Who is a speech therapist and what does he do with your child? Why can't children sit still in class? Age norms for proper speech development

In my practice, I often encounter the fact that the parents of my little students do not fully understand the content of the work of a speech therapist, and indeed the essence of my profession. I propose to work together to understand the myths and misconceptions regarding who is he really? this specialist.

Let's start with the most common thesis and immediately refute it: a speech therapist is not a doctor! This is a teacher. We get Teacher Education. To be more precise - special pedagogical. Therefore, the children we work with are not patients, but students. Accordingly, the methods that I and my colleagues use in our work involve pedagogical rather than medical influence.

Certainly, there are speech therapists with a first (or second) medical education, but this does not mean that all speech development specialists have it. Moreover, any speech therapist during his studies studied child neuropathology in sufficient detail. He is familiar with all neurological diagnoses, is able to decipher your medical records and neurologist’s reports, has clear knowledge about the functioning of the brain, the structure of the speech apparatus, peripheral and central nervous system and so on. No wonder they say that The profession of speech therapist stands at the intersection of two sciences- medicine and pedagogy. And in our work, we often have to work in contact with doctors (neurologist, otolaryngologist and other specialists) in order to provide assistance to the child as effectively as possible.

The next myth is associated with the statement that a speech therapist is a specialist who deals exclusively with the production of sounds. It’s worth mentioning your profession, and people immediately build associations with “correcting the sound R,” the fight against “lisp” and “burr.” Here I want to explain that sound production is the most obvious, so to speak, noticeable to others part of the work of a speech therapist. Meanwhile we are working on speech development generally! And this includes the sound side, phonemic perception, vocabulary (expansion and activation of vocabulary), grammar, and prosody (intonation, diction, etc.). That is, we cover absolutely all components of speech, and working on individual of them is sometimes much more difficult than producing a particular sound.

Now I propose to take a closer look at the direct activities of a speech therapist and immediately deal with another misconception. For some reason, it is believed that in the process of classes and sound production, a speech therapist will definitely be get into a child's mouth various pieces (meaning probes and probe substitutes). Many parents are very afraid of this, and their wrong attitude is passed on to their children. In some cases, unfortunately, this cannot be avoided. But then a competent specialist prepares the child for such manipulations and carries them out very delicately, without causing any discomfort to the baby, and also observing all the rules of hygiene. In general, in most cases, we make sounds by imitation, without resorting to mechanical assistance, but simply using professional “secrets”.

And in conclusion, I will refute one more myth: a speech therapist is not a magician! Fast and high-quality results always depend not only on the specialist, but also on the work and help of the parent and, of course, the child himself. If you don’t follow the recommendations and homework, you will still get results from your classes, but not as quickly as you expect. It’s all the same as with regular training: the more often and harder you are, the closer you are to victory. AND child motivation, as you understand, plays a key role!

A speech therapist is a correctional teacher who deals with speech disorders in children and adults. He not only “puts” sounds. This helps children develop attention, visual and auditory perception. The specialist prepares for full-time work and public life guys with various deviations and speech disorders.

Why do children have speech development disorders?

In order to small man spoke, two main things are needed: society and objective activity. There can be many reasons why a child does not speak or speaks incorrectly: from mental retardation, autism to functional immaturity.

Today, more than 40% of children have some kind of speech problem. This highest function of the child’s general psychophysiological development is improved in several stages according to temporary norms.

There are many books for teaching parents, preparing them for birth, education, proper care for the children. The main thing is to be very attentive to your kids during this period. You need to talk to the child to the extent that he needs for full development. The baby must be taught to listen to speech addressed to him from the very first day of life.

It is very important to detect certain violations as early as possible. For this purpose, there are preventive examinations with doctors. Usually, every children's clinic also has a speech therapist. This is a specialist who will help solve any problems related to the baby’s speech development.

Work of a specialist in a kindergarten

A speech therapist in a preschool educational institution is a teacher whose task is to eliminate certain children. The main goal of the teacher’s activity is to organize the correct education of children with disabilities. At the same time, every child needs individual approach. There are a huge number of techniques that allow you to improve children's speech. The speech therapist teacher must decide how to work with a particular student.

Identification of the level of speech formation in preschool children

Speech is considered expressive if it is characterized by restraint, accuracy (correct depiction of the surrounding reality), logic, clarity, as well as correctness and purity. One of the principles preschool education reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard, is the implementation of the program in forms acceptable for children of this age group. Learning should take place, first of all, in the form of games, cognitive and research activities, and creative activity.

The set of tasks in all includes according to the Federal State Educational Standard: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and physical development.

