Moreover, he has. Punctuation marks for isolated parts of a sentence


introductory expression

Identified by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2. ()

From such carriage conversations it turned out that the cashier Pritulyev and the trade apprentice Vasya Brykin are fellow countrymen, both from Vyatka and, Besides, natives of places that the train had to pass after some time. B. Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago. Besides, It is extremely useful to sleep even in winter with the window ajar, not wide open, but slightly ajar, so that there is access to fresh air. B. Okudzhava, Travel of Amateurs. Besides, the second line was not suitable - it was not simple, it had more fictional than song characteristics. A. Tvardovsky, How “Vasily Terkin” was written.

@ You should not mix the introductory expression “in addition” with the same-sounding combination of a preposition and a pronoun, cf.: There was no answer, except the general answer that life gives to all the most complex and insoluble questions. L. Tolstoy, Anna Karenina.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

See what “besides this / this” is in other dictionaries:

    except- Besides, besides, excluding, excluding, minus, excluding, not counting. In addition, in addition, in addition, in addition, in addition, to top it all off, further, then; besides, also, and without this (that), and so on. There are many hunters besides us. He… … Synonym dictionary

    Togo (state)- Togo, Togolese Republic (Republique Togolaise), a state in West Africa. It borders on the north with Upper Volta, on the west with Ghana and on the east with Benin. In the south it is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Guinea. Area 56.0 thousand km2. Population 2.2 million people...

    Togo- This term has other meanings, see Togo (meanings). Togolese Republic République togolaise ... Wikipedia

    Togo- I Togo Heihachiro (12/22/1847, Kagoshima Prefecture, 5/30/1934, Tokyo), Japanese naval leader, admiral of the fleet (1913), marquis (1934). He received his naval education in England (1871–1878). During the Japanese-Chinese War 1894 95... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    except- ▲ without some, element exception. excluding all others without any l. element. except for what, how (with rare exceptions). except that. except (everything except this). not to mention. passing. | doesn't count. except that. unless... ...

    Sura 10 YUNUS YUNUS, Meccan, except Medina verses 40, 94, 95, 96. 109 verses- In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful 1. Alif, lam, ra. These are the signs of clear Scripture. 2. Is it really amazing for people that We sent a revelation to a man from their people, saying: “Warn people and give good news to the believers that the true belongs to them... ... Koran. Translation by B. Shidfar

    ETERNAL RETURN OF THE SAME OR ALL THINGS- (ewige Wiederkunft des Gleichen, oder aller Dinge) Nietzsche's fundamental thought, which, like a circle, outlines and defines the essence of his philosophy of life. In Ecce Homo, Nietzsche writes: “Now I will tell the story of Zarath. Basic concept... ... The latest philosophical dictionary

    GOST R IEC 927-98: Auxiliary devices for lamps. Ignition devices (except glow discharge starters). Performance Requirements- Terminology GOST R IEC 927 98: Auxiliary devices for lamps. Ignition devices (except glow discharge starters). Performance requirements original document: 2.6 Ignition auxiliary means conductive strip... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    moreover- ▲ moreover, strengthening the thesis (and even #). Furthermore. above. more than that. above all. Besides. besides everything else. besides. Besides that. besides everything else. little of. not only that. worse than that. this [even. still] not enough. and without that... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Togo national football team- Nicknames Les Eperviers (The Hawks) Confederation CAF Federation Togolese Football Federation Ch. coach... Wikipedia

Today we have a really difficult topic that causes a lot of controversy. We consider the question of whether a comma is needed after “in addition” or not. Let us reassure the reader and say that this is not the most difficult problem on the path to the truth.

The answer to the main question

In fact, there should be no doubt here, because everything is clear. "In addition" is introductory combination, and therefore it is always isolated, regardless of location. For example:

  • Dad played excellent football, boxed, and was also an excellent cook, and I grew up and became a literary scholar.

It is difficult to imagine that our object of study could be at the end of a sentence, because this introductory construction indicates the connection between thoughts, and the end of a sentence is the finale of the presentation.

But, as with any rule, you need to be careful here and not confuse the introductory construction and preposition with a pronoun. For example:

  • I have nothing left to remember her except that blue handkerchief that she embroidered with her own hands.

If the reader needs an answer to the question of whether a comma is needed after “in addition” or not, then he is lucky, because the answer has already been given. But if we get rid of part of the structure and leave only the pretext, then the real adventures and difficulties begin here.

Meaning "in addition to something, additionally"

People who have not immersed themselves in the punctuation jungle of the Russian language almost automatically put a comma before “except”, without particularly thinking about the meaning. So, this is not worth doing, since there are elusive, subtle differences that sometimes even the author himself does not notice.

