What you can collect, harvest and earn. How a forest can give you a fortune

The business idea of ​​collecting and making money from mushrooms and berries is suitable for any healthy person who has the desire and ability to get out into the forest. This income is seasonal, the main time in the central zone of our country for picking berries is summer, for mushrooms it is autumn. For many people free from work, this time is enough to provide themselves with a small annual income. You can earn an average of 50,000 rubles per season.

To make money by picking berries and mushrooms, you just need to know the good forests where these gifts of nature grow. Diligence and hard work will also be a necessary personal quality, because picking berries is a rather monotonous task, and searching for mushrooms requires moving around. long distances. But all your efforts are compensated by the fact that you gain freedom and unity with nature.

What mushrooms are most often found in markets in central Russia?
Porcini mushrooms - price 200 rub. - a bunch (there are about 5 mushrooms in a pile)
Borovik (Boletus) - price 170 rubles.
Boletus - price 150 rub.
Chanterelles - price 50 rub.
Morels (the earliest mushrooms)
Honey mushrooms - price 500 rub. per bucket 10 liters.
Milk mushrooms, volnushki (corned beef)

What berries are most often sold in markets?
Cranberry - 150 rub. liter - 10 liter bucket 1200 rub. minimum.
Wild raspberries - 0.5 liter can of fresh raspberries with sugar - 200 rub. Dried raspberries 100 rub. - 1 kg.
Blueberries - 150 rub. liter
Red Ribes

Many berries, in addition to their taste properties, also have healing effects, and since the collection of berries and mushrooms is closely related to collection of medicinal herbs and plants , then I advise you to get to know this activity better and you can increase your profits from the gifts of nature.

In this idea, I wanted to focus on making money for ordinary people, perhaps retirees or students. On other resources, this income is considered as an independent business, in which sales are more often focused on European countries, where mushrooms and berries are sold for euros. In such a business, you need volume, uninterrupted supplies, and heaps of documentary permits. As a consequence, attracting work force, industrial premises and purchasing equipment for washing, sorting and packaging. Initial investment is about 1,500,000 rubles. This approach may be relevant for residents of countries closest to the European Union.

If we consider earnings from picking berries and mushrooms as additional income.

Then in this case I remembered the story of my friend. This person works at work with a two-to-two schedule. During the mushroom picking season, he constantly goes to the forests, to his secret places. That year, when the mushroom season was in full swing, he constantly went into the forest with two baskets in order to collect and sell mushrooms. According to his story, for two baskets of porcini mushrooms, which he sold at shopping centers, he earned 4,500 rubles. For two weekends he earned 9,000 rubles. But I must note that my friend is quite a young and energetic person and knows how to find mutual language with buyers.

Starting your small business By picking berries and mushrooms, over time, having felt the income, you may want to find additional sources of income, in this case I advise you to read growing oyster mushrooms at home . Also, if you are interested in income using subsistence farming, you can read the business idea - drying fruits and vegetables .

A business based on the gifts of nature comes down to more than just picking berries and mushrooms. Explore traditional medicine and learn which herbs and plants are useful in various areas of health and beauty. For example, dried leaves raspberries cost 50 rubles. for 1 kg. and are successfully used in medicine. Happy harvest!

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Russia is turning into the world's main breadwinner - we have taken first place in the export of grain and fish, soybeans and corn are catching up, even rice supplies have begun. But there is a unique, particularly profitable niche in the global food market. These are various gifts of nature, which experts call wild plants. Our forests are still rich in berries and mushrooms, and there are plenty of medicinal plants in the taiga. Who makes money from selling them and how?

Russia was once famous not only as the world's largest supplier of grain and sturgeon. Three centuries ago, people in Europe were no less willing to buy barrels of our salted mushrooms. The following fact remains in history: in 1911, 32 thousand poods (more than 500 tons) of dried porcini mushrooms alone were exported from Russia.

Now you can’t sell that much, because after 1990, the annual harvest of berries and mushrooms in the Russian Federation dropped to 700 thousand tons. For comparison: total production mushrooms in the world, including artificially grown champignons, – 4 million tons. Previously, during the Soviet era, we had almost half of the world's harvest. But then she collapsed Soviet system consumer cooperation, based on a network of points that purchased self-harvested berries and mushrooms from the rural population.

