What is the partition called? Various types of internal partitions

A partition is a wall that divides the space of a room into separate rooms. Interior partitions play huge role in the field of home and apartment improvement. Thanks to rapidly developing technologies, a lot of constructive solutions for experimenting with the interior. Today there are various types of partitions, for the construction of which a variety of materials are used.

Partitions in the interior and various screens perform not only a practical (room zoning) function, but also an aesthetic one.

Before deciding on the type, you need to clarify for yourself what function the partition will perform. If you need to divide space for a long time, it is better to use a durable load-bearing structure. In all other cases, you can use dismountable or movable partitions.

Important! The construction of partitions is an essential stage of redevelopment. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to obtain mandatory approval.

Types of interior partitions: advantages and disadvantages

Space zoning can be done using all kinds of transformable partitions. They can be:

  • sliding;
  • folding soft;
  • rigid casement;
  • recoil.

Their advantage is that they can be installed anywhere. They are very often used to differentiate the dining room and kitchen, hallway and living room, bedroom and dressing room.

Types of screens: 1 -4.

When creating a modern interior, screens are very often used, which not only zone the room, but also give it an attractive look. This type of partition is the cheapest.

The strongest partition is considered to be a stationary one, which is a wall that isolates a room from other rooms. A variety of materials are used to make this design.

The most popular include:

  • tree;
  • brick;
  • cellular concrete;
  • glass block;
  • drywall.

Types of screens: 4 -8.

To proceed to the construction of these types of partitions, you need to prepare a set of tools in advance:

  • construction trowel;
  • solution container;
  • screwdriver;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • building level or plumb line;
  • pencil.

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Installation of partitions

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Installation of wooden partitions

The main materials for the construction of such partitions are solid wood and veneer. Such variants of interior structures are built according to the frame principle.

Their advantages include environmental friendliness, ease of processing, the ability to build various shapes, and structural strength. The disadvantages are heavy weight and low moisture resistance, which can lead to rotting of the material.

Before proceeding with their installation, strictly vertical lines are drawn on the walls. You can use a plumb line for this. Along these lines, two more lines are drawn along the ceiling and floor. After this, two bars are nailed to the floor so that they form a groove equal to the thickness of the board. Another triangular beam is attached to the ceiling.

After attaching the boards, a gap will form that needs to be filled with tow. And only after this can you nail the second beam to the ceiling, thereby pressing the boards. The resulting partition is plastered or sheathed with plywood, plasterboard and fiberboard.

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Installation of brick partitions

Such options for interior structures are best suited for buildings made of slag concrete, stone and brick. For their construction, solid and hollow red or white bricks are used.

The advantages of such a structure include environmental friendliness, durability, fire resistance and moisture resistance. In addition, such a partition can withstand heavy loads. Disadvantages include the duration technological process buildings.

Brick partitions are laid in half or a quarter of a brick. If its length is more than 1.5 m, it is necessary to use reinforcing wire with a diameter of 6 mm. It is laid every four rows of bricks.

It is very important to properly prepare the solution, which consists of five parts sand and one part cement. For every two kilograms of mixture, add 1 liter of water. To correctly calculate the amount of solution, you need to take into account that installing 20 blocks requires almost 40 kg of sand.

The finished wall must be plastered on both sides, after which it is rubbed down. This is required to prepare the surface for wallpapering or cladding. ceramic tiles.

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Installation of walls made of cellular concrete

Such options for partitions require the construction of formwork with a frame consisting of reinforcement.

When laying such a wall, a sand-cement mixture or ordinary tile adhesive is used. A small layer of prepared mortar is applied to the base, after which the laying of the first row begins.

Important! The masonry must be constantly checked for uniformity, both horizontally and vertically. You can use a building level for this.

The next row is installed by applying glue to the joining surfaces and tying the slabs of the previous row. To secure a partition made of blocks, you can use metal reinforcement, which is inserted into a hole drilled in the load-bearing wall. Fastening to the floor is made with a metal profile.

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Construction of interior walls from glass blocks

Glass blocks are translucent hollow bricks. The partition made of them has high insulating properties. At the same time, they do not clutter up the room. But this design has one drawback, which is that you cannot drill into a glass block.

The blocks are fastened using cement mortar, which should not contain large grains of sand. Liquid nails can be used to install blocks.

Before laying, it is necessary to prepare the base, which is cleaned of dirt and dust. The first row is placed level so that the wall is perfectly level. Plastic crosses are installed between each block, which will allow you to get even seams.

Due to the fact that glass block is quite heavy, it is not recommended to lay out more than three rows per day. This is due to the fact that damp seams can become damaged due to the weight of the upper rows. Also, we must not forget about the mandatory reinforcement with a metal rod with a diameter of at least 6 mm. They are laid every two rows.

This article will help you understand the variety of materials for constructing interior partitions and find the optimal solution just for you. She will talk about the features of working with various materials and the technology of their installation.


A partition is a dividing wall inner space houses into separate rooms. Not only a fixed wall, but also various sliding structures and screens can act as a partition.

