Stages of forming the assortment of a trading enterprise. Stages of assortment formation

Let's consider the stages and methods of analyzing the formation of an organization's assortment. The methodology for forming an assortment includes at least 3 stages. Let's look at them in Figure 1.1.

The first stage of work is the collection of initial information for the formation of the assortment and strategy of the enterprise, and the main activities during the implementation of this stage of work are the following:

– cost estimation. When assessing the costs of production and sales of products, the main attention should be paid to identifying all those costs that are actually associated with the production and sales of these products, as well as identifying and analyzing those cost items, the value of which may change when the volume of output (sales) of products changes as a result of changes prices;

Development stages of assortment formation

cost estimation

Stage 1. Collection of information

clarification of the financial goals of the enterprise

determining the list of potential competitors

the financial analysis

Stage 2. Strategic Analysis

segment market analysis

competition analysis

Stage 3. Choosing an assortment strategy

Figure 1.1 Stages of development of assortment formation

– clarification of the financial goals of the enterprise. The assortment strategy must correspond to the main financial goals of the enterprise adopted for the near future and future;

– determination of the list of potential competitors. When carrying out this activity, it is necessary to identify existing and potential competitors, whose activities can most affect the profitability of sales of the enterprise’s products and establish the level of contract prices for products produced by existing competitors, and assess how much these prices differ from the prices of real transactions, including through various types of discounts and special sales conditions.

Based on available information about competing enterprises, their activities in the past, the personal characteristics of their managers, organizational structure, development plans, etc., determine the main goal in the field of pricing and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the production and marketing of competitors' products, for example, in terms of reputation with customers, product quality, range, etc.

The second stage of the process of forming an assortment strategy is strategic analysis. During its implementation, previously collected information is subjected to appropriate analysis:

- the financial analysis. Financial analysis is based on information about:

– possible price options;

– the product and the costs of its production;

– the possible choice of that market segment in which the enterprise can win over customers by more fully satisfying their requirements, or for other reasons it has a better chance of creating sustainable competitive advantages;

– segmental market analysis, during which it is necessary to determine how to most profitably differentiate prices for products manufactured by the enterprise in order to take into account as much as possible the differences between market segments in the sensitivity of buyers to the level of product prices and the level of costs of the enterprise in order to most adequately meet the requirements of buyers from different segments ;

– competition analysis. The purpose of such an analysis is to assess (forecast) the possible attitude of competitors to the planned changes in product prices and the specific measures that they can take in response;

It is advisable to determine the level of sales and profitability of each type of product that the enterprise can realistically achieve, taking into account the possible reaction of competitors, to find measures to influence competitors in order to achieve the results of its assortment strategy and reduce losses from competition.

Forming an assortment of goods can significantly reduce the degree of risk when making decisions about the size and dynamics of the price of specific goods.

Let's consider the principles of assortment formation (Figure 1). Thus, there are 5 principles for assortment formation: constant generalization of the practice of price changes, analysis of the influence of demand elasticity on price dynamics, dynamics of consumer income and price changes, formation of an assortment of competitors’ goods, formation of assortment strategies.

Principles of assortment formation Assortment management in wholesale trade is carried out through formation of product range

– drawing up a certain set of product lines and/or product groups and individual products in accordance with customer demand, in order to more fully satisfy it. Formation of assortment – a specific method of assortment management, aimed at ensuring the necessary level of customer service and growth of the main activities trade organization. Performed by commercial services.

Formation of an assemblage is the process of selecting and establishing a product range that meets customer demand and ensures the profitability of the organization.

Optimization of the AC is an important condition for the uninterrupted supply of the RT with an AC that satisfies the final requirements. consumers.

Principles for forming a product range that ensures its optimization:

Ensuring that the assortment matches the nature of customer demand (comprehensive satisfaction of customer demand within the selected segment; the breadth and depth of goods in warehouses should depend on the profile of customers served, the size of warehouse space, the state of supply in the consumer market);

Ensuring the sustainability of the product range (ensuring an uninterrupted and rhythmic supply of goods to retail trade organizations that are the main wholesale buyers);
- ensuring conditions for the profitability of the wholesale trade organization.

Formation of the assortment in the wholesale trade segment involves 2 stages:

1) determination of the enlarged assortment (list of main groups and subgroups of goods), the basis for which is consumer demand;

2) development of a comprehensive assortment (the number of sold varieties of goods for each item), the presence of which at the enterprise in accordance with specific consumer requests is mandatory (the number of sold varieties for each item is determined).

The main tool when forming an assortment is assortment list goods. It includes a list of product names corresponding to the established breadth of assortment, and a minimum required quantity varieties of goods that must be constantly available in the warehouse. It is recommended to develop assortment lists for one year. If necessary, changes can be made to them throughout the year. The assortment list is individual for each wholesale organization and is developed in 3 stages: 1) the list is determined assortment items: the range of goods passed through wholesale in the previous year and the range of goods specified in supply contracts in the previous year (order portfolio); 2) the number of varieties of each product is calculated according to a certain characteristic (depth); 3) the number of varieties of each product is determined for an irreducible assortment, including such a quantity that must always be in stock and can be offered to customers.

The development of an assortment list is planning the assortment of an organization, which allows the commercial service to carry out systematic procurement of goods and systematic control over the completeness of the assortment in warehouses, as well as the rhythm of supply.

Principles of assortment formation:

· ensuring that the assortment corresponds to demand (it is necessary to provide for comprehensive satisfaction of demand within the selected segment; the breadth and depth of the assortment in warehouses should depend on the assortment profile of the customers being served, the size of warehouse premises, the state of supply in the market, etc.);

· ensuring the stability of the product range (uninterrupted and rhythmic supply of goods to retail consumers);

· ensuring the profitability of wholesale trade enterprises (speed of goods turnover, employee productivity).

Assortment formation process:

· determination of the list of assortment items (main groups and subgroups of goods sold) - the range of goods passed through wholesale in the previous year and the range of goods specified in supply contracts this year,

· determination of the number of sold varieties of goods for each item;

· determination of the number of varieties of each product for a non-reducible assortment (must be constantly in stock and can be offered to the buyer at any time) using Wilson’s formula:

Where N is the cost of storing a unit of inventory per month, C is the cost of placing orders, R is the demand for goods, F is the coefficient of order storage costs.

The tool by which the range of goods is regulated is assortment list. The list includes the names of goods, breadth, and the number of varieties that must always be in stock in the warehouse. It is recommended to develop an assortment list for 1 year, however, additions and changes can be made during the year. Developing an assortment list is planning the assortment of a wholesale organization. Control over the compliance of the actual assortment with the list is carried out by commodity experts and merchants; for this they use specialized software.

Factors in the formation of the assortment: product range, economic content (income from the product), etc.

Assortment optimization is an important condition for the uninterrupted supply of retail trade with an assortment that satisfies end consumers.

Factors influencing the formation of the assortment are divided into general (independent of the specific operating conditions of the enterprise) and specific (reflecting the specific operating conditions of a given trading enterprise). General factors– consumer demand, product supply and price.

Customer demand– the main factor. Demand differs by type of goods: a) everyday demand (essential goods that are purchased daily or every few days: bread, sugar, soap; for these goods a certain stability must be achieved to ensure their uninterrupted sale); b) periodic demand (clothing, dishes, delicacies, fine wines; their purchases are made at long intervals); c) relatively rare demand (durable items whose service life exceeds five years and which are purchased by the population occasionally: furniture, jewelry). The seasonality factor is also taken into account.

