How to get a mortgage from Sberbank: step-by-step instructions. Buying an apartment with a mortgage: step-by-step instructions

When you plan to buy an apartment with a mortgage, instructions that outline the necessary steps step by step will be very helpful. After all, the procedure for buying an apartment with a mortgage is more complicated than applying for a regular loan: it is burdened with such mandatory procedures such as assessment and insurance of the collateral, selection of a seller willing to work with the mortgage.

Selection of real estate and the mortgage program itself

Property selection

If you expect to need a mortgage to buy a home, you will have to look at the property in advance.

This is especially important if you are purchasing a new building. The point is that usually early stage construction residential complex or a village, when the risks of both banks and investors are too high, 1-2 partner banks cooperate with the developer. Therefore, precisely at the moment when the developer’s prices are the lowest, the range of mortgage programs for you will be limited.

What banks like the least is the countryside villages where they sell land. The reasons for this are the unstable market price of such land and its questionable liquidity, which ultimately depends on the success of the developer in developing the village. However, large banks have mortgage programs and for such a case. But the mortgage is given here for a dual purpose: purchasing a plot and building a house. Construction time will be limited, and mortgage interest until the new house is put into operation will be 1.5-2% higher than standard.

But even when buying a secondary car, it is advisable to look at the desired objects in advance. Otherwise, how will you know what funds you will need for your mortgage?

Choosing a mortgage program

Based on the chosen housing, you need to decide on the choice of bank. There are two main criteria here:

  • Are the bank's conditions suitable for you?
  • Do you meet the bank's requirements for borrowers?

If we talk about the first criterion, then it is unlikely that you will be able to save on interest. Typically banks offering Better conditions interest rates require several types of insurance, they charge commissions for various actions(considering a loan application, transferring money). What you really need to pay attention to is maximum size the loan you can take out from a specific bank and the size of the down payment.

As for the second criterion, if you have difficulties confirming income, education and providing other documents from a numerous list, but have a serious amount for the down payment (30-50% of the loan amount), then contact a bank that offers a loan “at two documents." The interest on such a loan is slightly higher than standard (by about 0.5%).

Preparation of documents and submission of a loan application

When communicating with a loan officer, try to find out all the details of the loan program. It’s better to even ask for a standard agreement on the proposed lending program. After carefully studying it at home, find in it the answers to the following important questions:

  • the presence of fees for services when lending and additional services imposed by banks on consumers “as a burden” (credit cards, etc.);
  • the number of mandatory insurances and the consequences of refusing to take out one of them (by law, only insurance of the collateral is required);
  • the possibility of early repayment of the loan, are there any penalties for such repayment;
  • the maximum period of arrears on the mortgage, after which the bank will begin to collect the collateral from you.

The list of documents for a mortgage is individual for each bank. However, with the exception of loan programs based on two documents, you will in any case be required to provide a certificate of income and documents about your marital status.

The loan application is considered by banks in different terms- depending on the number of bureaucratic services within the bank and the complexity of the presented package of documents. Thus, loans based on 2 documents are approved in 2-3 days, but an application for a standard mortgage can be studied by specialists from a credit institution for several weeks.

Selection of real estate and its approval by the bank

Having received approval of your loan application from one of the banks, you can begin choosing an apartment. If you have previously considered which banks the developer of your favorite residential complex works with, then with the selection new apartment you can do it easily. It will be more difficult with the secondary. The purity of the legal fate of the apartment is very important here. Divisions of inheritance and divorces, registered minor children and military personnel on active duty are all reasons why a bank may reject an object. And believe me, here he is on your side: after all, the dubious past of housing can make itself felt in the present in the form of lawsuits challenging your ownership rights.

When you and the bank have selected an apartment, you need to have it appraised by a licensed appraiser. The bank will call you an appraiser. The results of the appraisal report determine how much you will be given a loan for.

Conclusion of a loan agreement

The next step will be the conclusion of a loan agreement. You will receive the money and will finally be able to purchase the apartment you have chosen. The transaction with the apartment seller is formalized through the Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography (or briefly Rosreestr). This service registers the termination of ownership of the seller and the emergence of ownership of the buyer. Upon completion of registration (about 2 weeks), you will receive a certificate of state registration of the right to your name.

Now the time has come to fulfill what was promised to the bank (such a clause is always contained in the loan agreement) - and pledge the purchased apartment as collateral.

