Geographical division of labor, its types, influence on the location of productive forces; types of countries by economic specialization and participation in the international division of labor. International division of labor

Geographical division of labor = TRT

Territorial division of labor (TDT)- the process of production specialization, isolation of economic regions, development of inter-district cooperation, exchange of products and services. Expressed in the assignment of certain industries to certain territories, the territorial division of labor shows the degree of economic development of the space, the level of development productive forces and integration of the country.

TRT opens additional features increasing the efficiency of regional reproduction, both due to the advantages of industry specialization and through the use of natural resource and socio-economic opportunities of the regions.

Geographical division of labor is a form of social division of labor and is subject to the laws of its development, determined by the method of production. There is a direct connection between TRT and the territorial location of social production to the extent that the results of production activities are exchanged between different localities.

The essence of the territorial division of labor lies in the specialization of the manufacturer in the production of certain products in quantities that would exceed his personal needs, while simultaneously refusing to produce other products. The economic meaning of this process is that the total costs of all producers for a given volume of all types of products are reduced compared to the option of “universal” production by an individual manufacturer. A reduction in the production costs of each manufacturer per unit of output is ensured by the presence of favorable conditions, which, in addition to purely individual properties (for example, human physiological abilities), include those “opportunities” that a particular area has for the production of a certain type of product ( historical, economic and natural conditions production development).

Due to the presence of certain favorable conditions in any territory, it becomes possible for the majority of the population living there to specialize in certain types of production activities. As a result, certain industries (productions) are assigned to certain territories and concentrated in these territories.

In real economic reality, the division of labor manifests itself not only in the form of division of labor between countries and regions, but also in the form of division of labor between dissimilar industries located on the territory of these countries and regions.

Types of territorial division of labor:

General (universal) division of labor, which arises and is carried out between economically integral territories (countries and economic regions). With the general division of labor, the relationships between the regions of the country as a whole are considered, in all the complexity of economic interweavings economic ties between them.

Division of labor between individual centers ( industrial hubs, large cities), in which the division of labor in the territories located between them can be ignored, and these centers are separated from the integral “fabric” of economic regions.

Division of labor that arises in one or another spatial “field” around an economic center (city, industrial complex, large assembly machine-building plant). At the same time, the “fields” on which certain points gravitating towards a given center are scattered may intersect and not coincide with economic regions.

Staged division of labor, in which the stages of a single production process are geographically separated and located in different points or localities.

Phase territorial division of labor, which consists in the fact that the same products arrive at the receiving centers during the year from different places.

Episodic division of labor, when countries decide to exchange some goods for some political or economic reasons, although this does not correspond to traditions, necessity, etc.

Individual parts of the territory of Russia differ in natural conditions and resources, age and degree of development, security and composition, etc. These differences lead to the geographical division of labor between individual regions of the country and their specialization in the production of a certain type of product. For example. supplies the country with gas, specializes in agriculture and resort farming, is a leader in the production of high-tech products, the Volga region is called the automobile “shop” of the country, etc. This between different regions is called territorial specialization of the economy.

The conditions that must be taken into account when determining the specialization of a region in the country's economy are called factors of specialization of the territory.

The main factors influencing the specialization of the territory's economy:

  • features of natural conditions and provision of natural resources
  • peculiarities
  • quantity and quality labor resources
  • historically established sectors of the economy
  • the ability to produce products in quantities exceeding one’s own needs
  • production costs should be lower than in other areas
  • The state should be interested in the production of these products.

But, despite the economic benefits of territorial specialization, we must not forget about the integrated development of the region’s economy, the intangible sphere, etc.

Considering the presence of specialization factors, as well as natural, economic and social features of various territories in Russia, economic zoning (division) of the territory into smaller economic regions has been carried out


Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kostroma, Moscow, Oryol, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tver, Tula, Yaroslavl regions, Moscow

Republic of Mari El, Republic of Mordovia, Chuvash Republic, Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod regions

Central Black Earth
Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk, Tambov regions

Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Tatarstan, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Penza, Samara, Saratov, Ulyanovsk regions

North Caucasian
Republic of Adygea, Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Chechen Republic, Krasnodar, Stavropol Territories, Rostov Region

Republic of Bashkortostan, Udmurt Republic, Kurgan, Orenburg, Perm, Sverdlovsk regions, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug

West Siberian
Republic, Altai Territory, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

East Siberian
Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Tuva, Republic of Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk, Chita regions, Aginsky Buryat, (Dolgano-Nenets), Ust-Ordynsky Buryat, Evenki Autonomous Okrug

Far Eastern
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Primorsky, Khabarovsk territories, Amur, Magadan, regions, Jewish Autonomous region, Chukotka, Koryak Autonomous Okrug

Kaliningrad region

Economic zoning is necessary for effective territorial planning and economic management of the vast and diverse territory of Russia.

