Plaster paint for interior work: types, description, instructions for use and reviews. Features of painting decorative plaster indoors and outdoors Facade paints for plaster

During repair work you have to perform many different tasks, each of which consists of several stages.

If we talk about finishing, first you need to make sure that the surface is smooth and even. And if certain defects are observed in the form of cracks and chips, plaster is used. It is used for internal and external works, but after drying, you often want to make the surface more presentable, so you need to find the appropriate paint.


Facade paint is offered on the market in a wide range. It has a number of positive characteristics and is divided into types, each of which has its own characteristics, performance and advantages.

Before purchasing a finishing material, you need to read its description and decide what effect you want to achieve as a result of the repair work.

Materials for painting plaster must meet the following requirements:

  • First of all, the coating must be durable to withstand external factors, temperature changes and weather conditions.
  • The surface must remain presentable for many years and not fade, so it is important to pay attention to the pigmentation of the material.
  • Last but not least is fire resistance, elasticity and an antistatic effect, which allows you to repel dust, and this is important if the building is located close to the road.


Manufacturers offer these products in a wide range, and each type has its own characteristics, which are useful to learn about. The market is replete with finishing paints for facades; they differ in the ingredients in their composition and their characteristics.

  • Facade treatment with cement paint is in great demand. Based on Portland cement white, but if you need to achieve a different shade, you can add color. This material is resistant to atmospheric influences and is offered at very low prices.

  • Acrylic products has found widespread use among professional repairmen and ordinary consumers. Its price is pleasantly surprising, and its high quality meets any requirements. It is impossible not to note the poor vapor permeability, but at the same time the paint copes with mechanical damage. They are water-based and organic solvent-based.

  • Silicone finishing materials. Paints based on this type are considered one of the best. When applied to plaster, the surface will become hydrophobic, so neither dew nor other precipitation will be absorbed into the facade, which means that its presentability will last for long years. Also, the coating does not fade from exposure to direct sunlight and is not afraid of strong temperature changes. Thanks to all the listed advantages, many people use this type of staining for finishing.

If you need to coat structural, relief or stone plaster, you need to read the description of the paint, as it often indicates what material it is suitable for.

When purchasing, it is important to consider the effect with which you want to make the facade, as this matters. If there are grains on the surface and you want to get rid of them, you need to prepare it before painting by correcting the unevenness.

  • IN structured latex paints plasticizers are added, they are thick. The result is a textured finish, which is sometimes much more popular than decorative plasters.

  • If you are interested washable products, this includes silicate and acrylic materials. Facade paint is often suitable for plaster, brick and plaster base, it all depends on the type of finish you want to achieve.

How to calculate consumption?

There is a certain algorithm according to which you can first find out how much finishing material will be required, be it acrylic paint or another type, per 1 m2 of surface. First you need to select plastered facades, then calculate them total area.

For outdoor work you will need more material, and for interior finishing, the amount depends on the scale of the repair.

If you want to decorate several walls in a garage, apartment or room, measure each of them and then add them up to get the surface area to be treated. To do this, you need to know the length and height of each wall. These numbers are multiplied to give you a final number. But you will also need to measure the total area of ​​the doors and window designs, which can be on the facade or in the room, in order to subtract it from the entire amount.

Average paint consumption, and this depends on the type of material you will use, must be multiplied by the surface area. Manufacturers often provide information on the packaging that can help consumers make calculations.

It is important to consider how many layers of paint you will apply.

There are several points that come into play when calculating finishing costs. It is necessary to pay attention to the thickness of the material, because the thinner it is, the thinner the layer will be..

Before application, you will need to prepare the surface. The indicators indicated on paint containers are designed to work with a primed wall.. And since you are interested in a plastered surface, the consumption will be much higher.

Work technology

To paint the facade, you need to choose the effect that you want to achieve in the end. But with any option, it is necessary to prepare the surface before coating. If there is already old paint on it, it will need to be removed.

As for the same shade as before, it is not necessary to prime the façade. It is necessary to make sure that the old finish does not crumble and will not leave marks when touched.. Before starting work, prepare your tools, which must include a roller or a wide brush with bristles middle length, and specialists use professional equipment.

