Class hour. Game "Lucky Chance"

Game "Lucky Chance"

Target: create conditions for instilling love and interest in literature and broadening the horizons of students.

Progress of the event

Game 1

Presenter's Questions

For 1st team

1. What is it called big pile snow? (snowdrift)

2. What does the crying of plants predict? (rain)

3. General form terrain? (panorama)

4. A fabulous fulfiller of any desire? (gold fish)

5. The animal with the most short name? (hedgehog)

6. What is the name of stormy applause? (ovation)

8. Free time? (leisure)

9. What is the best medicine? (laughter)

10. A sense organ that can take you to Kyiv? (language)

For the 2nd team

1. What is the most active time of day for a hare? (night)

2. Snow storm in the steppe? (blizzard)

3. Name the bird that carries a bag with it? (pelican)

4. What is the name of the musk rat? (muskrat)

5. It is given to a person only once... (life)

6. Almost a saucepan, only with a nose? (kettle)

7. Name someone you can always rely on? (Friend)

8. Name a pig that is not slaughtered, but broken up? (money box)

9. Long lasting candy... (lollipop)

10. Even adults cry from him... (bow)

Summing up

Game 2 “Troubles from a Barrel”

Players take turns taking out pieces of paper with questions from the toy barrel.

For 1st team

1. What is the name of the science that studies ancient medals and coins?


2. Name which cities have a metro? (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Baku, Tbilisi).

3.What is the difference between a horse and a needle? (first they jump on a horse and then sit down, and they sit on a needle and then jump)

4. What is the favorite piece of music for hockey players at international tournaments? (hymn)

For the 2nd team

1. What is the name of Vasnetsov’s painting in which he depicted three heroes? (“Bogatyrs”, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich)

2. What means of transportation, invented in ancient times, are still used today? (boat, skis, cart)

3. Why do porcupines need quills? What are their properties? (Protected, floats, since they are hollow, treated with needles)

4. Name a gift that is universal for a woman at any time of the year? (flowers)

Summing up

Game 3

For 1st team

What books do these magical animals live in?

1. A terrible heffalump? (Milne “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”).

2. A goat that can carve with its hoof gems? (Bazhov “Silver Hoof”)

3. In which book does the Firebird live? (Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”)

4. In which book does the magic cockerel live, guarding the kingdom? (Pushkin “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

For the 2nd team

Who owns these things?

1. A pot that cooked so much porridge that it was impossible to travel from village to city.

(To the good girl from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge”)

2. Who owns the two stockings - one brown, the other black?

(Pippi Long Stocking from the book of the same name by A. Lingren)

Summing up

Game 4 “You give me - I give you”

Who will answer faster

1. What did the crane treat the fox with: (okroshka)

2. What is the name of a car marathon? (rally)

3. What is the name of the one-armed saw? (hacksaw)

4. What is the name of an ensemble of three performers? (trio)

5. Who did the little son come to? (to father)

6. What is the name of a surgical knife? (scalpel)

7. Name a common headdress that men and women like to wear? (hat)

8. Name lifting mechanism in houses. (elevator)

9. A place that women especially like to visit? (shop)

10. Name the only thing in a man’s wardrobe that is used for decoration? (tie)


Game 5 “Race for the Leader”

For 1st team

1.Name the place where your heart always remains... (homeland)

2. Old age of the day? (evening)

3. The part of your friend’s body that you can rely on...(shoulder)

4. Earth, reduced to required sizes? (globe)

5.Goalie's hated number? (11 - penalties)

6. Homesickness? (nostalgia)

7. Same as mystery? (secret)

8. Hand nail care? (manicure)

9. Russian folk family game? (lotto)

10. Name the most ancient one cutlery. (knife)

For the 2nd team

1. Name something that a person cannot live without? (food)

2. Military color? (khaki)

3. Metallic paper? (foil)

4. What is the theater break called? (intermission)

5. Farm machine working in the kitchen? (harvester)

6. An artist who paints war? (battle artist)

7. What is the name of flat bread? (pita)

8. Say a name ancient Greek god seas? (Poseidon)

9. Name the city that flies? (Eagle)

10. In which country was Pinocchio deceived on the field of miracles? (In the land of fools).


The game has enormous heuristic and persuasive potential; it separates what is “apparently unified” and brings together what in teaching and in life resists comparison and balancing.

Play, the most important type of children’s activity, plays a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child. It is an effective remedy

formation of the student’s personality, his moral and volitional qualities, the game realizes the need to influence the world. The game gives you freedom, since it is not a task, not a duty, not a law. You cannot play by order, only voluntarily.

What does the game give to children?

The game is extraordinary.

Entering a different state of mind. Submitting only to the rules of the game, a person is free from all class, mercantile and other conventions. The game relieves the severe tension in which a teenager lives in his real life, and replaces it with a voluntary and joyful mobilization of spiritual and physical strength.

