Who will win the United Russia primaries in the Vladimir region? Who are all these people? Dossier on the winners of the United Russia primaries. Who won the primaries.

Photo. Egor Mikhalev

In order to win the preliminary internal party vote for United Russia, it is not at all necessary to win it.

“How I Won the War” was the title of a feature film made in 1967 by English director Dick Lester with John Lennon in one of the main roles. The film turned out so-so, it had nothing in common with historical truth, the critics tore it to smithereens, and the snobs from the London theater scene completely passed it by in contemptuous silence. Nevertheless, Dick Lester won his war: the film collected a decent box office, securing him a promising contract with United Artists. Just like in that children's joke about the monkey, who may have looked like a fool, but he strictly had his ten bucks a day.

Well, okay: today I’m not talking about Leicester, not about Lennon, or even about the monkey. Today I’m talking about the preliminary intra-party voting of “United Russia”, which is about to start in the Kirov region and based on the results of which, if you believe the assurances of functionaries, the names of candidates from the party in power for deputies of the State Duma, OZS and other dumas of a lower rank will be determined. Some call the upcoming event the word "primary", but I will try to avoid it, since I have not been instructed how to correctly use it: whether in the plural (as in the primary elections) or in the singular (as in the preliminary vote), - and, accordingly, I will not be able to correctly write how it will end or how they will end. And since you are reading this note exactly to find out, it turns out that I meanly deceived you.

I know even less about the word “primaries” myself. O th procedure and methodology for determining its winners. That is, in general, of course, everything is clear to everyone - while in particular, even the devil himself will break his leg. Documents not marked “for official use” on this matter are almost impossible to find in open sources. What is truly known is that the voting will be rated and that Moscow ordered it to be held as honestly as possible, out of its preferences in the Kirov region, identifying only Rakhim Azimov (who is recommended to provide all possible support) and Oleg Valenchuk (who is recommended to at least “not drown”). At the same time, the results primary elections in the regions it will be allowed to announce only after special comrades from the capital carefully check all protocols and study all complaints for possible stuffing, bribery, carousels and similar manifestations of administrative resources - with the right to cancel the results if, for example, there is an advantage of one of candidates in individual polling stations will seem artificially high to them.

And now about the main thing - that is, about who will win these elections. Or, if it’s clearer: how will someone who doesn’t win these elections win this election?

For example, let’s take the average candidate for the mandate of the State Duma: the same, say, Alexei Kotlyachkov or, for example, Vladimir Bykov, it makes no difference - as long as the person is good and the right people satisfactory. And let’s ask ourselves the question: what should our hypothetical Vladimir Vasilyevich do so that Moscow, when it announces (for example, on Thursday) the names of the winners, names exactly his name - regardless of how many citizens actually voted for him? Right. He should slightly violate party discipline and - contrary to the ban - already on Sunday (edge ​​- Monday) as if inadvertently leak information to the press that he - that is, our hypothetical Vladimir Bykov - won these elections. That's all. Because Moscow still won’t dare to call the leader of the regional branch of United Russia a liar (there are already scandals around the party through the roof) - and, therefore, the capital’s comrades will have no choice but to actually declare our hypothetical Vladimir Vasilyevich an all-party approved candidate . Moreover, you can put as many checkboxes next to the desired name on the final ballot under the rating voting system. According to the party line, of course, he will later be scolded, but they will scold him, most likely, formally - and for what? Well, I couldn’t restrain myself, I got worried, I blurted out too much, who doesn’t? And there, you look, and the right person He’ll put in a word or two for him. In general, follow the information feed: everything else - and, I think, very soon - you will learn from it.

What about whether it is fair or dishonest... So the crocodile told that monkey that it was dishonest. But she still charged him her ten bucks.

Candidates from Muscovites came to the region in large numbers

Shortly before the end of nominations for the primaries, a dozen United Russia members voluntarily left the race. Basically, the changes affected the general list and the constituency in which State Duma deputy Igor Igoshin is nominated. At yesterday's press conference, ProVladimir asked the organizers of the preliminary voting why their fellow party members left the race.

The secretary of the regional branch of United Russia, Olga Khokhlova, answered. Like several other leaders public opinion, she also withdrew her candidacy. The deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly did not speak for everyone, only for herself. It turns out that she did not set herself the goal of going to the State Duma.