The design of the partitions that you plan to build in your home depends on the requirements for them. If you plan to partition the space for a long time and the separation must provide reliable heat and sound insulation, then use a strong supporting structure. In other cases, you can get by with easily disassembled or movable partitions.

Types of interior partitions

An excellent option for zoning space are various transforming partitions - sliding, sliding, folding soft and hard casements. They can be installed anywhere, for example, to separate the kitchen and the dining room, the bedroom and the dressing room, the hallway and the living room.

Sliding interior partition

Sliding rigid hinged interior partition


Screens are often used in modern interiors. They help zone your space and decorate the room. Screens are cheaper than other types of partitions.

The strongest partition is a stationary one, that is, a wall that allows you to isolate a room from other rooms. These are brick, wooden, partitions made of glass blocks, tongue-and-groove slabs and cellular concrete. We’ll talk about them in more detail in this article.

Brick interior partition

Interior partition made of wood

Interior partition made of glass blocks

Interior partition made of cellular concrete

Brick partitions


  • Brick partitions have good soundproofing properties. For example: brick partitions made of solid red brick, plastered on both sides, have the following noise insulation index values: wall of two bricks (thickness with plaster 530 mm) = 60 dB; wall with one brick (thickness with plaster 280 mm) = 54 dB; half-brick wall (thickness with plaster 150 mm) = 47 dB. In this case, the normal value of the noise insulation index for interior partitions should be at least 52 dB.
  • Brick is a moisture-resistant material, but if you are building a partition in the bathroom, it is better to use solid brick.


  • Significant weight of the partition: 1 m2 weighs about 280 kg, with a partition thickness of 1/2 of a solid brick.
  • Another disadvantage: Mandatory plastering of the surface before final finishing and more long time construction compared to other technologies.

Construction technology: Brick partitions in a house are most often made of half (120 mm) or quarter bricks (65 or 88 mm). If you are laying a partition in a quarter of a brick and its length exceeds 1.5 m, then you need to use wire with a diameter of 4-6 mm for reinforcement. This is done by laying wire horizontally through every 3-4 rows of bricks.


Masonry mortar: 5 parts sand and 1 part cement. For every 2 kg of the resulting mixture, add 1 liter of water. To correctly calculate the amount of mortar, keep in mind that installing 20 blocks of brick requires about 40 kg of sand.

Brickwork: Pick up a brick and apply a layer of mortar approximately 10 mm thick to its surface. Press the brick against the floor and wall. Apply the mortar to the second brick and press it against the first. Now, using a trowel, remove excess mortar and check whether the blocks are installed at the same level and strictly vertically. This must be done after laying each row of bricks. At the beginning of the next row, install half a brick to form a regular bandage and so on through each row. In its raw form, brickwork is very unstable, so it is better to lay it out in one stage no more than 1.5 meters.

After laying the brick, the partitions are plastered on both sides, rubbed down, preparing for painting, ceramic tiling or wallpapering.

Approximate cost: Price per 1 m2 brickwork It will cost you $10 and up. Work - from 7 dollars per 1 m2.

Partitions made of tongue-and-groove slabs

The construction of partitions from tongue-and-groove slabs (hereinafter referred to as GGP) is simple and relatively quick way construction of partitions. The speed of construction of partitions from these elements is 6-8 times higher than from brick. The mass of the partition is 4 times less than that of a brick one.

The slabs are made of building gypsum. They have joining and supporting surfaces, that is, a groove and a tongue. Tongue-and-groove slabs Available in two sizes: 600x500x100 mm or 500x300x100 mm.


  • According to SNiP 201.02-85 “Fire safety standards”, partitions with a thickness of 100 mm have a fire resistance limit of 2.5 hours, a fire spread limit of 0 cm.
  • Partitions made from foam concrete slabs are odorless, moisture-resistant, durable, not susceptible to infection by putrefactive bacteria and fungi, they “breathe” well and regulate indoor humidity.
  • Partitions made from PGP correspond to regulatory requirements sound insulation (41 dB with a single design and up to 60 dB with a double design).
  • PGP is easy to saw and process, and electrical wiring and pipes are recessed into grooves, made with simple hand tools.
  • A partition made of tongue-and-groove elements does not require plastering of the surface, and only the application of finishing materials is proposed.


Cannot withstand heavy structures. Pictures, mirrors and other light objects weighing up to 30 kg are attached to the partition with screws and dowels, heavy objects (cabinets, shelves, etc.) - using anchors. For loads from 30 kg/cm to 100 kg/cm, bolts passing through the entire thickness of the partition are used.

Installation technology: Tongue-and-groove slabs are easy to install, easy to saw and process. Partitions made from PGP are not placed on concrete base floors, and on the finished floor screed before applying finishing coatings. As mounting adhesive When working with slabs, use Fugenfüller putty or any adhesive for installing PGP slabs.

Installation: Apply the prepared solution to the base of the walls and floor at the junction of the slabs. After 30 minutes you can begin installation. The first row of slabs must be cut off and installed with this side down. Apply mortar to the top side with the groove and the sides and begin laying the first row. We press each plate using a rubber hammer. Remove any excess glue using a spatula. When laying the next row, the solution is applied to the groove of the previous row and to the sides. Complete the high partition in several stages of 4-5 rows, allowing the glue to harden.