Order: The system of rules in the game is absolute and unquestionable. It is impossible to break the rules and be in the game. This quality of order is very valuable now in our unstable, chaotic world.

There is an element of uncertainty in the game; contradictions in the game tend to be resolved.

Passion: there is no partial benefit to the game. It intensively involves the whole person and activates his abilities.

Opportunity to create and unite a team. The attractiveness of the game is so great and the gaming contact between people with each other is so complete and deep that gaming communities show the ability to persist even after the end of the game, outside its framework.

Element of uncertainty which excites activates the mind, tunes in to search for optimal solutions.

The concept of honor. It opposes selfish and narrow group interests.

The game gives the concept of self-restraint and self-sacrifice for the benefit of the team, since only a “well-played” team will achieve success and perfection in the game.

Development of psychological plasticity.

The joy of communicating with like-minded people.

The ability to navigate real life situations, replaying them repeatedly and as if in make-believe in your own fictional world. Gives psychological stability. Relieves anxiety levels, which is now so high among parents and is passed on to children. Develops an active attitude towards life and determination in achieving the set goal.

Educational: Development of moral qualities of the individual (goodwill, conscientiousness), communication skills. Nurturing creative initiative.

Game 1 “Next... further... further...”

Each team takes turns rolling a game die (the die is made from a large cardboard box). Ones are written on four faces of the cube, a zero is drawn on one face of the cube, and a horseshoe is drawn on another. If a one appears on the top face of the cube, then the team receives 1 point for the correct answer to the question asked by the leader. If a horseshoe falls out, it means that the team is lucky, it has “ Lucky case” and for the correct answer to the same question she can get 3 points. But if a zero appears, this means a changeover. During the first game, each team rolls the dice 7 times.

First game questions:

1.Which elephant does not have a trunk? (at the chess one).
2. What happened on February 31? (there is no such day).
3. The table top has four corners. One corner was sawed off. How many corners does the table have? (five).
4. Who saved the hares during the flood? (grandfather Mazai).
5. What notes can be used to measure distance?
6. How do day and night end? (soft sign).
7. In what fairy tale does a girl go to pick flowers in winter? ("Twelve months").
8. Homemade Santa Claus. (Fridge).
9. What two notes grow in the vegetable garden? (beans).
10. Name the author: “God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere”? (Krylov).
11. What doesn’t burn in fire and doesn’t sink in water? (ice).
12. Is it motley itself, eats green, gives white? (cow). 13. What clock does it show? right time
only twice a day? (which are worth it).
14. Name a children's humorous film magazine.
15. What terrible beast is greedy for raspberries? (bear).
16. Which beetle is named after the month in which it was born? (May).
17. What birds cannot fly? (penguins and ostriches). 18. A product obtained from beets and cane? (sugar). 19. Underground
? (metro). 20. Which state can you wear on your head?(Panama).
21. What kind of fuel is produced in the swamp? (peat). 22. Using this item
main character
fairy tale, he found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched. (Arrow).

23. She came to us from Andersen’s fairy tale. Her name means a measure of length equal to only 2.5 cm. What is her name? (Thumbelina).

24. Which fairy tale features animated fruits and vegetables? (“The Adventures of Cippolino”).

  1. 25. The toy is the main character of the book and cartoon, who was given a very funny name because he fell off the table. (Cheburashka).
  2. Game 2 “Riddle, riddle, riddle.”
  3. For each correct answer 1 point.
  4. Dresses up in summer, undresses in winter. (deciduous forest)
  5. Lives - lies, dies - runs. (Snow)
  6. Who gets dressed up once a year? (Christmas tree)
  7. White in winter, gray in summer. (Hare)
  8. Twelve brothers wander around one after another, but do not find each other. (months)
  9. It’s white, but not sugar, there are no legs, but it’s walking. (Snow)
  10. I keep it in my school bag, I’ll tell you how you study.
  11. The two sisters swayed - they sought the truth, and when they achieved it, they stopped. (Scales)
  12. I give an answer to every call, but there is neither soul nor body.
  13. (Echo)
  14. What can’t you pick up from the ground? (Shadow)
  15. Sleeps during the day, watches at night. (Moon)
  16. It sparkles, blinks, shoots fire arrows.
  17. (Lightning)
  18. They walk and walk, but they don’t leave their place. (Watch)
  19. You screamed - it was silent, you were silent - it screamed. (Echo)
  20. I store hot and cold, I will replace both the stove and the refrigerator for you on the road. (Thermos)
  21. The lady-princess has dressed up the whole world, but she walks around naked. (Needle)
  22. The crutch is crooked and eager to fight. (Hockey stick)
  23. A painted rocker hung across the river.
  24. (Rainbow)
  25. You have it, I have it, the oak tree has it in the field, the fish has it in the sea. (Shadow)

Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a person, but a story. (Book)

The sun will come out and she will cry; if there is no sun, she will hide her tears. (Icicle)

All furry, four legs, very mustachioed.