Insurance of purchased real estate and transferring it to a mortgage

Before concluding a mortgage agreement, it is necessary to fulfill the mandatory condition stipulated by the law on mortgage (mortgage of real estate): to insure the purchased object against the risks of loss and damage.

Perhaps the bank has also offered you to insure yourself, your property rights, or the risk of non-repayment of the loan to the bank. Agree to such terms in the contract, take out a loan with increased interest (this is usually a consequence of refusing one of the types of non-payment compulsory insurance) or contact another bank - your choice. Here it is necessary to compare the amount of increased insurance payments and the cost of insurance.

After presenting the insurance to the bank, you draw up a mortgage agreement and a mortgage note. The mortgage agreement must be registered in the already mentioned Rosreestr service. But now you will not be given a certificate, but a copy of the agreement with a stamp on the registration actions taken and the registrar’s seal. Now in the state register of rights, which is maintained by Rosreestr, the encumbrance of your apartment with a bank pledge is noted. It cannot be disposed of without the consent of the mortgage bank. As for the mortgage, it remains with the bank. This security, allowing the credit institution to resell its right of claim against you under the collateral agreement if necessary. The mortgage will not have any effect on your relationship with the bank regarding the loan.

Today we will look at step-by-step instructions for buying an apartment with a mortgage.

Many people put an equal sign between slavery and mortgages. However, no one says that renting a house or sitting on relatives’ necks is slavery. Undoubtedly, it is better to make every effort and have your own full-fledged home than to move from apartment to apartment all your life.

Mortgage is the opportunity to realize your dream - your own living space. People become “slaves” of mortgages not because they are bad in themselves, but because they use them incorrectly.

Step-by-step instructions for buying an apartment with a mortgage

1. Opportunity assessment

Always try to assess your capabilities adequately. You can, of course, sit on “ doshiraki", but make money on three-room apartment in the city center, but is this really necessary? Is the goal of your life to get an apartment, and not the desire to live in comfort? Are you capable of living on three thousand rubles a month for the sake of your dream alone and denying yourself everything? Will buying an apartment with a mortgage make you happier?

The main rule that you should follow when taking out a mortgage is your ability to pay it. Your apartment mortgage shouldn't take up the lion's share of your income, cutting your budget down to a living wage. There is no need to deprive yourself of all the blessings of life. Yes, you can save, but within reasonable limits. Mortgage should not become your headache.

Your mortgage payment must be a MAXIMUM of 30 percent of your monthly income less utility payments, taxes, rent, and so on. Soberly assess your income and the amount you are willing to pay, without denying yourself the things you are accustomed to. Yes, you will have to cut your budget one way or another, but make sure that this procedure is as painless as possible. Buying an apartment in 2016 especially obliges to save.

2. Reasonable time

Many banks are able to offer you a loan for up to thirty years. And some even up to forty. And if you believe the statistics, then a mortgage loan for an apartment in Russia is taken out for an average of fifteen years. So, long-term loans, for a period of 10 years or more, are the very slavery that everyone talks about when remembering mortgages.

You don’t know what can happen to you in these ten years. Perhaps you won’t need this apartment at all. This is a nightmare! And what about the insane overpayment that you face during this period? Even if you buy an apartment with a mortgage at 12 percent per annum, you will have to pay 70% on top of the amount you took! The optimal period for which you should take out a mortgage is 7 years. If you are not sure that you are able to pay the required amount for a given period, take 10.

3. Adequate rate

An adequate rate is one that will not turn you into a “credit slave.” The overpayment should not be more than one hundred percent of the loan amount. The optimal interest rate in this case is 12% per annum. If you need a short-term loan, then buying an apartment with a mortgage at a high interest rate is possible.

The interest rate depends on:

Loan term: a long term means a high interest rate. This is one of the reasons why an apartment mortgage should be short-term.
From the currency of the loan. If you take out a dollar loan, the rate will usually be significantly lower.
From insurance. If you don’t have insurance, your apartment mortgage will cost you more.
From the method of income confirmation. will reduce your interest rate by an average of 2 percent when compared with the rate when providing a certificate on the bank’s form.

4. Early payments

The mortgage on the apartment must be such that early repayment is possible. According to statistics, Russians take out a mortgage for an average of 15 years, and average term, after which they repay the payment - 7 years. By making an early payment, you reduce the overpayment that you are required to pay on the loan interest.

However, it should be remembered that denying yourself everything for the sake of early repayment of the loan is unacceptable. Balance your strengths, plan your income and expenses, pay the obligatory monthly loan payment amount, and only if after all the expenses you have the amount to pay off the debt early, be sure to pay it.