How to paint "Bark beetle"

Covering walls is a serious task that must be approached responsibly. It is important to make sure that the plaster is completely dry, and only then apply the paint and varnish material.

Two color options can be used. In the first, paint is used on a ready-made base, and in the second, you can add color to the mixture to get the desired color.

Painting walls in this way will achieve the effect of prolonging the presentability of the facade.

Foam block coating

This material has excellent performance characteristics, so it is often used in the construction field. The surface is porous, and this must be taken into account before applying the finish.

If you want to fix this, you can plaster the wall inside the house or the facade. During painting, a roller is used: it is necessary to move from bottom to top, the movements should be stretching. It is recommended to apply two or three layers, after which the effect will last for a long time. It’s easy to do this yourself if you first study the instructions and follow the advice.

Staining technique

It is important to note that not all plaster mixtures can be tinted. First you need to make sure that it is completely dry on the facade. Work should begin after eight to forty-eight hours have passed after applying the finish., it all depends on the type of material that was used.

Some types of mixtures have a cement base, so they can crumble and even peel off. The putty must also dry completely, after which you can paint the plaster relief.

It is important to study the characteristics and instructions of finishing materials and choose the right tools to be used. Pay attention to the shelf life paint coating, since expired goods will spoil the result.

  • When using the dry brush technique, the wall can look more voluminous. This coloring is suitable for relief parts of the facade and walls.
  • If you want to achieve less contrast and need to smooth out the edges, use a rubber roller or a regular glove.
  • For a metallic effect, a regular sponge is more suitable.
  • But when working with thick paint, it is better to use a roller with hard and short pile. This results in a bark beetle effect.
  • To give the impression of blurriness, darker paint is applied to a light tone, which must dry, and only then a damp rag is used for rubbing.

Beautiful examples

Many people like the “Bark Beetle” type of painting effect, which is achieved through the use of a short-haired roller. The grooves remain unpainted, so a beautiful pattern is obtained. You can enhance this difference or mute it, it all depends on personal wishes. In the first case, a coloring pigment is used, which is added to the plaster; the surface itself must be painted with the same color, but in a different shade.

Facade paint is a universal design solution that allows you to give the exterior walls of your home an attractive look. At the same time, it is also a very practical coating that can protect walls from atmospheric influences and hide defects when plastering walls. The durability of the plaster depends on how correctly the material for painting the facade is chosen. In this article we will talk about what types of facade paints there are, give recommendations for choosing and consider the technology of painting on plaster.

Exterior paint requirements

When choosing paint for plastered external walls, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics: operational, technological and decorative.

Performance properties:

Technological requirements include:

Decorative qualities include:

  • Possibilities for tinting;
  • Reflectivity (matte, semi-gloss and gloss);

Types of facade paints and their features

The choice does not depend on personal preferences or desires, but on the material of the surface to be painted. A plastered wall, for example, is alkaline in nature, so it will not be compatible with all types of facade paints. By the way, they have several types depending on the binders used in them. Let's consider those that are better suited for exterior plastering work.

Acrylic and latex

Although their names are different, the binder for both is acrylate material. Marble and chalk are used as white filler. Suitable for many surfaces, including concrete, brick and mineral plaster. You can add color using universal water colors and pastes. Due to their low viscosity, acrylates cover the texture of decorative plasters well, such as, for example, bark beetle, fur coat, etc. Let's consider the advantages of acrylic and latex paints:

  • easy to apply, diluted with water;
  • resistance to alkali corrosion makes it suitable for coating plaster;
  • bright colors;
  • non-aggressive to use;
  • water-repellent film, while allowing air to pass through;
  • weatherproof and wear-resistant.

Facade latex or acrylic paint can also be used for interior work on plaster. The coating is perfect for rooms with high humidity. After drying, the surface becomes matte. Application method: roller, brush or spray.


The base is also acrylic resin, but modified copolymer silicone dispersions are added to it. Due to the silicone content, the paint is more resistant to moisture and weathering, and can be used for painting plinths and basements of buildings. Overall this is a good choice for exterior plastering work. Peculiarities:

  • high vapor permeability rates;
  • blocks the development of fungi and mold;
  • waterproof;
  • high elasticity;
  • optimal decorative and operational characteristics;
  • applied within two days after plastering;
  • high price;
  • does not tint into bright, acidic tones.