Comprehensive characteristics of the western regions of Russia

The territory of the western economic zone covers the European part of Russia and the Urals, occupying 4.3 million km2, which is 25% of the country's area. It consists of 8 economic regions: Central, Volgo-Vyatka, Central Chernozem (together called Central Russia), as well as North-Western, European North, Ural, Volga region, .

Natural conditions are favorable for farming (except for the polar regions), most of it is occupied by Russian with dominance. The river network is dense, but the rivers are shallow; the largest one flows here. Full set available natural areas from to .

Quite rich natural resources: the largest iron ore deposits of the KMA in Europe; oil, gas, Pechora basin and; ores and bauxites; , and the North; Central Russia And ; The North Caucasus and Volga region have good . The Urals are famous for their mineral wealth, but their reserves are already severely depleted.

The western zone has historically had a high concentration of population. 78% of the country's population lives here. Central is the center of ancient Russian settlement; the first Russian cities, industry, and science arose here. This area is the political, economic and cultural center of Russia. The western zone has the highest level (more than 85%), all large cities are located here (11 millionaire cities, most in the Urals and Volga region), large agglomerations (Moscow, Leningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, etc.). Western regions are distinguished by a high level of qualification of labor resources, the presence of leading educational institutions, centers of science and culture.

Under the influence of profitable EGP districts, the old industrial nature of their development, good transport availability, the presence of qualified personnel and scientific and technical bases, a highly developed manufacturing industry has been formed in the western zone. The leading role belongs to labor- and knowledge-intensive industries, chemical and light industries. In the western zone 80% of all industrial products country, 90% of consumer goods, well-developed non-material sectors. Large centers: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Voronezh, capitals of the autonomous republics.

The western zone is characterized by a fairly developed region, producing 80% of the country's agricultural products. Main regions: Central Black Earth, Volga region, North Caucasus.

The network has a rational ring structure and is represented by all types. The largest transport routes sent to Moscow.

The high economic development of the western regions has caused many problems:

  • the growth of large cities and high concentration of industrial enterprises;
  • aggravate the environmental situation;
  • There is a shortage of raw materials, fuel, energy, water and much more.

Comprehensive characteristics of the eastern regions of Russia

The Eastern Economic Zone is located in the Asian part of Russia from Ural mountains to , occupying an area of ​​12.8 million km2. (75% of the country's area). It consists of 3 economic region: Western Siberia. They are very remote from the economically developed regions of Russia, which significantly affects them. Most profitable economic situation has Western Siberia, located closest to the European part and bordering on the industrial and raw material base Eastern Siberia.

Natural conditions on larger territory unfavorable. More than 60% is occupied by the North zone. 80% of Western Siberia is swampy, in Eastern Siberia a sharply continental climate dominates, explorers and the founding of the cities of Tyumen, Tobolsk, Tomsk. Currently, the population of the territory is still low: 22% of the country's population lives here. The population is distributed extremely unevenly: the bulk is concentrated in the south along the railway lines. The degree of urbanization is high - more than 75%. Big cities: Omsk, (millionaires), Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, etc. But in the main territory the population is focal.

Severe natural conditions, remoteness, lack of developed transport network and infrastructure determined the low economic development of the eastern zone. It has a resource and raw material specialization and is the country's fuel and energy base. Although large territorial production complexes have been formed in the region (petroleum and gas chemical, coal and metallurgical, forest chemical, hydropower, etc.), the manufacturing industry is still poorly developed.

In the future, the eastern regions can be not only a supplier of raw materials, but also a manufacturer of a variety of ferrous and ferrous products. For the development of the region’s economy, it is necessary to accelerate the formation of transport, social infrastructure, scientific and technical bases, as well as improve ecological situation in mining areas.

1. Mark on the map the main industrial and agricultural regions of the country. Compare their placement with the location of the Main Settlement Strip.

