncles, the ends of which are crowned with single large flowers.

Description of the plant

The peculiarity of Pansies is that they are not tall plants, from 15 to 30 cm. The first flowering specimens have a color with a diameter of up to 4 cm, some selection varieties reach 7-10 cm. From the end of April until late autumn, the brothers actively bloom. Viola tricolor is a solitary plant. Three-eyed birds reproduce by seedlings and seeds. It is grown in country houses, garden plots, and hanging flowerpots.


Varieties of tricolor violets color scheme very diverse. Breeders have developed flowers that have shades of brown, dark purple, burgundy, red and orange, with petals bordered by a bright stripe, with central spots of color with eye-catching “eyes”. The main varieties are presented in the following colors:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • lilac.


Tricolor violet is classified according to bush height, flower size, color, and shape of flower petals. There are:

  • by bush height: short, medium, tall;
  • by flower size: small, large, giant (diameter more than 10 cm);
  • by color: monotonous, double, with contrasting stripes, spots;
  • according to the shape of the petals: the edges are smooth or wavy.

Varieties of Pansies

Many varieties of tricolor violas are bred by crossing several types of violets. In total, more than 15 varieties of three-eyes have been bred, which are very widely used by amateur gardeners and professional designers. Moths are planted in places where ridges and borders are decorated, flower beds, balconies, attics, and windows are decorated. Popular species include Violet tricolor and Violet Vittroca.

Violet tricolor

Viola tricolor or tricolor violet is an annual, biennial plant. The stem is simple or branched, 10-40 cm high. The color of the leaves and stems is dark green or green. They have a faint odor and a sweetish taste. Loves light partial shade, likes to grow in direct sun, prefers loose soil. Viola tricolor is beautiful ornamental plants for landscape design.

Wittrock's violet

Garden pansy or Wittrock's violet (viola x wittrokkiana) is herbaceous plant Violet family. The flower variety is a hybrid obtained from crossing various cultivars (tricolor violet, Altai violet, yellow violet) and natural species. The colors of modern hybrids differ significantly from ordinary violets. The Wittrock variety has larger, brightly colored flowers.

Planting and growing

The beauty of the brothers depends on the place of planting and the methods of growing them. Three-eyed flowers can easily tolerate shade, but those growing in dark places will degenerate: they will become smaller, lose the richness of the flowers, the stems will begin to stretch, fade, the flowering period will be shortened or they will stop blooming altogether. Watering the crops warm water from a watering can with a fine strainer so as not to damage the root system. If the air has high temperature, then watering is carried out in the evening or early in the morning.

Variety selection and seed preparation

Seeds should be prepared for planting in advance. They are sown in autumn. After wintering, active growth will begin; Viola will bloom around April. The plant is hardy, so it can easily survive light frosts and snowfall, but if the winter is expected to be severe, it must be covered during severe frosts. Sowing in late February - March will allow the plant to bloom in May - June. During summer sowing, seeds can be planted directly into the ground. Pansies bloom in August-September.

Sowing violets is carried out in two ways: on top of the soil under a film and by covering the seeds with soil. The care is normal. The process is as follows:

  1. The soil mixture consists of soil, peat, and humus. Place the container with the mixture in a dark but warm place. Every day the film is lifted for a few minutes, allowing the seeds to “breathe”.
  2. Furrows are made in the soil mixture at a distance of 2 cm from each other and 0.5 cm wide. The seeds are planted in a row, lightly sprinkled with earth, covered with film, and periodically ventilated, lifting it. The container is placed in a dark, warm place.

Growing seedlings

After sowing the seeds, seedlings appear after a week or two. When the first young plants appear, the boxes are moved to a lighter place. Seedlings need to be planted in other containers or rows missed during sowing. The distance between sprouts should be at least 20 cm, because they grow strongly. To speed up flowering, it is necessary to use the seedling method in advance by planting the seeds in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Planting in open ground

Tricolor violets grow well in sunny places and fertile soils. It is advisable to plant in places that are well warmed up and illuminated by the sun. Additionally, the soil is enriched with fertilizers, organic matter. The soil must contain moisture and nutrients. When digging up a site in the spring, it is advisable to use complex mineral fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). However, it is prohibited to use manure, since three-eyed birds do not like “oily” soils.

