What questions to ask at an interview. Interview Techniques

Interview is a kind of test in which a person is assessed in terms of professional suitability for a vacant position. How the applicant shows and presents himself will determine his fate as an employee of this organization. There are several points that you can pay attention to and you can easily get the desired position.

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The first criterion by which the employer begins his assessment is what the applicant looks like. Appearance reveals a person’s character and lifestyle.

Key points to pay attention to:

  • Personal hygiene. The smell of sweat and dirty hair can scare off the employer, creating the impression of a sloppy person about the applicant.
  • Hairstyle. Men's haircut should look neat, and women's hair should be styled and combed. If a woman long hair, then it’s worth taking them to the top or to the tail. Loose and unkempt hair will look out of place and speak poorly of its owner.
  • Condition of nails. Hands immediately give away a person. A woman should have a neat manicure without traces of peeling varnish. Nails are clean and of medium length. Long nails should be avoided. They look vulgar.
  • The clothes you wear for an interview should be perfect. Washed, ironed and not worn. It is advisable to know the dress code in the organization in advance in order to choose the right outfit. If this is an office, then a fresh shirt and classic trousers or a medium-length skirt. If the work is of a creative nature, then, on the contrary, it is necessary to express your individuality and uniqueness.
  • Jewelry and accessories should be kept to a minimum.
  • Perfume. A pleasant, subtle aroma will add zest to the applicant’s image. But you shouldn’t overdo it, otherwise you risk being rejected due to an aversion to smells.

Sample interview questions and the best answers to them

To make a good impression for an interview, you need to prepare in advance. To do this, it is worth compiling a rough list of questions and developing answers to them that will emphasize the significance and importance of the applicant.

  1. Tell us about yourself. When answering this question, the main emphasis should be on your achievements, education, professional knowledge and skills. Here you can talk about your interests, thus showing your versatility.
  2. Why did you decide to change jobs? In this question lies the main catch. Employers evaluate the answer to this question especially carefully. Under no circumstances should you blame the former management and low wages at your previous place of work. It is worth telling that the work schedule was not very convenient, there was no career advancement, the work was in an inconvenient transport location, or there were frequent changes in management.
  3. Your responsibilities at your previous place of work. Here you should list your job responsibilities. It is necessary to talk about successful projects and achievements. And also highlight the responsibilities that benefited the company.
  4. Why do you want to work in our company? What do you know about our organization? Before meeting with a potential employer, you should work hard and find out more information about the organization. Managers love it when applicants come prepared and know what they want from the upcoming job.
  5. What salary are you applying for? It's better to settle on the golden mean. This is slightly higher than the average salary. If you say a smaller amount, the employer will decide that the applicant has a low assessment of his capabilities. If it is large, then he seems to be a proud person with inflated demands.
  6. Strong and weak sides. Often there is a simple listing of good qualities and the absence of weak ones is noted. If you can agree with the good qualities, then you can argue with the second. Recruitment specialists immediately figure out that this is false. It is much better to really talk about your minor shortcomings if they are harmless and do not interfere with your work. They can add a special touch to the applicant. For example, such a disadvantage as curiosity can be useful to a journalist or investigator. Shyness and secrecy are excellent traits for an accountant. It will not distract them from work and spilling other people’s secrets.
  7. You have questions? Don't be shy about this question. At this moment, it is necessary to find out all the interesting details and aspects of future work. An interview is an assessment not only of the applicant, but also an assessment of the employer and place of work. It may be clear that this position is not suitable for the applicant.

Possible questions

In addition to the most popular questions listed above, an employer may ask:

  1. What is your goal in life?
  2. What are your prospects for the next 5 years?
  3. How can you benefit the company?
  4. What are your interests and hobbies?
  5. Tell us your problem solving experience on previous work.
  6. Who can provide references about you.
  7. Questions about education.
  8. What reasons would make you leave this job?
  9. Questions regarding marital status. This applies to the female half.

Who does the employer need?

The employer evaluates the applicant from the point of view of two positions:

  • Professional. This is experience, experience, skills, abilities.
  • Personal. A person's behavior, character, appearance.
  • A person with such a set has the best chances.
  • Age 27 - 35 years.
  • Higher education.
  • Experience in one specialty for at least 5 years.
  • Ability to work with computer programs.
  • Knowledge of languages.
  • Availability additional courses, driver's license.
  • If a man, then married, if a woman, then single with no children.
  • With excellent communication skills and ability to build contacts.
  • Disciplined, efficient, serious.
  • No health problems.

Reasons why work is refused

There is a well-known list of 50 reasons why a job may be refused, compiled by F. Endicott. Here are some of them:

  • unkempt appearance;
  • abstruse speeches;
  • speech impediments or pronunciation problems;
  • there is no clear plan for future life;
  • too high demands;
  • poor academic performance;
  • lack of education;
  • indecision;
  • laziness;

But, as practice shows, there are other reasons that are more real and widespread:

  • Family status. This is a problem for the female half. If she is not married, she will get married. If there are no children, then soon there will be and then the employee will go on maternity leave. If there is one child, then soon there will be a second one and so on.
  • The applicant has a chronic illness.
  • Criminal record.
  • No experience.

Rules of conduct during an interview

  1. You should arrive for the interview 15 - 20 minutes early. This will indicate the punctuality and disciplined nature of the applicant.
  2. You need to monitor your behavior. Excessive shoulder twitching or twisting of hair and jewelry can get on the examiner's nerves. Therefore, before the interview you need to relax and tune in for a successful completion.
  3. When greeting an employer, you should look him in the eye, making eye contact. After you are asked to sit down, you can take a seat opposite the inspector.
  4. It is very important to listen and understand the questions asked. Don't be embarrassed to ask again. You should answer after a short pause, as it takes time to mentally compose the answer that will be most appropriate in this situation.
  5. Do not interrupt the employer's speech.
  6. Answers to questions should be to the point, without personal or other details.
  7. It is advisable to discuss issues related to salaries during the period when the manager raises a topic about it.
  8. After completing the conversation, you should thank the employer for his time and say goodbye.

Preparing for an interview

  1. Selection of clothes, tidying up appearance, personal hygiene.
  2. Collection of information about the organization.
  3. Studying possible questions and thinking about answers to them.
  4. Calculation of time and route to get to the interview location.
  5. Compiling a list of questions on a topic of interest.


When the question is asked: tell us about yourself, then you will need a presentation prepared and rehearsed in advance. In just a few words you need to present your strengths and skills in a light favorable to the employer.

The following rules will help you to conduct an excellent self-presentation:

  1. The seven second rule. Appearance is assessed. It is necessary to show confidence and act as a winner.
  2. The thirty second rule. This is where clothing comes into play. Everything must be at its best. You need to work on your voice timbre.
  3. The story about yourself should set the candidate apart from other competitors. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the text and narration style. You should first write a mini-essay on this topic and carefully rehearse it in front of a mirror.

The most important thing in self-presentation is to leave a positive opinion. Traits such as good nature, sociability, open postures and a smile will help you win over your employer. No one makes you laugh until you're exhausted, but you shouldn't sit with a serious stone face either. Everything should be in moderation.

Common mistakes

In order for the interview to go perfectly, you need to pay attention to existing mistakes and not repeat them:

  1. Late. The opinion of an unpunctual employee will be formed, and it may happen that the candidacy will be removed from consideration altogether.
  2. Cloth. Flashy, beach style is unacceptable. The first impression of a person can cross out his professional merits.
  3. Deception. About past experience, skills, education. Sooner or later this will be revealed and will negatively affect relations with your superiors in the future.
  4. Answers about your previous place of work. Negative reviews about management and staff. It is better to remain silent that difficulties have arisen with the performance of official duties.
  5. Talk about salary. You shouldn’t start it first; it’s better to wait until the employer asks the question about it.
  6. The applicant does not have information about the company he wants to work for.

