What to do to get pregnant with twins. How to give birth to twins naturally

Many married couples dream of becoming parents of twins. Everyone has their own reasons for this: some dream of forgetting about childbirth forever, giving the world and their beloved husband two babies at once, while others believe that the more children in the family, the better.

Unfortunately, the likelihood of having twins depends not only on the endless desire of the parents. According to statistics, for every eighty pregnancies there is only one twin. However, over time this number continues to increase. Experts find an explanation in the fact that women are already in early age start using hormonal drugs that affect conception.

Twins are fraternal children that are the result of two sperm fertilizing different eggs. Each fetus is formed in a separate placenta. Twins are not always like two peas in a pod. On the contrary, babies can be completely different. Children of different sexes are often born.

Scientists involved in genetic research say that the predisposition to conceive identical children is passed on to a woman from her mother.

If we compare the number of cases of birth of twins with the birth of twins, we get the following picture: fraternal babies are born three times more often. In addition, one cannot help but notice the fact that the likelihood of such pregnancy in adult women is higher than in young girls. In the period from 20 to 30 years, the probability of conceiving twins is approximately three percent, while in 30-40 years it increases to six.

The chance of having two babies also depends on the number of previous pregnancies. After all, the more children a mother has, the higher the likelihood that twins will be next. This is due to the fact that during the gestation process the mother gains excess weight, which is a favorable factor for conceiving fraternal babies.

Features of conception

Experts believe that the typical female body is designed to bear one fetus. Pregnancy with two or three babies at the same time is classified by medicine as an anomaly.

The fact is that the process of conception involves the participation of one sperm and one egg. There are rare cases where one egg is fertilized, but it divides in half. As a result of such a pregnancy, identical twins are born. The reasons have not yet been established.

Artificial conception

There are several effective methods give birth to twins, which are divided into two main groups:

  • artificial;
  • natural.

The first type of conceiving fraternal children involves seeking medical help. The birth of twins is facilitated by the IVF method, which allows the eggs to be fertilized for transplantation into the expectant mother. In such a situation, the probability of the desired outcome is very high.

Natural conception

Many women, for various reasons, refuse IVF, but still continue to dream of twins. In such a situation, it would be appropriate to contact a geneticist, since it is this doctor who is engaged in turning such desires into reality.

Before going to the hospital, you need to collect an anamnesis, that is, the most detailed and thorough information about your relatives, their ailments and predispositions. It is mandatory to provide a medical history of a married couple wishing to become parents of twins.

It is very important to create your menu from those foods that trigger the release of several eggs during the ovulation process. Plus, before conception, it is necessary to stimulate the functioning of the ovaries. Walnuts help with this chicken eggs and cereals.

If a woman wants to become a happy mother of two charming girls, then she, first of all, should pay attention to the position in which conception occurs. It is best to achieve the desired result in the missionary position.

Not less important proper nutrition future mother. To conceive girls, you should create a menu that includes:

  • sugar;
  • spices;
  • jam;
  • any type of honey;
  • fragrant herbs.

How to give birth to identical boys

For the birth of twin boys, the position in which fertilization occurs is also important. In this case, positions characteristic of deep penetration make it easier for sperm to access the uterus.

Experts say that the likelihood of Y sperm penetration increases after orgasm, since the process releases special components that increase the lifespan of sperm. As a result, they will have more time to reach the egg.

A diet that promotes the conception of boys consists of foods such as:

It is very important to exclude bread, waffles, raw cabbage, caviar, seafood, nuts, and beans from your diet. To conceive twin boys, it is recommended to heavily salt food and eat more canned foods.

It would be a mistake to believe that all these means will lead to the conception of twins one hundred percent, but they increase this likelihood.

There are several other factors on which the birth of twins depends.

