Color or combination of colors. Combination of colors in the interior: what can be mixed with what? Combination of turquoise and blue colors

One of the first and far from the easiest steps in design: we share ways that will help you choose colors for the interior.

Choosing a color scheme for the interior is one of the main issues that arise at the very beginning of creating a design project. Even a clear understanding of what color you want to see in each room is clearly not enough: you need to choose a shade, similar colors, accents and combine them harmoniously. In this article we will try to help you with a choice that you will not regret after the renovation.

Color scheme in the interior - what dictates the style?

Style and color go hand in hand in our preferences: often we ourselves don’t even know what we choose in the first place. However, if you have definitely decided on the style, this can significantly help you with the color scheme:

  • Styles such as have a light pastel palette without too much bright accents.
  • , modern also do not differ in brightness, but can have darker and more saturated colors and high contrast.
  • has a light and natural base, but does not exclude bright accents.
  • and love to play with muted dark shades.
  • , kitsch, and are the brightest and most colorful interior styles.
  • , and the chalets will be based on the natural colors of wood, stone, sand, and foliage.

Read in detail about the chosen style and study photographs of interiors - maybe you will find a ready-made solution there. Don't forget that with good taste you can mix elements of different styles, creating interesting mixes: the choice of color in this case can also become a field for experimentation.

Desired mood and color preferences

Each of us has colors that we prefer. It's a pity, but not all of them are suitable for the basis of the interior. For example, if you love purple, you shouldn’t make purple walls: you will quickly get tired, and the color will begin to weigh you down psychologically. You can always opt for light walls and a purple chair or carpet.

Choosing a base

The basis of color in the interior is usually set by the largest objects in area: floor, walls, ceiling, large furniture. But more than one color can be the main color; It will be even better if you take several similar shades, for example, a little darker and lighter than the chosen one.

Very often in the interior the floor will be wooden or imitate wood, as will cabinets, tables, shelving, so the tone of the wood or the black/white color of the furniture can set the color balance of the entire interior. If you are not going to paint furniture, buy designer furniture or have it made to order, look at what shades exist from manufacturers available to you that fit your budget and taste.

Sometimes furniture can act as a limitation, especially if during renovation you want to leave some of the old: the task of fitting these shades into the new desired palette can be difficult.

Choosing an accent

The accent can just be your favorite or mood-setting color, not necessarily bright and rainbow, but always in contrast to the base one. There can also be several accents: either close in scale to each other, or, conversely, of different colors. Accent colors should be harmoniously combined not only with each other, but also with the base. The number of such prominent objects should be controlled by your sense of proportion and taste.

Balancing the gamma

How to achieve harmony between colors? This is even more difficult than choosing a gamma. Designers use various tools for this purpose, for example, a color palette. We just wrote about what a palette is and how to create one yourself: “”. Ready-made color combinations can be found on the Internet.

The second option is to create a collage: it will help you figure out the percentage of colors in your interior. In any graphic editor, you can take samples of wall paint, flooring (as well as furniture and decor) and place them side by side. Having put everything together, it is easy to understand which color is unnecessary and what should be added for balance.

When decorating your home, you will inevitably face the need to correlate several colors with each other. There are several basic rules, knowing which you can easily arrange any room. The article presents a table of color combinations in the interior, as well as many useful tips and theoretical materials. In this article you will learn about:

  • color circle and the principle of its construction;
  • tones that are used in a particular interior style;
  • how to combine them correctly in the interior;
  • how to choose shades and how to combine them.

We wish you happy reading.

Theoretical aspects of color combinations

Every designer knows the basics of how colors interact, and if you decide to design your apartment yourself, you should also understand this.

There are aromatic colors, these include white, black, gray and chromatic. The chromatic circle is a diagram that consists of the primary colors: red, blue and yellow. By mixing primary colors, secondary tones are obtained.

The main shade and those that are formed from it are called related ones; there are four groups of them: yellow-green, yellow-red, blue-red and blue-green. They harmonize well with each other, as they consist of an admixture of the same main colors.