Partition made of tongue-and-groove slabs

Approximate cost: The approximate cost of one slab measuring 600x500x100 = 2 dollars. 1 m2 of wall contains 5.5 elements, therefore the cost of 1 m2 is from $10 and above. The cost of work is from 3-4 dollars per 1 m2.

Partitions made of cellular concrete

Cellular concrete is produced by foaming cement mortar. The standard block size is 200x250x60 mm.


  • The fire resistance limit of a wall made of 60 mm thick blocks is 150 minutes.
  • the air enclosed in the pores of cellular concrete gives the blocks good thermal insulation characteristics (0.14 W/mC).
  • The standard block has a mass of 18 kg. For example: one such block can replace up to 15 bricks, the mass of which is about 70 kg, therefore installation from blocks is less labor-intensive than from bricks.
  • Partitions made from blocks have good sound insulation: a 100 mm thick structure has a sound insulation index (Rw) of 35-37 dB, a 125 mm thick structure has 44-46 dB, and a partition that is another 25 mm thick has a sound insulation index (Rw) of 55-57 dB.


  • Low air permeability and rather high labor intensity of construction.

Installation technology: When laying a partition made of cellular concrete, you can use either a sand-cement mixture or ordinary tile adhesive.

Installation: A layer of mortar is applied to the base of the future partition and the laying of the first row of blocks begins. It is necessary to constantly check the uniformity of the masonry horizontally and vertically using a level. The next row of slabs is installed by coating the joining surfaces with glue and bandaging the slabs of the previous row (at the beginning of the row we install only half of the block).

The partition made of cellular concrete blocks is secured using metal reinforcement inserted into drilled hole load-bearing wall and seam of horizontal masonry blocks. Fastening to the floor can also be done using metal profiles.

Fastening the interior partition from cellular concrete blocks

Approximate cost: On average, the price for one block is $1 or more. When purchasing, pay attention to the brand of blocks. The values ​​D500 and D600 are the most suitable for the construction of interior partitions, and the D350 grade has a lower density and, accordingly, does not provide structural strength. The cost of work will cost you from 6-8 dollars per 1 m2.

Glass block partitions

Modern glass blocks are distinguished by their ease of assembly, reliability in operation and original design, which will allow you to bring any designer’s idea to life. Glass block is a kind of transparent “bricks” made of thick glass (6-10 mm). Standard sizes glass blocks - 190x190x80 mm and 240x240x80 mm, but corner and half elements are also produced. The surface of the block can be smooth, corrugated, transparent, matte and even colored. A pattern of small pieces of colored glass can be applied to the surface of the glass. From them you can lay out real panels with images of landscapes, flowers, or abstract drawings.


  • Partitions made from glass blocks look very impressive and have a number of advantages: sufficient strength, fire resistance, heat and sound insulation qualities (54 dB), durability.
  • One of the main distinctive qualities glass blocks is light transmittance. For transparent blocks it is 75-80%, for colored and matte blocks it is 30-50%. And the patterns from the blocks give an extraordinary light and shadow pattern.
  • Glass blocks tolerate temperature changes from -40 to +50 degrees. And in case of fire, they prevent the spread of fire and smoke for 1-2 hours.
  • Glass blocks do not absorb odors and do not accumulate dirt. Easy to clean with glass cleaner.


  • It is impossible to lay various communications (for example, electrical wiring or sewerage) inside such walls and partitions.
  • It is impossible to hang anything on a wall made of blocks (for example: paintings, shelves, etc.).
  • Such a glass block cannot be cut or sawn during installation; in this case, a half-block is used.

Installation of glass block partitions

Laying glass blocks is not an easy task, especially for a beginner. To fasten blocks together use cement mortars, which do not contain large grains of sand or “liquid nails”.

There are several ways to lay glass blocks: on a cement-adhesive mortar, in modular cells or in prepared niches in the wall.

The first method is similar to brickwork. This method is the most labor-intensive and time-consuming. The base for masonry must be level, free of dirt and dust. The first row is laid out level so that the wall is level. Plastic crosses are installed between the blocks to obtain even seams. It is not recommended to lay out more than three rows per day, as the lower raw seams can “move” from the weight. Glass block masonry must be reinforced with a metal rod with a diameter of 6 mm. To do this, rods are placed vertically and horizontally every two blocks.

First row of glass block masonry

Installation of plastic crosses for laying glass blocks

Reinforcement of glass block masonry

The second method of installing glass blocks is faster than the first. Grids with cells made of wood, MDF or plastic are attached to the floor, walls and ceiling. And then they fill them with blocks, fixing them with rubber pads or sealant.

Niches in the walls made of glass blocks look impressive. To do this you need to drill a hole in the wall. the right size. But in this case, the thickness of the block and the wall are the same, so on one side the blocks will be slightly recessed. Installation of blocks can be done using sealant or “liquid nails”.

Approximate cost of the material.