Remember that the sooner you start repay a loan early– the better it will be for your budget. In this case, you will be a winner, because the overpayment will be reduced by a fairly significant percentage, and if you decide to repay the loan before the due date, but after half of the loan period, then due to inflation you will not feel much of a difference in the payment amount. Try to pay off the mortgage immediately, and spend the funds released after payment on something else you need.

You also have a choice: you can take out a mortgage with early repayment and reduce the loan term, or the monthly payment amount. If you choose the first type, the amount you overpay will be significantly reduced. If your choice falls on reducing the monthly payment, then the amount of payments will be less “strangling” your budget every month. It depends only on your individual considerations, as well as on the loan amount - if the mortgage does not strangle your budget, then take a reduction in the term, and if it takes the lion's share of your budget, choose the opposite option. not as difficult as it seems.

5. Airbag

In order to be prepared for any force majeure situation, you need to have a “safety cushion”, amounting to an amount on which you can live on average for six months, without particularly limiting yourself in anything and regularly paying your mortgage. If you are afraid of a long illness or an upcoming crisis, then increase the pillow so that it lasts for about a year. Just don't go overboard with your savings. If you have money left after your usual monthly expenses, then give half to pay off your mortgage early, and save half. You will even feel more comfortable breathing from the knowledge that you are insured against any non-standard and force majeure situation. Buying an apartment with a mortgage in 2016 may be one of these cases, because with the current economic situation it is difficult to predict anything.

6. Comfortable bank

It is advisable to choose a bank that will be convenient for you, because you will have to have contact with it every month, and the less nerves and time these contacts take, the better. Signs of a comfortable bank:

Convenient location. The bank office should be close to your home. The maximum is from work. This option undesirable, since you are more likely to change your place of work than your place of residence.
Convenient bank working hours.
Decent service and qualified staff.
Electronic queue. More precisely, its presence.
No long waits in kilometer-long queues.

If you have available funds to make a payment two or even three months in advance, take advantage of this opportunity. The less you have to contact the bank, the less stress and more free time you will subsequently bring when purchasing an apartment with a mortgage.

7. A worthy goal

You must clearly understand why you need this mortgage. Do you really need it that much? Buying an apartment in 2016 - is this risk worth it during the crisis? And if so, then after realizing this it should become much easier for you to endure all the difficulties associated with payment, because it is the key to success in any field.

Well, these are all the basic rules, thanks to which buying an apartment with a mortgage will become a feasible burden for you, and will not make you hate everything and everyone around you, but will bring you joy and motivation for your personal and personal life.

Last update February 2019

Buying an apartment through a mortgage is a responsible and important decision in the life of every person. Therefore, a potential borrower first needs to assess his own financial capabilities. The following should be taken into account:

  • A feasible amount of monthly payments (as a rule, it is no more than half of the income received);
  • Cost of the apartment;
  • The amount of the down payment (usually 30% or more of the cost of housing);
  • Type of apartment and proposed area of ​​its location.

The instructions for purchasing an apartment with a mortgage require the following procedures.

Choosing a bank and mortgage program

Before taking out a mortgage to buy an apartment, it is necessary to analyze the conditions and offers in various banks. Determining indicators when choosing optimal option are:

  • Mortgage loan amount;
  • The interest rate, as a rule, varies from 11 to 15% per annum, and depends on the bank and the desired amount;
  • Encumbrances (conditions for issuance and support);
  • Loan currency;
  • Security conditions (including guarantee requirements);
  • Payment terms;
  • Insurance conditions (including the mortgaged property);
  • There are penalties for early repayment.

Having selected several suitable banks and mortgage programs, you need to carefully study the intricacies of the mortgage product based on the advice received as a result of the call or visit.

It must also be remembered that many banking institutions impose requirements and restrictions on prospective borrowers, namely:

  • Permanent registration in the territory determined by the bank;
  • Certain length of service at the current place of work (total seniority at least 1 year, in the last place over 4-6 months);
  • Positive credit history;
  • No criminal record;
  • No other parallel loans;
  • Legal capacity;
  • Age limit (minimum age 21 years, maximum is determined by the moment of loan repayment, by this year the borrower should be no more than 65-75 years old)
  • If co-borrowers are involved, then no more than 3 people, degree of relationship - spouses, brothers, parents, third parties;
  • If the borrower is a man under 27 years old without a military ID, he will be denied a loan. That is, a person liable for military service who has not completed military service, has a deferment (for example, in connection with study), etc. cannot be a borrower (with the exception of military personnel, in reserve).