The success of the interview depends primarily on the applicant himself. You need to be well prepared, confident and hope to win. If you didn’t succeed in passing the interview the first time, then you shouldn’t give up. A thorough analysis of possible mistakes made will give you a chance to succeed at the next interview.

An article about how to successfully pass interviews and answer questions from a potential employer.

  1. Obtaining relevant knowledge and education
  2. Search possible options work
  3. Interview
  4. Hiring for the desired position

If there are usually no problems with the first two points, then at the interview you should prove yourself to the maximum. Sometimes, having a good education, a person can sit without work for months because he simply does not know how to communicate and present himself correctly.

As a result, during the interview they directly show him the door or tell him on duty: “We’ll call you back.” This situation can arise with any unprepared person. To avoid it, you need to prepare in advance.

What do they ask at an interview? Questions when applying for a job

The employer is primarily interested in your professional qualities, your education and work experience. Few people are interested in your personal life, household chores and the breed of your dog, even if it is the rarest. Speak clearly and to the point, avoiding unnecessary “water” in the text. It is very important to behave correctly:

  • Be extremely polite and correct
  • Don't argue again. Don't sort things out. Your job is to get this job.
  • Maintain eye contact and posture
  • Correct “evasion” of a question is also an answer
  • Sometimes you can ask the employer a question. But this right is not given to everyone, but only to people who understand well human psychology and those who know how to “catch” the right moment

You may hear questions about your previous job, relationships with future colleagues, and desired salary. Also, you may be asked about what you know about the employing company.

Here important point: Before you go anywhere to get a job, try to find out as much as possible about the company. Even if the information is negative, come up with something that could pass for the truth.

How to answer awkward questions at an interview?

Awkward questions are every potential employer's favorite part. It is by this that they identify the hidden sides of a potential employee that he did not mention in his resume.

  • One of the most inconvenient is the question asking you to tell about yourself. People begin to get nervous and most often talk about their hobbies, views on the world order, and relatives. To avoid embarrassment, say 3-4 sentences in general outline about your qualities and a few words about hobbies
  • Women are often asked about their personal life and whether it will interfere with work. After all, there is a certain danger that a woman may go on maternity leave or sick leave. Answer firmly that it won’t hurt
  • The next question is about achievements. Don't talk about first place in the intra-school long jump competition. This is unlikely to apply to your current job. Talk about how you have grown professionally. Restrained, natural
  • It may sound strange, but some employers are genuinely interested in your zodiac sign. And if they don't like him, they'll show you the door. It's stupid, but it happens. Don't lie when answering this question. If you are refused, thank them and silently leave the office. A serious company will never be interested in such things

How to successfully interview for a leadership position?

Job interview.
  • You should prepare in advance for an interview for a managerial position. You should leave behind the impression of a knowledgeable and confident person and your actions. Choose a suitable suit, be sure to make sure that the tie matches the shoes
  • Although this is no longer relevant now Everyday life, But Business Etiquette dictates its own rules. If you are a woman, do not dress vulgarly or very brightly. Choose discreet colors in clothes, makeup, manicure
  • You should look confident and calm. Show emotion in situations where it is appropriate. Gesture, but not too actively. This indicates excessive emotionality. Always let me finish the sentence, don't interrupt
  • It is important for you, more than anyone else, to show yourself with the best side. Try to demonstrate as many qualities as possible that a leader should have. Your potential employer should understand from the interview with you that you are a reliable person. Employers do not tolerate criticism of themselves at the interview stage. This also needs to be taken into account

Interview questions for a management position

Employers like to ask future managers these questions:

  1. “Tell me about ways to improve the efficiency of the department you led in your last position.” - Even if you are a so-so leader, do not rush to declare it. Think about situations in which you took initiative successfully and usefully. Tell us about them
  2. “What methods of motivating employees do you actively use?” — This question should be answered very thoughtfully. Don't rush to talk about salary increases. There are other equally effective ways
  3. “Tell me about your worst mistake at work. What lesson did you learn from it?” - Do not deny the presence of this error. Then the employer will immediately decide that you are lying and you will not see the desired position. If there was some huge disaster in your career, don't mention it. Tell us about a serious problem and how you deftly overcame it
  4. Question about finances and your desired wages. Don't give a specific number. Let them know that you are ready to work for the fee offered to you by the company
  5. The answer to the question about improving professional skills is given above in the article

Interview questions for the head of the sales department

The main list of possible questions asked during an interview is given in the article above. However, there is a chance that the employer will want to actually verify your sales skills. He may ask the following questions:

  1. “Try to sell me this pen right now.” — A rather banal question, but it is the one that will fully reveal the candidate’s sales skills. Use your creative thinking on this issue
  2. “You have come across a very dissatisfied and scandalous client, calm him down and sell something.” - This task is much more difficult. Even every fourth person cannot cope with it. As a rule, the role of a capricious client is played by the employer himself, so the candidate for the position of sales manager will have to act very carefully and smoothly. The client must be immediately reassured and spoken to as politely as possible. Listening to your polite, calm tone, the buyer will switch to it himself
  3. “You are very overworked. There are a lot of orders, the employees can’t keep up. Everyone wants to go home, no one wants to stay at work late. How do you motivate your subordinates to work? — Say what worked effectively based on the experience of previous years

Interview questions for a sales manager

The sales manager is a lower rank than the head of the sales department. The requirements for it are lower than for the latter. Most likely, the employer will not ask you to simulate the situation, but will ask the following questions, in addition to the basic ones:

  1. “Rate your level of sales knowledge on a scale of 1 to 10.” — Tell it like it is, but sometimes you can raise the bar a little. But only if your sales skills are not very high.
  2. “Name the main qualities that a sales manager should have.” - Your logic will be needed here. It is better to prepare for such a question in advance. Remember your best qualities and the qualities you lack to become a successful salesperson. Name them
  3. “Why should I (the employer) hire you?” — One of the most provocative questions. Talk about sales and your successes in this area. Prove yourself

    Interview questions for an administrator

The administrator must be able to talk with people and resolve controversial situations that arise. His main qualities are sociability and the ability to quickly find the right solution.

An employer has the right to ask you about communication skills. He is not interested in any sales, because the main thing for you is consultation on service issues and monitoring the activities of employees.

Interview questions for employers

Oddly enough, it is possible and even necessary to ask questions to a potential employer. The main thing is to understand at what point you need to do this. Above in the article there are several options for similar questions.

Do not ask the employer about his personal life, do not invade his personal space. Nobody will like it. You may have questions about career, work schedule, vacation, weekends. A question about bonuses and a direct question about salary would not be correct.

Job interview test

Pre-employment testing is carried out by employers quite often. Especially in cases where the company is interested in hiring the most suitable employee for the position, and not a person from the street.

There are two types of tests:

  • To test professional knowledge
  • To test general knowledge

Tests to test your professional knowledge contain questions directly about your profession and related areas. To prepare for such a test, think about what you do poorly or not at all at work. Read books or articles on the Internet about this. A seminar or detailed video well.

The General Knowledge Test is very similar to a regular school test. You are required to have knowledge of school subjects and a broad outlook. Of course, the employer will not ask you to decide the most complex tasks from the Unified State Exam, but the level of your knowledge must correspond to the position you want to get.

To successfully pass interviews, meet the following requirements:

  • Act a little reserved, but not constrained
  • Never cross your legs or cross your arms over your chest.
  • Talk to your employer as equals
  • Tell us about yours best qualities as a specialist
  • If the employer's question seems too personal to you, change the topic if possible or ask a counter question
  • Watch your speech. Pronunciation must be correct
  • Your clothing sets the overall tone of the conversation and creates a certain impression about you. Take your clothing choices seriously


Marina, 31 years old, Ufa

I was interviewed at a reputable company for the position of accountant. It was difficult, I was constantly bombarded with tricky questions. The only thing that helped was the innate feeling of the interlocutor and the suit, oddly enough. That day I was wearing a strict white pencil skirt, the jacket was more or less strictly cut, also white. Blouse blue color. Makeup is natural. Throughout the interview, my future employer carefully assessed me and my image. Judging by the fact that I was hired immediately after the interview, she liked everything.

