Privet - types, application, features of cultivation and propagation. Common privet is an ideal evergreen shrub for creating landscape compositions Privet: types and their descriptions with photographs

Privet- an amazing plant that includes different subspecies. Belongs to the Oleaceae family.

This representative of the flora is an evergreen, deciduous tree or bush. They reach a height of 2-6 m. They grow very quickly. They have a beautiful spreading crown and elongated leaves of an emerald hue. The flowers are miniature and very fragrant.

Latin name plants: Ligustrum. It comes from the word “ligare” - to tie. This representative of the flora received such an amazing name due to the astringent properties of the bark.

Privet is distributed throughout Europe, Asia and the USA. The plant is planted in greenhouses and botanical gardens of China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Professional gardeners love Privet for unpretentious cultivation and gorgeous summer blooms.

Types of Privet

It is currently known about 50 different subspecies Privets. The most famous of them are Privet Aurea or Round-leaved, golden privet or Shiny, Privet Evergreen or Ordinary.

They differ in growth rates, height, and crown shape. Some of the plants are shrubs, others are small trees. All subspecies are endowed with leathery leaves, paniculate inflorescences and berry-shaped fruits.

Common Privet

(Ligustrum vulgare) is distributed in the Russian Federation, Moldova, Ukraine, China and Japan. It is a branched deciduous shrub. It can reach a height of 4-5 m. It has elongated oval leaves and miniature snow-white flowers. Very shade tolerant.

Important! Common Privet is the most winter-hardy species. This plant can easily grow on garden plots central region countries. The plant can withstand temperature changes and harsh weather conditions.

See below: Common privet photo

Common privet

Japanese Privet

Japanese Privet(Ligustrum japonicum) is native to Korea and Japan. It is an evergreen shrub. Reaches a height of more than 2-4 m. It has a miniature graceful crown, elongated leaves of an emerald hue. It grows very slowly. Shade-tolerant and frost-resistant.

Privet Shiny

Privet Shiny(Ligustrum lucidum) is widespread in Asia. It is a small shade-tolerant tree. It has three decorative forms: tricolor tree, variegated-golden and bordered-golden. It has oblong emerald-gold leaves with rounded edges, reaching a length of 10-15 cm.

The panicles of the plant consist of miniature fragrant flowers of a snow-white hue. The length of the inflorescences reaches 15-18 cm. They bloom for 90-100 days. Distinctive feature from other subspecies is a low frost resistance. The plant dies at temperatures below minus 15°C. Therefore, the subspecies is grown as a cover crop in indoor greenhouses or botanical gardens.

You can grow a tree in open ground only as follows: annual plant. To preserve the root system, it is necessary to use mulching. The plant lends itself perfectly to the formation of living sculptures. It is an excellent decoration for areas. Can be used as hedges.

Privet Shiny

Japanese Privet

Privet Quihou

Quihou subspecies(Ligustrum quihoui) is a gorgeous emerald colored shrub. Grows up to 2 m. Has an average growth rate. It has miniature hard leaves and large panicles reaching a length of 18-20 cm.

The panicles consist of miniature fragrant flowers. Flowering occurs in the second ten days of August. Only adult plants reaching 7 years of age bloom. The crown is spreading, reaching 160-200 cm. A distinctive feature of the subspecies is the slight pubescence of young stems. Also, pubescence can be observed on the lower leaf blade.

The growing season lasts from mid-spring to mid-autumn. This representative of the flora has average winter hardiness. The birthplace of the plant is China. The plant grows in a province of China at an altitude of 2500 m above sea level.

Important! When propagating Privet Quihou, it is necessary to use spring or autumn cuttings. It is important that planting material managed to take root. Summer cuttings root very poorly.

Privet Quihou

Privet roundifolia

Privet roundifolia Also evergreen shrub. It has beautiful emerald leaves that retain color even in winter. The flowers of the plant are miniature and very fragrant. They have a soft snow-white hue. Flowering occurs in July-August. During flowering, there is a a large number of insects that are attracted by the aroma of inflorescences. Moreover, the shrub is a honey plant.

This representative of the flora can actively grow on any type of soil. But to receive abundant flowering It is recommended to use black soil. The round-leaved subspecies does not tolerate strong drops in temperature. At a temperature of minus 15°C it freezes completely. Therefore, when growing shrubs in cold regions, it is necessary to use mulching. Experienced gardeners recommend growing this subspecies in closed greenhouses or greenhouses.

Privet roundifolia

Variegated Privet

Variegated Privet is a variety of the Chinese variety. It has elongated, pointed leaves with a gold edge. It will be filled with fragrant faded flowers of a snow-white hue. Blooms in mid-autumn. Formed into clusters. But it is worth considering that only adult plants that have reached 3 years of age bloom.

The subspecies loves plenty of sunlight. Tolerant to pollution and winds. Prefers moderate watering. It responds well to the application of mineral fertilizers. Thanks to fertilizers, the flowering period can increase, as well as the number of inflorescences. It is a fast growing plant.

It can reach a height of more than 2 m. This representative of the flora can be used as a hedge. The variegated subspecies is great for decorating a garden or plot.

Variegated Privet

Privet - beautiful ornamental plant . Has several varieties. It grows in garden plots, greenhouses and botanical gardens. Some species are successfully used for planting evergreen hedges. This representative of the flora is unpretentious in cultivation.

Withstands temperature changes and prolonged drought. It is a frost-resistant, shade-tolerant plant. Planting and care information about the plant is presented in detail on our website.

Useful video

Watch the video: Common privet review

This variety is often called wild or European privet. Deciduous or semi-evergreen shrubs reach three meters in height.

The erect stems are covered with small lentils. The leaves are oval in shape, length – up to 6 cm, width – up to 1.5 cm.

Flowers with a pleasant creamy white hue are collected from a panicle. The aroma is sharp, pungent.

Glossy berries decorate the plant until the end of December-January. The fruits are poisonous. The seeds are spread by thrushes.

