How to write a memo to receive a computer. On failure to provide or transfer documents

A memo is a model of document circulation within an organization, which makes it possible to effectively respond to all kinds of circumstances.

Purposes and types of official document

An official letter is intended to notify a certain official about existing difficulties or to make any proposals regarding production issues.

In addition, the official document is a kind of confirmation that the staff is not just doing their job, but also sees existing problems, which are subsequently highlighted in this note. At the same time, the employee who wrote memo to the manager about the presence of any violations, completely declines responsibility for resolving this issue.

Service notes are divided into:

  • those that indicate certain factors of the act or phenomenon that occurred negative character. To such production notes include explanatory notes, reports, acts on identified violations and complaints;
  • those that are additional explanations to the main documents. These could be notes on the write-off or purchase of materials, on the allocation of financial assistance, on promotion, on bonuses, and the like.

In turn, an official census can be carried out both between subordinates and the employer (internal), and between the heads of structural units and the main manager of the enterprise (external). Externally, production documents are intended to be provided outside the organization; the recipient of this type of note is senior management.

Information and form of internal business paper

The content of official documents usually covers production, material, economic issues, as well as issues of bonuses, promotions or demotions. Thus, an employee of any department can make a written request to provide him with certain material or financial resources, both for industrial and personal use. In addition, the content of such a document may cover a complaint against a specific employee or immediate supervisor.

As for rewarding employees, the direct employer writes a memo in the form of a petition addressed to his superior manager. Where he highlights the merits of the subordinate, and makes suggestions on methods of bonuses.

An internal letter to the head of the organization from subordinates is drawn up handwritten in free form. However, to write this type of document, you can use computer or printing technology.

Competent document writing

Although this act does not have a template established at the legislative level, it must necessarily contain the following information:

  • to whom this application is addressed (position, surname and initials of the addressee) is indicated in the upper right corner of the document; note number and registration date;
  • the title of the letter being composed;
  • the introductory part usually reflects the time, date and time of the incident;
  • the main part, sets out the detailed essence of the event;
  • the final part includes the proposals of the compiler, which he asks the head of the enterprise to implement;
  • Under the text is the date the document was written, the position or profession of the compiler, and his surname and initials.

As for external letters, they must have similar content and be drawn up on the institution’s letterhead, preferably in print, using computer technology.

Many enterprises have a ready-made memo template developed and approved by management. Thanks to which, it will be much easier and more competent for workers to draw up such a documentary act.

In internal and external letters, information should be presented briefly and clearly, without unnecessary fluff. This saves time for the person preparing the document and the person to whom it is addressed. And also a clear presentation of proposals contributes to the fastest response from the manager.

Generating production letters electronically

Many enterprises allow the preparation of official memos using a computer, which allows you to create an electronic form of the document. This design method, each structural subdivision chooses independently, and prescribes this in certain documents provided for by law. Thus, the electronic version greatly simplifies the preparation of the document and its sending, which significantly reduces the time for reviewing the note and taking response measures.

The electronic method of composing a service letter is not very different from the handwritten version, but still has the following differences:

  • in the electronic document there is no need to indicate to whom it is sent, since such information is already written in the address bar;
  • the originator’s signature in the electronic note is placed automatically (pre-prepared scanned signature);
  • The sender receives a notification from the recipient via email that he has received the letter and has read it. This service is a confirmation of sending the note.

One of the main advantages of creating an electronic note is the already existing template. Which can be used in subsequent preparations of similar documents. This advantage is enjoyed by the services of the enterprise or their individual workers, who, due to their type of activity, must often draw up memos.

Compilation aspects

When drawing up memos, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances, which apply depending on their type and purpose:

Compliance with the above nuances will allow even an inexperienced employee to draw up a competent and understandable memo for the manager.

Significance of the document

Official documents help to avoid direct conflict situations between employees of a certain enterprise, which has a positive effect on its work. They also play a significant role in accounting and tax reporting, Where financial difficulties require certain attention and compliance with various nuances.

Among other things, official letters are effective in combating offenders in the organization. In addition, writing complaint documents to the employer allows you to resolve the issue without disputes and assault. Since official complaints can be written anonymously, or simply the name of the originator, at his request, will not be announced by the manager.

Therefore, such a document serves as a multifunctional tool, thanks to which most organizational issues can be resolved in a fairly short period of time.