“My task was to draw attention to the procedure. I succeeded: I registered, it went through the media, and I participated in the first debate. This attracted a lot of attention. By this time, a large and very good team had been created both in one district and in another, and on the federal list. I completed my task and honestly left the game.”

The only ones left are those who “they want to try their hand, they want to join the State Duma”. The rest, comparing their strengths with the capabilities of the leaders, decided not to participate in the fight.

The fact that many United Russia members are simultaneously among the participants in the primaries and in the ranks of the organizing committee will not create a conflict of interest. This was stated by the head of the regional executive committee Artem Starostin.

So who will win the primaries in the Vladimir region? The fate of single-mandate constituencies is predetermined - the “titans of the genre”, current State Duma deputies Igor Igoshin and Grigory Anikeev. The situation with the general list is more complicated. How many passing seats - one or two - the party members will get is unknown even to them. The party congress will decide on the principles for nominating candidates.

The leaders of the Vladimir part of the list are already emerging. And these are not local, but metropolitan candidates - 81-year-old old-timer of the parliament Gennady Kulik and the recently appointed deputy chairman of the regional “Association of Lawyers of Russia”, ex-senator Mikhail Kapur (the first to file documents for the preliminary vote). Among the 15 participants, the party leadership is diligently promoting this particular couple. Neither of them has an election program published on their website. However, this is an optional touch, the organizing committee reported.

Mikhail Kapura and Gennady Kulik (from left to right)

Will it turn out that our region will eventually be represented by people who, before the start of the primaries, had nothing to do with the Vladimir region? And isn’t it a shame for the local United Russia members?

Although the experience and financial capabilities of ordinary candidates and federal deputies are absolutely incomparable, the decision will still remain with the citizens who came to vote, Olga Khokhlova is convinced.

“I think that Irina Kiryukhina (head physician of Maternity Hospital No. 2, deputy of the Legislative Assembly) has no less opportunities to become the first at the head of the list. The same Alexander Tmenov (general director of the Degtyarev plant, Kovrov), who provides so many people with jobs, is the most important taxpayer in our region. There are people who can get more votes than those who came from our region at the federal level,” Olga Nikolaevna summed up.

Putin arrived...Putin left. The rein, which fell under the tail of the Nizhny Novgorod public, has an inquisitorial origin: slaves are publicly flogged at main square, and a high-ranking official rides past in a “six hundredth” carriage with “pink” windows. The slaves make the most exhausted face and try to stick it out over the backs of the executioners. Only the satraps did not waste time and grew a wide, muscular back. They manage to block out the entire unsightly landscape with it, artistically waltzing in front of the narrow windows of the royal carriage. Well, the novices wait for the next time and plunge into the usual routine, where they are entrusted with electing their delegates to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. They do not understand that with an elected delegate, photographs of their emaciated faces are delivered directly to a high-ranking official, so the primaries fall on deaf ears.

Here's who else signed up:

Alexander Vidyaev

This is for you, so to speak, to warm up, because nothing rotten was noticed about Alexander Nikolaevich. A teacher of history and social studies at the Bolsheboldinsky Agricultural College in the village of Permeevo is sitting, reposting news from the youth parliament of Nizhny Novgorod, and dreaming about how he will govern our vast homeland. There are only two contradictions that put an end to the political future of Mr. Vidyaev, because he:

  1. Atheist
  2. Liberal

How he has not yet been squeezed out of United Russia is absolutely incomprehensible. Apparently patented “Liberal Sensor”™ And “Atheist Radar”™ they don’t cover the Bolsheboldinsky district... or they’re just junk... or the historian previously covered them up with chewing gum. Who knows?

