What should be the power in the gas water heater? How to choose a geyser: selection guidelines and rating of the best models

In a high-quality audio system, the main role is played by stereo or multi-channel speaker systems.

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Thanks to them, electrical impulses are converted into sounds in the acoustic range different frequencies. For some, a clean sound that is as close to the original as possible is important. musical instruments, and for some, the voice of the vocalist, film actors or teacher from educational video courses comes first.

How important is the sound system?

It is the basis for the entire audio system.

It is preferable to start selecting a suitable audio system with acoustics.

Moreover, for everyone they will be a priority different variants equipment. The choice is influenced by such factors as the “tailoredness” of such a system to those genres that the future owner likes and the price category.

For lovers of the most accurate sound, hi-fi speaker systems are suitable.
Despite the myths, not every expensive audio equipment offers the mentioned capabilities.

When exclusivity comes first, the audio market provides fans of high-quality sound with Hi-End audio equipment.

Reference! High End is a marketing term that refers to the elite quality of software and hardware that enhances sound. Accordingly, the price of such audio systems does not scare only ardent music fans or lovers of non-serial audio equipment who have a good financial condition.

Types acoustic systems

There are several categories of speaker systems, each of which is capable of satisfying specific customer needs. Based on basic differences, there are 5 basic classification groups.

  • The principle of equipment installation. Acoustic systems are divided into floor-standing and bookshelf depending on their size. The former are preferable for large premises such as cinemas. Using them at home for a TV or computer is unprofitable. It is best to use bookshelf speakers.
  • Number of speakers. Otherwise, this is called division by the number of sound bands. The manufacturer may include from 1 to 7 speakers. The most optimal option for the budget is 3 speakers, where one band is responsible for low frequencies, another for middle frequencies and a third for high frequencies.
  • The presence or absence of a sound amplifier in the speakers. In the first case they are called active, in the second - passive. Passive options are much more common. They are preferred by audiophiles due to the crossover filter and, accordingly, higher sound quality due to frequency separation.
  • By design, speakers are divided into planar, dynamic, electrostatic and other types, and in some cases the equipment does not fall into any category.
  • Design. Speakers can have a closed or open body; a good addition would be a bass inverter - a pipe in the column tuned to certain frequency and amplifying sounds within its boundaries. Thanks to this hole, lower frequencies are reproduced than with conventional equipment. If the pipe is bent inside the body, increasing its length, power and range of reproducible low frequencies, you will get speakers with an acoustic labyrinth. They are more expensive and require greater precision in manufacturing.

Areas of use of acoustic systems

The first and main area of ​​application is home use.

This includes the need for high-quality sound for greater immersion in video games, power and strength of sound for watching TV, clarity and proximity to the original sound for music lovers of various genres.

Fans of high-quality music in the car are recommended to purchase multi-band audio systems.

Moreover, for better sound, high-frequency and mid-frequency elements of the Car system are located in the front of the car. Low-frequency speakers are often assigned to the rear of the car.

Concert versions of acoustic systems are designed not only to provide sound access to any point in a large room or hall, but also to satisfy the sound quality requirements of many listeners. The most common concert audio packages include monitors for nuanced sound, front speakers for high-density direct sound, and center speakers for vocals.

Speakers 1 kW

A separate category is recording studios. They prefer studio monitors that are capable of reproducing sound with all its pros and cons, which ultimately contributes to the creation of a purer and more authentic-sounding track.

Regardless of where the speaker system will be used, it is recommended to first determine the criteria by which suitable equipment will be selected.

With their help, you will be able to get equipment that will bring you as close as possible to the sound of your dreams.

What questions are best for you to ask in the store, what is important to know before purchasing in order to make a good decision, and what features of the engineering system of your apartment are best taken into account when choosing a device such as a geyser - we will now consider. In addition, we will give some tips on using the column that will allow you to use the column for as long as possible. We will separately discuss solutions for the hot water supply system country house.

