How to achieve your goals. Peculiarities of thinking of a purposeful person

Every day the minds of the natives of planet Earth generate millions of useful and interesting ideas, but 90% of them are never destined to become a reality. They die at conception or at birth. Why is this happening? Why do some people drown their creativity in the toilet, while others earn millions of American presidents from it? As strange as it may sound, the answer lies in just one phrase - lack of motivation and ability to achieve your goals.

Simple secrets of success

Surely the title of this section reminded you of “cheap” blog articles on the topic of success and unlocking the secret potential of Shao Lin’s monks. I warn you right away - this article is of a more mundane nature. Tell me, buddy, have you ever tried to analyze your affairs/tasks? Why do some come easy, while others pose problems and endless difficulties?

We live in a time of endless streams of information and in case of mistakes, we just keep our backs straight and proudly move on. This is a good trait, but sooner or later, exceptions begin to appear in your brain more and more often, and you inevitably begin to think about eternal topics about your knowledge and abilities. How to program a command to move towards success in the boot sector of the brain and understand why some tasks are easy and others are not? You will find answers and advice from personal practice in this article.

Oh, how many interesting projects I have failed in my time (or, to be more precise, missed deadlines) due to the lack of a clear sequence of actions ala plan. After all, as it happens, you meet a customer and get acquainted with his problem, the solution of which he is ready to entrust to you. Even at the discussion stage, you understand that the matter is probably trivial and you will be able to hit the jackpot in no time, without straining yourself.

Everything seems cool: the deadlines are great, a superficial solution is spinning in your head - take it and do it. We shake hands, receive an advance and go to work. Well, during work the fun begins. There seems to be a solution in your head, but in order to start implementing it, you need to perform a bunch of auxiliary and routine steps that were not taken into account at the thinking stage. Having come to terms with this, you begin to carry out the preparatory steps. And each time these devils take more and more steps, they cannot see the end of the edge. Motivation gradually fades away, and further development of the project resembles not easy money with an elegant solution, but a game of barge haulers on the Volga with a fatal end.

Common situation? If this is not your first day of freelancing, then your answer will probably be “yes.” “Full-time” employees are usually not susceptible to this phenomenon, because... in most cases, their salary does not depend on the amount of work performed, which means they can pick their nose and carry out their duties slowly.

Okay, the trouble has been identified, but how to deal with it? It turns out to be very simple. However, there is no need to drool prematurely and hope that this decision will solve all problems immediately. They still have to learn how to use it and optimally adjust it to their needs.

Well, now we call the name of the alchemist’s secret solution – “Planning”. Before you begin to solve any problem, you must make a detailed plan. No, not cloudy castles in your head, but a real plan, written down on paper or in some word processor. Such a plan must necessarily contain:

  • Detailed description of the task. If you cannot formulate it in the form of a few sentences, then how will you solve the problem without understanding its content? It is important to note here that the description should reflect the real essence, and not vague phrases like “Create a super-trafficked website.” Reading such a description, it’s hard to imagine how creating a super-visited website differs from developing a regular website. After all, they are based on the same technologies, it’s just that in the first case a certain feature is planned (as an example), which will act as a magnet for visitors. This is what needs to be described well.
  • The path to achieving the goal. The main task must be divided into several sub-points using the “Divide and Conquer” method. It is important that each such item allocates one simple task, the solution of which will not require too much time. For example, for the task “Development of a super-visited website,” you can define at least several points: design concept, choice of technologies for development, creation of application architecture, etc. Each of these points can also be divided into sub-points, but the main thing here is not to get carried away and allow no more than 2-3 levels of nesting. This way, you will get a bunch of small but quickly completed tasks.
  • Give each step a time estimate.. When you describe the next point of the plan, try to mentally estimate the time required to complete it. For example, you estimate that it takes you about 6 hours to think through the design concept for a future project. Great, write this number next to the corresponding item. As a result, you will get a roughly correct idea of ​​the amount of time required to complete all the work. However, it is worth noting that this number cannot be considered the last resort, much less promise the customer that the work will be completed during this time.
  • Written planning of tasks significantly increases the chances of their timely completion. Firstly, you make a promise to yourself and do it not in the depths of your consciousness, but on paper or in in electronic format. Psychologists say that such promises receive greater priority and a greater chance of successful completion. In addition, planning will allow you to determine both the time required to solve the problem and the amount of work, and based on this it is easy to estimate the real cost of the project and draw up a package of supporting documents ( technical task, documentation, etc.).


    You should also not think that written planning is only suitable for work matters. This is wrong. Using the same method, you can perfectly plan your own life and the goals you want to achieve. Do you want to make a big purchase but don’t have the money for it yet? Write a plan and analyze the actions you need to perform to achieve a positive result. Note that you can predict your future without any charlatan predictors. Isn't it great?

    It seems that the plan was drawn up, the work began, but one day bam, and everything stopped. I no longer want to follow the plan, move step by step towards the goal and carefully cross out completed tasks with a pen. Alas, unfortunately, such a situation is more than possible, loss of motivation can lie in wait for us anywhere, and even super-correct plans are not a hindrance to it.

