What to do if the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow? Why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow and what to do. The leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow, what to do.

The seedlings have not yet been placed in open ground, and the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, often growing poorly. Why do tomato seedlings turn yellow? In this article we will try to find out the possible reasons.

There may be several reasons why tomato seedlings quickly turn yellow and grow poorly. The simplest is lack of nutrition and inappropriate soil acidity. Lighting and humidity also have an effect. If there is not enough soil in the pot, then root system does not develop fully, which may cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Temperature changes are also contraindicated for tomatoes. The consequence can be not only yellowing, but also the death of the fruit. During hot weather, tomatoes may be susceptible to fungal diseases. The leaves first turn yellow, dry out, and then may even die if appropriate measures are not taken in a timely manner.

Wrong soil

If tomato seedlings turn yellow and the leaves dry out, check whether there is enough soil in the container for the development of the root system. If everything is fine, the soil may not have enough nutrients. Seeds should be planted only in prepared soil. It should be slightly acidic and contain required quantity microelements. If the seedlings are weak, you can use a 1% solution of universal fertilizer as a foliar feeding.

The lack of vitamins and minerals can be compensated by adding manure mixed with ash to the soil. Daily treatment will help the plant return to normal. Yellowness on the leaves may appear if there is a lack of oxygen in the soil. Regular loosening of the soil will reduce its density and allow oxygen to penetrate the soil. If the cause is mole crickets, then you will have to resort to “heavy artillery” - a chemical agent.

Lighting and Humidity

Tomatoes love good light, so choose the brightest place for seedlings. The plant does not mind basking in the warm rays of the sun, so the cups with seedlings can be taken out onto the balcony. Tomatoes love dry air and well-moistened soil. Even if the soil is short term dries out, the leaves immediately lose their elasticity. However, excessive damp soil will not benefit tomatoes.

Watering should be moderate, after which the soil should dry out. It is enough to water once a week, for which you use settled water from the tap or melt water. If the air is too dry, the leaves may also curl and turn yellow. Simply place a bucket of water nearby to increase air humidity.


If lighting and humidity standards are met, but the problems persist, then perhaps the plant is infected with fungal diseases, the most dangerous of which is fusarium wilt. It appears due to soil fungi. The time when it's worth hot weather, has a beneficial effect on the growth of wind-dispersed spores. The yellowed leaf loses turgor and begins to fall off over time. Why does a tomato start to grow poorly? The mycelium penetrates through the roots vascular system, blocks access useful substances and water, as a result of which the plant dies.

Other reasons

Why do the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow? Yellowness is often caused by sunburn. Of course, sunlight is important for growth, but direct exposure can burn the leaf. This happens when the sprouts have been out of the sun for a long time (for example, it was rainy weather). What to do to protect seedlings from burns? It is enough to simply cover the sprouts with newsprint and treat the yellow leaves, for example, with Epin.

If the leaves turn yellow on tomato seedlings in a greenhouse, then most likely the plant is infected with root rot. This tomato fungus destroys young shoots.

What to do

Tomato seedlings turn yellow and dry out - what to do to stop this destructive process? First of all, transplant the seedling into fresh soil, water it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and place the cups in a bright place - for example, on a windowsill. When replanting, inspect the roots and remove if there are any blackening shoots.

But what to do if the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow for no obvious reason? This may be a lack of oxygen in the soil. To prevent such a development of the situation, you need to constantly loosen the soil, and carefully so as not to damage the sprout.

Before the greenhouse becomes the new home of tomatoes, the seedlings should be hardened off. For this purpose, cups with seedlings are taken outside for a short period, gradually increasing the residence time. Please note that seedlings must be brought indoors at night.

What to do if the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow? Control soil moisture and ventilate the room to prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria.


In order not to look for the reason why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow and subsequently fall off, it is better to prevent the disease. In order for the harvest to please you and not cause unnecessary trouble, during the period of sowing seedlings you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • observe the sowing dates so that the seedlings appear on time;
  • enrich the soil with minerals and vitamins;
  • if the sprouts are too old, they need to be sprayed with a 1% solution of foliar feeding;
  • To prevent the tomato from being attacked by fungus, you should purchase seeds only from trusted sellers;

Preventing leaf yellowing will not only improve appearance tomatoes, but will also guarantee a healthy harvest. But even if it happens that the tomato seedlings turn yellow, you now know what to do. An immediate response will help quickly eliminate the problem without much damage to future fruits.