We sell large quantities gas water heaters In addition, we provide installation of geysers, their warranty, and of course post-warranty service. And therefore, our article is not so much a help to you, but to us - after all, we are, without a doubt, the most interested party in ensuring that your choice is successful and meets all expectations.

To choose the most suitable water heater for you, you need to understand how a gas water heater works, what performance of the device will meet your requirements, how much your choice should depend on the water pressure in the system, whether you need modulation of the water heater’s power and what type of ignition is most preferable for you. These are the 5 most important aspects when choosing this device, which we will consider below. It would also be useful to find out what type of heat exchanger the column is equipped with and what protection measures it has. We will try not to focus your attention on manufacturers and specific models. After reading this article, you can choose geyser exactly according to your conditions and needs.

So, how does a gas water heater work?

The operating principle of a gas instantaneous water heater is extremely simple - cold water, coming from the system, passes through the heat exchanger of the column, heated by the burner flame, and is issued to the consumer. This, in fact, is the main advantage of a instantaneous water heater over a storage one - here you get hot water immediately when you need to get it. hot water by using storage water heater you would need up to several hours of waiting.

It is worth noting that gas is the cheapest product, which again indicates the benefits of using gas equipment instead of electrical appliances. Some statistics: a liter of water obtained by heating from gas is much cheaper than from electricity and even cheaper than from central heating. Also, thanks to the use of gas equipment, it is possible to achieve very high power of the devices - about 24-26 kW, which significantly exceeds the capabilities of residential electrical networks. Conveniently, the instantaneous water heater, despite all its colossal advantages and performance, is also compact, which allows you to save a lot of space.

What column performance meets your needs?

The performance of a geyser is most often indicated in l/min - this is generally accepted among all manufacturers of gas columns. The performance of the column depends on its power (kW) and on the flow rate set by the consumer, which, in turn, is limited by the maximum flow rate of your cold water system - this is worth remembering and taking into account when choosing a column. The standard representation is the number of liters of water that the water heater will heat by 25 degrees per minute. These values ​​usually range from 10 to 15 liters. That is, with a column power of 10 l/min and an incoming temperature of 10 °C, you get 10 liters of water at a temperature of 35 °C per minute. This value quite conditional.

In order to assess the performance you need, you need to understand how many water points or mixers you can use at the same time. Typically, when taking a shower, the flow rate is 7-8 l/min. When using a tap - about 3-5 l/min. From this we can already conclude that for comfortable use of hot water for showering and washing dishes, it is preferable to choose a column with a capacity of 13-14 l/min, or more if the needs for hot water require it.

But you should remember that the flow of water in your system directly depends on the water pressure.

How much does your choice depend on the water pressure in the system?

The geyser is instantaneous water heater- and therefore a very important characteristic of your water supply system is water pressure. It is necessary to understand what extreme conditions the device is designed for and how to protect yourself from trouble.

The very first thing to consider is the minimum pressure in your system. The value declared by the manufacturer usually does not exceed 0.15 bar, which is undoubtedly very small, but if there is still a lack of pressure in the system, which is especially typical for Stalin’s buildings, then you should refrain from purchasing dispensers with a hydrogen generator, which may simply not start, otherwise high power, which is fraught with premature failure of the column.

Water hammer is also possible, so it is important that the connections of the water heater and the column itself are strong enough to withstand them. The declared value that the system can periodically withstand is 11-12 bar. To prevent the risk of column leakage for this reason, it is recommended to install a pressure relief valve.

There is often a misconception that speakers Russian manufacturers more adapted to our conditions. It is not always so. Several years ago, the State Unitary Enterprise MO "Mosoblgaz" conducted a study in which speakers presented on our market were subjected to independent testing, and the leaders turned out to be devices from the famous German brand Junkers (nowgeysers BOSCH ).

Do you need speaker power modulation?

When using a column, situations arise when the water pressure drops, which entails temperature changes that are uncomfortable for the consumer. Typical situation when the second faucet in the kitchen opens while taking a shower.