Game 3 “Troubles from a barrel”.
The presenter brings out numbered barrels (you can use capsules from “Kinder surprises” and put question numbers inside them). The team that currently has the fewest points starts pulling the barrels. The presenter reads the question to the team, the number of which is indicated on the keg. If the question is answered correctly, the team receives 1 point. Response time 15 seconds.
Each team is asked 15 questions in a row. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If within 3 seconds after reading the question, if the team does not give any answer, the presenter reads out the correct answer and asks the next question. The presenter begins to ask questions to the team that has fewer points.
Questions for the first team:
1. A cow as a child? - Calf.
2. Home car? - Garage.
3. Astronaut suit? - Space suit.
4. Northern capital of Russia? - Saint Petersburg.
5. Which city flies? - Eagle.
6. A car that counts other people's money? - Taxi.

7. Hero of folk puppet shows? - Parsley.

8. A magic tablecloth where food appears on its own? - Self-assembly.
9. Father of the wooden boy? - Papa Carlo.
10. A plot of land for growing vegetables? - Vegetable garden.
Questions for the second team:
1. Gingerbread man overgrown with needles? - Hedgehog.
2. Dog's house? - Kennel.
3. The student's very first book? - Primer.
4. Baba Yaga's personal transport? – Stupa / Pomelo.
5. Baby goat? - Little goat. 6. Who said the magic words: “Sim, Sim, open!”? - Ali Baba.. called... - Square.
10. What holiday is celebrated on January 7? - Christmas.

Questions for the third team:

1. Does it appear on the iron due to dampness? - Rust.
2. State emblem? - Coat of arms.
3. The fastest-footed bird? - Ostrich.
4.Boy ​​with a wooden nose? - Pinocchio.
5. City animal facility? - Zoo.
6. Who did the ugly duckling turn into? - Into the swan.
7. Hidden treasure? - Treasure.
8. The fruit that poisoned the princess? - Apple.
9. Chocolate covered ice cream? - Popsicle.
10. Does the chicken breathe in the egg? - Yes.

Questions for the third team:

1. Collection geographical maps and tables? - Atlas.
2. Very confusing road? - Labyrinth.
3. Talking bird? - Parrot.
4. The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word “kaput”? - Cabbage.
5. Which giraffe legs are longer: front or back? - The same.
6. How many days in leap year? – 366 days.
7. Postage sign? - Brand.
8. Horse symbol of good luck? - Horseshoe.
9. All changes occurring in nature. (Phenomena)
10.What goes on without moving? (Time)

5 game. "Most. Most. Most".

Each question takes 5 seconds and is not answered by moving the turn to the other team.

The answer is given by the presenter. For each correct answer 1 point.

  1. Which plant has the longest root?
  2. (Camel thorn, ? 50 meters)
  3. The largest ocean on Earth? (Quiet, S = 178,620,000 km2)
  4. The deepest river on Earth? (Amazon)
  5. The saltiest sea on Earth? (Dead Sea? 30% salt, more at depth) The deepest point of the world's oceans?(
  6. Mariana Trench
  7. (trough) 11 km 22 m) The longest river on Earth? (Africa) (Nile, 6,671 km) The tallest
  8. Mountain peak
  9. on the ground? (Everest, Jamalugma Himalayas, 8848 m)
  10. The fastest animal in the world? (Cheetah)
  11. The largest bird on Earth (Ostrich)
  12. Smallest bird on Earth? (Hummingbird)
  13. The most powerful natural phenomenon in North America with enormous destructive power?
  14. (Tornado) The world's largest desert (Africa) (Sahara) The deepest lake on Earth (Russia) (Lake Baikal, 1637 m)
  15. (Tornado) Most big continent
  16. on the ground? (Eurasia)
  17. large peninsula
  18. on Earth (Greenland)
  19. The largest mammal on Earth? (Whale, ? 35 tone, length 33 meters) The largest fish on Earth? (Whale shark? 20 meters long) The hardest stone on Earth? (Diamond)
  20. Tallest tree? (Australia - eucalyptus, 150 meters; North America)
  21. – sequoias more than 100 meters)
  22. What are the largest rodents on Earth? (Capybaras -
  23. Which bird has the largest wingspan?
  24. (Albatross)
  25. Tallest animal in the world? (Giraffe)

The world's largest butterfly? (South America). (Grey Agrippa, wingspan 30 cm)

Game 6 “You for me, I for you.”

In this game, children ask prepared questions to each team. If answered correctly, the team receives 2 points. If the guys do not answer, then other teams give the answer and receive additional points.

