Where to put the exclamation mark. How long to drive with the “Beginner Driver” sign and other questions related to “

" How can you recognize a novice driver on the road? Of course, this requires a special novice driver sign. Today I want to talk about this sign, is it needed at all? And if not, what will be the fine? Read on...

You have all completed your driving school and are ready to drive independently in the city. But this is not as simple as it seems; if you are left alone in city traffic, you can very easily get confused - get lost and get into an accident. Because city traffic is a very difficult test, there are a lot of aggressive drivers who strive to cut you off and get in front of you! To be honest, I am a driver with a lot of experience and sometimes I get lost, and what can we say about beginners!

In general, a beginner should be visible on the roads after driving school. And you can identify yourself as a beginner - the sign of a novice driver.

Traffic regulations extract:

« Novice driver sign, this sign is in the form of a square yellow color(side 150 mm) with an image of a black exclamation mark 110 mm high, mounted on the back of motor vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles and motorcycles) driven by drivers who have been licensed to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years»

I think this is correct and beginners should definitely identify themselves with these signs! Of course, there is an opinion that, on the contrary, a beginner does not need to identify himself with this sign, because some drivers, on the contrary, try to cut off the “newbie” and create an emergency situation, but there are only a few of them and they are from the category of car substitutes. Many drivers, including me, treat cars with this sign with understanding - they let them go ahead, do not cut them off, give them time for a slow maneuver, etc. This is correct, this is how you should behave, I urge you, professional drivers!

A sign is necessary, but many people ask the question is it mandatory!

Is the novice driver sign required?

The absence of a sign for a novice driver in a car does not provide for any punishment. That is, if a traffic police inspector stopped you and, after looking at your license, determined that you have less than two years of experience, he will not issue you any fine. But without this sign, the driver will not be able to undergo vehicle maintenance (technical inspection). That is, whether to glue the sign or not is up to you.

Where to put the novice driver sign?

It must be secured to the back of the car, but the traffic regulations do not explain where. However, there are recommendations from driving schools - the sign is attached to the rear window of the car either in the upper right corner or in the upper left corner. This will make the sign more visible to cars coming from behind.

Many novice drivers put the novice driver sign not only on the back of the car, but also on the front, so everyone knows that a novice is driving!

Guys, respect newcomers on the roads, remember, we were all beginners once!

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From April 4, 2017, the “Beginner Driver” sign required. From this day forward, driving without a “yellow square” will be equivalent to driving a faulty vehicle. Drivers who violate the new traffic rules will face fine of 500 rubles.

When a “Beginner Driver” sign is required

This sign is placed on a vehicle driven by an inexperienced driver whose experience is less than 2 years from the date of receipt of the relevant certificate. This is indicated in paragraph No. 8 of the “Basic provisions for the approval of a vehicle for operation.” The rules do not provide for the installation of a sign on motorcycles, self-propelled vehicles and agricultural machinery.

Based on state requirements for the design of the sign, it should look like a sticker on glass, the side of which is 150 mm, and the image of the exclamation mark itself is 110 mm. The sticker can be triangular or square.

Important: Where should the warning be placed? All signs printed on film with a self-adhesive backing are placed on the outside of the vehicle. “Inexperienced driver” can be installed at the rear, on either side of the car. The only rule is that it should not block the view.

How long should you drive with an exclamation mark?

It is believed that 2 years is enough for a driver to learn to feel confident on the road. But this is quite conditional, and yet, drivers with extensive experience get into accidents somewhat less often.

Fines and liability for missing a sign

By taking a passenger, a novice driver will violate the rules for transporting people (Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The fine for this will be 500 rubles.

Also, inexperienced car drivers will be prohibited from towing other vehicles.

According to Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for violation of the rules for transporting goods and towing rules, either a warning will be issued or a fine of 500 rubles will be imposed.

In fact, this sign officially appeared on Russian territory in March 2009. Every second driver believes that installing it on a car is not at all necessary.


Summarizing all the information about the need to install the “Inexperienced driver” sign, we can come to the following conclusions:

  • The sign does not give any privileges on the road, but encourages other participants traffic be more careful. IN European countries designation "!" widely used and helps law enforcement agencies control traffic flow.
  • It is best to install a sign at the rear of the car, on any of its sides.
  • Fine for not having a "Beginner Driver" sign - 500 rubles.
  • Label “novice driver” Necessarily.
  • If the driver decides to install this sign on his car, then it must remain on it for all 2 years. After this period, the designation is removed.