Irina, 24 years old, Moscow

It was difficult for me to find a job in Moscow, but I was used to fighting to the end. My self-confidence helped me get the position of office manager with a large company. I answered questions briskly and didn’t pour water.” I’ve been shy since childhood, and at that moment fear paralyzed me so much that I stopped being afraid altogether. But then, after the interview, I broke out in cold sweat. She showed herself to be confident and had to live up to this opinion about herself in a new place. Now there is no trace of shyness left.

How to successfully pass interviews: video

“Personnel decide everything,” this thesis was voiced in the 35th year of the last century, and it is still relevant and in the foreseeable future, probably nothing will change.

Any machine or control system is of no value without a specialist who can operate it effectively. So managers set their HR teams the task of finding that “one” who will work effectively and fulfill the assigned tasks.

Negotiations between the candidate and the employer begin. The employer must correctly evaluate and make a decision, and the candidate must demonstrate his qualifications.

Assessing a candidate’s abilities and skills is a very important task for a personnel officer, because a lot depends on the quality of HR’s work. We offer a list of questions that are most often asked during a job interview. The list of questions will be useful to both novice personnel officers and candidates for vacant positions.

HR specialists use these questions to obtain maximum information about the candidate. Therefore, in order to successfully pass an interview, it will be very useful for candidates to read these questions and think about them in calm atmosphere and prepare a convincing answer.

Interview questions Examples of introductory questions from Bizkiev

1. Who would give you a good recommendation and why?
2. Who would give you a bad review and why?
3. What exactly have you done to make your company/department more profitable?
4. What exactly have you done to help your business/department reduce costs?
5. What exactly have you done to ensure that your company/department saves time by increasing the amount of work?
6. How did you manage to stand out among your employees?
7. Tell us in order about how you grew professionally in your current job and what you now do on a day-to-day basis?
8. Tell us about a problem you encountered at your last job/in your client’s department and how did you solve it?
9. What are your immediate and long-term goals?
10. Among the duties that we would like you to perform, there are three most important (list them). What experience do you have to solve these problems?
11. Do you have any other experience or knowledge that would be helpful to our client?
12. What personal tasks stood before you when you took on your current job?
13. How successful were you in solving them?

Interview questions regarding education

14. What subjects did you like/dislike most/least in high school/university? Why?
15. What grades did you receive in your favorite and least favorite subjects?
16. In which subjects did you do better than in others? Worse?
17. Why did you decide to study at the university?
18. Why did you specialize in...?
19. Why did you decide to visit...?
20. What did you do while studying at school/university, besides studying? Why exactly this?
21. How did you plan your career at the beginning of your university course?
22. How did you plan your career when you graduated from high school/university?
23. What did studying at school/university give you?
24. If you had the opportunity to go back to school, what would you change or nothing at all?
25. What special courses or electives did you take and why?
26. How did high school/university prepare you for “ real life»?
27. Tell us how you studied (any field relevant to the position).
28. Do you believe that studying this field has prepared you for the type of work required in your proposed position?
29. When did you decide that you wanted to be a specialist in...?
30. Name your favorite/least favorite teachers/professors at high school/university. Why did you like/dislike them?
31. Tell us how you organized your classes while studying at school/university.
32. Tell us about where you worked part-time while studying at school/university.
33. Which of these temporary work was the most interesting/uninteresting for you?
34. How did you spend summer holidays when did you study at school/university?
35. Why did you work while studying at school/university?
36. Do you have any plans to continue your studies? If so, which ones?
37. What do you think is the most difficult thing about combining work and study?
38. What advice would you give to someone who wants to study and work at the same time?

Interview questions regarding previous work experience

39. Please describe your typical working day.
40. How would you describe an ideal manager? Subordinate? Employee? The leader?
41. Which people are difficult/easy for you to work with? Why?
42. What did you like/dislike most about your last job?
43. Please describe your ideal work environment.
44. What motives drive you? Why?
45. What qualities make you effective leader?
46. ​​What is your highest career achievement to date? Why?
47. Remember and describe a situation when you found yourself under pressure at your last job. How did you deal with it?
48. What, in your opinion, is the duty and obligation of an employer to an employee?
49. How do you feel about business trips and trips?
50. Tell us about how often and for how long you had to go on business trips before.
51. How do you feel about moving? Are there any places you wouldn't want to move to?
52. Which of your responsibilities at your last job did you find difficult?
53. How do you rate your career advancement to date?
54. Tell us about the problems you encountered at your last job.
55. How is your current job different from your previous one?
56. Which job did you do that paid the best/worst?
57. How do you think your current job has prepared you to take on additional responsibilities?
58. What was the most painful and unpleasant situation for you throughout your career?
59. Why do you want to leave your current job?
60. What do you think about the leadership style that developed in your department/division at your last job?
61. If I asked your manager to describe your job, what would he say?
62. What would you do if...?
63. How would you cope with...?
64. What prospects do you see in your new job compared to your old one?
65. What would you like to find in a new job?
66. Did you have an influence? military service what area have you chosen for yourself?
67. Please tell us what you did in the army?
68. What do you want to achieve in your career in the near future and in the distant future?
69. What would you like to avoid in your future job?
70. What are your salary requirements?
71. Who or what influenced you in setting your career goals? How exactly?
72. To what do you owe your success?
73. What do you think is your greatest strength?
74. In what areas do you need to improve? How are you going to improve?
75. What kind of leader do you think you are? Subordinate? Employee?
76. What part of your job brings you the most satisfaction?
77. How do you complete tasks that you don't like?
78. How do you manage your time?
79. What is your leadership style?
80. What have you learned from each of your previous jobs?
81. Please give examples of decisions that you made during your work. What were the consequences of these decisions?
82. How do you make decisions?
83. From your point of view, do you know how to distribute work among subordinates?
84. What do you consider to be your standard? work discipline- in relation to yourself and your subordinates?
85. Please tell us about the relationship you had with your last manager.
86. Please give an example of a project whose implementation did not correspond to your plans. What happened?
87. What attracts you to this position in our company?
88. For what reasons did you start working in your current position?
89. What is the biggest responsibility in your current job?
90. Describe your progress at your last job?
91. What did your managers praise/criticize you for?
92. What can you offer our company?
93. Does the proposed position fit into your personal career plans?
94. In what work-related situations do you feel most comfortable/stressful or constrained?
95. Why do you agree to a reduction in payment?
96. Why did you decide to become...?
97. Why do you want to change your field of activity?
98. What is the main responsibility of a manager/subordinate?
99. How do you feel about the same type of repetitive tasks?
100. How do you feel about your work being closely monitored?
101. How do you feel about working overtime?
102. How do you feel about the fact that you can be called to work at any time?
103. What reasons would you consider compelling to work for this company until retirement?
104. What reasons could make you leave this job?
105. Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe that a manager should fulfill the duties of his subordinates?
106. How would you deal with a subordinate who is consistently late?
107. This job will require you to have the ability/ability... What experience do you have in this area?
108. What do you think will be the most challenging and most rewarding part of this position?
109. If you are asked to do work that is not your responsibility functional responsibilities, what will you answer?
110. What do you think “loyalty to a company” means? To what extent does it extend?
111. How would you behave when discussing dissatisfaction with your job with your boss?
112. What could your previous employer do to convince you to stay?
113. Have you ever had to fire someone? Tell us how it was.
114. Do you have any information about your qualifications that will help me make my final decision?