Stopping taking contraceptivesThe essence of contraceptives is that they block the functioning of the ovaries. The moment a woman stops taking drugs that prevent conception, the ovaries produce a large number of eggs. This greatly increases the likelihood of getting pregnant and having twins.
AbstinenceIt is widely believed that prolonged abstinence from sex promotes conception, since in such a situation the activity of sperm increases. At the moment, there is no scientific proof of this theory.
HeightIt is known that tall women are much more likely to give birth to non-identical children.
Drinking milkDairy products help increase insulin levels in the blood, which affects egg production.
OriginA man with African roots is predisposed to conceiving twins.
SeasonIn spring, the sun helps the body produce a hormone called gonadotropin. It is very important when conceiving twins.
ClimateSurprisingly, the likelihood of conceiving twins is influenced even by such parameters as humidity, daylight hours, and the level of natural radioactive background. It has been reliably proven that there are areas in which fraternal children are regularly born and this cannot be explained by anything other than a geographical factor.
Structure of the uterusMost often, the abnormal structure of the uterus provokes multiple pregnancies.
Menstrual cycleIt is believed that women whose cycle length is exactly three weeks are more likely to give birth to twins.

If happy parents managed to conceive twins, this does not mean that the most difficult thing is left behind. In such a situation, the expectant mother has a lot of worries. Firstly, during pregnancy with twins, morning and evening nausea will torment a woman longer than during a normal pregnancy. Secondly, when carrying two babies, the likelihood of varicose veins greatly increases. It is necessary to purchase special underwear that is designed to reduce stress and make breathing easier.

Two babies is a significant weight for the body, which sometimes ends in premature birth. A woman must be ready for this. It is recommended to go to the hospital several times ahead of schedule so that labor does not take the mother by surprise. In the last months you should completely abandon physical exercise, as they can provoke contractions.

Around the middle of pregnancy, a woman's appetite often decreases. There is nothing wrong with this, since the cause is the natural enlargement of the uterus. The organ puts pressure on the stomach, which disrupts its functioning. Despite this, the body still needs to receive a lot of calories. The expectant mother should eat in small portions, but very often.

Among the mandatory actions, folic acid intake is emphasized. This vitamin helps suppress any congenital abnormalities and alleviate defects associated with nervous system. Folic acid should be taken throughout the entire period.

Video - How to conceive twins

Many couples dream of having twins or twins. Some argue that the child will always have the closest friend, and children will never be bored together. Others want to give birth to two children at once, so as not to plan a new pregnancy in the future. One way or another, pregnancy with two babies at once is not very common.

Scientists have proven that the likelihood of pregnancy with twins is 4 times higher than with identical twins. The predisposition to the birth of twins or twins is inherited exclusively through the maternal line.

So, there are several predispositions to carrying twins or twins. Doctors highlight several main points when such conception is possible.

  1. Genetic predisposition. If a husband or wife has had two children in their family, then the chances of twins in a married couple increase significantly. It is worth noting that if a woman has already been pregnant with twins, then with each new pregnancy the chances of double happiness increase in arithmetic progression.
  2. Age has a very big advantage in multiple pregnancies. The older a woman gets, the more gonadotropin hormone is in her body, which is responsible for the timely maturation of eggs.
  3. IVF fertilization. During this procedure, several fertilized eggs are implanted into the uterine cavity so that one of them can take root in the womb. There are cases when 2 or 3 eggs survive.
  4. Pregnancy with twins or twins is possible when a woman takes fertility drugs. Also, if you stop taking contraceptives in the form of pills, multiple pregnancies may occur.
  5. A woman's nationality plays an important role. For example, an African woman is five times more likely to have multiple pregnancies than an Asian girl.
  6. Abnormal structure of the genital organs in a woman.

What do we have to do

In order for two eggs to be fertilized at once, doctors recommend adhering to a special diet that will increase the production of follicle-stimulating hormone, thereby increasing the chances of double conception.

The expectant mother should eat food that is rich in proteins.

  1. An important product that should be in the daily diet is meat (pork, veal, beef). As for smoked meat and sausages, it is better to exclude them from the menu altogether.
  2. Poultry meat, chicken and duck, should be included in the diet of the expectant mother.
  3. Fish should also be present in a woman’s diet, with the exception of smoked fish and seafood.
  4. Various cheeses. In this case, a woman should pay attention to the amount of proteins in the varieties. The more proteins the better.
  5. Dairy products, preferably homemade. The natural product is the best source of natural protein. Just don’t overdo it with milk, it reduces the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Sweet potatoes (yams) contain a substance similar to estrogen. With frequent use of such a product, the chances of increasing multiple pregnancies increase significantly.