Temperature changes are eliminated automatically if the column is equipped with power modulation - this is usually in the range from 40 to 100% power. This range is sufficient for comfortable use of several mixers at once and allows you to avoid temperature fluctuations. Note that modulation occurs in a certain range, the upper limit of which is limited by the maximum power of your column, while the lower limit is limited by the sensitivity of the fittings inside the column. Thus, the larger this range, the more comfortable it will be to use the column.

Of course, this function does not come cheap to the consumer. Compare, for example, a geyser without modulation BOSCH W 10 KB and a device with very high-quality burner modulation Bosch WR 10-2B – the price difference is almost five thousand rubles! Calculate the difference between a speaker without modulation and its analogue . Even taking into account more power the latest device, it is easy to see that comfort is an expensive pleasure.

Selecting a column by ignition type

From the columns presented to the consumer on Russian market There are two types of ignition - ignition from the igniter and direct ignition of the burner. Ignition from the igniter is most preferable, since in this case the main burner is not ignited immediately, but only after the pilot flame of the wick has ignited. At the same time, unpleasant pops and even explosions, so familiar to users of old speakers, are eliminated when the speaker is turned on.

Direct ignition of the burner is used in inexpensive models. It is carried out by supplying gas and charging the electrode directly to the main burner. In this case, gas is released in a much larger quantity compared to ignition from the igniter, so this will be accompanied by characteristic pops. Also, if the ignition electrode was not configured correctly by the manufacturer, then start-up may occur with some delay and the bang will then be quite strong, which can cause discomfort for the consumer. If you choose a column with direct ignition, you should make sure that the ignition electrode and flame ionization control are located at the proper distance.

Ignition can be accomplished in several ways. The simplest option is piezoelectric element. When starting the column, the igniter is initially lit, to which a small amount of gas will be constantly supplied during operation of the column, and through the igniter, the main burner will be ignited at the right time.

The second option is battery ignition . In this case, at the moment the tap is opened, a charge is supplied to the electrode, which ignites the igniter. Then it ignites the main burner, after which the igniter immediately goes out. After closing the hot water tap, the gas supply is completely shut off and the main burner is turned off. The above, of course, does not apply to inexpensive models with direct ignition of the burner - everything is much simpler here.

There is a third option, whichThe first one is the most comfortable and does not require any influence from the consumer - a column with an installedhydrogenerator . The switching principle is the same as that of the version with a battery, but with one exception: the charge is formed due to the energy of the water flow, which ensures complete energy independence of the water heater.

Which heat exchanger is better?

The vast majority of columns have copper heat exchangers. However, not all manufacturers use high-quality copper to make the heat exchanger, which leads to a decrease in the service life of the column. High-quality copper has a characteristic shine and color; as a rule, low-quality heat exchangers are painted with a protective compound to protect it from exposure to water, since the content large quantity impurities make it vulnerable to corrosion. It is also worth paying attention to the soldering areas - black dots and lines indicate that the soldering was carried out manually and then overheated areas may form during operation. This leads to burnout and leakage of the heat exchanger.

We recommend making a choice in favor of established brands on the market - such as, for examplegeysers NEVA , Bosch speakers or geysers ARISTON .

Column safety

Before purchasing, you should make sure that the dispenser is equipped with the necessary safety equipment for gas equipment:

  • Flame detection sensor . It is located directly next to the main burner and, in the presence of a flame, the space between the electrodes is ionized, thereby giving a signal to the gas fittings to keep the gas supply valve open. If the flame does not ignite, the gas valve closes.

  • Chimney draft sensor . If the chimney draft is insufficient, flue gases are discharged through special channels, influencing the sensor. In the event of such a leak, the column is turned off.

  • Temperature control. This sensor monitors the temperature in the heat exchanger so that it does not exceed a value close to 100˚C. In case of extreme heating, the gas supply also stops.

  • Have your dispenser serviced annually.

  • Periodically you need to ventilate the room in which the gas water heater is located, especially if it is located in a closed, poorly ventilated space.

Choosing a speaker for a country house

At the dacha, even without being able to use main gas, you can use a gas water heater for hot water supply. In this case, the column is reconfigured for liquefied gas. However, you should make sure whether the model you choose has this option. Some manufacturers set the setting already at the factory, which greatly simplifies the use of a dispenser with gas from cylinders.