It is produced by mixing liquid silicate glass and organic additives. It has greater strength and wear resistance than others. By performance qualities This is the best facade paint for plaster. Pros and cons of silicate compounds:

  • excellent performance;
  • high vapor permeability;
  • resistance to mold growth;
  • easy application on concrete, brick, cement, lime or gypsum plaster;
  • penetrates deeply into the surface;
  • low elasticity;
  • does not give bright tints, is tinted in pastel colors;
  • Not applicable on acrylic plasters and other non-mineral bases.

Oil enamel

Not the most popular paint, with drying oils as a connecting link. It almost does not allow air to pass through and has low elasticity. Therefore, it is used in most cases for working with hard surfaces: wood, metal. Oil enamel is also used to paint concrete and cement plaster, but the durability of such coatings is low, prone to cracking and peeling. For external plastering work this is far from the best the best choice. Features of oil painting:

  • resistance to temperature changes and precipitation;
  • poor vapor permeability;
  • susceptibility to corrosion, which causes discoloration and destruction;
  • toxicity of solvents for oil paints.


Limestone. These include, first of all, diluted slaked lime, which is used to paint walls. Simply put, this is whitewashing. Due to its low cost, it gained wide popularity. Its advantages also include its bactericidal effect. Disadvantages of whitewashing: it washes off with water, wears off and gets dirty. Preparing lime dye (whitewash) for plaster is not difficult. . But there are also ready-made paints on sale, for example, Finngard Tikkurila

Cement and cement-lime. Another similar cheap painting option is to use white Portland cement. Although cement paint can be tinted, it will not produce bright colors. To prepare, you just need to dilute the cement with water to a liquid consistency. The advantages include water resistance and quick setting. Minuses of this composition- fragility.

What to paint with?

Summarizing all that has been said, we note that for a beautiful facade made of decorative plaster the choice should be made on one of the water-dispersion (water-based) paints: acrylic, latex, silicone or silicate.

It is difficult to make any rating here. Firstly, manufacturers have different color catalogs, and it’s a matter of taste which paint will be best for you. Secondly, the characteristics of materials vary depending on the additives. Accordingly, the price will also vary.

The cost starts from 180 rubles per 1 liter and up to 600-700 rubles/l. By the way, paint and varnish materials can have a high price not only because of their good quality, but also because they were brought from another country. For example, the popular Tikkurila is produced in Finland. Therefore, to save money, you can choose good paints Russian manufacturers, for example Tex, Lakra, etc.

Having chosen what to paint the facade of the house with, let’s look at how to do it

Preparing the walls

Half the battle depends on preparation. Several important steps will allow you to achieve high-quality painting of plaster.

Checking the reliability of the foundation. The plastered wall is inspected and tapped, chips and potholes are cleaned with a brush. If the plaster has already been painted previously, then check the quality of adhesion of the previous layer. If necessary, it is completely removed. About, how to remove old paint from the facade, you can read it by following the link.

Severe defects are covered plaster mixture the same composition as the entire wall. After drying, the surface is rubbed and primed.

Small irregularities are covered with façade putty.

The finishing putty is rubbed with fine sandpaper until smooth, then primed.

Dry each layer of plastered coating before applying the next one. Before painting, the entire surface of the external walls is primed for better adhesion of materials.

Painting the plastered facade

Painting your house will not be difficult if you follow the recommendations of the paint manufacturers. Plaster on external walls must be completely dry. Air temperature - not lower than 5°C. External work should not be carried out in strong winds, rain or fog. Direct sunlight should not fall on the walls to be painted, otherwise their drying will be uneven and this will affect the quality of the coating.

Now look at the order in which they work.

Photos of houses: plaster + paint

Finally, we offer you a few photos beautiful houses with painted plaster on external walls. On them you will see what bright colors of facade paints and calm pastel colors there are.

House facades are constantly exposed negative impact atmospheric phenomena. With the onset of cold days, which are accompanied by rain or snow, the cladding material on the facades of buildings is destroyed. This especially applies to buildings that are finished with plaster mixtures.

Painting of the plastered facade is done in order to prevent its destruction.

