Lottery for the elections on September 10. Bribery to lift your spirits? The organizers of the Sverdlovsk election “lottery” are looking for a legal way to conduct it

3 apartments and 20 cars were raffled off among residents of Nizhny Tagil on election day, September 10. And although officially the Ural Gems festival has nothing to do with the people’s will, to take part in the prize draw you must first vote.

At polling station No. 2216, a flyer for participation in the drawing is given out along with ballots. The room with the instant win-win lottery is adjacent to the one where the voting takes place.

“We’ve already got 600 people through. 6 won household appliances. The same goes for the surrounding areas. Don’t know if anyone won an apartment?” share the women wearing T-shirts with the Ural Gems logo, which are handing out prizes.

They don’t know whether the glass cube contains the coveted car coupon. Boxes with lottery tickets arrived at the sites sealed; what percentage of souvenirs among the prizes at each site is a mystery.

“It’s a pity to look at elderly people who, with a shaking hand, with hope in their eyes, take out a lottery ticket from a drum and in return receive a trifling souvenir. They didn’t fill out any form in front of me, they just heatedly discussed the fact that a woman allegedly won a car,” says Tagil resident Natalya.

On Vagonka, people slowly pulled up to the polling stations. Some were just going to vote, while others were just going to try their luck.

“I came here today at least for a car,” says Anton, “But having won a souvenir - a refrigerator magnet, I was extremely disappointed. I don't believe that among ordinary people there are those who will win a car, and even more so an apartment.”

Some were happy with simple gifts - felt-tip pens, notepads, flashlights, especially those who came with children.

“My husband and I won a pack of markers. Our granddaughter went to first grade this year. Not a bad help with the office,” Lyudmila laughs.

“My son told me this morning: Dad, we will win a thermopot. We won it. The child said that if you really want something with all your heart, your dream will come true. After this, I begin to believe in miracles,” says Danil.

On this moment The lottery has already ended at several polling stations. The festival fulfilled its mission - .

According to media reports, the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry spent at least 100 million rubles on holding a lottery on the day of the gubernatorial election. Let us remind you that the drawing of cash prizes for tickets, which were issued along with ballots, took place in 20 municipalities. There, 14 apartments and 65 cars were raffled off.

14 apartments, 65 cars, about 5 thousand units household appliances and 700 thousand souvenirs were drawn during a lottery in the Sverdlovsk region, timed to coincide with the gubernatorial elections, reports In total, for the drawing in 20 municipalities, the lottery organizer - the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry - prepared 15 apartments, 130 cars and 10 thousand household appliances. It was not possible to win all the prizes due to the turnout, which, although it increased significantly, was still lower than expected.

Let us remind you that in the gubernatorial elections Sverdlovsk region Acting head of the region Evgeny Kuyvashev won with 62% of the votes. At the same time, the overall turnout in the region was 37.33%, exceeding expectations. And in the municipalities where the lottery was held, it mostly exceeded the 40 and 50% mark.

The amount that the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry spent on the drawing is not reported. According to media reports, we are talking about no less than 100 million rubles.

How to dispose of the remaining cars, apartment and household appliances, the lottery organizers have not yet decided. One of the curators of the drawing, former deputy of the regional legislative assembly Nafik Famiev, said that perhaps another event will be organized at which all the remaining prizes will be drawn.

We would like to add that earlier complaints about holding a lottery on election day were expressed by the Chairman of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, who saw this as a possible attempt to bribe voters. Having dealt with the situation, the election commission found no violations in it. Let us note that the lottery organizers did not call for voting for specific candidates and generally publicly distanced themselves from the elections in every possible way. However, gift distribution centers were located in close proximity to PECs, and lottery tickets could only be obtained by citizens who came to the elections - they were issued along with ballots.

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How to become an observer at the September 10 elections

On September 10, a single voting day, elections will be held throughout Russia. In Sverdlovsk, gubernatorial elections and local council elections will be held in 49 municipalities. The only way for an ordinary citizen to control how legally the voting process will proceed is to become an observer. Traditionally, training for observers is carried out by the organization “Golos”; it is its training manuals that all parties rely on in their preparation. We tell you how to become an observer, what to learn and what to expect at the polling station.

Who is an observer?

An observer is a representative of a party or registered candidate who is at the polling station throughout election day and monitors that the voting itself and the vote counting process are legal. Any citizen of Russia who is over 18 years old can become an observer. He must be sent to the polling station by a party or a candidate, but he is not required to be a member of the party.

How to sign up?

The easiest way is to sign up through the Golos organization, which specializes in training observers and monitoring elections not only in Russia. The application can be left on the organization’s website or in a special questionnaire published by the coordinator of “Voice” in the Sverdlovsk region, Alexander Grezev. After this, you will be contacted and invited to training.