To simplify the gas exhaust system, it is better to use a column with a closed combustion chamber and smoke exhaust using a coaxial chimney through the wall. At the same time, the column is equipped with a fan, which creates the necessary draft and does not use air from the room, since the air is taken from the street.

Happy shopping!

Many people have sometimes had to wonder what exactly the power means, which is given in one form or another in the passports of acoustic systems and sound reinforcement equipment. There are surprisingly few materials on this topic on the Internet and in printed publications, and there are also few clear answers to questions. I'll try to somehow reduce the number of white spots in this area. Some more precise descriptions of definitions arose in my dialogue, while trying to better explain their meaning to my interlocutor.

The variety of standards used to measure amplifier output power and speaker power can be confusing for anyone. Here is a block amplifier from a reputable company with 35 W per channel, and here is a cheap music center with a 1000 W sticker. Such a comparison will clearly cause confusion among a potential buyer. It's time to turn to standards...

Foreign and international standards and definitions

SPL(Sound Pressure Level) - the level of sound pressure developed by the speaker. SPL is the product of the relative sensitivity of the speaker system (sound system) and the supplied electrical power. It should be borne in mind that hearing is a non-linear instrument, and to estimate subjective loudness, corrections must be made to the weighting curves, which in practice differ not only for different signal levels, but also for each individual.

A-weighting(weighting curve) - weighting curve. A relationship describing sound pressure levels at different frequencies that are perceived by the ear as equally loud. Amplitude-frequency response of a weighting filter used in sound pressure level measurements and taking into account the frequency properties of human hearing.

RMS(Root Mean Squared) - root mean square value of electrical power limited by specified nonlinear distortions. Or in another way - the maximum (limit) sinusoidal power - the power at which an amplifier or speaker can operate for one hour with a real music signal without physical damage. Typically 20 - 25 percent higher than DIN.

Power is measured with a sine wave at 1 kHz when 10% THD is reached. It is calculated as the product of the rms values ​​of voltage and current with an equivalent amount of heat created by direct current.

For a sinusoidal signal, the root mean square value is V2 times less than the amplitude value (x 0.707). In general, this is a virtual quantity; the term “rms”, strictly speaking, can be applied to voltage or current, but not to power. A well-known analogue is the effective value (everyone knows it for the power supply network alternating current- these are the same 220 V for Russia).

I will try to explain why this concept is not very informative for describing sound characteristics. RMS power is the work that produces. That is, it makes sense in electrical engineering. And it does not necessarily refer to a sinusoid. In the case of musical signals, we hear loud sounds better than weak ones. And the hearing organs are affected more by amplitude values, rather than by root mean square ones. That is, volume is not equivalent to power. Therefore, root-mean-square values ​​make sense in an electric meter, but amplitude values ​​make sense in music. An even more populist example is the frequency response. Frequency response dips are less noticeable than peaks. That is, loud sounds are more informative than quiet ones, and the average value will say little.

Thus, the RMS standard was one attempt to describe the electrical parameters of audio equipment as a consumer of electricity.

In amplifiers and acoustics, this parameter also, in fact, has a very limited use - an amplifier that produces 10% distortion not at maximum power (when clipping occurs - limiting the amplitude of the amplified signal with specific dynamic distortions arising), still look. Until maximum distortion power is reached transistor amplifiers, for example, often do not exceed hundredths of a percent, and even higher they increase sharply (emergency mode). Many acoustic systems can already fail if operated for a long time at this level of distortion.

For very cheap equipment, another value is indicated - PMPO, a completely meaningless and not standardized parameter by anyone, which means that our Chinese friends measure it as God pleases. More precisely, in parrots, each in its own way. PMPO values ​​often exceed nominal values ​​by up to a factor of 20.