To prevent destructive processes, the plastered surface must be additionally coated with paint. The technology of painting the facade will not cause any particular difficulties even for those who rarely carry out repair work in the house.

Types of paints for plaster and features of their use

There are paints for plaster
cement, lime, acrylic, silicate and silicone.

One of the most important processes is right choice paints. Facade paints and varnishes belong to a separate category of products. This is due to the fact that the conditions inside and outside the building are completely incomparable.

Due to significant temperature changes, a coating characterized by maximum elasticity must be created. In addition, the paint should be highly resistant to sunlight and humid environments.

You should not purchase glossy paints and varnishes. Often, painting a facade with them leads to the highlighting of even small surface irregularities. Matte paints can hide small depressions and protrusions.

The most suitable façade paint and varnish products include:

  • silicate;
  • limestone;
  • cement;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone.

The basis for the production of silicate paints is liquid glass, silicate filler and pigments of mineral origin. These products are characterized by:

Liquid glass is the basis for many types of paint.

  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation and precipitation, including acid rain;
  • solid operational period (up to 20 years);
  • excellent vapor permeability;
  • low abrasion resistance.

Lime materials are made from slaked lime. The disadvantages of these paints include their ability to be washed off by rain. This makes it impossible to use the material in areas where rainy weather prevails. The advantages of lime paints and varnishes include high bactericidal action and excellent vapor permeability.

White Portland cement and pigments are the main components for production cement paints. In many respects they are similar to lime materials. Although there are significant differences. On the one hand, cement materials are more resistant to the negative effects of moisture. On the other hand, they do not have bactericidal properties.

The most popular are acrylic paints. Reasonable cost, abrasion resistance, low hygroscopicity and the ability to hide minor defects designs make these products very popular when finishing a heavily worn facade, which has a fragile plaster layer.

Facades are also painted with silicone paints and varnishes. They are the best option because they have the following advantages:

  • absolute hydrophobicity and vapor permeability;
  • excellent adhesive properties;
  • frost resistance and heat resistance;
  • antistatic.

The main disadvantage of silicone paints is their high cost.

The nuances of painting the facade

The calculation of paint for a facade of complex configuration is calculated as the sum of the areas of simple geometric shapes.

There are several important details, which should be taken into account when painting the facade. Compliance with them not only improves appearance buildings, but also achieves complete harmony with the surrounding landscape.

The first priority is the correct choice of color for the structure. Nowadays there are many different paint and varnish materials on sale, among which you can choose a product with the optimal color scheme. Of course, personal preferences must also be taken into account. But main criterion- this is absolute compliance with the buildings located nearby and the elements of landscape design.

If the facades are large in size, then they should be painted in light pastel colors. This will help reflect the sun's rays and prevent excessive overheating of the surface. This will prevent cracks in the plaster, which is applied in a thin layer. In addition, a light facade will lead to a visual increase in the size of the building. It is recommended to use dark shades when highlighting other structural elements: columns, cornices, window openings, protrusions.

Air temperature is the most important criterion when painting a facade. External surface painting work is carried out when the weather is warm outside. The optimal temperature is from +10ºС to +25ºС. When the façade is painted in unfavorable weather ( strong wind, heat, rain), then you should use special protective nets.

Paint consumption is calculated as follows:

  1. Determine the total area of ​​all walls minus the area of ​​windows and doorways.
  2. The total area is multiplied by the average consumption of the paint product.
  3. The result is multiplied by the number of layers of material applied.

It should be noted that high-quality surface painting will be obtained by using the most liquid paint. In most cases, manufacturers of paint and varnish products indicate the consumption of products taking into account the preliminary priming of the walls. When applying paint directly onto plaster, its consumption will increase significantly.

To paint the facade, we will need:

  • dye;
  • primer;
  • concrete solution;
  • surface cleaning brush;
  • pick;
  • trowel;
  • plastic bucket;
  • rollers;
  • brushes;
  • spray gun;
  • masking tape;
  • polyethylene film.

Surface preparation

Methods of painting facade walls.

The substrate for painting is cleaned of dirt, dust and excessive stains. If the new plaster is made of cement or lime, it is necessary to withstand a period of carbonation of the composition. It lasts about a month.