  1. Devices and materials:
  2. Presentation for the colorfulness and clarity of this game. Cube large sizes
  3. , on the sides of which four units, a zero and a horseshoe are written.
  4. A set of barrels for the game “Tricks from a Barrel”.

A set of tokens for quick scoring.

Used Books. Reference books on physics, geography, biology, astronomy, chemistry. Textbooks: natural history, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, astronomy.
Tatyana Efimova

Scenario of the game “Lucky Chance” Final lesson on cognitive development in preparatory school: « group» .

Lucky case Kindergarten No. 12"Planet of Childhood" Pokhvistnevo, Samara region. Educator

: Efimova T. A. Final lesson on cognitive development in.

preparatory group The topic of joint activities between the teacher and children « group» .

: a game Age

: preparatory. Development direction

: Cognitive development. Integration of educational: regions, « "Cognitive Development"» , Speech development, « "Communication"» , Physical development.

"Artistic and aesthetic" Tasks. Cognitive development. To instill in children elements of ecological culture, love of nature, and a humane attitude towards living things. Teach children to use a basic search engine activity : accept and set independent cognitive tasks, use different ways testing proposals, experiments and reasoning. To develop in children curiosity, the desire to deeply understand natural phenomena, interest in mastering methods of cognition. Speech development : Learn to clearly formulate thoughts and answer questions correctly. To promote the development of flexibility and logical thinking, the ability to prove the correctness of generalizations. Activate in speech words testing proposals, experiments and reasoning. To develop in children curiosity, the desire to deeply understand natural phenomena, interest in mastering methods of cognition. Speech: experience, dropper, protalnik, bokogray, also use generalizing words. Physical testing proposals, experiments and reasoning. To develop in children curiosity, the desire to deeply understand natural phenomena, interest in mastering methods of cognition. Speech: learn to coordinate your movements with hand clapping. Artistic and aesthetic

: learn to coordinate movements with music.

Progress of the game. « group» Dear guests! Dear players! Today we are playing a game . Let me introduce two teams of players. To my right is the team"Sun" , left"Ants" . Rules: for the correct answer you get 1 point, if one team does not give the correct answer, then the question goes to the other team. You can add to your teammates' answers. For successful implementation . Rules, it is necessary to select a jury. (Can be parents or other adults).

First game “Whose poems are these?”.

Q. I will read a quatrain from one of the famous Russian poets to each team. Name the poet and the poem from which these lines are from. 1. Here the north, driving up the clouds, breathed, howled, and here comes the sorceress winter! "Winter" A. S. Pushkin.

2. Light fluffy white Snowflake, How pure, How brave! "Snowflake" K. Balmont.

3. The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, the swallow is in the spring, flying to us in the canopy! "Rural Song" A. Pleshcheev. 4. It’s not for nothing that winter is angry, its time has passed - Spring is knocking on the window and driving it out of the yard. "Spring" F. Tyutchev.

Second game "Question answer".

Questions for the team , left.

1. What birds fly south in a beautiful wedge? (Cranes). 2. Where do butterflies disappear in the fall? (Many die, others hide in the bark and cracks). 3. What does elk lose every winter? (Horns). 4. What do people call February? (Bokogray). 5. What is the largest animal on earth? (Blue whale). 6. What is the name of a winter natural phenomenon? "snow dust with wind"? (Blizzard). 7. What is it called in the Orenburg region "salt town"? (Sol-Iletsk). 8. Why was salt used to be very expensive? (Salt used to be difficult to obtain, so it was very expensive). 9. How is snow like a fur coat? (Warms the earth, plants). 10. Which animal lives for six months without lunch? (Bear).

Questions for the team . Let me introduce two teams of players. To my right is the team.

1. What do people call March? (With a dropper, a thimble). 2. Why is salt placed on livestock farms and forests? (Animals need salt for metabolism). 3. Which animal changes its fur coat twice a year? (Hare). 4. Name the very first flower of spring? (Snowdrop). 5. Which trees have black berries? (Bird cherry, chokeberry) . 6. What is the most dangerous poisonous mushroom? (Death cap). 7. Why was the bullfinch given his snowy name? (Only winters). 8. Name the smallest animal on earth? (Hummingbird bird). 9. What animal sleeps upside down all winter? (Bat) . 10. Which tree's foliage turns yellow first? (At the birch).

Fun moment. Dance “You, I have ringing palms...”. (Boys from both teams invite girls from the opposing teams).

Third game "Troubles from a Barrel"

Each team takes two small barrels from a small barrel, and answers 2 questions in turn.

