Which strawberries bear fruit all year round? When should strawberries produce a harvest - timing for different varieties Disadvantages of remontant garden strawberries

The berry season has long passed, but I would love to taste them straight from the bush again. To pick berries several times a season, you need to plant remontant varieties.

What are remontant varieties? Remontability is the ability of plants to bloom and bear fruit several times per season. Accordingly, remontant varieties are varieties of crops that can be harvested periodically during the growing season. Some berry bushes, citrus crops, roses and herbaceous plants(begonia, lobelia, carnation, ageratum).

Let's look at the 3 most popular berry bushes and their remontant varieties: raspberries, blackberries and garden strawberries. After all, now is the time to choose suitable seedlings and plant them in the garden.

Varieties remontant raspberries were first recorded back in 1778, when genetic modification experiments had not even been carried out. So remontant raspberries are the result of selection.

Features of cultivation

Remontant raspberries are planted in the same way as regular ones. There are 2 planting options: in clumps in holes (at a distance of about 45 cm from each other) or in trenches. But first, the raspberry bushes should be kept in a container of water for 2 hours so that the roots are thoroughly saturated with moisture.

In the spring, young shoots grow from the underground part of the bush for any raspberry variety. But only in specimens of remontant varieties do these branches produce a harvest.

By the end of autumn, the upper parts of the raspberry shoots dry out. If at this time you cut off all aboveground part, then next year new branches can produce maximum yield. If you cut off only the upper (fruit-bearing) parts of the shoots, then next year new branches capable of bearing fruit will form on the remaining parts. But the harvest will be average.

Benefits of remontant raspberries

  • It is very resistant to diseases and pests, and therefore does not require chemical treatments. The thing is that remontant raspberries ripen in August-October, when many pests have already disappeared from the area.
  • Since the above-ground part of raspberries is most often cut off before the onset of frost, there is no need to waste time covering the shoots.
  • Some varieties boast very large berries (up to 5-8 g).

Disadvantages of remontant raspberries

  • During the rainy season, the winter hardiness and taste of the berries may decrease in remontant raspberry bushes. Also unfavourable conditions sometimes lead to a decrease in yield. The fact is that the berries of the autumn harvest do not receive enough sun as in summer, so they do not always have time to ripen.

The best varieties of remontant raspberries. Russian: Diamond, Bryansk miracle, Hercules, Crane, Elegant. Polish: Polana, Polesie, Shelf, Morning dew(yellow-fruited). Swiss: Zeva, Zugana, Rafzak. Scottish: Valentina(yellow-fruited), Glen Ample, Cascade Divide(large-fruited), Octavia.

Repairing blackberry

This berry bush is not found in our gardens as often as raspberries. But thanks to the success of modern breeders, this situation should change. Remontant varieties of blackberries are quite “young”, but already very “promising”.

Features of cultivation

When planting blackberries in the garden, it is important to choose the right site for it. This is very important, because if you choose the wrong landing site, you will receive good harvest The bush will not work even with impeccable care. Remontant (and regular) blackberries will grow best in a well-lit area with light soil.

Like raspberries, blackberries can be cut back to ground level—this means growing them in an annual cycle. This procedure will save you from the need to cover the bush for the winter, which is a significant advantage (but in cold autumn, the plantings can be mulched with sawdust, straw or pine needles). In addition, this significantly reduces the likelihood of developing various diseases.

If the shoots are not cut off, the new growth next year may not have time to produce the entire harvest.

Caring for blackberries in the new season, among other things, involves removing small and weak shoots. This will protect the bush from growing to such an extent that weak branches themselves do not have time to grow and do not allow other branches to develop safely.

Benefits of remontant blackberries

  • Remontant blackberries are more resistant to diseases and pests than their usual varieties.
  • If at the end of the “Indian summer” the blackberry vines are removed from the trellis and a film cover is arranged around them, then the bush can bear fruit until the first snow.

Disadvantages of remontant blackberries

  • Almost all shrubs of remontant varieties have thorns. But this is an insignificant drawback, because they practically do not interfere with harvesting.

The best varieties of remontant blackberries. The most popular variety today is the variety Ruben. It is also worth paying attention to the varieties: Black Magic, Prime Arc 45, Prime Jim, Prime Yang.