By submitting applications simultaneously to several banks, You can find out the specific mortgage conditions and the procedure for purchasing an apartment in each of them. Once your application is approved, you must begin choosing a suitable apartment. This procedure usually takes 2–3 months.

Information on preliminary conditions for mortgage lending is presented on the official websites of banks.

The mortgage application approval period is from 5 to 10 working days. In the meantime, all submitted documents are carefully checked, so you need to start looking for housing only after the firm consent of the credit institution.

Important: the bank can refuse to issue a loan and conclude an agreement only if it is clear from the submitted documents that the potential borrower is not able to repay the loan and interest, based on his financial capabilities. Other reasons for refusal are illegal and can be appealed to the court.

Property selection

When choosing real estate, you should take into account the bank's requirements for the mortgaged property. Usually:

An apartment on the secondary market must:

A residential building or cottage must:

  • Be located in an area defined by the mortgage program;
  • Have a year-round access road;
  • Suitable for year-round use:
  • Comply with plumbing standards (have heating, sewerage and water supply systems);
  • Complete the appropriate cadastral registration.

To select real estate in new buildings, banking institutions, as a rule, offer properties from the database of developers who have passed official accreditation. For this purpose, special programs are provided, including government programs to support mortgage lending for the primary housing market.

Example: DeltaCredit Bank offers loans under the Mortgage with state support» at 12% per annum. Clients can take advantage of benefits under the conditions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

If the borrower independently selects an apartment on the primary market, then banks usually impose the following requirements on developers:

  • Duration on the housing construction market – more than five years;
  • Compliance with assessment standards financial stability according to Federal Law 214-FZ;
  • No delays (more than a year) in the completion of construction and commissioning of facilities during previous years;
  • Availability of single-site and mass development objects (two or more) put into operation;
  • Failure to initiate bankruptcy proceedings or liquidation decisions;
  • Other requirements.

To receive professional assistance in choosing real estate and confidence in the legal purity of transactions, banks offer to use the services of real estate agencies that are their partners. To do this, they provide clients with appropriate partner databases.

Property valuation

For the timely fulfillment of obligations under the contract, the terms of the mortgage determine the provision of liquid collateral, which most often serves as the purchased property. The market value of the collateral is the starting point for determining the amount of the mortgage loan, and therefore the valuation of the collateral is an important indicator in the lending process.

Most banks, in order to conduct a reliable assessment of loan collateral, offer to use the services of appraisal organizations from among their partners. At the same time, they do not limit borrowers in their choice, however, if the assessment report is provided by an organization that has negative experience working with the bank, the latter has the right to initiate an additional inspection.

Also, if it is discovered that the assessments provided are unreliable or that legal requirements in the area of ​​assessment have been violated, banking institutions have the right to send reasoned complaints to regulatory organizations (SROO). Therefore, experts recommend using the services of partner appraisers.

The appraisal certificate is provided to the lending bank.

List of documents and submitting an application to the bank

In most banks, the documents provided for purchasing an apartment with a mortgage are:

  • Application form for a mortgage loan, you can apply for it online on the bank’s website;
  • By client, photocopies of the following documents:
    • Photocopy of passport;
    • Certificate of income in the form of a specific banking institution or 2-NDFL;
    • A certified copy of the work record;
    • SNILS - insurance certificate of state pension insurance
    • Military ID for males of military age;
    • Education documents (certificates, diplomas, etc.);
    • Marriage/divorce certificates and marriage contract (if available);
    • Birth certificates of children;
    • Certificate of registration with the tax authority individual at the place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation (on assignment of a taxpayer identification number (TIN);
    • Documents on the client’s existing debt obligations (or previously fulfilled);
  • For real estate:
    • Title documents (agreements, acts, etc.);
    • Technical documentation (cadastral passport or technical passport);
    • Photocopies of real estate sellers' passports.

Documents about other regular income and marital status may also be required.

Example: A married couple applied to the bank to obtain a mortgage for 2,500,000 rubles, they both work (total monthly income of 50 thousand rubles), no children, age 30 years. We were refused by the bank because our income did not allow us to apply for a loan - the cost of living for each person is 15,000 rubles. Exit: take a smaller amount - 1,500,000, or look for an additional co-borrower, not retirement age, With wages at least 25,000 per month.