In regions with cool climates, plants are shed most leaves; in warmer areas, common privet is an evergreen. In Wales and southern Britain, this variety of ligustrum is the only one that has taken root well in local climatic conditions.

Shrubs are used to create hedges. This variety of privet grows quite slowly.

Photo of common privet (ligustrum).

Planting and care

How to care for common privet? The plant is quite unpretentious. Many varieties are shade-tolerant. In summer watering is plentiful, in winter room conditions reduce the amount of moisture.

The soil needs to be fertile, not big amount lime Acidic soils the plant doesn't like it.

Privet grows well in soil prepared from a mixture:

  • humus - 2 parts;
  • turf – 4 parts;
  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • sifted sand - 1 part.

Provide good moisture removal. It is impossible to over-moisten the soil; it is better to water less.

In open ground, water less often, but in sufficient volume. If there is a lack of moisture in the heat, the earth cracks and the bushes wither. Monitor the condition of the soil. Loosen the soil in a timely manner.

Privet grows well in a lighted area. A little shadow is also harmless.

Many varieties tolerate winter cold well, but severe frost can destroy the plant. To preserve the bushes, cover the plants for the winter.

Mulching will protect the plant from overheating and prevent the development of weeds. In late spring, spread mulch under hedges or single plants. It’s both beautiful and useful for privet.

In autumn (every 2–3 years) apply potash fertilizers– up to 15g/sq.m. m, phosphorus and nitrogen - from 10 to 15 g/sq. m. Be sure to add dolomite flour, lime or chalk. Best time to reduce soil acidity in autumn.

Important! Be sure to prune during the growing season. The first 3 years - at least a third of the trunk. In the future, you will only maintain the shape of the hedge. Pruning will reduce the number of flowers, but the shoots will grow faster.


There are two known methods of propagating privet shrubs. Each method is in demand under certain conditions.

Ligustrum reproduces cuttings and seeds. Many shrubs and trees grow quickly and can add about half a meter per year.

There are varieties that are used as bonsai. Dwarf plants with beautiful flowers and many houses are decorated with shiny leaves.


This method is used for large volumes of plantings. The fruits ripen at the end of October. Seeds have a germination rate of 60%.

Owners of private gardens rarely use seeds to propagate privet. Amateur flower growers who keep ligustrum at home also prefer a different method.

Propagation by cuttings

Experienced gardeners recommend best option landings common privet. This method guarantees almost 100% germination:

  • after flowering ends, select strong young shoots;
  • carefully remove it under the internode;
  • prepare a plastic bottle;
  • make 10–15 holes in it at different heights for ventilation. Cut off the neck;
  • plant the cuttings in the shade of spreading trees. Direct Sun rays under no circumstances should they be caught escaping;
  • cover the cutting with a bottle;
  • remove the cap after two months;
  • Leave the young bush until next spring.


The fruit is a berry-like drupe, the number of seeds is from one to four. The berries remain on the bushes until mid-winter.

The shiny black or dark blue fruits are poisonous. In no case don't try privet berries!

Interestingly, the fruits do not pose a danger to thrushes, which readily eat and carry ligustrum seeds.


Varieties of Ligustrum– more than fifty. IN landscape design and to decorate rooms, varieties with high decorative qualities are used.

Many varieties of privet hold their shape well and are suitable for creating bonsai and original compositions with a curly haircut. Check out the popular varieties of privet (photos and descriptions).

Privet shiny

Evergreen shrub or small tree. Grows in southern regions Russia. Height: 6–15m.

The leaves are oblong, longitudinally ovate, glossy, up to 15 cm long. The crown is spreading.

The flowers are almost white. Panicles up to 17 cm long. In autumn, the tree is covered with dark blue fruits.

The shiny privet has taken root perfectly in cities. It grows quickly and tolerates shaded areas and frosts down to -15C.

Photo of shiny privet.


The wild species of this privet grows throughout Japan. The shrub grows up to 4 m in both width and height.

This variety has bright green, oval leaves, about 6 cm long. The flowers are white, the panicle reaches 10 cm. Flowering time is July. The glossy black fruits are poisonous.

The plant is semi-evergreen or evergreen. Suitable for creating tall hedges.


Highly decorative common privet with bright golden leaves. A semi-evergreen plant decorates any garden both in summer and winter.

An unpretentious shrub requires sufficient lighting in the area. Does not grow well in waterlogged soil.

Oval leaves reach 6 cm in length. The center of the leaf is green, the edges have a pleasant golden hue.

The flowers are cream, collected in a panicle, up to 10 cm in size. Glossy berries are very dangerous for a person!

Landscape designers use this variety for hedging urban gardens. Golden privet easily takes the desired shape. Advantages– reasonable cost of the plant and excellent decorative properties.


The evergreen shrub reaches a height of 3–4 m. It is quite demanding on the composition of the soil. Frost-resistant shade-tolerant variety.

The flowers are small. The flowering period is shorter than other varieties.

Keeps its shape perfectly. Has taken root well in city gardens.

Highly decorative plant. Leathery leaves dark Green colour, the crown is compact, the apex is blunt.

The variety has been used in landscape design since 1845. Japanese privet is suitable for alley and single plantings, decorating edges, and creating beautiful hedges.

Many people are familiar with this variety of privet. Planting and caring for the plant are the same as for Ligustrum vulgaris.

Aurea (aureum)

A valuable variety of privet with variegated leaves is popular among landscape designers. The shrub, about 3 m high and up to 2 m wide, looks great in any garden.

Dark leaves with a yellow border are elliptical in shape. Delicate cream flowers are collected in neat panicles.

The variety is unpretentious to soil composition. Tolerates minor drought well.

Frost-resistant species, but in central Russia it is advisable to cover the plant. If the winter is not very cold with snow, Ligustrum aureum often does not shed its leaves.


This variety of privet is often called ligustrum chinensis. One of the most popular varieties. It is known that about a million hectares of land are given over to this variety. different regions planets.