1. Why doesn’t the hare fall through the snow? Answer. In winter, the soles of a hare's feet become overgrown with thick, soft hair. The toes of the paws, covered with such a felt pad, move apart greatly. So the hare gets his own skis. 2. Team . Let me introduce two teams of players. To my right is the team takes out a barrel with a horseshoe « group» and receives a prize. 3. Guess what animal it’s about They say: “We run uphill and somersault downhill”, and why is that so? Answer. The hare has short front legs and long hind legs. It is convenient for a hare to run uphill, but from a mountain the hare will roll somersault over its head. 4. Team , left takes out a barrel with a horseshoe « group» and receives a prize. 5. Prove with the help of experiment whether air takes up space? Target. Show in laboratory conditions that air takes up space. Materials. Two-liter bowl, natural stopper, transparent glass. Conducting an experiment with a child. . Process. The child pours half a bowl of water. Throws a cork into the water. Covers the floating cork with a glass. Immerses the glass in water. Bottom line. The area of ​​the water surface on which the cork floats sinks along with the glass. Conclusion. The air in the glass prevents the water from filling the glass, and therefore the water covered with the glass, together with the floating stopper, sinks below the water level in the bowl. 6. During tourist trip all the salt accidentally scattered and mixed with sand. What is the way out of this situation? Target. Demonstrate the evaporation of salt in laboratory conditions. Materials: salt, sand, water, alcohol lamp, containers, flask, funnel, filter. Conducting an experiment with a child. (The child verbalizes the whole process). Process. The child mixes sand with salt, pours water and stirs. Salt dissolves well in water. Carefully strain the solution through a filter into the flask. Then he pours the solution into an iron container, and the teacher places it on a lit alcohol lamp. Bottom line. The solution is heated to boiling and evaporated.

Conclusion. The water evaporated, and salt remained at the bottom of the container.

Fourth game "A dark horse". Now a fairy-tale hero will come to visit you, sticking his nose everywhere. Who is he? (Pinocchio). Pinocchio welcomes the guys and plays an outdoor game with them "Living and Nonliving". (Fairytale hero and outdoor play can be any at the discretion of the teacher).

Fifth game "Race for the Leader". Pinocchio after . Rules takes a piece of paper out of his pocket. He tells the children that when he was walking through the park, he saw a leaflet with advertisements hanging on a tree. Asks for help to solve them.

Mysterious announcements.

1. Come visit me! I don't have an address. I always carry my house on me. (Turtle). 2. Friends! Anyone who needs needles, contact me. (Hedgehog). 3. Tired of crawling! I want to take off. Who will lend the wings? (Snake). 4. I will help everyone whose alarm clock is broken. (Rooster). 5. Please wake me up in the spring. Better come with honey. (Bear). 6. Something has become very boring howling at the moon alone. (Wolf).

1. To the one who finds my tail! Keep it as a keepsake. I'm successfully growing a new one! (Lizard). 2. I’ve been waiting for a friend for 150 years! The character is positive. There is only one drawback - slowness. (Turtle). 3. Everyone, everyone, everyone! If you have a need for horns, contact me once a year. (Elk). 4. I teach all sciences! Of the chicks for a short time I make birds. Please note that I conduct classes at night. (Owl). 5. I am the most charming and attractive! I'll fool anyone you want to deceive. Considering all this, I urge you to call me by my first name and patronymic. (Lisa Patrikeevna). 6. I can help kind and lonely birds find a family happiness! Hatch my chicks! I have never experienced maternal feelings and never will. Wish happiness in personal life. Cuckoo! The jury sums up. Friendship won. Presentation of prizes. Children singing songs "House with a blue roof".


Tasks: 1) Teach students to independently acquire knowledge;

2) Develop speech, enrich and complicate the vocabulary of students; develop

thinking, teach to analyze, define and explain concepts;

3) Form and develop moral qualities of the individual, instill love for

nature, interest in reading.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, posters with proverbs, words Y. Altynsarina,

exhibition of books “Encyclopedia of our students”; attributes: "barrel"

for lotto, lotto with numbers.

Progress of the event:

(Sounds of the forest)

Teacher. One day in the forest such an incident happened...

The animals gathered and began to argue: which of them is beautiful and which is smart. They divided into two teams: one was those who considered themselves beautiful, and the other was those who considered themselves smart. Only the monkey ran from one team to another.

The animals were surprised: “Monkey, what are you running?”

And the monkey answers: “I am both smart and beautiful. What should I do now – break up?” So the animals decided to play a game and find out what is more important in life: to be beautiful or smart?

Meet our friends! (Teams of players enter the class accompanied by music). So here we go. The game consists of five games. There will be explanations for each game as the game progresses.

Questions for the first team:

    An animal called the ship of the desert. (Camel.)

    The bird is a forest orderly. (Woodpecker.)

    Is a whale a fish? (No, a mammal.)

    Which bird has beauty in its tail? (Peacock.)

    Little horse. (Pony.)

    What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (Cuckoo.)

    Armed fish. (Swordfish.)

    What animals carry food on their backs? (Hedgehog.)

