How the phases of the moon change over a month. Moon phases (lunar phases)

Our planet is beautiful and amazing; there is no such planet in the entire universe. In its firmament you can observe different luminaries. During the day, the sun shines brightly on the Earth, warming all living things with its rays, and at night we see how Moon shines through the windows of our houses. The moon has always been mysterious; in ancient times, people watched with fear and trepidation as it changed its face. Eclipses caused them even greater horror, when the entire Earth was submerged. for a long time into complete darkness.

The moon itself cannot emit light, it reflects the light of the Sun. Why do people think that the moon is changing? The Moon is a satellite of our planet and revolves around it. We can always see the Moon only from one side, as if it were tied to the Earth with a rope. We can only see the illuminated part of the Moon. For about four weeks, the Moon makes its procession around the Earth. What we observe as a change in the appearance of the Moon or phase is actually a change in the illumination of the Moon as seen from the Earth. Completed in four weeks full cycle changes in the appearance of the Moon. At the beginning of the cycle, the Moon is new and it is in the same direction from us as the Sun.

The side of the Moon, which is turned towards the Earth, is dark and completely lost in the rays of the Sun; in this phase the Moon is not visible in the sky. This lunar phase is called - new moon.

The next phase has a name - the first quarter, and the Moon passes a fourth part of its path, then we see the half-illuminated disk of the Moon.

The third phase of the moon is called full moon, The Moon is on the opposite side of the Sun and we see the entire disk of the Moon illuminated by the sun's rays. The final phase is the last quarter, and the Moon's disk is also half illuminated.

To correctly determine what phase the Moon is in, you need to know one thing interesting rule. If its sickle looks like the bow of the letter “P”, then the Moon is growing. When its arch looks in the opposite direction and resembles the letter “C”, then the Moon is aging. This is very easy to remember and you can always determine whether the young Moon has just begun its journey or the old Moon is completing its cycle.

Sometimes you can observe amazing phenomena in the sky called eclipses.

Scientists call a solar eclipse the phenomenon when the disk of the Moon completely covers the Sun. It is very interesting to observe such a phenomenon, but you need to take a piece of dark glass with you, through which the eclipse will be visible in all its glory.

Another interesting sight in science is called lunar eclipse. This happens when the shadow of the Earth covers the disk of the Moon and instead of the luminous lunar disk one can see a dark circle. If the orbits of the Earth and the Moon coincided, we could observe an eclipse of the Sun at new moon and an eclipse of the Moon at full moon at each revolution. This does not happen because the plane on which the Moon's orbit is located is tilted by five degrees.

That is, the boundary between the illuminated and unilluminated parts of the Moon’s disk moves, which causes a change in the outlines of the visible part of the Moon.

The Moon itself does not glow, and we see it only when it is illuminated by the Sun. Since the Moon is a spherical body, and the positions of our planet and the Sun are constantly changing in space, situations arise when the Moon is partially illuminated from the side, which leads to a characteristic picture resembling a slice of cheese or a sickle - the month.

The curved side of the month always points towards the Sun, even if it is in a completely different part of the sky or hidden behind the horizon.

In phases of the Moon close to the new moon (at the beginning of the first quarter and at the end of the last quarter, with a very narrow main crescent), the unlit part forms the so-called. ashen light of the Moon - the visible glow of a characteristic surface not illuminated by direct sunlight ash color. Ash light is sunlight scattered by the Earth, and then again and reflected by the Moon to Earth (that is, the route of the photon of the Moon’s ashen light: Sun->Earth->Moon->eye of the observer on Earth),

In many, including famous works of art depicting the Moon, as well as in heraldry depicting sickles, astronomical errors are often made in drawing the phases of the Moon, such as:

  • an image of stars inside a ball described around the crescent of the month - which is physically impossible, since in this place there is an unlit part of the Moon, obscuring all the stars located in this direction.
  • drawing the wrong orientation of the month: the “horns” of the sickle are directed towards the horizon, despite the fact that the picture depicts night. Since the illuminated part of the moon is directed towards the sun, the horns can only be directed towards the horizon during the day.
  • Image of the crescent moon with its horns facing the sun.
  • The location of the moon or month in the northern sky. (Which is only possible in the southern hemisphere)
  • Fabricated photographs show mismatches in the phase of the moon in the sky and in reflective surfaces.