If the object of collateral is registered with legally capable adults who are not borrowers, banks ask them to additionally provide signed and notarized statements indicating their awareness that:

  • The apartment in which they live is transferred as collateral;
  • In case of failure to fulfill the obligations specified in the mortgage agreement, the apartment will be foreclosed upon, up to and including the eviction of the applicants.

If persons who are not close relatives of the pledgor are registered in the object of collateral, banks additionally require an explanation of the need to register these persons in this object and documentary evidence of the existence of property of these persons, where they can be registered.

Important: As a rule, banks do not accept minors and/or incapacitated persons among the owners of real estate transferred as collateral.

Conclusion of a loan agreement

Before signing a loan agreement for the purchase of an apartment, you need to carefully study it. You should pay close attention to all encumbrances and potential costs, especially hidden interest, for which it is recommended to translate them into figures.

As a rule, hidden interest consists of various commissions (for cash withdrawal, account maintenance, etc.) and mandatory deposits, determined in percentage from the mortgage loan amount.

Example: When receiving a mortgage loan of 1 million rubles at a rate of 10% per annum, annual payments without hidden interest will amount to 100 thousand rubles (1 million * 10%). Charging only a cash withdrawal fee of 2.8% will lead to an increase in the interest rate to 12.8% and additional payments in the amount of 28 thousand rubles (1 million * 2.8%).

Important: By Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 8274/09 dated November 17, 2009, banks are prohibited from charging a commission for opening and maintaining a loan account.

If the bank imposes fees, making them mandatory for obtaining a loan, then it must indicate these encumbrances in the agreement and when disclosing the effective interest rate. When going through the stages of purchase, when signing an agreement, it is necessary to require the bank to disclose associated costs, in order to determine the real cost of the mortgage.

You should also pay attention to the conditions for changing the interest rate. Many banks provide this option in unilaterally without the borrower's consent. This is fraught with the fact that in certain economic situations the bank may increase the interest rate and the loan will become unbearable for the client. Therefore, you should strive to include conditions in the loan agreement that provide for changes in interest or loan repayment amounts only by mutual agreement of the parties.

Another important condition is the ability to repay the loan early. This is provided by law. However, banks use a trick and condition this right with additional payments.
Eg, the loan agreement may provide that in the event of early repayment of the loan, the borrower pays the bank a one-time payment in the amount of 1% of the repaid amount in excess of the early repaid loan.

Registration of a transaction with the seller and transfer of money

The next step in the purchase procedure, after concluding a loan agreement, will be to receive funds and purchase the selected property. The transfer of money is the key point of the transaction. As soon as the money is in the hands of the buyer, you can proceed with the preparation of the *apartment purchase agreement*. The relationship between the parties is reflected in the purchase and sale agreement, the important conditions of which are the value of the property and the payment procedure. The payment procedure can be carried out:

  • Cash payment (in hand);
  • By non-cash payment (transfer to the seller’s account);
  • Through a safe deposit box.

Often banks issue a loan on the terms of the initial registration of a real estate purchase and sale transaction and mortgage, and only after that they issue borrowed funds. In such cases, the acquisition of real estate is carried out in the following stages:

  • the buyer informs the seller about the concluded loan agreement and agrees to complete the transaction with the condition of deferred payment
  • pays an advance to the seller from his own funds
  • the transaction and mortgage are registered
  • Certificates of the concluded transaction and registration of the mortgage are provided to the bank, on the basis of which money is issued
  • final payment is made to the seller

As a rule, sellers agree to such conditions, since after registering a mortgage, the bank issues loan funds in the next working days. And the purchase and sale without payment guarantees the seller a deposit by force of law. So the seller has no risks.

The purchase transaction and registration of the apartment is carried out in Federal service state registration, cadastre and cartography (Rosreestr). When concluding it, it is important to reach agreement on all important conditions, which will not allow this deal to fail.

Insurance and mortgage transfer

To conclude a mortgage agreement, it is necessary to undergo the procedure of compulsory insurance of the collateral real estate against the risks of damage and loss. This procedure is provided for by the mortgage law.

Banks often require insurance on the borrower's life or other risks. The decision to sign an agreement with additional types insurance is the borrower’s decision, because it leads to an increase in loan payments (hidden interest).

Next comes the process of drawing up a mortgage and mortgage agreement. The mortgage agreement is registered in Rosreestr, which will not allow the borrower to perform any actions with the property without the consent of the bank, the holder of the mortgage. The mortgage remains with the banking institution and allows it to resell the right of claim under the pledge agreement.