    Luckily, there is a great and simple trick for such cases too. In any plan there will be both routine items and those that arouse interest and banal curiosity. However, as often happens, such subtasks have the lowest priority, and therefore should begin to be executed only at the very end. Here you can try and play on this. If you have no desire to work on routine tasks at all, then you can try to take on an interesting, but unimportant subtask. While performing it, you will probably light up with enthusiasm and get into a working rhythm, and then, under the guise of positivity, you will easily and quickly switch to a routine.

    Do you think it sounds absurd? When I first heard about this technique, I also experienced a subtle and pungent taste of skepticism. Epiphany and real benefit was obtained after several practical tests.

    I, together with my fellow developers, are working on one very big project– a software package for automating business processes of an insurance company. The development plan has a ton of sub-items, and in addition, for each individual block of the program there is its own separate plan (that’s right, with a bunch of sub-items). On such a scale it is really difficult to do without it.

    So, when productivity starts to decline, we all try to switch gears and start doing unimportant tasks. For example, when we needed to implement a carriage and a small cart of various time calculation algorithms, we caught the brake instead of enthusiasm. The work began to move extremely slowly, or rather not at all.

    The blessing was approaching reporting period, and the issue had to be closed somehow. There wasn’t much time for everything, but we decided to try to put this stupid and tedious task aside and switch to developing a new interface. The work began to boil and as a result, by the reporting period we released a new interface and at the same time added time calculation algorithms. We spent time on a minor task, but this deviation charged us with positivity and in the end we did one more thing.


    A change of focus can play a useful role and reboot a tired process called “motivation”. There is no need to waste time, you need to focus your attention on more pleasant things (in this case, things are understood as “tasks”) and start working on them. The success and positivity gained in the course of work can easily charge you with enthusiasm for performing other tasks.

    Since childhood, mothers and fathers have tried to instill in us what is good and what is bad. Do you remember how, after returning from the next yard football match, my mother, with frantic persistence, forced me to go wash and change clothes? home clothes, and not immediately run to the table. Oh, it was a wonderful time - do what you want, and if something happens, they will insure you and guide you in the right direction.

    Alas, then none of us could think about the importance and power of habits. After all, just think, if you instill good habits in yourself from childhood, then in the future they will help you achieve excellent results in work/family, etc. Well, for example, if you teach yourself to read from childhood and read 2-3 books a month, then in just one school you can digest about 396 books (!). This is a significant amount of information that will have a positive effect on literacy and outlook.

    We instill many habits in childhood, while others, on the contrary, acquire them as we grow up. Here's another example for you - the habit of living beyond your finances. It’s funny to watch when people take out loans to buy another new gadget, which essentially brings nothing to the buyer’s life except another dose of entertainment. Why buy yourself an iPhone 4S for 35K if you only need it for listening to music and surfing, and you yourself live in a rented apartment in a residential area? That’s right, there’s no reason for it, but the desire still arises due to the constantly changing tenders for “fashionability” and “coolness.” If this habit (the eternal pursuit of novelty) develops into a chronic one, then the future promises to constantly live in debt, and own apartment, the car will remain a dream.

    Just don’t focus on just one negative habit given in the example. There are many of them: unhealthy lifestyle, personal relationships, etc. It is important to understand and clearly understand that negative habits will sooner or later bring Negative consequences, and positive ones are transformed into rewards and positivity.

    Okay, the problem has been stated, but what to do? How to deal with it? As always, you need to start small - with a pen and a piece of paper. Find a free hour or two in your schedule and try to write down five (to start) of your negative habits. It is important to be honest (after all, you are doing all this for yourself) and open with yourself. If you couldn’t write all five, stop with what you have. Try to choose the most bad habit and begin to destroy it. I don’t know which habit you want to fight first, but I’ll tell you right away where to start - by making a plan. See the very first tip for details.


    Habits greatly influence our lives. To achieve success and recognition, you need to go through the skeletons in your closet and eradicate those who are a drag on life. If you have few negative habits, then this is not a reason to bypass this section. This means it’s time to actively take on the development of positive habits. Don't know where to start? Start with the simplest ones - reading books and playing sports. The first makes you smarter, and the second keeps your muscles toned and energized. Knowledge + good physical condition are one of the components of success.

    Among IT people, the stereotype of reclusiveness has long been established. Here I mean lifestyle. It's no secret that computer geeks try to lead an uncommunicative lifestyle. Here, I would say, there is a kind of law at work - the cooler the geek, the fewer friends/girlfriends he has. Let's not get into the weeds interpersonal relationships, but let’s look at the problem from the perspective of the topic of the article – achieving goals.

    Let's try to fantasize a little and remember the old saying - one man in the field is not a warrior.

    Our ancestors understood the importance of expanding your network and the benefits of “teamwork.” Here I am exaggerating a little, and by team we should not mean a crowd of peasants using an agile approach to sowing wheat. the main idea ideas – getting qualified help. Any person has his own store of knowledge and skills, and in addition also a circle of friends with the same set of properties (knowledge, skills, circle of friends). Why learn something yourself if it requires serious labor and it’s easier to ask a friend for help? I think the answer is clear.