Probability of pregnancy with triplets

Pregnancy with three children at once is much less common than with twins. In this case, heredity definitely plays an important role. Only in this case can a woman become pregnant with triplets.

With IVF fertilization, such a multiple pregnancy is possible. \In this case, heredity does not play a role.

How to get pregnant with twins

As you know, twins are born from one egg, which after fertilization splits in two. Such children are called identical twins. They will be similar to each other, like two peas in a pod, and will be of the same gender. The same cannot be said about twins. Twins can be born opposite sexes and not be similar friend on each other, since at conception two eggs were fertilized.

Pregnancy with twins is much more difficult than with twins. In order for identical twins to be born, one of the spouses in the family must have multiple pregnancies. In this case, the chances of having two babies will be high. Most often this works within a generation.


If a woman or man has twins in their family, then with each new pregnancy the woman has, the chances of multiple births increase. Given the woman's age, the birth of twins can also be expected.

There are cases when none of the spouses had twins or twins by inheritance, but the egg was still divided, and a multiple pregnancy developed.


With artificial insemination, the birth of two or more children is much higher than through natural insemination. According to Russian standards, two eggs are implanted to increase the likelihood of their attachment.

In medicine, cases of both identical and fraternal twins after artificial insemination have been observed. No one gives a 100% guarantee for multiple pregnancies, but it is not so rare.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to exclude multiple pregnancies. Therefore, if the expectant mother has health problems that do not allow her to bear several babies at once, one implanted embryo is removed.

How to stimulate ovulation: table

Stimulate ovulation for speedy conception. Most often, this is done with the help of drugs that produce a special hormone in the woman’s body. It is he who is responsible for mature eggs capable of conception. Traditional stimulants – herbs – are also used.

These are one of the most common drugs, after taking which ovulation begins on time.

Herbs that stimulate pregnancy:

Name Action and mode of administration
Sage This herb helps mature the egg and also improves the production of natural endometrium. This is a very important phase that is needed from the first days of the cycle. Therefore, sage is taken 3 times a day for a week or two, depending on the length of the cycle.
Hog queen A decoction of boron uterus contains the hormone progesterone, which is important precisely in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
Red brush This herb is taken to enhance the work of the uterus and sage, so traditional healers recommend taking it along with other herbs to speed up pregnancy.

Before you start ovulation stimulation, be sure to consult your doctor about the doses and proper use of drugs.

How can you plan

Unfortunately, no one can give exact guarantees for multiple pregnancies. This is only in the hands of nature itself. But don't despair. Try to adhere to a proper diet, and also listen to the advice of your doctor and you will succeed.

Of course, with IVF, the chances of multiple pregnancies are higher, but even with natural conception, twins are not isolated cases.

What is the probability

There are several factors that increase the chances of having a multiple pregnancy.

  1. Oral contraceptives. When you stop taking the pills, the body begins to actively produce hormones. Due to their large number, multiple pregnancies may occur.
  2. Heredity. As mentioned earlier, if one of your relatives had a multiple pregnancy, your likelihood of such a situation increases significantly.
  3. Nationality plays a big role. More often than not, twins are born in African countries. Out of 1000 pregnancies, 45 are multiple.
  4. Age. The older a woman is, the more likely she is to have multiple births when she becomes pregnant.

Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed yet. Most often, joy happens when you stop focusing on it. Eat right, get plenty of rest, do what you love, and soon you will get a long-awaited pregnancy with twins or twins.

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Some parents consciously wish for them to have twins, others believe that this way their child will always have the best close person, and still others strive to get a large family “at one time.”

Is it possible to somehow schedule such an event? And make your dream come true?

Who are the twins?

The birth of twins is the result of a multiple pregnancy. Identical twins, which are born due to the fact that, for an unknown reason, an already fertilized egg suddenly begins to divide.