The strength of the plaster layer must be checked. The entire area is carefully tapped with a pick. The plaster is removed from weak areas. The cracks are sealed with concrete mortar.

The deep penetration primer is applied twice. The first layer will prevent moisture absorption and create a uniform texture of the plaster surface. The adhesion of the base will also improve.

The second coat of primer is applied a day later. Its purpose is to ensure good absorption of applied paint into the plaster. You can use special façade paints-primers, which contain polymer additives and quartz sand. In this case, there is no need to carry out a second surface treatment with a primer.

In order not to have to clean the paint from doors and windows, they should also be covered in advance with masking tape, which is easy to both stick and remove. In addition, it leaves no traces. A plastic film is laid under the wall.

If groundwater come close to the house or the wall is in a shaded place, a layer of primer is covered with an antifungal agent.

The technology for painting a structure involves the use of several rollers.

A wide tool is used to paint walls. Smaller rollers are used to paint ledges and gables. To get the best result, roll the paint over the wall several times. When performing surface painting, poorly painted areas may form.

Any paint and varnish product is characterized by the ability to acquire more saturated and dark shades. For this reason, the entire surface is painted at once. If there is a need for a break, then cover the paint as tightly as possible with the lid.

When applying paint that has too intense shades, it is necessary to first coat the surface with a white finishing material. This creates a base that is maximally adapted for painting in a different color.

Exterior decoration is an important component of construction, and every owner wants to get a beautiful and tidy home, but at the same time save money on finishing materials. Painting the facade over plaster is the cheapest and easiest way to improve the exterior of a building. Even a person inexperienced in painting science can cope with such work, and in today’s article you will learn how to choose façade paint and apply it to the walls.

Not just any paint is suitable for painting facades. Before deciding on the color and cost of the material, you need to understand that there is construction paint for interior and exterior work. In our case, we need compounds for external use, since any others are not able to withstand specific operating conditions: temperature and humidity changes, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, etc. Regular paint will simply peel off after the first rain or crack when frost sets in, and the work will have to start all over again.

So, we need paint for exterior use, but there are some nuances here too. For example, different formulations may differ in their range of temperature stability. So, if you live in the south, where summers are very dry and hot, it is better to choose a paint that can withstand high temperatures and not fade under direct sunlight. sun rays. If we are talking about a house in the northern region, you need frost-resistant paint.

You should also make a choice based on the wall material. For example, to paint the facade of a house made of foam blocks without plaster, you will need good moisture-resistant paint that can mask unevenness and minor cracks on the surface. For concrete walls I need another paint. Typically, professional builders follow one simple rule - like plaster, like paint. This means that if the plaster is based on silicone, then silicone paint is needed for it, and if you used acrylic plaster for the facade, then you need to use acrylic paint. Otherwise, materials that are different in nature may conflict, leading to premature failure of the building.

To better understand the specifics of choosing paints for facade plaster, we suggest considering the properties of various compositions:

Most often, builders choose acrylic-based facade paint for plaster because it is inexpensive, wear-resistant and easy to use.

Calculation of the amount of paint

So, if you have decided on the type of paint for plaster, it’s time to calculate how much it will be needed for the entire facade. To do this, pay attention to the packaging of the selected paint - it always indicates the consumption in liters per square meter of surface in one layer. In some cases it may be written the other way around - how many square meters surfaces can be covered with a liter of this paint.

Manufacturers often write the consumption of the composition in a certain range, such as 0.1-0.25 l/m². A smaller consumption figure here means painting smooth surfaces, and a larger one means rough or unprimed walls.

To save your time, you can go to the website of the manufacturer of the selected paint and search there online calculator to calculate the number of cans depending on the area of ​​the facade. Usually there you need to enter data about the type of surface and its quadrature, after which the calculator will automatically calculate the volume of paint.

To find out the amount of paint yourself, you need to multiply the area of ​​the surface to be painted in square meters by the paint consumption, then multiply the resulting number by 2, since you need to apply two layers and add a safety factor of 1.1. When purchasing any building materials, you need to take a little more than the calculated quantity, just in case.