    The most voracious insect? (Dragonfly.)

    A mushroom that shares a common name with an animal. (Fox.)

    How many ears do three babies have in total? (Six.)

    A car has a motor, but a person has a motor? (Heart.)

Questions for the second team:

    What animal gives us kumys? (Horse.)

    The beast is a forest orderly. (Wolf.)

    The tree that gives healthy juice. (Birch.)

    Vereshunya is white-sided, and her name is...? (Magpie.)

    What birds cannot fly but swim well? (Penguins.)

    Fish is a tool. (Fish is a saw.)

    Is a dolphin a fish? (No, a mammal.)

    The most hardworking insect. (Ants.)

    Little deer. (Musk deer.)

    What's in the middle of a cabbage? (Stalk.)

    What is the name of the striped African horse? (Zebra.)

    Who carries a house on their back? (Snail.)

Game two “Troubles from a Barrel”. In turn, each team draws a lotto from the “barrel” with a question number and answers it. 1 minute to think about your answer. The discussion is held as a team and one of the players answers at the discretion of the team captain.

    What do pandas eat? (Bamboo.)

    What does a squirrel need a tail for? (Serves as a “rudder” during flight.)

    Do the stars shine during the day? (Yes.)

    What unites these different animals: crocodile, chicken, penguin? (Laying eggs for breeding.)

    Largest mammal? (Whale.)

    The smallest bird in the world? (Hummingbird.)

    One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How long does it take to boil 4 eggs? (4 minutes.)

    There are 5 knots on the rope. How long equal parts did these knots divide the rope? (6.)

    What bird sleeps under the snow? (Grouse.)

    If a turkey weighs 5 kg standing on one leg, how much will it weigh standing on two legs? (5 kg.)

Musical break (children prepare a musical number - a song.)

Game three “You give me, I give you.” The guys prepare questions in advance regarding the number of players.

Game four – “Dark Horse”. Music is playing. A guest enters with a black box in his hands. You need to guess what is in the black box based on the clue. If the players guessed right from the first clue, then the team gets 5 points, from the second clue - 4 points, etc.

Guest. In the black box there is an object about which they say:

    He teaches you to use words correctly.

    He teaches how to write words correctly.

    It broadens the student's horizons.

    He explains the concept of new words.

    It can be English, Kazakh, Russian. (Dictionary.)

Game five “Let's test your knowledge.” For each correct answer 1 point.


    The President of our Republic...

    Symbols of the Republic.

    Republic Day.

    The book where the basic laws of our Republic are written.

    How many days are there in one week?

    Minuend, subtrahend,...?

    How many vowels are there in the alphabet?

    Which letters do not represent sounds?

    Always soft sounds.

    The part of a word that comes after the root.

    How are proper names written?

    What are the names of nouns that answer the question Who?

    Name intermediate parties horizon.

    Aboveground plant organs.

    Who are the predators?

    What kind of hunting is allowed at any time of the year. (Photo hunt.)

7. Hero of folk puppet shows? - Parsley.

    The Republic in which we live.

    Capital of the Republic.

    Independence Day.

    New Year according to the Muslim calendar.

    Kazakh national dish.

    How many hours are there in one day?

    Term, term,...?

    How many letters are in the alphabet?

    How many vowel sounds?

    Always hard sounds.

    How are words transferred?

    The part of a word that comes before the root.

    Part of speech that answers the questions Who? What?

    Name the sides of the horizon.

    Top view of the object.

    Underground organ of plants. (Root.)

Result of the event.

Teacher. Thanks for playing! Did you like it? What new have you learned? What would you advise a monkey, which team should it join - the “smart” or the “beautiful”?

One wise man said: “It is stupid to respect people only for their beautiful appearance, if there is no intelligence or kindness behind it. Learning, good manners, excellent spiritual qualities - this is what should be honored and respected.” How do you understand these words?

Posters on the board with proverbs: Greeted by your clothes, seen off by your mind. Better a scientist than a gilded one. Mind and health are more valuable than anything else.

What do these proverbs teach us? There are many questions that we still have to answer. And ours will help us with this best friends– books. (Display of all kinds of encyclopedias.)

I want to end our game with the words Y. Altynsarina: “When you see the light of knowledge, children, hurry to school. Keep what you read firmly in your memory, forever. Things will go well and you will be doubly happy. Know that the illiterate wanders like a blind man in the dark.”

Karasu Basic School

Intellectual game

Teacher primary classes: Nurusheva A.K.

2014-2015 academic year

Competitive game program for grades 3-4 “Happy Occurrence”

Goals and objectives:

Development cognitive abilities, logical thinking and intelligence of younger schoolchildren;

Fostering a sense of collectivism, respect for classmates, seniors and juniors.

The class hour can be spent with the class teacher of a parallel class. Then teams of “experts” are formed from the classes, and the rest of the students will be fans.