Adjacent quarters contain related and contrasting shades; their combinations make it possible to obtain the richest range. If you combine colors located across the same sector, they usually cause unpleasant sensations. Contrasting colors are located opposite each other in the quarters of the color wheel. Their combination is used when it is necessary to draw attention to a certain place in the interior.

Table of color combinations in the interior depending on the type of room

Since color affects a person’s psycho-emotional state and biochemical processes in the body, in rooms with different purposes, the combination of shades when decorating the interior will be different.

You need to be especially careful when choosing a palette when decorating rooms such as a bedroom and a children's room, since they are intended for relaxation. If done incorrectly, a person will not be able to rest normally, both physically and psychologically. Below is a table of color combinations in the interior, compiled by our designers.

Room nameRecommended color combination palette
KitchenSoft and calm tones: yellow and turquoise.
HallwayTones that improve mood and digestion of food: green, beige, yellow, silver, as well as their combination with red and blue.
Color combination in the living room interiorNeutral, soft tones, which are diluted with bright accents.
Color combination in the bedroom interiorPastel colors and shades of purple. Please note that the bedroom is a personal space, so there are no restrictions here, and it is decorated at the request of the owners.
BathroomLight colors with a bluish tint, as they give a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

What is a color wheel, on what principle is the palette of color combinations in the interior constructed?

Professional designers know how to choose the right palette of color combinations in the interior, so their work looks attractive and harmonious. To do this, they use a tool called a color wheel. What is it?

It is a symbolic representation of the visible spectrum of sunlight, which represents different color options. Over the years, different theories have emerged, so there are several circles:

In the sectors of the circle, the shades are placed in almost the same order as in the spectrum of visible light, and to link the extreme tones, a conditional purple tint is additionally used

To better understand the correct compatibility, it is necessary to build a color wheel. A person distinguishes three main tones: yellow, red and blue. All others are obtained by mixing the main ones with each other, as well as the main and derivative shades. By mixing primary colors, composite colors are obtained, and the remaining empty cells are filled with third-order tones.

A little more theory about the combination of colors in the interior - photo of a table of cold, warm and neutral shades

Everything that surrounds us has its own color, and each tone has a certain effect on the body. The color wheel has several parameters and according to one of them it is divided into cold, warm and neutral. Next, we’ll talk about the combination of colors in the interior; photos of tables with shades are attached.

Warm colors

Most often, the circle is divided in half; all shades of yellow are perceived by us as warm. They subconsciously evoke a feeling of warmth, coziness and comfort in a person, therefore they allow you to create a pleasant and hospitable environment in the room. We associate these tones with summer. Typically this is:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • red;
  • violet.

All shades that are close to blue are considered cool. They are associated with winter, help create a feeling of coolness and freshness in the room, and seem clean and distant.

Shades that do not make a person feel warm or cool are called neutrals. If they are placed next to warm or cool shades, they smooth out their impact and make the color softer.

This whole classification is conditional, pure colors can only be found in the picture, in nature they smoothly transform into one another, so red can be of both warm and cold shades.

Color combinations in the interior - layouts for different styles

When creating a specific design, you need to take into account not only your wishes, but also know and follow certain rules. This is the only way you can properly decorate your premises and avoid serious and gross mistakes.

Before studying the layout of color combinations in the interior, we recommend paying attention to the main points of correct design:

  • choice of basis;
  • the right combination of warm and cold tones;
  • Warm colors are used to create coziness in a large room;
  • in a small room, it is better to use cold colors, this will visually enlarge the room;
  • when decorating a kitchen or dining room, keep in mind that shades can both enhance and suppress appetite;
  • in the bedroom, the color palette of the combination of colors in the interior should provide a comfortable rest;
  • For each interior style, experts recommend using certain tones;

Each style has its own color scheme for combining colors in the interior. The table below reveals all the recommended shades when decorating a room.