Remontant strawberry

Garden strawberries (strawberries), capable of repeated fruiting, were developed by selecting and selecting those specimens that were prone to repeated flowering. Thus, like raspberries, this remontant berry bush has nothing to do with genetic modifications.

Features of cultivation

In order for garden strawberries to bear fruit well, it is important to plant them correctly. Planting in September guarantees the first berries next year. But for this, after planting the bushes in open ground It is important to remove all flowers from them until snow falls.

Never leave remontant strawberries to overwinter without shelter. Be sure to mulch it with straw or other covering material.

In the new season, pay special attention to watering (especially during fruiting) and fertilizing. Plants spend too much energy on double fruiting, so good food they desperately need it.

Benefits of remontant strawberries

  • This crop bears fruit 2 times per season with a clear break (about 2 months). In this case, the second fruiting can significantly exceed the first in terms of the number of berries.

Disadvantages of remontant strawberries

  • Plantations of garden strawberries (strawberries) of remontant varieties will have to be renewed more often than usual, because the ability to bear fruit twice in a season greatly depletes the plants.
  • Remontant strawberries can only be propagated by division or seeds, since they rarely shed tendrils.

The best varieties of remontant strawberries: Albion, Diamond, Queen ElizabethII, Monterey, Portola. The best varieties of remontant wild strawberries: Baron Solemacher, White Swan, Yellow Miracle, Ruyana, Rügen, Holiday.

Don’t be afraid to buy and grow berry bushes of remontant varieties. Caring for them is the same as for the varieties of these crops that are familiar to us, but “reusable” berry growers delight with repeated harvests, get sick less and are not inferior in taste and size of berries to their “disposable” relatives.

Perennials are every gardener's favorite. Having planted them once, you can enjoy flowering shoots for several years. Unfortunately, many flowers begin to fade by August, and you really want to extend their flowering period in order to see the riot of colors again. In fact, it is quite possible to cause a wave of second flowering; it is only important to follow some rules.

Tricky tricks for re-blooming

The main rule is to monitor the inflorescences and promptly remove those that begin to die. If this is not done, then the wilting will be long, and in some plants it can last up to a month and a half, and during this time the flower does not look as attractive as we would like.

The plant will also respond gratefully to the application. nutrients, especially immediately after removing faded inflorescences. Thus, the gardener not only nourishes the plant, but also postpones its natural wilting cycle by more late date. The best way to do this is to use potash fertilizers, which provoke the formation of new buds. It is very important that fertilizers are never applied during the first flowering, otherwise the wilting process may be delayed.

Some plants need to be pruned after the inflorescences wither almost to the stem. For example, the peduncle of a delphinium is cut off, and then fed, watered thoroughly and the same procedures are carried out as in the spring. Around the end of August or beginning of September, new inflorescences can be observed. Of course, the second flowering will not be as lush, but on the threshold of autumn it is incredibly pleasant to see such a joyful picture.

Extending flowering

In this case, we are talking about the gardener’s desire to enhance the only flowering that almost any plant should show. Of course, a lot depends on the specific type of plant, but there are still general rules, which work great for everyone.

The main rule is the timely removal of wilted buds. Even if only one wilted inflorescence appears, it must be eliminated, otherwise very soon the entire flower garden will be subject to this process.

If the plant produces seeds, it is believed that its flowering period will be extremely short. In this case, it is necessary to prevent the fertilization of the flower, for which you can use everything possible ways. For example, with lilies, as soon as the buds begin to bloom, you can cut off the top part of the pistil. This will prevent pollination and fertilization, and therefore buds, in in bloom will last much longer. It is worth noting that this must be done with all neighboring plants, otherwise the bees will have a much greater chance of fertilizing the plants.

Immediately after the plant has buds, it is necessary to fertilize the root part of the stem. The plant becomes more powerful, it gains strength, which it will direct to the process of budding and strengthening its inflorescences.

There is another technique that may seem a little cruel to some people. It combines the possibilities of both repeated flowering and increasing the duration of an existing one. For example, when the beginnings of buds appear on phloxes, it is necessary to mercilessly remove a third of the stems with pruners. The cut stems will form new buds in a few weeks, when all the others are ready to fade. Visually, it will seem that the bush is actually blooming longer than usual.

Finally, you can always plant plants in one flower bed that have different terms flowering, and then there will be bright colorful flowers on it at any time.