Valery Tarasevich

Director of the Kstovo Palace of Culture of Petrochemists. The Russian people will never get rid of this craving for narcissistic names of cultural institutions. It feels like if you are not a petrochemist, then you won’t set foot in a cultural center. Imagine if in America the conventional Carnegie Hall or Staples Center were called the Builders' Carnegie Hall or the Working People's Broadway. Lenin. But we digress, because Valery Tarasevich came to Kstovo from his native Samara to raise the DKN from its knees: to install a dozen similar ones there Christmas trees, bring twenty Murat Thagalegovs (“I’ll give the bride price for you”), open several schools of dancing, singing, yoga and boxing, and sit on the windowsill of the order to wait. During the reign of Tarasevich, the DKN fell under the distribution of budget money, which allowed residents to love Valery Kharlampievich more than themselves. In fact, only one question arises - why does he need to go to the State Duma?! We see that Tarasevich was watching TV and discovered Medinsky there, after which, with mist in his eyes, he automatically applied for the primaries. Nizhny Novgorod cultural figures suppressed this uncontrollable natural outburst in themselves, so only Vadim Bulavinov remained from art in the preliminary voting (his appearances in all the latest elections are drama of the highest order). Well, we definitely wish good luck to anyone involved in culture.

Denis Moskvin

Today, our inconsistent column “Out of the blue” features ex-deputy, ex-federal ex-inspector and ex-head of media holdings Denis Pavlovich Moskvin. When Denis Pavlovich threw off his City Duma mandate, the experts began with one voice: “He’s going to the State Duma, you scoundrel!” In his place they put Oleg Yaushev, who had been prepared in advance for such a decision, but Moskvin was capricious and did not want to comment on anything to the hungry press:

All information about the message is, in fact, in the message itself. As for the rumors about the State Duma - that's true, there are many other issues that are worth focusing on. I'm not going to comment on this. (With)

Today, all “other issues” have either been resolved or have dried up and fallen away, so the agenda has been formed ironclad - Denis Moskvin is our future deputy in the State Duma. Between these events, Denis Pavlovich stubbornly became close to our plenipotentiary Babich in order to help him win all the elections, gain support for himself, and so that he would be invited to coffee and cake on weekends. The appointees of the plenipotentiary representative at the City Duma elections were not remembered for anything, but they did not lose their positions, which means that Moskvin will soon suddenly win. And so on March 9, Mikhail Babich relieves Moskvin from the post of federal inspector, and Denis Pavlovich is already in the primaries, and in the “profession” column it is indicated “vice-rector”. And it is stated in such a way that through all federal channels it can be said that a simple Nizhny Novgorod teacher broke into the State Duma of the Russian Federation, thanks to his intelligence and strong ingenuity. What to take from him? The winners are not judged.

Alexander Vasilenko

Also, together with Vadim Bulavinov, Alexander Borisovich Vasilenko, who is still a current State Duma deputy, will “extend”. Alexander Borisovich is thinking about his future, so he is already driving around the region with prepared unexpected visits: cutting ribbons, congratulating women, listening to boys’ acapellas, monitoring milk yields and greeting our strategic partners from Zimbabwe. All this is accompanied by delicious illustrative material, which is sent directly to Facebook, because Vasilenko is a modern deputy! We absolutely cannot allow ourselves any other text addressed to Alexander Borisovich, because the photographs keep jumping out and jumping out!!

Jokes are jokes, but Alexander Borisovich knows how to reach the electorate. He is active, pokes around, decides something, while other figures in the State Duma have absolutely no time for the idle needs of the common people.

Alexey Sitdikov

Deputy General Director for Development at TNS-Energo, as well as songwriter Alexey Khusyainovich Sitdikov, also wants to get out under the light of the chandeliers State Duma. Alexey Khusyainovich - person in Nizhny Novgorod quite well-known, Mikhail Prokhorov tried to go to the last elections to the City Duma from the Right Cause party, but, as you and I know, in the flighty political head of Mikhail Dmitrievich, the idea of ​​creating a new party arises almost every year, which is why more and more new supporters and nominees suffer consistent failures. Today he is a bright adherent of “United Russia”, but we love him like a bard... Here is his performance at the concert of the winners of past years of the festival... cough, cough... “Kingfisher”. The ex-General Director of NKK LLC and a candidate for State Duma deputy asks to add “reverb” to him, then he speaks for 4 minutes, clutching the bend of a yellow guitar in his hands, and at 4:10 he finally begins to sing:

We wrote above that we support people in art in every possible way, so Mr. Sitdikov will not be an exception. We can already imagine how our deputies set off on a hike in a friendly formation, tinker with tents, make a fire, Alexey Khusyainovich takes out a guitar, takes the control laminor and...