Video “The leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow”

From this video you will learn why tomato leaves turn yellow and how to deal with it.

The key component of any plant is chlorophyll. Thanks to it, a vital connection is carried out between the sun and the biosphere: chlorophyll contained in plant cells, under the influence sun rays synthesizes from water and carbon dioxide organic matter. Yellowing of plants indicates a violation of the formation of chlorophyll in them - a disease called chlorosis. So the answer to the question of why tomato seedlings turn yellow is quite simple. But this alone is not enough - we need to get to the reasons. And there are several of them.

The most common of them is malnutrition of the root system. This happens due to its damage, physical or thermal (hypothermia). But if it's broken temperature regime, chlorosis affects the entire plant. And if, say, mechanical damage to the root system was caused by planting in a garden bed, only the lower leaves turn yellow. In this case, you should wait until the seedlings take root and new adventitious roots appear - the tomato will cope with chlorosis on its own.

To determine the cause of chlorosis, just look carefully at the leaves. young plant. And if it turns yellow from the older (lower) leaves, it is also worth suspecting a lack of one of the chemical elements important for the tomato.

Most often, chlorosis of tomato seedlings indicates a nitrogen deficiency. It is indicated by bluish-red leaf veins and small leaves on the entire plant as a whole. The lower leaves die off after yellowing. If the seedlings are grown for sale, you don’t even have to try to take them to the market: obvious signs of chlorosis will scare buyers away from them, and no explanation of why tomato seedlings turn yellow will help.

Yellowing can also be caused by potassium deficiency, but here the process often goes too far due to the accumulation of ammonia nitrogen, accompanied by dehydration of the leaves and their curling, up to the appearance of signs of tissue necrosis.

The next reason why tomato seedlings turn yellow is zinc deficiency. It also reveals itself by numerous small yellow specks on young leaves. They are also abnormally small, can be entirely yellow, sometimes curling upward. in contrast, it appears immediately over the entire surface of the leaf, but passes much faster.

If chlorosis of young leaves of seedlings begins from their base, and the color from yellow-green through lemon yellow becomes yellow-white, then the plant reacts to iron deficiency. It is reflected only on young leaves, without moving to older ones. This type of deficiency can occur at early stage growing seedlings if its round-the-clock illumination is not supported by fertilizing containing iron. One has only to renew them, and the plant comes to normal condition in just a few hours.

But the deficiency of microelements and nutrients is relatively easy to correct. It’s a completely different matter when the answer to the question of why tomato seedlings turn yellow is the following: it’s fusarium. This dangerous fungal disease can affect tomatoes at any age. It is also difficult to fight it because the disease may be detected too late. Most effective means from is prevention. But if the seedlings are already affected, it is necessary to immediately isolate healthy plants from sick ones; treat the first ones with the drug, the second ones - immediately destroy (burn).

It is important for novice gardeners to understand why tomato seedlings turn yellow and what to do to correct the situation and prevent it. There is a certain list of factors that can provoke this problem. You can cope with yellowness using fertilizers and traditional methods.

Tomato seedlings turn yellow - what to do?

If a problem is discovered, then attempts must be made to cope with it, and also take into account recommendations for its prevention.

  1. If you overdid it with watering, it is better to remove the seedlings and evaluate the condition of the roots. Afterwards, the plant is transplanted into a nutrient composition.
  2. It is recommended to maintain the air temperature within 23-26°C.
  3. If tomato seedlings turn yellow, it is better to immediately use the additive, but only if the whole issue is not acidity or excessive moisture.
  4. When the seedlings have hatched and there are too many of them, then it is better to divide or thin out and provide the necessary light.

Yellow leaves on tomato seedlings - reasons

At improper care and creation unfavorable conditions Before growing, seedlings may turn yellow, and then they may even die. It is important to understand the triggering factors in order to eradicate them. If you are interested in why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow, then pay attention to the main factors:

  1. Earth. It is important to use fertile soil and it is better to buy it in the store. Unsuitable soil, for example, garden soil, as well as heavy and acidic soils.
  2. Watering. For tomato seedlings, uniform and moderate watering is important. When describing what to do if the seedlings turn yellow, you should know that you should not overwater the plantings and dry out the soil.
  3. Feeding. The foliage turns yellow due to a lack or excess of nitrogen. If only the tips of the leaves change color, this indicates a lack of potassium.
  4. Lighting. When describing why tomato seedlings turn yellow and what to do, one cannot lose sight of this reason; for this crop, it is important that daylight hours last at least 12 hours.