Probing questions for a job interview

Probing questions are those that enable the interviewee to describe the situation in more detail, and give the interviewer the opportunity to obtain more behavioral characteristics. They are used to obtain additional information, but in no case should they be suggestive, in other words, they should not contain a hint (hint) for the interviewee, much less a specific answer.

Some examples of probing questions:

  • Please tell us more details...
  • What happened next?
  • What did you do (then)?
  • Please tell us what you thought before this event?
  • What were you worried about before the meeting?
  • What did you say?
  • What did you decide, what was the answer?

And of course, in addition to general questions, there will also be tests on knowledge in a narrow field. This is especially true for such professions as doctors, accountants, programmers, technologists, lawyers, etc. In this case, it is not HR who can interview you, but a specialist from your specialized field.

In most cases, interviews take place in several stages.

Usually, at first there is a simple survey, perhaps even remote, followed by an extended interview. After this, based on the results of the interview, the best candidates are invited for an interview with management, after which a final decision is made.

We hope that this material was useful for job seekers and HR people.

What to say at an interview:

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

When a candidate answers a question, pay attention to the following: - formally sets out biographical data or immediately lays out “trump cards”, emphasizing his desire and ability to take this position; - states only the main thing, that is, talks about his qualifications, experience, responsibility, interest, hard work and integrity, or cites irrelevant facts; - speaks briefly, accurately, clearly, or mumbles for a long time and expresses his thoughts poorly; - behaves or speaks calmly, confidently or unsure of himself.

2. How do you look at life, what difficulties do you see in it and how do you cope with them?

Some people express themselves in the sense that life is difficult, there are a lot of problems, most of which are insoluble, that people are angry and unkind, that there are few joys in life and everything is decided by fate, chance or other people, but not by himself. This means that this person is passive, unsure of himself, does not trust others, is pessimistic and unhappy (loser). Other people speak positively about life: there is no life without problems, difficulties are surmountable, a person’s fate and career are in his hands, people are friendly and ready to cooperate, a person is the architect of his own happiness. This is said by a person who takes an active life position, is aimed at success, is ready to take responsibility, successfully interacts with people and knows how to enjoy life.

3. What attracts you to work with us in this position?

It’s bad if they answer with common phrases: “I’m attracted by the prospects for growth, interesting job, a reputable company..." Must provide serious and specific arguments: the desire to apply your qualifications and experience where they can give the greatest return and will be appreciated, the attractiveness of working in a strong team of professionals.

4. Why do you consider yourself worthy to take this position? What are your advantages over other candidates?

This best question for the candidate to, without false modesty, name his main advantages over other applicants. At the same time, he must demonstrate his ability to persuade, emphasizing his advantages. It is bad if the candidate answers this question with weak arguments and cites his formal biographical characteristics.

5. What are your strengths?

The candidate must primarily emphasize the qualities required for this job and provide convincing evidence based on specific facts. But you can hear cliches repeated thousands of times: “I am sociable, neat, efficient,” etc. Ask him to clarify how his sociability, accuracy, diligence are manifested, what is his manner of listening to the client, what he has achieved thanks to his strong qualities.

6. What are your weaknesses?

From an intelligent candidate you are unlikely to hear repentance of sins and a long list of his shortcomings. He will try to twist the answer in such a way as to further increase his chances. For example, he will say: “Many people consider me a workaholic” or “I don’t know how to rest, I only feel good when I’m working” or “I’m too demanding of myself and others.” If the candidate boasts too much and you want to get him to openly admit his shortcomings, you can tell him this joke. In such a situation, the candidate characterizes himself: “Conscientious, hardworking, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke...” Then he is asked in surprise: “You don’t have a single shortcoming?” “There is one,” the candidate admits, “I like to lie.”

7. Why did you leave your previous job?

It’s bad if the reason for leaving was a conflict, if the candidate criticizes the existing order there and his former leader. Leaving work due to conflict is an escape from difficulties, an admission of one’s own defeat, which leaves an imprint on the individual’s self-esteem. A negative attitude towards people, the habit of conflicts with employees, and especially with management, is a stable characteristic of a person and will certainly manifest itself in one form or another at work. new job. A good candidate will emphasize the positive things that were in his previous work and relationships with people, and will name such worthy reasons as the desire for a more interesting (highly paid, providing opportunities for professional growth) work and the desire to fully realize his capabilities.

8. Why did you decide to change jobs?

This question is asked to someone who is working at the time of the interview. As with the answer to the previous question, a story about a conflict will not characterize the candidate well. While the desire for professional growth, expanding the scope of application of one’s knowledge and skills, and increasing salaries is respected and welcomed in all developed countries.

9. Have you received other job offers?

The candidate’s authority will increase if he talks about other job offers, but notes his particular interest in this one. It’s good if he expresses his desire to receive maximum satisfaction from his work. His mood not only affects his health and the moral climate in the team, but is also the most important a necessary condition high labor productivity, the most reliable guarantee against errors, negligence and defects, and ultimately the main guarantee of the company’s prosperity.

10. How successful have you been in interviews in other places?

It is important to find out why you failed an interview in some places and passed successfully in others. If he convinces you that your competitors are interested, then you try to keep him.

11. Will your personal life interfere with this job, which is associated with additional stress (long working hours, long or long-distance business trips, constant travel)?

This question is often asked to women. In some companies, trying to circumvent the law, they set strict conditions, such as not having children for a certain time, not registering sick leave for child care, do not take leave without pay, etc.

12. How do you imagine your position in five (ten) years?

Many uninitiated people who do not plan their careers and lives answer that they cannot imagine such long-term prospects. And a person aimed at personal success will readily talk about his planned professional growth, and, possibly, personal goals. Max Eggert, in his book A Brilliant Career, talks about the importance of career planning. At one famous business school, on the first day of classes, students were asked who had written down the stages and goals of their personal career. Only 3% of them raised their hands. After 10 years, it was these 3% who achieved more financial success than everyone else combined.

13. What changes would you make in your new job?

It’s good if you show your initiative and familiarity with the situation of innovation and reorganization. However, this is only permissible with a thorough knowledge of the problems in the company. It’s bad if you don’t know the state of affairs too well, but strive to redo everything in your own way.

14. Who can I contact for feedback on your work?

Must readily provide telephone numbers and addresses of former colleagues and managers. Concealing such information will immediately reveal the lack of positive recommendations or the inexperience of the applicant.

15. What salary are you expecting?

A Russian proverb says: “He who doesn’t know his own price will always sell himself short.” Good specialist always knows his worth and expects a high salary. It is better for the candidate to overestimate the expected payment for his work than to underestimate it. If the proposed salary, do not forget to “enlarge the pie” and list the benefits available in the organization: bonuses, health insurance, preschools, free travel and meals, free advanced training and other manifestations of concern for staff. [...] If the candidate is clearly bluffing, you can “knock him out of the role”, cool his ardor by sharply lowering the attached salary and benefits. Remember this joke? An arrogant young artist, in a demanding tone, puts forward his conditions to the chief director of the theater when applying for a job: “Salary 500 dollars, main roles, 8 performances per month and the provision of a separate apartment.” To which the chief director calmly puts forward his own: “50 dollars, daily performances, extras and a dorm room.” - "Agree".

You can add 5 more questions to the main ones.

16. What can you tell us about your professional connections that you could use in your new job?

17. How do you improve your professional qualifications?

18. What do you like to do in your free time?

19. When could you start a new job?

20. What questions do you have?

What questions should you ask at an interview?

Our article will help those managers who independently conduct interviews when hiring a new employee. First, it's worth asking a few general questions:

How long does a job seeker spend looking for a job?

What vacancies are you considering, what areas of work are you most interested in?

Which minimum wage interested?

What are the requirements for future work (work schedule, availability of business trips, benefits package)?

Now it’s worth finding out a little about your previous jobs.

The resume must indicate the names of organizations, positions held, and the nature of the organization's activities.

You can additionally find out the number of employees in the organization and the number of employees in the department.