On Super Tuesday, primary elections were held in California, Montana, Alabama, and Iowa. Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota. To regain control of at least the House of Representatives, Democrats need to not only retain all of their “old” seats, but also take 23 Republican seats. Democrats expect to win at least seven of them in the midterm elections in California. The state has a unique all-against-all system that could result in two Republicans and no Democrats on the ballot in November.

Brad O'Keefe, political scientist:“In California, in the primaries, the voter will receive a ballot that lists all the candidates - both Democrats and Republicans. The one with the most votes wins. Regardless of party affiliation. That is, in the final, in November, only the Republicans could win.”

The final results of the California primaries have not yet been announced; votes will be counted until the end of the week. But the result of the race for the governor's seat, for which 27 candidates competed, is already obvious. Democrat Gavin Newsom, the former mayor of San Francisco, was in the lead in the primaries. If he defeats his Republican opponent in November, it's possible Newsom will be running for president within a couple of years. The California gubernatorial candidate declared war on the current occupant of the White House today, promising voters to openly oppose Donald Trump.

Gavin Newsom, California gubernatorial candidate:“There is too much anger in politics today. We are working on answers. We call this a productive confrontation.".

In South Dakota, a woman may become governor for the first time in the state's history. In the primaries Republican Party Kristi Nome won and she is already predicted to win in November. The mother of three promises not to raise taxes and not to inflate either the leadership or the state budget.

Kristi Nome, South Dakota gubernatorial candidate:“I want you to be able to trust your state government again and know that we are working with integrity.”

The primaries in Iowa and New Mexico were no less vibrant. Abby Finkenauer, 28, won the primary vote in a northern Iowa district and could become the youngest female member of Congress if she wins in November.

And from New Mexico, the first representative of the indigenous population of America - one of the 23 Indian tribes in New Mexico - Debra Haaland, the first in US history, can get into Congress.

Debra Haaland, New Mexico gubernatorial candidate:“Today we changed the course of history. Our victory is a victory for the working class, a victory for women. A victory for everyone who has been bypassed or pushed into the background by billionaires.”

In general, so far the Democrats are optimistic. Although, as a rule, the party whose member is the recently elected US President wins midterm elections in the United States. But the current head of state is now not the most best rating. Therefore, this year the result of the elections to Congress and the Senate is extremely difficult to predict. While Republicans still control both chambers, Democrats are trying their best to make up for their defeat in 2016. The new fight will take place on November 6, 2018.

The head of the Green Alliance, Alexander Zakondyrin (left), won the primaries he organized.

Photo from the site www.russian-greens.ru

The primaries of left-wing patriotic and environmental forces have ended in Moscow. Moscow City Duma deputy Elena Shuvalova won the vote from the Left Front (LF). However, during another count under the auspices of the capital city committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, its head Valery Rashkin won. At the environmental primaries, support was received by the leader of the Green Alliance, Alexander Zakondyrin, who organized them under the control of the Public Chamber (PC) of the Russian Federation. In Yabloko, the atmosphere in the selection of mayoral candidates is determined by the fierce confrontation in the Moscow branch.

Zakondyrin received more than 12 thousand votes cast for him both on the Internet and during offline street voting. A day earlier, live voting took place on the streets of the capital. In 12 administrative districts of Moscow, special cubes were equipped with the name “Primary Green Candidate”, “volunteers interviewed residents throughout the day and invited them to familiarize themselves with the programs of the participants and leave their orders regarding the Moscow ecology,” explained the head of the party, adding that the most the most relevant orders “can be included in the winner’s program.”

As Alexander Zakondyrin explained to NG: “I am surprised by such a number of voters, both online and at our polling stations, especially since the primaries lasted less than a month. This is a very successful campaign, and most importantly, it showed that the green agenda is in demand among Muscovites, and they want to see our candidate in the elections.” He noted that if a few years ago the green agenda was perceived by voters as frivolous, now the situation has changed radically, and the demand for it has increased sharply. The politician emphasized that the primaries were cross-party, and several candidates from the Greens, several from the Liberal Democratic Party, and one from Yabloko, as well as municipal deputies, environmental activists and animal rights activists took part in them. “The Public Chamber controlled the counting of votes, namely from them Maxim Grigoriev and Albina Dudareva - they had access to both paper ballots and the website and accounts of all voters,” he emphasized.