Style nameRecommended shades
ClassicalDifferent tones, but must be white.
ProvenceBlue, pink, light milky.
Eco styleBrown and dirty green.
High techWhite, black and metal color.
BaroqueAny pastel colors.
ModernGreen, blue, brown-beige.
MinimalismWhite black.
Pin-upYellow, pink.
LoftGreen, red, orange, blue.
CountryLight yellow, brown, sand.
FuturismLight green, white, ultramarine, lemon yellow.

Options for color combinations in the interior

Color plays a huge role in creating an interior; with its help you can create comfort and coziness, visually increase or decrease the space, so you need to take a responsible approach to such an issue as combination.

This option is considered universal. Classic shades are used, these include beige, gray and white. By combining these tones with others, you can create a classic solution that will always look modern and beautiful. In this case, you will not need to constantly change the interior of the room when buying new furniture, replacing flooring or other elements.

Triad or combination of 3 colors

The use of three primary colors, which always harmoniously combine with each other and can be used in equal measures. The combination of red, blue and yellow evokes a surge of emotions and cheerfulness. If they are used in their pure form, the result is a bright and rich solution. If you use halftones, the design of the room turns out to be less aggressive and more comfortable.

The use of a triad helps fill the room with energy, so this solution is used to decorate the living room, sports rooms and children's rooms, but this design is not recommended in the kitchen or bedroom.

This option involves the use of 2-3 types of shades, which are located nearby in the color wheel. You need to choose the appropriate one in which you decided to decorate the room and select several tones in the color wheel to the right or left of it. This solution is simple and original, and choosing two or three similar colors is not difficult.

In a complementary combination, contrasting shades are used; they are located opposite each other on the color wheel. With a separate-complementary solution, instead of the color located opposite, choose the shade that is next to it. This allows you to create contrasting solutions, but they are not as intense as with a complementary combination.

Tetrad or combination of 4 colors

In this case, the scheme consists of a main color and there are two more that complement it, and the fourth serves as an accent color. This creates a rather interesting effect that evokes positive emotions. Basically, these colors are preferred by young people or people who are in constant motion and fast rhythm.

The magic of color or the gradient effect in the interior

Gradient in the interior is a modern solution used to decorate various living spaces. It is based on a smooth transition from dark to light tone. This method can be used when decorating various interior details.

The gradient effect helps bring freshness and excitement to the room. Typically, designers use various shades of blue, as it gives a beautiful combination of colors in the interior.

We select a combination of shades for different places in the room - a table with recommendations

To create a comfortable and cozy space in a room, it is important to choose the right color schemes when decorating the ceiling, floor and walls. With the help of a competent combination, you can breathe light and air into even a small room, and make a large room warmer and more comfortable. Further in the article there is another table of color combinations in the interior, which will help you choose the design of different places in the room.

Floor, wall and ceiling design optionsRecommended Solutions
Contrasting combinationThe walls are made of bright colors, the floor is dark, and the ceiling is light. You can visually change the size of the room, hide existing shortcomings and highlight advantages.
Current gradientThe ceiling is light, the walls are a little darker and the floor is dark. The transition from a dark tone to a light one allows you to create harmony; this design is suitable for any room.
Light and airThe walls and ceiling are light, the floor is dark. Suitable for a small room with low ceilings.
OppositesThe ceiling is light, the walls are dark, the floor is light and vice versa. This option can be used in rooms with low and high ceilings.

Psychology of color, or how it affects us?

Studies have shown that color affects a person’s mood through his subconscious. Perception is influenced by such factors as the state of health, age, social status of a person and his character.

For women

Women are more sensitive to the perception of color and shades. There is no clear distinction between “male” and “female” colors, since each person is individual. Despite this, there are tones that women prefer more:

  • blue, it has a calming effect and is loved by both women and men;
  • green, associated with nature and the feminine, symbolizes health and tranquility;
  • turquoise, this shade is one of the most favorite among women;
  • purple – it is a representative of the “feminine” color, emphasizing the mystery and mystery of a woman;
  • pink tones are associated with women, but this is not a preference, but a pleasant rule;
  • Lilac color is also considered “feminine”, it evokes a feeling of romanticism and nostalgia.

