What world maps look like in different countries. World maps — what they look like in different countries

Below is the most ordinary map of the world, normal person from the CIS it is different and cannot imagine that the world map could be different.

But it was not there. Americans see the world map in a completely different way, in a way that is incomprehensible to us. But our map is not perceived at all by Americans.

Our map, familiar.

Our map is also familiar.

Here's a regular American map. This one hangs in schools in the USA. This is the kind of map that Americans are accustomed to and they cannot imagine any other map. For us, this is a blow below the belt - how can Russia be divided into 2 parts - and this is exactly how all Americans see it from childhood (. For them, our version of the map is beyond their heads.

Australians generally see the world map in a very strange way.

The Chinese also see it a little differently.

That's it. So the world through the eyes of different peoples looks and is perceived differently.

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If you liked geography at school, you probably loved exploring the globe, looking at atlases and drawing on contour maps. And also - to move a large pointer along the huge cards hanging on the board. Meanwhile, the maps of the world that we see from childhood, especially those that are shown to us at school, form our idea of ​​how the world works. There would be nothing wrong with this if we did not forget that a flat map is just a conditional and distorted representation of a round world.

However, many of us transfer the stereotypes learned through the map to our personal attitude towards real world. We are beginning to believe that there are countries that play a dominant role in the world, located in its center, and there are those that play a subordinate role, located on its periphery.

As will be seen below, in different countries ah - Russia, Europe, USA, China, Australia, Chile, South Africa — world maps are very different. It all depends on what the map author chooses in each of the following three conditions: 1) how to center the map relative to West and East; 2) how to center the map relative to North and South; 3) what projection method to use.

World map for Russia

The vertical axis of the world (centering the West and the East) passes through Moscow. Both America and Australia find themselves on the periphery of the world. Pacific Ocean is not perceived as a complete space.

World map for Europe

The vertical axis of the world passes through London. As on the Russian map, here both America and Australia find themselves on the periphery of the world, and the Pacific Ocean is not perceived as an integral space. Additionally, the equator (centering North and South) is shifted to the bottom half of the map, making Africa, South America and Australia smaller in relation to North America and Eurasia than it really is.

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Remember, in our schools there was a world map in the geography classroom. Probably, many of you could not even imagine that she could look any different, but when I saw this, something broke in my perception.

IN It’s very simple: this is how Americans see the world. As a friend who lives in New York told me, they have such cards in schools. She herself saw such a map for the first time in language school. When she asked the teacher what was wrong with the card, he replied: what’s wrong with it?

They will probably also be very surprised when they see that on our maps Russia is not cut in half, and the United States is not in the center, as it should be.

Map of Australia: there is no Antarctica here at all!

But here it is. Maybe they walk on their heads, as Alice from Wonderland imagined?

This is a map of South Africa. They don’t like Antarctica either, really, why do we need white spots on the map, especially when they are so vast, and they are larger than your country?))

This is a Chinese map. The principle is the same as on other maps: put your country in the middle of the world!

I’ll supplement the post with one interesting statement from LiveJournal reader elle_812. When she saw these cards, she remembered one interesting conversation:
“When I didn’t live here yet, but was at a visiting MSPS seminar in Paris, we met with the former Secretary General of the Council of Europe Catherine Lalumiere. It was from her that I learned that in French textbooks geographic map it looks like France is in the center, and all the other countries are on the sides.
“When I was in Russia for the first time I saw a world map with Russia in the center, and when I saw its size in relation to other countries, I was truly shocked, because we were accustomed from school that Russia is there, somewhere on the side, at the edge (à côté), with Siberia and snow..." - I’m showing you the words of Catherine Lalumiere from my old notebook."

The French vision of the world map, frankly speaking, is not very different from the Soviet one, apparently due to the geographical proximity of the countries, relative to Australia, South Africa and America. But I found one interesting map, though it’s a hundred years old, it’s how the French at that time saw the location of peoples on the planet. Take a look at the territory of Russia, it turns out that at that time we had Russo-Siberians, on the territory of Kazakhstan - Turks (apparently Turkic-speaking peoples), on the islands of Sakhalin and Hokkaido - Ainu. I wonder if they still live on Sakhalin?

It's very simple: this is how Americans see the world. As a friend who lives in New York told me, they have such cards in schools. She herself first saw such a map at a language school. When she asked the teacher what was wrong with the card, he replied: what’s wrong with it?

They will probably also be very surprised when they see that on our maps Russia is not cut in half, and the United States is not in the center, as it should be.

They don’t like Antarctica either, really, why do we need white spots on the map, especially when they are so vast, and even larger than your country?

Chilean scientists, paying attention to their neighbors in the Southern Hemisphere, are also trying to carry out a geographical revolution in their country and turn the planet upside down. Thus Chile also rises to the top of the world, and this must have a good effect on the self-awareness of citizens.

The principle is the same as on other maps: put your country in the middle of the world!

I’ll supplement the post with one interesting statement from LiveJournal reader elle_812. When she saw these cards, she remembered one interesting conversation:

“When I didn’t live here yet, but was at an MSPS retreat in Paris, we met with the former Secretary General of the Council of Europe Catherine Lalumiere. It was from her that I learned that in French textbooks the geographical map looks like France is in the center, and on the sides are all the other countries.

“When I was in Russia for the first time I saw a world map with Russia in the center, and when I saw its size in relation to other countries, I was truly shocked, because we were accustomed from school that Russia was there, somewhere on the side, with edge, with Siberia and snow..." - I’m showing you the words of Catherine Lalumiere from my old notebook".

The French vision of the world map, frankly speaking, is not very different from the Soviet one, apparently due to the geographical proximity of the countries, relative to Australia, South Africa and America.

But I found one interesting map, although it’s a hundred years old, showing how the French at that time saw the location of peoples on the planet. Take a look at the territory of Russia, it turns out that at that time we had Russo-Siberians, on the territory of Kazakhstan - Turks (apparently Turkic-speaking peoples), on the islands of Sakhalin and Hokkaido - Ainu. I wonder if they still live on Sakhalin?

The European world map is not too different from the one we are used to: it is centered at Greenwich Mean Time, and therefore shifted slightly to the right. This doesn’t really change the state of affairs, except that it slightly displaces Magadan, Chukotka and a little Kamchatka to the Western Hemisphere.

World map for Russia

The vertical axis of the world (centering the West and the East) passes through Moscow. Both America and Australia find themselves on the periphery of the world. The Pacific Ocean is not perceived as a coherent space.

However, many of us transfer the stereotypes learned through the map to our personal attitude towards the real world. We are beginning to believe that there are countries that play a dominant role in the world, located in its center, and there are those that play a subordinate role, located on its periphery.

As will be seen above, in different countries — maps worlds are very different. It all depends on what the map author chooses in each of the following three conditions: 1) how to center the map relative to West and East; 2) how to center the map relative to North and South; 3) what projection method to use.

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