Caring for tricolor violet

To admire longer blooming flowerbed, you must carefully follow the recommendations for caring for violets. Root system The hatchets are small, so during hot weather they need to be mulched with cut grass or straw. In August, when the viola is still blooming, and the seeds have ripened in place of the wilted buds, it is better to cut off the capsule with them - this will prolong the flowering. You need to pinch off unsuccessful shoots. If Viola dries out, you should cut off everything dry and feed it.

  1. Weeding and loosening the soil. This is done as needed; it is advisable to loosen the soil after watering.
  2. Feeding. They must be regular, but at least twice per season. The main feeding during the period of bud growth. Are used mineral fertilizers, you can use compost.
  3. Watering. Viola does not like excess moisture; it is optimal to water it every other day, but it all depends on weather conditions. IN hot weather Moths are watered more often.


Methods of propagation of tricolor violas are carried out by dividing the bush, seeds, and cuttings. The method of dividing the bush is used on perennial plants. Three-eyed birds should not grow in one place for more than 4 years. To prevent violets from degenerating, old bushes are dug up and divided into smaller parts. This is done in the spring, before the growing season begins.


After propagation by seeds, the brothers grow slowly at first. When the first two leaves appear on the sprouts, they are plucked, the flower has grown well - they are planted on the prepared soil. When growing viola as an annual crop, the seeds are sown at the end of winter, beginning of spring, in the ground - in April. To ensure that the flowering period occurs in autumn, sowing is done in May and planting in August. To get a flowering plant by the end of February, seeds are sown in the fall. The air temperature is not higher than +17˚С, the lighting is a fluorescent lamp.

By cuttings

The method of propagation by cuttings preserves all the strength of the mother flower and allows you to obtain many new plants. More often, hybrid varieties are propagated this way. The cutting is a shoot with 2-3 internodes. Reproduction occurs in May–June. The plant is planted to a depth of 0.5 cm. The planting density is high: up to 400 pieces per square meter.

After planting, the cuttings are regularly sprayed with water for several days. It is very important to protect them from direct sun rays, it is advisable to shade the place. After the “moths” take root, they can be planted in a permanent place. Plants will bloom in summer, some in autumn. If cuttings are carried out in mid-summer/August, then the flowering period will occur only in next spring. During the summer period, one plant produces about 40 cuttings

Diseases and pests

Gardeners often have to deal with diseases and pests of tricolor violets. The most common are powdery mildew, gray mold, bacterial spot, aphids, slugs, black leg, spider mite. If three-eyed plants are not treated, they wither, stop growing and blooming, and die, infecting neighboring ones. Simply removing damaged sprouts is not enough - you need to carry out treatment.

The black leg appears on the root collar and flower roots as black rot. This happens due to excessive watering, stagnation of water or very dense soil. For prevention, you need to use clean planting material. Bacterial spotting is yellow or brown spots that cover the leaves almost completely. As soon as the first signs appear, the plant is removed; healthy bushes must be treated with copper oxychloride.

Gray rot forms a grayish coating on flowers and leaves, and they become soft and watery. The main cause of this disease is high humidity. Gray rot spreads very quickly and infects all seedlings. As soon as the first signs appear, the flower is immediately removed, watering is reduced, and, if possible, the temperature in the greenhouse is reduced. Everything is treated with a product called Fundozol.

Powdery mildew appears as a whitish coating on the leaves and stems of plants. The green parts of the flower turn brown. When found powdery mildew At the initial stage, you need to treat all bushes with fungicides. When the disease is advanced, remedies such as “Topaz” or “Pure Flower” can cope with it. The most affected violas must be removed. After this, carry out preventive treatment.

Aphids are identified by drying and turning yellow appearance axes, sticky secretions on leaves and flowers. To prevent the viola from dying, it must be sprayed with a soap solution or ActellikZubr. Slugs make holes and furrows on violet leaves. To combat, you should reduce watering, collect pests by hand, if this does not help, treat the flowers with metaldehyde.

Bratki or tricolor violets are in great demand among landscape designers: they decorate garden areas and streets with spectacular flowers. Such flower beds look elegant and decorative. Flower crops are selected according to size and color scheme. A good combination is achieved by using the same viols, but in different shades. The benefits of using violets are as follows:

  • large selection of color palettes;
  • earlier flowering;
  • simultaneous flowering of young crops.

The use of moths on garden plot varied. They are used as the main, complementary or bordering plant. Based on three-eyed flowers, designers lay out real floral ornamental carpets, line paths or decorate flowerpots with them. Moths go perfectly with colors such as:

  • Viola horned;
  • Iberis;
  • Daisies;
  • Forget-me-not;
  • Asters;
  • Lobelia.