With age, color preferences change; women love pink more, but give less preference to green than in their youth.

For men

It has been found that men perceive approximately 30% fewer shades compared to women. Often women are indignant that men cannot appreciate their efforts when choosing a color, but this is due to physiology, since for them pumpkin and peach colors may not be different from each other.

Most men prefer blue and its different shades. Some scientists believe that they symbolize it with clean water and clear skies. In addition to blue, men love green, but unlike women, they prefer cooler tones. Traditionally they like black, but most men cannot stand purple and pink.

For children

Newborn babies see everything in black and white and only after 2 months they begin to distinguish other colors. At the age of 2-5 years, they can already distinguish the entire visible spectrum.

Children are attracted to everything bright, so they love pink, red, yellow tones, such preferences persist until the age of 10, after which the child may already like the blue tone and all its shades. Girls prefer pink and purple, while boys prefer blue and its shades.

Combination of colors in the interior: curtains and wallpaper, as well as furniture - how to combine?

In most cases, textiles are purchased when the room has already been renovated and furniture has been placed. In this case, when selecting the right fabrics, many difficulties arise that affect the combination of colors in the interior. Curtains and wallpaper, as well as furniture, are much easier to select at the same time.

Successful combination of colors If you are choosing furniture and textiles for an apartment in a new building, first decide on the basic shades that will prevail in the interior. Nowadays the combination of gray and purple in the interior is in fashion. In this case, the furniture can be gray, the curtains are best beige with a gray or purple pattern, decorative pillows are made from the same fabric as the curtains, and the carpet is also in the same color.

The procedure for selecting the color of furniture and textiles will be as follows:

  1. determine the first and second basic shades;
  2. wallpaper is purchased in a light shade of the first color;
  3. furniture in two different colors of the second option;
  4. curtains should be made of fabric with a pattern consisting of the first and second colors;
  5. the same fabric will be used for decorative pillows;
  6. pillows can be made from fabric in a rich first color.

This is a conditional algorithm and each designer can develop his own, but if you are new to this business, then focus on the described technology and you will be able to correctly design your home yourself.

What colors definitely won't go together?

There can be no categorical answer to this question. Modern fashion is characterized by extravagance and creativity. If earlier the combination of green and red in the interior was considered tasteless, now this will not surprise anyone.

When creating a classic interior, experts do not recommend combining cold and warm tones, but there may be small bright inclusions. If you want to combine contrasting colors, then it is better to do it with halftones.

10 facts about the possibilities of color in the interior that you definitely didn’t know about!

Let's look at 10 interesting facts about the influence of color in interior design:

Video - we will consolidate the material on the combination of colors in the interior!

Combination of colors in the interior – 15 photos

In brown tones

In the recreation area

City apartment

Modern style

Cool blue tones

In red color

Relax zone

In a room with a fireplace

In a country house

Green shades

In the cottage

In the kitchen

In the room with photographs

Cozy atmosphere

Colors play a vital role in design: they not only attract attention, but also convey the brand’s message and help create the right mood and associations.

When combined, colors form color schemes or combinations. There are three basic schemes:

  • Complementary combination. Complementary colors are on opposite sides of the color wheel. Their combination creates contrast and attracts attention, but this technique must be used with caution.
  • Similar combination. In this case, colors that are located next to each other are chosen for the design. One of them dominates, the other complements, the third serves as an accent.
  • Triad. Here the shades located on different sides of the circle are combined (when combined, they should form a triangle). Such designs are bright, they have both contrast and harmony.

Using the color wheel, you can create a design to suit every taste. The main thing is to choose color combinations that suit the project. It’s convenient to do this on the colorscheme website.

For an interesting and modern look, use these 33 best color combinations for inspiration.

33 color combinations in design (photo + gamma)

1. Pink and lilac red

These contrasting colors look energetic together. They are associated with youth, fun and femininity.

#e52165 – #0d1137

2. Red, seafoam, jade and purple

A color combination based on a triad is an excellent solution for floral motifs and creating a vintage mood.