Why do tomato seedlings turn yellow after picking?

The process is a real stress for plants, so often after it is carried out, seedlings begin to turn yellow and wither. A problem may arise if the plants were injured during the procedure or the picking was carried out very early. If, after picking the seedlings, the tomato leaves turn yellow, then keep in mind that for the procedure, fertile soil is taken, which should not contain a lot of peat or an insufficient amount of nitrogen or potassium. The reasons may be related to improper watering and various diseases.

Yellow coating on the ground near the seedlings

The yellowish crust on the surface of the earth is saline, and it is provoked by the predominance of evaporation of water from the soil. This may be due to the following reasons:

  1. Heavy mechanical composition of the soil, which provokes its capillarity.
  2. Absence or holes at the bottom of the pot, which leads to increased evaporation of moisture from the surface of the earth.
  3. A yellow coating on the soil for tomato seedlings can be caused by errors in watering or the application of large amounts of fertilizer. In addition, the reason may be caused by too large a container, as well as dry air and too hard water.

Tomato seedlings are turning yellow - what to feed?

If fertile soil was used to plant the seeds, then there is no need to apply fertilizer. After the seedlings are transferred to open ground, it is important to feed them a week later and repeat it after two weeks. It is important to know if the seedlings turn yellow, how to feed the tomatoes in order to save the seedlings:

  1. A fertilizer important for green plants because it contains more than 45% nitrogen. When describing what to do if seedlings turn yellow, it is worth considering that urea is added after germination, and then every 14-20 days. To prepare the solution, place 20-30 g of urea in a bucket.
  2. Potassium permanganate. A product that will help compensate for the lack of manganese is used as a foliar spray once every 10 days during the growing season. You should only use a slightly pink solution.
  3. Ash. One of the most proven remedies that those who are interested in what to do if seedlings turn yellow should pay attention to is wood ash. These supplements contain several important elements. To prepare the fertilizer, put 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. ash. You can use it for watering and spraying.

Tomato seedlings turn yellow - what to do, folk remedies

Since in most cases the cause of yellowing of seedlings is a lack of nitrogen, you can use one of the popular folk remedies- carry out, no matter dry or pressed. If yellow leaves for tomato seedlings, then prepare such a solution by mixing 10 liters of water and 100 g of dry yeast (200 g of pressed yeast is taken per 1 liter of water), and also add a couple of large spoons of sugar. After this, everything is infused for 22-3 hours, and then the seedlings should be watered at the root, pouring 0.5 tbsp. under the plant.

There are much fewer diseases in plants than in people. But the seedlings won’t tell us what’s bothering them, and in this main difficulty- identify the problem and apply the right treatment. And we, gardeners, have to act as doctors... If you look at the directory of tomato diseases, you can count more than fifty diseases, and almost all of them are accompanied by yellowing of the leaves. But there are still pests...

Spring has come - the leaves have turned yellow...

Let's list the main reasons changes in leaf color in seedlings:

  • Fasting, lack of nutrients (nitrogen, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese),
  • Blackleg disease (“root collar rot”),
  • Bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt,
  • Spider mites or thrips have infested the seedlings,
  • Errors in care, stress.

The most common and common reason why did seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, petunias turn yellow?– lack of macro- and microelements in the soil composition.

Lack of nutrients in the soil

is reflected in the color of the leaves of young plants - they change their color. When there is little nitrogen, the leaves turn pale, turn yellow, become smaller, and the plants themselves look lethargic and lifeless. With a deficiency of potassium and iron, the leaves not only turn yellow, but also curl. First of all, the lower leaves of the seedlings turn yellow:

What to do?

There is no need to rack your brains over which microelement plants are deficient in. It will help to improve the situation and balance the composition of the soil. fertilizing with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers:

  • Solution of the drug "Fertika Lux". Dissolve half a tablespoon (10 g) in 10 liters of water and water the seedlings at the root. Feeding can be done once a week.
  • Emerald - this fertilizer is also used to feed yellowed garden and indoor plants, including seedlings. Use according to instructions.
  • Ferovit is a universal stimulator of photosynthesis and respiration.

