Meditation on money and cash flow: recommendations for proper implementation. Meditation to attract money

If you don't have enough finances, money seems to be flowing out of your hands, and debts are growing, you should resort to meditation.

Also, think about it - maybe money energy Does a negative attitude prevent you from entering your life? Do you think that all rich people are bad, that money is evil? If so, then you are pushing them away with your own hands.

Understand that money is not evil, that with its help you can do a lot of good and bright things, do charity work. Love them. And start meditating.

Nowadays, you can find a lot of audio meditations for money on the Internet. Before listening to them, you need to properly prepare for meditation. Do the following:

  • Find a secluded area where no one will disturb you, turn off your phones and close the doors. You should feel protected in this place.
  • Create an appropriate atmosphere - turn off bright lights, light candles or table lamp, fill the room with pleasant, relaxing aromas using an aroma lamp or Indian incense.
  • Sit or lie down as comfortably as possible, relax your whole body, every muscle. Breathe deeply.
  • Get rid of unnecessary thoughts, imagine how they float by without touching your consciousness.
  • Feel a pleasant emptiness in your head.

Only after such preparation can you turn on the audio meditation and immerse yourself in it. In addition, you can find a lot of suitable music for meditation and relaxation on the Internet. It will help you tune in to the right mood and immerse yourself in the right state at any moment.

It’s good to combine meditation with visualization, imagining or looking at pictures of money or the bills themselves. But remember that, in addition to spiritual practices, you will also need active actions, but with the help of meditation you will direct the energy of money in the right direction.

In order to attract money into your life, you can regularly perform simple meditations combined with visualization. For example, you can imagine that you are sitting at an expensive table made of good wood, which is loaded with money. These include rubles, euros, dollars, and even gold coins.

Enjoy it, feel that this is your money, that now you can afford to live the way you always dreamed of. Feel confident and joyful.

Another way is to imagine that you are a millionaire and go to the bank to add another 100,000 rubles to your account. You enter a luxurious bank building with columns, you exude confidence and wealth, everyone smiles at you.

You deposit the amount into the account and look at the receipt on which it is written large sum, which you want to receive in real life. You feel good and happy that you have it, you feel confident and at peace.

You can also imagine how you receive the desired salary every month and hold it, physically feel it.

Another good way– meditate on a picture that evokes a feeling of abundance. Look at her for a long time, and then close your eyes and try to prolong and preserve the sensations. Feel very rich and confident.

Another option is to regularly imagine a cave in which gold, stones, money, and jewelry are stored. All this is yours, and all of this exudes the energy of money. You can always come and take what you need. The main thing is to experience positive emotions and a sense of stability and abundance.

How to attract money

This meditation will help you attract money and opportunities to receive it. Remember that you can only start it when you are in a good mood, when your mind is calm and you do not feel irritated.

Take the largest denomination of the currency in which you would like to receive money, it is better if it is the most popular currency in your country. If you don't have the highest denomination available, take what you have - it's not critical.

“Now get alone with her, find a place where no one will disturb you.” Relax in a comfortable position, look at the bill and close your eyes.

– Breathe deeply and imagine it in every detail, with watermarks, drawings, numbers and inscriptions. Now imagine that you already have two bills, imagine this as clearly as possible. Then there are more and more of them - three, four, ten, a hundred...

- Your wallet turns out to be full of it, all the hiding places are full of wads of money. Be calm, take it for granted, experience confidence and joy. Imagine what you will spend this money on, starting with little things, enjoy this feeling. Now open your eyes and try to maintain this calm confidence for as long as possible.

This way you will change your vibrations and attract money energy into your life. Soon you will find a way to earn this money or it will come in another way. If you have been in need of money for a long time, do this exercise regularly and start with small amounts, gradually increasing the amount of imaginary money.

Cash flow is energy that can be attracted into your life through energy practices. Initially, it was high-frequency, but due to the negativity associated with money in the minds of many, it became low-frequency, but this does not mean that money is something bad.

If you feel a lack of them, perhaps your energetic vibrations are not compatible with the vibrations of your cash flow, and this can be corrected. First, get rid of negative attitudes and understand that money is just energy, and turning it into good or evil is a person’s prerogative.