PMPO(Peak Music Power Output) - peak short-term musical power, a value that means the maximum achievable peak value of the signal, regardless of distortion in general, in a minimum period of time (usually 10 mS, but, in general, not standardized), the power that the speaker speaker can withstand for 1-2 seconds on a low frequency signal (about 200 Hz) without physical damage. Typically 10 - 20 times higher than DIN
As follows from the description, the parameter is even more virtual and meaningless in practical application. I advise you not to take these values ​​seriously and not rely on them. If you happen to buy equipment with power parameters indicated only as PMPO, then the only advice is to listen for yourself and determine whether it suits you or not.

100 W (PMPO) = 2 x 3 W (DIN)

DIN is an abbreviation for Deutsches Institut fur Normung.

German non-governmental organization dedicated to standardization for better integration of the market for goods and services in Germany and the international market. The products of this organization are a variety of standards covering a wide variety of applications, including those related to the field of sound reproduction, which is what interests us here.

DIN 45500, which describes the requirements for high-fidelity sound equipment (aka Hi-Fi - High Fidelity), includes:

  • DIN 45500-1 High fidelity audio equipment and systems; minimum performance requirements.
  • DIN 45500-10 High fidelity audio equipment and systems; minimum performance requirements for headphones.
  • DIN 45500-2 Hi-Fi technics; requirements for tuner equipment.
  • DIN 45500-3 Hi-Fi technics; requirements for disk record reproducing equipments.
  • DIN 45500-4 High fidelity audio equipment and systems; minimum performance requirements for magnetic recording and reproducing equipment.
  • DIN 45500-5 High fidelity audio equipment and systems; minimum performance requirements for microphones.
  • DIN 45500-6 High fidelity audio equipment and systems; minimum performance requirements for amplifiers.
  • DIN 45500-7 Hi-Fi-technics; requirements for loudspeakers.
  • DIN 45500-8 Hi-Fi technics; requirements for sets and systems.

DIN POWER- the value of the power output at the actual load (for the amplifier) ​​or supplied (to the speaker), limited by the specified nonlinear distortions. It is measured by applying a signal with a frequency of 1 kHz to the device input for 10 minutes. Power is measured when it reaches 1% THD ( nonlinear distortion).There are other types of measurements, for example, DIN MUSIC POWER, which describes the power of the music (noise) signal. Typically, the indicated value of DIN music is higher than that given as DIN. Approximately equivalent to sine wave power - the power at which an amplifier or speaker can be operated for an extended period of time with a pink noise signal without physical damage.

Domestic standards

In Russia, two power parameters are used - nominal and sinusoidal. This is reflected in the names of speaker systems and speaker designations. Moreover, if previously the rated power was mainly used, now more often it is sinusoidal. For example, 35AC speakers were subsequently designated S-90 (nominal power 35 W, sine wave power 90 W)

Rated power (GOST 23262-88) is an artificial value; it leaves freedom of choice to the manufacturer. The designer is free to specify the rated power value that corresponds to the most advantageous value of nonlinear distortion. Typically, the indicated power was adjusted to the GOST requirements for the complexity class with the best combination of measured characteristics. Indicated for both speakers and amplifiers. Sometimes this led to paradoxes - with step-type distortion occurring in class AB amplifiers at low volume levels, the level of distortion could decrease as the output signal power increased to the nominal one. In this way, record rated characteristics were achieved in the amplifier data sheets, with an extremely low level of distortion at a high rated power of the amplifier. Whereas the highest statistical density of a musical signal lies in the amplitude range of 5-15% of the maximum power of the amplifier. This is probably why Russian amplifiers were noticeably inferior in hearing to Western amplifiers, whose optimum distortion could be at medium volume levels, while in the USSR there was a race for a minimum of harmonic and sometimes intermodulation distortion at any cost at one nominal (almost maximum) power level.

Nameplate noise power - electrical power limited exclusively by thermal and mechanical damage (for example: slipping of the voice coil turns from overheating, burnout of conductors at bending or soldering points, breakage of flexible wires, etc.) when pink noise is supplied through the correction circuit for 100 hours.