Such twins are always of the same sex and are very similar to each other in appearance and even in character.

Fraternal twins are born from the simultaneous fertilization of two or more eggs. Unlike identical individuals, they can be of different sexes and similar to each other only due to genetic relatedness.

Such children are called twins, separating this concept from “unusual” identical twins.

How often are twins born?

Does such a miracle often happen in nature? Science tells us that this event is indeed not ordinary. According to statistics, the birth of twins occurs only in every 250 births.

This means that your chances of conceiving twins naturally, that is, having it happen “by itself,” are not very high. Therefore, women who have such a desire try in every way to increase the likelihood of a “twin” pregnancy.

As a rule, these methods are exclusively folk, since official medicine is so far only making attempts to create such “miracles”.

What factors suggest the possibility of their conception?

There are factors that have a direct, scientifically proven effect on the appearance of twins. Whether it is possible to somehow make these factors play in your favor is unknown, but they are certainly worth taking into account.

Woman's age

Twins are more often born to women who are at the end of the age of motherhood - from 35 to 45 years.

Being overweight

According to statistics fat women give birth to twins more often than slender ladies.


If there were twins in your family, then your chances increase. However, this applies only to women, since the ability of an egg to ovulate multiple times and the ability to divide during the process of fertilization is inherited.

A man can only be a “postman,” that is, he can transfer this genetic information from his mother to the daughter he conceived.

Belonging to a particular race

It has been found that African women are more likely to give birth to twins than Asian women. But here you can hardly influence events in any way.

Menstrual cycle

Its duration affects. Women whose cycle is short - that is, equal to 20-21 days - are more likely to become pregnant with twins.

How can you influence this process?

Is it possible to somehow “help” nature and still conceive twins at will? Knowing the mechanisms of the body that stimulate the conception of identical babies, you can slightly adjust its work.

What can you do?

  1. Take folic acid BEFORE conception. Scientists have proven that women who took folic acid were 40% more likely to become pregnant with twins.
  2. Continue to breastfeed your baby (if you have a baby breastfeeding). Hormones produced during lactation stimulate the production of eggs.
  3. Try eating yams. A very interesting fact - in African city Igbo-Ora twins are the most commonly born twins in the world. The main dish there is, you guessed it, wild yam.

Choosing the time of year

Folk methods for getting pregnant with twins have long been known. In particular, the spring and summer months are recommended for pregnancy, since at this time the activity of female sex hormones is higher.

Rebound effect

It is considered an effective way to try to conceive babies after stopping birth control medications. The ovulation process, which has been held back for a long time, is activated quite powerfully. This could very well work.

Special diet

Another folk way- eat foods that enhance ovarian activity. Thus, a woman who wants to conceive twins should follow the following diet:

  • lean meat, poultry;
  • walnuts;
  • dairy products;
  • quail eggs are better.

It is also very advisable to include foods high in potassium and magnesium in your diet: meat, cereals, jacket potatoes, dried fruits, champignons.

How to get pregnant with twins of a certain gender?

Conception table

There is an opinion that in order to accurately predict the gender of the child, a couple can use a special table:

Whether this method “works” 100% is not known for certain, but sometimes people try to use all the methods.

Increasing your chances of having twin boys


The diet described above is also known as the "boy diet". Eating protein foods increases the chances of having an heir. So if you want to conceive twin boys, it is perfect.

Choosing positions and day of conception

In this case, it is better to choose positions for intimacy that provide deeper penetration. The ideal classic “missionary” position. Spermatozoa carrying the male chromosome, unfortunately, are not so strong, so the most suitable conditions must be created for them.

Also, for intimacy, you will need to choose days that fall directly on ovulation.

How to increase your chances of getting pregnant with twin girls?


If your dream is twin girls, then you need to behave a little differently. It is highly advisable to remove caffeine-containing drinks and salty foods from your diet. At the same time, use more when preparing food. herbs, and also consume more jam and other foods rich in sugars.

Choosing positions and day of conception

Poses for intimacy are suitable for those in which the penetration is not very deep. For example, lying on your side or when a woman is on top - this makes it easier for her to adjust the depth herself.