A small scandal has already emerged with the results of the left-wing primaries. Their winner, a communist deputy of the Moscow City Duma, was significantly ahead of LF member Maxim Shevchenko, and unconditionally her former colleague Vadim Kumin and her leader Rashkin. In total, over 5 thousand people voted. However, the official decision to nominate a candidate for mayor will be made at the Moscow conference of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in June. However, earlier the leader of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov had already supported the nomination of Kumin (see).

According to NG, this caused discontent within the party, which is already evident on social networks. At the same time, the capital’s city committee itself quickly organized alternative primaries on the “Red Moscow” website. In them, Rashkin defeated Shuvalov by a small margin, while Kumin generally ended up in 10th place. At the same time, Rashkin himself approved the latter’s candidacy: “I recommend him for nomination. He fit into the party perfectly; the question never arose as to why he was in the package of candidates.”

Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Sergei Obukhov told NG that “voting is going on different resources– and since party members had doubts that Kumin was more passable than Rashkin, the city committee organized a vote on the “Red Moscow” website. However, Obukhov recalled, the decision to nominate a candidate will, of course, be made by the party leadership.

But the primaries of the democratic forces have just started. 37 people have already applied for participation in Yabloko, but only three are registered so far - the head of the Moscow regional branch Sergei Mitrokhin, economist Igor Nikolaev and the head of the Yakimanka district Andrey Morev. According to NG, more or less young and active Yabloko members are in a hurry to compete with Mitrokhin. They have already started submitting signatures in their support to the organizing committee. Maxim Kats, a consultant to party founder Grigory Yavlinsky, once again confirmed that he himself will not run, but will support one of Mitrokhin’s rivals. Let us note that by the end of the day 21 candidates had already been registered, and today the debates between the participants in the primaries started.

In turn, the deputy chairman of the Moscow Yabloko, Galina Mikhaleva, told NG that “we are doing everything for Mitrokhin’s victory in the first round.” At the same time, according to NG, there are problems with registering voters who are ready to support Mitrokhin. For example, activist Igor Mandarinov told NG: “Four days ago I sent a questionnaire for an elector in the Yabloko primaries.” The selection criterion there for non-party members is simple - you had to participate in party actions, sign for Yavlinsky, etc. Both are observed. But I was not registered as an elector. Anyone who reads my main magazine knows that I support Mitrokhin for his activities in Moscow. But, alas. The selection is carried out by some people who clearly do not sympathize with the powerful Mitrokhin.”

As a source in Yabloko explained to NG, the problem with registering Mitrokhin voters has arisen everywhere, and voting will take place on May 27. “Katz in his chats calls for everything to be done to prevent Mitrokhin from passing, calls on supporters to support any candidate against him. The advantage of Katz's people is that they are mobilized, while the Mitrokhinites are, as a rule, less disciplined. So the war continues - and it seems that they want to crush Mitrokhin,” noted NG’s interlocutor.

Political scientist Andrei Kolyadin emphasized that the Greens have never been a non-systemic opposition. “They have always been built into work processes with power. And the government itself cannot reject those who protect the environment. Therefore, green parties and candidates are quite acceptable for participating in elections and attracting the electorate - and there is a feeling that they will be allowed. And if the OP took part in their primaries, then this is an additional sign of this.”

According to the expert, the Democrats, on the contrary, are doing poorly – there is only one strong candidate in their primaries. “In fair primaries, only Dmitry Gudkov and Maxim Kats could defeat Mitrokhin. And although the nomination large quantity participants is normal for any party, this is a manifestation of the struggle of ambitions, but if a well-known candidate is defeated by an unknown one, then questions will arise for the organizers of such primaries,” he noted.

For communists, Kolyadin believes, primaries are just a way to remind themselves, to be in the general trend. “If the procedure is organized fairly, the result is often unpredictable, but if it is dishonest, then the one who is supported by the party leadership will win. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation primaries were relatively clean, which is why Shuvalova won. But since Zyuganov expected such a result, he announced in advance the advisory nature of the primaries,” the expert said. It is clear that ordinary members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation have doubts about the figure of Kumin - after all, according to Kolyadin, he is little known, but people want a famous politician. So they were given second primaries, the expert explained.

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