Sine wave power is the power at which an amplifier or speaker can operate for an extended period of time with a real music signal without physical damage. Usually 2 - 3 times higher than nominal.

Maximum short-term power is the electrical power that the speakers can withstand without damage (checked by the absence of rattling) for a short period of time. Pink noise is used as a test signal. The signal is sent to the speaker for 2 seconds. Tests are carried out 60 times at intervals of 1 minute. This type of power makes it possible to judge the short-term overloads that a loudspeaker can withstand in situations that arise during operation.

Maximum long-term power is the electrical power that the speakers can withstand without damage for 1 minute. The tests are repeated 10 times with an interval of 2 minutes. The test signal is the same.

The maximum long-term power is determined by the violation of the thermal strength of the speakers (sliding of the turns of the voice coil, etc.).

Pink noise (used in these tests) is a group of signals with a random nature and a uniform spectral density of frequency distribution, decreasing with increasing frequency with a drop of 3 dB per octave over the entire measurement range, with the average level depending on frequency in the form 1/f. Pink noise has constant (over time) energy in any part of the frequency band.

White noise is a group of signals with a random nature and a uniform and constant spectral frequency distribution density. White noise has the same energy at any frequency range.

An octave is a musical frequency band whose extreme frequency ratio is 2.

Electrical power - power dissipated by an ohmic equivalent resistance equal in value to the nominal electrical resistance AC, at a voltage equal to the voltage at the AC terminals. That is, at a resistance that emulates a real load under the same conditions.

Don't forget about speaker impedance. Mostly on the market there are speakers with a resistance of 4, 6, 8 ohms, 2 and 16 ohms are less common. The amplifier power will vary when connecting speakers of different impedances. The amplifier's instructions usually indicate what speaker impedance it is designed for, or the power for different speaker impedances. If the amplifier allows operation with speakers of different impedances, then its power increases as the impedance decreases. If you use speakers with an impedance lower than that specified for the amplifier, this may cause it to overheat and fail; if it is higher, then the specified output power will not be achieved. Of course, the volume of the acoustics is affected not only by the output power of the amplifier, but also by the sensitivity of the speakers, but more on that next time. The main thing is not to forget that power is only one of the parameters, and not the most important one for obtaining good sound.

The first geysers appeared in 1895 in Germany, and in Russia they began to be actively used only in the middle of the last century. At that time, the country was experiencing a housing boom, and hot water supply and a private bath became mandatory attributes city ​​apartment, just connect to common system Not everything worked out at home. It was then that in Khrushchev and early Brezhnevkas they began to install columns – instantaneous gas water heaters. There was little choice, and in terms of ease of use, the first units left much to be desired. Today, such devices have become more technologically advanced, functional and safe, and their range has grown significantly. Let's try to figure out how to choose a geyser for an apartment or a house, and we'll figure out what parameters you should definitely pay attention to.

No. 1. Types of gas water heaters: instantaneous and storage

Depending on the device, gas water heaters are divided into two types:

  • flow-through;
  • cumulative.

Wall-mounted instantaneous water heaters are popularly called geysers. They are the most widespread. Storage-type devices are practically not used in domestic spaces.

Instantaneous gas water heaters

The geyser does not have a storage tank and is intended for instant water heating. Inside the unit there is a heat exchanger through which a water tube passes. Under the heat exchanger is gas-burner. As a result of gas combustion, heat is generated, which heats the water passing through the heat exchanger. Exhaust gases are collected in a collector and discharged to the street. This circuit diagram operation of the column, but the operating features of some components may differ from model to model.

In the simplest columns light the burner you will have to manually, more expensive models provide automatic ignition: as soon as someone turns on the hot water tap, the column will start working, and will turn off when the tap is closed. The water temperature can be regulated either by a simple gearbox or by sophisticated modern electronics.

From your school chemistry course, you must remember that to burn gas, you need oxygen, which is contained in the air. Simple household speakers are equipped with an open combustion chamber and receive air from the room. Combustion products are removed either through normal chimney(option for private houses), or through a horizontal pipe with a fan providing forced draft. The latter option is used in apartment buildings.

