A tree as a support for a climbing rose. How to make a beautiful and durable support for a climbing rose with your own hands

Many people would like to have an unusually beautiful climbing rose on their plot, which can become a real decoration of the garden. Thanks to its ability to curl, the flower is used to decorate gazebos, arches, alleys, even ordinary fences - such structures look truly amazing. In order for a climbing rose to take root on your site, it needs support, otherwise its shoots will simply spread along the ground. At first glance, the designs look complicated, but it is quite possible to make something similar yourself. In this article we will tell you what kinds of supports for roses there are and how to make a support for a climbing rose with your own hands.

The first thing to do is to choose the right place, because the shoots themselves should grow where they are provided optimal conditions. Your rose corner should be located in a place where there will be no discomfort for the roses themselves.

So, for example, it is recommended to plant plants on small hills where there will be a low level groundwater, otherwise there is a risk of root rotting. The beauty also needs protection from the wind - make sure that north side there were other trees or a house. Don’t forget about the sun, which should warm the flowers with its rays. However, a small shadow should also be present, because if the rose is not protected from the sun, the plant will grow weak and lethargic.

Types for climbing roses

Although there are a great many supports for roses, it is customary to distinguish several main types:

  • arches or pergolas;
  • trellises;
  • gratings;
  • pillars.

It should be remembered that the opinion that a rose will curl on its own, and just needs to be provided with support, is fundamentally wrong. The main shoots of the flower must be directed so that they grow not upward, but parallel to the ground (or at least at an angle of 45 degrees) - this is the only way you can observe abundant flowering

your favorite. In addition, whatever support you choose, it must be reliable so that an overgrown rose bush does not knock it to the ground. Also choose a design that will fit well with your area (if the shoots do not immediately entwine the entire structure). Select the type of flower according to the structure itself: if the bush subsequently grows to enormous sizes, it makes no sense to build a small support for it.

Trellis mesh

Trellis is the simplest and most versatile structure. As a rule, using this design, the territory is divided into zones (this is how you can divide a garden, for example). It may look like a rectangular structure, which consists of a frame and a lattice inside it. The base itself and the grate inside can be either wooden or wire. Most often, the first option is chosen, painting the structure with white paint to give it a more noble look. Although in most cases, over time, the bush grows quite strongly and the trellis is completely hidden under it.

Arches and pergolas

Very beautiful decorative structures, which can even serve as a gazebo for you. A pergola is a summer roof equipped with trellises, which is designed just to be entwined with pink shoots. It can also serve as a summer gazebo, which is nice to sit in on a hot day.

The bases of pergolas are most often made of metal, but it is preferable to construct the roof from wood. Arched structures can also be made of various materials: metal ones are suitable for growing miniature flowers, but wooden ones are suitable for plants with strong, thick shoots. If you have free space, you can also put several arches located one after another - it will look impressive.

Cone supports and pillars

A cone support looks like a collection of several wooden beams that are installed in a circle and connected at the top.

The pillar is also very convenient design for climbing plants. It takes up very little space while still performing the necessary function. They often choose those that grow very slowly.

How to make it yourself

So, we have described the basic designs that are made for these plants. Now let's look at how to make supports for a climbing rose.

Next you should make a vault for the arch. Around the pillars, keeping the same indentations, wooden blocks or metal rods are installed in a circle. They are attached at the base and on the top beam. It is along them that the shoots will subsequently curl, and they will take on an almost horizontal position.

To build a pergola, you need a lattice or mesh that can be easily removed. Thus, it will serve well in the summer, and with the onset of cold weather you can put it away indoors.

The easiest way to make a pole is to simply drive it into the ground and construct horizontal circular fragments made of any materials (wood, metal) around the support. It is they who contribute to the required fixation of the climbing shoots so that they entwine the structure in a spiral.

For the support cone, wooden beams or metal rods are fixed in a circle, which will converge at the top. By the way, this design can be used not only for roses, but also for other climbing plants and flowers.

  1. The very first and most important rule: first make a support - then plant flowers!
  2. When choosing a material, be guided by the following factors: variety of roses, price category, design features.

In order for climbing crops to grow normally vertically, they need support. A DIY trellis is easy to make. It can be installed anywhere. Trellis can be removed when the summer season has come to an end.