To conceive girls, you should choose the days before ovulation. Sperm carrying the female chromosome are more tenacious and active. An interesting and symbolic pattern, isn’t it?

Is it possible for sure? Or IVF to help

Quite often couples can conceive twins “with a guarantee” after undergoing IVF. This result is explained by the fact that for in vitro fertilization, eggs are subjected to powerful hormonal stimulation.

Twins are often born after IVF. Experts say this is a common phenomenon. This fact is associated with the strengthening hormonal levels women preparing for the procedure.

Currently, in vitro fertilization is quite widespread. This great chance for many couples get healthy child and find a happy family. However, going through such a procedure solely for the sake of conceiving twins is a dubious undertaking. Not a single doctor will agree to perform it without special indications. Moreover, the procedure exposes the female body to a very heavy load.

No matter how many children you have, they will all be the most beloved. Will you immediately give birth to beautiful twins or will you soon cease to have two babies in turn? great importance. The main thing is that you have them, and this is the greatest happiness!

Couples who dream of having several children in the family are thinking about having twins. Although this is troublesome, there is no need to go through 9 months of gestation and childbirth again. Therefore, many spouses are wondering: how to conceive twins and get a double surprise?

How do you get twins?

During ovulation, an egg is released from the left or right ovary, which moves through the tubes to the uterus. If a sperm is encountered along the way, fertilization occurs and a zygote (fertilized egg) is attached to the uterine wall. Then it becomes an embryo, a fetus and finally a baby is born.

When the zygote, moving towards the wall of the uterus, is divided into 2-3 parts, the pregnancy will be multiple. The exact reason for the division has not yet been established. Children born as a result of such a conception are same-sex and identical in appearance twins.
Having twins is pretty a rare event, which accounts for only 3% of newborns

Dizygotic twins are called fraternal twins or triplets. They are produced when more than one egg is fertilized at the same time. Unlike identical twins, twins can be conceived by different fathers whose sperm fertilizes each egg at the same time.

Statistics say that multiple pregnancies occur in 3% of cases, that is, 3 mothers out of 100 give birth to two or more children at a time. Over the past 40 years, this figure has increased by 61%, which is associated with the increasing availability of artificial insemination.

What you need to know about multiple pregnancy - video

Factors influencing the birth of twins

If the conception of identical twins occurs by chance and the mechanism is not fully understood, then observations of the appearance of twins in families allowed scientists to draw conclusions about why several eggs are sometimes fertilized. The likelihood increases if:

  • There are already known cases of twin births in the family. The possibility of multiple fertilization is inherited through the maternal line, as the egg matures in the female body. If a woman or her mother has a twin, the likelihood of twins increases due to the hereditary maturation of two eggs during ovulation (hyperovulation);
  • abnormalities in the structure of the uterus. There is a division of the female organ by a septum -. This inherited mutation contributes to twin pregnancies;
  • ethnicity. The peoples of Africa have the highest chances of conceiving and carrying twins. The influence is exerted by a combination of ethnic factors - habitat and eating habits;
  • The expectant mother is overweight. Yes, this is the case when thin people envy fat ones. A woman with a BMI (body mass index) over 30 has a higher chance of having twins. This is due to the carbohydrate content in the daily diet. Diets without protein are contraindicated for those dreaming of twins;
  • A woman's age is over 35 years, then more FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) is produced. The higher the hormone level, the more eggs are released during ovulation, which leads to multiple pregnancies;
  • artificial insemination. After IVF, there is a high percentage of the birth of dizygotic twins due to the implantation of 2-3 embryos into the uterus;
  • a woman has a short menstrual cycle (does not exceed 22 days). This is a sign of increased production of hormones that stimulate the ovary to produce large quantity eggs.

The likelihood of twins increases with each repeat pregnancy.

I have heredity. On mom and dad's side there are twin grandparents. During my first pregnancy I really wanted twins... I only have one daughter. For the second pregnancy they wanted twins... One son. In the third pregnancy (after two cesarean sections) we didn’t even mention twins... In the end, we are waiting for her.