Nevertheless, in terms of harvesting edible gifts of nature, we are still ahead of the rest of the planet. Rich countries are obsessed with environmentally friendly products, while up to a third of the European market for wild mushrooms and berries is occupied by goods originating from the Russian Federation. For example, last year Russia exported a record volume of frozen blueberries to the EU - more than 5 thousand tons. This is far from the limit - several new processing plants are being completed in Karelia. When they start working, the production of the valuable berry will increase at least five times.

In general, the potential profit from wild plants is serious. Products that lie literally under your feet and do not require investments in electricity and fertilizers can bring in decent money. For example, already in 2011 in only one Tomsk region berries and mushrooms were prepared for 1 billion rubles. According to experts, not even 5% of the real forest harvest was collected. The reason is there are not enough workers. It got to the point that in the summer of 2010, the governor of the Tomsk region V. Kress decided to attract 3 thousand Chinese workers to collect taiga mushrooms, berries and pine cones. They announced that they would be brought in for rotational work, planted in forest areas 50–200 km from the nearest villages. It is clear that the governor was offended to miss out on income that was potentially comparable to cash flow edges from oil and gas.

Mad mushrooms

In general, the potential has not been tapped. Even in those areas that can generate crazy profits. Truffles have no competition here. It's not for nothing that they're called millionaires' side dishes. A kilogram of these delicious “marsupial” mushrooms can fetch 30–70 thousand rubles. This is if the truffle is the most ordinary. A kilogram of high-quality white truffles sometimes costs as much as a car. Especially large specimens are sold at auctions, where a form of madness begins. Egregious examples: in 2004, a kilogram truffle was auctioned off at a restaurant for $41,000; three years later, a certain connoisseur from South Korea paid 330 thousand dollars for an Italian one and a half kilogram mushroom!

Many are sure that truffles do not grow in the Russian Federation. This is wrong. The forests of the Smolensk, Vladimir and Oryol regions are especially rich in them. A. Pushkin also mentioned the collection of truffles and called them the joy of youth. Historical fact: the peasants who lived around the Trinity-Sergius Lavra annually collected and supplied the monastery with 300 pounds of truffles. By the way - almost five tons. This is at least 150 million rubles. at today's prices!

Truffles are still found in forests today middle zone. But only wild boars dig them. “I personally met Russian truffles weighing more than half a kilogram. It's like digging up a gold bar. But it’s difficult to work with them seriously,” says A. Khrenov, head of the School of Mushroom Growing. – Truffles hide underground; to find them you need specially trained pigs or dogs, which are trained only in France. In addition, these mushrooms do not last long, even in the refrigerator for three days. Therefore, if you take on them, sales should be established like clockwork.”

It is difficult to make money on truffles, although the Chinese did it. China annually sends 70 tons of these fragrant treasures to Europe, of which 40 tons go to France. The quality of Chinese truffles is not so great, experts admit that Russian ones are much better. But the Chinese prices are also low: some 500–800 dollars per kilogram. True, if you don’t know this: the purchase price of truffles from collectors in China is less than $2 per kilogram. So the profit for exporters is serious.

The most, as they say, currency-intensive mushroom is the banal chanterelles. Tinkle with them a little, the harvests are huge. According to the customs service, more than 20 thousand tons were sent abroad last year. Several dozen Russian companies successfully sell them in the EU, earning up to 30 euros per kilogram. The largest buyers are Germany and Lithuania, where this mushroom is considered especially beneficial for health. By the way, for the same reason China willingly buys our Siberian morels. Moreover, he pays more for them than for porcini mushrooms, since morels are used in expensive medicines. As for chanterelles, unlike oyster mushrooms and champignons, they cannot be grown in greenhouses; you need a plot of real forest. Hence the price, which in European supermarkets reaches 70 euros per kilogram.