Methods for collecting overdue loans

Overdue loans have a negative impact on the activities of any financial organization, up to its viability. In this regard, banks will improve the process of working with problem loans.

Work with debtors proceeds through constructive dialogue. If it is determined that the borrower’s financial difficulties are urgent, banks proceed to restructure the loan by:

  • Changes to the payment schedule;
  • Loan extensions;
  • Changes in interest rate.

If loan underwriting has identified problems with the borrower's solvency, the bank sends him notices demanding repayment of the debt and negotiates with him. During the negotiations, the consequences of non-payment of the debt are explained, up to the possibility of transferring the case to the courts (forcibly collecting the debt).

It is worth noting that evasion of debt payment is a criminal offense. Therefore, it is necessary to use all opportunities to pay off the debt under the loan agreement, and preferably on a voluntary basis.

What to do if you don’t have money to continue paying your mortgage loan

All sorts of nuances should be taken into account, for example, loss of a job, deterioration in health, etc. If a payment is late, bank employees begin calling the debtor by phone and reminding them to pay the debt. If there is no response to this, the bank sends a postal notice of urgent payment of the existing debt within 10 days. If there is no reaction to this, the mortgagor has the right to go to court, where a decision will be made on early collection of the entire remaining loan amount and interest, and on the sale of the apartment at auction.
The apartment is sold at auction at a collateral value, which is usually less than the market value. Therefore, when concluding a mortgage agreement, you should pay attention to the size of the collateral value and try to bring it closer to the market level.

In this case, after the sale of the apartment, the debtor will receive only the amounts paid by him on the main loan minus %, also minus the fine imposed by the bank, and then provided that there is money left over from the sale of the apartment.

Example: The client was issued a loan to purchase an apartment in the amount of 3,000,000 rubles. Over 2 years, 500,000 rubles were returned to the bank, including interest. At the time of collection, the debt to the bank in court is 2,700,000 rubles. (loan balance + interest due). The collateral value of the apartment was 2,300,000 rubles, but in fact it was sold at auction for 2,000,000 rubles. As a result, the borrower owes the bank another 700,000 rubles (this balance is covered by the insurance amount).
That is, the debtor remains in the red - he loses the apartment and the amount of interest paid, and pays a penalty to the bank, which amounts to impressive amounts. The remaining funds go to pay off legal and other costs, and to the bank (to repay a previously issued loan).

But since the process of foreclosure on an apartment is quite lengthy, during this time it is advisable to find a job and pay off debts:

  • If the debtor, before the trial or even during the trial, finds a job, etc., and pays off his current debt, a peaceful settlement of the disagreement is possible, since it is also not profitable for banks to get involved with the sale of the apartment.
  • If the case goes to court, the debtor can fight to reduce the amount of the penalty (under certain conditions it can be reduced).

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Mortgage is currently one of the available ways buy housing for many Russian families. According to analytical agencies, from 11 to 50% of families can afford this in various regions. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is the leader in this possibility. How a mortgage transaction occurs and what steps should be taken when registering it is described in this article.

The main differences between mortgages and other types of lending are:

  • her goal is to purchase real estate
  • very long period (from 10 to 20, and sometimes up to 30 years)
  • large loan amount (usually several million)
  • involving family members as co-borrowers
  • The purchased property is used as collateral
  • insurance of collateral against the risks of damage and loss of rights
  • life, health, and performance insurance of the borrower

In order to support certain categories of citizens, the state has developed special mortgage lending programs. If the borrower does not belong to any social group, he has the right to use standard offers.


Standard mortgage is the most common form of lending under the conditions offered by banks for secondary housing, apartments in new buildings, residential buildings with land plots. The borrower uses only his own funds to pay the bank. The down payment amount is from 10 to 20% of the cost of the apartment, the rate is from 9.1 to 13.75% for secondary housing, up to 14.25% for apartments in new buildings. The loan amount is no more than 70–80% of the price of the housing secured as collateral. The required borrower age varies among different banks, ranging from 18 to 75 years. The upper age limit is determined at the date of full repayment of the mortgage. Rates are lower for salary clients, borrowers with bank accounts, a positive credit history, and with personal insurance.


Social is a mortgage with state support for low-income people who need improved living conditions and who do not have sufficient funds to pay. The third party to the agreement is the state. Such programs are implemented at the regional level, so they may vary depending on the different regions. More detailed information will be provided by local authorities and the regional branch of AHML.