Tanita Panteleimonovna


Photo gallery: celebrities who have twins

Daria and Ekaterina Nosiki in 2008 played Marina and Arina Shestakov in the popular youth series "Ranetki" Olga and Tatyana Arntgolts - famous actresses in Russia Yuliana Podolskaya - twin sister of the famous pop singer Natalya Podolskaya Elena and Tatyana Zaitsev - twins from Voronezh who conquered the stage in the early 90s, Igor Vernik is a famous Russian actor, and his twin brother Vadim is a popular TV presenter

How to increase your chances of multiple pregnancy “according to science”

If you want to watch two kids grow up, but don’t want to fall out of social life longer than one maternity leave, use proven ways to conceive twins. Nothing complicated, natural pregnancy without any procedures. Try to follow these rules:

  • increase the amount of dairy products in your diet. Women who regularly eat dairy products are five times more likely to have twins than those who don't. Some scientists believe that this is due to animal growth hormones present in dairy products;
  • include solid varnishes in the menu. African women are more likely to have twins because they eat whole grains and yams (a wild tuberous plant), as part of the ethnic diet. Climate also plays a role, since constantly high air temperatures stimulate the ovaries;
  • Plan for another pregnancy while you are still breastfeeding. So, the probability of conceiving twins is higher due to the increased production of prolactin by the female body during breastfeeding. But there is no need to rush, the interval between births is ideally 2-3 years;
  • Advise your husband to eat zinc-containing foods. Such as green leafy vegetables, oysters and bread. Testosterone increases potency, and its lack reduces desire for opposite sex. Insufficient synthesis of this hormone by the body slows down the speed of sperm, as a result of which conception, let alone two embryos, becomes impossible. Eating foods containing zinc stimulates testosterone production. This increases the chance of fertilizing two or more eggs;
  • Stop taking hormonal oral contraceptives immediately before the cycle where you are trying to conceive. Reception birth control pills inhibits ovarian function. After stopping oral contraceptives, a rebound effect occurs: the body begins to catch up, and often 2 eggs mature at the same time.
  • The method is used to treat infertility; women are prescribed a 3-4 month course of contraceptive drugs, then it is discontinued. In the first 3 cycles, increased ovarian activity is observed, the chances of conception increase, and the frequent double maturation of eggs increases the possibility of becoming pregnant with twins. But you cannot start taking it on your own; consult your doctor about what artificial hormones (estrogen, progesterone or gestagen) you need; take advantage modern methods

diagnostics The number of maturing eggs is shown by folliculometry. This study is carried out when planning pregnancy 5-6 days before expected ovulation.

Video: folliculometry - ultrasound examination when planning pregnancy

Theories based on the experiences of parents of twins On the Internet you can find a “folk” table of the probability of conceiving children; it was compiled, most likely, as a result of surveys and observations. You shouldn't rely on it completely, but special days the chances increase. If ovulation coincides, try it with confidence. It is favorable to try in the summer, with the natural length of daylight hours and high temperature air environment

the ovaries work more actively.

In addition, vacation time reduces stress levels, which also contributes to successful conception. Table: probability of having children of different sexes and twins by month Month Girls (which days of the month are more likely)
Boys (which days of the month are more likely to occur)3,4,8,13,18,22,26,31 1,5,6,10,11,15,16,20,24,28,29 1,22,28,29
Gemini (which days of the month are more likely to occur)4,5,7,10,14,18,22,23,27 2,7,12,16,20,25 18,25
January4,9,13,14,18,22,26,31 1,2,6,7,11,16,20,24,28,29 18,24
February5,10,14,18,22,23,27,28 2,3,7,8,12,16,20,25,30 14,20
March2,3,7,12,16,20,24,25,29,30 5,9,10,14,18,22,27 12,18
April3,4,8,12,16,21,26,30 1,6,10,14,18,19,23,24,28,29 8,14
May1,5,9,14,18,23,26 3,7,11,12,16,20,21,25,26,30 5,11,12
June1,6,10,14,15,19,20,24,25,29 3,4,8,12,17,22,27,31 1,8,29
July2,6,11,16,21,25,29 4,8,9,13,14,18,19,23,27 4,25
August3,4,8,13,18,23,27,31 1,6,10,11,15,16,20,21,25,29 1,23,29
September4,5,9,10,14,15,19,23,27 2,7,12,17,21,25,29 19,25
October6,7,11,12,16,21,25,29 1,2,9,14,18,19,23,27,31 16,23