Ask the candidate:

To tell about job responsibilities, functions, tasks, workload level, wages;

Give examples of numerical performance indicators, talk about achievements;

Evaluate the former management and the work in general;

Tell about the reason for dismissal.

Also ask the applicant to give you the phone numbers of those people who can act as a recommender - a former manager, department employees. Pay attention to both professional characteristics and reviews of human qualities.

Now it’s worth talking about the candidate’s education.

Information about the received basic and additional education also included in your resume.

You should ask about:

The motives for receiving just such an education;

Plans for education in the future.

Find out about the specific skills that may be needed for this job - working in certain computer programs, driver's license, car ownership, driving experience, etc.

If the candidate is currently studying, ask what their attendance schedule is educational institution, how long it will take to complete sessions, coursework/thesis, and internship.

Ask about plans for the future - where the person sees himself in a year, in five years, what are his professional aspirations.

If you think this is important, ask about Family status, what are the plans in this area.

Now you know enough about the candidate for the vacant position, you can move on to professional issues.

A worthy conclusion to the first stage of a long and difficult job search process will be an invitation to an interview.

How to pass an interview? How to behave? What to say at an interview? All these questions are of great concern to applicants for workplace, and knowledge of the answers to them is one of the conditions of your employment. Before answering these questions, let’s first consider what an interview with an employer is.

A job interview is about finding out the applicant's experience., as well as his personal qualities, i.e. getting to know him.

An interview is a conversation between equal people, each of whom has his own position that has the right to exist, and a certain range of interests that can become common.

Even if you already have extensive job search experience, remember that It is necessary to prepare in advance for each new job interview.

As a rule, the most qualified specialists, who quite reasonably lay claim to the most Good work. Often, on the other hand, the lower the specialist’s bar, the less prepared he is for the interview. Therefore, whenever you receive an invitation for an interview, use the tips below:

A job interview should be viewed as a negotiation about a potential collaboration.

When building a partnership with a manager during an interview, it is important to:

  • firstly, present yourself as a mature and formed personality, aware of your value and individuality (which increases your chances of success),
  • secondly, it’s easier to accept a refusal, because in this case it will be the result of a difference of views, which cannot in any way diminish your dignity.

It will be easier for you to succeed in an interview if you:

  • persistent
  • stress-resistant
  • friendly
  • charming
  • neat
  • punctual
  • responsible
  • flexible (able to quickly adapt to the situation)
  • are proactive

Behavior at an interview

  • When you come to the office, try to be polite and patient with everyone.
  • Conscientiously fill out all questionnaires and forms that are offered to you.
  • Introduce yourself at the beginning of the interview. Ask what the name of the interlocutor is.
  • Keep eye contact.
  • Listen carefully to questions without interrupting the other person.
  • If you are not sure that you understood the question well, do not hesitate to clarify ("Did I understand correctly that...").
  • Avoid verbosity, answer to the point.
  • Be objective and truthful, but don't be too revealing.
  • When faced with the need to give negative information about yourself, do not deny facts that are true, but be sure to try to balance them with positive information about yourself.
  • Behave with dignity, try not to give the impression of a loser or a distressed person; however, refrain from being provocative.
  • If you are offered the opportunity to ask questions, be sure to ask, but don’t get carried away (2-3 questions).
  • When asking questions, first of all be interested in the content of the work and the conditions for its successful completion.
  • Avoid asking questions about pay at the first stage of the interview.
  • Be sure to clarify how you will find out about the result of the interview, try to negotiate the right to call yourself.
  • When concluding your interview, remember the usual rules of politeness.
  • For many questions, you won’t have to prepare for an interview all over again each time. But on some points, each new employer needs to be approached taking into account its specifics; in order not to miss these features, time and effort are needed to prepare for the interview. However, remember that, first of all, the employer is interested in qualified specialists and professionals. Try to demonstrate your relevant qualities during the conversation.

And some more tips on how to pass a job interview:

  • Before the interview, think about how you will dress. The appearance and demeanor are very great importance and practically determine the first impression.

    If you are going for an interview in financial institution, choose a conservative business attire.

    If you are going for an interview in construction organization or a design firm, you can afford to dress in a more relaxed style.

    You can try to find out in advance whether the company has a business style or a more casual style of clothing, but in any case, it is better to dress more formally for the interview.

    If showing up to work in jeans is considered normal at this company, you can afford it when you start working, but you shouldn’t show up to an interview in a sweater and jeans.

    In any case, you should look neat and tidy.

    It is best for a woman to wear a formal suit or a fairly conservative dress for an interview, without going to extremes when choosing skirt length, colors and jewelry. Avoid wearing harsh perfume or cologne.

  • Make sure in advance that you know how to get to the company building and where to leave the car. Leave the house early.
  • Arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled time. This will show that you respect the interviewer and value his time. If you are still late, try to call back and warn about the delay.
  • Remember that when choosing from several equally qualified candidates, your ability to make a favorable impression during the interview will play a decisive role.
  • Get a good night's sleep before going to the interview. Sleep-deprived people never make a good impression. Try to go to bed at your usual time, no earlier or later.
  • Don't drink a lot of liquids. You may not be able to find a toilet in an unfamiliar organization and will feel bad during the interview.
  • If you are introduced to someone, make every effort to correctly hear and remember that person's name. If you can immediately address your interlocutor by name, it will make a favorable impression. Asking again will reveal excessive nervousness.
  • It is important to find out the duration of the interview and stick to the agreed time. This will help to correctly distribute the time between answers and questions, and determine the degree of detail of the answers.
  • Be polite and friendly to everyone you meet in the office. Don't forget to smile when entering the interviewer's office.
  • Don't forget how important body language is. Your handshake is no less important: your hand should be dry and warm; The handshake should be firm, but not too strong. Watch your posture, try to look into the eyes. However, do not take anything to extremes.
  • Be sure to bring with you to the interview as many documents as possible confirming your qualifications, education and additional knowledge.
  • If you are asked to fill out any forms, it is best to take them with you and return them to the shortest possible time. When working with them at home, practice on a rough draft. Remember that everything matters: literacy, blots, handwriting, and clarity of wording.
  • Don't forget, when ending the conversation, to agree on when and how you will learn about the results, and thank the interviewer.

When the interview is completed:

  • You were asked to wait for an answer, promising to call. If the wait, in your opinion, is too long, do not hesitate to contact the company yourself. It's possible you'll get rejected (once you know this, you'll be able to focus your search efforts elsewhere). Or perhaps your call will allow the head of the company to solve the problem of choosing from many candidates in your favor.
  • If you are still rejected, do not despair, because:
    • employers are people too and, like all normal people, they can make mistakes;
    • an interview, even if unsuccessful, is a coin in the treasury of your experience;
    • Well, who told you that this missed chance was your only one?


You are going to your first meeting with an employer. According to the job description, everything suits you. Therefore, you prepare for the interview especially carefully: make amendments to your resume, mentally think through the answers to possible, including tricky, questions, and study the Russian-English phrasebook at night. Finally, you need to think about your appearance so that the employer has a favorable first impression of you.

Personal and corporate style

The style of clothing largely depends on the position and institution in which you are going to work.

  • The closer your profession is to creativity, the fewer rules there are. A creative person needs to emphasize his individuality and, probably, it would not be very correct to give him advice - his creativity should prompt him.
  • For representatives of conservative professions best option- fashionable classic. This means looking fashionable, but not provocative.

Accordingly, if you are going to work in a bank, you do not need to have a nose ring. And you don’t come to work at a nightclub buttoned up in a strict classic suit.

There is one win-win option. If you have not been to this institution before and are not familiar with its procedures, before deciding what to wear, take a walk in front of your future place of work and observe what people wear there. Try to appear in the same style during the interview.


The quality of the haircut is immediately visible, especially on short hair, so before getting a job you should go to a salon where a haircut is not the cheapest.