Earth-Moon-Sun System

The Moon, on its way around the Earth, is illuminated by the Sun; it itself does not glow. 1. new moon, 3. first quarter, 5. full moon, 7. last quarter.

Consistent changes in the visible moon in the sky

The moon can be seen during the day

The moon goes through the following phases of illumination:

  • new moon - a state when the Moon is not visible (state 1 in the figure)
  • Neomenia is the first appearance of the Moon in the sky after the new moon in the form of a narrow crescent.
  • first quarter - state when half of the moon is illuminated (state 3 in the figure)
  • full moon - a state when the entire Moon is illuminated (state 5 in the figure)
  • last quarter - state when half of the moon is illuminated again (state 7 in the figure)

To distinguish the first quarter from the last, someone in the northern hemisphere can use the following mnemonic rule. If the month looks like the letter “C”, then it is Aging, that is, it is the last quarter. If it is turned in the opposite direction and then, mentally placing a stick on it, you can get the letter “R”, then the month is “Growing”, that is, this is the first quarter.

The waxing month is usually observed in the evening, and the aging month in the morning.

It should be noted that near the equator the month is always visible “lying on its side”, and this method is not suitable for determining the phase, and in the southern hemisphere the phases of the moon occur in the reverse order.


  • lunar calendar with moon waxing phase, setting and lunar eclipse for more than 1200 cities around the world (English)

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    See what “Moon phases” are in other dictionaries:

    - (Phase of the moon) changes in the appearance of the Moon as it moves around the Earth. When the Moon and the Sun are approximately in the same direction from the observation site on Earth, the illuminated part of the lunar disk is not visible from the Earth. This position... ... Marine Dictionary

    MOON PHASES- (applies also to Mercury and Venus). The increase begins shortly before the new moon and continues after it; in the first quarter there is a visible half of the lunar disk; on a full moon, the Earth and Moon are in line with the Sun, and the entire disk of the Moon is visible... Astrological encyclopedia

    Moon phases - Various shapes visible part of the Moon, caused by changes relative position The Earth and the Moon relative to the Sun, distinguish between the new moon, the first quarter, the full moon and the last quarter... Dictionary of Geography

    Consecutive changes during the month in the visible shape of the Moon, depending on its position in relation to the Sun and Earth ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sevastopolsky Avenue in Moscow just after sunset. In the distance you can see the thin crescent of the new moon, which points its curved side to the Sun, which has already disappeared behind the horizon. Through a short time will go below the horizon... Wikipedia

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    Consecutive changes during the month in the visible shape of the Moon, depending on its position in relation to the Sun and Earth. * * * PHASES OF THE MOON PHASES OF THE MOON, successive changes during the month in the visible shape of the Moon, depending on its position along ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

A person lives his entire earthly life in constant contact with such celestial bodies as the Sun and Moon. The first refers to the concept of "star", the second - a planet that is a satellite of the Earth.

And no matter how people wish it, both the Sun and the Moon influence the internal state, physical health and other processes that occur within the Blue Planet.

How to track the cycles and phases of the Moon (by month and day), anticipate favorable days in 2018? Read about this in this article.

Characteristic features of the Moon

The name itself means “light” in translation. It is known that the satellite rotates around the Earth in an orbit that is not round, but oval. The period is approximately 27.3 days (therefore the lunar calendar consists of 29 days).

It is known that the satellite is gradually moving away from the blue planet (by 4 centimeters per year), and therefore represents a consistently unwinding spiral.

The structure of the celestial body consists of a core and three layers of mantle. The outer surface consists of loose lunar soil - regolith. It has low reflectivity. In color, the Moon seems almost monochromatic, yellowish, with barely visible spots.

But there are periods when it takes on an ashy hue.

Significance for planet Earth

Thanks to the Moon, people were able to learn to determine new week or the beginning of a new month (as well as using the Sun to celebrate the new year).

Each of these indicators forms the basis lunar calendar, which is compiled to understand the movement of celestial bodies. For example, moon phases by month in 2018.

The influence of the Earth's satellite on the life and health (mental and physical) of a person has long been noticed by observant people.

About the phases of the moon

People from Earth can only see the part of the Moon's surface illuminated by the Sun, which revolves around the Blue Planet. There are days when its thin curved stripe is visible - a “sickle” (new moon), and there is a bright circle (full moon).