Some inexperienced drivers believe that the “!” can be successfully replaced with “U”. But this is a gross mistake, since the “U” sign can only be placed on training cars that are driven by driving school students, under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

This tactic is designed to ensure that a more experienced driver, upon seeing the “U” sign, will try to stay as far away from such a car as possible. As soon as training in a driving school is completed, the student becomes a full-fledged participant in traffic and is required to know all its basics. The presence of a “U” sign pasted on the car of a full-fledged driver only indicates that he was poorly trained in a driving school.

When all the exams have been passed, and the treasured driver’s license appears in your hands, it seems that all that’s left to do is get behind the wheel. In fact, there are some requirements for beginners. If the driver received his license less than 24 months ago, he falls into the category of beginners, so a special mark must be set. Otherwise, a fine will follow for not having a novice driver sign.

A beginner must take care of his own safety and that of other road users. The sign should be posted to alert other drivers that you are new, so they can be even more attentive knowing that a trainee is behind the wheel.

At the same time, when the required period of use of the mark expires, it can not be removed. This applies to cases when you still feel unsure when driving a car.

When is it necessary to display a novice driver sign?

It is required to place such a sign provided that the person has been driving for less than 2 years.

Many people wonder whether the novice driver sign is required or not in 2018. According to statistics, in many road accidents one of the participants is often newbies.

Therefore, it is important to warn other drivers about your driving experience. Installing it is mandatory. Otherwise, a fine may be imposed.

How long do you need to drive with such a sign?

Another piece of information that trainees are concerned about is how long to drive with a novice driver sign?

According to the rules, once a mark is placed, it must not be removed for 2 years. When the experience exceeds several years, it is allowed to remove such alerts from the car.

It has already been noted that there are some exceptions to the removal of a mark. If the driver does not feel confident and believes that he has not been able to fully become a full-fledged participant in the movement, he is allowed to leave the sign.

Attention! There is no note in the rules about responsibilities regarding removing the alert from the machine. Therefore, you can leave everything as is for an indefinite period of time. There will be no punishment for this.

Requirements for the sign

The purpose of such an alert is to inform and warn other drivers about your current status and driving experience. Therefore, it should be placed in an area where it will become most visible and noticeable, but should not distract all attention to itself.

Looks like Exclamation point large size and painted black, and placed against a yellow background. Many experienced drivers call this sticker “Kettle”.

There is a certain standard for size - the width of the designation should be 11 cm and the length should be 15 cm.

Important! At the legislative level, there are no specific explanations related to the place where the sticker should be located. There are only clarifications that it must be the rear of the car.

Most car enthusiasts choose the upper left area of ​​the rear window.

So, some people choose a sticker that looks like a teapot or a heel as a sign for a beginner. Such variations are not official and therefore completely useless.

You can choose the location of the sticker yourself. The rear window fits, not only the outer part, but also the inner one.

You can choose a lid or tailgate, or rear bumper. The key requirement is to select a part of the car where the sticker will not interfere with your view. This is important for security reasons.

What is the fine for driving without a sign as a novice driver?

Previously, traffic police officers only had the right to give advice to a newcomer that it was possible to place a sign on the car indicating a short driving experience. Some inspectors issued fines if they did not find the sticker.

This was the case before, but now some changes have been made to the legislation.

Therefore, it is now possible for employees to be fined for driving without a novice driver sign.

This rule came into force in April 2017. From now on, the absence of a sticker will serve as a punishment in the form of fines.

The inspector has the right to stop the car and ask the driver to show his license. If you have less than 2 years of driving experience and there is no warning sticker, then the matter may be limited to a warning or a fine will be issued.

Its size is 500 rubles. A warning is usually given if this is the first time. Either it is stated orally or delivered in writing.

Other road users should understand if you are a newbie. It is recommended to behave extremely carefully on the road.

Situations faced by a novice driver

Many beginners face the following problems:

  1. the car stalls in the middle of the road;
  2. forgets to turn on the turn signal or confuses the sides;
  3. sudden braking;
  4. driving at low speed;
  5. abruptly changing lanes without making sure the maneuver is safe.