    There wouldn't be many beautiful things in the world if every person tried to reinvent the wheel again and again. Let's not go far and remember the success story of Apple. Would the company achieve such stunning success if Steve Jobs didn't meet Steve Wozniak and other important people? I think no. Steve Jobs was a genius, a good showman and the owner of excellent taste, but without Woz and his team he would not have been able to achieve success. However, this was proven by his own unsuccessful project Next.

    If you plan to achieve great success(no matter what business), then you need to be sociable and try to expand your social circle. Every new person can influence your life and bring something new and useful into it. Perhaps this is how you will meet a future business partner or simply find a like-minded friend and together you can start a unique startup. Positive options There are a lot of developments in events, so there is reason to think.

    When I started my career, I tried to shine as much as possible - I tried to take part in all sorts of conferences (held in my city) and hang out at specialized forums. Over the years of communication, my circle of acquaintances has constantly grown and many of them have changed their status from “virtual corefan” to partner. We manage to cooperate in terms of freelancing and it’s easier for me to choose a friend of mine as a performer than a little-known person from the stock exchange.

    When forming your circle of connections (I don’t mean anything bureaucratic in this word), you should also not forget about the so-called toxic people. You will definitely come across such people on your way, or maybe they are already on your friend list. By toxic people, I mean the type of people who supposedly always have everything bad and like to spray negativity out of nowhere. They prefer to whine and complain, assuring you that there is no meaning in life and no justice.

    Rest assured, such conversations do not pass without leaving a trace, and every time after such “communication” you, perplexed, swallow a pill of negativity in which sooner or later you yourself begin to believe. If you notice something like this, it is better to immediately limit your communication with this person. He won’t help you move mountains, but he can easily spoil your self-esteem and self-confidence.


    Being alone is not only unfashionable, but also sad. You won’t believe how many people around you are ready to pick up the idea and offer you something useful. Of course, you should also show interest and be ready not only to receive, but also to give. Established brands and startups have rarely been created alone. It always started with a crazy idea, a garage and a bunch of like-minded people who were not afraid to act and create things with a “wow” effect.

    My friend and I have been developing a project for beginner developers for a long time. We have a forum and often organize discussions on interesting topics. Project participants share their startup ideas, etc. After reading some of them, you begin to involuntarily think: “Why hasn’t this pepper gotten rich yet?” I mean this in all seriousness. People generate interesting and creative ideas, but that's where it all ends. Either the author does not want to take on the project, or vice versa - he starts working, but then abandons it.

    After reading the literature on the topic, and at the same time looking at my own actions, I immediately discovered the problem and the way to solve it. I'll tell you in more detail. All people can be divided into two large groups– sprinters and marathon runners. This does not mean that some of our people run fast, but complete short-distance races, while the second runs noticeably slower, but covers longer distances. We are not talking about sports, but about motivation and algorithms that help you achieve your goals. In relation to our case, the former (sprinters) can be characterized as creative people who are ready to quickly begin to achieve a short-term goal and achieve a positive result. Marathon runners are the opposite. They do not have creativity and the ability to quickly rush to the goal. They need time to warm up, think in detail and do other things that are unimportant for a sprinter. However, unlike sprinters, marathon runners are ready to “run” for a very long time, so a priori they show their best side in long-term projects.

    This is why many interesting projects die on early stages without having time to spread its wings and catch the wave of popularity. Project authors are in no hurry to think about finding partners, or even just assistants. If a sprinter takes on the implementation of a cool project, but the project turns out to be not trivial, then he will probably abandon it halfway, and even come up with a bunch of excuses to justify himself. Although from the very beginning he can work furiously and waste absolutely all his time. Marathon runners are the opposite. They also know how to create new ideas, but it is very difficult for them to get motivated and start doing work.

    If you recognize yourself in one of these types of people, then do not rush to despair and throw aside your bold ideas. Re-read the previous advice again and start looking the right people. Well, then everything depends on the situation. If you are a sprinter, then feel free to look for a marathon runner. Together you will definitely achieve success and be able to support the project for a long time. Needed real example? Yes, no problem, let's look again towards Apple. Steve Jobs is the spitting image of a sprinter, and Wozniak is a marathon runner. Jobs constantly had brilliant (and not so brilliant) ideas in his head, and he was immediately ready to begin turning them into reality, but he didn’t bring all of them to their logical conclusion. Wozniak, on the other hand, was not particularly creative, but was a reliable long-distance runner. He followed the intended path and achieved his goal.


    In all my advice, I repeatedly refer to initial training. She's really important. The sooner you understand yourself, the fewer painful bumps you will get on your head. If you had really cool ideas/goals that couldn’t be realized, then maybe it’s not mystical failures that are to blame, but the wrong working style and team?

    Goal achieved

    Many smart books have been written about the optimal ways to achieve goals, and it is impossible to list them all in one article. Yes, and this is not necessary. I tried to give you the most key options that have already been tested many times on myself. Hope they can help you. The main thing is to take them more seriously and look honestly at your failures. Perhaps they could have been prevented in advance? In conclusion, I want to wish you good luck and success in improving yourself. Remember, nothing is impossible, and even the biggest journey begins with a small first step. Good luck!