Instructions for use:

The arsenal of plant care products is now huge, and other complex mineral fertilizers for seedlings can be purchased at the garden store.

The black leg strikes on the spot!

The defeat of the black leg is expressed not only in yellowing of the leaves. Main distinguishing feature- blackening of the stem, and then complete death of the plant. This fungal disease is also called root collar rot.

Main signs of the disease:

  • Plants turn yellow and wither,
  • Some parts of the root and stem become black, dry out,
  • The leaves turn yellow, curl, dry out,
  • Yellowing is also observed on the stems of the plant.
  • A stem weakened by disease easily breaks under its own weight.
  • By dipping the stem in water, you can find mucus on its lower part.

If all these signs are present, there is no doubt - this is root collar rot!

An insidious fungus settles in the root collar of young or adult plants, seals the vessels in the stems, disrupting metabolic processes. The seedlings stop feeding, and gradually the leaves of the seedlings turn yellow. Ultimately, root collar rot leads to the death of the young plant if no healing measures are taken. What to do? The plant can be saved!

By the way! Seedlings may also turn yellow due to fusarium. But in this case turn yellow mostly lower leaves. First the shoots wither, and then the whole plant completely. The fungus also affects blood vessels. But unlike the black leg, in the area of ​​the root collar with fusarium, a pink coating is visible, and on the cut of the stem there is a darkening of the vascular ring. The disease is called "Fusarium wilt".

The following factors favor the development of fungi:

  • Overmoistening of the soil,
  • Low temperatures,
  • Dense sowing,
  • Low illumination,
  • Bad soil
  • Increased soil acidity (PH above 6.5).

What to do?

Particularly effective in the fight against blackleg drug "Glyokladin". It is used both for prevention (when preparing the soil) and for treatment in the first stages of the disease. Gray Glyokladin tablets are stuck into the soil with seedlings in the proportions specified in the instructions. The tablets contain another fungus called Trichoderma, which suppresses the activity of dangerous fungi.

  1. At first, drying and loosening the soil helps against black rot.
  2. You can add ash or lime to containers with seedlings of tomatoes and peppers.
  3. Spill the soil with soda solution.
  4. Add crushed powder to the plants charcoal(calculated at 1 cup per 1 bucket of soil) or dry sifted sand.
  5. Treat the affected areas with 1% Bordeaux mixture.
  6. When you notice that the condition of the seedlings has improved, you need to discard the weak specimens. We leave only strong, healthy shoots.
  7. When the young growth finally gets stronger and begins to grow again, it is recommended to transplant the seedlings into fresh soil mixture and change the container.

Preventive measures

Tired of black leg? Now we will tell you what is recommended to do to prevent this fungal disease. Here you need to act “from the opposite side”. That is, take into account all the favorable factors for the development of the fungus and do the opposite

  1. Take full responsibility for the pre-sowing preparation of the soil for seedlings.
  2. Treat the seeds before sowing.
  3. Disinfect reusable seedling containers and equipment using a 5% solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.
  4. Disinfect greenhouses and greenhouses using bleach at the rate of 200 g per 10 liters of water.
  5. Follow the watering rules and monitor soil moisture.
  6. Avoid temperature fluctuations. Do not sow too early, when it is not yet warm and light enough on the balcony or windowsill.
  7. It is also better to avoid dense sowing. Plants in separate pots feel much better.
  8. As soon as the seedlings appear, it is recommended to water the soil with fungicides and then loosen it.
  9. If blackleg is noticed in greenhouses, greenhouses, seedling containers, the soil needs to be replaced. It is contaminated and unusable.

Wilts: bacterial, fusarium, verticillium

The listed diseases manifest themselves not only in the form of changes in leaf color from rich green to pale yellow. The seedlings first of all wither, the leaves hang like rags.

This picture is observed both on young seedlings at home and in the greenhouse:

The main distinguishing feature is darkening of the blood vessels. Carry out an experiment: cut off the stem of the weakest plant (which you don’t mind). If brown veins of blood vessels are visible on the cut, they are affected by harmful fungi or bacteria.