The main industrial (Central, Northwestern, Ural, Volga region) and agricultural regions (Central Black Earth, Northern Caucasus, Volga region) generally coincide with the main zone of population settlement in the country.

2. Expand the content of the concept of “territorial (geographic) division of labor”, highlight its components.

Territorial division of labor is a key concept in economic geography; it explains the process of regional formation, the nature of the production and territorial connections that arise between regions.

Territorial division of labor is spatial differentiation labor activity, expressed in the assignment of certain industries to certain areas of the national market, in the specialization of areas in the production of one product.

The territorial division of labor is determined by the economic, social, natural, national and historical characteristics of the various territories of the country and their economic and geographical position.

The components of the territorial division of labor are specialization and exchange of goods.

3. Which specialization, in your opinion, is more profitable for the territory - narrow or broad? Why?

Exists general rule systems theory: the more diverse the system, the more stable it is. Consequently, the wider the specialization of a territory, the more stable and advantageous its position.

4. Explain the significance of the geographical division of labor: a) for certain territories; b) for the country as a whole.

For certain territories, the geographic division of labor makes it possible to acquire and use resources that are not available in this territory.

For the country as a whole, the division of labor makes it possible to function more efficiently.

5. What is the economic specialization of your region? What conditions determined it? Is it promising in modern conditions? Is there an opportunity to deepen it? Imagine your project for the participation of your region in the regional geographical division of labor.

Remember what products are produced in your region, and what exactly they supply to other regions of the country. How can you explain the specialization of your locality in the production of this particular product? Think about how the country's transition to a market economy affected the specialization of the economy.

When developing a project for your region’s participation in the regional division of labor, you should take into account such factors as the presence natural resources, level of qualifications of labor resources, competitiveness of new products in the conditions of the modern market.

6. Explain in your own words the meaning of the following concepts: economy; branch of the economy; farm structure; zoning; zonal specialization of agriculture; agro-industrial complex; timber industry complex; fuel and energy complex; Unified energy system; specialization and cooperation; information infrastructure; recreational management; service sector; territorial (geographical) division of labor.

The economy unites all spheres of production and consumption of various goods, benefits and services.

The structure (from the Latin structura - structure, arrangement, order) of an economy is the totality of all industries and sectors that closely interact with each other.

Zoning is the process of dividing a territory into parts.

Zonal specialization of agriculture is the cultivation within natural zones of certain types of cultivated plants and animals that are most adapted to given agroclimatic conditions.

Agro-industrial complex - interconnected sectors of the economy involved in the production, processing and storage of agricultural products, as well as providing Agriculture means of production.

The timber industry complex is a geographically closely located and industrially interconnected enterprise of all three stages of wood processing: harvesting, mechanical and chemical processing.

The fuel and energy complex is a set of enterprises involved in the extraction, processing and delivery of fuel to consumers.

A unified energy system is power plants of different types united by power transmission lines.

Specialization is a form of organization of production associated with the concentration of production of certain types of products at certain enterprises.

Cooperation is a form of production relations between specialized enterprises that jointly manufacture certain products.

Information infrastructure is a set of systems and services that provide the functioning of material production sectors and the living conditions of society with the necessary information.

Recreational economy is a branch of the economy that provides rest for the population and restoration of strength expended in the labor process.

The service sector is a set of economic sectors that do not produce material goods, but provide the population with services necessary for life.

Territorial (geographical) division of labor is the specialization of regions in the production of certain products. Material from the site

7. You know that the country’s economy is divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors of the economy. Think about what other factors, besides the degree of dependence on nature, underlie such a division.

In addition to dependence on nature, information saturation, the role of science and the human factor change from the first to the fourth sector.

8. Why in modern period priority development in the economy is given to the service sector, science, finance, management?

The most important thing in the development of the economy is the invention of something new and the implementation of this invention in life. In addition, in a society that has achieved material well-being, more and more attention is paid to the person, his physical and moral comfort, therefore, in the modern period, science, finance and the service sector have become priorities.

9. Which production facilities or individual enterprises in your city or region are the only ones of their kind? What is the history of their origin, economic relationships?

Even if there are many enterprises in your region, you can easily identify unique ones (that is, one of a kind) from among them. The history of their origin can be learned from the local press or stories from adults.