After studying, a site will be assigned to you based on your wishes and you will be invited to pick up your documents. This year, according to Grezev, “Golos” will train not observers, but PEC members with advisory voting rights - they have slightly more powers. Experienced observers who already know how the process works are usually sent to complex areas.

In addition, you can contact a party close to your ideology and ask to become an observer from it. Not all parties are ready to accept people “from the street”; often large parties already have their own pool of observers, but perhaps you will be lucky. One of the parties told the website that they are trying to assign an observer to the polling station at their place of residence, so that he himself can vote, and also to make it easier to get home, because the counting of votes can drag on past midnight.

How to prepare?

In both "The Voice" and in the games you will receive 1.5-2 hours of training on how to be an observer. The first training for observers has already been held in Yekaterinburg, according to Alexander Grezev, there will be 7-8 more large trainings. You can also read the 248-page Short-Term Observer's Handbook. In the parties they say that they also teach according to the “Voice” manuals. Separately, you need to study the Electoral Code. You can read publications in the media about what violations there were in the last elections and whether there were any in your polling station, so that you can be prepared for something like this in advance.

You must remain at the polling station until the end of counting votes and filling out the protocol, otherwise everything was pointless. Be prepared that in extreme cases you will be delayed until the morning, so get a good night's sleep the night before.

What can an observer do?

An observer has the right to monitor all the actions of the employees of the election commission on which he works, monitor the counting of votes, drawing up a protocol with voting results, file complaints about all violations, receive a certified copy of the protocol, and also take photographs and videos, having previously informed about this PEC.

What is prohibited for an observer?

Observers are strictly prohibited from touching ballots, much less handing them out to voters. Under no circumstances should you help a voter vote, even if he very much asks for it. An observer cannot take part in the counting of votes or participate in the work of the commission. It is forbidden to campaign voters for any of the candidates, even if a pensioner tearfully asks you who she should tick off for - you cannot suggest. Violation of any of these points will be grounds for removal from the site.

At the same time, remember that removing you from the site without a court decision has been prohibited since last year; previously, the commission could remove the observer by its own decision. A representative of the commission will probably go to the court with an application, which will consider the document immediately. So far this is not a very common phenomenon that almost no one has encountered in practice. As observers say, PECs know about the unspoken order of the head of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, that it is better not to touch observers without reason.

How to behave on site?

Experienced observers advise that there should always be at least one independent observer on site. For example, if there are three of you, then you cannot all go to lunch or to the toilet together. According to observers, the most important principle- continuity, if the site was left for at least half an hour, then there is no need to monitor it further, because this time is enough to, for example, throw in ballots.

It is undesirable to conflict with members of the election commission, especially over minor violations that cannot affect the election results. Many experienced observers agree with the commission that they will not find fault with minor violations, but all the important part of the work, for example, counting votes, will be carried out strictly according to the law, without speeding up the process, which PEC members like to resort to. Observers advise that it is better not to argue with the commission, but to help them, especially if its members know the law less well.

“Golos” advises to address only the heads of the commission (chairman, deputy, secretary), preferably by first and patronymic, do not raise your voice, and be extremely polite. IN last years PECs have already become accustomed to independent observers, but there are still cases where particularly persistent activists were removed from polling stations under any pretext. If the commission refuses to work with observers according to the law, then we need to start taking measures. It is better to express all complaints and comments in writing. Golos advises to be as persistent as possible, even if the chairman of the commission says that he is busy and does not pay attention to the violation you indicated. Moreover, if you see a gross violation of the law that is happening right in front of you, for example, you witnessed a stuffing, then you can physically prevent the offense.

According to the head of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, the number of complaints received during the regional elections on September 10 is “negligibly small.” The head of the Moscow City Election Commission (MGEC) Valentin Gorubnov said that he is ready to resign if Vladimir Zhirinovsky surrenders his mandate.

At the meeting, the Central Election Commission summed up the results of the elections on September 10, which took place in 82 of 85 regions. According to the Secretary of the Central Election Commission, Maya Grishina, the hotline received a total of 1,637 calls, of which more than a thousand were questions about obtaining information about voting. “As for possible violations - 17%, 272 statements, we are working on them together with regional commissions,” said Mrs. Grishina. According to her, 39 appeals were received regarding the issue of vote counting. The CEC received 472 appeals “that bear signs of complaints about violations,” of which 426 were from citizens and candidates, 30 from State Duma deputies, 28 from political parties. “If the facts are confirmed, in my opinion, violators do not face more than administrative liability, but this should be decided by the competent authorities,” explained Maya Grishina.