Waste products of fungi and bacteria clog blood vessels, limiting the flow of nutrients into plant tissues. As a result, from lack of nutrition, the leaves wither, turn yellow, and dry out. The plants will die if measures are not taken in time.

What to do?

You can save seedlings using the same drug "Glyokladin", and also use the drugs "Fitolavin" and "Maxim".

There are pests in the seedlings

Plants growing on windowsills in city apartments are primarily threatened by spider mites and thrips.

Flower seedlings, roses, indoor plants, and vegetable seedlings can suffer from spider mites. In case of defeat spider mite At first, the lower leaves turn yellow and dry out, and if you look closely, you can find very small punctures on the leaves. Insecticides help against the pest: Actellik, Fitoverm, Fufanon. It is better to trim off yellowed parts of plants.

Thrips chew out the veins on the leaves of plants, so the yellowing begins there. The lower leaves begin to curl, turn yellow, and droop. Thrips are nocturnal creatures that crawl out at night and start eating leaves. You can shed the soil with the preparation “Aktara” or “Iskra”; the drugs listed above will also help (Aktellik, Fitoverm, Fufanon).

Yellow leaves on seedlings are the result of poor care

And finally, the most simple reason yellowing of leaves - failures in care. The leaves of the seedlings will definitely turn yellow if:

  • plants stand on the windowsill in bright direct sunlight,
  • the indoor air is dry,
  • the seedlings stand in a constant draft,
  • the seedlings are flooded, the drainage is poor, the water stagnates and the roots simply rot,
  • the soil is oversaturated (and this is bad, as well as a lack of nutrients),
  • seedlings are watered with hard water, as a result, white coating, which impedes metabolism.

If you want to destroy seedlings, follow these simple rules. Just kidding. Of course, we are all waiting for big harvests summer cottages. And it starts with seedlings.

Currently available for sale large number growth stimulants, immunostimulants, for example "Epin-extra". It is used to spray seedlings after picking so that they can withstand this procedure more easily, grow better and be stronger. We have personally tested this drug for indoor plants- really stimulates growth well. But! Epin is not suitable as a top dressing - it only stimulates growth. But the drug “Tsitovit” provides seedlings with the necessary microelements. To prevent the development of root rot and to strengthen plants in general, Zircon is also used, according to the instructions.

In short, there is a lot of money. And the main thing here is not to yawn, not to lose sight of the problem. And everything will be fine 😉

A garden at the dacha starts with tomatoes. Everyone’s favorite and most common crop that you can grow with your own hands from seed to harvest. Growing seedlings does not require much effort, but sometimes, just yesterday, green and cheerful tomato seedlings suddenly fade, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow or wither, and become covered with yellow spots. The seedlings are sick, and the reasons may be different. They can be divided into separate groups: soil, environment, nutrition, watering, diseases, fertilizing, etc. By analyzing the growing process from sowing to disease, it is possible to establish the cause and eliminate it.

The soil mixture is dense; when watered, it floats into a heavy lump. Properly prepared soil consists of humus, sand, peat, turf or forest soil. Instead of the last two components when preparing the soil mixture for sowing seeds, you can take soil from the garden where you have not used chemicals protection. It is necessary to replace the soil with a properly prepared substrate and replant the plant. Using a fork or pointed stick, pierce the soil along the edge of the planting container to the bottom to allow air to penetrate inside.

Moisture stagnation

Excessive watering with stagnant water causes “root suffocation.” The root system of plants lacks oxygen. Stop watering until the soil layer dries out to ¾ of the height of the container or to the depth of an outstretched finger. You can even transplant the plant into another free container and lightly moisten the plant for the first days with a fine spray (as needed). When replanting, remove diseased roots. Before planting, dip the roots in a root solution.

Insufficient watering

Seedlings simply lack moisture in overdried soil. Simply water the plants with warm, settled water.

Unsuitable temperature conditions

For tomatoes, soil temperature is very important. After emergence and up to 2 weeks of age, the soil temperature during the day should be +18-20 °C, at night +15 °C. Over the next 2-3 weeks, the temperature remains the same during the day, but at night it is necessary to reduce it to +12-13 °C. If there are few seedlings, put the trays with pots in a cool place at night.