What most inexperienced gardeners know about remontant strawberries is that they bear fruit more than once per season. But few know about what kind of care it requires for high productivity. Therefore, they grow such strawberries in the same way as ordinary ones. Let's briefly look at some of the features of cultivating remontant varieties so that the promised harvest does not disappoint you. But first, it is necessary to clarify the question of what is the reason for the difference in the types of everyone’s favorite berries and why some of them provide the opportunity to re-harvest fruits, while others do not have this ability.

The main difference between ordinary strawberries and those that bear fruit several times during the season is that they form buds at different times. For those that produce one harvest per year, they are laid at the end of summer or beginning of autumn, that is, only during shortened daylight hours. A remontant plant of this family behaves completely differently. Bud formation in some varieties occurs during long daylight hours, while in others it occurs during neutral days. Strawberry yield depends on this. So, in the first case, gardeners receive two or three harvests per season, and in the second, they deal with a constantly fruiting plant, right up to the frost. Now it’s time to talk about the most popular varieties of sweet red berries.

Remontant strawberry of long daylight hours and its characteristics

Among the most productive and visually attractive varieties of strawberries of this type, the one that is known to experienced gardeners under the name Garland deserves special attention. It begins to bear fruit in May and ends with the onset of October cold weather. In addition to high yield, this variety is unusually decorative. It forms many long flower stalks, coquettishly peeking out from under the leaves, and produces a medium number of tendrils. The bush itself has the shape of a ball, which is impossible not to admire, because it simultaneously contains delicate white flowers, ovaries and ripe bright berries. It must be said that in most remontant varieties, in order to increase productivity, the first flower stalks must be removed as soon as the season begins. Garland is no exception.

This plant produces smooth and fairly large berries weighing up to thirty grams. They have an unusually sweet taste of delicate light red pulp and attract with their aroma. You can collect up to one kilogram of berries from a bush. As for the plant’s resistance to frost and drought, the indicators are close to average. Remontant strawberry This variety is susceptible to powdery mildew and gray rot. But it can be grown vertically, and not just in garden beds.

Describing plants of this family, one cannot help but talk about one of them, which is one of the first representatives bred in our country. The name of the variety is very beautiful - Autumn Fun. It is considered reliable and proven over the years. These strawberries bear fruit twice a season. Already in June, you can harvest the first modest harvest, but gardeners feast on the second from August until the onset of the first frost.

The plant is a medium-sized bush with from ten to twenty peduncles located at the same level as the leaves. The berries of this remontant strawberry are distinguished by dense, juicy pulp. Pink colour and have a sweet dessert taste. Their weight reaches twenty grams. One of the advantages of Autumn Fun is its resistance to fungi, stem nematodes and strawberry mites.

It is impossible to pass by a variety with such a promising name as Inexhaustible. It appeared thanks to the crossing of Upper Selesia and Inexhaustible strawberries and is still among the first successful results of which domestic selection is rightfully proud. This remontant strawberry is a medium-height bush, not particularly overgrown and with a small number of dark green leaves. The berries have a shiny skin and are shaped like a cone with a blunt end. They are fragrant and sweet. Among the main features of this variety are high yield, low number of runners and susceptibility powdery mildew. Already in the second year, the plant forms about forty peduncles, and its useful life reaches six years.

Among the best varieties selection of our country can be called, without exaggeration, the Crimean remontant strawberry. It is very productive and, what is especially interesting, bears fruit not twice per season, but continuously - from the end of May until October. But with the onset of autumn, it is better to cover the plant. Dark red, large, smooth berries have dense, juicy pulp and an extraordinary aroma of wild strawberries. Remontant strawberries of this variety are characterized by resistance to winter cold, diseases and pests. In addition, the bushes are very decorative due to the presence of long peduncles.

One cannot ignore Albion, famous for its high productivity. It also pleases with continuous fruiting, the peaks of which can be observed in late May, early July, late August and mid-September. The bushes of this strawberry variety are quite powerful, the flower stalks are not drooping, the very large dark red berries have a glossy shine. Their weight reaches sixty grams. The undoubted “advantages” of Albion are its resistance to temperature fluctuations, diseases and drought, as well as high transportability.

As another interesting variety Portola should be mentioned, especially since it is a successful derivative of the Albion described above and exceeds its yield by more than twenty-five percent. The berry, weighing up to thirty grams, has the shape of a wide cone and has a harmonious taste. In addition, it completely lacks the characteristic crunch. But the rather solid Albion sometimes has it.