The cheapest glass blocks are industrial. Their price is approximately 40-60 rubles per piece. Colored blocks are more expensive - from 160 rubles per piece. And probably the most expensive blocks are those with fusing (adding patterns by sintering colored glass). The price of such blocks is at least 1,500 thousand rubles per piece. The cost of the work will cost you at least 20-25 dollars per m2.

Frame type partitions

Plasterboard interior partition

A plasterboard partition is plasterboard sheets that completely cover the racks and are mounted on a metal frame on both sides.


  • The values ​​of sound insulation indices for a partition on a single frame, sheathed with 12 mm gypsum board sheets on both sides (95 mm thick) = 37 dB. And for the same partition, but sheathed with two sheets of plasterboard, the sound insulation index is 45 dB.
  • Light weight - 25-50 kg/m2 (for moisture-resistant drywall this figure is higher).
  • The main advantage of plasterboard partitions is that the wall is smooth and even, it is perfect for wallpapering or painting acrylic paints or any other finish.
  • In addition, drywall has a fire resistance of 0.2 hours for a partition made of one layer of gypsum plasterboard and up to 1 hour for a partition made of two layers. GCR also has vapor and gas permeability and is very easy to install.


  • Drywall is a fragile material, so it can be easily damaged by a hard object.
  • Afraid of moisture. When wet, gypsum plasterboard swells, becomes deformed, and may even fall off the frame.
  • You cannot hang something very heavy on a gypsum board partition. The maximum weight should not exceed 70 kg per linear meter, but objects must be attached directly to the frame. Light objects (up to 15 kg), such as paintings, can be hung directly on drywall using screws and dowels.

Technology for installing gypsum plasterboard partitions: First you need to build a metal frame from aluminum profiles. First of all, it is necessary to mark the partitions being erected. First, it is performed on the floor, and then using a plumb line, this marking is transferred to the ceiling. Using dowels, we fasten the guides, according to the markings, on the floor and ceiling. We attach the profile to the walls in the same way. We cut the profile to the height of the room and fasten it in increments of no more than 600 mm. The frame is ready! Before you begin sheathing, you need to lay out the sheets on flat surface and cut according to the height of the partition. We fasten the sheets using self-tapping screws with a pitch of about 250 mm. After covering, the seams can be primed and puttied. To do this, apply putty to the seam and, in one motion from top to bottom, level the putty and remove any excess. Then, without waiting for hardening, reinforcing tape is placed on the putty, and it is pressed into the putty mass. Another layer of putty is applied on top of the tape. The screw caps are recessed and puttied.

Metal profile frame for interior partition

Fastening a metal frame for interior plasterboard partitions

Approximate cost and material consumption: 1 m2 of gypsum plasterboard partition will cost approximately 20-60 dollars (excluding installation), with one layer of gypsum plasterboard. For installation of a plasterboard partition you will pay at least 6-8 dollars per 1 m2.

Wooden interior partitions

Wooden partitions can be solid planks (single or double), double with an air or filled gap, and framed and sheathed.


  • Made from environmentally friendly material.
  • You can make a structure of increased strength that can withstand more than 150 kg of load.
  • The weight of a wooden partition is about 92 kg/m2 (with a partition thickness of 150 mm).
  • The sound insulation index reaches 41 dB (with a partition thickness of 150 mm).


  • Wooden structures are afraid of water.
  • They have insufficient noise insulation (37 dB).
  • They are fire hazardous - they have a fire resistance of 0.2 hours.

Installation technology:

  • Single plank partitions: consist of vertical installed boards 40-50 mm thick. Prepare boards for installing the partition. They should be edged or tongue-and-groove and their length should be 1 cm less than the distance from the floor to the ceiling. Before starting work, draw strictly vertical lines on the walls using a plumb line and a pencil. Then, using these markings, draw two more lines on the floor and ceiling. Next, nail two bars to the floor so that they form a groove equal in thickness to the board. Now you need to nail another triangular beam to the ceiling. Insert the board into the bottom groove, press it against the wall and nail it to the top block. After all the boards are nailed, the gap between the boards must be filled with tow. Next, you can nail the second triangular beam to the ceiling, thereby pressing the boards. Such a partition can be plastered, sheathed with plywood, fiberboard or plasterboard sheets.

View from above

    Double and triple board partitions: Before proceeding with the installation of these partitions, it is necessary to prepare the boards and carry out all the markings (the same as in the case of single partitions). First you need to install racks from floor to ceiling. The racks are firmly fixed between the slats and sheathed on both sides with boards 20-25 mm thick. The surface of the partition can be plastered, covered with fiberboard or plasterboard.

Wooden racks and slats for interior partitions

    Frame-cladding partitions: To install the frame, use bars of 30x50 mm or 50x100 mm. Making the frame: Take two bars with a length equal to the length of the partition (bars for the floor and ceiling). Using dowels, we attach the bars, according to the markings (the same as in cases A and B), on the floor and on the ceiling. In the same way, the bars on the walls. We cut them according to the height of the room and fasten them in increments of no more than 600-120 mm.