State support can be in the amount of 10–50% of the cost of housing in the form of:

  • rate reduction due to budget co-financing
  • subsidizing part of the cost of purchased housing
  • issuing subsidies for the purchase of housing in installments from the social fund at a price 1.5–2.5 times lower than the market price

Social mortgage is distinguished by:

  1. Minimum rate (no more than 7.55%)
  2. Minimum down payment (10–20%)
  3. Longer loan terms
  4. State subsidies for payment of the down payment, mortgage interest, early repayment of debt
  5. Deferred payments or restructuring for up to 1.5–3 years. For example, Sberbank will issue a mortgage to young families with children at a rate of 6% for 3–5 years and 9.25% thereafter.
  6. Reducing monthly payments when refinancing
  7. One-time subsidies (for example, maternity capital funds)

The state helps doctors, teachers, scientists, large families purchasing new buildings at a rate of up to 12%. There are restrictions on the area of ​​apartments: no more than 32 sq.m. for one, 48 for two, then 18 sq.m. for each family member. Terms of this assistance social group is age not older than 35 years (Doctor of Sciences up to 40 years old), presence of need. They have access to a mortgage at 8.5% and payment of up to 30%, provided they contribute at least 10% of the cost of housing with their own funds. Young families with children in individual regions support will be provided in the amount of up to 40% of the price of new buildings. Eat regional programs With payment of 100% of the cost, the borrower pays only interest.

For a young family

A family in which the age of the spouses is no more than 35 years is considered young. If a family needs housing and is on a waiting list at the local administration for improved living conditions, it is entitled to receive a subsidy:

  • 35% of the cost of housing if there are no children
  • 40% upon availability

The money is allocated for a down payment on a mortgage or as an addition to own funds when buying an apartment. In this case, the family must confirm its financial solvency with certificates from 2-NDFL or from the bank on the status of the account.


Contract military personnel and police officers, after three and 10 years, respectively, have the right to use the funds accumulated in their personal accounts, starting in January 2005. Subsidies are provided only to those who need improved housing conditions. Banks issue a mortgage to military personnel with conditions for its repayment by the age of 45 years.

5 main conditions for receiving

The mortgage is based on federal laws, and banks determine the requirements for borrowers independently. There are conditions common to everyone:

  1. Russian Federation citizenship
  2. Registration is permanent in the region where the bank operates
  3. The borrower's age is 21–70 years. Some banks have extended the age limits from 18 to 75 years.
  4. General work experience less than a year and in the last place from 6 months.
  5. The total income must be such as to ensure not only mortgage payments, but also the normal existence of the borrower and his family

How to apply

The process of applying for a mortgage consists of several stages, requiring the borrower to analyze and assess the consequences of each of them.

Program selection

Analyzing the offers of many banks, having previously calculated how much money can be received and the size of monthly payments, the borrower compares them with his capabilities. If there are grounds for obtaining a preferential mortgage with state support, it is definitely recommended to take advantage of them. It should be taken into account that state programs apply to new buildings, the loan amount does not exceed 70% of the value of the collateral according to the assessment report, and the bank will ask you to place the first payment in the account. The monthly contribution should not exceed 30% of the total family income.

List of documents

Having chosen a mortgage program and a bank, you need to begin preparing documents for the borrower, the purchased housing for the preferential program. Documents are prepared in accordance with the requirements of authorities and credit institutions.

You will need:

  • originals and photocopies of documents for all family members
  • for collateral property
  • salary certificates 2-NDFL
  • certified copy of work record book
  • proof of employment
  • certificate for state support (if available)


You can apply for a loan online at the selected bank or personally visit a branch of a credit institution with your passport and documents and, following its recommendations, fill out an application form at the bank.

Selecting an object for a mortgage loan

The object of the mortgage can be secondary housing, a new building, or a residential building on the site. When choosing an object, the borrower must proceed from the financial capabilities of the family. Banks offer preferential terms mortgages if the borrower buys housing from partner developers. Using state subsidies, they choose an object that is recommended by the authorities. Documents for the selected object are presented to the bank for approval.

Registration of collateral

Having chosen housing and agreed upon it with all parties (bank, authorities, Pension Fund), they begin to draw up a loan agreement. For collateral, you need to order an assessment of the value of the home from a company agreed upon with the bank and its acceptability as collateral. The assessment report is also submitted to the bank. After reviewing the documents, the credit committee notifies the borrower about the form of collateral.