According to D. E. Rosenthal, constructions with a preposition are not isolated in the meaning of inclusion. Let's give an example to make it clear:

  • In addition to excellent hot dogs, I would also eat some salad, I am still on a diet.

True, here too one cannot do without exceptions. In some cases, in order to avoid ambiguity, even such constructions are isolated. For example:

  • In addition to the records, there is other evidence in the case of the criminal’s guilt.
  • In addition to the records in the case, there is other evidence of the criminal’s guilt..

Subtleties, of course, make it very difficult to make a decision in one case or another. As you can see, the question of how to write “in addition” (whether a comma is needed or not) is not the most difficult one. But what follows is even more interesting.

Meaning "excluding, not counting"

Here the reader and I find ourselves on familiar ground, where commas are still useful, moreover, they will be familiar. For example:

  • There was nothing on the table except the salad. But I didn’t want the salad b.

As we see, it is not a single preposition that is isolated, but the entire phrase. There is no point in going on too long here, because this is a more or less well-known rule.

Besides and besides that, are they synonyms?

And here are the opinions ordinary people and sources were divided. The first believe that this is different designs, and, accordingly, one is separated by commas, and the other is not. Sources claim their synonymy, which means that the “colleague” of the research object, being an introductory combination, is also highlighted with commas in the letter, regardless of its location in the sentence.

We can discuss linguistic delights until we become hoarse, but let’s try to resolve the dispute in practice. Let’s assume that “besides this” is an introductory construction, then the sentence with it will be as follows:

  • My sister played badminton and tennis very well, and she also had a black belt in karate.

If we mentally replace “besides this” with “in addition,” nothing will change, that is, practice shows that sources do not deceive. It’s another matter when the introductory combination breaks up into a preposition and a noun following it. For example:

  • In addition to this issue, I would also like to discuss the problem of low wages for our employees.

In this case, we cannot talk about an introductory construction, so the placement of commas is subject to general rule. This is easy to check: mentally remove the elements of the phrase that raise doubts, and the sentence will quickly become meaningless.

Yes, it is not an easy job to place commas. Of course, from physical activity The body may not be able to withstand it, but the psyche may not be able to withstand the mental ones. But we try to make sure that the reader does not think what the combination looks like « in addition” punctuation, especially since this is the easiest case.

Substitutions and other options

Russian spelling is complex, and punctuation is even more complex. And even a literate person can find it difficult to decide on the correct placement of punctuation marks. Following the line of least resistance, the question of how to correctly highlight “in addition” in the text (whether a comma is needed here or not) can be resolved radically and the construction abandoned altogether. There are two options here:

  1. Remove it from the text - out of sight.
  2. Replace with a similar design, but not so embarrassing.

Examples of sentences without the described combination are as follows:

  • Dad is an excellent archer, stays in the saddle and cooks over a fire. Dad is a real reenactor.
  • Tanya succeeds in everything: she fences beautifully, dances and interprets Hegel.

As you can see, whether we add the object of study to the sentences or not, the meaning will not change.

But sometimes you can’t just edit the text; replacements are required. We offer some that are most suitable for the “in addition” combination:

  1. The “besides” part of speech is a conjunction. You must be careful and remember that such phrases are isolated entirely, that is, putting a comma after the conjunction is a mistake. For example: I love books, and I have a lot of free time to read them..
  2. “Also” is a conjunction. Its advantage is that it also does not require isolation in itself, which means there is no need to rack your brains over commas. For example: I would also really like to congratulate the charming Lyubov Viktorovna, she looks great at 92 years old!
  3. “Yet” is an adverb and a particle that does not require isolation. For example: I would also like to note that life is beautiful!

As you can see, there is plenty to choose from to solve the problem - whether a comma is placed after “in addition” or not.

We hope that all these difficulties will not alienate the reader, and he will continue to improve in the knowledge of the great and mighty.

Commas are not always highlighted oral speech pause. This makes it difficult to place punctuation marks. However, designs usually follow strict rules, which greatly simplifies the work. For example, “besides this.” Is a comma necessary in this case? Let's explore the issue in detail.

As part of a separate supplement

If the object consists of a noun and a preposition , it becomes isolated.

In addition to ice cream, chocolate, cake and pastries were served for dessert.

He called five more friends besides Peter.

As can be seen from the example, " besides" separated by commas in any position if it is part of a separate complement.

As part of the union

A preposition may be part of a conjunction ( "Besides that"). The structure must be isolated. There are two options for highlighting the comma here:

  • before a compound conjunction;

He has already become a prize-winner at international competitions, in addition to winning many awards in his native country.