There are varieties of raspberries, roses or grapes. A person should familiarize himself with them and decide what is right for him. The supports are:

  1. Single-plane. These are various gratings, partitions, fences.
  2. Two-plane. These can be balconies, arches.

The first type is best chosen for small areas and young shrubs. For bushes that grow strongly, the second option is suitable. Using a two-plane trellis, you can save space and ensure an excellent harvest.

Material of manufacture

Wood is most often used for trellis stands. It is made from slats or planed material. Not only wood is used, there are also metal, plastic, forged, and bamboo trellises. Sometimes ordinary wire is used for construction.

The material must be resistant to corrosion and withstand different weather conditions. After all, the structure is not hidden, but is located in the open air. Of course, if it is not placed in a greenhouse.

Shape of wooden structures

For the planned structure, it is important to choose the right shape. It is better to make wooden garden trellises square or rectangular. The shape should be cellular. The structure will be stronger if the cells are smaller. It is recommended to combine cells different sizes: Make large ones first, then small ones.

In order for the trellis for climbing plants to be made with your own hands to the highest possible quality, metal brackets and corners are added. They are placed at the junction of the slats.

The two-plane frame must be more than 2.5 cm in thickness. This allows the structure to serve as a support for plants of any kind. These rose trellises can be made without wall mounting.

Shape of structures made from other materials

A trellis for climbing plants, made with your own hands from plastic, wire and metal, can be of various shapes. It is made arched, fan-shaped, horizontal, S-shaped, sliding, tent-shaped. Such designs replace many decorated elements and are intended for summer cottages. With the help of trellises they make dream vineyards. You should pay attention to plant varieties, as sometimes you will need to use special forms.

Requirements for supports

A do-it-yourself trellis for climbing plants is created durable, stable, one that could withstand strong wind. The following requirements for the constructed support are identified:

  • it is necessary to lay a foundation or dig deep into the supports of the structure;
  • Climbing plants must climb rough surfaces or they will not be able to stay on.

DIY support

Roses that weave look very harmonious on metal structures made in the form of a column. It is not difficult to build such a support. This is done as follows.

  1. The concrete foundation is poured.
  2. Install 4 metal pins.
  3. They require welding of transverse rings, which are made from thick wire.
  4. This support will eventually be woven with roses. It could be other plants. Sometimes the support is decorated, made, for example, in the form Eiffel Tower, the crossbars are openwork.
  5. The completed structure is well fixed to the surface.

Sometimes a trellis for raspberries, grapes, cucumbers and others is made more in a complicated way. This requires:

  • wooden beams measuring 0.3x3 cm;
  • drill;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisel;
  • round bars;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • antiseptic mixture;
  • dowels (the diameter is 9 cm);
  • screwdriver;
  • brushes, paint;
  • glue that holds wood together.

The trellis at the dacha is mainly made in the form of a rectangle, so construction requires boards that form the frame. Usually two-meter bars are taken. A frame is constructed and longitudinal crossbars are attached. The distance between them is determined depending on the plant that the structure will support. Between the constructed crossbars, transverse

It is required that the bars are pressed well against the crossbars. Because of this, small cuts are made with a chisel. In order to fasten wooden elements, use waterproof glue. Sometimes self-tapping screws are used to strengthen the structure. While the trellis for cucumbers, grapes, raspberries or other plants is being prepared, since the glue must dry, a wall is selected where it will be attached. Then mark the mounting location and drill holes for the dowels.

The structure itself must be impregnated with antiseptic liquids, this will create protection against insects and increased moisture. Trellis for raspberries, grapes, cucumbers and other plants can be painted. The color is chosen at your own discretion. There is also another option: varnishing.

After the work is done, the trellis is installed on the wall. It is used as a support for any climbing plants.

Construction for grapes

In the case where the grapes are planted not near the house, but far from it, for example, in a vegetable garden, you should approach the construction of the structure differently. If it is intended to place on the trellis small plants, to facilitate their growth, low supports are made. But the grapes gradually grow, after which small structures are not able to withstand it. Because of this, stronger trellises are made, for example, using wire.

To do this, build two supports and bury them deeply, 60 cm. A wire is stretched between them. The supports are made about 15 cm thick, and they should rise in height by 2.3 m, or even more. There are different lengths between the pillars, it is about 2.5 m. Additional supports are also attached, the thickness of which depends on the stems of the plant. By the way, in order for the grapes to grow better, the trellis is directed to the south.