It is this sequential change in the visible parts of the surface of the Moon that is called the cycle of lunar phases. There are four of them (main) and the same number of intermediate states - depending on the location of the satellite from the Earth.

The lunar calendar consists of 29 days. And the Earth’s satellite goes through each phase in 7 days (that’s why there are the same number of days in a week!).

The phases have their own name, and each of them is characterized by its own characteristics, which are also manifested in the states of people and the implementation of life processes:

  1. New moon.
  2. First lunar phase.
  3. First quarter - second phase.
  4. Full moon.
  5. Third phase.
  6. Waning moon.
  7. Fourth phase.
  8. Old Moon.

Description of each phase

  • It is typical for the new moon that the celestial body itself is not yet visible, but some people’s health deteriorates somewhat on such days, and apathy and irritability may be felt. During this period, it is not recommended to start new and important things.
  • The first lunar phase is characterized by the fact that it is already visible and is visible from the Earth as a “sickle”. This period is favorable for new projects (in the field of business, creativity, sports), as well as doing household chores.
  • The second phase allows you to already see half of the Moon, but for a person this period is fraught with the possibility of getting sick or overtired.
  • During the full moon, the Earth's satellite reflects sunlight most brightly and already looks like a luminous circle. People feel a surge of energy (including emotional energy), a readiness to complete complex tasks, and accomplish many things with ease.
  • In the third phase, the Moon again decreases in size and declines. If a person has previously accumulated a sufficient amount of positive energy, then during this period he will feel normal.
  • During the waning Moon, it is recommended to devote time to your health and appearance.
  • When the fourth lunar phase begins, a thin “sickle” is again visible from the Earth. The time is right for thinking about life, putting things in order not only inner world, but also external (cleaning, getting rid of trash, and so on).
  • When the Moon becomes old, a person may feel a decline in energy in himself, which is accompanied by apathy, sensitivity to the words and actions of other people.

Other phenomena involving the Moon

A supermoon occurs when the Moon approaches Earth at minimum distance and looks brighter and larger. This phenomenon occurs during the new moon and full moon.

Eclipse is unusual phenomenon, during which the Moon appears in the cone of shadow cast by the Blue Planet. And if the satellite is completely placed in this shadow, the eclipse is called total, if only part of it is called partial.

These phenomena will also occur in 2018: 2 supermoons and the same number lunar eclipses.

Calendar for 2018

Since there are four main lunar phases, the calendar is built according to the days and times of the beginning of each of them: new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon.

In 2018, the phases of the moon by day are as follows.

In January:

  • 1st - waxing Moon;
  • full moon - 2nd;
  • waning moon - January 3-16;
  • the new moon will be on January 17;
  • waxing moon - January 18-30;
  • full moon - January 31st.

Also on January 2, at 5.24, there is a supermoon, and on January 31, 2018, at 13.51, there is a lunar eclipse.

In February:

  • waning moon - February 1-15;
  • new moon - 16th;
  • waxing moon - February 17-28.
  • 1st - waxing Moon;
  • full moon - 2nd;
  • waning moon - March 3-16;
  • new moon - March 17;
  • waxing moon - March 18-30;
  • full moon - March 31st.

In April:

  • waning moon - April 1-15;
  • new moon - 16th;
  • waxing moon - April 17-29;
  • full moon - April 30.
  • waning moon - May 1-14;
  • new moon - 15th;
  • waxing moon - May 16-28;
  • full moon - May 29;
  • waning moon - May 30-31.
  • waning moon - June 1-12;
  • new moon - 13th;
  • waxing moon - June 14-27;
  • the full moon will be on June 28;
  • waning moon - June 29-30.
  • waning moon - July 1-12;
  • the new moon will be on the 13th;
  • waxing moon - July 14-26;
  • the full moon will be on July 27;
  • waning moon - July 28-31.

Also on July 13, 2018, at 5.47, there is a supermoon, and on the 27th, at 23.22, there is a lunar eclipse.

In August:

  • waning moon - August 1-10;
  • new moon - 11th;
  • waxing moon - August 12-25;
  • the full moon will be on the 26th;
  • waning moon - August 27-31.