The evergreen shrub grows up to seven meters. Original appearance made privet sinense popular among landscape designers. The plant is suitable for bonsai.

The leaves are opposite, green, length - about 7 cm, width - 3 cm. The leaves fall off in winter.


A shrub with dark green leaves is a variety of the popular Chinese privet. The creamy white flowers form in clusters, giving the plant a pleasing appearance.

The leaves are pointed, with a golden border along the edges. garden shrub reaches a height of 1.2 to 1.5 m.

Here is a video review of another variety of privet.

Evergreen varieties

If you are looking for this variety, pay attention to these varieties of privet:

  • round-leaved;
  • Japanese;
  • sinense;
  • brilliant;
  • variegated;
  • light.

To create hedges, topiary compositions, standard and alley plantings, feel free to choose such a popular plant as privet. Planting and caring for the plant even a novice gardener can do it. Decorative shrubs and trees all year round will delight the eye in urban and private gardens.

Common privet (Ligustrum) is the closest “relative” of lilac. It belongs to the same Olive family, a genus of evergreen and deciduous plants. Privet is a shrub whose height, unlike lilac, never exceeds two meters. Some species grow in the form of trees, the height of which can be quite significant: from 4 meters. The plant is widespread in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North Africa.

Privet is a rather specific shrub. At first glance, this is a very ordinary plant, with small, leathery and dense leaves. But it has amazing properties: it tolerates haircuts well, recovers quickly after it, and at the same time keeps its shape for a long time. All this determined the choice of gardeners: common privet, which is easy to plant and care for, became a favorite plant for forming hedges. It is planted everywhere in middle lane Russia.

Common privet: description

The external similarity between privet and lilac cannot be ignored. It is immediately understandable not only to the experienced eye of a gardener, but also to a person ignorant of plant growing. These two shrubs have very similar leaves and bark, but privet blooms are not nearly as beautiful as lilacs. However, it is often used as a solo plant in landscape design. But here the types of privet that grow more than 2 meters in height are most often chosen.

The leaves of the bush are shiny, dark green on one side, and lighter, matte on the back. The fruits grow as dark blue berries, often with a black tint or completely black. The pulp of each berry contains small seeds in the amount of 1 to 4 pieces.

Privet is capable of creating very dense thickets

Privet blooms not too spectacularly, but for a long time: at least 3 months. The flowers are quite fragrant, but the aroma is less pronounced and attractive than that of lilac. The flowers are white, small in size, collected in panicles 6-18 cm long. Cut branches with clusters of flowers can be placed in a vase with water, and they will last for at least a week without any signs of wilting.

Common privet: properties and characteristics

It will ennoble any area: it will give it a well-groomed and presentable appearance. The plants that make up this landscape composition have special requirements. First of all, these trees and shrubs must be hardy, not demanding to care for, with a lush crown. The common privet and its closest “relatives” meet all these conditions.

In nature, privet is most often found in undergrowth. This determined the properties of this plant. It is absolutely unpretentious and can grow on infertile rocky soils. The only thing this shrub may not like is the high acidity of the soil.

Privet inflorescences resemble lilacs, but are less decorative

Privet feels good both under the hot rays of the sun and in the shade. Such qualities as drought resistance and the ability to cope with gas pollution were appreciated by landscapers. And this shrub began to be planted everywhere along roads, forming spectacular living borders from it.

Its ease of care is also reflected in the fact that this shrub does not require shelter for the winter. It tolerates frosts well down to -30°C. And yet, despite its excellent endurance, the decorative properties of privet will be fully revealed only if it is properly cared for.

Few requirements:

  • moderately moist soil;
  • Soil fertility is average;
  • periodic loosening of the soil to ensure access of oxygen to the roots of the plant.

Common privet berries should not be eaten.

Privet will thank you for this with a lush crown and excellent endurance.

Privet: types and their descriptions with photographs

There are more than 50 species of privet. Despite the close family ties, among these plants there are both tall and short representatives. With a spherical and elongated crown, flowering and non-flowering, evergreen and deciduous.

IN Lately There is a noticeable trend of gardeners becoming more interested in growing bonsai. And here, low-growing species of privet, unpretentious and malleable to molding, are ideally suited. In order to choose a plant for your garden or home, you need to familiarize yourself with the most decoratively attractive species.

Shiny privet (Ligustrum lucidum)

Privet shiny - spectacular evergreen and long-lasting (up to 3 months) flowering plant. Like all its relatives, it is unpretentious and frost-resistant. But during periods of severe cold (from -15°C) it partially sheds its leaves. With the onset of warmth, it quickly restores the splendor of its crown.

Blooms in late June - early July, depending on weather conditions and climatic features region. It can grow as a shrub or a fairly large tree more than 3 meters high.

“Brilliant” got its name from its glossy rounded leaves. Their shape is elongated, the middle vein is light. The sides of the leaves are raised towards the center and form a shallow hollow. The structure of the leaves is dense, fleshy and elastic.

In the photo the privet is shiny

This type of privet, like the others, is shade-tolerant, tolerates heat well, and is drought-resistant. After rain or spraying, the leaves become brighter and shiny, making the plant stand out from the general ensemble of trees and shrubs.

Privet Aureo-variegatum, Aureum, Vicar

Among the privet species there are semi-evergreens, attractive for their short stature and beautiful leaves. These are “Aureum”, “Vicar”, “Aureo-variegatum”.

Aureum is distinguished by its showy golden-green foliage. Quite frost-resistant, but even in warm winters partially sheds leaves. This is a low shrub, notable for its very slow growth rate. The crown is lush and easy to mold. Aureum is a non-flowering shrub. Its decorative appeal lies in its leaves.

Pictured is privet Aureum

Another non-flowering species of privet is Aureo-variegatum. This is a low-growing plant with a rounded dense crown, the diameter of which can reach 120 cm. With a short growth of the bush (up to 100 cm), this variegated, white-green “cap” looks very beautiful.