Gas water heaters are equipped multi-stage security system, therefore they cannot cause any harm, unless, of course, the installation was carried out correctly and you do not violate safety precautions.

Advantages of geysers:

Some manage to install the speaker even in rooms not connected to a gas pipeline, since there are models that allow powered by gas cylinder.

Gas water heaters also have disadvantages.:

Storage gas water heaters

Similar devices in design resemble electric boilers. The only difference lies in the source of heat: instead of electricity, gas is used here. The basis of such a unit is storage tank where the hot water supply is stored. A tube passes through the tank - this is a heat exchanger, inside which hot gas combustion products move. A burner is installed at the bottom of the tube, where the combustion process takes place. So that the gases, moving upward, have time to give up all their heat, the heat exchanger receives a complex design with dividers.

Tank volume ranges from 50-500 liters, but the most widespread models are 100 and 200 liters. For a family of 2-3 people, a unit with a volume of 80-150 liters is suitable. The tank receives reliable thermal insulation, so a once heated supply of water can be stored for a relatively long time - there is no need to turn on the device every time.

To the main advantages storage gas water heaters include:

  • efficiency;
  • availability of a constant supply of hot water;
  • possibility of installation where the gas supply line is weak;
  • opportunity to work with big amount water intake points.

Similar units take up a lot of space, but this is not their main drawback. They are standing quite expensive, have not become widespread in our area, so their range is extremely modest. Most people opt for flow-through heaters or. Due to the low popularity of this type of unit, we will focus our attention on how to choose a geyser - a device with a flow-through type of heating.

No. 2. Gas water heater power

The power of the geyser is indicated in kW. It is directly related to productivity equipment and indicates how many liters of water per minute the column can heat. It is worth noting that the best geyser is not necessarily the most powerful device. It all depends on how many people live in the apartment, and how many of them can use hot water at the same time (or how much is installed). It is believed that one mixer is capable of flowing 6-7 l/min. It is enough to multiply this parameter by the number of taps, add a small margin and get the result. The power is indicated either on the column itself or in the technical documentation for it. For example, a column with a power of 23-24 kW allows you to heat about 14 liters of water per minute to a temperature of about 25 degrees.

Based on power, speakers are divided into several types:

  • 17-20 kW – minimum power sufficient to supply one water intake point, i.e. you can either take it comfortably or wash the dishes - it will be difficult to do both at the same time. Their productivity is 9-10 l/min, no more. Option for a small family or one person;
  • 20-26 kW - medium power columns, heat 15-20 l/min and are suitable for heating water up to comfortable temperature for 2-3 points of water consumption. The most popular option;
  • more than 26 kW - powerful units for large families and private homes.

In pursuit of power, do not lose common sense and do not forget to take into account the water pressure indicator. There is no point in buying a column designed to heat 25 liters of water per minute if the water supply network is not capable of providing such pressure.

No. 3. Gas water heater ignition type

The type of ignition is one of the most important parameters columns. It determines how often you will approach the device, as well as how safe and economical the process of generating a flame will be. So, one of the following can be used in geysers: ignition types:

Columns with electric ignition can be divided into two types: volatile and non-volatile. In volatile ones, the ignition system is connected to the household electrical network. If you live in a city apartment and do not experience any special problems with the supply of electricity, then this is quite a good option. Ignition in non-volatile electric speakers can be implemented in several ways:

No. 4. Combustion chamber type

To choose a gas water heater, you need to pay attention to a lot of technical details, and the type of combustion chamber is one of the most important moments. There are only two options here:

  • open combustion chamber;
  • closed combustion chamber.

Open chamber speakers- the simplest and cheapest. They use air from the room in which the device hangs to burn gas. The intake is carried out through the holes at the bottom of the column. Such units are installed in kitchens or in separate utility rooms (an excellent option for owners of private houses). Combustion products are removed through the chimney due to natural draft. These types of devices are characterized by minimal noise during operation, but are more suitable for private homes, as they require connection to a chimney. In addition, in the room where the device will be installed, it is necessary to provide sufficient.