December Diet in preparation for pregnancy A protein (protein) diet is useful for expectant mothers, replenishing the material necessary for the growth and development of babies. Protein deficiency negatively affects the health of women and children, especially during multiple pregnancies. Eating food rich in proteins helps pregnant women maintain normal weight during pregnancy, and after childbirth quickly get into shape without harming the body.

In children, protein is involved in the formation

muscle mass , affects the rate of biochemical reactions (regulation of metabolism)., including overeating.

Sex positions for conceiving twins

Nature is unpredictable, but experimentally tested positions during sexual intercourse help in conceiving twins:

Folic acid for those dreaming of twins

According to an unconfirmed version, women who took were more likely to conceive twins. The vitamin helps prevent deformation of the fetal neural tube. The deficiency is replenished with the help of medications or natural vitamin-containing products.

Photo gallery: products containing folic acid

Peanuts contain 240 micrograms of folic acid per 100 g Broccoli contains 63 micrograms of folic acid per 100 g Porcini mushroom contains 40 micrograms of folic acid per 100 g Walnut contains 77 mcg of folic acid per 100 g Beef liver contains 240 mcg of folic acid per 100 g Beans contain 90 mcg of folic acid per 100 g Spinach contains 80 mcg of folic acid per 100 g

Progesterone strengthens the uterine mucosa and reduces the likelihood of miscarriage. This hormone is synthesized in the adrenal glands and regulates the menstrual cycle. The results of the woman’s laboratory tests will show the family planning specialist what to do to normalize progesterone synthesis. If the amount is insufficient, therapy with an oil solution of the hormone or tablets is prescribed.

Please note: medications increase the chance of multiple pregnancy, but do not guarantee 100% of its occurrence.

Folk remedies for conceiving twins

People use herbs that are useful when planning pregnancy:

  • Licorice helps control the levels of testosterone and estrogen hormones, which stimulate double egg maturation. The root of the plant is used to make tinctures and herbal preparations;
  • Evening primrose oil has long been famous for its beneficial effects on reproductive function. Normalizes the quality and quantity of mucus in the cervical canal. It is recommended to start taking it at the peak time of menstruation and continue until ovulation;
  • Peruvian maca root is an adaptogen that stimulates healthy reproductive functioning in the female body. Improves fertility in men and women, indirectly increasing the chances of having twins.

Before use medicinal herbs You need to consult a doctor, there are contraindications.

Choosing the gender of future children

If you want to give birth to male twin children, you must follow the following rules:

  • plan to conceive after the new moon;
  • use positions with deep penetration;
  • eat rice, meat and fish dishes, tea, coffee, fruit juices and dried fruits, legumes, dark chocolate;
  • give up baked goods, seafood, sugar and green salad.

When planning for boys, choose positions with deep penetration, and if you dream of a girl, avoid them

If you dream of a girl, listen to these tips:

  • plan to conceive before the new moon;
  • use the missionary position;
  • reduce salt intake, eliminate coffee from your diet;
  • eat more sweets (jam, honey), sour ones, drink herbal teas.

It has been noticed that in some places globe more twins are born than in others. African women living outside their native continent do not have twins as often. There are also unique settlements, like the Ukrainian Kopan, where 54 twins were born over the past 50 years. Or Russian Denisovka, where there are 19 pairs of twins per 500 inhabitants. Locals They associate this with special air and earth, and invite those who dream of giving birth to twins to stay. Scientists suggest the influence of climate on the functioning of the ovaries. Just arriving is not enough; you need to live at least a month in a territory favorable to double conception.