    This article will talk about how to set goals correctly and then successfully achieve them. We build our lives ourselves or others do it for us, so it is important to learn how to set goals and achieve them.

    A person, by definition, cannot achieve anything significant in life if he does not have specific goals and a definite plan for achieving them. If we live without a goal, then such life is deprived of meaning, and we lose the taste for it.

    I hope you understand that in such a situation a person cannot be happy, successful and healthy. It’s not for nothing that many “success trainers,” lecturers, and psychologists talk about the importance of setting goals correctly.

    What is the right goal?

    The ultimate goal can only be achieved if it is clearly and correctly formulated. It is then that all the visible and invisible resources of a person are turned on, which helps to achieve the desired.

    Every sane person needs to have goals in life. In other words, it is necessary to understand what I want from life, and also what I should strive for from the position of reason and wisdom.

    It is important not only to feel your desires, but also to understand where they came from. I may disappoint you, but most of the goals and desires that a person has ultimately cause harm and suffering.

    Many desires arise in us under the influence of our environment: parents, friends, TV, our own imperfect life experiences. But due to the fact that neither we nor the surrounding society is ideal, then our goals and desires are far from perfect.

    In addition to that article, I will say that the right goal, at a minimum, does not harm others, and, at a maximum, is selfless and harmonious with the universe.

    A person is able to live life with enthusiasm and benefit to the whole world only when he has great goals in life.

    Do you have a goal that makes you get up every morning? Does it inspire you so much that many things fade into the background?

    It is great happiness and luck to have such a goal in life. But such a goal in life is always inextricably linked with the fact that we think less about ourselves and more about others. Think about these words.

    Let's say that you have previously identified goals that are truly yours, as well as useful for you and those around you. Now we need to arrange all this as correctly and efficiently as possible.

    • It is necessary to develop the desire to achieve a certain goal

    We must want something passionately, this is where inspiration and enthusiasm come from. Without this, we will not achieve anything, and most goals will remain just dreams and illusions.

    • The goal must be written down on paper

    Goals must be written down on paper. That's when dreams turn into goals.

    But you can say that the goals are in your head and at any moment you can remember and formulate them. The problem is that it doesn't work.

    During the day, about 50,000 thoughts flash through the human brain (according to scientists). When we write down goals on paper, we highlight them from tens of thousands of other thoughts, most of which we conveniently forget.

    Thus, we give a signal to our mind, for which goals become a certain beacon towards which it begins to strive.

    • The goal should be as specific as possible

    The goal must be set as specific and clear as possible. Vague goals are usually achieved 2-5% of the time.

    For example, the wrong goal:

    I want to learn several foreign languages

    The right goal:

    By January 2020 I am fluent in English and German languages, my vocabulary is 10,000 words in each language.

    • Having a clear and precise understanding of the path to the goal

    It is not enough to write down goals; we also need to know how we will achieve them. When we have specific steps that need to be taken to achieve a goal, the goal becomes clearer and additional enthusiasm appears after overcoming each intermediate stage.

    If we return to the example with foreign languages, then you can plan the following:

    1. Choose a method of achieving the goal (with a tutor, among native speakers or independently);
    2. What vocabulary and level of proficiency will be considered achievement of the goal;
    3. How much time each week and how many days a week should be devoted to this;
    4. What financial costs will be needed for this;
    5. Do this for each language separately.

    That's it in a nutshell. If desired, the goal can be written down even more carefully and the higher the likelihood that it will be achieved.

    How to achieve your goals?

    Of course, it’s not enough to learn how to set goals correctly. You also need to achieve your goals, otherwise, why waste time on all this.

    By this point, you should already have clear and specific goals in all four areas of life, written down on paper. Also, do not forget to write down the main goal of your life (more on this in the article linked above).

    Below you will learn a very simple and very effective technique for achieving your goals.

    • Write down in detail a plan to achieve a specific goal.

    This has already been discussed above, but many people still miss this point or do not pay attention to it. special significance. Understand this is really important.

    For several years I myself simply wrote down the desired goals, but did not draw up detailed plans upon their achievement. As a result, many of them were not achieved and were safely forgotten.

    It is important to break down the main goal into smaller goals or intermediate stages. We need to clearly and clearly understand what we want to achieve as a result. We must clearly see ourselves and the realization of our goal in 5 years, 1 year, month, week, 1 day.

    • Take action every day

    We constantly need to do something that brings us closer to the goal. Dedicate at least an hour a day to achieving your goal.

    For example, if you want to have a beautiful, pumped up body, then you need to regularly do physical exercise, study literature and videos on this topic, eat right, follow a routine and much more.

    • Find a role model

    Find someone who has already achieved a similar goal, who is the best in this field or activity. Read and study his experience, if possible, communicate with him personally.

    As they say, who we think about is who we become. Therefore, the sages recommend always thinking about God, taking example from exalted personalities. Well, for more mundane purposes, take an example from that person who has already achieved the highest level in what you want.