Sheathing: it can be made from plywood, fiberboard, chipboard sheets or boards 50-75 mm. First, the sheathing is completely nailed on one side, then on the other. After installing the partition plastered on both sides.

Wooden interior partitions

Approximate cost: The price for 1 m2 of such a partition is from $20 and above, it will depend on the cladding material.

For example: a linear meter of timber costs at least $1, and the cost of boards will cost you about $200 per cubic meter. meter. In this case, about 0.2 m3 of boards are consumed per 1 m2 of partition. The cost of the work will cost you 2-3 dollars or more per 1 m2.

How to improve sound insulation? We still have one unresolved question: how can you improve the sound insulation of interior partitions if you need perfect silence?

The sound insulation index is measured in dicibels. This value does not depend on the area of ​​the room, but only on the interior partition itself.

In the MGSN 2.04-97 standards "Permissible levels of noise, vibration and requirements for sound insulation in residential and public buildings" there is a division of housing categories with their own sound insulation indices: 54 dB - for houses of category A (luxury housing), 52 dB - for houses of category B (comfortable new buildings), 50 dB - for houses of category B (old houses).

The main way to improve the sound insulation of a room is to increase the thickness of the partitions or use soundproofing material. As soundproofing materials, you can use mats or slabs made of basalt or fiberglass, which have not only high heat-protective and sound-absorbing properties, but also fire resistance. For example: if a 50 mm thick soundproofing board is laid in a partition made of one layer of plasterboard, then the sound insulation index will be 43 dB, but if there is a double layer of plasterboard - 58 dB.

The question of interior partitions is quite extensive. I hope that the tips given in this article will help you solve all the problems associated with the choice of materials and installation of interior partitions. Whether you use the advice given in this article or not is up to you.

Please note: Prices are valid for 2008.

Partitions are internal load-bearing walls.

Partitions are internal non-load-bearing walls that divide the interior space of a building into separate rooms and perform only enclosing functions. The partitions take only their own weight and minor force impacts during operation and rest on the floors of the building or on the ground floor.

In civil buildings, the main requirement for partitions is to provide the required sound insulation between rooms. In accordance with this requirement, the material of the partitions and their thickness are selected. By fire safety requirements partitions in civil buildings must be made of fireproof or fire-resistant materials with a fire resistance limit of 0.25 ¸ 0.5 hours. In industrial buildings, requirements for partitions are determined depending on the category of premises in terms of fire and explosion hazard

Partitions are classified according to the following criteria:

1) by functional purpose:

A) stationary partitions are installed during the construction of the building and do not change their position during operation;

b) prefabricated partitions collected from individual structural elements, which, if necessary, can be easily dismantled and assembled in another place. This type of partition is widely used in frame public and residential buildings. Frame buildings do not have internal load-bearing walls, which provides greater planning freedom.

For example, in administrative buildings, using prefabricated partitions, you can quickly change the location of cabinets (offices), conference rooms, etc. premises. In residential buildings, such partitions allow you to change the layout of apartments at the request of the customer, both at the stage of construction of the building and during operation.

Prefabricated partitions are made of frames, followed by sheathing with sheet materials (gypsum plasterboard sheets (GKL), gypsum fiber sheets (GVL), cement-bonded particle boards (CSP), etc.) - see fig. 3.55;

Rice. 3.55. Design of a collapsible partition made of sheet materials on metal frame from bent profiles:

1 – leveling screed made of cement-sand mortar on the floor of a building or floor on the ground;

2 – metal guide;

3 – metal stand;

4 – sheathing (plasterboard sheets);

5 – sound-absorbing material;

6 – plinth

V) transformable partitions are used in the case when during the operation of the building it is necessary to regularly (during the day) change internal layout premises. In civil buildings, this type of partition allows you to quickly change the shape and size of halls, offices, rooms or temporarily separate them from each other. In spectacular public buildings with halls with stages, transformable partitions are used as fire curtain. The raising and lowering of such a curtain is carried out automatically (by smoke detection sensors), which prevents the spread of fire across the stage.

IN industrial buildings transformable partitions are used for temporary fencing of noisy or harmful technological areas or individual workplaces. In Fig. Figure 3.56 shows the main types of transformable partitions.

Rice. 3.56. Transformable partitions:

A– straight sliding in the form of a single piece;

b– straight sliding from separate panels;

V– retractable;

G– hinge-folding;

d– harmonious

In industrial buildings, partitions are used to enclose various areas and individual rooms and, depending on the functional purpose are further divided into two types:

– enclosing partitions are installed at partial height of the room (workshop) and are used for fencing the premises of service personnel (offices, laboratories, etc.), storerooms, transformer substations. Fencing partitions are made of lightweight materials (solid section or in the form of a mesh) along the frame - see fig. 3.57;

– dividing partitions designed for complete isolation of adjacent rooms with fire and explosion hazards or hazardous industries in industrial buildings. They are erected to the entire height of the building (workshop) or to the height of a separate floor from concrete panels or in the form of brickwork;

2) according to the material:

A) brick partitions made of sand-lime brick with a thickness of 120 (1/2 brick) and 250 mm (1 brick). In residential buildings, inter-apartment partitions with a thickness of 250 mm and interior partitions with a thickness of 120 mm are used (according to sound insulation requirements);

When there is a need to redevelop a single room or an apartment as a whole, decorative partitions can come to the rescue. Because they not only perform an aesthetic function in the interior, but also serve as an excellent tool for zoning. The original layout could have been extremely unsuccessful: small rooms were claustrophobic, and large ones were too uncomfortable and too spacious. In such cases, partitions allow rational use usable area and correctly delimit the space. And the design execution of these practical products guarantees that the interior will be transformed beyond recognition. Sometimes this is the only right decision that a home owner can make to achieve comfort. Next, we will consider the main characteristics and options for their application.