To build a support with your own hands, it is better to use strong wood, such as oak or ash. In addition, mulberry, acacia, and chestnut are often used, since these tree species are quite hard. But it is not recommended to use birch, alder and poplar. The support from these trees will be unreliable. Wet or young wood is also not suitable for the structure, since the material must be dry.

It is recommended to use wood that has been cleared of the top layer and treated with antiseptic mixtures. It is wrapped with a special one. Zinc-coated wire is ideal, as it lasts a long time and looks aesthetically pleasing. The lowest row is fastened at a height of half a meter above the ground, and the next rows are stretched at the same distance from each other. This design usually consists of 3-4 rows of wire.

Used for support and metal, concrete columns. Metal constructions do not differ in size from To make holes for attaching the wire, you need to drill holes. In this case, you cannot use staples, as was done with wood. But such trellises should not be used if the grapes have grown greatly. Here you will need to build two-plane structures, but they are difficult to manufacture.

For plants that grow short, such as cucumbers, you can use simple supports. To do this, it is enough to drive pegs into the ground near each plant and pull ropes up from them. The cucumber will be able to stretch upward along such structures. Also in such situations, plastic supports are often used. But it is worth considering that they are not able to withstand heavy plants.

It is important to know

The support for grapes must be approached carefully, since if constructed correctly it will bring great benefits. Some rules should be taken into account to ensure that the structure lasts a long time.

It is important to know:

  1. The supports for the grapes should be placed from north to south. They do this so that the bushes are illuminated by the sun on both sides equally.
  2. From time to time it is necessary to treat steel parts with a product that fights corrosion. Wooden elements are treated with drugs that destroy fungus.
  3. Trellis may become deformed or sag. To prevent this from happening, reinforcements are made using transverse axes and crossbars.

The supports can last a long time, while only bringing benefits to the plants. To do this, you need to spend more time on their construction, use your imagination, and take all measures to protect the material that was used. In this case, the vineyard will delight its owner, bear fruit, and develop for a long time. There are many factors to consider when making supports for other climbing plants.

Supports for climbing roses represent decorative ornaments garden. They will not only decorate any land plot, but will also save space, giving the garden a special atmosphere. The materials and shapes of supports come in a wide variety.

Why is it necessary?

Climbing roses grow very quickly, covering large areas of the ground, the front of the house or the place where they were planted.

With the help of supports you can not only create a beautiful frame for a window, garden entrance or bench, but also save the plant from damage.

Design requirements

  1. Reliability and stability. The support must be dug well into the ground and secured with metal stakes. The plastic support may not withstand the weight of the flowers. Therefore, it is better if it is also made of metal.
  2. Decorativeness. The support must fit harmoniously into the landscape of the site.
  3. Matching flower variety. A large stand will look strange in combination with small flowers. And vice versa.
  4. Economy. Except store options, there are also ways to make a support with your own hands.
  5. Environmental friendliness. This also applies to the safety of the flowers themselves.
  6. Simplicity in operation.

Next, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with step-by-step instructions for making supports with your own hands - trellises, wooden posts, arches and pergolas, towers, wigwams, simple lattice and other types, as well as look at their photos.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make a trellis with your own hands?

  1. Buy a chain link with large cages.

    As an option: you can stretch a net with a rope between any two supports at a distance of about a meter from each other.

  2. Determine the location for the structure. Roses are light-loving, and therefore the support should be sanctified by the sun, while not interfering with free movement around the garden, or blocking other flowers or windows of the house.
  3. Having dug a hole, dig two-meter pillars with a diameter of 15-20 cm, creating a square. They can be either metal or wood.
  4. Paint the structure.
  5. Stretch the mesh over the posts, securing it with staples and 100-150 mm nails.
  6. Instead of a mesh, you can use thin wooden stakes with a diameter of 5 cm, nailed onto a frame made of beams 25 cm in diameter.

You should not place such a stand close to the wall so as not to disturb the air circulation around the plant.

We invite you to watch the video instructions for making a trellis:

Wooden pole structure

Supports made of wooden pillars, especially if they are carved, will be an exquisite and unique attribute garden plot.

