How to draw the lion king 2. Draw Nala from the cartoon “The Lion King”

Good afternoon, today we are drawing Nala from the cartoon “The Lion King”. After all, there is no such person who would not watch the cartoon “The Lion King”, and few people were left indifferent by this film.

Of course, this is a classic of world animation, and you begin to treat the cartoon characters not as drawn characters, but as living artists, so clearly the authors awarded their heroes with bright characters and behavior unique to them. And the main character, the lion cub Nala, turned out to be such a bright character that many wanted to learn how to draw him. Due to numerous requests, we have prepared this lesson and from the cartoon "The Lion King". Let's get started.

Step 1
First, let's draw three circles for Nala's body and head. Then add the lines of the muzzle and the line of the neck.

Step 2
Now let's draw the nose, lips and chin.

Step 4
Pre-drawn auxiliary lines will help us draw the eyes. We will also draw the details of the ears and nose.

Step 5
Now that Nala's face is ready, we can move on to drawing the neck, chest and draw the lines of the front legs.

Step 6
Let's continue the line of the back and tail. Next, draw the front paws with rounded toes. Let's draw a line for the abdomen.

Draw the line of the back, paws, stomach

Step 7
Now let's draw hind legs and tail. The tail ends with a tassel.

Step 8
Let's erase the auxiliary lines that we drew on initial stage. Let's draw several lines to complete the drawing on the neck, chest, stomach and paws.

Step 9
Our Nala should look something like this. All that remains is to add color to the drawing and the lesson is finished!

Released on June 15, 1994, Disney's animated film The Lion King instantly won the hearts of millions of fans. The simple-minded and imperturbable lion cub Simba has become one of the favorite characters of several generations of children. His kind, smiling face evokes affection, and the beauty of the already grown Simba captivates with its greatness. Having touched the difficult life in the African savannah, you will probably want to know from The Lion King.

Preparatory stage of work

At first glance, it may seem very difficult to depict such a majestic animal, but in fact, if you proceed step by step, it will not be difficult. To work on creating your own lion, you need to prepare a white sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser. Pencils may also be required different colors, or paints. If everything is ready, then you can start studying the one from The Lion King.

  • Let's decide on the location of our hero - we agree that he will be an adult, mature lion, who proudly inspects his possessions from the Rock of Glory. Such a colorful character should be in the very center of the sheet.
  • With a large circle we denote the location of the chest, a small circle that touches the large one from above is the future head, and for the body we will draw a quadrangle, as in the illustration.

Let's start drawing a lion

From a circle denoting the head and part of a large circle we will form the upper part of the lion’s body. Let's look at how to draw step by step. The Lion King must look around his territory with a stern gaze, so let’s pay special attention to his eyes.

Animal body decoration

The continuation of the description of how to draw the Lion King will consist of designing the body of the majestic animal. To create it, use quadrangles to mark the location of the lion’s paws. The upper figures are the future hips, the lower ones are the paws themselves.

We connect them with curved lines and move the pencil further, drawing a shoulder on the front limb and a hip on the back. Let's draw the tips of our lion's paws.

As in the illustration below, let's add two more paws to the Lion King.

Already the picture begins to resemble a majestic lion. There is very little left until the end of the work.

The last stage of work

At the final stage of describing how to draw a lion from The Lion King, we will tell you how to draw small but very significant details.

All that remains is to remove with an eraser all the lines that we drew at the preparatory stage of work. If you want to create a character that looks more like a real lion, then, of course, you need to decorate it. Crayons or paints will help you with this. Simba's body is sand-colored, his mane is brown, with glimpses of golden strands. The tassel on the tail is the same color.

To complete the picture, you can draw an African savannah around - green plains with lonely trees, the Rock of Glory, from which it is very convenient for the lion to survey the surroundings of his possessions.

Now you know how to draw a lion from The Lion King, and you can safely begin to create your own plot from the life of the African savannah.

For children

Drawing a lion step by step

Drawing the king of beasts is quite difficult, especially if you want to portray it believably. When depicting this mammal, start from the fact that it is very similar to a cat. And the details for a realistic image of the muzzle can be seen in the photos, of which there are a lot on the Internet. We offer a step-by-step explanation.

Stage 1
You need to make a sketch. To maintain proportions, draw 2 circles. The smaller one is the pelvis, the second is the chest. Slightly above the large circle, draw an oval, which will later become the head. Now carefully connect the oval and circles, creating the outline of the body. Sketch out the front and hind legs and tail. Divide the head into 4 parts and draw the ear, as shown in the example.

Stage 2
Pay special attention to the face. Draw an eye, a nose, divide the oval of the mouth into 2 parts. Draw whiskers like a house cat. Outline the outline of the head, and with light strokes create the appearance of short hair.