Day-neutral remontant strawberry and its characteristics

The variety best known to gardeners is called Queen Elizabeth, which was bred by Moscow breeders. It can be grown both in open and protected ground, and even as an amel crop in special containers. Its yield is average (yields up to two kilograms of berries per bush per season), but it is resistant to most pests and various diseases. The most delicious berries of this remontant strawberry ripen in early June. In July you can harvest the second harvest, and from August to October - the last one.

The fruits of the Queen Elizabeth variety are large, smooth and shiny. Their average weight is forty grams. Cool weather means the berries turn out slightly elongated shape and their weight reaches one hundred grams (of course, not in total mass, but, so to speak, record holders). The pulp is juicy, dense, bright red in color, with the aroma of wild strawberries. The fruits of this variety are easily transported and retain their shape even when exposed to high temperatures. The plant itself is resistant to frost, but if your goal is to obtain early harvest, then the bushes should be covered for the winter.

From the variety described above, another one with a slight difference in name was formed - Queen Elizabeth ΙΙ. Without exaggeration, we can say that today it is the most popular type of remontant strawberry. It bears fruit very early, because at the very beginning of spring, when the snow has barely melted, it already has the first buds on the peduncles. In protected soil conditions, a plant of this variety is capable of bearing berries from April to November.

It has exceptional productivity (yields about ten kilograms of fruit per square meter) and average frost resistance. Such remontant strawberries form few whiskers. Its large, dense berries have a regular oval shape and an excellent dessert taste. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests, and also has an attractive decorative look. It is cultivated for no more than two years, but requires fertilizing with fertilizers and needs regular watering.

Features of growing remontant varieties

If we are talking about a fruit-bearing plant that needs long daylight hours for bud formation, then it is better to immediately be prepared for accelerated life cycle within two to three years. This crop is not able to grow and produce crops constantly. The desire to get a high and early harvest of berries for the second time in a season entails the need to remove the first flower stalks. But if a mustache is needed to propagate a plant, then the autumn harvest is usually sacrificed.

As for day-neutral varieties, they usually live only one year, then the yield and quality of the berries drop. This is due to the constant process of flowering and ovary formation, which provokes rapid aging of strawberries. You can outsmart nature, but not for long. Make a habit of following these tips for growing day-neutral varieties:

  • Plant seedlings between July and August - this will allow the young to take root better and produce an excellent harvest next season.
  • Do not be afraid to pick off all the flowers immediately after planting and do this until the onset of cold weather, then you will have the opportunity to pick berries early next year.
  • Enjoy the harvest from May until the first frost, and in August or September start cultivating seedlings using tendrils from the mother plants.
  • When the harvest season comes to an end, remove the old bushes and cover the beds with so-called mulch - hay, sawdust, straw or dry leaves.

Proper care of remontant varieties of strawberries during the period of growth, ripening and harvesting consists of loosening the soil and frequent, abundant watering. It is especially important to observe the last condition for constantly bearing plants, because they need a lot of strength to flower and form a new ovary. In addition, remontant varieties need feeding and protection from pests and diseases. Don’t forget about weeding and removing reddening leaves and tendrils. The beds must be mulched during the wintering period to avoid freezing.

Many gardeners, especially in the northern regions, have probably encountered the fact that not all the fruits of the second and subsequent harvests have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather. To avoid such losses, you can practice growing remontant strawberries in protected soil conditions - under a film. Such cultivation helps to obtain an early first harvest and preserves the entire volume of the second, while the plant itself has time to prepare for the cold.

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Similar materials

The generally recognized queen of berries is the strawberry. Every gardener looks forward to the first harvest of strawberries. All care instructions must be followed to obtain successful results. You need to choose suitable soil, a variety of seedlings, regularly carry out pest prevention and water the plant.

Remontant strawberry

Strawberries come in many varieties and varieties. To ensure that it yields several times a season, purchase a remontant variety. Such species can be grown almost throughout Russia.

Elizabeth II

This variety is large-fruited. Has high transportability. Can produce 3 crops per season. Some gardeners get a fourth harvest in the fall. The pulp is dense and sweet. It begins to bear fruit early - at the end of May.


This variety bears fruit throughout the season, but does not tolerate heat and drought. The plant can be cultivated in greenhouses. This will make it easier to create suitable conditions for the variety. The berries are truly gigantic - up to 100 g. Harvest - from May to October.