Beginners need time to get used to it on the road. Therefore, such a sign, providing information about your experience, allows other drivers to behave more carefully around your car.

It is recommended to keep the sign for longer than 2 years. The sticker is very cheap, it doesn’t take much time to attach it, and you don’t need to fuss with it. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase it instead of paying a fine, the size of which is tens of times higher than the cost of the sign.

From April 4, 2017, the “Beginner Driver” sign must be affixed to the rear window of a vehicle if the person’s driving experience is less than 2 years. The badge must be attached to any vehicle with the exception of motorcycles, scooters, self-propelled vehicles and agricultural machinery. Failure to comply with this rule is regarded as a traffic violation, for which a traffic police officer may impose a fine.

​Accidents often occur involving cars whose drivers have less than 2 years of experience. This period is enough for a person to acquire the necessary experience and high reaction speed to quickly recognize emergency situations. Some drivers do not want to advertise that they have been driving recently. As a result, other road users are not given the opportunity to find out that a newcomer is nearby; you need to behave more carefully.

From April 4, 2017, every novice driver is required to stick a badge on the glass indicating little experience in driving a vehicle. If this requirement is met, any road user, as well as a traffic police officer, will be able to understand that in front of him is a novice driver.

If an inspector stops a car, finds out that the driving experience does not exceed 2 years, and does not find the corresponding badge, a fine of 500 rubles will be issued.

The size of the icon must be exactly 15x15 cm. The card has a yellow background and has a black exclamation mark 11 cm high on it. This designation must be located in the center of the square. Before leaving, you need to make sure that the image looks clear and there are no shadows or abrasions. The Novice Driver sign can be placed anywhere on the rear window, but it is recommended to place it in the upper corner so that it does not block your view.

Changes in legislation

Some novice drivers, especially men, previously decided not to install a novice sign. Many people refuse to use the badge due to the fact that novice drivers may be treated with disdain. It is advisable not to use a vehicle without this sign, since in its absence the traffic police officer will regard this violation as driving a vehicle that is not approved for use. According to the Resolution dated March 24, 2017, the violator will receive a fine of 500 rubles.

By seeing the Novice Driver sign, other road users will be able to quickly navigate if the person behind the wheel makes a mistake. If necessary, they will quickly reduce speed and help the beginner avoid emergency situation. If an accident occurs, having little driving experience is considered a mitigating factor.

How to place it correctly?

The sign must be on the rear window of the car in any situation when the vehicle is used. Without it, traveling even a short distance is unacceptable. There are two types of identification badges, which differ in the method of attachment. Some people prefer the option equipped with a self-adhesive film. In this case, it can be installed outside. The paper version is cheaper, it is glued with inside, fixing with tape. To avoid a fine, you should place the sign on the rear window, as it serves as a warning to other drivers.

In some cases, drivers attach two identical signs at once. This is how they try to hint to other road users that they may not be able to control the car. Often it is girls who do this. Two Novice Driver signs should not be used. You must carefully select the appropriate area to attach the badge if there are other stickers on the rear window. Cluttering the space with unnecessary information on the rear window of a car interferes with the driver’s visibility, which is a violation.

Passing a technical inspection

Some drivers do not comply with the requirement to have a novice sign on the rear window of the car. Sometimes vehicle owners attach this badge only before driving to service center to undergo technical inspection. Without a card with an exclamation mark on a yellow background, a service station employee has the opportunity to refuse to inspect the vehicle if the car owner’s driving experience is less than 2 years.

Until April 4, 2017, drivers could remove this sign with impunity, but now administrative liability is provided for driving without warning about the inexperience of the person behind the wheel. Thanks to the fact that drivers who are at risk due to their inexperience use a special mark, other road users will be able to pay attention correctly so as not to get into an accident.

Restrictions for inexperienced drivers

With less than 2 years of experience, the driver must not only use a sticker with an exclamation point, but also refuse to do the following:

  1. Towing other cars.
  2. Transportation dangerous goods, as well as elements with large weight or size.
  3. Transporting people on a motorcycle, scooter or similar vehicle. Drivers of such vehicles are not required to use a sticker, but if they have less than 2 years of experience, they do not have the right to transport passengers.