Stage 3
Draw the shaggy mane and ear. Don't press too hard on the pencil, these are still sketches.

Stage 4
Outline the hind and front legs. Try to convey their shape as accurately as possible. Look at the pictures below.

Stage 5
Outline the silhouette of the predator with a thick pencil. Don't forget the tasseled ponytail! Erase all extra lines.

Stage 6
Shade your predator using chiaroscuro. For greater realism, draw a shadow falling on a horizontal surface. This is how it turned out to be true!

How to draw a lion with a pencil

Here is another example of depicting the king of beasts in pencil. This time he is depicted from a different angle and with a grin.

First of all, make a sketch using the same principle: an oval and 2 circles that form the body, broken lines- paws, and the curved one is the tail. Draw the ears. This time the head should be divided into 6 uneven parts, since the predator’s mouth will be open. Look at the sample.

The most difficult thing is to convey all the details of the muzzle as accurately as possible. Do everything carefully and do not put pressure on the pencil. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time. Take a non-greasy pencil and draw the eyes, then the nose, and then the grin itself.

Outline the lush mane. Then, using a non-greasy pencil, draw the forelimbs, draw a detail such as claws. This will give more realism to your drawing.

Draw the hind legs and tail. Delete the auxiliary lines.

Using a pencil of different hardness, strokes of different lengths and different directions sketch the whole lion. Convey the shadow on the bottom plane.

Example for Beginners

For beginning artists, we offer the following step-by-step instructions.
Outline the shape of the head with sharp nose. Draw the eyes, brow ridges, mouth and ear. Then create a voluminous mane.

Make the outlines of the body and paws, which are located in the foreground.

Now the tail and paws are in the background. The Predator is ready!

How to draw a lion for a child

Tell your child about the king of beasts, and then invite him to portray him. In this case, there is no need to adhere to proportions or achieve realism.

Draw a circle. Inside are 2 large eyes, a nose and a mouth.

Draw the mane using zigzag lines. Then the torso and paws. Don't forget the tasseled ponytail!

Invite your child to color the picture. Easy, fast and colorful!

Lion head

As stated earlier, describing the head of our wild cat is the most difficult process. Therefore, we present to your attention a simpler example.

Outline the head, and sketch out the eyes and nose.

Outline the eyes and nose, erase the excess.

Now draw the ears and build up the mane using zigzag movements.

Drawing Simba from The Lion King

Simba is a cartoon character, a favorite of children and adults. Let's outline it as a lion cub.
First, a sketch in the form of two circles. The upper circle must be divided using two arcs.

Now the outline of the head. Since Simba is still small, he does not have a mane.

Then draw out all the details of the face.

Draw the chest and front legs as shown in the example.

Then the pelvis, hind limbs and tail. Divide the lion cub's body into its back and stomach.

It is better to outline the outline of cartoon characters with a dark pencil. Now color Simba.


Did you know that it is lionesses who get food? Males can only help them if necessary. Let's portray these brave felines!

The main difference between a female and a male is the absence of a luxurious mane. And everything else is drawn according to the same principle, so we do not give detailed explanations.

Lying lion

While the lioness hunts, the male rests. Let's imagine a lying beast.
Outline the head, all the details of the muzzle and ears.

Then shaggy hair.

Our predator stretched its paws forward, look.

Then draw the entire body, hind legs and tail.

This concludes our lesson. Practice and you will definitely succeed. And now, when you are tired, you can lie down as if you were the king of beasts.

Video lessons

Almost all people like the cat family. It is not surprising that every second house has a cat. However, in today's article we will not talk about domestic animals, but about predatory animals that live in wildlife. The lion, or as it is also called, the king of beasts, despite its aggressiveness and hardened character, is an incredibly smart and beautiful cat. That is why his image can often be found on the coats of arms of many countries, back side coins, and even in one of the twelve horoscope signs. Both adults and children love to draw a drawing of a lion in pencil, despite the complexity of drawing and shading. True, to get a vibrant and incredibly beautiful drawing, it is not enough to rely solely on imagination. It requires diligence, time and patience.

Today in the drawing lesson we decided to help our readers with a difficult task by demonstrating several step-by-step master classes, tips and tricks. Below you can see how different the image can be. The pencil drawing of a lion in the photo differs not only in the action and mood of the animal, but also in its character. If in one picture the lion is presented as calm, noble and fair, then the other option is the opposite. On it, the king of all animals is aggressive and defends his territory.

Drawing: how to draw a lion with a pencil step by step? Master class + photo

To make a drawing of a lion in pencil realistic and, one might say, “alive,” you must follow step by step photo instructions shown below. This will prevent you from making a total mistake, turning a muscular and predatory animal into an affectionate domestic cat.