    • Resolutely give up desires that prevent you from achieving your goal

    Learn to give up secondary goals and desires that interfere with achieving your main goal. On the way to a goal, there are always some obstacles or temptations that must be resolutely avoided.

    Focus on the main goal, think about how you will feel when you achieve your goal. This will help overcome obstacles on the way to achieving your goal.

    • Check yourself regularly

    Check yourself every day. Have you forgotten your goal? Are you going the wrong way? What did you do today to achieve your goal?

    This will break you out of the illusions and sleepy state in which most people spend their entire lives. Many people learn how to set goals correctly, but then do nothing and become immersed in the daily routine.

    Just always ask yourself unexpected questions:

    What do I want in 1 year, 5 years? What exactly needs to be done in order to achieve this? Am I doing this?

    We can plan a lot of things, strive to achieve, but at one moment everything can change dramatically. Therefore, it is important to live in harmony with the world around us and trust the flow of life and God.

    Many of us have problems in life only because we do not know how to live in harmony with nature and consider ourselves smarter than it. We are a small part of the One Whole and we need to accept His protection.

    A reasonable person goes towards the intended goal, but does not become attached to the result and trusts God, because he knows that the Lord knows better what is good for us and what is harmful.

    Bonus: approximate goals for the year that will make you better

    So you have studied another article and learned about how to set goals correctly, and then achieve them. But this is all theory. I want you to do something practical and meaningful for your life. Reading about setting goals correctly and achieving them is not enough; you need to do something else.

    For example, it is important to set specific goals that will make you better over time. And since the main objective this blog will help you change and become happier, then accept the bonus in the form of recommended goals for self-development.

    If you really set these goals in your life and begin to achieve them, then you will purify yourself and your heart, raise your level of consciousness and quality of life.

    Here is a list of goals for the year to improve yourself and your life.:

    1. Take responsibility for your life. Learn in every moment not to blame others, but to look for reasons within yourself or benefit from the lesson that life gives us;
    2. Learn to get up early in the morning and go to bed early. It is optimal to fall asleep at 21-22 o'clock and get up at 4-6 am every day, regardless of the day of the week or the calendar;
    3. Engage in spiritual practice (pray) or simple meditation every day, starting with 10 minutes a day;
    4. Learn to do breathing exercises and do them at least 10 minutes a day, it greatly calms and sobers the mind;
    5. Develop in yourself detachment from money, compliments, performance results, other people’s opinions, cars, etc., this will make you more and more free and peaceful;
    6. Learn to live in the present moment, and not dream about the future or regret the past;
    7. Monitor your emotions and live them consciously (for example, catch yourself when you start to get angry and calm down, as this will only lead to bad things);
    8. Don’t fuss and don’t rush to live, be calm, this will increase your efficiency;
    9. Choose your communication very carefully and filter your environment (including movies, music, the Internet, etc.): read - ;
    10. Control your speech - empty chatter takes a lot of energy from us;
    11. Live with humor and smile more, gloomy people are unhappy themselves and are not liked by others;
    12. And of course, set specific and clear goals in all important areas of life for 1, 5 and 10 years.

    Implement, set goals correctly and improve your life! Be happy!

    If this article was useful to you, then share it on social networks and benefit others!

    Video example of correct goal setting

    Watch the video in which you will learn the rules of correct goal setting using a live example:

    http://site/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/kak-pravilno-stavit-celi.jpg 320 641 Sergey Yuryev http://site/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpgSergey Yuryev 2017-06-05 05:00:30 2018-11-06 12:22:42 How to set goals and achieve them: a secret guide

    Hi all! Very often we think that it would be nice to go somewhere on vacation, or buy new refrigerator, or make repairs. And it seems like we realize the importance of what we think about, but for some reason we don’t do everything to get what we want. And if we do, it’s not at full strength or, as they say, “carelessly.”

    Why is this happening? Today we will talk about this and how to learn to set goals and achieve them!

    Why doesn't it just work out like that?

    It would seem that a trip to hot beaches is so cool, fun and cool. Vacation, travel, entertainment. So why is this joy sometimes simply unattainable for us? Let's look into this issue.

    As you know, in order for us to start doing something, it is necessary, and not just “it wouldn’t be bad,” but precisely “I can’t live without this.” So, returning to our example, if you wanted to drink very much in the heat, then it would not be difficult for you to find a kiosk with water and buy a small bottle there just to get drunk. Since water at that time was simply vital for you.

    With the sea everything is a little different. You can live without it. However, if you were given a more serious choice: either you go on vacation or become seriously ill, the result is obvious. You would put aside your business, find money, time and go!

    Conclusion #1: m motivation is our engine to achieve our goals and desires.


    In order to understand how you can learn to get what you want, you need to understand the psychology of achieving goals. It's quite simple.

    In fact, we have already mentioned this. We have a goal, and in order to achieve it, a sufficiently strong motive must appear, as was the case with water. Water is the goal, the motive is to remove thirst, the result is a comfortable state of the body.

    These 3 states are the fundamental factors of achievement.

    I often come across advice that in order for something to work out, it is necessary to draw up, apply, a schedule, etc. Of course, I don’t argue that this is true, but for some reason some people stop at this piece of paper with 1000 points of “what I want.” If you make a wish to buy a helicopter, write it on a piece of paper and leave it collecting dust on the shelf - nothing will come of it.