The head of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, noted that the number of complaints is “negligibly small.” The chairman of the electoral commission of the Belgorod region, where the gubernatorial elections were held, Nikolai Pletnev told representatives of the Central Election Commission via video link that due to violations in the organization of home voting, it was decided to cancel the ballots of voters at two polling stations. At one polling station, 111 ballots were declared invalid, at another - 92. In total, according to Mr. Pletnev, “less than 7%” of voters voted outside the polling station. “This is insignificant,” said the chairman of the election commission. “I would think about insignificance,” answered Ella Pamfilova.

“In general, according to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, the situation is leading to the cancellation of elections (in these polling stations.- “Kommersant”). We recommend that you reconsider this situation again, approach it more carefully, and seriously. We have a problem in a number of cases with voting at home, we will now analyze this situation with even greater passion,” said the head of the Central Election Commission.

The head of the IPCC, Valentin Gorbunov, reported on the work via video link. When asked by Ella Pamfilova whether the IPCC had received any complaints requiring consideration, Mr. Gorbunov said: “No, except for the political statements of the Yabloko party to resign me and Zhirinovsky’s demands to drive me out with a broom, we have nothing.” “I once again answer Mr. Zhirinovsky: I am ready to resign if he renounces his deputy mandate,” promised Valentin Gorbunov. According to the IPCC, United Russia took first place in the municipal elections, winning 1,154 out of 1,502 seats, and Yabloko came second (176 seats).

Ella Pamfilova also asked the Chairman of the Sverdlovsk Regional Election Committee Valery Chainikov to comment on the holding of lotteries after voting as part of the Ural Gems festival. As Kommersant-Ural previously reported, at polling stations in 20 municipalities, after voting, voters received a card into which they had to enter their data and exchange it for the opportunity to draw a ticket from a lottery machine. “A festival event was held - a cultural program with drawings. We had three anonymous complaints on the website that voters were allegedly being bribed,” explained Mr. Chainikov. According to him, “no one made any calls to vote for or against.” During the 12 hours of the festival, the organizers raffled off 14 out of 15 apartments, 65 cars, about 5 thousand units of household appliances and 700 thousand souvenirs. This was reported by the festival's press service. Turnout in the Sverdlovsk region was 37.33%. In all 16 regions where gubernatorial elections were held, representatives of “ United Russia" The most low turnout was recorded in the Novgorod region (28.36%) and Karelia (29.23%). The largest number of voters came to the elections for the head of Mordovia - more than 82%.

Free lottery for voters in the Urals. The prize draw will take place on September 10, the single voting day. According to experts, there is a violation of election legislation here

The organizers of the Ural Gems festival were suspected of bribing voters. During the festival, the final day of which will coincide with the single voting day, September 10, when the governor of the Sverdlovsk region will be elected, numerous valuable prizes will be drawn. Moreover, the lottery will be free for participants. CEC representative Ella Pamfilova has already promised to look into this situation.
Officially lottery - clean water charity. Its task is to improve the mood of residents. And this is done at the expense of business, says Maria Plyusnina, correspondent for the Ekaterinburg online newspaper

Maria Plyusnina
correspondent for the Ekaterinburg online newspaper

“The Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry has established an appropriate charitable foundation. Officially, of course, they do not say that this was done to increase turnout. Well, this is such a holiday for the entire region. This lottery was invented to increase turnout in elections. This, it seems to me, is due to the fact that the gubernatorial campaign is not very competitive. And voters' interest in the elections is not very high. She will cover everything Largest cities: Nizhny Tagil, Kamensk-Uralsky, Pervouralsk, but it will not take place in Yekaterinburg. They say that in Yekaterinburg there is no goal to increase turnout, because it is unpredictable how the city will vote. Yekaterinburg traditionally has the largest number of election observers, and, accordingly, they may see this as a violation, which is disadvantageous for the authorities.”

There is no doubt that there is a violation of election legislation here. But it is not a fact that the Central Election Commission will be able to defend this point of view, says Arkady Lyubarev, a member of the working group of the Presidential Council on the electoral rights of citizens.

Arkady Lyubarev
member of the working group of the Presidential Council on citizens' voting rights

“Initially, this was done against hidden bribery, when people place a bet on a certain candidate and, accordingly, they are thereby incentivized to vote for this candidate. Therefore, when a lottery is done to increase turnout, it has become generally accepted that it is not prohibited by law, although the law interprets it more broadly. That is, no election-related lotteries should be held at all. Let’s see how the Central Election Commission reacts, since, indeed, this is a controversial issue.”

By strange coincidence, the locations of the festival lottery prize draws usually coincide with the addresses of polling stations. The portal reports that the gift fund, which Ural business decided to create to lift the spirits of fellow countrymen, will include at least ten apartments, 130 cars, tens of thousands of household appliances and hundreds of thousands of souvenirs.

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