Vicar is a low plant with a dense crown. The leaves of this shrub are golden, but with a pronounced predominance of yellow. Their shape is round and slightly elongated. By the end of the warm season of the year, the leaves grow up to 6 cm in length.

By mid-autumn they change their color to purple-bronze. At this time, the bush is especially beautiful and spectacular. The maximum height of the Vicar is 1 meter. This type of privet blooms with small white flowers starting in mid-July.

Japanese privet (Ligustrum japonicum)

The name of this plant indicates its habitat. This is mainly Japan. Also found in Korea. Distinctive feature This shrub is that it is very good as a bonsai.

Pictured is Japanese privet

It is this type of privet that the Japanese prefer when practicing their ancient art of growing dwarf plants. The choice of gardeners is not accidental: the crown of this shrub is incredibly thick and lush. This allows you to give it any shape.

Japanese privet is notable for its frost resistance, slow growth, small, inconspicuous flowers with a very unpleasant aroma.

Oval-leaved privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium)

This type of privet is semi-evergreen. A distinctive feature is a thick cone-shaped crown and a beautiful two-color color of the leaves: bright green with a yellow border along the edges. This shrub is a real decoration of the garden. In the cold season, it partially sheds its foliage, but what remains on the branches is enough to enliven a dull winter landscape.

In the photo, oval-leaved privet

It grows by an average of 20 cm per year. The maximum height of an adult plant is 1 m. The fruits of this plant are black berries and do not appear every season. The crown is thick and dense and tolerates pruning well.

Privet Golden, Silver and Variegated

All these three types of privet are similar in all their characteristics, and differ only in the color of the leaves. These shrubs are no more than 70 cm high and are most effective when pruned to 30 cm. Golden privet has green leaves with a distinct yellow border. The width of the leaves may vary. In regions with a southern climate they are larger, brighter and wider.

Variegated privet is a variety of Qihou. It is characterized by less resistance to cold, a pleasant aroma during the flowering period, and a dense crown. The shrub grows, on average, up to 2 meters. The leaves are oval, light green with white edges.

In the photo, variegated privet

The leaves of silver privet have a wide border of a silvery hue. Like all other variegated varieties, these types of privet fade when constantly in the shade. The leaves become less bright, the border between the middle and the border becomes weakly defined. In such conditions, shrubs gradually lose their decorative properties.

Privet Ibota (Ligustrum ibota)

Privet Ibota is a light-loving and heat-loving plant, up to 2 meters high. Habitat: Japan, China, Korea. This ornamental shrub It has a powerful, wide crown, the density of which allows it to be molded into a variety of geometric and intricate shapes.

In the photo Ibota privet

Attention! Ibota blooms, like most representatives of the species, for a long time, but inconspicuously.

White small flowers, collected in elongated panicles, have almost no odor. The leaves are oval and can grow up to 7 cm in length. The fruits are in the form of berries, inside of which there are a few seeds. Requires shelter during the cold season.

Yeezskaya privet (Ligustrum yezoense)

Sakhalin is considered the homeland of this species of privet. The harsh climate of this island determined the characteristics of the plant: excellent frost resistance, shade tolerance, and unpretentiousness. The leaves of the bush are green, small size

, oval, elongated, dense, quite rigid. Maximum height 1.5 m. The beginning of the flowering period is the third ten days of August.

Privet (Ligustrum acutissumum)

The homeland of the plant is Southern China. In nature it grows mainly on mountain slopes. This is a tall shrub, the maximum height of which can reach 3 meters. A distinctive feature of this type of privet is that it is heat-loving, so it can die in extreme cold. It does not bloom for long, on average two weeks. The beginning of the flowering period is the end of June.

In the photo, the sharpest privet

Privet (Ligustrum compactum) Dense privet is a non-flowering semi-evergreen shrub. In nature it can reach a height of up to 4 meters. In conditions artificial cultivation

rarely reaches a height of 1.9 m. Growth rate is average. It is distinguished by a wide lush crown. The leaves are elongated, pointed, bright green. The shrub does not tolerate frost well and needs shelter. During the cold season, it sheds its leaves, but large leaves remain on the branches until the next growing season.

Quihoun Privet (Ligustrum quihoui)

The southern provinces of China are considered the homeland of Qihou. The crown is wide, dense, with small and dense leaves. It begins to bloom at the age of 7. By this time it grows up to 2 meters tall. The flowering period is short: no more than 12 days. Young shoots and leaves have a characteristic hairiness. In leaves it is located on the underside. It has low frost resistance.

Pictured is Quihou privet

Common privet: planting rules

Privet is not a demanding plant, but following planting rules will ensure quick and good survival.

Gardeners with experience in growing this shrub recommend choosing a bright or semi-shaded place for it. Protection from the north wind will be a big plus. The root system of privet is superficial and fibrous. For good survival of the plant, it is necessary to dig up the soil thoroughly, breaking up all large lumps.

The depth of the planting hole should be such that the root ball fits easily and there is still 15-20 cm of free space below.

  • For backfilling, prepare a soil mixture from the following ingredients:
  • 3 parts of turf land;
  • 2 parts humus;

If the area where privet is planted has highly acidic soil, add either 100 g of slaked lime or 300 g of wood ash to the soil mixture.

Privet does not like soils with high acidity levels

  • pour water into the hole and wait for it to be absorbed;
  • lay up to 10 cm of crushed stone on the bottom;
  • pour the soil mixture in a layer of 15-20 cm (you can add 130 g of nitroammophoska);
  • lower a lump into the hole;
  • fall asleep soil mixture, leaving the root collar slightly bare;
  • water generously with added .

Advice! The plant does not require frequent watering. It is only necessary in the first weeks after planting.

In order for the plant to take root well, you need to know when to plant privet. For this purpose, choose a warm but not hot day. Season: spring, summer, autumn, i.e. throughout the growing season. But optimally - in the spring, after the buds swell.