Think about what allowed these enterprises to become unique.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Explain in your own words the meaning of the following concepts
  • what are the main areas of the economy?
  • explain the meaning of geographical division of labor:
  • definition of territorial division of labor
  • test a brief description of the content of the concept of this

International geographical division of labor is the specialization of the economy of individual countries in the production of certain types of products or services and their subsequent exchange.

As a rule, in most studies devoted to the problems of MRI, three types of MRI are historically and logically distinguished:

  • 1. General MRI - division of labor between large spheres of material and non-material production (industry, transport, communications, etc.). (i.e. industry specialization). The general MRI is associated with the division of countries into industrial, raw materials, and agricultural ones.
  • 2. Private MRI - division of labor within large areas by industry and sub-industry, for example, heavy and light industry, cattle breeding and agriculture, etc. (i.e. production for export of certain types finished products and services). It is related to subject specialization.
  • 3. Single MRT - division of labor within one enterprise, while the enterprise is interpreted broadly as a cycle for creating a finished product. (Specialization in the manufacture of individual units, parts, components).

Single and private MRI is largely carried out within single corporations ( transnational corporations), which operate simultaneously in different countries.

The result of the geographical division of labor is the international specialization of individual countries. Certain conditions are necessary for it to occur:

  • 1) the country must have certain advantages, for example, resource ones, and maintain them for a long time;
  • 2) there must be countries that have a need for these products;
  • 3) the costs of production and delivery of products to the consumer should be lower than in other countries;
  • 4) the country must produce more of this product than it needs. Examples of international specialization are: Japan - cars; Saudi Arabia- oil; Canada - forest.

The international geographical division of labor is currently not so much expanding as deepening, acquiring new forms. The deepening of international specialization and exchange led to the merging of individual national economies. The following are distinguished: regional economic integration and sectoral.

The main motivation for MRI for all countries of the world, regardless of their social and economic differences, is their desire to obtain economic benefits from participation in MRI. Since the process of formation of the value of any product does not depend on socio-economic conditions, and it is formed from the costs of means of production, payment of necessary labor and surplus value, then all goods entering the market, regardless of their origin, participate in the formation of international value and world prices. As you know, goods are exchanged in proportions that obey the laws of the world market, including the law of value. Realizing the benefits of MRI in the course of international exchange of goods and services ensures that any country, under favorable conditions, receives the difference between the international and national costs of exported goods and services, as well as saving domestic costs by abandoning the national production of goods and services through cheaper imports. However, this is not the only incentive to participate in MRI, since, in addition to the above, the use of MRI allows you to find solutions global problems humanity through the joint efforts of all countries of the world. The range of problems of this kind is very wide: from security environment and solving the food problem on a planetary scale before space exploration.

Under the influence of MRI, trade relations between countries become more complex and enriched, developing into a complex system of world economic relations, in which trade in its traditional sense, although it continues to occupy a leading place, is gradually losing its importance. The foreign economic sphere of the world economy today has a complex structure, which includes international trade, international specialization and production cooperation, scientific and technical cooperation (STC), joint construction of enterprises and their subsequent operation on international terms, international business organizations, various kinds of services and much more. What makes the productive forces global is international specialization and cooperation of production, manifested on a planetary scale. Under the influence of specialization and cooperation, an “additional” force is born, which is, as it were, free and acts simultaneously with material and personal factors social production. The results of the activities of each of the links of the emerging production system are actively used by an ever-increasing number of cooperation participants, which ultimately leads to strengthening the integrity of this system.

To date, modern world in economic terms, it represents a certain expedient system, united by international socialized production, the achievement of relatively high level development. MRI is the “integrator” that formed the worldwide economic system- world economy. Being a function of the development of productive forces and industrial relations, MRI has created objective conditions for the growing interconnection and interdependence of the reproductive processes of all countries, and expanded the limits of internationalization to global ones.

Some examples of the global division of labor are presented below.

Natural gas is the cheapest and most environmentally friendly fuel. Unlike oil-producing countries, the main gas-producing countries are the developed countries of Europe and North America. The leader in global gas production is Russia, where the largest basin is located - Western Siberia, followed in terms of production by the USA, Canada, Iran and Norway.

Electric power industry is one of the leading industries of the scientific and technological revolution era. Its development largely determines the level of development of the economy as a whole.

Electricity is produced in all countries of the world, but only 11 countries have an annual production of more than 200 billion kWh: the USA, China, Japan, Russia, India, Germany, Canada, France, the Republic of Korea, the UK and Brazil.