Varieties of pansies with photos

The variety of bratka varieties is the result of the breeding work of botanists from all over the world. Three-eyed eyes are widely used in modern landscape design. There are several groups of varieties: large-flowered, violets with small flowers, gigantic. Also distinguished: single-color varieties, two-color (2 upper and 3 lower petals are colored similar in tone, but different colors), spotted (3 lower petals are decorated with contrasting spots).


Flower diameter is 7-8.5 cm. Main varieties: Ice King, Winter sun, Heavenly Queen, Magic March, Jupiter, Evening Heat:

  • Ice King: pale yellowish-green, lower petals flecked with purple;
  • Winter Sun: bright yellow, lower petals flecked velvety brown;
  • Heavenly Queen: pure blue;
  • March's magic: dark purple, almost black when fully bloomed, velvety petals;
  • Jupiter: purple-violet, whitish above;
  • Evening Heat: brownish-red.

Tricolor violet with small flowers

Small-flowered varieties of pansies have flowers with a diameter of up to 4 cm. The varieties are distinguished by early and long flowering, winter hardiness, and compact bushes. Main varieties:

  • Little Red Riding Hood has bright red flowers, 3.5 to 4 cm in diameter;
  • Viola (pansy). Sowing and picking viola. (01.02.17) Found an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything!

In many garden plots you can find small multi-colored flowers that have a bizarre shape, somewhat reminiscent of the “face” of some small animal. These flowers are popularly called “pansies”. Among gardeners, there are other names for this plant - “garden violets”, “viola flowers”. Next, we will tell you in more detail about all the intricacies associated with the attractive bright flowers of pansies, as well as about planting and caring for this crop.

Characteristics of culture

The genus of garden violas has more than 500 names of flowers. Belongs to the violet family. This includes both annual, biennial and perennial crops. This broad group includes many different different varieties culture. Each of them has its own distinctive features. On average, the height of this plant varies from 14 to 31 cm. The dimensions of the flower itself reach 3-8 cm.

These flowers grow mainly in the form of a small bush. Initially it has a compact shape, but over time it grows and new shoots appear. Next, after the growing season, plants disperse their seeds. These flowers are grown both in pots at home and in open ground. You can easily and simply grow pansies from seeds, since this crop is not particularly demanding of care. The most common flower variety is Violet tricolor. It blooms almost all summer, and its flowering begins very early - in early May.

The colors of the flowers are very diverse. There are both soft white flowers and velvety blue-violet specimens. The center of any flower is a small spot that has an original bizarre shape. It is popularly called the “peephole”.

Crop varieties

  • Tricolor viola (Viola tricolor)– refers to wild crops. Grows mainly in moist acidic or neutral soils. Its flowering can be seen in meadows and forest ravines. This crop is annual or biennial, however, sometimes it can bloom a little longer. This flower is popularly called “wild pansy”. It grows in the form of a small lush bush, reaching a height of 14-16 cm. It blooms from April to early autumn. The leaves of this violet have a pointed shape. They gather in a bunch at the base of the plant. The diameter of the flowers themselves reaches 1.1.6 cm. The flowers are blue, purple, bright yellow and white.

  • Horned viola (Viola cornuta) is a perennial crop. It is often grown in gardens and on summer cottages, because she is long years can delight with its bright flowering. However, special care is required to maintain this plant in winter, otherwise the flower may die. Viola cornuta is a subspecies of horned violet. It has a small “arrow” located at the back of the plant. The flowers of this variety are larger than those of wild violets and reach 4-6 cm in diameter. Colors vary from soft white to bright red, orange and purple. This violet has a rather pleasant aroma. It can be grown both at home and in open ground.

  • Viola Wittrockiana is a hybrid variety. It is also called “garden pansy”. This variety is the most popular. It is grown both in garden plots and at home. Grows as an upright bush. The plant can reach a height of 29 cm. The leaves have a semicircular shape with teeth at the ends. The flowers of the plant are quite diverse in both shape and color. The size of flowers can reach up to 10 cm in diameter. Shades from bright yellow to purple. Often there are specimens that have not monochromatic, but colored petals, with various inclusions and spots.

  • Viola williamsii is a hybrid variety. The stems of this species can reach 32 cm. But pansies of this variety bloom with small flowers, no more than 2-4 cm. Color palette These flowers vary from white to blue. A characteristic difference of this variety is that the flowers do not have the usual “face” that all pansies have.