  1. The finished two-meter pole must be dug securely into the ground. There is no need to concrete it.

    When working, you will need a shovel, saw, emery, hammer and 100 mm nails.

  2. Soak the pillars special composition from moisture with a brush.
  3. Apply waterproof paint.
  4. Place crossbars with a diameter of 5 cm on the pillars. The cages from the crossbars should be about 50 cm.

You can make a support in the form of a cone, the legs of which are spaced at a distance of half a meter from each other, and the top tapers into a cone. This stand will appeal not only to roses, but also to other climbing plants.

Making arches and pergolas

Pergola is a lattice on poles in the form of a roof. Can serve as a gazebo.

  1. Dig metal or wooden poles, digging a hole half a meter deep. Length, height and width are selected according to the type of plant.

    For roses large sizes Two-meter poles with a diameter of 15-20 cm are suitable. For small species, half-meter posts are sufficient.

  2. Above the posts, build a metal lattice from thin rods with a diameter of 1-2 cm to form large squares of 30 cm. This will allow the plant to grow unhindered. The rods are welded together and placed on top of the posts and securely fastened with 150 mm nails or 75 mm self-tapping screws.

Arches come in a variety of curved shapes. They are designed for large varieties of climbing roses that can reach the top as they grow. Arches are wonderful decorations for entrances and garden paths. They are forged and wooden. They are also dug into the ground and plants are planted at a distance of half a meter from the structure.

We invite you to watch the video instructions for making an arch:

Step-by-step instructions: how to build a tower?

  1. Using a shovel, dig metal crossbars 50 cm high into the ground to a depth of half a meter so that the upper ends are connected together, and the lower ends are widely spaced in different directions at a distance of 60 cm from each other. It looks like the Eiffel Tower. Such towers look especially beautiful having an openwork structure.
  2. Plant roses without infringing them in a space at a distance of 40 cm from the dug-in crossbars.
  3. As they grow, tie the stems in the desired direction and gradually point them towards the tower until they catch.

DIY wigwam

This design is ideal for a garden plot decorated in Indian style.

  1. Weave a cone from willow or birch bark. As a rule, these are thin but strong twigs. They are joined together to form a cavity inside and secured with rope or glue.
  2. The ideal cone height is 80-100 cm.
  3. The top of the cone should have a sharp tip. The stems of roses will reach up to it, decorating the garden and weaving around the cone in a circle.

How to make a simple lattice?

The easiest thing you can make to support climbing roses is a trellis. It can be either metal or wood.

  1. Make horizontal and vertical crossbars with a diameter of 5-6 cm using a saw, sandpaper and nails or self-tapping screws.
  2. Connect them together in the form of a lattice with 25 cm holes.

    Wooden crossbars are cut out and stacked on top of each other in the form of a lattice, secured with 70 mm screws or nails. Metals are connected by welding.

  3. Place the grille on two-meter posts, dug in at a distance of half a meter from each other, or any other structures that are convenient to use. Secure with self-tapping screws.

Other types

Supports for roses are different:

  1. Can be built wooden structure from any bars 40-60 cm high, connecting them together with 70 mm self-tapping screws, shaped like a tower, inside of which there will be a small stand for a container from which the rose will grow.
  2. You can make a metal column from rods with a diameter of 5 cm from galvanized steel, which will last long years. Such rods are welded together to form a single whole.
  3. You can erect a steel obelisk 80 cm high from durable thin (up to 3 cm) pipes, which also have welded joints.
  4. You can make thin metal arches on both sides of the paths, digging them 70 cm into the ground, creating a corridor of beautiful flowers. They must be long enough so that a person can pass under them without hindrance. The length also depends on the width of the track over which they will be installed. Typically up to 5 meters.

How can you decorate?

Supports for climbing roses, as a rule, do not need additional decorations, because they will be entwined with already beautiful stems with bright lights of flowers of various colors. But while the stems have not yet completely wrapped around the entire structure, I want it to also have an aesthetic appearance. Carved wood patterns, forged curls painted with bright waterproof paint, or garden figures along the edges of the structures, sold in specialized stores.

How to tie a flower?

We invite you to watch a video on how to properly tie a rose:


Supports for climbing roses need care. It is necessary to carry out treatment with protective compounds that protect the structure from water. To prevent the supports from becoming sources of infection for the plant, they need to be painted periodically. Steel supports can last up to several decades, while wooden ones will have to be completely replaced within five years. At the same time, larch poles will last twice as long as birch poles.