    Conclusion No. 2: dl Achieving a set goal or intended desire requires one’s own efforts.

    Therefore, we will now talk about how to set goals correctly.

    Goal setting practice

    Well, have you written your wish list? All is ready? What are your desires supported by?

    Conclusion No. 3: when you complete all the planned actions, you will feel sorry for missing the opportunity to achieve what you wanted.

    Some myths

    A text with wishes is good, but no supreme power will help you with this, just because you wrote something on your sheet of paper. Our brain is designed in such a way that if you really want something, it will look for various ways to solve the problem, and will grab onto everything that will somehow help with this. Therefore, when you want something very badly, you have a persistent desire to achieve it, and your brain simply grabs every opportunity that can help it satisfy its own self! That's the whole secret of success!

    Now you know how to achieve what you set, and as you understand, the point here is not in making any plans, although they are also important, but in how to force yourself to do something.

    It's very simple: you need to want it and back it up with positive emotions. Well, follow our tips that will help you in this easy matter.

    That's all for me!

    Bye bye!

    How do you achieve your goals? Do you have your own ideas for achieving your plans?

    Ekaterina Kalmykova

    Now that timid moment has come when you decide to ask the monumental question “how to achieve your goal?”, thereby potentially increasing the number of successful people per combat unit.

    Today we will find goals, if there are none, we will make a plan to achieve the goals and move in their direction. This post allows you to consolidate in practice the information from the introductory article on, we recommend reading it first. No, not for likes and subscriptions, but so that you can follow the steps of this victorious guide with skill.

    A little background information before we begin. Having goals in life, contrary to everyone's stupid opinion, is fun and wonderful. We call it the “Game Principle” (we still need to work on the name), where you have fun because you discover new things, you start completing levels faster and better, you become better and, in the end, you get the opportunity to win.

    Goals guide, ennoble and help, it’s still not clear why so many people deliberately deprived themselves of this cool tool, but oh well. The skill you will gain here is truly invaluable. Let's go.

    How to achieve your goal in 7 steps

    Step 1 - description of desires

    And forget about how to achieve your goal if you don’t have an overflowing desire to achieve it.. Therefore, at the very beginning, you should understand what you want most? Imagine your day of success. The very day when you feel happy, loved, prosperous in all areas of your life.

    Don’t think that such an outcome is unlikely, just imagine what it is like, this day of your unconditional victory in all respects. What things could have contributed to this condition? On the first sheet of the notebook, write down everything that comes to mind, for example: a loved one and family, a favorite and decently paid business, a healthy and thin body - write everything that you will have that very day.

    Here it is important not to look at society and not to impose generally accepted goals such as family, material wealth, fame and other things - these are all just average indicators among the population, but Every person is unique, we don't all need the same things. Think about what you need.

    Step 2 - drawing up goals

    Before thinking about how to achieve your goal, you should understand what exactly are we going to achieve? Therefore, having retreated a few lines from the entries in the previous step, we continue to write down: if the first point was financial security, now write how much money you need, for example: $50,000 in the account and a monthly income of $1,500. If you want to lose weight, write the number in kilograms or centimeters. Specify each of your desires from the previous step.

    The list of goals should be compiled in order from the most important to the least important. That is, if $50,000 will impact your level of success more than anything else, then this goal should be the first.

    Step 3 - setting a deadline

    One more important thing are the time frames. The absence of a deadline allows a person to do nothing for the rest of his life. and does not allow you to determine progress in your activities. If you want to lose weight, for example, 5 kilograms, then write the exact date, to which you are going to achieve it.

    So, For each goal from the previous step we add a plausible deadline. For global goals, let's say the deadline is within five or even ten years - this is normal. You can already work with such goals.

    Step 4 - screening out left targets

    Before achieving your goal, ask yourself “why?” Why do you need this or this, what does it give you, what is the point of it, what will it change??? When the answer to the question “why?” specific, justified, makes you happy and motivates in itself - such a goal can be achieved, and the rest should be removed from the list right away.

    Check your goals for challenge. Good goal ignites passion in a person and puts him in harsh conditions, from which it would be interesting to get out and unconditionally defeat the situation. There must be a challenge if we want to be motivated in the process of achieving what we want.

    If suddenly you have reached this line, but you either haven’t yet or don’t have a single goal left, don’t worry. Go to now, and then start the instructions again.

    Step 5 - Create a Goal Achievement Plan

    So, now the most fun hemorrhoids of this whole idea await you - you need to make a plan to achieve your goal. It is mandatory because no one can explain to you how to achieve any of your goals without having a specific action plan in hand. It's the same as wondering if you can become a magician without having hands.

    You could write a whole book about creating a plan to achieve your goal, but we’ll keep it to nine points. Using the method of trial and severe error, a scheme was invented, which, in our opinion, is ideal in terms of time cost/efficiency ratio. As you gain experience in goal setting, you may find your own more suitable scheme, but to get started, we will offer the option that we ourselves use.