The use of decorative products in a modern interior

The choice of suitable decorative elements directly depends on the room that needs to be decorated. Based on its parameters, functional tasks and general style, the selection of one or another type of decorative partitions should be carried out. The shape of the products should also take into account the characteristics of the given space.

Among the advantages of using this decorative element are the following:

  • Aesthetics and originality of execution;
  • Wide range of materials used;
  • No restrictions for design ideas;
  • Long service life;
  • Environmental aspect.

Disadvantages include poor sound insulation or the relatively high cost of some models. Depending on the layout, there are two main types of decorative partitions in the interior:

  1. Partitions for zoning a room;
  2. Interior partitions in the interior.

Partitions can be sliding (rotating) or stationary. The former are often used as interior sliding doors on roller rails.

The use of partitions depending on the purpose of the rooms

Living room

The multifunctionality of this room puts forward its own requirements for the organization of space. Because not only a festive reception of guests is held here, but also often a family dinner. All family members gather to discuss their interests. Therefore, it is necessary to satisfy their potential needs as fully as possible. It is even possible to use several decorative partitions.

Before installing the product, you need to make sure that the location for its placement is chosen correctly.

It is recommended that you read articles about modern interior design, which may offer various options zoning of rooms. The arguments given there may influence future planning. For example, you can separate the dining area and the sitting area with an elegant screen or a stylish glass partition. The use of specific materials should be focused on the living room, a type of furniture set.

Another option for placing many different accessories, flowers or books can be a decorative partition - a rack. The comfort it can provide allows you to fill modern interior the premises are truly cozy. A similar effect can be achieved when used as a decorative partition. Since his sides will be open to both zones, he will be able to perform difficult task: Decorate each area, while leaving them separate from each other.


Often, in small apartments have to be combined. Lack of space has an acute impact on the overall feeling, which leads to the impossibility of both rest and fruitful work.

The use of decorative partitions helps solve this problem. Screen various shapes Allows privacy for each member married couple.


The main function of the partition in this room is to delimit the space for cooking and eating. Partitions in the kitchen interior add a stylish touch, while at the same time improving the practicality of the food preparation area.

The wire screen on the wooden frame. It is used to place kitchen accessories, and maintenance of galvanized material is extremely simple. Such a decorative partition can have a variety of shapes.

Children's room

This requires a division into three functional areas: for relaxation, study, and also a playground. Such zoning allows you to leave the mess in the place provided for it. The other space will be used for practical educational purposes. Often, a decorative partition is used to organize the interior in this way. box-shaped design, in order to additionally be able to fill it with something useful.

Main types of decorative partitions in the interior

Decorative partitions in the interior, designed to zone a room, allow you to radically change the perception of space with minimal means. At the same time, achieving the desired effect does not imply the destruction of wall or ceiling surfaces premises.

Only partial dismantling of the floor covering will be required. The parameters and shape of the design product are selected according to the owner’s taste, since there can be no significant restrictions here. A partition for zoning a room can reach or not exceed the height of the smallest member of the family. The situation is similar with width. As for the selection of material, we will further consider the existing types.


With the help of this material, you can realize almost any fantasy, since their installation or dismantling does not involve absolutely any difficulties. Products made from plasterboard are characterized by low weight and lightness, which determines the methods of their use. The surface finish of such a partition can be very different.

The demand for this type of decorative element is due to the fact that it allows you to reliably hide utility lines and is fire-resistant.


This traditional material is also very popular. It is usually used where it is impossible to do without stationary partitions, since the dismantling of this type is characterized by its obvious labor intensity. The design properties of the noble material are perfect for many interior design styles (country, Provence, etc.).


Wooden partitions fit perfectly with any room style, with the exception of outright high-tech. They are often the main element of decor that attracts all the attention of guests. A carved, perfectly polished product made of natural wood exquisitely decorates the interior.

The material for the frame of a particular structure can be either boards (timber) or MDF. Finishing implies processing natural material paint solutions. After this procedure, the wooden partition will be distinguished by its reliability and durability. mechanical stress. Among the disadvantages of using the material are a fire hazard, as well as the inadmissibility of excessive moisture.


The disadvantages of this type include the obvious need to regularly wipe the glass surface, as well as the inability to hide utility lines in the decorative element. However, the aesthetic side of the material compensates for this shortcoming.

It is possible to apply patterns on glass, as well as photographs.