It is clear that painting wooden facades, brick or concrete walls will take a lot of time, and therefore the paint needs to be stored somewhere. To do this, choose a shaded and dry place. Packages should not be exposed to direct sunlight, they should be protected from frost (temperatures can vary from +5C to +27C, detailed conditions storage, see packaging). If you open a new can and see that the paint has separated, that is, there is a clear liquid on the surface, and the pigment has settled a little lower, mix it thoroughly with a stick or a construction mixer. This is a completely normal phenomenon and well-mixed paint will fully comply with the stated characteristics.

Applying paint

The durability and quality of exterior finishing is directly affected by the thorough preparation of the base before painting. The façade plaster for painting must match the pigment used and vice versa. This will ensure better adhesion and wear resistance. Any plaster should be pre-primed. The primer in this case will serve as additional protection against dampness and will compact the base.

If you are working with old wall, check the condition of its plaster layer. Severely cracked plaster should be removed and cleaned. This can be done using strong water pressure or manually with a stiff wire brush and spatula. If you notice areas of moss or mold, clean them and treat them antiseptic drug. If you don't do this and simply paint the wall with fresh paint, after a while the mold or moss will grow again and destroy the finish from the inside. All cracks, holes and chips in the wall should be repaired with putty. The same goes for areas with peeling plaster.

To determine how strong the wall of the house is, and whether it needs strengthening and new plastering, stick a piece of ordinary transparent tape on the surface, smooth it well and tear it off with a sharp movement. If there are pieces of the wall left on the adhesive tape, then the base is weak and needs to be strengthened - cleaned off old plaster and apply a new one. If the tape remains relatively clean, you can begin priming and painting.

The technology for painting facade plaster comes down to the following:

  1. A freshly plastered facade should be left for 30-60 days to dry (the period depends on weather conditions, the thickness of the plaster layer and the characteristics of the plaster itself).
  2. Apply primer. If you are working with an unplastered house made of sand-lime brick, its walls can be coated with a colorless protective primer and only then painted. However, regardless of whether there is plaster on the facade or not, it must be primed.
  3. Facade painting.

The only material that is better not to paint is facing ceramic bricks. But this is not because the paint will not stick to it - it’s just that such a material in itself is quite beautiful and self-sufficient. If you are working with a new house made of baked brick, it is better to plaster and paint the facade as quickly as possible so that efflorescence does not appear on the surface of the brick wall.

Priming the wall

Many people do not understand or underestimate the importance of priming before painting a wall. Primer composition It works as follows: it penetrates several centimeters deep into the wall and hardens there, filling microcracks and forming a protective film on the surface. Thus, the wall material becomes denser, stronger and adheres better to paint. Since all the cracks and pores of the wall material are filled with a primer, the surface becomes smoother and absorbs less moisture. Moisture is present in any paint, and if the base is too porous, it will quickly be absorbed, and you will need several times more paint.

The primer significantly reduces the consumption of facade paint by clogging pores and cracks in the plaster and wall. Its cost is much lower than that of the cheapest facade paint. The choice of primer should depend on the paint composition used. Usually this information is indicated on the packaging. Ideally, you should use primer and paint from the same manufacturer.

Helpful tip: To improve the quality of your painting, use a primer in the same tone as the color of the exterior paint. In some cases, instead of a primer, you can use the exterior paint itself, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

After priming the surface, leave it to dry for 1-2 days.

Selecting Tools

As you understand, painting a facade is a very labor-intensive undertaking, and a narrow paint brush is clearly not enough. However, the choice of tool for applying primer and paint depends on the consistency (degree of viscosity) of the composition, as well as the characteristics of the surface texture and your skills in this area.

The most common tools are brushes and a roller. If you are working with fairly smooth walls, choose short-haired tools. A roller is much more convenient in this regard and will allow you to finish the job faster with less paint consumption. A brush may be needed for painting hard to reach places, for example, near doorways, behind pipes, at a window sill, etc. If you are working with textured plaster, use a wide paint brush with long stubble.

A few words about spray guns. These devices allow you to quickly cover large areas with paint, but the dye consumption increases significantly. Spray guns are convenient to work on textured surfaces, but this will require a little practice. There is nothing complicated in the work, it is only important to understand how to control air pressure and learn how to handle the tool. This will take an hour of your time and some paint. Here it is important to choose the right paint viscosity and sprayer nozzle diameter - if the paint is too thick and the nozzle is too small, it will simply clog.