  • between the components of a compound union (before "What");

In addition to sponsoring the event, he also donated all the funds received to charity.

No separation

We looked at when a comma is used. "Besides" may not be isolated. Pay attention to the examples:

He did not want to go on a trip against the will of his parents, but they all did not give their consent.

Here the preposition has the meaning “in spite of”, “against”, so isolation is not required.

Let's look at another proposal.

In addition to his desire to fight, he had an innate ability to inspire others.

Is a comma required in this case? "Besides" means "except", "over", Therefore, separation is necessary. Although the two designs are very similar, they have different meaning in context, so the punctuation will be different.

We can freely revise the offer:

Beyond his desire to fight, he had the innate ability to inspire others. But we can't tell "He didn't want to go on a trip against his parents' wishes."

Let's fix the material

Place punctuation marks correctly. Instead of the blank, substitute prepositions (use different ones for comparison).

  1. _ talent, you will need diligence and patience to achieve your goal.
  2. Contrary to his expectations, he did not see anything on the table - a torn piece of paper.
  3. _ playing the piano, she willingly wrote poetry in her free time.
  4. Stubborn by nature, he married according to his father's will.
  5. He dedicated poems to her because he painted her portrait in secret from everyone.
  6. With an emerald ring, her father gave her a gold necklace.

Answer: isolation is not required only in the fourth sentence, since the preposition means “in spite of.”

Besides that


Syntactic constructions beginning with the conjunction “except that” are distinguished by punctuation marks. Moreover, if the conjunction is not located at the beginning of the sentence, a comma is usually placed before both the word “except” and the word “what.”

As a girl, she did not stand out in any way in the crowd of brown school dresses: what could be said about her?, except that Is she one of the pretty, rich and happy girls, that she is capable, but playful and very careless about the instructions that the classy lady gives her? I. Bunin, Easy breathing. I told you I won't give you a penny, except that will follow the work. A. Fet, Autumn chores. Besides that a thousand rubles in pure money, we give three coats, a bed and all the furniture. A. Chekhov, Wedding. Sitting next to a young woman who seemed so beautiful at dawn, calmed and enchanted by this fabulous setting - the sea, mountains, clouds, wide sky, Gurov thought about how, in essence, if you think about it, everything is beautiful in this world, All, except that We ourselves think and act when we forget about the highest goals of existence, about our human dignity. A. Chekhov, Lady with a Dog.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

See what “except that” is in other dictionaries:

    Besides that- conjunction 1. Used when joining the subordinate part of a complex sentence (which contains an amendment to the previous part of the sentence), corresponding in meaning to the following: except that. 2. Used when joining...

    Introductory expression Is distinguished by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation in introductory words, see Appendix 2. (Appendix 2) From such carriage conversations it turned out that the cashier Pritulyev and the sales apprentice Vasya Brykin are fellow countrymen,... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

    Besides- Unism. Also, in addition. Airplanes transport millions of people. In addition, they deliver various loads. It is not enough for a person to understand what this or that word means. He, moreover, wants to know why it means exactly this and not something else. (L... Educational phraseological dictionary

    Besides that- conjunction Used when connecting sentences, the second of which complements the first and seems more significant compared to the first; except that. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Except that- conjunction Used when joining the subordinate part of a complex sentence (which contains an amendment to the previous part of the sentence), corresponding in meaning to the following: except that; except that. Dictionary… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    The Shape of What Will Be (Lost)- The appearance of the future English. The Shape of Things to Come Episode of the television series “Lost” Episode number Season 4 Episode 9 Directed by Jack Bender Written by Brian K. Vaughn Drew Goddard The future of the hero Ben Day on the Island 100 Premiere 24 ... Wikipedia

    WHAT IS A PLANT - total area planet Earth is 510 million km2. The land area accounts for 149 million km2, the World Ocean occupies 361 million km2. Both land and ocean are inhabited by plants and animals. The variety of both is very great. It has now been established... Biological encyclopedia

    WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY?- 'WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY?' ('Qu est ce que la philosophie?', Les Editions de Minuit, 1991) book by Deleuze and Guattari. According to the authors’ thoughts, indicated in the Introduction, ‘what is philosophy’ is a question that is ‘asked, hiding anxiety, closer to... ... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia

    What where When

    What where When?- What? Where? When? TV game emblem: owl (symbol of wisdom) with a crown Genre TV game Author Vladimir Voroshilov Director Vladimir Voroshilov (1975 2000) Boris Kryuk (2001 present) Production ... Wikipedia


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