In contact with

A memo, being one of the main forms of official communication and communication, plays an important role in the work of any organization. It is necessary to understand in more detail the issues of what this document is, what a sample memo should look like, and how to write it correctly (using a specific example).

For what purposes is this type of document needed?

A memo is a type of memorandum. This is an information and reference type document necessary for information exchange and interaction within the organization between departments and structural units of the same management level (at the horizontal level). That is, if you contact a manager or specialist of another department, then a memo will be drawn up, and if the appeal is to a higher-level manager, then a memo will be used. The only difference between them is this.

The document is drawn up in written or electronic form in the event that an oral statement is not enough to resolve any issue or problem, when the appeal needs to be documented.
For specialists and staff, timely written memos can be beneficial in the sense that they will prove the efforts of a particular specialist in resolving a particular problem.

A memo is used purely for internal communication. business organization and is necessary if the solution to a specific issue depends on an employee (head) of another department.

For example, the following documents are prepared for:

  • notices or announcements of any news;
  • as a cover note for the main message;
  • request for information;
  • issuing instructions various types, and other.

The text presents various information, requests, applications, and proposals in a sufficiently concise and understandable form.

Traditionally, documents are drawn up in written form on A4 paper, however, with the development of electronic document management in companies, official memos are increasingly filled out electronically on a computer. This has its advantages, for example, the ability to consider a particular issue promptly and without delay.

Attention! The document can be written in any form, since the laws of Russia do not provide for any mandatory requirements for its preparation or execution.

Certain specifics can be enshrined in the rules of office work specific organization, but in any case, such papers are compiled according to approximately the same type.

Rules for writing a memo

The “unwritten” rules for drawing up a document of this type recommend adhering to the following plan.

  1. At the top of the sheet, in the “header” of the document, you must indicate dative case addressee to whom the note was sent: position; Name of the organization; FULL NAME.
  2. Below, in the middle, the name “Official Memo” is written, indicating its number and date of compilation.
  3. Next, the text itself is written, an information message. The text can also begin with a heading about the subject of the note. The compiler quite succinctly describes the situation, at the end he gives a request and actions that need to be performed.
  4. Below is the position of the compiler, full name, signature with transcript.

The document is signed by the employee who compiled it; if the head of the department must sign the note, then the employee’s signature will be in the lower left corner (in the place for the executor).

In some situations, with the participation of interested parties, their visas are indicated in the note: last name, first and patronymic initials, date and signature with transcript.

If we talk about the memo in in electronic format, then it is compiled almost the same. The only difference is that in electronic documents there is no need to fill out the “header”, that is, indicate the addressee. With electronic document management, the entire organization is connected into one network, and it is simply enough to select the desired person in the “Subject” line. Also a signature: it is not necessary to put it, because in the document flow system the signature is initially assigned to a specific person.

For electronic documents, it is useful to create a specific folder on your hard drive in which all notes will be placed under their serial numbers.

Example of document preparation

To show clearly how to write memos correctly, we give the following example.

To the Director of OJSC "Drevo"
Filippova I.G.
head of production department
fruit and vegetable products
Tretyakova S.B.

Service memo
22.07.2016 №33

Workers Zholin S.L. and Kotorsky E.R. for 2 (two) months conscientiously fulfill their job responsibilities and exceed the work norm. On this basis, I ask you to provide bonuses to S.L. Zholin’s employees. and Kotorsky E.R. with a cash prize. I am attaching detailed information about the amount of work performed by these employees.

Head of Production Department
fruit and vegetable products
Tretyakov S.B.

In conclusion, it should be said that documents of this type are in a great way official communication, notifying your colleagues within the organization. Every employee needs to remember that a timely and documented note can not only increase work efficiency and establish you well in the eyes of your superiors, but also prevent possible difficulties and resolve any problems and misunderstandings.

Creating a memo: video

Every office needs office supplies to operate. The person in charge prepares a monthly or quarterly application for their purchase, having ascertained the needs of the employees. An application for the purchase of stationery, the sample of which is not approved at the legislative level, can be drawn up arbitrarily.

What applies to office supplies: list

Stationery supplies are divided into two types:

In 1993, Goskomstat Resolution No. 17 approved a specific list of office supplies. In 2014, an all-Russian classification of products by type was adopted economic activity OKPD 2, containing individual items of stationery in different sections.

Types of requests for stationery

A sample application for stationery may have different types, depending on the request form:

  • external;
  • internal.