Product offer is the availability of goods and services on the market. The basis of this factor is the production capabilities of enterprises producing goods.

The price of the product– the correct understanding and use of this factor largely determines the commercial success of a trading organization in the market. when prices rise and demand exceeds supply. goods sell quickly; at reduced prices and more proposal above demand - sales are slow).

Specific factors– this is the specialization of a wholesale organization (sale or purchase of one product group or several, united by homogeneous consumer goods and purpose, such as clothing, test products), the area of ​​warehouse space (increased retail space - expanded. or deepening of the asset), its technical equipment (availability refrigeration equipment), conditions of goods supply (availability of stable sources), development of goods distribution channels (supply system, rhythm of delivery, timing, volume).

Assortment management, its main phases: analysis of the assortment structure, its profitability and competitiveness; market conditions and demand dynamics; competitive environment; suppliers and buyers. Assortment adjustment and planning.

Product assortment management at wholesale trade enterprises- a complex process carried out by a commercial service, in which the Information Support and determining the need for goods, selecting partners for establishing business relations and channels of promotion to the market, organizing wholesale and wholesaling of goods, advertising and information work, providing services and managing inventory of goods. The assortment management process is the central link in the multi-level chain of activity of a wholesale enterprise.

Assortment management– a set of management functions, which in a wholesale organization include: planning (the organization’s assortment policy to meet demand and economic efficiency, species composition, volumes and proportions of the assortment); organization (formation of assortment and its implementation, assortment list); control aimed at studying the effectiveness of planning and organizing events within the framework of assortment policy.

The task of the analysis is to identify trends and patterns in the formation of the assortment, establish proportions in its structure, and detect its condition. The product assortment planning function of a wholesale organization provides for the following activities:

Determination of the market share of goods;

Studying the needs of customers for goods, requirements for sales systems, service, additional services;

Determining a set of product groups that is most preferred by buyers and ensures the economic efficiency of their production and sale;

Determining the optimal ratio of a set of goods at different stages life cycle;

Choice of the most effective method formation of an assortment taking into account modern principles;

Development of a product sales strategy.

Assortment policy - determining a set of product groups that are most preferable for successful work in the market and ensuring the economic efficiency of the organization as a whole.

The tasks that determine the essence of assortment policy are:

Establishing real and expected needs for goods;

Determination of the main indicators of the assortment and analysis of its rationality;

Identification of sources of goods resources necessary for the formation of a rational assortment;

Assessment of the organization’s material capabilities for the purchase and sale of individual goods; - determination of the main directions of assortment formation.

The components of the assortment policy are the following elements: - segmentation and selection target segments market (segmentation is the division of the market into separate groups that differ in parameters or reactions to certain types of activities in the market); - study of customer requirements for goods, packaging, sales methods, services - should be the basis of the trade assortment; - determination of a set of groups of goods that are most preferred by consumers and ensure the economic efficiency of their production and sale; - choosing the most effective method for forming an assortment, taking into account modern principles; - determining the optimal ratio of a set of goods at different stages of the life cycle; -development of an implementation strategy.

The basis for the formation of the assortment policy of a trade organization is the awareness that each product in the assortment, to one degree or another, influences its financial condition.

In the course of assortment policy, you can apply an algorithm for forming an assortment, which includes the following stages: 1) ABC analysis - a method that allows you to classify an organization’s resources according to the degree of their importance; 2) accounting for the time of presence of the product on the market, because consumer demand for new products and products established in the market is different (3 months for consumer recognition of the product); 3) analysis of the representation of the evaluated products among competitors (if a competitor has a wider assortment, the consumer goes to him); 4) identifying the presence of substitute goods (substitutes) - their detection in one’s own assortment matrix and in the matrix of competitors can lead to their displacement of goods with similar properties - the risk of “staling” of products in the presence of analogous goods; 5) analysis of the ways of using goods - the possibility of one product using the resources of another is considered, i.e. the potential profitability of the alternative product; 6) consideration of the assortment from the point of view of the presence in it of goods of different price ranges (folk goods, goods of the middle price category and prestigious goods); 7) fame, advertiseability of the product - is taken into account when setting prices for the product and including it in the assortment matrix.

The concept of the product life cycle and assortment planning (tasks, functions and the need for planning are discussed in the previous sub-question). Policy for assortment development, its expansion, thinning, modernization. Operational management assortment.

Factors contributing to changes in assortment:

· research and development;

· changes in the product range of competitors;

· changes in demand for individual goods.

The concept of life cycle is the time a product spends on the market, from its release to its final departure.

The concept of a product life cycle is the inevitable replacement of an existing product by a more advanced one. The life cycle characterizes the dynamics of sales volumes and profits from the moment a new product is introduced to the market until it leaves the market.


The concept of life cycle is based on the fact that any product is sooner or later forced out of the market by another, more advanced product;

The duration of the life cycle as a whole and its individual phases depends both on the product itself and on the specific market;

The idea of ​​life cycle allows the manufacturer to take specific measures regarding the product and plan its activities for the future;

With the help of marketing tools, life cycle in the target market can be extended or reduced.

BCG analysis : V optimal structure trade assortment, the phase of the life cycle of goods is taken into account in terms of the growth rate of their sales volume in a given market and the ratio of the share of sales volumes of these goods and the share of a competitor. Assortment analysis is carried out by placing goods located on different stages Life cycle, in one of the four fields of the matrix:

- "Stars": high sales growth and high market share. Market share needs to be maintained and increased. "Stars" bring in a lot of income. But despite the attractiveness of this product, its clean cash flow quite low, as it requires significant investments to ensure a high growth rate;

- “Cash Cows” (“Money Bags”): high market share, but low sales growth rate. “Cash cows” must be protected and controlled as much as possible. Their attractiveness is explained by the fact that they do not require additional investments and at the same time provide a good cash income. Funds from sales can be used to develop “Difficult Children” and support “Stars”;

- “Dogs” (“Lame Ducks”, “Dead Weight”): growth rate is low, market share is low, the product is generally low in profitability and requires a lot of management attention. “Dogs” need to be gotten rid of;

- "Problem Children" ("Wild Cats", "Dark Horses", "Question Marks"): Low market share but high growth rate. “Difficult children” need to be studied. In the future, they can become both stars and dogs. If there is a possibility of transferring to the stars, then you need to invest, otherwise, get rid of it.

Product life cycle stages:

The launch phase is a period of slow sales growth as the product enters the market. Slow sales growth is due to the following reasons:

– delays caused by development production capacity;

technical problems;

– delays in bringing goods to consumers, especially in retail trade;

– reluctance of buyers to abandon familiar analogue products.

At this stage, the enterprise either incurs losses or makes a small profit due to insignificant sales and high costs for distribution of goods and sales promotion. Prices are usually higher.

The sales growth stage begins after the product is recognized by buyers and with a rapid increase in demand for it. At this stage, there is an increase in profits, since sales promotion costs fall on a larger volume of sales while simultaneously reducing production costs.

To extend this stage, the company takes the following actions:

– improves the quality of a new product, improves the properties of a product, and releases new models;

– penetrates into new market segments;

– reduces prices in a timely manner;

– uses new distribution channels.