Painting technology

When you have prepared the plaster paint for the facade of the house, primer and tools, you can get to work. If you're painting the walls of a low-rise home, you'll need a stepladder. However, constantly rearranging the stairs is very inconvenient and tiring, so ideally it is necessary to build scaffolding (made from boards or rented from a specialized company). For houses with 3 floors and above, equipment for high-altitude work is already required. This is associated with a certain risk, and therefore it makes sense to entrust the work to specialists. Alternatively, you can paint the first two floors yourself and entrust the work at height to a hired worker.

Painting technology:

  1. The day before work, check the weather forecast - on the day of painting and a couple of days after it, the weather should be dry and moderately warm. If there is wind, the temperature will drop to +5C or lower. Rain or fog exterior finishing It's better to postpone it.
  2. Remove dust and dirt from the surface with a wire brush.
  3. Apply primer and let it dry completely.
  4. Cover all parts of the facade that should not be painted (windows, slopes, blind areas, etc.) with polyethylene or masking tape.
  5. Apply the first coat of paint to the wall, being careful not to take long breaks from working. Here it is better to work with several hands so that there is no difference in color shades and stains.
  6. Apply the second coat of paint after the first has completely dried. Drying time depends on the composition of the paint and is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Helpful advice: To avoid having to wash your brush or roller of paint every time during breaks in work, wrap them in plastic bag- this way the paint will not dry out.

Painting facades on plaster is not only one of the cheapest and simple ways get beautiful and original house. Properly selected and high-quality applied paint will provide additional protection from moisture and extend the life of the walls of the house.

Surface painting is both a complex and simple operation. Even a beginner can handle painting. But the further result will depend on whether he knows the technology. To get a high-quality and beautiful surface, you need to understand what material is suitable and in what cases it can be used. Today we will present a review of plaster paint for interior work. Description of types and rules of application - below.

Polyurethane and epoxy paints

This great option for work on plastered surfaces. The data does not require preliminary preparation of the walls. The composition is usually produced in double packaging. To achieve the best result, you need to mix them. The proportions are always indicated on the packaging.

What do reviews say about Tikkurila paint for interior plastering? It's pretty high quality. The product reliably protects the surface from future damage.

Tikkurila paint can be used in public and residential buildings. It is applied to cement, concrete, plastered, brick surfaces or cement-lime plaster. Also suitable for plasterboard sheets and particle boards.

Another feature of epoxy and polyurethane paints is their fast drying time. As reviews note, this composition dries within three hours after application. But the final “setting” occurs only after a week. Only after this can you decorate the surface with a pattern. This is not necessary, but many people decorate a room this way. As a result, the design is bright and original.

If we talk about the disadvantages of such plaster paints for interior work, reviews note the high cost. And the more unique the texture and shade, the more expensive the material. But you need to take into account that when purchasing such paint, you can get good protection surfaces. After all, the composition is not afraid of aggressive chemical influences.


Wall plaster can work well with emulsion paint. She is considered one of the best colors on plaster for interior work. Moisture-resistant enamel combines polyphenols and acrylics. Thus, the product perfectly penetrates into the pores of the plaster and forms reliable protection. The paint also dries quickly. Reviews say it will take about four hours. In addition, the composition does not harm the body. It is easy to remove paint from skin using warm water and soap.

But before using emulsion paint for interior work, experts recommend treating the plastered surface with a detergent. Thanks to this, we neutralize the alkali. The paint will adhere reliably and firmly.

There are several types of these compositions:

  • Matte.
  • Glossy.

Which is better to choose? Experts say that it is better to give preference to matte enamels. They are more resistant to abrasion. In addition, the glossy composition does not have the same durability as matte. Washable paint on plaster is mainly used for interior work. Additionally, surface decoration is possible. For example, painting on wet plaster looks original.

The texture of emulsion paint can be different:

  • Small.
  • Rude.

The first type looks attractive on the wall, but may crumble over time. Therefore, this composition is not recommended for use in places where there will be frequent contact with anything. For internal rough texture, very durable. They do not crumble like their counterparts. However, there is a big disadvantage. Due to its rough texture, this paint constantly attracts dust. To make the wall less contaminated in the future, the surface is additionally treated with a regular water-based emulsion.