All work on the formation of speech in children preschool age takes place in three stages:

  1. Preparatory.
  2. Basic.
  3. Final.

Children are given exercises to develop diction, speech breathing, and motor skills. Poems and sketches are being learned. Singing is also of great importance. Each speech therapist also applies his own proven techniques. Children with minor speech impairments under special programs in kindergarten preparing for school. On average educational institution A speech therapist can conduct remedial classes to correct diction.

Severe speech impairment

With guys who have serious disabilities speech development, a special specialist is working. Who is a speech pathologist? It is the activity of this doctor that is aimed at solving the problems that have arisen in the baby. Severe speech disorders include:

  • alalia;
  • aphasia;
  • some severe forms of stuttering.

Children with serious disabilities are cared for by specialists in medical institutions at the place of residence.

Let's consider one of the most complex diseases. Alalia is a lesion of the central nervous system during fetal development. Most often, a neoplasm is found in the cerebral cortex, but not always. In ontogenesis, at the first stage, the child begins to buzz. This is a biological phenomenon characterized by the merging of sounds.

Babbling is the next stage in the formation of speech. Buzzing is common to all newborns, even if the child has no hearing or vision. Babbling is observed only if the baby has a social and communicative environment. Nationality can be determined by babbling; it has the intonation, rhythm and sounds inherent in a given language. The babbling chains are uniform and very long. As the child develops, babbling develops into understandable speech. Consonants appear, prototypes of words, then phrases.

If the baby does not make sounds for several months, you should consult a doctor. First of all, a speech therapist examines the baby. It is necessary! After all, this is the only way to identify a serious illness. The absence of babbling and humming may indicate the development of alalia.

How should speech develop correctly?

By the age of one year, a child should have phrases in his speech, and by two years, sentences. By the age of three, most children are already able to clearly express their thoughts and desires. If at this age the baby is silent, there is no need to panic. A speech therapist can determine what the problem is. This may just be a developmental feature of a particular person. However, the problem should not be left unattended.

A delay in speech will certainly be observed if the baby experiences a lack of communication. This problem is often observed in children who are brought up in a country. An important factor is also the psychological situation. Children whose parents are going through divorce proceedings often speak poorly. In any case, only a speech therapist can identify the cause of developmental deviations. Who else will do this if not an experienced specialist?

What does a speech therapist do at school?

As a rule, all the children who come to study in the first grade of a general education institution can already speak quite well. However, some babies still have some problems. Children may not be able to pronounce certain sounds and may “swallow” the endings of words. Such children subsequently develop problems with reading and writing and develop psychological complexes. Parents to school age children already know who a speech therapist is and what he does in an educational institution.

The main tasks of a school teacher are the correction of reading and writing defects. Additionally, the following actions are performed:

  • pronunciation correction;
  • speech hearing correction;
  • learning word formation skills;
  • development of grammatical speech.

The development of psychological processes is also of great importance. This includes attention, memory, thinking. The child must not only speak, but also think correctly. A school speech therapist can also influence the formation of basic learning skills. This is, first of all, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and correctly evaluate the result. own work, solve the assigned problems.

Aquatherapy in speech therapy

What does a speech therapist do in a preschool educational institution or educational institution? The specialist promotes the correct development of children’s speech. For this, both time-tested and new techniques can be used. A number of studies have been conducted that have shown that water has a positive effect on the development of speech and motor skills in children. Therefore, today aquatherapy is widely used in speech therapy. In their work, specialists take into account age, as well as psychological characteristics children. Speech therapists do not forget about basic hygiene rules.

Playing with water contributes to the development of sound perception and increases vitality. Thus, kids not only learn to speak correctly, but also strengthen their immunity. In kindergartens, group classes are most often held. In clinics, speech therapists work with young patients on an individual basis.

Children really like playing with water. The most popular activities in children's institutions are:

  • “Warm? Cold?";
  • “Squeeze the sponge”;
  • “Recognize the letter by touch”;
  • "Move the crab."

Classes are also conducted using special plastic container. In most cases, water at room temperature is used.

Exercises at home

If a child has speech problems, you cannot do without an experienced specialist. Only a qualified doctor will be able to identify the causes of the disease and help eliminate them. However, parents’ work at home also has great value. The main cure is simple human communication. You need to talk to your child about everything, comment on all actions. In addition, the baby must communicate closely with his peers. Do not neglect daily walks on the playground.

Excellent for children's speech development. At home, you and your baby can sort out buckwheat and make appliqués using beads and seed beads. Drawing is another activity whose benefits are difficult to overestimate. Children who love to draw develop well in all respects.


If you notice any problems in your child’s speech development, you should immediately contact a speech therapist. The earlier the disease can be identified, the greater the chances of a successful outcome. A qualified speech pathologist will be able to find an approach to any child. And parents, in turn, should not neglect homework.