The maturity stage occurs during a period of slowdown in the rate of sales of a product when the market is saturated (when further demand for the product is satisfied through substitution). Manufacturers accumulate stocks of unsold goods, competition intensifies, prices decrease, while advertising costs increase, the number of preferential deals increases and, as a result, profits decrease, and weak competitors drop out of the fight. In such conditions, ways to modify the market, product and marketing mix are sought.

The development of the assortment is carried out on the basis of its modification (modernization), expansion (narrowing), as well as deepening and thinning out individual product lines. Typical solutions for assortment development can be aimed at eliminating assortment “holes” or, conversely, at “thinning out” an overly wide assortment, modernizing product lines (adapting to new technical, environmental, aesthetic and other requirements of the target group).

Market modification involves increasing the consumption of a product by finding new market segments, ways to stimulate growth in the intensity of consumption of the product by customers, and repositioning the product to increase its attractiveness.

Modification of a product is aimed at improving its quality, increasing beneficial properties and improvement of external design. Improving the quality of a product consists of increasing durability, trouble-free operation, maintainability, or increasing, improving speed, taste, etc. This approach is effective in cases where the product can be improved (buyers want to believe and believe statements about improved quality). The strategy of increasing the useful properties of a product is aimed at finding means that make the product more versatile, safer, and more convenient. Improving the external design is another way to attract buyers to the product.

The development of the product range is the most important task of the enterprise. When improving its product policy, an enterprise must take into account the development indicators of its product range

Decisions on the development of the product range are made taking into account:

· production and financial capabilities of the enterprise, its sales system, personnel qualifications;

· market needs, consumer expectations and motivation for their behavior in the market;

· the possibility of creating a promising product line that meets market requirements.

Strategic management decisions for the development of product lines may have different contents and are aimed at:

· expansion of product lines in order to best meet market needs. In practice, extension by assortment and price is used;

· thinning out the product line - removing from production those goods that are not in demand;

· modernization of the product line - adaptation to new market requirements.

Expansion of the range can be based on:

On the origin of goods, when the existing assortment is supplemented by new types of goods technically related to it;

Based on customer demand, when new products are introduced into the assortment taking into account customer needs.

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Introduction 2

1. Formation of trade assortment 4

1.1. The concept of the assortment of goods and product nomenclature.

Principles of assortment construction 7

1.2. Stages and methods of forming an assortment of goods in a store. Factors influencing its formation 13

1.3. Assortment and inventory management in retail

trading enterprises 16

2. Formation of assortment in the Domo supermarket 20

2.1. Characteristics of the store and assessment of its location 21

2.2. Formation of the trade assortment in the store and its evaluation 23

2.3. Store inventory management 27

2.4. Analysis of performance indicators commercial activities 28

assortment and inventory management 30

Conclusion 32

References 33


For the successful development of a retail trade enterprise great importance has the right solution to the assortment policy.

The management practice of retail trade enterprises indicates that most entities leave the market due to an ill-conceived approach to choosing the assortment profile of stores, static assortment sets of goods and an inflexible response to changes occurring in the market under the influence of macro- and microenvironmental factors. Therefore, trading enterprises need to learn how to manage their assortment.

The composition of timely updating of the assortment of goods in stores determines the degree of demand satisfaction, the population’s consumption costs associated with the purchase of goods, quantitative and qualitative indicators economic activity retail enterprises.

The absence of certain goods in stores, their narrow, unstable or inappropriate assortment of goods gives rise to unsatisfied demand, increases the time spent searching for the necessary goods, and creates mobile demand - when buyers are forced to purchase goods not in their places of permanent residence.

The formation of a product assortment is both a means and a method of assortment management. The correct assortment policy of an enterprise is the basis for stability, profitability and, ultimately, its competitiveness in the market. The assortment policy is based on marketing research market and helps to bring demand into line with supply, is aimed at developing a scientific basis for the formation of the assortment, optimizing its group structure, which requires expanding or reducing the number of assortment items, and updating it on a qualitatively new basis.

Constant availability and wide selection of goods in retail trading network is one of the most important conditions for the culture of trade.

Effective inventory management allows you to maintain a wide and stable range of goods in the enterprise.

Currently, electronic equipment is becoming increasingly widespread for the formation and management of inventory in stores. First of all, these are cash register terminals with a product flow accounting system, scanners and bar code printers, etc. with the help of such technology, you can not only effectively control inventory in a store or an entire company, but also manage other areas of commercial activity (pricing, work with suppliers, etc.).


The following factors influence the construction of the assortment of goods in retail trade enterprises: the type and size of the store and its technical equipment; conditions for the supply of goods to the retail trade network (primarily the availability of stable sources); population served; transport conditions; presence of a network of competing stores, etc.

It is known that one of the important features that determine the type of store is its assortment profile. Therefore, the first thing to consider when creating a product range is type of retail outlet .

In addition, in stores of the same type, but with different sales areas, the range of goods will differ in both breadth and depth. The equipment of the store, for example, refrigeration equipment, will also have a significant impact.

In order to ensure the constant availability of certain goods for sale, it is necessary that the store is supplied with them from stable sources and preferably in a centralized manner.

The formation of the assortment of goods in retail trade enterprises is strongly influenced by the social composition of the population served and the nature of its labor activity, level of cultural development, social security and income level of the population. A very significant factor is the level of prices for goods. In addition, the gender, age, professional and national composition of the population, its traditions and customs, as well as the number and structure of families served should be taken into account.

When forming an assortment of goods, one cannot fail to take into account the presence of a network of competing stores, the range of goods presented in them, the level of prices for goods, sales methods, services offered, etc.

The formation of an assortment of goods in stores should be primarily subordinated to the interests of the most complete satisfaction of the population’s demand, i.e. a sufficient completeness of the range of goods well known to the population and the complexity of their offer must be ensured. In addition, the store must operate profitably.

Goods of appropriate quality must be sold in stores.

Please note that the range of products is constantly updated. This process occurs under the influence of scientific and technological progress, fashion, seasonal fluctuations in demand and other factors. Therefore, retail trade enterprises must constantly work to create demand by actively including new products in the offered assortment. In addition, during seasonal trading, retailers should expand the range of relevant products. At the same time, customers must be informed about the availability of new products.

Taking into account the need to constantly regulate the assortment of goods, taking into account changes in market conditions and other factors, in stores, as well as in wholesale trade enterprises, assortment lists of goods can be used, which are established for each specific store depending on its type, size of retail space, location and other factors. The presence of such lists allows not only to rationally regulate the range of goods, but also to systematically monitor its completeness and stability. By completeness of assortment we mean the possibility of a wide choice of their varieties, and by stability - the constant availability of goods of the corresponding type for sale. They can be determined using the coefficients of completeness and stability of the assortment.

The assortment completeness coefficient (K p) can be determined by the formula

Where Q f - the actual number of varieties of goods at the time of inspection (check);

Q n - the number of varieties of goods provided for in the assortment list.

The coefficient of stability, or stability, of the assortment (K y) is determined by the formula

Where Q f1 Q f2... Q fp - the actual number of varieties of goods at the time of individual inspections;

Q P - the number of varieties of goods provided for in the assortment list;

n - number of checks.