  • Viola sororia – perennial. Grows in the form of a bush. Reaches a height of up to 21 cm. Blooms in late spring. The flowers reach 3 cm in diameter. The predominant shades of flowers are blue and purple. However, there are varieties of flowers in white and yellow shades. This variety is mainly used in the design of garden compositions.
Planting: pansies

These flowers can be grown either one or several years in a row. It depends on the climatic conditions in the region. Some varieties of violas are quite frost-resistant, but even they cannot always withstand the frosts inherent in the northern regions of Russia. Particularly sensitive to weather conditions are those flowers that were planted in late dates.

Pansies also do not like the spring thaw period, when the snow melts intensively. Therefore, in order to reduce all unfavorable factors that may interfere with the cultivation of violas, they should not be planted in lowlands or in places where dampness can accumulate. In addition, in winter, the flower must be wrapped in a special material that can retain heat and maintain normal temperature regime. Usually, in early spring, flower beds with planted pansies are covered with film.

Considering that these flowers are heat-loving, it is recommended to plant them in places that receive good sunlight. If you plant them in partial shade, the flowers of the plant become small and the flowering period itself is significantly reduced. Growing in sunny meadows, violas bloom with large and bright flowers.

Loamy and neutral soils are suitable for planting plants. You can grow pansies by planting them in open ground or by pre-germinating seedlings from seeds. Flowers take root well in areas where other crops from the violet family were previously planted. Moreover, they often grow independently, without additional “help”. However, it must be taken into account that as a result of such self-seeding and cross-pollination, the size and color of flowers may change during flowering. If you want to exclude cross-pollination of plants and preserve the viola variety in its pure form, then it is recommended to plant the seedlings at a certain distance from each other.

You can collect seeds from your own plot or buy from gardeners. To do this yourself, it is recommended to wait until the flowering period has passed and the plant’s seed pods turn yellow. They collect them before the boxes crack and disperse the seeds themselves throughout the area.

Planting seeds on the site is carried out in early summer. Abundant flowering of pansies begins the next year after planting. Plant the seeds at a distance of 25 cm from each other. Sow in rows. Pre-prepare the soil for planting.

Method of growing seedlings:

  • Seedlings should be grown in early spring. To do this, the seeds are placed in small containers.
  • The soil for seedlings is treated with potassium permanganate. The seeds are first moistened in water. The container with seeds is placed in plastic bag.
  • Next, the containers in bags are placed in a warm place.
  • When the sprouts hatch, the container with the seeds is transferred to the windowsill. Next, the sprout is picked and transplanted into a separate glass.
  • At the beginning of May, the seedlings harden. So, you should take it out to the balcony for a while.
  • Seedlings are planted in open soil in early May.
  • Pansies can also reproduce by cuttings. To do this, select the strongest specimens of the crop, cut off shoots from them, and then plant them in the ground. Each cutting is covered with a jar on top. After the seedlings grow, they are transplanted into the garden bed.

    Plant care

    Due to the characteristics of its root system, the flower requires special attention and care. The roots are at a fairly shallow depth, which is why they need regular watering. Of course, if the summer is not completely dry, then rain watering will be quite enough, otherwise it is better to water the plant. You can feed it no more than once a month. For this they use ammonium nitrate or superphosphate at a rate of no more than 30 g. per 1 m2.

    One of the main areas of caring for “pansies” is the fight against weeds, diseases and pests. Weeds, sucking all the nutrients from the soil, can greatly harm the plant during its active growth period. Therefore, they need to be removed regularly, especially after watering or rain, when weed growth is always active. It is also necessary to remove dried flowers in a timely manner so that the latter do not inhibit the growth of healthy shoots.

    Disease control mainly involves proper care behind the plant. Timely watering, planting in suitable soil, weeding and fertilizing reduce the risk of crop disease and its death.

    The most common disease that this type of violet suffers from is powdery mildew. It appears in the form of a white or grayish coating on the leaves, stems and even flowers of the plant. The main reason for the development of powdery mildew is improper watering and feeding of pansies. In particular, gardeners who overuse nitrogen fertilizers may encounter this problem. There is only one method to combat this disease - treat violet leaves with a solution of laundry soap and soda ash. You can also add treatment of the flower with a solution of ground sulfur.