When it becomes necessary to make an external request from a supplier, the first type of request is drawn up. Usually, in such cases, the form of the document can be found in the annexes of the contract concluded with the supplier.

Internal requests can also be of two types:

  • for the purchase of office supplies;
  • issuance of office supplies from the warehouse.

If the required products are not in stock, a memo is drawn up asking for permission to purchase the necessary office supplies. As an appendix, a spreadsheet with a list of necessary accessories is attached to it.

How to make an internal request for office supplies - sample

The person in charge determines the needs of employees for office supplies. If necessary, an audit is carried out. After this, based on the collected information about the department, an application is drawn up. It means a document that includes a written appeal from the responsible person to the head of the supply department.

Typically, the requirements for a request are:

  • Depending on the organization’s policy, the form can be filled out freely or on company letterhead.
  • The list of office supplies must be drawn up in the form of a table with a header and the main part. The main part of the table contains the name of the accessory, quantity and unit of measurement. If necessary, you can add an article.
  • The details of the head of the department who needs the office and the full name of whom the appeal is being made must be written down.

Some organizations require that the request be made in the form of a memo. At their core, an application and a memo are two different documents that serve one informative function. However, sometimes they are drawn up in the form of a single document, or an appendix with a list of the necessary office supplies is attached to the memo.

Internal memo for stationery for purchase: rules for drawing up

An official memo for stationery, a sample of which is also not officially documented, can be drawn up in free form. However, it must contain mandatory information:

  • In the upper right corner is written the position and full name in whose name the document is written.
  • Who is the note from?
  • Document's name.
  • The purpose of the document. For example, “for the purchase of materials.”
  • Date of registration and registration number.
  • The main part of the document contains a request.
  • Date of.
  • Visa and decryption of the responsible person.

It is allowed to include a table with the necessary office supplies in the memo, or issue it as a separate appendix.

Service memo for stationery, sample for purchase:

What a request for stationery might look like: an example for receiving from a warehouse

An application for the release of office supplies from a warehouse is a spreadsheet document. It must contain the name of the necessary things and their quantity. Typically, applications are typed using a computer and output as a document.

Application example:

Since the law does not establish a specific form for this document, it can be approved by the organization individually.

The sample application for stationery depends on who it is being submitted to. If you are making a request for delivery from a supplier, then the form must be taken from the contract appendix. In all other cases, organizations independently approve the form of such documentation.

Service memo is an information and reference document that is used as an internal tool business correspondence. Service memo is compiled in relation to a specific department of the enterprise or an individual employee when other departments and structural units are forced to get involved in solving the problem. Internal memos, unlike memos, are a way of communication between departments and employees who are equal in official status, but do not report directly to each other.

How to write a memo

Service memo, as a rule, is drawn up in any form, but must contain the following details:

  • the title of the document, that is, “Memo”;
  • addressee indicating full name and position in the dative case;
  • the title before the text of the note is the topic of the memo;
  • the actual text of the memo, which describes the current situation and suggests options for solving the problem or expresses a request;
  • position of the author of the memo with full name and signature;
  • date of document preparation and its number.

Sample memo for purchasing a computer

Service memo
05.10.2013 № 2

About computer repair (replacement)

I would like to bring to your attention that since September 20, 2013, software failures often occur on the personal computer assigned to sales manager Larisa Ivanovna Korovko.

In this regard, I request that this computer be repaired or replaced.

Sample memo on the issuance of products

2013-09-20-CN dated 09/20/2013

About the issuance of products

I ask you to coordinate the holding of the campaign for the Voditsa TM.

Purpose of the action:

  • increase in retail sales of Voditsa TM juices;
  • increase in numerical and quality distribution.

Promotion period: October-November 2013

Region: Alexandrovsk, Cheryomushki

Participants of the action: sellers of retail outlets

Promotion mechanism: when ordering point of sale 5 liters of juice TM “Voditsa” is provided as a gift 1 liter of juice TM “Voditsa”.

Prize fund distribution:
Aleksandrovsk - 400 packages (1 l each)
Cheryomushki - 60 packs (1 l each)
Efficiency: planned sales increase of 30-40%.
The remainder of unused products will be returned to the warehouse.

The memo is drawn up on an A4 sheet if the organization does not maintain electronic document management.

To solve various production and organizational issues there is internal official correspondence. In the process of maintaining documentation, various memos are compiled.