#d72631 – #a2d5c6 – #077b8a – #5c3c92

3. Yellow, magenta, light cyan and black

All cartridges in the world are filled with these basic colors. When mixed, they can create any color, and individually they create a vibrant and modern scheme.

#e2d810 – #d9138a – #12a4d9 – #322e2f

4. Mustard and black

The combination of yellow shades and black looks masculine, modern and at the same time minimalistic. In nature, these colors warn of danger, so they instinctively attract attention.

#f3ca20 – #000000

5. Purple, red gold, turquoise and brick

This color palette looks exotic. The main color, yellow, speaks of friendliness, and additional colors add playfulness to the design and reveal its full potential.

#cf1578 – #e8d21d – #039fbe – #b20238

6. Shades of pink and brown

Pink is a modern, youthful and luxurious color. The combination of its different shades with dark brown makes the design deep and serious.

#e75874 – #ba1558 – #fbcbc9 – #322514

7. Gold, taupe and gray

The perfect combination of enthusiasm and seriousness. The gold color is associated with nature and happiness, while the two shades of gray make the design more mature.

#ef9d10f – #3b4d61 – #6b7b8c

8. Navy, almond, red-orange and mango

Against a neutral background, pairing blue with fiery accents energizes and builds confidence.

#1e3d59 – #f5f0e1 – #ff6e40 – #ffc13b

9. Beige, turquoise and black

Masculine beige perfectly sets off the combination of turquoise and black. Colors are associated with natural strength and inspire.

#ecc19c – #1e847f – #000000

10. Dark blue, ocher, burnt sienna and light gray

Neutral background shades emphasize the naturalness of the leading colors and make the design restrained but memorable.

#26495c – #c4a35a – #c66b3d – #e5e5dc

11. Purple, sapphire and blue

The combination of rich lilac and discreet blue is associated with femininity, and sapphire makes the pair sophisticated and modern.

#d9a5b3 – #1868ae – #c6d7eb

12. Blue, dark red and indigo

The leading color of this combination, blue, subconsciously evokes trust. Next, the gradient flows into red and dark blue, evoking associations with passion and energy.

#408ec6 – #7a2048 – #1e2761

13. Raspberry and shades of blue

As in the previous example, blue in this design speaks of reliability, and notes of crimson add femininity to the combination.

#8a307f – #79a7d3 – #6883bc

14. Dark green, orange and peach

Orange is the least used color by brands, so it stands out from the crowd. The color charges with vigor and good mood. Peach makes the design more modern, while dark green brings natural calm.

#1d3c45 – #d260fa – #fff1e1

15. Sea Foam, Orange Pink and Navy Blue

The perfect palette for beach design. It is associated with relaxation, warmth and sunny happiness.

#aed6dc – #ff9a8d – #4a536b

16. Red, green and purple

Rich femininity, luxury and naturalness in one bottle. This unusual combination can liven up any black and white design.

#da68a0 – #77c593 – #ed3572

17. Blue-green, coral, turquoise and gray

Blue-green is calming, while coral attracts attention to detail. On a gray background this combination looks especially advantageous.

#316879 – #f47a60 – #7fe7dc – #ced7d8

18. Fuchsia, sepia, pink and dark purple

Three shades of purple are associated with luxury, while sepia adds a vintage friendliness and warmth to the design.

#d902ee – #ffd79d – #f162ff – #320d3e

19. Light pink, gray-green, blue and purple

A cute tropical palette that reminds you of the beach and sunny days. The colors look modern and stylish.

#ffcce7 – #daf2dc – #81b7d2 – #4d5198

20. Beige, black-brown and bronze

Three shades of brown combine to create a vintage palette that looks understated and evokes warmth and comfort.

#ddc3a5 – #201e20 – #e0a96d

21. Sepia, blue-green, beige and gray-green

An ideal color palette for restaurants and the food industry. It combines 4 organic pastel shades that are reminiscent of nature and awaken the appetite.