  • A business woman can stop at a haircut, because the longer the hair, the more time and money it takes to care for it. Ungroomed long hair is the worst thing you can imagine.
  • Today it is fashionable to dye your hair in several colors. Let these be non-contrasting colors that smoothly flow into one another and create the feeling of one, but very beautiful and deep color. The haircut should look almost unstyled.
  • Longer hair is in fashion for men compared to last season.


  • Opt for the clothes in which you feel organic. This will give you confidence when talking to an employer, and you can fully focus on your business skills.
  • The length of the skirt is a matter of figure and preference, however, when going to a serious organization, it is better to choose classic version The length of the skirt for a business suit is mid-knee.
  • Pants should be rather wide.
  • Jewelry and gold are acceptable, so you can safely complement your outfit with a large bracelet, ring and earrings. However, it is worth balancing your appearance and the amount of jewelry with official salary, which you are applying for.
  • Even in hot weather Ladies should abandon their neckline and cover their shoulders.
  • A business suit implies closed shoes, that is, shoes, not sandals. It is unlikely that you will suffer from the heat, since decent places have air conditioning everywhere. Shoes, unlike a suit, can be of a bolder and more fashionable design, not necessarily classic.
  • When going for an interview, it is better to avoid certain colors in clothing. Red can make your interlocutor feel aggressive, while brown can make you feel unsure of yourself.
  • The color of clothing should be selected depending on the color of the hair and eyes, as well as the season. In summer, light colors: cream, light green, blue, beige. In winter, you can stay in beige or change into a darker suit. The combination of black and white is in fashion.
  • You shouldn't dress too colorfully - you risk appearing frivolous.

Some advice for men:

  • Avoid provocative tie colors. This detail in a business suit should be in the same tone as boots and socks.
  • Black shoes are not worn with light-colored trousers, and vice versa.
  • Many men do not attach importance to manicure, and in vain. If during a conversation you decide to smoke a cigarette, then your unkempt hands will immediately catch the eye of your interlocutor. By the way, when you first meet an employer, do not advertise your bad habit. Firstly, many organizations do not smoke, and secondly, a healthy lifestyle is in fashion.

Makeup and perfume

  • Cosmetics should be in natural tones. And here it is appropriate to recall a principle that has long been abandoned, but is applicable when applying for a job: color matching of nail polish and lipstick.
  • The perfume should be quite discreet; you should not use evening scents.

And finally, the most important thing during the interview- your self-confidence. You consider yourself a professional who deserves this place, right? So let it be read on your face, and success will not be long in coming.

Interview questions, which answers are better?

Interview questions: what's behind them?

Prepare carefully for an interview with an employer. Sometimes it resembles preparation for secret work. The job search is almost complete, and all that remains is to make the final push towards the desired goal. Before a meeting with an employer, manuals are studied, speculative dialogues are built, and answers to not yet asked questions are rehearsed.

An interview in its genre is least reminiscent of an exam, where for each question there is a single correct answer that the examiner knows for sure. An interview is a conversation between equal people, each of whom has his own position that has the right to exist, and a certain range of interests that can become common. And success at an interview does not depend on the ability to calculate the correct answers, but on the ability to be an interesting interlocutor.

Therefore, when asked how to answer questions at an interview, you can briefly answer - honestly. Often people are interested not only in what you say, but also in how you say it. Behind every question there is more than just a desire to find out something about you, but also your ability to conduct a dialogue, to be open to your interlocutor.

What is behind the employer's questions?

So, let's look at some frequently asked interview questions.

Tell us about your failures

Some people fall into a slight stupor after such a proposal. Some try to convince their interlocutor that his whole life is pure luck, others try to laugh it off, remembering his last marriage or the country in which he was destined to be born. But for the employer, rather, it is important not just to list the situations in which you failed, but to understand what you evaluate as a failure, whether you are able to talk about it, and how you overcome difficulties. None of us is immune from failures; everyone, including the person sitting opposite you, has had their ups and downs. And the value of life experience lies not in the number of years you have worked in a position, but in life experience, the ability to “get up” after failures, move forward after mistakes made, the reasonableness of decisions made and the ability not to step on the same rake. Only a person who is able to admit and draw conclusions from his mistakes knows how to move forward.

List your strengths and weaknesses

Another question that becomes a stumbling block for many. Guides for job seekers suggest presenting your weaknesses as a continuation of your strengths, for example, telling your employer how you can’t quit what you started, and leaving work on time is simply beyond your strength.

If you answer this question as written, you certainly demonstrate a good knowledge of the literature on this issue, a good memory and, at the same time, absolute inflexibility, the inability to “creatively” process the material you read. Don’t forget that HR managers also read books, and if they seem to you like narrow-minded people who can “swallow” any information, you are mistaken. Behind this question lies not so much a desire to really find out about your positive and negative qualities as much as the ability to be open, the ability to answer uncomfortable questions, self-confidence. Don’t give away cliches, each of us has quite a lot of shortcomings that “have the right to life” - some lose their ability to work under the gaze of ill-wishers, some cannot stand it routine work, and most of us struggle to get up in the morning to get to work on time. Think about what is truly unique to you and don’t be afraid to be frank. After all, only a self-confident person can talk about his shortcomings without fear for his reputation.

How do you see yourself in 5 years?

The question, rather, is not about career achievements, but about the ability to see prospects, understand how you can move towards your intended goal, internal motives, the ability to plan your own life and see intermediate results. Depending on what you tell, it is not difficult to understand how objectively you view yourself as a professional, whether you are interested in the profession itself or are you more interested in career growth, how accurately do you relate own development and promotion.

Personal life

For some reason, all questions affecting this area also cause great confusion. What is better - to be married or not, to be with children or childless, what family status has advantages? You can discuss this as long as you like, but you have the family status that you have, and you are unlikely to change it depending on the wishes of the employer. In most cases, these questions are not intended to penetrate the secrets of your personal life, but rather to understand the limit to which you are able to talk about yourself with others. stranger. How open you are and how you maintain the boundaries of your “I”, are you sufficiently independent and self-sufficient, do you talk about what worries you, or try to avoid discussing personal topics. And if you prefer not to talk about your private life, how delicately can you do this.

Key words: frequently asked interview questions, how to answer interview questions, what is asked at an interview, job interview questions, FAQ and answers to an interview, what questions are asked at an interview, answers to an interview that give you a chance.

Possible questions

The most common questions you should prepare to answer.

Obviously, no one can predict in advance all the questions that might be asked in an interview. The theoretical exception is structured interviews, where all candidates are asked the same pre-prepared list of questions. But this type of interview is rarely used. However, in practice, you can make a list of 15-20 questions, many of which, in one form or another, are asked at almost every interview. Let's consider a number of such questions.

Tell us a little about yourself

This is a great chance to present yourself in the best light, especially if you have prepared in advance. Knowingly or unknowingly, the employer is looking for a worker who CAN do the job, i.e. has the appropriate qualifications, experience, etc., and WANTS to do it.

  • The employer must see an interested employee and understand what explains this interest.
  • The employer is looking for someone who is manageable, i.e. feels his responsibility, demonstrates submission to discipline, receptivity to criticism, knows how to listen and understand what he is told.

You should prepare and practice a story about yourself that will show that you have the listed required qualities, which are especially important from the point of view of employers. If you are applying for a specific position or job that you know, your story should be structured with this in mind. When talking about yourself, reduce formal biographical information and do not get carried away with details. The most important thing is to mention your practical experience, your knowledge and skills that can be useful to the employer, as well as your attitude to work and interest.

  • I take responsibility for the assigned work, I am easy to learn, and I am disciplined.
  • I can and want to do this work because it interests me.

What questions do you have?

This question can be asked right at the beginning of the conversation, and only preliminary preparation will help you navigate correctly. It is advisable to prepare a list of questions in advance so that during the interview, taking into account the context of the conversation, you can offer them to the employer.