The assortment stability coefficient is determined for a specific period (month, quarter, year).

In the context of the transition to market relations, the work of creating an assortment in stores becomes much more complicated. The breadth and depth of the range of goods sold largely depend on the qualifications of employees of stores and commercial services of trading companies and organizations, who must have extensive information about customer demand, sources of possible supply of goods, prices for goods and other commercial information.


Principles of assortment construction.

A product range is a set of goods formed according to certain characteristics and satisfying diverse, similar and individual needs.

Product nomenclature is a list of homogeneous and dissimilar goods or similar purposes.

Thus, the above concepts are close to each other. What they have in common is that they are both lists of goods.

The differences lie in the purpose: the range of goods is intended to meet the needs of consumers, the product range may have a different purpose - to regulate a certain professional activity or other scope of application.

The following types of product range are distinguished:

1) production range - a range of goods produced by a separate enterprise (industry, Agriculture etc.) or the industry as a whole.

The production range of an individual enterprise depends on the nature of the industry (narrow-range, wide-range), the degree of specialization of production, the technology used, and the orientation towards a specific market (regional, country, international). The goods they produce may require the participation of trading enterprises to bring the products to the end consumer.

2) trade assortment - a range of goods sold by wholesale and retail trade enterprises.

As a result of marketing research, relevant calculations and estimates, a trading enterprise draws up a document called an “assortment list of goods.”

This list, containing a group and detailed nomenclature, is the basis for the daily operational work of commodity experts, and must be adjusted taking into account changes in the market situation. Wholesale and retail trade enterprises strive to have (and sometimes are required to have, which is a form of government regulation their activities) mandatory assortment (minimum assortment).

Trading enterprises should concentrate a wide range of goods, which is a combination of products produced by various industrial enterprises.

For this purpose, a transformation takes place production range in trading (for sorting goods). The transformation of the production assortment into a trade one is carried out mainly by wholesale trading enterprises, primarily for complex assortment goods. For some non-food products of a simple assortment, the process of converting the production assortment into a trade assortment can be carried out directly in retail trade enterprises. Thus, the trade assortment is a list of goods selected for sale in a retail chain.

Technological progress and the growth of people's needs bring to life more and more new products, leading to the continuous expansion and updating of their range. There are over one million varieties of goods in circulation in trade, the range of which is constantly expanding and updated. According to experts, the range of non-food products is half renewed in five years; for technically complex goods, renewal occurs even faster - in 7-10 years, the renewal is 80.0-100.0%. The trade assortment, from the point of view of organizing commercial work with it, can be divided according to a number of characteristics into the following types.

Depending on the homogeneity of the raw materials and materials from which the goods are made, they are divided into products made of metal, leather, glass, etc.

According to consumer purpose, goods are divided into sports, music, household, clothing, shoes, etc.

An important feature of classification is the special properties of goods. Thus, taking into account the limited timing of sales and the need to create special storage conditions, goods are divided into perishable and non-perishable.

Taking into account the complexity of the assortment, goods of a simple and complex assortment are distinguished. Simple assortment goods include goods consisting of a small number of types or varieties.

Products of a complex assortment - within one type having their own internal classification according to various signs(styles, sizes, heights, models, etc.), or, in other words, within one group there are a large number of subgroups, types, names.

Product groups are divided into product subgroups, which are homogeneous based on the unity of the production origin of the product. For example, the footwear product group is divided into subgroups of leather, textile, felted and rubber shoes, the tableware group consists of subgroups of metal, glass and porcelain crockery.

Each subgroup consists of goods various types. The type of product refers to identical goods for various purposes (boots - women's, men's and children's; furniture - for the kitchen, living room, etc.). Within each type, products may differ from each other in special features(articles, varieties, etc.), i.e., it is divided into varieties.

Taking into account the division of goods into groups, subgroups and types, it is customary to distinguish between group and intra-group (expanded) assortment of goods. Group assortment is a list of product groups included in the nomenclature. The intragroup assortment is a breakdown of the group assortment for specific types and varieties of goods.

Depending on the frequency of demand presented by customers, products are divided into three groups:

1) everyday demand - the most frequently and even daily purchased goods by the population (bread, sugar, milk, soap, etc.). These goods are essential items and are purchased most frequently, daily or every few days;

2) periodic demand - goods that are purchased periodically (clothing, shoes, fabrics, dishes, delicacies, vintage wines and cognacs, etc.);

3) rare demand - durable items whose service life usually exceeds five years (furniture, televisions, computers, refrigerators and washing machines, motorcycles, etc.).

Selection of assortment according to the specified types allows you to rationally organize trade, delimit service areas between stores, and more correctly locate and build a distribution network. So, for example, everyday goods, a simple assortment, should be as close as possible to the population, located within walking distance from them.

In financial activities, taking into account seasonal fluctuations in demand is of great importance, and therefore “seasonal goods” are distinguished. The fact is that the population’s demand for some goods fluctuates throughout the year, sharply increasing or decreasing in certain periods. Seasonality is caused either by production conditions or by the characteristics of product consumption.

Impulse goods are goods that are often purchased by the buyer accidentally, incidentally, impulsively, at the same time as other basic goods (for example, handkerchiefs, soap cases, small household items, shoelaces, children's books). These products form the basis of the so-called accompanying assortment (in shoe stores- stockings, shoe polish; in stores and lingerie sections - ties, cufflinks; in tobacco sections and stores - matches, pipes, cigarette cases).

Including products of related demand into the store’s assortment makes it possible to increase the store’s turnover and improve the quality of customer service. The product range also includes complete products - furniture sets, skis, tableware sets and many technically complex products (refrigerators, washing machines, TVs, etc.). When building an assortment, it is necessary to ensure that all parts and components of complete products are available for sale.

The construction of the assortment of trading enterprises is also influenced by the specifics of demand for individual goods, determined by the national composition of the population. These products constitute the so-called goods of national demand. In accordance with the national composition of the population, it is necessary to include in the assortment goods of national demand.

And finally, fashion products.

Fashion is a short-lived, usually, dominance of a certain taste in any area of ​​life or culture, in clothing, shoes, lifestyles. Fashion products are characterized by a change in shapes and images of clothing, shoes, and hats, which occurs over relatively short periods of time. Fashion has a strong influence on the formation of an assortment of clothes, shoes, and hats. Being dressed fashionably is an important factor for many people. Especially the young ones.

For the rational formation of an assortment of goods in a retail trading network, the grouping of goods according to the complexity of customer demand is of great importance, when the complex includes goods of various groups intended to comprehensively satisfy demand. The development of complexes can be based on gender and age characteristics (products for women, etc.), lifestyle and leisure features (products for tourists, etc.), as well as other characteristics. Consumer complexes are divided into micro-complexes.


Stages of assortment formation:

1. the assortment profile and direction of specialization of the store are determined in accordance with the chosen commercial strategy of the trade and retail enterprise;

2. the structure of the assortment is established (list and ratio of groups, subgroups of goods);

3. a certain number of types of varieties of goods in the context of individual groups and subgroups of goods, linked to a specific retail area;

4. develop a specific assortment list of goods for a given store.

Methods for assortment formation:

1. assortment list method.

It assumes the availability of the standard product offering stated in the assortment list. This method is aimed at satisfying a well-established demand.