Columns with a closed combustion chamber get air from the street. The chimney in such units is horizontal, goes out through the wall and is represented by a coaxial pipe (pipe in a pipe). Through the inner part of the pipe, combustion products are removed to the street using a fan, and air is supplied to the column through the outer pipe. You can install such a unit in any room, it is safer, but you will have to pay more for such a speaker, and the operation of the fan depends on the availability of electricity and is accompanied by slight noise.

No. 5. Removal of combustion products

We have already partially discussed this issue above, but now we will dwell in a little more detail. Depending on the type of carbon monoxide removal, there are:

  • classic, with chimney. Great for homes that already have a chimney. Otherwise, it will have to be built separately. For residents apartment buildings In most cases, such an option cannot be implemented;
  • chimneyless or turbine. Combustion products are discharged through a pipe, a hole for which is made in the wall. Combustion products are drawn out due to the operation of the fan.

The room in which the speaker is located must be well ventilated. If they were installed, you will have to equip them with a ventilation valve.

No. 6. Column heat exchanger type

The durability and wear resistance of the column is directly related to the material used to make the heat exchanger:

It turns out that stainless steel and purified copper are the preferred options.

No. 7. Water and gas pressure

For each column, the data sheet specifies two main water pressure parameters: the minimum at which the unit will turn on, and the maximum - the pressure that the heat exchanger can withstand without losing its integrity. It is advisable to clarify all the parameters of your water supply network before choosing a gas water heater. For city apartments where speakers are used (and these are mostly Stalinist, i.e. old housing stock with worn-out communications) it is better to choose a unit that can work with minimal water pressure. Therefore, pay attention to those devices that can heat water at a pressure of as low as 0.15 bar.

High pressure can be destructive to the column, and water hammer, alas, is not uncommon. Buy units that can withstand a short-term increase in network pressure up to 11-12 bar.

Also, do not forget to specify with which gas pressure the column can work. In domestic gas pipelines, the gas pressure is lower than in European ones (13 mbar versus 20 mbar), so when buying a dispenser from a European manufacturer, you need to inquire for which market it was produced, and whether it has a gas reducer installed in order to maintain constant pressure.

No. 8. Burner type and power modulation

Burners in geysers can be of two types:

  • with constant power. The simplest option, the main advantage of which is its low cost. When changing the water pressure, you will have to manually change the temperature on the column, and you can get tortured. If you do not change the temperature, the water can flow at a scalding temperature. Let's say your neighbor turned on the water or someone flushed the water. The water pressure has decreased, but the flame strength has remained the same, so the reduced amount of water that will flow through the heat exchanger will heat up to uncomfortably high temperatures;
  • with modulated power. Everything here is much more modern. You just need to enter the desired water temperature, and the flame power will be adjusted depending on the water pressure. This is the preferred option. Of course, control of water temperature is present on all water dispensers, but conventional devices cannot adapt to changes in gas pressure and pressure, and units with modulated power will produce water with a clearly defined necessary parameters. Such speakers are more expensive, but they are not only more comfortable to use, but also more economical.

Of course, the preferred option would be a burner with modulating power.

No. 9. Gas water heater security system

Many people are still afraid to use geysers. Data on real estate sales show that apartments with similar equipment are 15% cheaper than similar ones, but without gas water heaters, and 70% of buyers do not even consider buying such housing. If you approach the selection and operation of a gas water heater wisely, then all risks can be minimized. It is important that the column automatically turns off when there is no supply of water, gas or the necessary draft, and does not allow poisoning carbon monoxide. For this purpose, modern units are literally stuffed with all kinds of security systems:

No. 10. The best manufacturers of geysers

It is difficult to argue with the well-known fact that they produce high-quality, reliable and durable equipment. When safety and comfort are at stake, it’s better to overpay a little, but sleep peacefully, so we recommend pay attention to gas water heaters from such manufacturers:

Finally, we note that there is no need to be afraid of geysers - you just need to learn how to choose them correctly and ensure compliance with the operating rules.

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