Please note that the consumption of textured emulsion paint is quite high. If finishing is expected relief walls, you need to buy material with a reserve.

Non-drip ceiling paint

If you intend to finish the ceiling after plastering, you can consider purchasing special paint. Its composition is similar to emulsion and alkyd analogues. However, jelly is additionally added here, which makes the solution thicker. This makes painting the ceiling much easier. The paint will not drip down, but will be evenly distributed over the entire surface. But you should always pay attention to the instructions. Interior plaster paint should not be shaken or stirred before use. Otherwise, its structure may deteriorate.

Before painting, all nearby surfaces should be protected. If paint accidentally gets onto an unwanted area, it will be very difficult to remove it later.


They are usually used for wallpaper work. But they are also used on plastered surfaces. Such paints have excellent washing ability. But they have low vapor permeability. Mainly used in educational and medical institutions.

Technical characteristics of latex paints

Let's consider specifications paints for interior work using Dufa Mattlatex as an example. This is a matte latex paint that is used to create wear-resistant coatings. Can be used on:

  • Plaster.
  • Putty.
  • Drywall.
  • Structural wallpaper for painting.

Produced in buckets with a capacity of 1, 5 and 10 liters, color - white, diluent - water. It should not contain more than 10%. This paint is stored and applied at temperatures not lower than +5 degrees Celsius. Withstands up to 5 thousand abrasion cycles. The layer dries in 4 hours. One liter of paint is enough to cover 6.5 square meters of wall. Density - 1700 grams per liter.

By the way, there is another paint from this manufacturer. This is Dufa Wandfarbe. According to its properties, it is a water-dispersed paint. Used on surfaces with low operational load. Washing and repair repainting is allowed. Used on both walls and ceilings.

Density - 1500 grams per liter. Thinner - water. Material consumption is one liter per five square meters. Produced in containers of 2.5, 5 and 10 liters. Gloss level: deep matte.

What else should you pay attention to?

Special attention should be paid to those paints that cannot be used for decoration inside the house. This applies to alkyd and oil-type compositions. In addition, hairiness and cracks appear in many areas. It is also not recommended to use:

  • Metal.
  • Fireproof.
  • Paints for wood.

The latter can only be used for taps and pipes. After dyeing they will become shiny. Fire-resistant facade paint is also not suitable for interior plastering work. It can only be painted brick wall.

What to choose?

Experts advise using the following types:

  • Polyurethane.
  • Epoxy.

Their advantage is that the wall does not need to be additionally prepared, unlike similar plaster paints for interior work. The composition secures the plaster layer well, but you need to work with it carefully. Unlike water-based paint, such paint can be harmful to the body. Therefore, it is impossible to do without personal protective equipment.

Painting nuances

You should know a few nuances:

  • You need to start applying paint on plaster for interior work after the plaster layer has completely dried. This will take at least two days.
  • Although the material does not require preliminary surface preparation, it is recommended to treat the wall with primer. This will make the surface easier to accept paint.
  • You can use a brush to apply the composition, but it is more convenient to use a roller.
  • Rubbing the plaster with a sponge is allowed. This allows you to create a play of colors or create a unique pattern.

How to decorate such a surface? First, the wall is painted in a base shade (light) with a long-haired roller. Next, wait a few hours for the base coat of paint to dry. A small amount of darker enamel is applied over it. By following these rules for applying paint for interior plastering work, you can obtain a visually more voluminous surface. If there is no need to apply dark paint, you can use metallic. This is an imitation of gold, bronze and silver. It is applied using a dry brush method or using a special mitten.

Application rules

It is worth knowing how to properly use paint for interior plastering work. The final result will depend on this. The work is carried out in several stages:

Is it possible to use façade paint for interior work?

Experts give a positive answer. Decorative plaster is painted:

But first you must clean the surface. Oil stains and dirt must be excluded.

Experts give several useful tips:


So, we found out what types of paint there are for interior plastering work and how to apply it correctly. To summarize, it is worth saying that now mainly only polyurethane and epoxy paints are used. Since they are easy to work with, it makes sense to pay a little extra. As a result, we will get a high-quality result.

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