You should not ask more than three differently directed questions, unless the current situation forces you to do so.

Why did you choose this job (organization)?

Give serious reasons: the desire to apply your qualifications and work experience where they can give the greatest return, opportunities for growth, the attractiveness of working in a strong team, etc.

The following answers to the question are possible:

  • I see prospects for my development in your company.
  • I want my knowledge to be applied, and I want to gain the experience of a professional.
  • I want to do interesting things in your team.

Have you received other job offers?

If you have received it, then say so directly. Knowing that someone else is willing to hire you will only improve your chances. Of course, it should be added that this work you are interested in more.

Have you been interviewed in other places?

As a rule, you can honestly say yes, but take your time to say where exactly.

Will your personal life interfere with this job, which involves traveling and long working hours?

This question is asked more often to women. To such an attempt to circumvent the law, answer firmly: “No, it won’t hurt.”

What are your strengths?

Emphasize first of all those qualities that are useful for this job.

What are your weaknesses?

Under no circumstances should you answer this question directly and honestly. It should be turned so as to shift the emphasis, mentioning the shortcomings, talk about the advantages that overcompensate for them.

Why do you want this job? Why should we hire you?

This is the best question to "sell" yourself. But you should carefully prepare for it in advance.

Why did you leave your previous job?

You shouldn't talk about conflicts, even if they existed. Never criticize your former boss or employer. If the interviewer knows that you had a conflict, do not go into detail, explain that it was a unique case associated with special circumstances and highlight the positive things that were in your previous job: experience, skills, professional connections, etc. .

Why did you decide to change jobs?

This question is often asked to those who are working at the time of the interview. It is difficult to answer this question well. We can say that the organization has exhausted real opportunities for your professional and job growth, and you wouldn’t want to stop there.

How do you imagine your position in three (five) years?

It’s better to answer in a more streamlined way: I would like to work in the same organization, but in a more responsible job.

What is your work experience?

The following answers to the question are possible:

  • My first work experience was gained in a school brigade.
  • In practice (list where and in what capacity you completed it).

What salary are you expecting?

At the beginning of the conversation, it is better to try to evade the answer by saying that you do not consider it necessary to discuss salary in the first place. If the interviewer insists, then name an amount that is attractive to you and meets the expectations, capabilities and standards of the organization. If you do not have such information, then do not underestimate the amount you quote, but indicate your readiness to discuss this issue separately after familiarizing yourself in detail with the content and conditions of the work.

The following answers to the question are possible:

  • I believe that the payment will not be below the average at your enterprise.
  • Salary according to staffing table Your company will suit me.
  • I hope for a reasonable salary level commensurate with the amount of work.

What else would you like to know?

Never say you don't have questions. Try to ask a question that would speak in favor of your hiring. For example, ask to clarify something important for work that was not sufficiently covered in the previous conversation. Think about such questions in advance. But don’t try to ask all these questions during an interview if you are not asked to do so. Don't forget to thank the employer for the information provided.

What changes would you make if you took this job?

The question is often asked to applicants for managerial and administrative positions. You should show your familiarity with such situations and the ability to take initiative, but do not overdo it, showing a willingness to leave no stone unturned. Also beware of suggesting changes if you have not had the opportunity to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the state of affairs.

These are the most typical interview questions asked of candidates. Sometimes, you may encounter unexpected and seemingly harmless questions. For example: “What did you do today?” Think about how you can benefit from answering this question. However, the problem is also how you actually spend your time and what lifestyle will increase your chances of getting a job.

Who does the employer need?

If you are applying for a position on the hierarchical ladder, then be prepared for what will be required of you:

  • knowledge, experience, skills;
  • education (preferably specialized);
  • work experience (preferably in your specialty or related fields);
  • versatility (eg financial director with knowledge of accounting);
  • specific things that improved the condition;
  • computer literacy;
  • ability to learn quickly;
  • communication skills;
  • initiative;
  • systematic;
  • ability to predict and analyze;
  • discipline
  • decency;
  • self-control;
  • persistence in problem solving;
  • desire for professional growth.
  • charm, pleasantness in communication;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • fast adaptation;
  • enthusiasm;
  • endurance in extreme situations;
  • stress resistance;
  • reliability.
  • helpfulness;
  • friendliness;
  • caring;
  • tact;
  • sense of humor.

Key interview points to consider in advance

A person is still greeted by his clothes, so appearance plays an important role. No one will demand that you wear Armani suits, but you should look neat and businesslike. This does not mean at all that you should change your style - first of all, you should feel comfortable, but try to choose clothes that best suit the occasion. Hair and hands should have a well-groomed appearance; makeup is very important for ladies. Property human psyche such is that the first impression has a decisive influence on subsequent attitudes.

You must arrive at the meeting exactly at the appointed time. Lateness is unacceptable. If you are delayed objective reasons, call and try to reschedule the appointment. If circumstances are such that you can arrive earlier than the appointed time, call again and find out if the employer can accommodate you.

During the interview process, the employer sets the direction of the conversation, so give clear answers to the questions posed. Stingy “yes”, “no”, “didn’t have”, “wasn’t a member” are unlikely to serve you well, but you shouldn’t go into lengthy explanations either. Your comments should be brief but meaningful.

Resist the temptation to exaggerate your merits or exaggerate your professional experience. Provide only information that is factual. Otherwise, you can only harm yourself. Firstly, the veracity of your answers can be easily verified during the interview, not to mention the fact that the employer can directly contact your previous management; secondly, they may take your word for it, but give you a small practical test.

Give a constructive analysis of your previous activities. Don't be afraid to talk about your weaknesses. Naturally, you shouldn’t focus on them, but you shouldn’t avoid this topic either. By admitting and analyzing your mistakes, you only earn yourself extra points - only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

Any employer tries to find out the reasons for leaving previous jobs. It's safer to tell the truth again. Refrain from reproaches against the former leadership - the bosses have their own solidarity. If you were completely sick of your previous job, and you want to curse this whole sharashka office unbearably, resort to the same constructive criticism. So, at least, you will declare yourself as a thinking and analyzing person.

When the employer has received all the information he is interested in about you, it is your turn to ask questions. In almost all Western recommendations on job search technology, you will find advice to obtain as much information as possible about the company before the interview. In our country, unfortunately, this is not always possible, but the Internet makes the task much easier - the number of corporate websites is growing by leaps and bounds. However, at the interview there is no shame, but it is simply necessary to ask to talk about the organization in which you may have to work, about the place that you can occupy in it, and the prospects for your professional growth. It is quite correct to be interested in your level of income, without, however, bringing this topic to the fore.

At the end of the interview, the Employer will most likely inform you that they will consider your candidacy and will contact you. In the West, where the culture of relations in the labor market has long been formed, the candidate is notified of the decision made, regardless of whether it is positive or negative. In our still largely uncivilized country, you are unlikely to be disturbed if your candidacy turns out to be unsuitable, so ask the employer to clarify whether he will contact you in any case, or only in case of a positive decision. Agree on how long you can expect a response, ask if you can call yourself and find out the result.

Time to think belongs not only to the employer, but also to you. You also make your choice. Among other things, it is useful to decide for yourself what this company will be for you in the light of your future career - a career ladder, or just a step in it, i.e. Are you going to develop and grow professionally within the organization or are you considering it simply as an opportunity to reach a higher professional level. From decision taken It largely depends on how you build relationships with the new management and team.

How to increase self-confidence, develop and develop self-esteem

All of us know that a person who exudes confidence in himself and his actions easily makes contacts, more often solves his problems positively, moves up the career ladder faster, realizes himself more fully and, as a result, is happier. Therefore, it is necessary and very important to develop self-confidence. In order to gain confidence, we offer 12 steps that will help you change your self-esteem and teach you to be confident in various life situations.