Common privet: propagation

It is not difficult to propagate common privet. You can choose any convenient method:

  • Cuttings. The most troublesome method of reproduction, characterized by low efficiency (a little more than 60%).
  • Seeds. The most popular method of propagating privet. Cuttings must have at least 2 buds.
  • By layering. Effective method privet propagation. The lower branches are bent to the ground and dug in. Then water it. The next season, the daughter plant is separated and transplanted to another location.

A privet hedge can look very impressive

How to plant privet cuttings:

  • In the fall, during the last pruning, the lignified and strongest branches are selected from the cut branches;
  • cut the branch so that 2-3 leaves remain on it;
  • immerse the cutting in the soil in the selected location;
  • cover with a “cup” from a plastic bottle or glass jar;
  • leave in this position until next spring.

According to the experience of gardeners, more than 90% of autumn cuttings take root. If the climate in the region where you live is quite harsh, you can use the method of propagating privet by summer cuttings. In this case, they will have time to firmly take root before the onset of cold weather. The optimal length of the cuttings is 10-15 cm. They are planted to a depth of 5-7 cm. Watered.

Common privet: care

Due to its unpretentiousness, privet does not require careful care and close attention. It is enough to fertilize it with humus in the spring and add a little superphosphate. After which the soil is lightly loosened and watered. These simple steps will be enough for the plant to actively develop and increase its green mass throughout the growing season.

Privet topiary looks very interesting

Care during the season includes weeding, loosening, and infrequent watering during dry periods. If grown hedge, humus or compost is laid along the line of plants, closer to their roots.

Preparing the bush for cold weather begins with snowfall. It is necessary to rake it to the roots of the plant. This is done several times until they are sure that the bush is reliably insulated.

Basic rules of care:

  • rare but abundant watering;
  • fertilizing with organic matter in spring (1 bucket per bush);
  • feeding hedges in spring: 10 g of superphosphate per 1 m.

Common privet: pruning

Privet – best plant to learn how to trim. It will withstand any experiments, but you need to take care of the shape of the bush, starting from the moment of its first shoots. As soon as they appear, they are shortened by several centimeters, thereby stimulating the growth of lateral branches.

As soon as the new shoots grow 10-15 cm, they are shortened again. This is done during the first two years, forming a lush crown of the bush. Next, give it the desired shape. Privet is a grateful plant. It always responds to care and pleases the gardener with its active growth and lush crown.

We invite you to get acquainted with the intricacies of planting privet. Enjoy watching!

The genus Privet, numbering about fifty species, belongs to the Maslinov family and is a bush or small tree, among which there are both evergreen and deciduous.

These are mainly shrubs that grow up to 2 m. Trees of this genus have wide crowns and a height of up to 5-6 m. The foliage is oblong, oval, leathery, the upper side of the leaf is darker, and the lower side is lighter, placed opposite.

White flowers form panicle inflorescences, the fruit is a black berry. Representatives of this genus grow quickly and branch well, so they are often grown in gardens. Different types have different degrees of resistance to frost, so not all of them are suitable for growing in temperate zone.

Varieties and types

We mainly grow it because it has the highest frost resistance among all species. This deciduous bush grows above 3 m, has oval oblong leathery foliage, small white flowers smell good, collected in inflorescences up to 5-7 cm long.

It has various forms and varieties grown in culture:

  • Gray ,

  • Yellowish ,

  • Vicar ,

  • Aureum .

An eastern species that forms a low tree or spreading bush with evergreen foliage. The leaf length exceeds 10 cm, the inflorescences are large – up to 20 cm long. It cannot withstand severe frosts and dies at -15°C, so it can only be grown in warm areas and requires shelter.

Reminds me previous view, but still has some differences, among which the main ones are slower growth and small flowers compared to Brilliant. It is also noted that this species tolerates cold better.

A low-growing shrub that in our climate grows no higher than a meter due to winter frosts. Flowering is not constant, the inflorescences do not smell pleasant.

This type has a couple of forms that are more decorative:

  • Variegated or white-edged – a variety with a cream border on the foliage,

  • Golden - also has a border on the leaves, but yellow in color.

The species comes from China. It grows up to 2 m, the foliage is small and hard, the inflorescences are large - about 20 cm. Down appears on young branches next to the leaves. It has a variegated shape with white spots on the foliage.

An evergreen bush, it differs from other relatives in its smaller foliage and a large number of flowers and, accordingly, berries.

Common privet planting and care

Privet is an excellent choice of shrub for the garden. In the wild, it grows on undergrowth and develops well in the shade; it also tolerates heat and drought well and is not picky about soil. The only exceptions are acidic and sandy soils.

But to get the maximum decorative effect, it is better to choose a bright place, at least a meter from the buildings. The soil must have a drainage layer and have a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.

A mixture of turf, humus and sand in a ratio of 3 to 2 to 1 is suitable, but for planting garden plants the volumes of soil must be impressive, so you can use any soil that meets the basic requirements mentioned above.

Planting and replanting are carried out mainly in the spring, when the buds wake up.

For planting, dig a hole 60 by 60 cm with a depth 30 cm greater than the size of the rhizome. The hole is completely filled with water and wait until it is absorbed. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom, and then part of the soil mixed with 120 grams of nitroammophosphate is placed, then the seedling is placed in a hole and, straightening the roots, it is filled with soil.

For 3-4 weeks, you will need to monitor the bush so that the soil under it does not dry out. A month after planting, it is advisable to mulch the area with a 7 cm layer of peat.

You can also plant the seedlings in a trench with about 35 cm between the specimens - this way, over time, you will get a hedge.

Forsythia is also a member of the Olive family, grown when planted and cared for in open ground, easily propagated and used in landscape design and hedges. Recommendations for care can be found in this article.

Watering privet

Caring for privet is not a burdensome task. Watering is required only in hot weather without rain, if there is precipitation they are not needed.

If necessary, watering is carried out at the rate of 30-35 liters per bush.

Fertilizer for privet

Fertilizers are applied in the spring. Organic matter works well - compost or humus, a bucket for each plant.