If a class hour is held in one class group, the teacher helps the children form teams.

Prepare the room in advance - it is necessary for the teams to sit opposite each other; prepare 2 tables, tape and scissors, envelopes with tasks for the teams, separately print out questions for the presenter for each game.

You can invite the school librarian and give him the floor during the game.

Musical accompaniment- audio recordings of any slow music.

Description of the class hour

Teacher: Our meeting is unusual. To you guys for today class hour Friendship and ingenuity will be greatly needed, logical thinking and knowledge, intelligence and resourcefulness.

Let's start our game. It's a bit like the famous TV game "Lucky Chance". Let the rules be slightly changed, but, you see, this is your “lucky chance” - to show knowledge and skills, friendship and fun.

Each team is given a question. The student who answers the question first becomes team captain.

1. What is in watermelon, tomato, cucumber, but not in melon and pumpkin? (Letter "R".)

2. Imagine that you are a train conductor. The train is carrying 1200 boxes. Each box contains 100 boxes. Each box contains a pair of boots. How old is the conductor? (The answer can be anything, but witty)

Teacher: So, there are captains. Now you can start the game. Before the game starts, I will introduce you to our judges. The teacher introduces the invited guests.

1st game. "Warm-up"

Teacher: In 1 minute, each team must answer the maximum number of questions. For each correct answer she gets one point.

Questions for the 1st team

I rolled the ball until it became a sock. (Clew)

In which fairy tale does a girl go to pick flowers in winter? ("12 months")

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No)

The gnome moved his beard and the owner entered the house. (Key)

Two played chess for 4 hours. How long did each player play? (4 hours)

What is the name of Santa Claus's granddaughter? (Snow Maiden)

Many are people, one is... (Man)

Bird house. (Nest. Possible option - birdhouse)

A cunning animal with a fluffy red tail. (Fox)

What phrase ends the letter? (Goodbye)

Is a tram standing at a stop walked around from the front or the back? (Front)

Which human organ is called the “motor”? (Heart)

A doctor, a steelworker, a salesman - is this...? (Professions)

Is a penguin a bird? (Yes)

What flower is considered the symbol of Japan? (Chrysanthemum)

Live and learn)

Which bird of our forests best imitates bird voices? (Starling)

Who are more, girls or children? (Children)

Running at full speed means... (Fast)

The honey plant tree is... (Linden)

Questions for the 2nd team

It doesn't fly, doesn't sing, but pecks. (Fish)

Small paws, and scratches in the paws. (Cat)

What was the name of Pierrot's bride? (Malvina)

The person who lives nearby. (Neighbour)

Insect that produces honey. (Bee)

In which book did S. Marshak talk about the inhabitants of the zoo? ("Children in a Cage")

A place where vegetables grow. (Garden)

Raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries are... (Berries)

What does half an apple look like? (For the second half)

Is a trolleybus or bus standing at a stop being passed in front or behind? (Behind)

A person has twenty of them. (Fingers)

A sheep, a hare, an elephant are... (Animals)

What does elk lose every winter? (Horns)

What flower is considered a symbol of Russia? (Chamomile)

With the arrival of which birds is it believed that spring has arrived? (Rooks)

Measure seven times, and once... (Cut)

What is more, apples or fruits? (Fruit)

Fooling another's head means... (Deceiving)

Which tree produces sweet sap? (Maple) The results are summed up.

Game 2 “Dark Horse”

Teacher: Our guest loves books very much and teaches us to love them. Her work is related to the book. We often turn to her for help and she is always happy to help us. This is our school librarian - ... She came to us with her assignments to find out which of you knows fairy tales best.

Librarian: Which fairy tale am I going to read now?

Excerpts from different fairy tales are read. Each team must guess the name of a book or fairy tale and the author of this work. The results are summed up.

3rd game. "In a word"

A cup and a knife are... (dishes).

Winter and summer are... (seasons).

Meters and liters are... (measurement system).

And and K are... (letters).

Tulip and rose are... (flowers).

A minute and a year are... (time).

Thursday and Friday are... (days of the week).

Cucumber and beets are... (vegetables).

North and west are... (cardinal directions).

Crucian carp and pike are... (fish).

Football and checkers are... (game).

Felt boots and slippers are... (shoes).

The heart and kidneys are... (organs).

A wardrobe and a chair are... (furniture).

Volga and Oka are... (rivers).

Plum and apple are... (fruits).

The piano and violin are... (musical instruments).

A saw and an ax are... (tools).

Zebra and bear are... (animals)

A saucepan and a cup are... (dishes). The results are summed up.

4th game. "Riddle"

Each team is asked various questions at a fast pace in order of priority, the team that answers the questions wins. larger number questions. Questions may be based on quick wits and ingenuity. For each correct answer, the team receives two points.