    Among the representatives of the fauna, the caterpillars that are the most “harassed” by pansies are the caterpillars, which happily eat the leaves of the plant. If this problem is not solved in time, then they can destroy the entire flowerbed in a matter of days. Pests can be controlled by spraying. To do this, you need to buy a special drug for certain type pest Of course, you can make your own spray solution. To do this, you need to infuse tobacco in water and treat it with this tincture. Also good result will bring chlorophos. However, it is still better to choose a special insecticide for a specific pest.

    Pansies: photo

    Childhood memories - my grandmother's flower garden, in which I loved to play and its brightest flowers, pansies, the planting and care of which were always entrusted to me, because they are within the power of a child. Afterwards, of course, many new varieties appeared, but I always planted the same ones, my grandmother’s favorite ones, with yellow-brown leaves.

    Viola, or as these violets are also called, Pansy, also known as tricolor, always decorates many front gardens with multi-colored spots. Easy to care for, but beautiful and not picky, she is one of the many permanent pets in my garden.

    Pansies planting at home

    We described planting pansy seeds in open ground above. Pansy seedlings are planted in a flowerbed at a distance of 20-30 cm. This distance is enough for the full growth and development of plants.

    Violets grow well in soil that consists of turf soil, manure, peat and sand in proportions where sand is half as much as the other components.

    Pansies are very unpretentious plant, however, it also requires care. It is necessary to systematically loosen the soil, remove wilted flowers, fertilize the plant with mineral fertilizers and water frequently.

    But first, it is important to choose the right place for the plant on the site. Viola may die under the bright scorching rays of the sun, but in the shade its flowers will be small and faded, so choose a place with diffused light.

    When leaving the viola in the garden for the winter, do not forget to cover the plant with spruce branches, and open it in the spring to avoid damping off.

    The same rules for caring for the plant will apply if you decide to grow viola on the balcony at home. If you have a southern balcony, then in order to avoid the flowers fading in the bright sun, try to slightly shade the place where the container with pansies will be located.

    Choosing a place for pansies

    In nature, violas live in subtropical and tropical regions South Africa, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand, so in the garden for pansies you need to choose a warm, sunny place. The best soil for culture - turf soil, filled with humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:2:2:1. When choosing a planting site, avoid swampy lowlands, since the dear shy one cannot stand stagnant moisture at the roots.

    The soil on the site is dug up and leveled with a garden rake. Seeds are sown in furrows to a depth of 1–1.5 cm, sprinkled with soil and watered.

    Seedlings with seeds should be prepared in March. Seeds are sown in containers with good drainage. Before placing the seeds in the soil, it must be watered with water with potassium permanganate diluted in it and allowed to stand for a day. After planting, you should moisten the seeds in the soil, cover with glass or a plastic bag and hide in a warm place out of light.

    After the first shoots appear, they are transferred to the windowsill and the film or glass is removed so that they do not die. After some time, each sprout is transplanted into different containers. In April, you should take the seedlings out onto the balcony more often so that each bush of the future viola hardens and becomes more hardy. And in May you can transplant them into open ground in the garden. With this growing method, the plant will begin to delight with bright flowers a month after planting.

    Preparing the soil for planting pansies

    Viola grows well in loose, well-drained soils rich in organic matter. The distance between seedlings should be within 15 - 20 cm for compact and 25 - 30 cm for other varieties. When placed in containers and hanging baskets, any ready-made pansies will do. garden soil with a small pinch of long-acting complex fertilizer. When planting seedlings, make sure that the upper level of the earthen ball of each plant coincides with the ground level at the planting site.

    Sowing pansy seeds

    The seeds are sown in early March in small containers with a drainage hole. The soil for seedlings is shed with potassium permanganate a day before.

    The seeds are laid out, moistened from the sprayer, covered with glass or the boxes with seedlings are placed in a plastic bag and placed in a warm, dark place. When the sprouts appear, transfer them to the windowsill, being careful not to overcook them under film or glass.

    Next, we proceed in the same way as with sprouts in open ground - we pick them up and then transplant them into separate cups. At the end of April you need to harden off - take the seedlings outside or onto the balcony. Depending on the weather, seedlings are planted in open ground in April - early May, and in a month the viola will delight you with abundant flowering.

    Pansy care

    Viola at home develops best in open sunny balconies. Worse - on glazed balconies and loggias. Some gardeners manage to grow violas even on window sills, but in this case the window must be constantly open. Availability large quantities light and fresh air are an essential component for growing any garden plant.