The hedge is fertilized by spreading it next to it. organic fertilizer, and on top of it superphosphate - 10 g/m2, then all this fertilizing is not dug deep into the soil and watering is carried out.

Privet pruning

Privet is very easy to prune and is great for training in bush formation, as it quickly grows branches. The first pinching is carried out when the plant takes root and begins to grow.

Next, when the stems grow 15 cm, they prune again and gradually, as the branches grow, they are trimmed a little to improve branching. After two years there will be a lot of branches and the crown can be given any shape.

Also in the spring, sanitary pruning is carried out, getting rid of diseased, broken, frozen and dry branches.

Privet dormant period

In temperate climates, common privet is mainly grown - this species can withstand even severe frosts down to -30°C if the winter is snowy. But even if the branches freeze, they will easily grow back in the spring.

Other types require securing branches near the ground, mulching the area and covering with spruce branches.

Privet growing from seeds

This shrub can be propagated by generative (seed) and vegetative methods.

Seed propagation is a difficult process, especially for a beginner. This is due to the fact that the germination rate of the seed is quite low and it is used only for propagation of pure species, since varietal characteristics are usually not preserved during seed propagation.

Seeds are collected from ripe berries, washed and sown in the soil in mid-autumn. So the material will go natural stratification and, perhaps, it will sprout in the spring.

Privet propagation by cuttings

Cuttings are a more reliable method. The procedure begins with the end of flowering, cutting strong branches so that the cuttings are about 11 cm. The cuttings are stuck into the turf ground, on top of which sand is scattered, at an angle of 45 degrees.

During rooting, the temperature should not be lower than 20°C, there should also be high humidity, so the cuttings are wrapped plastic bags or put on them plastic bottles with holes made. Rooting takes place in 15-20 days.

Reproduction of privet by layering

This crop can also be easily propagated by layering. The procedure is carried out according to the usual scheme: the branch is bent to the ground and an incision is made on it. The place of the cut is stuck into the ground and the branch is secured in this position.

Over time, the cuttings will take root; it will need to be watered occasionally, and next year it will be possible to separate the new bush from its parent and replant it.

Diseases and pests

Privet almost never gets sick. It may have problems when grown on acidic soils - in such conditions they make themselves felt spotting And powdery mildew .

These diseases should be combated with fungicides, but if you do not change the acidity level of the soil, then no drug will help for a long time. To shift the reaction to the alkaline side, lime or dolomite flour should be added to the soil.

But pests can attack this bush. Every now and then failure happens. tick , thrips , aphids , also sometimes found scale insects .

Spider mite leaves thin cobwebs between the leaves and branches, it feeds on the juices of the plant and because of this leaves turn yellow , dry out And curl up . To combat the pest, the plant is washed with soapy water or sprayed with garlic infusion.

The same method is used against aphids , which is placed with black dots on the foliage.

Shchitovka manifests itself as brown growths on leaves . Removing them is extremely problematic, and spraying with drugs will not give a strong result. Everything will have to be done manually, soaking a cloth in insecticide and tearing off the shields.

Thrips a very unpleasant pest that multiplies quickly and can affect both the roots and the above-ground part of the bush. Affected Parts turn yellow , lines remain on them in places where worms climbed, and the roots become thinner. The fight against this insect is difficult and it is better to immediately resort to chemicals.

Actellik and Fitoverm can cope with any of these pests. Most likely, all the insects will not die at once and the spraying procedure will have to be carried out several times with an interval of 10 days.

Plant privet (lat. Ligustrum)- a genus of evergreen, semi-evergreen and deciduous shrubs and small trees of the Olive family, which includes about 50 species, common in nature in Europe, Asia, Australia and North Africa. Privet is most diverse in the flora of China, Japan, the Himalayas and Taiwan. The Latin name of the plant is derived from the verb “ligare”, which means “to bind”, and explains the astringent properties of privet bark. The privet shrub is a close relative of the lilac; the similarity of the leaves and bark of these two plants is striking, but the privet is inferior in size, and its flowering is not nearly as attractive as that of the lilac. Privet is one of those plants that, if unkempt, does not attract attention at all, but once you pick up the scissors and give the bush a shape, it transforms in the most miraculous way.

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Planting and caring for privet (in brief)

  • Landing: in the spring, before the start of sap flow, or in September-October.
  • Bloom: in the first half of summer for 3-3.5 weeks, however, many species are grown as decorative foliage.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight or partial shade.
  • The soil: nutritious, moderately moist, well drained, with a small amount of lime, neutral or slightly alkaline. Clay, dry and acidic soils are not suitable for the plant.
  • Watering: only in drought, but abundant. During the season you will need 4-5 waterings with a consumption of 30-40 liters of water per plant.
  • Feeding: in spring with organic fertilizers.
  • Trimming: in early spring– for sanitary purposes, in May and August – for crown formation.
  • Reproduction: seeds, layering, cuttings, root suckers and shoots.
  • Pests: aphids, spider mites, scale insects, thrips, mealybugs.
  • Diseases: when grown in acidic soil - powdery mildew and leaf spots.

Read more about growing privet below.

Privet bush - description

Privet is a shrub about 2 m high and up to 1 m wide or small trees with a spreading crown, growing no higher than 6 m. Privet leaves, entire, elongated-ovate, leathery, dark green on the upper side and lighter on the lower side, are located on branches are opposite. Small fragrant, white, almost sessile flowers, collected in loose apical paniculate inflorescences from 6 to 18 cm long, bloom for three months, starting in June or July. Privet fruits are berry-like small rounded drupes of dark blue or black color with the number of seeds from one to four. Privet grows very quickly. The most winter-hardy plant species is the common privet - it is usually grown in the middle zone. It is the planting and care of common privet, as well as the propagation of common privet, that are the subject of this article. In landscape design, privet hedges are mostly grown, although they look great in small groups and as a solo plant. Recently, privet bonsai has become popular.