The richest

Experts provide this regional breakdown of the berry and mushroom industry. The volume of berry procurement in the North-West region is about 30 thousand tons per year, mushrooms - 7 thousand tons. IN Central region– 30 thousand tons of berries and 4 thousand tons of mushrooms are harvested annually. In Siberia, the Tomsk region is especially rich in the gifts of nature, the potential for pine nuts is 58 thousand tons, for lingonberries - 11 thousand tons, for mushrooms - 18 thousand tons of mushrooms (white, boletus, boletus, boletus, boletus). But, according to the calculations of specialists, the resources of natural plant raw materials available in the Tomsk region with an average harvest many times exceed the actual volumes of procurement.

Poachers from the East

Another goldmine is roots and herbs. Ginseng has a special position here. The price level can be judged by this fact. Primorsky Customs, which regularly catches illegal suppliers of Red Data Book plants to the PRC, usually estimates the damage from smuggling a kilogram of roots at 1.5 million rubles. That’s how much 30–50 roots weigh.

A special theme is fern and pine nuts. These are the unique riches of the forests of the Far East and Siberia. For example, in the Ermakovsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, ferns are collected for export. The main buyer is Japan, where hundreds of tons of valuable plants go annually. A significant part of the area's 22,000 population lives by collecting bracken fern (which the Japanese consider the most delicious). However, in the Russian Federation they do not eat ferns. Restaurants, mostly in Krasnoyarsk, buy a very small amount of the product. Retail networks refuse - there is no demand.

As for pine nuts, this is a separate sore subject. In the Primorsky Territory, tens of thousands of tons of them are collected by the same Chinese. Mostly poachers. “The neighboring Chinese forests have long been deserted, so they are coming to our side,” they say local residents. In May, the border is violated by Chinese fern pickers, July-August is the time for collecting ginseng, and in October-November the catching of frogs begins. By the way, the Far Eastern frog, which is highly valued by chefs in China, has not yet been included in the Red Book. But everything is ahead - poaching has already radically undermined its numbers.

What's stopping you from shaking up a potentially very rich industry and taking it to a radically new level? “New Forest Code. For industrial picking of berries and mushrooms, I have to rent a forest plot. Moreover, to win it at auction. But, firstly, who can tell me how much forest I need to rent in order to collect 50 tons of chaga or 100 tons of lingonberries? The harvest does not vary from year to year. Secondly, the rental price is calculated based on the price of cutting wood. Therefore, at the auction we are competing with loggers who have completely different money,” says D. Bondarenko, executive director of one of the largest Siberian enterprises for collecting wild plants.

In general, hundreds of billions of rubles are still lying around underfoot. New ones grow every year, but no one still collects the overwhelming majority. Although, if you do it wisely, this can be done without the slightest damage to nature. The state has forgotten about the industry - the suppliers complain unanimously. Let's hope the officials' memory returns.

Earning money in nature is an inexhaustible source of income based on the sale of collected forest products, such as mushrooms, berries and healthy herbs.

It should be noted that only experienced foresters who know the richest places and the timing of harvesting gifts earn a lot in nature. Beginners wander in the dark, collecting a little of everything and wasting time looking for places. Therefore, do not plan to climb right away; it will take several years before everything goes as planned.

You can make money on the gifts of nature by procuring the following goods:

  • Berry ( lingonberry, stoneberry, wild strawberry, blueberry, blueberry, cranberry );
  • Mushrooms ( morels, puffballs, champignons, boletus, aspen mushrooms, milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, chanterelles, red mushrooms, honey mushrooms, russula );
  • Medicinal herbs ( St. John's wort, coltsfoot, plantain, motherwort, yarrow, etc. );
  • Food products ( );
  • Walnut ( wild garlic, fern, sorrel and other plants );
  • Natural resources (birch brooms, dead wood, firewood ).

Making money in nature is tedious, monotonous work that not every person can do, and before you start developing in this direction, think about it thoroughly.

Making money on berries

The demand for berries always exceeds supply, selling them is not difficult, but picking them will require enormous effort and a lot of time, especially difficult in hot weather. summer days under the watchful eye of mosquitoes.