What can you find neither beginning nor end? (At the circle)

How can you name five days of the week in a row without saying their names? (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

What will happen to the magpie if it lives for two years? (Will live for the third year)

What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)

What tree does a crow sit on during heavy rain? (On wet)

The main character of the book, who was given a very funny name because he fell off the table. (Cheburashka)

With the help of this item you can make wonderful things and even kill the evil “long-liver” from Russian fairy tales. (Needle)

Which of the inhabitants of the swamp became the prince's wife? (Frog)

The name of the boy who was carried away by wild swans. (Ivanushka)

What fabric cannot be used to make a shirt? (From the railway station)

What three numbers, when added or multiplied, give the same result? (1, 2 and 3)

What city does blood flow through? (Around Vienna)

An oak tree is growing. It has 12 branches, 52 branches, each branch has 7 leaves. What it is? (Year, months, weeks, days)

Name words in which the letter “t” appears four times. (Stratostat, certificate)

Where do we pay money to have something taken from us? (At the hairdresser)

Which verb has a hundred negatives? (In the verb "moans")

Which female name consists of two letters that are repeated twice? (Anna)

What bird's name consists of four dozen of the same vowel letter? (Magpie)

Which forests have no game? (In construction)

What can't mathematicians, drummers, and even hunters do without? (No fraction)

What is yours, but others use it more than you? (Name)

When does a person have as many eyes as there are days in a year? (January 2nd)

Who carries a forest on his head? (Deer)

Who has eyes on his feet and hell on his back? (Snail)

You, me, and you and me! How many of us are there in total? (Two)

If a chicken stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on two legs? (2 kg)

What happened “tomorrow” and what will happen “yesterday”? (Today) The results are summed up.

5th game. "The cleverest"

Which of the teams will have time to answer the question within a certain time, for example, 3 minutes? large quantity questions are correct.

Questions for the 1st team

What elephant doesn't have a trunk? (Chess)

What is a wing without feathers? (Airplane)

Car driver. (Chauffeur)

Drink white, useful for children and adults. (Milk)

A tool used to cut. (Axe)

Dense forest. (Thicket)

Strong wind with snow. (Blizzard or blizzard)

Blanket on the table. (Tablecloth)

Home watchman. (Dog)

They lock the door or safe with it. (Lock)

A figure that has no corners. (Circle)

Oak fruit. (Acorn)

Horse child. (Foal)

Common set of letters. (Alphabet)

Which tree has a white trunk? (At the birch)

Who sleeps under their ears? (Hare)

Baba Yaga's home. (A hut on chicken legs)

Who writes the books? (Writer)

Winter bear's lair. (Den)

Organ of vision. (Eye)

The most poisonous mushroom. (Death cap)

Questions for the 2nd team

Can elephants fall? (Yes)

Who wrote the poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly”? (A. Barto)

What scary beast loves raspberries? (Bear)

Always in your mouth, never swallowed. (Language)

Bird's nose. (Beak)

Baby cat. (Kitty)

Wardrobe, table, chair - in one word... (Furniture)

Sports equipment for ice skating. (Skates)

Playing with snow. (Snowballs)

House for a horse. (Stable)

Underground Railroad. (Metro)

Device for measuring body temperature. (Thermometer)

How many legs does a fly have? (6)

Male hen. (Rooster)

Oak forest. (Dubrava)

A furry animal that lives in a hollow. (Squirrel)

What do 12 months add up to? (Year)

The longest legged animal. (Giraffe)

Mown, dried grass. (Hay)

A fabulous name for a tablecloth. (Self-assembly)

Cellular mystery. (Crossword)

(The results of all previous games are summed up)

Game 6 "Tasks from envelopes"

Teacher: I have two envelopes in my hand containing tasks for your teams. The tasks are a little unusual - for smart guys, and, of course, not without a sense of humor.

Let the team captains come up to me and choose one envelope. After my signal, they must open the envelopes and read the task. You are given 2 minutes to do this. For the correct or most original answer, the team receives 5 points, and the second - 3.

Assignment to the 1st team. An electric train runs from east to west at a speed of 60 km per hour. The wind blows in the same direction from east to west, but at a speed of 50 km per hour. Which direction does the smoke from the train go? (The electric train does not produce smoke)

Assignment to the 2nd team. On a hot summer day, when thousands of insects are hovering in the air, two horses graze on a green lawn with an area of ​​3.5 hectares. The horses are exactly the same. They differ only in that the first has a tied tail, and the second does not. The lawn has the shape of a square, and one of the horses nibbles the grass, moving diagonally across the lawn, the other walks to the sides. Which horse will eat more grass within an hour if they have the same appetite? The grass grows evenly, without bald spots. (The horse whose tail is not tied will eat more grass. It does not have to be distracted from the grass to ward off gadflies and horse flies.)

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