Planting privet

When to plant privet

Privet is an inhabitant of the undergrowth, so it is shade-tolerant, and it is also gas- and drought-resistant, and is also unpretentious in the choice of soil. Privet grows poorly only on sour, dry sandy soils. However, the plant reaches the peak of its decorative potential in favorable conditions, so it is best to plant it in an open place, at least 70-100 cm away from buildings, in moderately moist, nutritious, well-drained soil with a neutral, or even better, slightly alkaline reaction. The optimal soil composition is turf, humus and sand in a ratio of 3:2:1. You can replant privet at any time during the growing season, but it is better to do it in the spring, before the buds wake up, although many believe that planting privet in September-October is more reliable.

How to plant privet

Before planting privet, dig up the area to the depth of a spade bayonet, dig a hole measuring 65x65 and 30 cm deep larger size privet root system, fill the hole with water and wait until it is absorbed. Place a layer of crushed stone 10-20 cm thick in the hole, then pour a mound of soil mixture, the composition of which was described in the previous section, having previously mixed 130 g of nitroammophoska into it, place a privet seedling on the mound, straighten its roots and fill the hole with the same soil mixture, but no longer fertilized. For a month, make sure that the soil around the seedling does not dry out. After this, mulch the area around the privet with a layer of peat 5-8 cm thick.

Privet for hedges is planted in a trench 50 cm wide and 60 cm deep, the seedlings are placed in it at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other according to the same principle as for single planting. After you fill the trench with soil and compact it, water the seedlings at the root.

Privet care

How to grow privet

Caring for privet consists of periodically watering the plant, loosening the soil, weeding and pruning the bush. Mulching the tree trunk circle will make your life easier, but this should not be done in early spring, but when the earth has already warmed up sufficiently. Privet bushes need to be watered only during drought, and in moderate summer conditions natural precipitation will be sufficient. The principle of moistening privet is that watering should be rare but plentiful, since the soil needs to be wetted to a depth of half a meter. On average, during the growing season you will have to water the privet three or four times, and the amount of water that needs to be poured under each bush at a time is from 30 to 40 liters.

It is best to feed privet with organic matter before the onset of summer, adding a bucket of humus or compost under each bush. Hedge plants are fed by scattering organic matter along them, distributing superphosphate granules on top of it at the rate of 10 g per meter, and then shallowly embedding it all in the top layer of soil, followed by watering.

Privet pruning

If you do not know how to do formative pruning of shrubs, you need to learn from privet: it will withstand and hide all your flaws and miscalculations, since it has the ability to quickly form shoots. They begin to trim privet almost from the moment of planting: as soon as the seedling has settled into the open ground and begins to grow, slightly shorten the tops of its shoots to stimulate tillering, and when the shoots grow 10-15 cm, prune again - such manipulations are carried out within two years, while the plant intensively builds up “material” for formative pruning. When there is enough green mass to give the bush a certain shape, you can begin to form the crown. Recently, Japanese cutting of privet in the form of dense pillows - karikomi - has become fashionable.

Privet hedge in warm weather European countries can reach a height of two meters, however, in our conditions in winter, bushes of this height can freeze, so the recommended height of privet in a hedge for the middle zone is 50 cm - in winter, the hedge is usually covered with a layer of snow, which saves the shoots from frostbite. Hedges are trimmed in May and August. As for sanitary pruning, it is done in early spring, removing branches broken during the winter, dried out, frozen and diseased, and the rest, if necessary, shortening by a third.

Privet in autumn

In our climate, they mainly grow common privet - a frost-resistant species that can withstand cold temperatures down to -30 ºC, if they are short-term, and in the presence of snow cover, it is not afraid of forty-degree frosts. Even if the ends of the shoots of common privet are damaged in the winter cold, it is very easily restored in the spring. Common privet is not covered for the winter. It is advisable to bend other types of privet to the ground for the winter, having previously mulched them trunk circle, fix them in this position and cover them with spruce branches.

Pests and diseases of privet

Privet is very resistant to almost all diseases; problems arise only due to increased acidity of the soil - then it can develop spotting or powdery mildew. Therefore, monitor the pH value of the soil and timely add a deoxidizer to the soil, for example, ground limestone, dolomite flour or fluff lime.

Among the pests, privet is affected by scale insects, spider mite, aphids, thrips and scale insects. If you purchase Fitoverm or Actellik, you will be able to cope with any of the listed pests, if not just once, then in four sessions with a break of two weeks - for sure. However, if you monitor the health of your plants and comply with agrotechnical conditions, then you will not be in danger of being attacked by pests.

Privet propagation

How to propagate privet

Privet propagates in all sorts of ways: seeds, layering, shoots, cuttings and root suckers.

Growing privet from seeds

Propagation by seeds is a labor-intensive process, especially since seed germination is not so high - only about 65%, especially since privet begins to bear fruit from the age of six. The method of seed propagation is used only for industrial propagation of privet, so there is no point in collecting seeds from your bushes in the fall, because there are much simpler and more reliable methods of propagation - vegetative. However, we are ready to tell you how to properly grow privet from seeds. Select the largest seeds from ripe fruits, place them in a container of water and wait: after a while, some seeds will float, others will sink. Those that float up are not suitable, and sunken privet seeds need to be stratified - pre-winter sowing in October open ground. Over the winter they will undergo natural stratification, but privet seedlings will appear only after a year. If you postpone sowing seeds until spring, place them in a box with sand and peat and keep them at a temperature close to 0 ºC.

Propagation of privet by cuttings

For cuttings, choose summer cuttings that root by 90-100%. They are cut at the end of flowering, choosing only developed, mature shoots. The length of the cuttings is 10-12 cm. They are planted in a turf substrate, covered with coarse washed sand on top, at an angle of 45º to a depth of 5 cm. The optimal temperature for rooting is 20-25ºC, air humidity should be constant. To do this, put a plastic one and a half liter bottle with a cut off neck on each cutting, making several small holes in its bottom. The first roots should appear within two weeks, and after three months the cuttings will develop a powerful root system. Rooted cuttings are grown throughout the year, transplanting into large containers as needed. When the cuttings reach a height of 50-60 cm, they can be planted in open ground.