The “Beginner Driver” sticker must be placed on the rear window of the car of people with less than 2 years of driving experience. Failure to comply with this order will result in a fine of 500 rubles. Using this sign, the driver not only avoids administrative liability and reduces the likelihood of stopping his vehicle, but also helps other road users avoid accidents.

Over the past few decades, domestic growth has been exponential. Two and more car in the family is no longer exotic today. Unfortunately, the expansion of automobiles is accompanied by an increase in the number of accidents - there are more people wanting to get a license than there are companies providing driving lessons. Of course, the market reacts accordingly, and there are no queues for training, but its quality is constantly falling, which cannot but affect the road situation. One way is to identify vehicles driven by an inexperienced driver. Such a means is the “Beginner Driver” sign, which warns experienced motorists that when maneuvering with a car with such an identification mark, special care must be taken.

Rules for using the novice driver sign.

During the Soviet era, although traffic intensity was much lower, inexperienced drivers were issued a temporary driver's license for a period of two years, during which they were not allowed to drive at a speed of more than 70 km/h. If you violate this rule, you will lose your certificate with all the ensuing consequences (re-training and passing exams). In many countries around the world there is a sign similar to the Russian one, and its use by inexperienced drivers is mandatory. Examples include the Czech Republic, Italy, Lithuania, the USA, and France. So its installation can be considered completely justified - according to the same all-knowing statistics.

Reasons for the appearance of the “Beginner Driver” sign

A driver with minimal experience simply does not have the experience that allows him to adequately assess any difficult road situation. But in most cases, an almost instant decision is required - otherwise troubles cannot be avoided. This fact is confirmed by statistical data - most of traffic violations with various consequences, it is committed by beginners. And the point here is not so much in ignorance of these rules (rather the opposite), but in other factors explained by the lack of proper experience:

  • when traveling on busy highways;
  • confusion when faced with an unusual traffic situation, lack of skills in making the only correct decision;
  • the appearance of excessive confidence in one’s driving skills, which is clearly not true;
  • inability to compare road conditions with traffic regulations.

All these reasons lead to the fact that it is very difficult to predict the behavior of a novice driver even in fairly simple situations. This irritates drivers with many years of experience, as it forces them to perform maneuvers more carefully, which leads to temporary losses. And irritation and aggressiveness are bad companions for any driver. But the main danger is that their actions create a threat to all other road users, including pedestrians.

How should drivers react when a car turns left with its right turn signal on? Can you remain indifferent when the car driving in front of you suddenly starts to slow down for no reason or changes lanes without warning? All these mistakes are typical for beginners, and installing the appropriate sign warns drivers that there is a person behind the wheel who can make unpredictable decisions.

Is the “Beginner Driver” sign required? Although its introduction dates back to 2009, its installation was not mandatory until 2017. But from 04/04/2017 for its absence, therefore, at present, the presence of a sticker with an exclamation mark can be called a mandatory condition for vehicles whose driver has less than two years of driving experience. According to legal requirements, the sign must be affixed to a passenger car by all graduates of driving schools who have completed a full course of training. It is not intended to be installed on the following vehicles:

  • mopeds/scooters/motorcycles;
  • tractors;
  • self-propelled machines/mechanisms.

As for motorcycles, there is simply nowhere to attach the sticker (at least so that it is clearly visible). In relation to the other two categories of vehicles, its presence is not necessary due to the fact that they are not able to develop high speeds, and therefore cannot perform dangerous high-speed maneuvers.

Passing MOT by a novice driver now also requires the presence of an appropriate identification mark. It is unlikely that a responsible person will risk issuing a diagnostic card without a “Beginner Driver” sticker on the rear window. The situation is exactly the same with obtaining an insurance policy - the agent only needs to look at the date of issue of the driver’s license to understand that he is faced with an inexperienced road user. And who, if not insurers, knows how to assess the degree of risks? So the chances of getting a policy without a sign are also negligible.

However, the novice motorist himself should understand that the presence of an identification symbol can provide him with invaluable help. Firstly, experienced drivers, seeing an exclamation mark, will be more lenient towards the person driving such a car. That is, the chance of hearing abusive words and symbols addressed to you is noticeably reduced, which is important for maintaining calm while driving. And secondly, and more importantly, installing a sticker reduces the risk of an accident - leniency is leniency, but no one wants to put their car under attack - which means they will stay away from you. Yes, just in case.