Glass is used both for stationary partitions and as a sliding screen. The advantages of using this material include the absence of obstacles to the passage of light, resistance to changes in humidity and temperature, and durability.


When a solid partition is not required, fabric partitions (curtains, drapes) are used to zone rooms. The features of the material suggest both rotating and sliding partitions. This decorative element will require the installation of a special cornice with guides under the ceiling.

The use of this design allows the canvas to easily slide and delimit the space of living rooms. In the bedroom, a fabric screen provides privacy, and in the living room.


Metal forging

This decorative element requires a certain approach, since it will look consistent with the specific style of the room.

You can name such interior design options as modern or art deco. Forged metal is used when necessary in one of the sections of the room. Polished steel - when the design is high-tech.

Making decorative elements with your own hands

Partitions can be made with your own hands, but without suitable tools it will be extremely difficult. The easiest material to use for making a decorative element is plasterboard. As an example, let’s look at the procedure for creating a stationary partition to divide space into zones.

  1. Marking. A plasterboard profile up to 5 cm wide is laid on the floor and then outlined with chalk. The workpiece is attached at a distance of one cm from the outlined line;
  2. In the same way, markings for racks are carried out;
  3. The profile, about 2 m high, is fixed to the wall using self-tapping screws;
  4. Temporary jumpers are marked for further installation of shelves;
  5. The frame of the proposed design is sewn up (a width of up to 25 cm is recommended). To do this, entire sheets of drywall are carefully trimmed on each side. The remains will then be used for cladding the ends;
  6. The perforated corner is fixed using a stapler;
  7. Finishing is carried out in two stages: reinforcing, then finishing.

Subsequently finished design partitions can be decorated at your discretion.

Unusual luminous screen made of branches and garland


The use of designer products in the interior is often due to the need functional zoning spaces: be it a stationary partition for zoning a separate room or the installation of sliding interior partitions. However, they can also be used as a purely decorative elements, for the purpose of aesthetic design of space.

There are now several types of materials available from which you can make an interior partition in a house or apartment. The main materials used are plasterboard, aerated concrete, gypsum blocks, glass blocks, brick or very light screen partitions made of plastic, fabric and wood.

The properties of the interior partition will depend primarily on the type of material used.

To choose the type of interior partition, you need to decide on its required characteristics and properties.

Characteristics and design features of interior partitions

What strength is needed? Will anything very heavy be attached to the partition?
What level of sound insulation will be required? Is “ordinary” sound insulation enough or is it necessary to increase it?

Moisture protection level? When fencing wet areas main useful property is the water resistance of the material.
To fence off utility rooms that are not heated, it comes to the fore thermal insulation properties partitions.

The design of load-bearing partitions (under load from the floor or roof) is determined by the project; such a partition must be installed on the foundation. It is erected together with the external walls.

Other, non-load-bearing partitions can be made in any part of the building after the walls are erected, but a gap of 15 mm is left between them and the ceiling, which is filled with pliable material (felt, insulation...).

Also, the answer to the question of which interior partition to choose depends on the strength of the base. Only light structures can be erected over floors in apartments and houses. Maximum specific gravity per linear meter can be found in the organizations designing or servicing the house.
Heavy partitions require either a very strong floor or a separate foundation.

What kind of sound insulation is needed between rooms?

An important issue is sound insulation. It is known from the standards that for an interior partition without doors in an apartment, a sufficient sound insulation index is 43 dB, and between the bathroom and the room - 47 dB.

But this is the standard minimum for apartment buildings, where they tried to save more. If you are building “for yourself” and care about sound insulation, then it is better to take values ​​5 - 8 dB more.

Therefore, a partition with an airborne noise insulation index of at least 50 dB will be relatively sound-insulating.

Simple designs of thin partitions do not achieve this value.
In order for a partition to be considered soundproof, in accordance with the above values, special measures and structures are needed.

All this must be taken into account when choosing the type and material of the interior partition.
Most often now lightweight partitions are built from plasterboard sheets. Let's start our consideration with them. various types interior partitions.

Application of drywall

Sheets of wall plasterboard, including moisture-resistant ones, usually have a thickness of 12 mm at maximum length 2.5 meters and a width of 0.6 meters.
Standard step lathing for plasterboard and other panels - 600 mm, so that the sheets are joined only on profiles.

An ordinary plasterboard partition is a frame made of metal profiles 80 mm thick, covered with two 12 mm plasterboard sheets, and has a sound insulation index of 34 - 36 dB. Such a low value is due to bridges conducting sound through metal.

Reinforced, with double sheet covering – 45 dB.

Partitions made of plasterboard on a frame are the lightest of the stationary ones and can, as a rule, be erected over floors in all houses.

The maximum weight of fixed objects is up to 70 kg per 1 linear meter. when attached only to the frame using a few screws. Or up to 15 kg per 1 linear meter. when secured using special dowels directly to the sheet.

The main disadvantage of drywall is that it is afraid of moisture, deforms as it increases in size, collapses, and falls off. Do not install in unheated rooms where dew may occur. It is not recommended to enclose bathrooms - swelling is possible if additional water vapor protection of the wall is not carried out, for example, with film materials, impregnations, or varnishes.