#edca82 – #097770 – #e0cdbe – #a9c0a6

22. Yellow-green, olive and green

Together, these three shades of green are associated with excitement and youth, energizing and refreshing.

#e1dd72 – #a8c66c – #1b6535

23. Fuchsia, yellow and purple

Modern, relevant, noticeable - these are the adjectives that characterize this palette. She instantly catches the eye and makes an impression.

#d13ca4 – #ffea04 – #fe3a9e

24. Mustard, taupe and green

The color combination is associated with trees and nature. Perfect for eco-niche and organic products.

#e3b448 – #cbd18f – #3a6b35

25. Beige, slate and khaki

Two complementary shades of brown look masculine and mature. Khaki makes the palette elegant.

#f6ead4 – #a2a595 – #b4a284

26. Turquoise and purple

The combination of cool shades does not have to be boring. Here, for example, colors contrast with each other, attract attention and create interest.

#79cbb8 – #500472

27. Light pink, green and seafoam

The gentle triad is associated with nature, femininity, warmth and at the same time looks expensive.

#f5beb4 – #9bc472 – #cbf6db

28. Scarlet, olive and blue-green

The combination of muted primary colors creates an unusual palette that looks very serious and mysterious.

#b85042 – #e7e8d1 – #a7beae

29. Red, yellow, light blue and purple

This palette is a real party. Friendly colors give joy and charge with optimism.

#d71b3b – #e8d71e – #16acea – #4203c9

30. Olive, beige and bronze

The sophisticated combination of shades of brown looks professional, olive evokes associations with nature, and together the colors create a thoughtful and natural design.

#829079 – #ede6b9 – #b9925e

31. Shades of blue and green

The combination of bright natural colors looks dynamic and rich, and the high contrast instantly attracts attention.

#1fbfb8 – #05716c – #1978a5 – #031163

32. Turquoise, mustard and black

The classic combination of warm and cool shades calms and improves your mood. Black makes the design more modern.

#7fc3c0 – #cfb845 – #141414

33. Peach, orange-pink and blue-green

Orange-pink and peach look great together, and the blue-green accent gives the design more depth.

#efb5a3 – #f57e7e – #315f72

Let these examples of a variety of color palettes inspire you to create modern and unique graphic designs that will grab your audience's attention and convey your brand message in a split second.

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Scheme No. 1. Complementary combination

Complementary, or complementary, contrasting colors are colors that are located on opposite sides of the Itten color wheel. Their combination looks very lively and energetic, especially with maximum color saturation.

Scheme No. 2. Triad - a combination of 3 colors

A combination of 3 colors lying at the same distance from each other. Provides high contrast while maintaining harmony. This composition looks quite lively even when using pale and desaturated colors.

Scheme No. 3. Similar combination

A combination of 2 to 5 colors located next to each other on the color wheel (ideally 2–3 colors). Impression: calm, inviting. An example of a combination of similar muted colors: yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green.

Scheme No. 4. Separate-complementary combination

A variant of a complementary color combination, but instead of the opposite color, neighboring colors are used. A combination of the main color and two additional ones. This scheme looks almost as contrasting, but not so intense. If you are not sure that you can use complementary combinations correctly, use separate-complementary ones.

Scheme No. 5. Tetrad - combination of 4 colors

A color scheme where one color is the main color, two are complementary, and another one highlights the accents. Example: blue-green, blue-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange.