We invite you to watch a video about various supports for climbing roses:

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Any garden is decorated with lush and bright bushes of flowers, scattered, like an artist’s brushstrokes, throughout the area. They bring harmony and comfort. The most beautiful and unusual decor arches entwined with roses or other climbing plants. These structures are installed at the entrances to the garden or divide the territory into small conditional areas.

In summer, trellises or arches entwined with roses create a spectacle of unearthly beauty. The site is transformed, a real fairy tale is created. Making arches for roses is not difficult. Moreover, they are a necessary element for growing. The beauty's shoots must cling to something, they need to be helped to grow and weave. Without this, it will not be possible to grow a luxurious climbing rose bush. This short guide will help the gardener build arches for roses with his own hands, learn about the types of supports and what they can be made from. Installing an arch and properly caring for a climbing rose is a guarantee of an amazingly beautiful sight in the summer.

Arches for roses: advantages

With the help of arches, the gardener creates coziness in the garden. They are often used to divide an area into zones. For example, part of the area where vegetables grow is separated by trellises and an arch between them from the area with flowers or fruit trees.

Many people build arches to create a place to relax. In the resulting space, benches with a small table are installed. So it turns out summer gazebo, shaded and fragrant with aroma. On large areas They build a whole series of arches, following one after another - an alley. In summer, such a structure is covered with the thick greenery of roses and gorgeous flowers. The spectacle is incomparable. The uses and benefits of arches are many.

The gardener's imagination can run wild, since building such a support for roses is not difficult, it does not require large expenses or special skills.

Another undeniable advantage is helping the rose grow. Without any support, the plant will lie on the ground and bloom and grow poorly. It must be tied to the supports of the arch, its growth and branching must be directed. It's necessary. The presence of an arch greatly simplifies the care of roses and helps them develop correctly and in a timely manner.

Every gardener dreams of having a beautiful and elegant appearance garden Special structures and impeccable flower queens will help him with this.

Arch shapes

The shape of the arches may be different. It depends on its purpose, location and type of roses themselves.

  • The most common and popular type is an arc-shaped arch made of metal rods. It is usually installed on, framing its area. It gives the impression of a basket entwined with roses and filled with different types colors. Its device includes two rods as a base, the arc itself, and several small transverse trims. They serve as a support for the branches of roses, and shoots cling to them. On sale you can find such arches with a special locking element. That is, the arch can be disassembled for the winter, which is very convenient. It is laid on the ground, this allows the gardener not to suffer in the fall with separating the roses from the structure. The plant, along with the structure, is closed for the winter, and in the spring the arch is raised again.
  • Wooden structures are also very popular. They look very impressive and natural. The arch looks like rectangular shape- entrance entwined with flowers. This form is used when entering a house or. Here the base pillars are dug into the ground, and transverse slats are installed between them to secure the branches. The top of the arch may look like a canopy or grille. Usually such an arch connects a living fence or trellises for.

Whatever form the gardener chooses, it will in any case decorate the site. Vertical structures add completeness to the garden and visually increase the area.

In order to make a support with your own hands, you need to decide on its purpose. Will it serve only as a decoration in the flowerbed or will it be an entrance, a place to relax. The purpose is taken into account when choosing the material and thickness of the bases and transverse slats.

To make a metal arch, you need:

  • Have rods with a diameter of approximately 0.6 cm. As a rule, 2 rods are used as a base. They are shaped into an arc and then dug into the ground to a depth of 50 cm.
  • Metal rods are fixed between the main rods to secure the plant. They can be welded or secured with wire.
  • Always take this point into account - in the fall the plant will need to be removed from the structure. This is not easy work. Therefore, it will be better if the cross slats are secured to wire. This way, they can simply be removed and pulled out from the branches of the plant.
  • The process of removing a rose from an arch will be greatly simplified. Metal elements should be painted before installation.

For a wooden arch you will need six beams of different lengths. In four of them it is necessary to drill holes for further fastening of the transverse slats in them. The length of the beams and bases may vary depending on the purpose of the arch. If it serves as the entrance to the house, then the length of the base beams should be at least two meters. The two bars are connected to each other by transverse slats.