Proper watering very important for tomato seedlings


During the day in the first 10 days after germination, the air temperature is +15-17 °C, and at night +8-10 °C. It is necessary to ventilate the room in order to reduce the temperature; at this time, it is advisable to remove the seedlings from the draft. At night, move the seedlings to a cool place. 15-20 days before planting in open ground, a seedling hardening procedure is necessary. Stressful condition after planting in open ground, caused by changing conditions environment, will lead to a long-term painful state of the plants, which will be expressed in yellowing of the leaves along with other signs.

Insufficient lighting

Tomatoes are light lovers. With a lack of lighting, a long period of cloudy days reduces the activity of photosynthesis of the leaves, they begin to turn yellow. Additional lighting is required.

Insufficient air humidity

Dry air causes the entire plant to wilt and/or the leaves to turn yellow. It is necessary to remove plants from hot radiators, where the air is always drier. Spray the plants with a fine spray bottle. Reception will increase air humidity and provide additional moisture to the vegetative mass of plants.

Other reasons

Yellowing lower leaves can be observed when growing seedlings in containers that are too small in volume, due to poor-quality picking, mechanical damage to the roots when loosening plants after watering and other physical reasons.

Nutrient supply

Properly prepared and fertilized soil mixture should provide 80-90% of the growing seedlings nutrients. When there is a deficiency or oversaturation of the soil with nutritional elements, the plants look equally depressed. You can determine which element is missing by the color of the leaves.

    • On a poor substrate, the plants are thin, overgrown, with transparent green leaves and stems. Full feeding required mineral fertilizer, it is better to be complex, in which all the elements are in the optimal ratio (nitroammophoska, nitrophos, Kemira-universal, crystallin, crystallon). The last 3 types of fertilizers contain boron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, and molybdenum.
    • With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves become covered with yellow spots, the color of the leaf blades becomes light green with a grayish tint; with an excess, the plants are intensely green, fatty, but loose. It is enough to feed with a solution of urea or saltpeter.

  • With a lack of phosphorus, the tops of the leaves turn yellow, the leaf blade along the veins and the stems take on a blue-violet or violet-bronze hue (not to be confused with a varietal trait or exposure to cold when the room temperature drops). With an excess of phosphorus, the entire leaf turns intensely yellow. Apply a level teaspoon of superphosphate under adult seedlings and water the plants or feed with superphosphate extract (root, foliar).
  • With a lack of potassium, the edges of the leaves become covered with a brown border, and the leaves curl into a tube. The leaf blade takes on a violet-blue hue. It is best to apply under each plant. wood ash.
  • Plants are depressed if there is a lack of other elements in the soil, incl. microelements (magnesium, calcium, boron, copper, iron, sulfur, etc.). The leaves take on a yellow-green mosaic color. Foliar feeding with a ready-made composition of microelements (buy in a store, look at the composition) will improve the condition of the plants. You can spray the plants with a solution of Kemira, which also contains microelements. The concentration of solutions is no more than 0.1-0.05%.

External manifestations of deficiency individual element can be traced based on individual characteristics. You can limit yourself to fertilizing with appropriate fertilizer.

Timely fertilizing helps the plants to recover and subsequently forms a fairly high-quality harvest.

Diagnosis of diseases due to yellowing leaves

Like others vegetable crops, tomato seedlings are susceptible to diseases if growing technology is violated. Most often these are fungal diseases (root rot, fusarium wilt, brown leaf spot, etc.). Some diseases are externally manifested by a characteristic change in the color of the leaves.

  • Fusarium damage to plants (popularly called simply yellowing) is externally manifested in yellowing of the leaves, which is simultaneously accompanied by their lethargy (subject to normal watering). Even with an unclear etiology, in order to prevent the disease, plants need to be treated with biofungicides (phytosporin, bactofit, phyto-doctor, phytocide, planriz, and the soil is also treated with the latter) 2-3 times a month.
  • Brown leaf spot starts from the lower tier. Yellowish spots appear on the upper side of the leaf blades, and a delicate olive coating of mycelium appears on the lower side. Over time, the leaves become brown tint, dry out and fall off. Preventively and with therapeutic purpose diseased plants are sprayed with the same biofungicides that are used against fusarium. You can use 1% Bordeaux mixture to treat plants. The procedures are repeated after 7-12 days 2-3 times.

In order for seedlings to grow healthy, it is necessary, despite their healthy appearance, to spray them with biofungicides, which will increase the overall immunity of plants to diseases of various natures.

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