Scheme No. 6. Square

Combinations of individual colors

  • White: goes with everything. The best combination with blue, red and black.
  • Beige: with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white.
  • Grey: with fuchsia, red, purple, pink, blue.
  • Pink: with brown, white, mint green, olive, gray, turquoise, baby blue.
  • Fuchsia (deep pink): with grey, tan, lime, mint green, brown.
  • Red: with yellow, white, brown, green, blue and black.
  • Tomato red: blue, mint green, sandy, creamy white, gray.
  • Cherry red: azure, gray, light orange, sand, pale yellow, beige.
  • Raspberry red: white, black, damask rose color.
  • Brown: bright blue, cream, pink, fawn, green, beige.
  • Light brown: pale yellow, creamy white, blue, green, purple, red.
  • Dark brown: lemon yellow, blue, mint green, purple pink, lime.
  • Tan: pink, dark brown, blue, green, purple.
  • Orange: blue, blue, lilac, violet, white, black.
  • Light orange: gray, brown, olive.
  • Dark orange: pale yellow, olive, brown, cherry.
  • Yellow: blue, lilac, light blue, violet, gray, black.
  • Lemon yellow: cherry red, brown, blue, gray.
  • Pale yellow: fuchsia, grey, brown, shades of red, tan, blue, purple.
  • Golden yellow: gray, brown, azure, red, black.
  • Olive: orange, light brown, brown.
  • Green: golden brown, orange, light green, yellow, brown, gray, cream, black, creamy white.
  • Salad color: brown, tan, fawn, gray, dark blue, red, gray.
  • Turquoise: fuchsia, cherry red, yellow, brown, cream, dark purple.
  • Electric blue is beautiful when paired with golden yellow, brown, light brown, gray or silver.
  • Blue: red, gray, brown, orange, pink, white, yellow.
  • Dark blue: light purple, light blue, yellowish green, brown, gray, pale yellow, orange, green, red, white.
  • Lilac: orange, pink, dark purple, olive, gray, yellow, white.
  • Dark Purple: Golden Brown, Pale Yellow, Grey, Turquoise, Mint Green, Light Orange.
  • Black is universal, elegant, looks in all combinations, best with orange, pink, light green, white, red, lilac or yellow.

In a store, people choose a product based on the color of the packaging in 80–90% of cases. Texture, smell and sound combined do not influence the buyer as much as colors. And on social networks and websites, the right combination of colors is the most obvious way to motivate a purchase.

Choosing a palette starts with the feeling you want the design to evoke. Each shade is associated with certain character traits and mood. For example, purple is an elegant color, and brown is brutal and harsh. Therefore, when choosing color combinations, you need to focus on the emotions that it should evoke in the buyer.

The importance of colors is especially noticeable when companies rebrand. At the beginning of 2019, Ozone changed its logo: the discreet blue color, which is associated with reliability and safety, was replaced with rich blue and crimson. This combination of colors looks more flashy and bright - as company representatives explained, they want to attract a young audience. That is, a change in the target audience forced the company to completely change the color combinations with which it wants to be associated.

To choose the right color scheme, you need to take into account the cultural traditions of a particular region, the perception and experience of a particular audience. It is very important to evaluate how well the colors harmonize with each other and what emotions their combinations evoke. Therefore, we have collected 100 very different palettes and, using their examples, told how to create color combinations that will tell more about your company than any words.

How to choose color combinations using Canva's palette generator

Canva can help you experiment with shades.

It “decomposes” any photo into the main shades and shows their hex codes so that you can easily find them in a graphic editor.

The palette generator helps you find interesting color combinations in pictures and photographs. Analyze the photographs of photographers you admire, the range of famous paintings, or the color schemes of competitors. This way you will understand which colors are suitable for the corporate style of your company and its websites, advertising materials and even office interiors.

  • Open . He will offer to upload your image or analyze a random picture from the Canva collection. Click on “Upload an image”
  • Upload the desired image from your computer: select it and click “Open”.

  • Your palette is ready. Click on the color you like - and its hex code will be automatically copied.

  • Enter the code into any graphic editor: open the palette and paste the copied value. For example, we used the color scheme of a photo to create a stylish background for a flower shop post.

Use this template

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27. Basket of vegetables

These shades are very similar in saturation, but radically different in color. Therefore, the palette looks varied but consistent.

28. Garden freshness

Orange is dynamic and energetic, suitable for youth brands. When using it, make sure that the other shades calm and balance the design. This interesting color combination is held back by white and soft light green.

29. Summer BBQ

30. Berry blue

Flickr/Pink Sherbet Photography

Blue is the color that gives a sense of guarantee. Dark tones promise protection, while light colors signify openness and transparency. That is why blue shades are used by banks, computer companies, and social networks.