I want to get pregnant with twins, you repeat to yourself once again. Twins are wonderful, I suffered once, but two beautiful angels appeared. Did you know that multiple pregnancy doubles the risk of toxicosis in severe forms, provokes active weight gain, development varicose veins veins While carrying two babies at once, the mother’s heart works with 4 times the load, and the amount of necessary vitamins and minerals increases three times.

Perhaps you are mentally ready for this. But can your body withstand such a shock? Therefore, before looking for the answer to the question of how to conceive twins, you need to undergo a medical examination. And be sure to abandon this idea if you have heart disease, hypertension, or varicose veins. If you are healthy and determined, our advice will definitely be useful to you.

How does multiple pregnancy occur?

How to get pregnant with twins. To find out how to get pregnant with twins, let's trace the process of multiple pregnancy. Once a month, an egg matures in the female body, which leaves the ovary and travels to the uterus. This happens approximately in the middle of the monthly cycle. If an egg meets a sperm on its way, fertilization occurs. She reaches the uterus already ready for active development (or, scientifically, for division).

On average, once every 200 menstrual cycles, one egg not only begins to grow, but also divides into 2 independent cells. This is how pregnancy occurs with identical twins. These kids are unique. They have an absolutely identical set of genes and a striking resemblance in appearance. The probability of having identical twins is only 25% of the total number of multiple pregnancies.

75% of twins are fraternal. This means that in the female body two eggs miraculously matured at once, they met two sperm and together reached the uterus. Such babies have excellent sets of genes and may not look much alike in appearance. The probability of getting pregnant with twins this way is also not high - only one pregnancy in 100 possible.

There is an opinion that nature deliberately limits the birth of twins. The population on the planet is large, and frequent multiple pregnancies will only worsen the situation. That is why in the well-fed European countries and, for example, Japan, the natural birth of twins is a real rarity. Whereas in hungry Africa with a low level of medical development, this happens quite often. Surges in twin pregnancies were observed after bloody wars and mass epidemics.

But fortunately, we live in calm, peaceful times. Therefore, we are concerned about the issue of having twins without the need to change our place of residence or go on a hunger strike. Your chances will be higher under the following circumstances.

  • Twins have already been born in your family. This means that you have the rare gene for multiple pregnancies.
  • You are over 35 years old. At this age, the concentration of the hormone FSH increases in a woman’s body, which is responsible for the activity of eggs and has a direct impact on their behavior after fertilization.
  • You have undergone IVF (in vitro fertilization) procedure. Couples who cannot conceive a child naturally resort to it. Several fertilized eggs are implanted into a woman's uterus at once. They do this to be on the safe side, since usually some of the eggs die. But sometimes everyone survives. And then the parents become the happy “owners” of two or even three children.
  • You were taking birth control. After completing the course of hormone therapy, the body begins to actively restore the balance of hormones. This increases the possibility of multiple pregnancy several times.
  • Your monthly cycle is 21-22 days.
  • You are breastfeeding. During lactation, the production of female hormones occurs most intensely. Therefore, even without a genetic predisposition, you can unexpectedly become the mother of two more babies.
  • Your uterus is divided into two parts. This anatomical anomaly, called a “bicornuate uterus,” occurs in only 5% of women. But it is believed that this is the structure of the uterus that was originally intended for bearing two children.

How to get pregnant with twins - folk remedies

What needs to be done to give birth to healthy twins. To find out how to give birth to twins, you can get advice traditional medicine. Our grandmothers considered the time of year of conception and the diet of the expectant mother to be “responsible” for multiple pregnancies.

  • The best time of the year is summer. The activity of female sex hormones is higher in summer, the body is saturated useful vitamins and minerals.
  • The best food products are milk and meat. They contain a lot of protein, which stimulates the production of female sex hormones. Eat veal, pork, poultry, cheese, drink milk. You can also eat seafood high in marine protein: mussels, shrimp, brine. The same diet will help you or if you have been unable to conceive a baby for a long time.

We hope proper nutrition combined with medical factors and the right psychological mood will definitely help you. And perhaps very soon you will become happy parents “in the square”!

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