After that, start tuning into the money wave. There are several ways to do this.

When you receive money - no matter how big or small - always mentally say: “I am raising you to the level of my vibration.” This way you will attract the energy of money into your life. In addition, there is another reliable way tune into this energy and attract abundance and wealth into your space.

Find something that symbolizes prosperity for you - a banknote large denomination, a rich necklace or luxury item, and tune into its energetic waves. Imagine how your biofield opens, stretches and captures this object, enveloping it.

Feel that you have become one with this object, imagine that it is all surrounded by a golden glow. Now close your eyes and take a deep breath, imagining that this radiance enters you along with the air, but not through the nostrils, but through the center on the forehead, between the eyebrows.

Exhale, mentally move the radiance to the heart area, imagine how it becomes brighter, grows, glows golden. Breathe like this for some time until you feel waves of energy - they can manifest themselves as pleasant warmth, tingling, or, conversely, coldness.

Now you can finish your meditation. If you do it often and regularly, the energy of abundance will come into your life.

Meditation for attracting money and success – 1

In order to attract money and success into your life, you can do the following meditation. Take a bill in your hand, close your eyes and relax, sitting in a comfortable position with your back straight. Breathe deeply and imagine that all tension and negativity go away along with your exhalations, and you inhale cool, clean air.

Imagine that the sun is shining directly above you, that it is directing its rays at you and warming you. Imagine a golden ray entering your solar plexus and filling the area with light.

Hold this light within yourself for a while by placing a banknote to your solar plexus. Imagine that she, too, is filled with the energy of the sun, absorbing it from you.

Imagine the moment in which you spend this money, and in return a huge flow of energy of money and success is sent to you. Now come out of meditation and open your eyes. The faster you spend a charged bill, the better.

Meditation to attract money and success – 2 “Warm cash flow”

Fill the bathtub with warm water, add aroma oils, salt, foam, place candles around and turn on calm music that is suitable for meditation.

Slowly sink into warm water, relax, breathe in the pleasant aromas. Try to throw all worries and worries out of your head, let the thoughts leave your head, leaving only a ringing emptiness. Close your eyes, breathe deeply.

Imagine how liquid golden energy of money and success is pouring on you from above, how this flow fills you and washes you, how everything inside you is filled with golden light. Feel your feelings at the same time - you should feel calm and good. You will be imbued with a feeling of joy and pleasure, peace and confidence.

Put the big one together index fingers and say: “I thank the Lord and accept from him at this moment the most comfortable and ideal financial condition, staying in which, I will feel bliss and well-being throughout my life!”

Each of us has our own cash flow. This is the energy of money striving towards us. With this energy, we can learn to control it, increase the speed and improve the quality of the flow. This means that we have an influx of money into our lives. But there is also a condition, namely: we ourselves must be able to withstand it. In other words, if you want to manage your cash flow, prepare yourself for this. A powerful video meditation on money will be a good helper in this matter.

Video meditation cash flow

Strong meditation on the flow of money energy should be carried out regularly, because it is a universal guide to the world of money energy. Listening to calm, relaxing music and doing money meditation yourself - this is where cash flow management begins.

Take a comfortable position for money meditation, close your eyes and begin a slow descent into the world of meditation, into a place that you visualize for yourself, where you will be safe, where you will feel good. You can use money meditation videos. You are standing in a beautiful and calm place, in the middle of a wide plain, or high in the mountains, or on warm sea sand, and the waves rushing in touch your toes. You are calm and happy. Find this state within yourself and merge with it. Become one.

Meditation on money - video help for beginners

Now you should see how you, your whole body, are pierced by a stream of light. This energy pours out on you, fills your entire being, and you feel how this filling occurs, how the light envelops you in a stole - warm and cool at the same time, and you experience infinitely pleasant sensations.

In your meditation, the cash flow should have a color. You can make it whatever you want, because you create it yourself. Make the flow of energy white, like clouds, or silvery, shimmering. You can make it sky blue, or colors sea ​​water, or a shade of May green. But, know, the purer, fresher and more perfect the color, the purer your energy. And now you are no longer just standing in the rays of light, you are bathing in this amazingly pure, vibrating flow. But, this is not the end of the money meditation video - continue.