    Maintain a distance of 10-15 cm between the violas, otherwise strong specimens will oppress the weak and push them out of the composition

    Viola seedlings are planted at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, and at least 1-2 liters of soil must be allocated for each plant specimen.

    When growing violas in closed ground you need to monitor the regularity of watering. Hot summer days Watering should be done 2 times a day - morning and evening.

    The first fertilizing is applied 2 weeks after transplanting into the ground. Next, you need to fertilize the violas at home every week. Any mineral complex fertilizers for flowering plants are suitable for fertilization.

    During hot days, a viola in a pot may lose its decorative look. Most often, the stems turn yellow and dry, the bush falls apart, flowering becomes less abundant, the flowers fade and decrease in size. Then the viola needs to be pruned. Usually it is shortened by half the length of the stems. But if the bush has already lost all decorative value, pruning can be done radically, leaving 5-6 cm from the branches (leaves must remain on them!). In just 2-2.5 weeks, the viola bush will grow with young shoots and bloom.

    Caring for pansies during the flowering period

    After replanting, caring for flowers consists of periodically loosening the soil, systemic moistening and fighting harmful insects, if necessary.

    Pansies will actively develop and bloom if they are fed periodically. Complex mineral fertilizers are used to nourish these flowers. Fertilizing these flowers with organic components is strictly prohibited. During abundant flowering In the summer, it is necessary to remove faded buds on bushes in a timely manner to allow new ones to bloom. In addition, this procedure will prevent the plants from bearing fruit, after which the pansies stop blooming.

    To successfully grow them, seedlings are planted at home in nutritious soil. On poor and sandy soil, plants will become smaller, losing their decorative effect. The composition of such soil can be improved using vegetable compost. Five kilograms of the substance are added per 1 m2. Pansies love the sun very much, so they can only be grown in a well-lit place. Under this condition, the plants will bloom long and profusely. In a shaded place, due to lack of light, the bushes become pale and the flowers on them become small. After the end of the flowering period, spring varieties are dug up, and summer varieties are planted in their place.

    To obtain seeds at home, healthy and compact spring bushes are selected. They are planted in a seed bed and watered periodically. Since pansies are cross-pollinating plants, a certain amount of space must be maintained when planting different varieties. This allows you to obtain seeds with all the characteristics of the mother bush.

    After the seed pod turns yellow, the seeds are collected. It is very important not to be late here, because after ripening the box cracks and the seeds fall into the ground.

    Feeding pansies

    Fertilizer for pansies must be applied regularly, namely, at least twice a season. The main feeding is carried out when the plant is gaining buds, with fertilizers such as nitrophoska and Agricolka. Subsequent feeding is done during the rapid flowering of the plant, using a fertilizer called “Agricolka-7”.

    To feed pansies, you need mineral fertilizers containing potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and other microelements. After planting, the seedlings need to be fertilized with superphosphate and saltpeter. It is prohibited to introduce fresh manure into the soil where pansies live.

    From the moment temperatures drop, the volume of fertilizing is reduced and, preparing the plant for wintering, the flowerbed is covered with sawdust, peat or other insulation.

    Pansy propagation

    Vegetative method of propagation hybrid varieties green cuttings directly into open ground is very simple, and also makes it possible to leave a pure variety and get more quantity planting material. Cuttings should be taken in 2-3 doses from May to July. You should choose finite shoots that are still green and have 2-3 nodes. Especially for this, you should choose a shaded, slightly damp place, preferably under trees, and make low beds there. They need to be compacted tightly and watered well.

    Cuttings should be planted to a depth of 0.5 cm; all cuttings should be planted tightly in relation to each other, so that their leaves touch. Total for 1 square meter You can plant up to 400 pieces. After planting the cuttings is completed, they must be sprayed with water.

    To speed up the rooting process and prevent the cuttings from withering, in the first days after planting they should be covered with paper well moistened with water. General care care for cuttings consists of regular watering, spraying and weeding. With proper care, almost 100% rooting of cuttings will occur within 3-4 weeks after planting.

    If the cuttings were made in May or June, their flowering will occur in the summer or autumn of the same year; if the cuttings were taken later, flowering will occur the following year in the spring. After the cuttings have taken root, in the fall they can be transplanted into a garden bed or flower garden, where they will continue to grow. If the cuttings took place in the month of August, it is better to leave the plants for the winter in the same place until next year, covering them with a leaf for the winter. And in the spring of next year, these cuttings can be transplanted into a flower garden.

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