31. Lemonade stand

Flickr/Katie Ring

32. Serenity SPA

Flickr/Lisa Murray

The pale shades of this palette are soothing and soothing. However, we do not recommend using this range without a bright accent - the banner or booklet may turn out to be too sluggish and inconspicuous.

33. Fun and tropical

Flickr/Louis Vest

This color scheme is suitable when you need a summer party invitation design, a children's poster or a travel brochure. The palette seems to tell you where to look for all the fun.

34. Spice

Flickr/Michael Stern

Shades of brown contrast in saturation, so the palette includes both a background and an accent color. In different contexts, beige and brown can mean stability, moderation, and sweet taste.

35. Pastel

Flickr/Michael Stern

A gentle and airy combination of colors is suitable for advertising cafes, children's products and other products that “promise” lightness and personify care and tenderness. But like any pastel palette, this palette can easily get lost against the backdrop of brighter shades.

36. Cheese, figs and basil

Flickr/Michael Stern

37. Sunny citrus

Flickr/Michael Stern

38. Apple contrast

Flickr/Michael Stern

Red and green are not just contrasting colors. They are directly opposite in meaning: red screams about urgency, danger, threat, green - calms and supports. Therefore, combining their bright shades can only be done in Christmas advertising. Another thing is these soft variations.

39. Warm rustic

Flickr/Michael Stern

40. Neon night

Flickr/Michael Stern

41. Jewel tones

Flickr/Michael Stern

42. Sophisticated simplicity

Flickr/Michael Stern

43. Fresh herbs

44. Winter colors

Red symbolizes power and aggression. Its power is proven by a simple experiment: if you show people photographs of football teams in white and red uniforms and ask them to name the winner, two thirds will choose the red team.

Set off by calm white and gray colors, red hints at strength and luxury.

45. Summer Fiesta

46. ​​Chocolate brownie

Another way to use brown is to add red and purple tones. This color combination promises comfort and security. Suitable for business based on traditions, but not for IT companies.

47. Natural elegance

48. Comfort and warmth

49. Salmon and rye bread

50. Strawberries and cream

Red with a dash of orange still awakens emotions, but no longer “attacks” the beholder. This interesting color combination is suitable for social advertising: posters about blood donation, websites about volunteering, as in templates and. Think, for example, of the Red Cross logo.

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51. Greek holidays

52. Bright night

White, black (or a very dark blue, as here), red and yellow are a common color combination. Gamma signifies conquering new horizons and combines strength and joy.

53. Wine peace

54. Urban contrasts

55. Green fog

56. Sunny town

Analogous colors form a soft palette with a dominant terracotta shade. The color combination will emphasize safety, and can be used not only in product design, but also in the interior of a coffee shop or showroom where you want to keep customers :).

57. Sun and sky

58. Water blue

59. Urban oasis

60. The audacity of graffiti

Dynamic shades are suitable for youth products. The loud, rebellious palette of this graffiti will attract attention on social networks or on a banner among the concrete city.

61. Muted antiquity

62. Chic without vulgarity

Elegance and dignity - that's what deep blue in combination with gold speaks of. These colors repel the mass buyer and attract the premium segment. With their help you can create a feeling of elitism, high cost, and good taste.

63. Megapolis

64. Sun in the city

65. Nightlife

The ink colors used in printing (cyan, fuchsia, yellow and black, known as CMYK) are a very aggressive and saturated palette. It is better to choose several colors from it and add calm shades to this combination.

66. Coast

67. Sea lights

68. Vintage

69. From above

70. Arctic dawn

Blue and gray are the colors of intelligence. Light shades relieve tension and lower blood pressure, and the coolness of this color combination can be used in summer advertising campaigns, when freshness and coolness attract attention.

71. Mediterranean Afternoon

The color combination “ketchup and mustard” is readily used in fast food. Red stimulates appetite, and yellow promises that you will be fed quickly and habitually. Add to this a feeling of warmth - and visitors will want to come back to you again and again!

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