These can also be reports, orders, etc. In most cases, these internal documents are very similar in nature of writing, only depending on the final purpose and reason for writing they have a different organizational and legal nature.

If the memo has a specific purpose or records the expenditure of financial resources, then it must be attached before the general financial statements(based on a specific fact, accounting records and performs income and expense transactions).

Office memos of various types help to quickly resolve various current issues and are a supporting document of specific facts.

Depending on its type and nature of writing, official memos must be stored for a certain number of years (the terms can be from 1 year, 3, 5 years, or they can be stored permanently).

Requirements for preparing a memo

According to the legislative framework (GOST 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems” Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation”) the memo must have:

  1. indication to whom the document is directed ( executive, structural unit or specific organization);
  2. name of the addressee (specifically to whom the document is sent);
  3. title of the document (in this case, “Official Memo” is indicated);
  4. service note registration number;
  5. date of writing;
  6. title to the text (example: “On the purchase of stationery for the department”, “On disciplinary action”, etc.);
  7. the text itself;
  8. date and signature of who compiled the memo (the position must be indicated);

When writing a memo, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • correct indication of all details;
  • strictly adhere to the official writing style;
  • draw up the document in the correct sequence;

Who can write a memo

The memo can be drawn up by both ordinary workers and the management of the organization. This is a document that regulates connection of objects with horizontal control.

Electronic document management

The main goals of writing memos are to solve current organizational problems associated with economic management, material and technical base, information support, disciplinary action etc.

Often, leading organizations use an electronic document management system to record various data and facts: programmers develop a special program, the organization’s work is registered using a login and password (these are provided by the HR department) and, by going to a certain section of the document management program, the employee selects the “Internal Note” section and already fills in the missing fields.

The ease of use of electronic document management has been appreciated by many companies because:

  • the document number (its card) is automatically assigned;
  • all documents are stored in an electronic archive (mainly by year);
  • to search for a specific document, it is enough to know a minimum set of information;
  • savings on paper and storage rental, etc.;

But many organizations still use paper media when writing memos.

In the HR department there are often already ready-made examples memos for various purposes and the employee only needs to contact the responsible personnel officer and indicate the reason for writing his memo.

Procedure for considering a memo

After writing a memo, it is registered by the responsible employees, then goes to the responsible persons for consideration (who note the fact that they have read it and put the appropriate notes) and after all this it is sent to the addressee. The addressee has already put his resolution (“Agreed”, “Rejected”, “Considered”, “Completed”, etc. Depending on the purpose of writing the memo and the final result of the action after the request by the company employee).

Strict requirements from legislative framework no to writing memos, but you still need to indicate all points correctly (according to general requirements document flow).

Example of writing a memo

To the Director of Rostock LLC
Samelyuk Anatoly Petrovich
Sales Manager at Rostok LLC
Kuznetsova Oksana Ivanovna
(you can indicate passport data, residential or work address, employee personnel number, which is assigned upon hiring)
dated December 25, 2014
No. 31 dated December 25, 2014 (registration number)

Service memo

In connection with the extension of the business trip to Moscow, according to document No. 27 dated December 15, 2014: the duration of the business trip was supposed to be from December 17, 2014 to December 20, 2014, but the actual duration of the business trip: from December 17, 2014 to December 23, 2014 year, in connection with the solution of relevant organizational issues. A report on the work done was provided to the head of the sales department of Rostock LLC, Nikolai Nikolaevich Kramar.
Departure and arrival tickets are included. I ask you to allocate the appropriate amount of travel allowance - in the amount of 10 thousand rubles.

Sales Manager at Rostok LLC
Kuznetsova O.I. (and personal signature).

If the memo occupies several A4 sheets, then each of them is numbered.


When drawing up a memo on paper, you must adhere to the following indents:

  • left indent (margin) - from 2.5 to 3.5 cm (place of document filing);
  • right indent - from 1.25 to 2.5 cm;
  • upper indentation - at least 2 cm;
  • bottom indent - at least 2 cm;

If we consider general principles writing a memo, then this document is of an exclusively auxiliary nature, specific information and thereby initiates a certain management decision.

Noskova Elena

I have been in the accounting profession for 15 years. She worked as a chief accountant in a group of companies. I have experience in passing inspections and obtaining loans. Familiar with the fields of production, trade, services, construction.

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