It turns out to be a so-called ladder. You need to make two of these ladders. Then they dig into the ground. The top of the arch is closed with smaller beams. When installing the foundations, consider factors such as wind and storms. The structure must withstand them.

All wooden elements are covered with varnish or paint.

When installing structures, always take into account not only their purpose, but also the variety of roses. Heavy and large species require more durable structures and vice versa.

Florists advise choosing Rambler roses for the arch. Their shoots bend very well, and the bush itself can grow up to three to four meters in height. The flowers of these beauties are often small, but are collected in bunches, which makes the whip bright and blooming luxuriantly. According to gardeners, only this type can give the desired result - a completely entwined arch with a carpet of fragrant flowers. However, there is a small disadvantage of this species - one-time flowering. But to date, breeders have managed to develop varieties of this species with repeated flowering.

Lush flowering bush roses guaranteed proper care behind the plant. During the summer, you need to monitor:

  • Regular roses
  • The appearance
  • and direction of escape

It is very important to weed roses during planting. Try to avoid overgrowing the bush with weeds. The first fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out in the spring after. Next, the rose is fertilized with complex mineral preparations every three weeks during the growing season.

Remember that an excess of any fertilizer can cause rose diseases.

In the first year of growing plants, fertilizing is kept to a minimum - twice a season, in spring and mid-summer. Sunny and moderately humid areas are suitable for climbing roses. Try to install the arch in places protected from the wind. These simple rules care will help you grow a large and luxurious rose bush for the arch.

When planning to plant climbing roses, you need to remember some rules:

  • The most important of them is the distance between the bushes. The splendor of the bush and the degree to which it covers the arch itself will depend on this. The optimal distance is one meter.
  • Roses are planted in early spring. For each bush, a hole measuring approximately 40x40 cm is formed, depending on the variety. Plants do not require special condition soil, ordinary garden soil is suitable for climbing roses.
  • Immediately after planting the bush in the soil, you should feed the plant with nitrogen.
  • Further, in the summer, complex ones are used.

Climbing roses can be propagated using or. It is better to do this when the main bush that is planned to be propagated has already gained strength and has been living on the site for at least two years.

Proper planting, maintaining the distances between the bushes, will allow the gardener to grow a luxurious, fragrant rose bush on an arch.

As the bush grows, the shoots of roses are attached to the slats obliquely, and not clearly vertically. This will allow the bush to stretch not only straight up, but also in width. Form the bush throughout the entire growing season, otherwise the branches will only trail upward and not across the entire width of the arch. Rambler roses are very easy to shape, their vines are flexible.

It is important to constantly monitor the growth of shoots and during this time attach the arches to the slats diagonally.

The climbing rose on the arch is a sight of amazing beauty. It is not difficult to build a structure and grow a luxurious rose bush if you follow the basic rules for caring for the plant and installing the arch itself. The only thing a gardener needs to do is be patient, as an arch covered with roses takes time to grow. Already in the second year, the plant will delight the beauty lover with its elegance and bright, lush flowers.

More information can be found in the video.

In order to beautifully landscape an area in a vertical position, it is recommended to use climbing roses. The main thing is to know how to properly tie up such plants. Not every support can support the above-ground mass of flowers.

General rules for caring for climbing (climbing) roses

In seedlings climbing rose open root system, so before planting, they must be left in water a day before planting. The plant is planted in the spring. Before planting, you need to cut the rose into two shoots, this is about 30 cm. The stems are not cut in the fall, this procedure is carried out only in the spring. The root system is cut to 25 cm. After planting, the bush is sprinkled with pre-crushed charcoal. This is done for disinfection.

climbing roses

When caring for a climbing rose you need:

  • Watering. In summer, an old climbing rose can for a long time be without moisture, however, gardeners still recommend watering the plants as the soil dries out. This is done under the most root system late evening or early morning. A common plant disease is powdery mildew. It appears if a lot of moisture gets on the leaves. It is forbidden to water the plant little by little and often.
  • Feeding. The quality of flowering and growth rate of a climbing rose directly depends on feeding. If you don't give the plant useful material, then it stops blooming profusely and loses its ability to remontant. There are two types of feeding: root and foliar.
  • Mulching. During this process, moisture in the soil is retained, weed growth is blocked, and the plant is additionally fertilized. Peat, manure, mown grass, leaf humus, and chopped tree bark are suitable for mulching.
  • Loosening. To improve the aeration process and reduce weed growth, loosening is carried out.