Where to put the “Beginner Driver” sign

This sign belongs to the category of warning symbols, the shape and size of which are subject to the corresponding standard. It is a square with a bright yellow background, in which there is a large black exclamation mark in the middle. The size of the sticker itself is 15x15 cm, the size of the exclamation mark is 11 cm in height. It is believed that with such dimensions the sign will be clearly visible on long distance and in bad weather, allowing other drivers to assess in advance the risks of approaching such a vehicle. According to the rules, the location of the sign is vaguely regulated - the rear of the vehicle, that is, the exact place where the “Beginner Driver” sign should be affixed, is not indicated. In this case, the following mandatory requirements must be met:

  • it must be noticeable not only to drivers of other vehicles, but also to all other participants in the road traffic, including pedestrians;
  • it should not interfere with the view of the road for the driver of the car on which it is installed.

As a rule, the sign is installed on the rear window on the left side: with this placement, both of the above requirements are fully met.

How long do you need to drive with the “Beginner Driver” sign installed?

According to the requirements of the law, the period of validity of the mark is regulated - after receiving the license it must be on vehicle two years. According to global practice, this time is usually enough to gain the necessary skills and driving experience, after which there is no need to talk about the “beginner” status.

As practice shows, some newcomers have a very positive attitude towards installing the sign. Moreover, given the preferences that experienced drivers give to beginners, some abuse this by not removing the symbol even after the expiration of the two-year period. However, such an act is not a violation of the law; in any case, there is no punishment for it. But there is another category of novice motorists for whom the presence of a corresponding symbol on the glass is considered humiliating, and they prefer to drive without a sign. But this violation can already have serious consequences - the “Beginner Driver” sign must hang, regardless of the desire of the beginner.

Responsibility for driving without a license plate

Actually, until 2017, the sticker of a sign with an exclamation point symbol was of a recommendatory nature. Unfortunately, for this reason and due to the mentality of most novice drivers (at least men), it was very rare to meet him on the roads. So legislators, having made appropriate amendments, decided to make the use of the sign mandatory. Currently, if you have a driving experience not exceeding two years, the absence of a sign on a car is considered a violation, the punishment for which is provided in accordance with Article 15.5 (Part I) of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which states the following:

Driving a vehicle is prohibited if the conditions set out in the “Basic provisions governing the admission of a vehicle to operation” are met, as well as in the instructions officials, responsible for ensuring the safety of DD in relation to all parts of this article, with the exception of Art. 2-7. Failure to comply with these conditions will result in punishment in the form of a warning or a fine in the amount of 500 rubles. In these provisions, the requirement to have a sign is mandatory, otherwise it should not be operated.

Thus, in 2018, a fine for not having a “Beginner Driver” sign is an almost inevitable punishment, and this punishment is already being actively applied to those newcomers. Who considers it shameful to drive with an exclamation mark? However, inspectors have the right to use the same article to punish drivers who abuse the sign (failure to remove the sticker after two years of driving), but in practice this happens extremely rarely.

Is it possible to use the "U" sign?

In principle, the “U” sign installed on training cars also indicates that there is a driver with no experience behind the wheel, but there is a fundamental difference: the training car has duplicate controls, as well as an instructor sitting nearby, who, if necessary, can take over the controls. .

Installing the “U” sign to ensure loyalty from other drivers is an understandable step, but unacceptable for the reasons stated above. The Novice Driver sign serves the same purpose, but informs other drivers that there is no experienced driver in the vehicle. So everything is clear here - the “U” sign cannot be used instead of an exclamation mark. Another thing is various stickers not regulated by law and traffic regulations in the form of ladies’ shoes, images of a teapot or “a child in a car.” It is not forbidden to decorate a car with such (or any other) stickers, as long as they do not limit the driver’s view and do not distract attention from really important identification marks. In any case, there is no fine for such amateur activity.

At the same time, it should be clearly understood: the presence of the “Beginner Driver” sign on the glass is for informational purposes only. No benefits are provided for the driver of such a car - he is a full participant in the DD, along with car owners with extensive experience. So the most you can count on is increased attention to your car from other drivers.

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