At the word "speech therapist" many of you remember the comical scenes from the movie “For Family Reasons”. Rolan Bykov’s image of an eccentric speech therapist with “defects of fiction” turned out to be so vivid and memorable that it became almost the calling card of speech therapists. All this is funny until the problem of speech disorders affects you and your child.

And in fact, who are speech therapists and most importantly, what do they do?

Speech therapist- a correctional teacher who deals with the elimination of speech disorders in children and adults. The speech therapist not only “produces” sounds. The tasks of a speech therapist include expanding and enriching children’s vocabulary, developing coherent speech and teaching literacy, correcting grammatical errors.

A child is not born with developed speech. Gradually, step by step, he learns to pronounce sounds correctly and clearly, connect words with each other, construct sentences, and clearly and consistently express his thoughts. But, unfortunately, sometimes speech development occurs with a delay or with developmental features. In this case, a speech therapist will help.

In what cases should parents contact a speech therapist?



Who is a speech therapist? And what does he do?

At the word "speech therapist" many of you remember the comical scenes from the movie “For Family Reasons”. Rolan Bykov’s image of an eccentric speech therapist with “defects of fiction” turned out to be so vivid and memorable that it became almost the calling card of speech therapists. All this is funny until the problem of speech disorders affects you and your child.

And in fact, who are speech therapists and most importantly, what do they do?

Speech therapist - a correctional teacher who deals with the elimination of speech disorders in children and adults. The speech therapist not only “produces” sounds. The tasks of a speech therapist include expanding and enriching children’s vocabulary, developing coherent speech and teaching literacy, and correcting grammatical errors.

A child is not born with developed speech. Gradually, step by step, he learns to pronounce sounds correctly and clearly, connect words with each other, construct sentences, and clearly and consistently express his thoughts. But, unfortunately, sometimes speech development occurs with a delay or with developmental features. In this case, a speech therapist will help.

In what cases should parents contact a speech therapist:

There are problems with sound pronunciation:The child’s speech is unintelligible and incomprehensible, the child pronounces sounds incorrectly, and incorrect sound pronunciation persisted until adolescence.

Dislalia - the child has normal hearing, sufficient vocabulary, he constructs sentences correctly, without making grammatical errors, but at the same time pronounces sounds in a childish way, like a little one. With dyslalia, sounds may be distorted, replaced by others, mixed, or simply absent. With timely speech therapy assistance, dyslalia is quickly and irrevocably compensated for in children.

Dysarthria - violation of the pronunciation side of speech, caused by insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus, articulation disorder. It occurs when the speed, strength and range of speech organ movements are limited. First of all, the main organ of articulation, the tongue, is limited in its movements. The movement of other parts of the speech apparatus (lips, palate, vocal cords, diaphragm) is also difficult. The speech of a dysarthric person is slurred, incomprehensible to others, “porridge in the mouth.”

Rhinolalia - violation of voice timbre and sound pronunciation caused by anatomical and physiological defects of the speech apparatus. Characteristic of rhinolalia is a pathological change in voice timbre. That is why the former name of rhinolalia is nasality. In addition, with rhinolalia, distorted pronunciation of all speech sounds is observed. In general, speech with rhinolalia is unintelligible and monotonous.

General speech underdevelopment (GSD)- various complex speech disorders, in which children with normal hearing and intelligence have impaired formation of all components speech system (speech function completely defective - phonemic, lexical (vocabulary), grammatical (rules of word formation and inflection, rules for connecting words in sentences)) aspects of the language.

Phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFSD)- disruption of the formation processes of the pronunciation system native language in children with various disorders due to defects in the perception of phonemes and pronunciation of sounds.

Delayed speech development (SDD)- appropriate for children early age. Until about five years of age, there is hope for further development of the neural structures responsible for speech. Children with delayed speech development master the necessary speech skills in the same way as children without problems in speech development, but at a higher rate. late dates. They develop speech later than the average, and it develops more slowly than other children.

Mutism – refusal of speech communication in the absence of organic lesions of the speech apparatus. It is based on the body’s reaction to a sharp mental stimulus (fear, resentment, conflict, mental trauma, overwhelming demand). Mainly observed in childhood and more often occurs in shy, timid, physically weakened children. With mutism, both responsive and spontaneous speech are absent. At the same time, the ability to speak and understand someone else’s speech is preserved.

Selective mutism- selective refusal to speak.

Difficulties in learning to read and develop writing, specific persistent reading and writing disorders:the child knows the rule, but forgets to use it when writing, makes mistakes, which leads to persistent poor performance in the Russian language; the child reads poorly, slowly and monotonously, with errors, and sometimes he himself comes up with the end of the phrase he is reading.