Rose care

All processes must be done with special care and responsibility. For each bush it is necessary to use special supports for climbing roses. There are several types of rose stands:

  • trellis;
  • perlogue;
  • forged;
  • from the mesh.

Why a trellis for climbing roses?

A rose trellis is used to divide an area and give the desired shape to the plant. To make a climbing rose trellis, use a frame and lattice. The latter can be made of wood or metal and is attached to a frame. In order not to spend too much installation work by using welding machine, a mesh or wooden beam is used as a grid.

Note! Plastic grilles are sold in specialized stores, but they are practically not in demand.

The trellis for bush roses is installed as follows:

  1. metal or wooden two-meter posts are buried vertically in the ground;
  2. the racks are equipped with holes that are located at different distances - from 24 to 51 cm;
  3. nails are screwed into the created holes and bent in advance in the form of a hook;
  4. The wire is pulled to the screwed hooks.

Rose on a trellis

After the structure is ready, it must be disinfected and painted.

DIY support for a climbing rose

It will not be cheap to purchase rose holders in specialized stores. Therefore, it is better when the supports for roses are made by yourself. There is the easiest way to make a frame for a climbing rose at home - use a pyramidal structure.

On a note! The support is made from two 6-meter boards 2.5 cm thick. The slats should be made of wood, their width is 2.5 cm. You will also need self-tapping screws and a jigsaw or hacksaw.

Detailed Guide:

  1. cut a meter from each of the boards;
  2. cut these meter-long beams in half again and put them aside;
  3. Also cut the remaining 5-meter boards in half;
  4. spread the boards lengthwise into slats 40 mm wide;
  5. make spacers from half-meter boards into the lower part of the obelisk;
  6. connect them at the top and reinforce them with slats on the sides;
  7. Fix the cut thin slats in the form of a ladder between the legs of the obelisk.

How to make a rose trellis

You can plant a climbing rose on all four sides of the obelisk. Blooming “pillars” form as the flower grows.

Pergola for roses

A pergola for roses can be made with your own hands in the form of an arch. A pergola covered with roses will look very impressive in the garden.

Instructions for making supports for climbing roses:

  1. dig metal pillars parallel to each other ( wooden beams), in 2 m increments;
  2. secure a wooden or metal grill between them;
  3. Attach the same grille on top.

Pergola for roses

The plant must be directed upward along the trellis, planted with outside. The perlog will close completely in 3-4 years. It is best to choose varieties of long-climbing ramblers: Crimson Rambler, Lyon Rambler, etc.

Forged supports for roses

For roses, a fence made of reinforcement is made in the form of arches. An arch made of climbing roses at the entrance to the courtyard will look very original. It will look no less impressive at the entrance to a garden, gazebo or house. The basis for such arches is wood or metal pipes, fittings. The plant will curl upward.

A tree will look very beautiful with leaves and flowers. In order for the wooden arch to look harmonious, it is recommended to plant plants with thick stems. Quite the opposite should be done with metal arches: plants with thin stems look best on them. Unlike a wooden one, a metal arch will last longer.

Forged supports for roses

Important! In order for a wooden arch to last longer, it must be varnished. This will help protect the structure from moisture.

Stone, wood, plastic and metal are used as support for climbing roses. Several factors influence what the frame for the plant will be made of: garden design, price of materials and construction, type of flowers.

Horizontal bars should be placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Additional crossbars are made if the bush is highly branched.

Note! Large supports with spherical shapes Perfect for bushes with large inflorescences. Vertical supports are suitable for small inflorescences.

For minimum investment The plant can be planted near a fence or shed. They will serve as a support for the plant. To prevent the plant from becoming infected from the support, it must be painted and varnished.

Instead of a trellis, you can use a fence

Regardless of the type of support, first of all it is necessary to plant the plant correctly and care for it so that it grows and rises along the manufactured arches.

The climbing rose is widely used to decorate garden plots, however, if it is not properly mounted on a trellis or support, flowers will appear only at the top of the bush. The plant needs to be formed so that as many branches as possible are in a horizontal position, then the gardener will get beautiful rose bushes with abundant flowering.

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