In September:

  • waning moon - September 1-8;
  • new moon - 9th;
  • waxing moon - September 10-24;
  • full moon - 25th;
  • waning moon - September 26-30.

In October:

  • waning moon - October 1-8;
  • new moon - 9th;
  • waxing moon - October 10-23;
  • full moon - 24th;
  • waning moon - from the 25th to the 31st.

In November:

  • waning moon - November 1-6;
  • new moon - 7th;
  • waxing moon - November 8-22;
  • full moon - 23rd;
  • waning moon - November 24-30.


  • waning moon - December 1-6;
  • new moon - 7th;
  • waxing moon - December 8-21;
  • full moon - 22nd;
  • waning moon - December 23-31.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar

Everyone has good and bad days. First of all, this is again due to the phases of the satellite.

For example, the first quarter after the new moon is considered a favorable phase of the Moon. These days it is recommended to start new projects, establish relationships with people, and so on. Most of all, you feel full of energy and good concentration.

Also successful are periods when an aspect of 60 and 120 degrees is created between the celestial bodies - the Moon and the Sun.

All this information can be clarified in the sections on the phases of the moon by month for the year.

If we observe the Moon for a month, we will notice that it gradually changes its appearance from a full disk to a narrow crescent and then, after 2–3 days, when it is invisible, in the reverse order - from a crescent to a full disk. Moreover, the shape, or phases, of the Moon changes from month to month strictly periodically. They also change their appearance the planets Mercury and Venus, but only for a longer period of time. The phase change occurs due to periodic changes in lighting conditions named celestial bodies in relation to the observer. Illumination depends on the relative position of the Sun, the Earth and each of the bodies in question.

Phases of the Moon and its appearance for an earthly observer.

When the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth on the straight line connecting these two luminaries, in this position the unlit part of the lunar surface faces the Earth, and we do not see it. This phase is the new moon. 1–2 days after the new moon, the Moon moves away from the straight line connecting the centers of the Sun and the Earth, and from the Earth we can see a narrow lunar crescent, convexly facing the Sun.

During a new moon, the part of the Moon that is not illuminated by direct sunlight is still slightly visible against the dark background of the sky. This glow was called the ashen light of the Moon. Leonardo da Vinci was the first to correctly explain the reason for this phenomenon: the ashen light arises due to sun rays, reflected from the Earth, which at this time is facing the Moon for the most part its sunlit hemisphere.

A week after the new moon, the terminator - the boundary between the illuminated by the Sun and the dark part of the lunar disk - takes on the appearance of a straight line for an earthly observer. The illuminated part of the Moon is exactly half of the visible disk; this phase of the moon is called the first quarter. Since at those points of the Moon that are located on the terminator, a lunar day subsequently begins, the terminator during this period of time is called morning.

Two weeks after the new moon, the Moon is again on the line connecting the Sun and the Earth, but this time not between them, but on the other side of the Earth. The full moon occurs when we see the full disk of the Moon illuminated. The two phases of the Moon - new moon and full moon - are collectively called syzygies. During syzygies, eclipses of the Sun and Moon, as well as some other phenomena, can occur. So, for example, it is during the period of syzygy that they reach their greatest value. sea ​​tides(see Ebbs and flows).

After the full moon, the illuminated part of the Moon begins to decrease, and the evening terminator is visible from the Earth, i.e., the border of the region of the Moon where night falls. Three weeks after the new moon, we again see exactly half of the moon's disk illuminated. The observed phase is the last quarter. The visible crescent of the Moon becomes narrower day by day, and, having gone through a full cycle of changes, the Moon is completely out of sight by the time of the new moon. The full period of phase change - the synodic month - is 29.53 days.

From the new moon to the full moon the Moon is called young or growing, after the full moon it is called old. You can very easily distinguish the crescent of the growing Moon from the waning crescent of the old Moon. If (in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth) the shape of a sickle resembles the letter C, then the Moon is old. If, by mentally drawing a stick, you can turn the lunar crescent into the letter P, then this is a growing Moon.

The planets Mercury and Venus are also observed in different phases, which are clearly visible through a telescope. People with exceptionally sharp eyesight can observe the phases of Venus even with the naked eye. Through a telescope you can clearly see how the appearance of the crescent of Venus changes. After the invention of the telescope, the observation of this particular phenomenon served as proof that all planets are spherical and visible due to reflected sunlight.

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