The advantages include simplicity and speed of installation without wet processes. It is recommended to assemble it yourself, even if the partition contains doors (in the door areas, the frame is reinforced with a thick-walled metal profile).

Partitions made of gypsum boards

Gypsum slabs usually have a tongue-and-groove connection along the contour, which is why they are also called tongue-and-groove slabs. Their width is usually 10 cm, and their dimensions are 60x50 cm or 50x30 cm.

Weight square meter Such a partition will weigh from 80 kg, so it can be installed on solid floors in accordance with design decisions or permissions received from the designer (homeowner). Moreover, the interior partition can also be installed over a finished floor screed.

The sound insulation level is mediocre - 41 dB. But with double thickness – more than 50 dB.

The strength is average - it is possible to attach a weight of up to 100 kg per 1 linear meter. provided that through bolts are used. Or up to 30 kg per 1 linear meter. using special dowels for plaster.

The partition can be assembled using an adhesive solution for gypsum boards with your own hands. The resulting surface is usually very smooth, requiring finishing plaster and finishing. Therefore, the involvement of specialists in performing this work may not be necessary.

The cost of such a partition, including labor, is approximately $15. for 1 m kV.

Walls between rooms made of aerated concrete

There is more expensive and high-quality autoclaved aerated concrete on the market, which is produced in autoclaves in large production facilities. It should not be confused with cheap foam concrete, which is made using chemical foaming agents in any garage.

Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks, intended for the construction of interior partitions, can be of different thicknesses: 75, 100, 120, 150 mm. The height of the blocks is 200 mm and the length is 600 mm.

For the construction of partitions, blocks with a density of 500 - 600 kg/m3 are used. Accordingly, the weight of the structure is not too large (can be calculated), and it is erected on solid floors in accordance with the design.

Sound insulation index values ​​for interior partitions made of D500 aerated concrete at different thicknesses (for lighter aerated concrete the value decreases).
100 mm – 36 dB;
120 mm – 39 dB;
150mm – 41 dB;
Sound insulation can be increased by finishing the blocks with panels with a sound-absorbing backing.

The thermal conductivity coefficient values ​​are usually at the level of 0.15 W/mS, which allows the material to be used for heat-insulating partitions.

Blocks of high precision manufacturing are mounted on glue, and low precision (height inaccuracy of more than 1 mm) are mounted on cement-sand mortar.

Another advantage is that construction is quick, you can do it yourself, plastering work usually to a minimum, especially if glue is used.
The downside is low strength and sound insulation. But where these parameters are not important, such a partition often becomes the best option.
The price for a partition between rooms made of aerated concrete can range from 18 USD.

Glass blocks - original room design

You can make an interior partition from glass blocks. The thickness of the glass in the blocks is 7 – 10 mm, and the width of the blocks is 80 mm. In this case, the height and length of the blocks can be 24x24 cm or 19x19 cm. It is impossible to cut glass blocks, so half glass blocks with a length of 12 or 9.5 cm are available.

Blocks can have different designs; they can be used to create a matte, corrugated or generally multi-colored surface, including the creation of drawings, panels, and landscapes. There are expensive blocks with fusing - the pattern is created by sintering colored glass.

But a glass block partition loses functionality. It is translucent - transmits up to 50% of light or less, depending on the design. It conducts sound well and you can't hang anything on it.

To build a wall made of glass blocks, it is better to invite a specialist. A special adhesive solution is required, the seam between the blocks must be maintained, the masonry must be reinforced with reinforcement, etc.

And a beautiful glass block partition (not like in baths industrial enterprises) will not be cheap.

Brick structures

Brick partitions are the strongest and have good sound insulation
Sound insulation index for walls made of solid ceramic bricks with double-sided plaster of at least 1 cm:
- for a wall of two bricks (53 cm wide with plaster) - at least 60 dB,
- for a wall with one brick (26 cm) - no less than 54 dB,
- half a brick (15 cm) - from 47 dB.

At the same time, a brick partition has excellent strength properties. It cannot be destroyed by an accidental blow; heavy things can be hung on it. In addition, red brick is moisture resistant. From it (only from solid material, so that dew does not settle inside) you can make partitions around wet and cold rooms and around cold rooms, if you additionally apply a layer of effective insulation (due to the low environmental friendliness of expanded polystyrene and mineral wool, they can only be located outside residential premises).

But a brick partition is heavy and requires only a foundation of increased strength. The weight of one square meter of half-brick interior partition is at least 280 kg. For example, a small partition of 4.0 x 2.4 m will already weigh 2.7 tons.

Their construction is labor-intensive and requires good construction skills. This is especially true for plastering a brick partition, which is mandatory.

Additional Information -

Approximate cost of 1 sq. m. — from 20 USD

Portable, pre-fabricated interior screens and partitions

If strength and sound insulation are not needed, then why build an impressive stationary partition? You can also divide the room into zones using an elegant panel design.
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Screens are still popular and can be the highlight of the design.

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