Picking berries in the forest is the most in a simple way make money from nature. Average income of a seller of strawberries, lingonberries, boneberries, cranberries, rose hips, etc. varies between 3,000 – 4,000 rubles per day. During the summer you can earn a maximum of 100,000 rubles from selling berries. which is good as an additional income and bad for the main one.

Difficulty ★
Labor intensive ★★★★★
Profitability ★★

Making money on mushrooms

Making money on mushrooms is the most profitable business outdoors, you can make money on mushrooms more than a million rubles per year, provided that you know where they grow and know how to look for them. Otherwise, it’s not worth even starting. For example, my father has loved picking mushrooms since childhood and knows all the places in the area for tens of kilometers. For him, cutting a trunk full of milk mushrooms takes a couple of hours, but for me, several days.

Mushrooms cost from 500 to 1,500 rubles per 10 liter bucket, depending on the quality and type of product. Chanterelles need to be sold in the summer, and milk mushrooms in the winter, salted ( 3 liter jar of milk mushrooms. costs from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.). You can sell mushrooms in bulk to cafes and restaurants; they love natural products. They earn from 100 thousand to a million rubles a year from mushrooms ( how much can you collect ).

Difficulty ★★★★★
Labor intensive ★★
Profitability ★★★★★

Making money on birch brooms

Harvesting birch brooms is the easiest way to make money in nature using the gifts of the forest. You will need branches from young trees and a shelter for drying the goods. Brooms are knitted from mid-June until the foliage begins to dry out, usually at the end of summer or due to drought ( What's your luck with the weather?). Making bath brooms is long and tedious, so don’t count on freebies; knitting 20–25 pieces a day is considered good work.

In a day at the market you can sell ten to fifteen bath brooms 150 – 200 rubles each. You can sell it in bulk to resellers or to baths and saunas for 70 -80 rubles. There is a reception at procurement points, but the price there is completely worthless. In a year they earn 100–150 thousand rubles from birch brooms.

Difficulty ★★★
Labor intensive ★★★
Profitability ★★★

Earning money from wild garlic

The wild garlic harvest begins in early spring, as soon as the snow melts and the first shoots appear on the sun-kissed lawns. Ramson is selling like hot cakes these days, and its price is breaking all records. But this will not last long, in a few days all markets will be filled with wild garlic, and the price will fall. Therefore, enterprising people clear the snow from the places where it grows in advance, obtaining the earliest goods for sale.

They earn from 2 to 5 thousand rubles a day selling wild garlic, plus time for a trip to the forest. This is definitely the kind of work where it’s easier to earn money than money. The average income for spring is from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

Difficulty ★★
Labor intensive ★★★★★
Profitability ★★★

Earnings on medicinal herbs

Medicinal herbs have been taken at procurement centers and bought at the market since I can remember. It should be noted that this business is quite good, and Soviet time It was even prestigious and those who dealt with it had a lot of connections and access to scarce goods. You can make money on medicinal herbs in the markets by selling them for 50 rubles for a small bunch or by entering into an agreement with a pharmaceutical company to procure a specific volume of products. Delivering herbs to collection points is currently not cost-effective, and not everyone is accepted.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

10,000,000 ₽

Minimum start-up capital

127,500 RUR

Net profit



Business selling timber is considered very profitable direction, the demand for wood almost never decreases, and therefore the seller always has the opportunity to earn a lot of money. A huge number of enterprises need wood, the most simple examples- This construction organizations and furniture manufacturing companies. Of course, there may be seasonal fluctuations, but an entrepreneur whose business is developed and has regular customers very rarely turns out to be unprofitable.

However, you need to understand that a considerable number of people want to engage in this area, which means it can be difficult to get a plot of forest for use, but the vast majority of forest plantations belong to the state, and only the authorities can decide to whom to give this or that piece of land for use. There are some other problems in implementing this business idea, for example, there is a stereotype according to which this business is criminalized even in our time, which increases the risks of the entrepreneur.

Organizing a timber sales business

First of all, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. However, only if timber trade will take place not only on the territory of Russia, then you need to contact the Ministry of Industry and Trade, where a license will be issued for customs clearance of goods that include lumber, timber and similar goods.