For specific stores, assortment lists are permitted taking into account the type of store, its sales area, location, presence of competitors, and customer base. The assortment list approved by the trading enterprise is agreed upon with local administration authorities and the territorial center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. Lists are developed and approved for 1 year. But if the market changes, they can be adjusted and re-affirmed.

2. consumer complex method.

This method is more progressive, since it is focused on more fully satisfying certain needs, helps save customers time on shopping, facilitates the selection of goods, and promotes impulse purchases. However, this does not take into account the peculiarities of demand of individual market segments within one complex.

To take into account individual preferences, differentiation of the assortment is necessary, the main principle of which is an in-depth study of the requirements of specific consumer groups. Therefore, a comprehensive study of the market situation becomes a decisive condition for the correct formation of an assortment of goods that meets effective demand.

Factors influencing the formation of the assortment.

There are two groups of factors, general and specific, that influence the formation of the assortment in the store.

1. General factors - they do not depend on the specific operation of the retail trade enterprise.

These include consumer demand and production of goods. Existing changes in demand are accompanied by changes in the formed assortment. When forming the assortment, the availability of consumer demand for goods of simple and complex assortment. For simple assortment goods, the demand is mainly specific, firmly formulated and does not allow for the replacement of these goods. For goods of a complex assortment in demand, their wide interchangeability is allowed, and those that are goods of periodic demand. When forming the assortment, the nature of the demand is also taken into account.

1.1 stable demand - is shown for certain goods and does not allow replacement even with a homogeneous product.

1.2 alternative demand - is finally formed in the store in the process of direct familiarization of customers with the goods.

1.3 impulsive demand - arises directly in the store under the influence of advertising, display of goods, and seller offers.

2. Specific factors - reflect the specific operation of the store (type and size, conditions of goods supply, population composition, the presence of other retail trade enterprises in the store’s area of ​​operation).

When constructing an assortment of goods in stores selling non-food products, they proceed from the products of the entire range of goods into complexes, micro-complexes and names, and in stores selling food products and in “Convenience Goods” stores - into product groups and names. Moreover, each item can be represented by a different number of its varieties, depending on the depth of the product range.


To maintain inventory at an optimal level, a well-established inventory management system is necessary.

Optimal inventory refers to the minimum quantity of goods that would ensure their uninterrupted supply to customers.

Inventory management involves their rationing, operational accounting and control, as well as regulation.

Rationing of inventory allows you to develop and install them required dimensions.

The required sizes of inventory for stores are established taking into account the volume of daily sales of goods, the optimal sizes of one-time deliveries and other factors. Store employees monitor the compliance of actual inventories of goods with the established required sizes and take measures to speed up the delivery of goods to the store or activate the sale of replacement goods.

If the actual inventory in the store exceeds the required size, then store employees must first determine the reasons for the excess, of which the most likely may be:

1) a decrease in consumer demand under the influence of changes in fashion, rising prices, the emergence of new, more advanced products, etc.;

2) miscalculations by store employees when determining the needs for goods;

3) low quality of supplied goods;

4) failure to meet deadlines for the delivery of goods to the store.

Regulation of inventories consists of maintaining them at a certain level and maneuvering them. It involves the adoption of various commercial decisions by sales staff in order to normalize inventory.

Since the bulk of goods are concentrated in retail trade enterprises, the supply of goods to the population largely depends on the level of their management in the store. Therefore, each store must constantly monitor the condition of inventory, which includes not only monitoring compliance with established sizes, but also daily monitoring of the storage conditions of goods.

Electronic equipment is becoming increasingly common for managing inventory in stores. First of all, these are cash terminals with a system for recording merchandise flow, scanners and barcode printers, etc. With the help of such technology, you can not only exercise effective control over inventory in a store or an entire company, but also manage other areas of commercial activity (pricing, work with suppliers, etc.

Inventory management involves planning a certain volume and structure of inventory in accordance with the goals set for the trading organization, as well as monitoring that inventory constantly meets established criteria.

Inventory management must be carried out systematically.

Inventory management includes:

1. determining the size of the optimal inventory;

2. operational accounting of inventories and control over their condition;

3. regulation of inventory.

Inventory management solves a number of commercial problems related to the formation and maintenance of the range of goods at the required level in order to satisfy customer demand.

The need for commercial work on inventory management is due to the fact that the demand for specific goods is dynamic and subject to the influence of many factors, which makes it difficult to accept right decisions relative purchases, therefore, miscalculations in this activity lead to the formation of reserves in volumes above or below requirements, which leads to negative consequences.

Managing surplus goods involves reducing the volume of purchases of these goods, refusing to supply them in the next period, advertising and other methods of activating the sale of goods, including reducing prices. A shortage of inventory leads to dissatisfaction with customer demand, a decrease in sales volumes, which leads to a deterioration in economic and financial condition enterprises. The size of inventory and its turnover are influenced by various factors, first of all this consumer properties product, quality, price.

One of the main tasks of inventory management is to ensure faster turnover of funds invested in inventory.

When managing inventory, it is necessary to take into account the reliability of fulfillment of supply contracts, data from an analysis of the volume and structure of sales, both current and statistical reporting, which should be studied over time.

When analyzing inventory, their compliance with standards is checked.

The inventory standard is optimal size inventory, ensuring uninterrupted sale of goods at a minimum cost. Excessive inventory of goods is formed as a result of the import of goods in quantities exceeding effective demand, the receipt of goods of inadequate quality, violation of the storage conditions of goods, as a result of which their presentation is lost and their quality deteriorates.

Retail trade enterprises establish standards for inventory for a certain period (quarter, month) in the amount and days of turnover in general and for groups of goods.

The most common method of normalizing inventory is considered to be technical and economic, which consists in calculating the stock norms of goods by element in relation to the process of stock formation. The elements of inventory standards include the time for acceptance, inspection and preparation of goods for sale, the time the goods remain in the form of inventory, the safety stock used in conditions of uneven supply, changes in turnover and consumer demand.


The essence of the formation, management and forecasting of the assortment is that the commodity producer promptly offers a certain set of goods that, in general corresponding to the profile of its production activities, would most fully satisfy the requirements of certain categories of buyers.

Formation of a product range is the development and establishment in a certain order of a range of goods that form the necessary set for trade. One of important principles forming a product range is to ensure its sustainability.


"Domo" is a chain of supermarkets for home and interior goods throughout Russia, which also offers products for the kitchen, bedroom, living room and products for outdoor activities. "Domo" are stores with an area of ​​1000 sq. m or more, the store range includes from 10 to 15 thousand items.

Domo stores are created for people who love themselves, their family and their home, who want, are ready and have the opportunity to maintain and express this feeling.

The market for household goods in Novosibirsk is represented mainly by small shops, and there are no universal supermarkets with an assortment covering the entire range of household goods, from furniture to, for example, mugs. In this regard, the Domo supermarket is today the only large-scale store on the Novosibirsk household goods market, which is paramount competitive advantage, and therefore has no serious competitors.

Thus, today the Domo supermarket chain is the only one that allows you to maximize the level of services provided and manage the price level, using, for example, a skimming strategy.

It should be noted that in general, the quality of products and the quantity of services provided do not differ much from the quality of products and the quantity of services provided in individual stores. Therefore, an increase in supermarket sales is achieved through a wide range and large areas.

The chain of stores is an independent economic entity created to perform work and provide services in order to satisfy public needs and making a profit.