  • Step #1 - sketch

Before drawing the main features of the lion, you need to sketch the body in pencil. To do this, place a white A4 sheet in front of you in a horizontal position, and then visually divide it into 4 equal parts, finding the point of contact of all connecting lines (the middle). This place will become a rough guide for drawing.

By eye or using a compass, draw two circles - one should be slightly smaller, the other larger. This will be the base of the body. Draw an oval () a little higher from the large circle. Once the three figures are ready, connect them together, as shown in the photo below. Complete the design with a tail and ear.

  • Step No. 2 - drawing the lion's face

Take a close look at the second step shown in the photo below, and then start drawing the muzzle.

First draw the nose, then the eyes, mouth, chin and mustache.

  • Step #3 - ear and mane

Draw the ear and shaggy mane. When sketching, do not press too hard on the pencil lead. The strokes should lie softly on the paper - this will prevent spoiling the drawing, even if an error occurs.

  • Step #4 - paws

The next step is drawing the front and hind legs. There is nothing complicated here.

  • Step #5 - Completing the Sketch

Complete the ponytail by drawing one side and a tassel. Outline the silhouette of the predator with a pencil and erase all unnecessary lines.

  • Step No. 6 - strokes

Apply strokes as if you were applying a shadow. The main part of the body is lighter, the curves and tail are dark, the muzzle and mane are darkened.

Pencil drawing of an angry lion, how to draw? Master class + photo

Another difficult drawing of a lion in pencil... however, unlike the first master class, the animal drawn below is more aggressive, with a threatening grin. It’s difficult to portray, but it’s still possible.

  • Step #1 - sketch

As in the previous drawing, first we draw the body and head of the lion. To do this, two circles and an oval are used. After that, we finish drawing the ears, the base of the front and hind legs, and the outline of the tail. Everything should look exactly like the image below.

  • Step No. 2 - muzzle and grin

It is very difficult to convey the ferocious and heartbreaking appearance of a formidable animal. It is important to draw every detail of the predator's face. Therefore, in order not to get confused in the step-by-step process, we suggest you start with the top part: ears, eyes and nose, and only then proceed to the mouth, large teeth, nasal folds, mustache and fur.

  • Step #3 - mane and front paws

After the face is ready, draw out the mane and front paws in the lion drawing using a pencil. Don't forget about the sharp claws protruding from the pads of its powerful paws.

  • Step #4 - Hind Legs and Tail

Draw the remaining parts of the lion.

  • Step #5 - completion

Outline the resulting lion and erase unnecessary lines. Color the finished image using a simple pencil, applying strokes of varying softness.

Pencil drawing of a lion for beginners

The master class for beginning artists is quite elementary, since it is not necessary to apply strokes or draw a muzzle, mustache and mane. All you have to do is draw the muzzle, the outline of the body, paws and tail - that's all!

Shown below step-by-step master class, which can be understood even without words. The main thing is to arm yourself in advance with a washing eraser, a sharpener and a pencil.

How to draw a lion with a pencil? Instructions for the child

Even a child can portray a lion game form. To do this, just tell your child a fairy tale about the great and incredibly powerful king of animals, and then ask him to draw the animal on a piece of paper. You can also use the drawing technique. Below is an elementary master class that allows you to develop the creativity and motor skills of a child’s hands.

The final touch is coloring with colored pencils.

Pencil drawing of a lion's head

For those who want to learn how to draw a lion's head separately, we suggest watching a master class demonstrating the simplicity of drawing a lion's muzzle. Eyes, nose, mouth, ears and mane are the basis of a drawing that is not simple at first glance.

Pencil drawing of Simba from The Lion King

If your child is crazy about Disney's The Lion King, invite him to draw his favorite character on a scrapbook page. Unlike Mufasa and Scar, draw Simba with a simple pencil using step by step instructions won't be difficult. A wild kitten does not require detailed drawing and shading. One sketch is enough to create an artistic masterpiece.

Now we will draw a little yawning Simba from the movie “The Lion King”.

Step 1. Using thin lines, draw a circle and curves, after which we draw the outline of little Simba’s head. Take a eraser and erase the circle.

Step 2. Draw Simba’s nose, it looks like a heart and closed eyes.

Step 3. Draw the open, stretched mouth of little Simba. Erase the straight guides.

Step 4. Draw the tongue, ear and bristles on the beard. On the beard we then erase unnecessary lines with an eraser.

Step 5. First we draw part of the back of the yawning Simba, then the belly and hind leg.

Step 6. Draw the front legs and part of the back leg.

Step 7. Detailing Simba's paws. Click on the next picture, there is a larger version of the paws. We erase unnecessary lines under Simba’s fingers.

Step 8. Draw the tail, add lines on the belly and paws that separate the color of little Simba. We finish drawing the fur on the chest and hind leg. We make a few lines on Simba's face.

Step 9. Draw the contours, erase unnecessary lines.

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