Reproduction of privet by layering

In the spring, tilt a low-growing privet branch to the ground, making a small and shallow cut in the bark of the layer on the side that will lie in the ground. Dig in the cut part of the layering, and lay sphagnum moss on top, which must be moist all the time - this is important. There is no need to dig in the top - when it starts to grow, you will understand that the rooting process is successful. It is best to separate the cuttings from the mother plant and plant them in a permanent place next spring.

You can propagate privet by layering without digging: make a few scratches on the branch with a needle, fill a plastic bag with moist soil and secure it to the branch so that the polyethylene covers the branch in the place where it is scratched. To seal it, secure the bag with tape. This method will allow you to watch the bag gradually fill with roots. This way you can grow several cuttings at the same time. When the roots fill the bag, cut off the branch below the layer, carefully remove the polyethylene and transplant the layer with roots to a permanent place.

Types and varieties of privet

We offer you an introduction to the most popular types of privet grown in cultivation.

Common privet (Ligustrum vulgare)

grows under natural conditions in the south and southwest of Ukraine, northern Moldova, the Caucasus, northern Africa, Asia Minor, as well as in South and Central Europe, choosing oak undergrowth for growth. This is a shade-tolerant deciduous branched shrub up to 5 m high with lanceolate or oblong ovate leathery leaves, dark green on the upper side and lighter on the lower side. The flowers of plants of this species are fragrant, small, white, collected in erect panicles up to 6 cm long. They bloom in the first half of summer and fade after three weeks. Black berries of common privet remain on the bushes until January. This is the most frost-resistant type of plant, which is why it is most often grown in gardens and parks in the middle zone. In addition to the original species, about 10 decorative forms of common privet are grown in garden culture: pyramidal, weeping, evergreen, gray, gray-white-edged, golden, yellowish, golden-variegated, silver-variegated, sterile and yellow-fruited. The most popular varieties:

  • Aureum- semi-evergreen privet no more than a meter high with golden foliage. It grows very slowly. Doesn't bloom. In warm winters, some leaves do not fall off until spring;
  • Vicar- also a semi-evergreen shrub up to 1 m high with a dense crown and golden-yellow, broadly oval leaves up to 6 cm long, which become purple-bronze by winter. It blooms in mid-summer with small fragrant white flowers. Requires shelter for the winter;
  • Privet Aureo-variegatum– a non-flowering shrub up to 100 cm high with variegated golden leaves forming a crown with a diameter of up to 120 cm.

Shiny privet (Ligustrum lucidum)

grows naturally in Japan, China and Korea. This is a small tree or large evergreen shrub with elongated ovate dark green leaves up to 15 cm long, shiny on the upper side, and fragrant flower panicles up to 18 cm long of small white flowers that bloom for three months. Shiny privet does not tolerate temperatures below -15 ºC, so it is advisable to cover it for the winter. Decorative forms of this species: golden-bordered, golden-variegated, tricolor.

Japanese privet (Ligustrum japonicum)

most often found naturally in Japan and South Korea. It is very similar to shiny privet, and the two are often confused. This is an evergreen privet, no more than 4 m high with a compact crown and small leathery leaves of a dark green color, its flower inflorescences are smaller than those of the shiny privet, they do not bloom for as long, and this species grows more slowly. But Japanese privet is more shade-tolerant and frost-resistant. There are two decorative varieties Japanese privet – round-leaved and variegated.

Oval-leaved privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium)

does not exceed 1 m in height, since when grown in the middle zone it constantly freezes in winter, and in the spring it has to recover. It blooms extremely irregularly with narrow flowers with unpleasant smell. It has the following decorative forms:

  • Variegated Privet (Variegatum)- an evergreen shrub that grows in warm areas to a height of several meters. The leaves are green with a creamy white edge;
  • Silver Privet (Argentum)– bushes of medium size, leaves with a cream border;
  • Golden Privet (Aureum)– has a golden-yellow border along the edges of the leaves. In the southern regions it overwinters without shelter and is often used as a container crop.

Privet Ibota (Ligustrum ibota)

- a deciduous species of privet that grows in nature in China, Korea and Japan up to 2 m in height. It has a spreading crown, elongated ovate leaves, shiny dark green on the upper side, the lower side of which has a bluish tint. Fragrant white inflorescences up to 7 cm long bloom in summer, but flowering is not observed every year. This is a heat-loving species that does not tolerate temperature changes and does not tolerate cold winters, so shelter for the winter is mandatory for Ibota privet.

Privet (Ligustrum yezoense)

like common privet, it is a winter-hardy plant species. She is originally from Sakhalin. This is a shade-tolerant shrub up to 1.5 m high with small wide leaves.

, oval, elongated, dense, quite rigid. Maximum height 1.5 m. The beginning of the flowering period is the third ten days of August.

from the slopes of the mountains of Southern China, reaches a height of 3 m. It blooms profusely for about two weeks in early July, the fruits ripen around October. Not winter-hardy.

In the photo, the sharpest privet

– a semi-evergreen non-flowering shrub, in nature up to 4 m high, in cultivation it does not exceed 2 m with a crown diameter of 180 cm. The leaves are large, persisting until the next growing season. Winter hardiness is low.

rarely reaches a height of 1.9 m. Growth rate is average. It is distinguished by a wide lush crown. The leaves are elongated, pointed, bright green. The shrub does not tolerate frost well and needs shelter. During the cold season, it sheds its leaves, but large leaves remain on the branches until the next growing season.

- a semi-evergreen shrub native to the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Shanxi, Yunnan reaches a height of 2 m. It has small, hard leaves and large panicles up to 20 cm long from small flowers. Blooms at the end of summer. Characteristic sign– pubescence of young shoots and the underside of leaves. Varieties:

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