The main activity of the trading network enterprises is the retail sale of household goods.

The object of observation is a store located on the street. Gusinobrodskoe highway, 20.


The formation of the assortment in the Domo store is based on the following principles.

1. Ensuring that the assortment of goods matches the nature of the demand presented by the customer groups selected for service.

In general, the range of goods sold through the Domo supermarket consists of the following product groups:

trial batches of new products (main group), 10%;

traditional (previously tested) products of a given enterprise (association), 55%;

goods received through barter, i.e. from other enterprises producing related or additional types goods, 15%;

related products, 20%.

The assortment for the listed groups is compiled based on the prevailing function of ensuring the testing of new products and studying demand. The remaining groups are formed based on the results of a previously conducted study of demand in order to compile an assortment.

2. Rational construction of the product range.

Since for any person comfort means a special environment and atmosphere created for himself in the kitchen and bathroom, first of all, and in living rooms second, it is in this direction that priority groups of products have been created.

These products fall into the niche of “prestigious” products, i.e. goods intended not only for their intended use, but also capable of meeting the highest aesthetic demands of consumers in relation to products of this type.

Priority product groups create the store's image, and it is with them that customers should associate Domo.

The priorities of the first level mean that customers spontaneously associate Domo stores with them; the priorities of the second group imply a certain share of induced associations.

First level priorities:

goods for the kitchen and dining room;

products for the bathroom and sauna.

Second level priorities:

products for the bedroom and living room.

This group has separate and different operating technologies from the priority ones, filled with goods that are not included in the main product strategy and with a predominance of unique product offerings (killer products in price), which creates a positive image of the Domo store in terms of price and increases the share of spontaneous purchases.

Product priority means the breadth and depth of group representation (relative to the maximum product matrix) in each format. The maximum product matrix includes the approved style and price matrices:

product groups related to first-level priorities are represented as wide as possible commodity matrix in all store formats;

product groups belonging to the second priority are presented in full in terms of the breadth of assortment, but with the possibility of reducing its depth while maintaining the style matrix (minor quantitative, but not structural changes are possible) and the price matrix (minor quantitative, but not structural changes are possible);

ZSUP product groups are presented in all formats in direct dependence on the available space in this store;

non-priority product groups have been completely removed from the company’s assortment since the end of 2009.

The store's assortment policy is to be first and unique.

The store’s task in the area of ​​assortment is to be the leading supermarket in priority areas, therefore, in the supermarket, the maximum possible breadth of assortment is presented in priority areas and sufficient in secondary ones.

3. Ensuring the depth of the assortment.

The depth of the company's assortment is sufficient and operates in terms of product lines. In the most important subgroups of goods, the number of lines can reach 5-6 (more - only as an exception, for example, in tableware), in important ones it can be 3-4 lines, in other subgroups it can be 2-3 lines.

Secondary groups contain 1 (as an exception - 2) product line.

A product line is understood as a set of products united by a single price category, style, quality, which maximally “cover” the area of ​​application designated by the subgroup of the product. As a rule, the concept of a line in terms of style, price category, and quality should have the maximum possible continuation in other groups and areas of the product range. Ideally, a Domo supermarket should have the same product lines in all directions.

Thus, the formation and management of the assortment is built taking into account the needs of the consumer, which is positive quality in supermarket activities. Price promotion of sales, as well as a focus on equal style preferences, make it possible to satisfy the needs of any customer who visits the Domo supermarket.


Systematic monitoring of the amount of inventory, comparing it with current standards and identifying deviations on this basis is the first main task of analyzing inventory in the Domo supermarket.

Table 2.1. - Inventory management of the Domo store

Analyzing the profit of the Domo store for 2009-2010, the following can be noted: profit from sales in 2010 compared to 2009 increased by 25.1% (in absolute increase by 890.72 thousand rubles). The increase in profit from sales is due to the fact that in the analyzed period the organization adopted a new policy for the development of the organization, and the volume of retail trade turnover increased.

In general, the Domo supermarket effectively uses available resources, which is confirmed by an increase in profits and profitability of sales.


Table 2.2 shows the main indicators characterizing financial activities supermarket Domo LLC for 2009-2010.

Table 2.2.

p/p Indicators units change 2009 2010 Deviation (+; -) Deviation in %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Retail trade turnover in comparable prices thousand roubles. 26200,70 31050,20 4849,50 18,51
2 Gross income thousand roubles. 7860,21 9310,56 1450,35 18,45
3 Level of gross income to turnover % 30,00 29,99 - -
4 Distribution costs thousand roubles. 4310,89 4870,52 559,63 12,98
5 Level of distribution costs % 16,45 15,69 - -0,76
6 Taxes thousand roubles. 566,03 715,2 149,17 26,35
7 Revenue from sales thousand roubles. 3549,32 4440,04 890,72 25,10
8 Profit from sales to turnover % 13,55 14,30 - 0,75
9 Other income thousand roubles. 628 790 162 25,80
10 other expenses thousand roubles. 1190,87 1460,03 269,16 22,60
11 Net profit thousand roubles. 2420,42 3054,81 634,39 26
12 Profitability % 9,24 9,84 - 0,006
13 Average number of sales employees people 69 75 6 8,70
14 Profit per employee thousand roubles. 35,08 40,73 5,65 16,11
15 Number of sellers Human 15 13 -2 -13,33
16 ORT for 1 seller thousand roubles. 1746,71 2388,48 641,76 36,74
17 Trade area sq. m. 1500 1500 - -
18 ORT per 1 sq.m. retail space thousand roubles. 17,47 20,70 3,23 18,49
19 One-day turnover thousand roubles. 71,78 85,07 13,29 18,51

As can be seen from Table 2.2, data on the activities of the trading enterprise “Domo” indicate an increase in the efficiency of the commercial operation of the enterprise; further analysis should reveal the reasons and indicate the factors that influenced the increase in profits.

Analysis of the volume and dynamics of retail trade turnover is based on data from accounting, statistical and operational reporting. Trading activities retail enterprises characterized, first of all, by the degree of implementation of plans and the dynamics of retail turnover. During the study period, there was an increase in retail trade turnover by 18.51%. This is due to the emergence of new product groups in the assortment, such as tableware, bedding, leisure goods and the expansion of existing ones. Net profit in the reporting year compared to last year increased by 26% or by 634.39 thousand rubles. rubles


Improve activities related to assortment formation.

The problem of assortment management in the Domo store includes two main tasks: determining the list of products sold (what) and sales volume (how much). As part of the recommendations, we will dwell in more detail on the task of creating a rational assortment and managing it.

Assortment decisions can be thought of as the end result of the interaction of three variables:

business goals;

resources of its subject;

market conditions.

Despite the external diversity of business goals, all of them can ultimately be reduced to achieving certain results of an economic nature (high profits, profitability, increasing business prices, etc.) or concepts closely related to them in one way or another (market share, competitive position, etc.).

When forming a product range, the Domo store, when achieving its goals, is first of all forced to take into account its own resource potential (working capital). Consequently, resource means act as a limitation for that potentially attractive assortment that initially corresponds to the goals of a given subject.