Dyslexia - reading impairment with intact intelligence and physical hearing, associated with impairment or underdevelopment of certain areas of the cerebral cortex. It manifests itself in slowness, phonetic distortion (skipping letters, adding unnecessary ones, distorting words, replacing letters in places, skipping initial syllables) or misunderstanding the meaning of the content when reading.

Dysgraphia - partial impairment of writing, inability (or difficulty) in mastering writing with intact intelligence and physical hearing. These are specific and repeated errors in writing that are not associated with ignorance of grammatical rules (substitutions, omissions, rearrangements, underwriting of letters, insertion of extra letters, merging several words into one and dividing one word into parts).

Dysorphography - manifests itself in the fact that the child experiences persistent difficulties in mastering the rules of spelling and using them. Many of these children, even knowing the rules, continue to make mistakes. The reason is that they do not notice the spellings themselves, that is, those sounds that sound vague when pronounced, not the way they should be denoted by letters.

Stuttering - traditionally defined as a violation of the tempo, rhythm and smoothness of speech, caused by a convulsive state of the muscles of the speech apparatus. When stuttering, the organs of articulation move with malfunctions, breathing becomes tense and short, people who stutter often speak while inhaling, and the voice is also tense. There is no consistency in the work of articulation, breathing and voice. The main symptom of stuttering is muscle spasms of the speech apparatus.

Modern parents try to keep their children as busy as possible with sports, music, foreign languages, often ignoring the fact that the baby has difficulty pronouncing some sounds even in his native speech. Many people believe that this will go away with age. Classes with a speech therapist should begin as early as possible, since correcting such disorders becomes more and more difficult with age. Therefore, if your child’s schedule appears speech therapy sessions they must be taken as seriously as the main ones.

The essence of the profession of a speech therapist is quite simple - it is correcting diction in children and adults, eliminating its shortcomings, including stuttering, burr, lisp, etc.

Such a specialist helps correct speech using special exercises, massage and other methods that improve articulation. The functions of a speech therapist may include working with many speech disorders, but as representatives of this profession themselves believe, it is better to concentrate on one area. Let's say, choose the treatment of stuttering or the elimination of dysgraphia and dyslexia (writing and reading problems).

Who is a speech pathologist?

Speech disorders occur not only in healthy children (without problems with hearing, vision and intelligence). There is a separate category - “difficult” children, and special specialists work with them - speech therapists-defectologists. They develop not only articulation, but also the cognitive activity of children in general - memory, attention, perception, thinking and many other abilities and skills.

Places of work

As a rule, the position of a speech therapist is provided in educational and medical institutions:

  • in kindergartens;
  • in hospitals and clinics;
  • in specialized centers for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction, where hearing and speech disorders in children are treated.

An alternative option for “employment” is opening your own private speech therapy office.

History of the profession

The beginnings of speech therapy appeared in Europe in the 17th century as part of deaf pedagogy, a branch dealing with the problems of deaf and hard of hearing children. In the presence of hearing, speech dysfunctions were not sought to be treated, considering them to be a problem of an exclusively physical nature. If they did take it, they treated it only with medical methods.

Only from the middle of the 20th century did problems of articulation begin to be considered from the point of view of psychology, which led to the development of speech therapy as a science and as a separate profession.

Responsibilities of a speech therapist

Basic job responsibilities speech therapist can be reduced to the following:

  • examination of clients and identification of features of their speech development;
  • making a speech therapy diagnosis;
  • determination of treatment methods and techniques;
  • conducting individual and group speech production classes;
  • development of exercises and “homework”;
  • assessment of learning results based on the results of a certain period of time.

A speech therapist can also be involved in maintaining reporting documentation and developing teaching aids.

Requirements for a speech therapist

The standard requirements for a speech therapist are:

  • higher speech therapy (or defectology) education;
  • work experience, including in a specific area (with children, with adults, with patients with cerebral palsy, with neurological patients, etc.).

In rare cases, a speech therapist is required to have an original technique.

Speech therapist resume sample

How to become a speech therapist

If you decide to become a speech therapist, then you need to obtain a higher pedagogical education in the specialty “Speech Pathology” and the qualification “Teacher-Speech Therapist”. In addition to this, practical experience is required. It can be obtained at government institutions, working as an entry-level assistant or speech therapist.

In addition to education and experience, a number of personal qualities- love for children, communication skills, high level patience and endurance, the ability to think outside the box and find an approach to each student.

Speech therapist salary

The salary of a speech therapist is very low and ranges from 15 to approximately 60 thousand rubles per month. Private institutions in the capital and large cities usually offer very decent salaries.

The average salary of a speech therapist is just over 20,000 rubles.

Another option for earning money is opening your own account. If a speech therapist manages to reach an adult audience who often speaks in public and needs clear, beautiful speech (representatives of business, politics and the media), you can earn very decent money.

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