    Choosing a goal

    If you have several goals, then choose the one that you want more than all the others. Desire is the main parameter of choice, because it indicates the degree of necessity for you of certain things.

    We break the goal into subgoals by year

    If your goal is for a month or less, then skip ahead, and if it is for no more than one year, then you are starting. This is where you start if your goal is for more than a year.

    For clarity, we will describe drawing up a plan using the example of a goal of $50,000 with a deadline of five years, but you do the same for the goal you chose in the previous paragraph.

    So, five years are made up of five years, so the first thing to do is give each year its own page (pp. 2-6). Next, we break down the final goal into subgoals by year. In the first year you write that you are going to deposit, for example, 3,000, in the second - 5,000, in the third - 8,000, in the fourth - 13,000, and in the fifth - $21,000.

    You may have noticed the dynamics here: as the years go by, the goal for the year becomes more and more significant - these are our personal preferences, it’s easier for us to start small and increase momentum in the process. But here everything depends on the goal and individual characteristics of the person, so it is not at all necessary to write down all your goals in geometric progression(although in most cases this will be a good solution).

    Dividing the year into months

    Dedicate a separate page for each month (pages 7-18) of the current year. We break down the goal by month, and for each month we write down the amount of money that we are going to put into the account.

    At this stage, you can slowly remember what may await you and in what month. If a session or renovation is scheduled in a certain month, for example, then this month you can save less money or not save at all, but scatter this money over neighboring months. Correct immediately if you remember something to avoid scribbling less..

    We break the month into weeks

    The secret to moving forward steadily is to take the first step. The secret to the first step is to break down complex, seemingly insurmountable tasks into simple and achievable ones, and start with the very first one.

    Mark Twain

    Recording actions to achieve the goal

    Then, logically, the current week can be divided into seven days, but this can be done in the mind, and we will stop at the week. Now think about how to achieve your goal for this week. You know the result you need to get, all you have to do is write the most effective to achieve his action.

    The steps may vary depending on which ones you consider most appropriate. These could be options like: “ask for a raise” or “look for a better paying job” or “improve your qualifications” or anything that seems like a good idea to you.

    We detail the actions by day

    And although we do not divide the week into days, often you will still have to make notes that, for example, in the first two days of the week you will read a book for 2 hours a day, and in the last three days of the week you will write an article about setting goals. All your actions must be described in such a way that it is then clear whether you were able to complete them or not (in our example with the book, this is a given time of 2 hours).

    We outline a plan for achieving other goals

    Now you have a layout of the plan and one goal detailed in it. But what if you still have goals that you also want with all your heart?!

    You must understand that goals must be achieved consistently. Therefore, you focus on achieving one single goal until it is achieved, and only then start working on achieving another goal - this is peak productivity mode.

    Are there any exceptions here? Following the same goal all day long can be difficult mentally and physically, so you can come up with an element of switching and write down, in parallel with the first goal, some second goal from your initial list.

    A good solution here would be to complete a global goal, which is periodically (not too often) diluted with local goals (goals that take no more than one month to achieve).

    The option with two parallel goals is especially good, when achieving a local goal can positively influence the achievement of your global goal, although it does not directly relate to her. For example, you play sports, and although it has nothing to do with your global goals, training improves morale and makes you feel like a masterpiece, and this in turn helps you survive in great global battles.

    If your second goal is local (let’s say it’s designed for exactly a month) and you decide to implement it in parallel with the first goal, then find the current month in your notebook and write your goal in it, and then, according to the already known principle, break the goal into weeks and write down your actions by week (and day if necessary).

    If your second goal is global, then you need to create a separate layout for it after your first layout. Its achievement will begin from the date on which the previous global goal is scheduled to be achieved.

    We foreshadow your silent question: “is all this waste of paper, time and energy really necessary?” Well, how much do you want to achieve your goal?

    Setting priorities

    When you reach this line, you will have an action plan for one or more goals for the coming week. In the second step, we asked you to write a list of goals in order of importance. Now we’ll do the same thing, only for the current week.

    You have a given set of actions for the current week, just number them in the order in which you need to do them (this numbering can usually be kept in mind, but for clarity, it will be better to number it at first).

    What is the beauty of this approach?

    If you notice we have drawn up a plan here that requires a minimum amount of time and writing. The further away from the current date you are in your plan, the less detailed it becomes. No one knows what will happen in a year or five years, so we consider it a pointless endeavor to describe such distant dates in detail.

    Step 6 - work with an action plan

    Great, now we know what to achieve, when to achieve, and most importantly, how to achieve our goal. It doesn’t matter yet that your plan is approximate and there is no guarantee that you will actually get to what you want in this mode. To start, there is a plan, which means there is something to follow and something to build on.

    It’s stupid to make plans for your whole life without even being a master of tomorrow.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca

    Step 7 - adjustment

    The adjustment is simple: if the final goal turned out to be too difficult, you can make it more believable. But it is important to set a limit here. For example, the final goal can be adjusted only three times. The limit should not be large, because you can live your whole life this way, spending all your time adjusting your final destination until it suddenly adjusts to your current position.