At the same time, the correspondence of the seller’s resources to his goals is only a necessary, but not yet sufficient condition for the final formation of the assortment. Not the entire set of positions, the implementation of which is profitable and possible for the business entity in question, will necessarily meet the conditions external environment. Therefore, when managing the assortment, in addition to achieving compliance of the assortment with the goals and resources of the business, it is necessary to ensure its compliance with the market conditions of Domo LLC.

For these purposes, the supermarket is represented by several (four) of the most common styles today, characteristic of modern European and Russian society.

Having all the styles in equal proportions doesn't make sense since the market is mostly focused on styles that are already familiar. In the future, if there is stable demand from the list listed in the assortment, it is recommended to increase one or another style of supermarket goods.


Trade occupies an important place in the economic complex, closely interacting with many sectors of the economy, helping to satisfy the effective demand of the population, increasing labor productivity, strengthening the monetary and financial system, and ensuring a high level of organization of the retail trading network is an important condition further improving the socio-economic efficiency of trade. The organization of a retail trading network has a direct impact on the quality of retail services to the population, the growth rate of trade turnover, commodity turnover, and the profitability of retail facilities. Reducing the time spent on purchasing goods and preparing food creates the necessary conditions for development market economy, technical process, increasing labor productivity and efficiency of social production.

"Domo" is a chain of supermarkets for home and interior goods throughout Russia, which also offers products for the kitchen, bedroom, living room and products for outdoor activities. "Domo" are stores with an area of ​​1000 sq. m or more, the store range includes from 10 to 15 thousand items. Domo stores are created for people who love themselves, their family and their home, who want, are ready and have the opportunity to maintain and express this feeling.

Product range is a certain set of various goods included in trade.

Formation of a product range is the development and establishment in a certain order of a range of goods that form the necessary set for trade.

The factors influencing the formation of the assortment of goods in a store include: demand, production, assortment profile of the store; area of ​​operation of the store, financial condition technical base. Ensuring the required level of customer service and the growth of the main economic indicators of the activity of a commodity enterprise largely depends on the correct formation of the assortment of goods in its stores.

Formation of an assortment is a process of selection for sale in a store of various groups of goods, their types and varieties, differentiated by all distinctive features. The process of forming a product assortment in a store should be based on the form of its product specialization and the size of the retail space, and be aimed at meeting the demand of the customer groups served and ensuring high profitability of their activities.

In the process of selecting the required range of goods for a store, you should be guided by a number of general principles.

The most important principle of forming a product range is to ensure that it corresponds to the nature of the demand presented by the customer groups selected for service. Since the successful penetration and consolidation of a trading enterprise in the consumer market is associated with the search and complete development of a particular niche, the formation of a specific assortment of goods corresponding to the parameters of this niche is given a primary role.

The rational construction of the assortment of goods in the organization provides for the comprehensive satisfaction of customer demand within the selected segment of the consumer market. The implementation of this principle involves the formation of an assortment of goods, taking into account the complexity of their consumption within the framework of certain consumer complexes or micro-complexes. This principle of forming an assortment makes it possible to create greater convenience for customers, makes it easier for them to familiarize themselves with the goods offered for sale, reduces the time spent on shopping, and promotes “impulse purchases.”

An important principle of forming an assortment of goods in an organization is to ensure its sufficient breadth and depth. The breadth of the assortment is understood as the number of product groups and subgroups included in the formed assortment list, and the depth is the number of varieties of goods according to individual consumer or quality characteristics (styles, models, sizes and other indicators). The width and depth of the assortment of goods in a store depends on a number of factors, the most important of which are the form of product specialization, the size of the retail space, as well as the state of supply in the consumer market.

One of the important principles of developing a product range is to ensure its sustainability. When selling consumer goods, compliance with this principle is of paramount importance.

A stable assortment of goods in an organization leads to a reduction in the time spent by buyers searching for goods, makes it possible to standardize all the most important trade and technological processes and operations, and organize their implementation with minimal costs labor, material and financial resources.

And finally, one of the principles of correct formation of the assortment of goods in a store is to ensure conditions for its profitable operation. In the conditions of transition to a market economy, profitability is a necessary condition functioning of any commercial enterprise. In this regard, when building an assortment, it is necessary to take into account the cost and tax intensity of the sale of individual groups of goods, the possible size of trade markups, inventory turnover and other economic factors.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the assessment of the stage of the product life cycle when forming an assortment and distinguishes the following stages:

  • - implementation - relatively small quantities of goods are purchased from well-known suppliers;
  • - growth - purchasing large quantities of goods of various varieties, searching for new suppliers, ensuring continuous delivery, concentrating large inventories in the organization;
  • - maturity - reduction of purchase prices, refusal of services from weak suppliers, minimization trading stocks, advertising;
  • - obsolete - sale of remaining goods.

The process of forming an assortment of goods in a trade organization is carried out in the following stages:

  • 1. A list of main groups and subgroups of goods required for sale is determined.
  • 2. Distribution of individual groups and subgroups of goods is carried out in the context of consumer complexes and micro-complexes.
  • 3. The number of types and varieties of goods within individual consumer complexes and micro-complexes is determined.
  • 4. A specific assortment list of goods is being developed for a given trading enterprise, proposed for sale by the customer base served.

The list of main groups and subgroups of goods sold in an organization depends on the form of its product specialization and the specifics of the customer base served.

In the process of distributing individual groups and subgroups of goods in the context of consumer complexes and micro-complexes, their quantity and names are first determined.

In some cases, a special area for organizing seasonal micro-complexes may be provided within the consumer complex.

The next stage of assortment formation is the number of sold varieties of goods according to their distinctive features, i.e. its depths. The basis for determining the number of varieties of goods in trading enterprises various forms product specialization is the size of the retail space trading floor and the state of supply of goods in the regional consumer market.

The final stage of assortment formation is the development of a specific list of goods sold in the store. The basis for developing a specific assortment list of goods within their individual groups, subgroups and a certain number of varieties are materials from studying the demand for goods in a given regional consumer market and the results of a group analysis of inventory turnover.

Along with the correct formation of the product range, an important task is to ensure its sustainability. One of the indicators characterizing the sustainability of the product range in a trade organization is the sustainability coefficient, determined by the formula:

where Ku is the stability coefficient of the product range in a certain period;

O1;O2;...On - the number of varieties of goods not on sale at the time of inspections (from those provided for by the developed assortment list of goods);

a - the number of varieties of goods provided for by the developed assortment list;

n - number of checks.

When the sustainability coefficient increases, seasonal goods that are not sold during the inspection period should be excluded from the assortment list.

The optimal value of the stability coefficient of the product range during the quarter should be no lower than 0.90.

A wide and stable range of goods in the organization is ensured by a set of measures in the field of commercial activities for the purchase of goods.

To increase the social level of trade services, trade and operational employees of the organization must pay special attention to the sustainability of the assortment. On the one hand, this indicator significantly affects the level of service, and on the other hand, it indicates the rhythm of deliveries. The sustainability of the assortment is the main guideline for the buyer.

To characterize the effectiveness of the commercial activities of a trading enterprise, the most important indicator is the degree of updating of the product range, that is, its replenishment with new products and products. This indicator can be defined as the renewal rate. It seems important for working with non-food products.

Calculations of assortment stability allow us to judge the absence of interruptions in the sale of individual goods. Analysis of the stability of sales of goods with fluctuating, uneven quality of purchases during the day will help not only to analyze the efficiency of the organization of goods supply, but also to determine the rationality of the assortment structure and the effectiveness of the assortment policy of a trading enterprise.