Step 1. Decide what is valuable to you, what you believe in, what you would like to see your life like. Analyze your plans and evaluate them from the point of view of today, so that you can take advantage of this when you notice certain shifts.

Step 2. Forgive yourself for past mistakes. Try to analyze your past from time to time, but don't let it take over you. Make room for small but pleasant memories. The bad past will live in your memory until you eradicate it yourself.

Step 3. Feelings of guilt and shame will not help you achieve success. Don't let them take over you.

Step 4. Look within yourself for the reasons for your failures. When you blame the state, circumstances, other people for your troubles and misfortunes, you refuse the role of master of your own life. A successful person takes an active life position and changes himself. And in any case, he will find an opportunity to stay firmly on his feet under the blow of certain circumstances.

Step 5. Don't forget that each event can be assessed differently. Thanks to this way of looking at things, you will be patient with people and calmly respond to attitudes that previously seemed biased to you.

Step 6. Never talk bad about yourself. And especially avoid attributing negative traits to yourself: “stupid”, “incapable”, “unhappy”. This can develop an unwanted stable stereotype in the subconscious.

Step 7 Your actions can be assessed in different ways. If someone constructively criticizes your actions, use it to your advantage, but don't allow others to criticize you as an individual.

Step 8 Remember that sometimes failure is success. Thanks to defeat, you can conclude that, firstly, you set yourself erroneous goals that were not worth the effort, and secondly, you managed to avoid further, possibly even greater troubles.

Step 9 Your positive attitude towards life is the key to good health and inner balance, high spiritual health. How you see this world depends only on you. Life is too short to waste it on depression.

Step 10 Give yourself the opportunity to relax from time to time, listen to your thoughts, do what you like, sometimes be alone with yourself. This way you can understand yourself better. These moments provide an opportunity to accumulate energy in order to take a decisive or significant step forward.

Step 11 Choose several serious goals for yourself, on the way to which you need to achieve smaller, intermediate ones. Consider soberly what means you will need to achieve these intermediate goals. Don't leave any of yours unattended successful step and don't forget to encourage and praise yourself.

Step 12 Be confident. And remember these words: You are not a passive object on which troubles fall, not a blade of grass that tremblingly waits to be stepped on. You are the top of the evolutionary pyramid, a unique personality, an active creator of your life, you lead events! You are the arbiter of your own destiny!

Reasons why they don't get a job

  • pathetic appearance;
  • know-it-all mannerisms;
  • lack of a career plan and clear goals;
  • lack of sincerity and balance;
  • lack of interest and enthusiasm;
  • lack of tact;
  • lack of politeness;
  • indecision;
  • little knowledge in the specialty;
  • lack of determination;
  • inability to express oneself: weak voice, poor diction;
  • reluctance to start from the bottom: expecting too much too quickly;
  • unkind reviews about previous employers;
  • desire for self-justification, evasiveness, reference to unfavorable factors;
  • intolerance with highly developed prejudices;
  • narrowness of interests;
  • inability to value time;
  • poor management of one's own affairs;
  • lack of interest in social life;
  • lack of understanding of the value of experience;
  • inability to take criticism;
  • obsession with money;
  • expressed reluctance to learn;
  • the desire to simply settle in;
  • unsuccessful family life;
  • poor relationship with parents;
  • reluctance to look your interlocutor in the eye;
  • sloppiness;
  • cynicism;
  • being late for an interview without good reason;
  • no questions about work to a potential employer;
  • uncertainty of answers to questions;
  • low moral level.

Rules of conduct during an interview

  • When greeting a company representative, do not shake hands first.
  • Do not sit down until you are asked to do so.
  • Listen carefully. Follow the direction of the conversation that the interviewer sets.
  • Before answering a question, try to understand why it was asked, how to highlight your strengths in your answer, and what not to talk about.
  • When discussing previous jobs, do not criticize your former boss or colleagues.
  • Do not start discussions about your personal or financial problems, unless you are specifically asked about it.
  • You can name a salary that will satisfy you, but not before you are asked about it.
  • When ending the interview, thank the interviewee for their attention.

Preparing for an interview

  • Try to provide yourself with information about the organization you want to work for.
  • Carry copies of all necessary documents, professional resume, copies of education certificates.
  • Get ready to give the names and phone numbers of people recommending you, having previously agreed with them.
  • Find out exactly the location of the organization and the route so as not to be late.
  • Make sure you have enough time and don't get stressed if the interview goes on for a long time.
  • Stick to it business style in clothes.
  • Make a list of expected questions and prepare possible answers.
  • Prepare specifically to discuss the issue of wages.
  • Practice your answers to the most likely questions well, doing this in the form of a game interview rehearsal.
  • Be sure to prepare the questions you will ask if you are offered this opportunity.

When preparing for an interview, it is very important to do some background research. It is necessary to collect as much information as possible about the company where you are going for an interview and about the people you will meet.

Useful information can be obtained different ways. If we are talking about a large enterprise, get to know its products or services. Many organizations distribute their brochures and brochures. Try to find articles in newspapers or magazines about this organization.

You can talk to a person who works or has worked in this organization. You can learn a lot of useful things from him, but you should take into account the subjective nature of such stories. Perhaps a consultant from the agency you contacted can answer some of your questions.

What you need to know about the organization you are going to for an interview:

  • What products or services does the organization offer?
  • Where and to whom are products and services sold?
  • How many years has the organization been in existence?
  • How have the organization's mission changed since its inception?
  • Is the leadership team stable or does it change frequently?
  • What is the legal status of the organization?
  • Have there been attempts to take over the organization by other companies?
  • Did the organization make a profit last year? Over the past three years?
  • Have there been any staff reductions in the last three years? Why?
  • Is the organization part of any larger association?
  • Does the press pay much attention to organization? Why?
  • What is the press response about the organization?
  • What is the attitude towards employees in this organization?
  • What new projects are being developed in the organization?
  • Is the organization based domestically or has partners or branches abroad?
  • What are the prospects for the industry to which the organization belongs?


You and the employer: 10 rules for success

Rule 1. Collect all the documents you may need in advance. Record with written recommendations, telephone numbers. Don’t forget also your diploma, certificate of completion of courses (if you have one), passport, work book and resume, preferably in two copies. Carefully sort all the papers into files, this will be eloquent evidence of your diligence and thrift.

Rule 2. Write your presentation speech on a piece of paper and rehearse it in front of the mirror. Think in advance about what and how you will say.

Rule 3. Don't try to make a favorable impression with just your appearance. Be natural, a strict business look is most acceptable. Remember, first impressions are very important.

Rule 4. Relax. Nervousness is immediately noticeable, but moreover, it inspires the employer with an unpleasant thought: “Why is this person so worried? Does he want to hide something? Or is he not confident in his abilities? " It’s good to get a good night’s sleep and set yourself up for success. It is better not to take any medications if you do not want to look sleepy and lethargic.

Rule 5. Don't be afraid of rejection. Prepare mentally for any outcome of the interview.

Rule 6. Behave naturally and kindly, don’t be tight. You should not wear a mask that you invented for this occasion. The most important thing is constant politeness. Try to listen more than you tell, excessive talkativeness will only do harm.

Rule 7. Don't try to show your superiority. Of course, you need to demonstrate your competence, but nothing more.

Rule 8. Avoid ingratiation and flattery - this immediately becomes noticeable and few people like it. Be moderately free and independent (but don’t overdo it!), don’t fuss or be timid. Then the employer will treat you with the same respect as you treat yourself.

Rule 9. Do not speak badly about anyone and do not try to denigrate former management, work colleagues, or competitors. It won't make you shine. Even your weaknesses can be used for good (For example: slowness allows you not to miss details and do the work carefully).

Rule 10. Do not agree to the proposed terms right away. It’s better to say: “I’ll think about it.” A stranger who is ready for anything looks more like a dropout or an adventurer.

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