    Your weekly action plan should be such that you can complete at least 100% of your list. Yes, 100% is the minimum, harsh Spartan conditions.

    In addition to adjusting the final goal, you can adjust intermediate goals, change your actions or, for example, increase the number of working hours - here you have room for maneuver.

    When adjusting your goals, don't forget to think about whether you still really want to achieve everything you set out for yourself. Monitor the level of your desire; if it is low and your enthusiasm disappears somewhere, and you can’t motivate yourself again, then you should think about setting new goals that can ignite you.

    What to do if you fail to create goals

    Perhaps some of you have reached the fifth step and discovered that you have nothing further to work with. Don’t worry, one day you will just sit on your butt, waiting for a miracle, until suddenly you are overcome with such an endless desire to achieve something that you, with your pants full of joy, will again rush to look for recommendations on the topic “how to achieve your goal.” No, we all understand perfectly well that such a day never comes. What then to do with goals?

    What does this give? Even if you made a huge mistake with your choice, you can only get this information by going through everything from your own experience.. Over time, you will form a holistic opinion about what you do not like at all, and in contrast, ideas will appear about things that may be very cool and interesting to you.


    With only 7 steps, the question of how to achieve your goal seems to be settled. We believe that anyone reading this can consistently create a plan to achieve their goals and stick to it until the bitter end.

    Remember to have fun in the process and don't be too serious along the way. We believe in you, otherwise why would we spend so much time and energy trying to create and convey this text to the masses?! And we know this first-hand.

    Are you still here?! Your goals will not achieve themselves. Productive work and greatest success!

    U Everyone has their own goals and dreams, and that's wonderful. But you can achieve your goals much faster if you have the right attitude and take the right steps. Here are 7 such correct settings.

    1. Be confident and positive

    This is the basis for all the other tips given here. The more confident you are in your abilities, the more open you are to success, and the more opportunities open to you. The Law of Attraction states that what you give out comes back to you. Noticing only the best around you and thinking about yourself in superlatives, you begin to attract people and situations into your life that will lead you to your desired goal.

    Happy, successful people surround themselves with other people like them. Therefore, be confident and positive and appreciate small positive events as well as larger ones.

    When unexpected obstacles and difficulties come our way, they can easily leave us feeling discouraged and confused. This is why it is important to focus on the future and visualize your dreams every day. Most likely, your desires will not come true right away. But if you focus and can mentally imagine your dream before it actually happens, your subconscious mind will know where to go. When thinking about the future, imagine the wonderful opportunities that will open up for you. Imagine your new sensations. Allow yourself to bask in these sensations. By regularly doing this practice, you will become more open to all good things, and your dreams will begin to come true much faster.

    It is useful to keep a diary where you write down your dreams and goals in the present tense, as if they have already come true. The point of this is that the feelings that you feel in your ideal future, you begin to feel in the present. You tune your vibrations to the vibrations of your desires. You become more confident and positive, and this instills in you the necessary determination that makes your dreams come true.

    3. Make every step easy

    It is usually believed that you can achieve something serious only by working hard. But this idea misses something very important: people who actually achieve their goals often achieve them easily, as if they were having fun. When you do something nice for you, it makes you happier. And when you're happier, you're more inspired. Find something you enjoy doing and focus on it because passion is the surest key to success. If you let go of the old idea that success is hard won, you will find life happier and easier. You won't have to put in much effort, because you will be inspired and you will feel nothing but joyful excitement in anticipation of each next step that you have to take.

    4. Break your plans into small parts

    Big plans can be scary at first. The large amount of work that needs to be done seems insurmountable. But by breaking it down into small components, you will avoid collapse, which can happen before you even start working. Take a pen and write down your goal. Then write down what needs to be done to achieve this. These will be subgoals. After that, break the resulting subgoals into parts that will represent tasks that you can freely complete. Each of these tasks is small, and by completing at least one or two points a day, you will steadily move in the right direction.

    5. Don't listen to ill-wishers

    Whenever there are positive people with their dreams, there are others who try to stop them. They may warn you and tell you that you are wasting your time. It's always the same old song. People stop because they don't believe in themselves. You don't need to listen to such people. If a person sincerely believes that his goal is feasible, then he will find the resources to achieve it. There are probably hundreds and thousands of examples of people who have achieved similar goals, no matter what. These are the people you need to listen to.

    6. Find genuine help and support

    On the other hand, it is advisable for you to receive advice and support from strong and confident people. Strive to surround yourself with friends and mentors who believe in the power of positivity. You change into the sum of the people you deal with. So choose those who believe in you and are confident in themselves. Such people will listen to your plans and encourage you. They will always give good advice and say that it is possible. Leaving behind old acquaintances can be difficult, but if you move in a different direction, you will naturally begin to surround yourself with new friends who have the same ideals, goals and self-confidence as you.

    7. Take risks if you feel it is justified and necessary.

    Take risks when you feel it's worth it. It happens that we are not sure what to do. Sometimes you have to take risks to move on. Sometimes you have to leave old life or move to another city. It's important to take risks that are worthwhile and take you in the right direction. Usually something inside a person tells him that it is worth doing. At this moment you think about it, and you are inspired by this thought.

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