Analysis of the breadth and stability of the assortment must be carried out on the basis of operational data on the state of current inventories, highlighting goods with slow turnover.

Ensuring the necessary level of customer service and the growth of the main economic indicators of a trading enterprise largely depends on the correct formation of the assortment of goods in stores.

Product range- this is a certain set of various goods that are part of trade.

Formation of product range- this is the development and establishment in a certain order of the nomenclature of goods that form the necessary set for trade.

The main factors influencing the formation of the assortment of goods in a store:

Production (including import receipts);

Store assortment profile;

Store activity area;

The state of its material and technical base (MTB).

The process of forming a product assortment in a store should be based on the form of its product specialization and the size of the retail space and be aimed at meeting the demand of the customer groups served and ensuring high profitability of its activities.

In the process of selecting the required range of goods for a store, you should be guided by a number of general principles:

1) Ensuring that the product range matches the nature of the customer groups served. This is the most important principle of forming an assortment of goods, since the successful penetration and consolidation of a trading enterprise in the consumer market is associated with the search and complete development of a particular niche, the formation of a specific assortment of goods corresponding to the parameters of this market niche.

2) Ensuring complete satisfaction of customer demand within the selected segment of the consumer market. This principle of forming an assortment makes it possible to create greater convenience for customers, makes it easier for them to familiarize themselves with the goods offered for sale, reduces the time spent on shopping, and promotes “impulse purchases.”

3) Ensuring sufficient breadth and depth of the range of goods sold. Under latitude assortment is understood as the number of product groups and subgroups included in the generated assortment list, and by depth– the number of varieties of goods according to individual consumer or quality characteristics (styles, models, sizes and other indicators). The breadth and depth of the assortment of goods in a store depend on a number of factors, the most important of which are the form of its product specialization, the size of the retail space, and the state of supply in the consumer market.

4) Ensuring the sustainability of the range of goods sold. When selling consumer goods, compliance with this principle is of paramount importance. A stable assortment of goods in the store reduces the time spent by customers searching for goods, allows you to standardize all the most important trade and technological processes and operations and organize their implementation with minimal expenditure of labor, material and financial resources.

5) Ensuring the profitability of sales of the formed range of goods. In a market economy, profitability is a necessary condition for the formation of any trading enterprise. In this regard, when building an assortment, it is necessary to take into account the cost intensity of selling individual groups of goods, the possible size of trade markups, inventory turnover and other economic factors.

The process of forming an assortment of goods in a store, taking into account the principles discussed, is carried out in the following four stages:

1) a list of main groups and subgroups of goods sold in the store is determined;

2) the distribution of individual groups and subgroups of goods is carried out in the context of consumer complexes and micro-complexes;

3) the number of types and varieties of goods is determined within the framework of individual consumer complexes and micro-complexes (in the context of individual groups and subgroups of goods);

4) a specific list of goods for a given store is developed, offered for sale to the customer base served.

The list of main groups and subgroups of goods sold in a store depends on the form of its product specialization and the specifics of the customer population served. The relationship between these indicators is considered in the process of ensuring the rational placement of individual groups of goods on the sales floor area.

In the process of distributing individual groups and subgroups of goods in the context of consumer complexes and micro-complexes, their quantity and names are first determined. Particular attention to this stage of assortment formation should be paid in department stores. The survey showed that in department stores, the assortment of which is grouped by consumer complexes, the turnover per 1 square meter of sales area is on average 12% higher, and the time spent by customers on making a purchase is 17% less than in enterprises that do not practice this principle of formation and product offerings.

The main factor determining the number of complexes and their names is the size of the store's retail space. Along with this, one should take into account the existing (or planned) structure of the enterprise’s turnover, location near other specialized types of stores selling certain groups of goods and some other factors.

The results of a specialized study on this issue allow us to recommend the following approximate nomenclature of consumer complexes for department stores: goods for children; products for women; products for men; household products; culture in everyday life and organization of leisure; goods for sewing and knitting.

The given nomenclature of consumer complexes is approximate - it can be clarified taking into account specific conditions.

Within the framework of consumer complexes, micro-complexes are distinguished, which can be organized both permanent and seasonal. Particular attention should be paid to the organization of permanent micro-complexes. Below is an approximate nomenclature of permanent micro-complexes within the organization of individual consumer complexes:

    Products for children: Products for newborns and toddlers; Products for girls;

    Products for boys; Children's furniture and strollers; Toys; Young craftsman. Products for women: Upper demi-season and winter clothes


    Blouses and sweaters; Suits and skirts; Dresses; Home and sportswear; Shoes; Women's toiletries; Products for the bride; Gift sets for women.; Gift sets for weddings and housewarmings.

    And others.

Along with permanent ones within consumer complexes, department stores can be organized seasonal microcomplexes. They are organized, as a rule, on the eve of holidays or during the autumn-winter or spring-summer season by reducing the area of ​​permanent micro-complexes. In some cases, a special area for organizing seasonal micro-complexes may be provided within the consumer complex.

The integrated principle of building a product assortment is used not only in departmental non-food stores. In stores such as “Products for women”, “Products for men”, “Products for children”, “Products for the home” (“Household goods”), “Culture in everyday life”, “Sports and tourism” the range of goods can be grouped into a complete nomenclature of micro-complexes corresponding to the specialization of the store. In specialized stores such as “Clothing”, “Shoes”, “Haberdashery-perfumes” and others, the range of goods can be packaged in the form of separate micro-complexes.

The next stage in forming the assortment is determining the number of varieties of goods sold according to their distinctive features, i.e. its depths. The basis for determining the number of varieties of goods in stores of various forms of product specialization is the size of the sales area and the state of the supply of goods in the regional consumer market.

The final stage of assortment formation is the development of a specific list of goods sold in the store. The basis for developing a specific assortment list of goods within their individual groups, subgroups and a certain number of varieties are materials from studying the demand for goods in a given regional consumer market and the results of an intra-group analysis of inventory turnover. The assortment list of goods is developed according to the form given in Table 1.

Table 1.

Form for compiling an assortment list of goods sold in the store

Along with the correct formation of the product range, an important task is to ensure its sustainability. One of the indicators characterizing the sustainability of the assortment of goods in a store (used when assessing the level of customer service) is the sustainability coefficient, determined by the formula:

K y = 1 - --- ,

where K y is the stability coefficient of the product range in a certain period;

O 1, O 2, ... O n – the number of varieties of goods not on sale at the time of inspections (from those provided for by the developed assortment list of goods);

a – the number of varieties of goods provided for by the developed assortment list;

n - number of checks.

When calculating the sustainability coefficient, goods in seasonal demand that are not sold during the inspection period should be excluded from the assortment list.

The optimal value of the stability coefficient of the assortment of goods in a store during the quarter should not be lower than:

    for supermarkets and grocery stores – 0.90;

    for department stores – 0.80;

    for shoe and clothing stores – 0.75;

    for stores selling cultural goods, sports, household, haberdashery goods – 0.85.

A wide and stable range of goods in stores is ensured by a set of measures in the field of commercial activities for the purchase of goods.

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Girls and women almost always associate white shoes with a wedding dress, although the white color of shoes has long been no longer required. A...