Carrying out a purchase and sale transaction

The transaction includes several stages:

  1. A contract for the purchase and sale of housing is concluded with the owner of the property.
  2. A loan agreement is concluded with the bank, which must indicate the term and amount of the loan, the rate, terms of termination, early repayment, sanctions for late payments.
  3. The contract specifies what the collateral is, its value, and the insurance requirement.
  4. You should read all clauses of the contract very carefully. The bank gives the borrower at least five days to do this.

We register mortgages and property rights

The mortgage agreement is registered in Rosreestr in accordance with Art. 20 No. 102-FZ. The registration application is filled out by the borrower and the bank. You also need a real estate purchase and sale agreement and a pledge agreement (if it is drawn up separately with the bank) or a mortgage. Registration of a mortgage is also possible upon the application of the notary who certified the transaction. If a mortgage is issued on the collateral, the mortgage is registered on it.

We arrange insurance

At the request of the bank and in order to reduce the mortgage rate, the borrower insures the property being pledged against damage and loss of rights. The insured amount is not less than the cost of the loan including all interest. Most banks require life and disability insurance for the borrower. Personal insurance and in the interests of the borrower himself, so that mortgage obligations in the event of an accident or death do not pass to his heirs. The end of the process is the transfer of money to the seller in the manner specified in the purchase and sale agreement.

How does a transaction using a safe deposit box work?

Transferring money through a rented safe deposit box is one of the safest and most reliable ways to pay for real estate.

The order is as follows:

  1. The buyer rents a locker (mini-safe) for a certain period.
  2. The bank representative, buyer and seller count the money and place it in a safe deposit box for the bank.
  3. The bank verifies the authenticity of the banknotes and blocks cash for an agreed period.
  4. Typically, registering a transaction takes up to 7 days, during which time a cell rental agreement is drawn up.
  5. The seller, having fulfilled the terms of the purchase and sale agreement, confirms this with documents to the bank and gains access to the safe deposit box. Most often, the condition is the fact of registration of the buyer's ownership of the purchased property.

The cost of renting a locker and checking the authenticity of banknotes will amount to up to 5 thousand rubles.

How long does it take to register with Sberbank and other banks?

The time it takes to obtain a mortgage from Sberbank and other banks depends not only on the banks, but also on the borrower himself. It usually takes one to two months to obtain a mortgage. Let's look at time step by step.

  1. The borrower collects documents on income, family composition, employment, government subsidies, etc. in order to apply for a mortgage to the bank. This will take him about a week
  2. Submits documents to the bank and fills out an application. It takes the bank 5–7 days to study the client and his solvency
  3. After approval of the application, the buyer selects the property, coordinating it with the bank and authorities (with their participation). It is also required to prepare all documents for the purchased property, including its assessment by an appraisal company. At this stage, the preparation time is determined by the efficiency of the borrower himself, but this is no less than a week
  4. Registration and signing of a mortgage agreement according to the presented documents. The borrower has the right to study the contract for five days. It could end up being a week again. At this stage, it is necessary to draw up insurance contracts for the collateral and the borrower. Renting a safe deposit box and placing money in it
  5. Registration of a mortgage with Rosreestr takes 4–7 days. After registration, the government loan used (subsidy, maternity capital, etc.) is used to partially repay the debt

Features of the programs

Currently, when planning a mortgage, you should choose a suitable loan program, and only then housing for it. Some programs are developed only for certain housing, for example, new buildings from partner developers, for a certain category of borrowers. A number of programs:

  1. Offers a limited and unsuitable list of properties
  2. Has an inconvenient loan term
  3. Contains currency requirements

Mortgage programs also differ in the following parameters:

  1. Purpose: for low-income citizens, pensioners, young families, teachers, doctors and scientists, families with children, military.
  2. Down payment amount. It can range from 10 to 30%.
  3. Age requirements for borrowers. The upper age limit on the date of full calculation is important.
  4. Methods of confirming income for borrowers and co-borrowers.
  5. Purchasing housing on the primary or secondary market or through shares from developers.
  6. Possibility of using subsidies for selected housing. Not all mortgage programs offered accept subsidies.
  7. Requirement to allocate shares to minors upon registration. Does the bank agree to such conditions or accept other guarantees?


A mortgage allows citizens of the Russian Federation to purchase their own home, gradually paying off it to banks. Young families and certain social categories of citizens in need of housing have the right to receive government support. When choosing a mortgage, you should first study the offers of lenders, evaluate your capabilities, and then choose housing. You can use a mortgage to buy land plots for building a house or country houses.

Video: Apartment with a mortgage - processing the transaction and tips

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