This variety is optimal for growing in closed ground. Ripening begins in May. Fruits until the end of October. The shape is conical. Distinctive feature is greater resistance to diseases.


This variety is popular for industrial cultivation. Abundant yields, excellent drought resistance. High resistance to diseases. Can be cultivated both in a greenhouse and in an open place. The weight of the berries is up to 50 g. The only drawback is that the taste of the berries is inferior to other varieties.

Updating planting material

When choosing a variety for growing strawberries on your site, you need to remember the cyclical nature of fruiting. In the first year of planting, the plants will not bear fruit - this is a new plant. Next year, the strawberries are just beginning to gain strength and you can’t expect much yield from them. Only in the third and fourth years can you safely be proud of the results obtained. This is the most productive period and strawberries bear maximum fruit.

In the fifth year, as a rule, the plant begins to shrink and gradually die out. It happens that a certain variety lives longer, but on average the age of strawberries is 5 years. Timely replacement with new planting material will reduce the likelihood of plant infection and will also significantly improve fruiting rates.

Tip: to obtain an even harvest, you can divide the strawberry bed into three zones and plant the plant according to the time of its fruiting. This way you will get a new harvest every year.

Choosing a variety

Experienced gardeners advise changing strawberry varieties systematically. This is due not only to the acquisition of experience, but also to the fact that pests adapt to special means of controlling them. In addition, breeders regularly develop new varieties.

Over time, new and improved types appear on the market. Right choice varieties for planting are half the success. After all, each variety has certain characteristics, more or less suitable for a site in an area with climatic conditions, type of soil.

The best solution would be to buy several varieties, test them and draw the appropriate conclusions. The variety you like can be propagated on your site.

How to avoid getting caught in weedy strawberries

Sometimes an inexperienced gardener may accidentally acquire weedy strawberry varieties. These can be Suspension, Bakhmutka, Zhmurka, Dubnyak. According to the nature of growth, such strawberries are characterized by aggressive reproduction and a powerful vegetative system. Such plants will not be able to produce a harvest if you do not take care of them.

Some representatives of weedy strawberries do not bloom at all, others bloom but do not set. If berries appear, they are small and tasteless. Distinctive feature this kind of plant is powerful root system and active growth of bushes. The plant produces a lot of tendrils and takes root well, but you can’t expect a harvest from such strawberries. Moreover, as weed strawberries multiply, they suffocate the cultivated species, gradually displacing them from the site. Such aggressive specimens must be uprooted immediately.

Correct breeding

As a rule, when planting strawberries on a plot for the first time, they use something purchased externally. planting material. Sometimes they use their own seedlings.

In order to properly prepare the seedlings yourself, you need to do this during the harvest period. In order for planting material to have great potential for fruiting, you need to carefully look at the mother bushes. The best specimens can be used to produce seedlings.

The bush must be powerful, and the fruiting must be not just abundant. Multiple pea-sized berries will not produce good result. It will be better if these are several of the largest berries on the bush. Having noticed best bushes, they are marked with pegs. The most productive plants are healthy bushes with big amount uniform in size, large and healthy berries. Such plants will be the best planting material for planting. Subsequently, the selected seedlings give a good harvest. Whatever genetic potential is inherent in the plant for fruiting, such will be the harvest.

Once rosettes appear on the marked bushes, there is no time to waste. The quality of planting material may deteriorate. The best mustaches in terms of productivity will be from the first row. Subsequent rosettes are not suitable for seedlings; they will be weaker.

Choosing the right place

To plant seedlings you need to choose the right place. It should be well lit and there should be no drafts. Otherwise, in winter the crop is likely to freeze.

It is desirable that the soil be loamy, chernozem or sandy loam on the southwestern slopes. Strawberries are not very fond of heavy and acidic, although fertile soils. The selected area must be cleared of weeds and carefully inspected for the presence of pests in the soil. There may be strawberry nematode, wireworm, and Colorado potato beetle. To disinfect pests, you can use a solution of ammonia water (20 kg per 1 sq.m.). Suitable for weeds chemical drug Roundup. In the fall, it is necessary to dig the area as deep as possible so that the larvae of insect pests freeze out.