At all international trade in this direction is a rather complicated direction, since a license is issued only for certain types of wood, for specific volumes, and also for a limited period, but you need to understand that here to a greater extent It is not national legislation that applies, but local legislation, so it makes sense to immediately seek help from a lawyer. However, when working only in Russia, there are also conditions. Namely, at the moment, an entrepreneur does not have the right to acquire ownership of a forest plot to exploit it as a source of timber; today all enterprises involved in this area lease plots from the state, however, the term of this lease can be up to 49 years.

This is precisely the first and, perhaps, main difficulty organizing this business - in obtaining a site for work. True, it is worth noting that in Lately The government is considering the possibility of selling forest plots to entrepreneurs for logging, but if such a law is adopted, it is not yet known under what conditions. On the other hand, even if you rent a plot of land, you can count on a normal profit.

Registration of a timber sales enterprise

Let's look at this in a little more detail. So, after registration, an entrepreneur has the right to participate in auctions, which, as a rule, are held by local departments for forest resources (for example, the Ministry of Forestry of the desired region). The entrepreneur himself can find a suitable place for him and submit a request for a plot, but it is far from a fact that the authorities will be interested in his proposal; and even if the site is actually ready to be rented out, an auction will still be scheduled for it.

At the very first stage, the first difficulty arises - not only entrepreneurs who are going to fell the forest have the right to receive part of the forest, but also those who are going to use it for other purposes. For example, the authorities are especially favorable towards those businessmen who intend to use the forest as a recreational area. Moreover, special requirements are imposed on bidders - the user is obliged not only to exploit the land provided to him, but also to care for and maintain the forest. In our case, this is an obligation, after felling trees, to restore the integrity of the forest with new plantings, which, after they have grown, can be used as a source of wood; it’s a kind of continuous cycle, and the authorities are interested in ensuring that it is continuous, and not that the entrepreneur is left with bare terrain.

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Moreover, the entrepreneur still needs to choose a site depending on own capabilities and simple convenience - for obvious reasons, those areas of the forest that are not located in the thicket are most valued. Also an important factor in the choice is the availability of valuable wood species, although, of course, there is a demand for almost all trees (some because of their quality, others because of their cheapness).

The cost of a plot depends on all these factors, as well as on the density of plantings - for example, a sparse forest will cost several times less than a dense one, which, in general, is natural. There are also local peculiarities - in some region you may be lucky to get a plot of land for rent for a relatively favorable conditions, and somewhere you will have to pay a lot of money every year. The bureaucratic red tape is very serious here too - auctions are held state enterprises, can be processed and take a very long time, so you need to have several months in reserve. Moreover, it is not always possible to immediately win one or another auction; there are always enough people willing, and the authorities themselves can make very serious demands - that is, they would rather refuse all auction participants than issue permission to at least someone. IN different regions Depending on the policy and climate, the price can change several times, but most often it is determined not by the size of the plot, but by the density of plantings.

And tree species. But if we try to bring everything to average figures, we will get about 15-20 thousand rubles per hectare per year. Let us repeat - this is a very, very rough calculation, since it is quite possible to find offers for 5 thousand rubles, and for 50 thousand (and sometimes even more). In general, here every entrepreneur preliminarily assesses the potential of the leased plot (the density of trees and their quality are checked). There are also proposals for small areas(up to one hectare), and for areas of considerable size, on which you can work for a very long time (more than 10 hectares).

When a location has been found and the entrepreneur has successfully won the auction, you can begin organizing your enterprise. Within the framework of this article, only timber trade will be considered, but not the production of lumber or other products; in other words, this business includes the felling of trees and the subsequent sale of the resulting materials, but not their processing. In order to be able to fully carry out the work process, the entrepreneur needs to have a territory for placing equipment and work complexes. Usually, on the site that is leased, there is free space suitable for erecting buildings.