Metallurgy is one of the basic industries and provides humanity with structural materials, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This industry includes all processes - from ore mining to rolled metal production. It consists of two industries: ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

The geography of ferrous metallurgy is influenced by fuel and resource factors - coal and iron ore basins. The richest countries in iron ore are China, Brazil, Australia, Ukraine, India, USA, Russia, Canada, and North African countries. In recent decades, iron ore mining in developed countries Europe and the USA has stabilized or even decreased due to the depletion of a number of deposits. Currently, the main countries exporting iron ore are Brazil, Australia, India, Canada, and South Africa.

In the era of scientific and technological revolution, ferrous metallurgy is focused on cargo flows of iron ore and coking coal. As a result, in developed countries there was a shift in the industry towards seaports - in the USA, Japan, and Western European countries.

The geographical division of labor allows countries to develop individual branches of production without experiencing problems with the lack of goods for which there is demand, but which are impossible or economically unprofitable to produce on their territories. The system of exchange of products between countries arose in ancient times, and with the development of technology and transport it is only intensifying.


Geographical division of labor is a certain spatial form that implies a social division of labor. An important condition is the presence of a gap between the place where the product is produced and the place where it is consumed. In other words, different countries work for each other - this is precisely the geographical division of labor.

In understanding the term, erroneous judgments also occur. Some experts include the term geographical division in the concept of the world geographical division of labor. However, this is not entirely true, since rather any global division of labor is part of the concept of a general geographical division.

Cases of division of labor

There are two cases of division of labor:

  • Absolute. In this case, the country imports a product from another state due to the impossibility of producing it on its own territory for geographical, technical or other reasons.
  • Relative. A country imports a product, but can also produce it on its own territory. In most cases, the reason is the economic unprofitability of production on one’s own territory.

History of the geographical division of labor

In ancient times, the concept of geographical division of labor resources was understood as the division between small territories, in most cases, which covered the Mediterranean.

Further, already in the Middle Ages, the sphere of geographical division of labor included not only European territories such as France, Italy and England, but the territory of the Muscovite state, as well as Indochina and Madagascar.

With creation railway transport labor relations entered the interior of the continents. High influences The geographical division of labor was and is influenced by the economic benefits received by the participants.

Factors influencing the geographical division of labor

Important factors in the development of the geographical division of labor between the two countries are the high difference between unit prices and low transport costs. Every year, improvements in transport reduce the cost of transporting goods, thereby increasing the volume of trade between the two countries. The geographic division of labor in this case develops both in depth and in breadth.


With the development of the geographical division of labor, its productivity also increases. Countries focusing on own capabilities and conditions, select several industries in which they can succeed. The development of several of the most favorable industries for the state leads to increased productivity and lower unit costs. The reduction in cost is directly proportional to the increase in profit received.

With the development of the territorial division of labor, consumers strengthen their own needs and also create new ones, which is also a driver in the relationship between supply and demand.

The geographical division of labor is an opportunity for the development of transport technology. As well as the economies of individual states as a whole.

International geographical division of labor

MGRT refers to a narrow focus in the production of goods and services of individual countries and the subsequent exchange of them. This is an industry of international specialization for each individual country. In other words, each country is characterized by a specific branch of production, which more focused on exporting a certain type of product.

There are a number of conditions for the emergence of such international specialization:

  • the presence of a number of advantages for the production of certain products (this may be geographical or other conditions);
  • it is necessary to have individual countries that do not have the ability to produce goods in this industry, but are in dire need of them;
  • transport costs must be acceptable to the exporting country;
  • the volume of products produced in this industry must exceed demand in the domestic market.


Examples of geographical division of labor:

  • Japan's international specialization is cars, robots and radio electronics;

  • Canada's international specialization is the forestry industry;
  • Bulgaria's international specialization is the agro-industrial complex;
  • The United States actively exports medical products.

Russia's role

Russia occupies by no means the last position in the international geographical division of labor. The country's international specialization is mainly the extraction of natural resources: oil, gas, diamonds. Russia's participation in the geographical division of labor is also observed in such areas as the mining of aluminum and nickel.

Most The country's exports include unprocessed raw materials. The main importers of Russian products are the countries of the European continent, as well as America. A large share of the country's imports comes from cars, medicines and equipment. In addition, the share of imports of food industry products is also high.

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