For maximum big harvest Strawberry seedlings must be planted in the spring. If strawberries are planted in southern region Russia, then better seedlings plant in late summer or early autumn. It can be so hot in southern Russia that planting strawberries in July will not give positive results. Sometimes the air temperature in mid-summer reaches 40 degrees. Naturally, under such conditions, even if you create shade and water, the seedlings will not survive. Previously strawberry patch must rest before disembarking. It is desirable that this be vacant land on which peas, beans, onions, garlic, and herbs previously grew.

Planting seedlings

Before planting seedlings, the area must be properly fertilized. This can be done with manure humus and peat. To preserve moisture, it is necessary to mulch with organic material, straw, sawdust, and pine needles.

When choosing seedlings for planting, you need to rely on the following principles:

  • The root neck must have a diameter of at least 6 mm.
  • The root should be fibrous, white, its shoots should be approximately 5 cm long.
  • The seedling bush must have at least 5 leaves.
  • It is not advisable to store seedlings for a long time before planting.

If the seedlings were purchased from a nursery in special pots, it is advisable to keep a lump of earth on the roots, as far as possible without disturbing it. If the planting material is not in the ground, you can use a clay mash. Before planting, you need to dip it in a mixture of clay and water so that the seedlings take root as best and as quickly as possible.

Tip: to prepare a clay mash you will need half a bucket of red or orange clay. You need to pour water into the clay and let it soak. Stir the solution, it should be like a paste.

After planting the seedlings, daily watering is required for a week. Then the land is irrigated as needed. We must not forget about subsequent loosening. The earth must be properly enriched with oxygen. If it's dry and hot weather, mulching will help. It protects plants from death and drying out.

Inspection of the plant

In order for a crop to bear fruit regularly, it is necessary to be very attentive to its condition. In case of alarming symptoms, you need to take action as quickly as possible. One of the signs of the onset of the disease may be drying and shriveling of the leaves. The leaves become characteristic yellow color. These are signs of strawberry mite. You need to start fighting it immediately, before healthy bushes become infected from it.

To do this, it is necessary to remove all diseased bushes and remove them from the site or burn them. For other plants, you need to cut off all the leaves, leaving only the core. Plants can be treated with a solution of karbofos (1/2 spoon per bucket of water). It would be good to spray strawberries with a garlic solution for prevention (crush 2 heads of garlic and add to a bucket of water).

Barren flowers and lack of fruits

Sometimes gardeners are faced with an incomprehensible situation. The strawberries are all blooming, but the fruits are not set. There are several reasons for this:

  • The plant is damaged by frost. Darkened strawberries may indicate this.
  • Weedy strawberries could have entered the area. It needs to be removed urgently.
  • Damage by weevil beetle. This can be signaled by fallen stems and ovaries of the plant.
  • Lack of pollinators.

Important care points

Self-pollinating strawberry varieties are convenient for growing on garden plot. But you can increase fruiting by carrying out independent pollination. To do this, you can use a paint brush or a cotton swab. It is best to carry out the procedure at noon, in calm weather. If there are plenty of insects on the site, and bees are actively flying over the strawberries, then additional pollination is not required. These fruits will have excellent taste and the same size. The harvest will be abundant.

Tip: experienced gardeners have taken note of the use of yeast for feeding. The solution is prepared from 1 kg of natural pressed yeast and 5 liters of water. Leave for several hours and water each bush at the root. The proportion is 0.5 liters per plant.

Some gardeners use bee bait. To do this, dissolve honey in water and pollinate strawberry flowers with the resulting solution. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 liter of water per teaspoon of honey. The mixture is stirred well and the plant is sprayed with it from a spray bottle.

It is necessary to monitor soil irrigation very carefully. Usually, garden strawberries loves water. But excessive irrigation also has a detrimental effect on its health. The berries are amazing gray rot. It often happens that it rains without stopping. This also negatively affects the taste of the berries. They become watery and sour in taste. Additional covering with film on top can improve the situation a little.

Watering methods depend on the age of the strawberry and its growing season. It is better to irrigate newly planted seedlings by sprinkling. During the period of berry ripening and fruiting, it is recommended to water at the root or use a drip irrigation system. Potassium is necessary during the period of active flowering. To do this, it is recommended to feed the strawberries with a solution bird droppings. You can use mullein and potassium nitrate.

If a gardener knows when strawberries produce a harvest, he can correctly carry out all the procedures for preparing and caring for the plant.

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