Ready ideas for your business

So, you will need an administrative building, not necessarily a capital one, as well as at least two warehouses for storing products. The cost of building a warehouse depends on many parameters, but in our case we do not need high-class premises; it is not profitable to pay for an A+ category warehouse. You can get by with a simple indoor room, in which the wood storage standards are simply met (in terms of humidity, first of all). In general, the cost of one square meter of the building under construction will cost the entrepreneur between 5 and 10 thousand. The size of the warehouse is determined depending on the planned amount of timber received, but still it is rarely less than 500 square meters. The first warehouse usually delivers freshly felled timber, the second – already slightly processed wood (that is, “clean” tree trunks, free of branches).

Next you need to buy everything necessary equipment for work at the enterprise. Besides simple devices such as chainsaws, you will also need to purchase machines for felling and transporting trees. This includes so-called skidders and trucks for transporting freshly cut wood. Although in cases where warehouses are equipped directly at the logging site, no additional transportation is required, because the tractor can immediately place them in the warehouse. Additional equipment is purchased for the tractor - namely trailers, hydraulic manipulators, grabs, buckets and forks. Normal foreign equipment costs from 5 million rubles (this means not only the tractor, but also all the devices for it in total). Freight car can be purchased for an amount starting from 1 million rubles.

Features of finding employees for timber sales

The next step in organizing a business is finding employees to carry out the work. The entrepreneur himself can be a leader. At the same time, you need to understand that sometimes you have to equip something like a village for employees, where they can constantly stay (and this is an additional considerable expense).

Ready ideas for your business

Here you will still need an amount of several hundred thousand rubles - depending on what conditions are provided to them. But it’s still worth first of all considering the possibility of attracting employees who can attend work close to home. Such workers receive a lot - their level wages starts from 30 thousand rubles, usually 40 thousand rubles, can reach up to 50 thousand. It must be said that forest fellers get paid depending on their output, that is, they won’t have to pay extra money. The boss (if he is solely involved in monitoring activities) and transport drivers receive at least the same amount.

An average enterprise employs 10 or more people, so the average amount that will need to be allocated for wages starts from 400 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, all other business processes that are not related to the organization’s profit making can be outsourced. Additionally, you should contact insurance company, which can insure the life and health of employees - the cost of annual insurance starts from 15 thousand rubles per person, rates vary depending on the conditions of insurance payment.

Sales and Marketing in the Timber Business

The next step in organizing your business is finding buyers for your forest. There are many sites on the Internet that allow you to post your commercial offers. Also, an entrepreneur can simply start visiting potential clients on his own, offering them his product. On the websites of many companies that are constantly in need of wood, there are purchase requests, and it is relatively easy to find partners and consumers.

Of course, you will have to work with companies all over the country (and those who have received a license can work with foreign companies, Russian forest, by the way, is very much appreciated). But most buyers work according to a system that involves self-pickup, that is, the entrepreneur does not have to organize delivery using his own transport. But, of course, you need to understand that demand may vary depending on the type of wood, as well as its quality, and if you are unlucky enough to get a plot of land from which you can extract bad material, then it is quite likely that customers refuse wood. But hiring a specialist before renting a site should solve this problem.

    Registration legal entity– 20 thousand rubles.

    Rent of 10 hectares of forest – 200 thousand rubles.

    Construction of warehouses with an area of ​​500 m2 - 3.75 million rubles.

    Purchase of a skidding tractor and truck, equipment - 6 million rubles.

    Salary – 400 thousand rubles.

    Insurance – 150 thousand rubles.

    Fuel and consumables – from 50 thousand rubles.

It turns out to be a little more than 10 and a half million rubles. Monthly expenses range from 450 thousand rubles. The cost of timber differs depending on the type (deciduous and coniferous are the species that almost all entrepreneurs in Russia deal with), but if you take some average, then one cubic meter costs approximately 2 thousand rubles.

There is, of course, cheap wood, which is sold for less than 1 thousand rubles for the same volume, and some good species can cost more than 5 thousand. If we take the volume of monthly sales equal to 300 cubic meters of wood at a price of 2 thousand per cubic meter, then we get 600 thousand rubles of income and 150 thousand operating profit. 127.5 thousand – net profit. But still, such a business is not very profitable (about 25%), because a significant part of the income goes to cover expenses, which include paying wages (usually the largest figure per month), purchasing Supplies, payment rent, and the project itself is always designed for several years in advance.

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