Modern meditation on money - listening and seeing money rain

Allow the energy to flow through your entire body, warming it and, at the same time, giving it a feeling of slight coolness. Now take a closer look - the flow is not uniform. Do you see golden or silver threads? Threads sparkling like streams of rain in the sunlight? This is what you are looking for, why you are doing money meditations - threads of cash flow.

Touch them, pass them through your fingers, wrap them around your hands. Now a heap of money falls on you. Real money. Banknotes and coins, silver and gold, old and new, rubles, dollars, euros. Clear your cash flow and increase it. Money rustles, rings, you feel the sliding touches of banknotes and the blows of coins on your shoulders. Money pours into your hands, you are swimming in money. Record and learn at any moment when you want to enter it - into a state of possession, into a state of joy and peace.

Money has one terrible feature: it runs out. No matter what we predict, there are always not enough of them. The cause of financial difficulties is closed money channels, which can be opened through meditative practices.

Meditation is great and effective method increase in material resources. There is no harm in this practice. It helps to increase money luck, prosperity and abundance.

How to meditate correctly

In order for meditation on money to bring quick and effective results, you should take into account the principles of its implementation:
Comfortable. First of all, you need to take a comfortable position. You should sit comfortably in a lying or sitting position, throwing your head back.
Relaxation. It is important that all muscles are in a relaxed position. This especially applies to the facial muscles.
Peace of mind. It is worth getting rid of obsessive thoughts that prevent you from fully concentrating, creating interference during meditation. You can turn on soothing music or mantras that promote introspection, as well as dim lighting.
If you can’t completely relax and immerse yourself in your thoughts, you can imagine that you are at the ocean shore, listening to the sound of the waves. The environment plays an important role when meditating to attract money luck. During spiritual practice, you need to feel peace and relaxation both internally and physically, without allowing unnecessary thoughts to disturb your harmonious state.

Money Rain

This meditation is suitable for those who have a developed imagination. In a state of rest, closing your eyes, you need to imagine a rain of money or a hurricane. These thoughts should completely absorb you, penetrate deep into your body, mind and soul. You can imagine that the wind is blowing straight towards you large bills money. It is necessary that, imagining this, you receive pleasure and joy, and experience a feeling of satiety. The practice lasts about 10 minutes.

The door to the world of wealth

Meditation, which is called the door to the world of wealth and abundance, is very effective, especially for those who want it financial position has stabilized. It consists of imagining a door. But this door is not simple: behind it lies the world of your dreams, a world full of luxury and wealth.
First, you should imagine what the door looks like: its color, shape and, of course, its location. Then you need to imagine what lies behind this door - it should be what you want and dream about most. There might be behind her sunny summer which lasts all year round, luxury cars, beautiful streets and expensive shops, you yourself are rich and representative. Visualize everything down to the smallest detail - this is a very important procedure. This should be a place that has everything you want.

Next, you need to imagine that with each step you are getting closer to this door. Walk slowly, easily and naturally. When you approach it, the door should open wide in front of you. Enter there, to the place where there is an abundance of money and expensive things. Look around carefully, swim in the money and take with you everything you can carry. Take everything you like, fulfill your desire, which you have dreamed of all your life.
Take your time: you are not stealing anything from anyone. All the blessings of the world belong to you, enjoy it. When leaving, do not close the door. This meditation is practiced for 20 minutes.

Money magnet

The practice of "magnet" is very common among meditations to attract monetary luck. All you need to do is imagine that you are a magnet, a “bait” for money. You attract money to you: large bills, coins and even gold. This technique can be combined with the Golden Stream ritual. Everything you desire should be attracted to you with incredible force. And you should feel unlimited power, strength and power.

Practice times

Meditation - effective method increase in income. You can do this practice several times a day, regardless of time. But it is important to know that there is a certain time that will increase the effectiveness of meditation. Meditation is most effective during the waxing moon, as well as in the morning. As soon as you wake up, take your time to get out of bed. Spend some more time in bed. Don’t think about the bad, about difficulties and upcoming things. You should imagine that you are an independent person, not burdened by vanity, and indulge in meditation.
Imagine only the good things that bring you happiness. Next, choose one of the meditations that you liked most and act. Spiritual practice after waking up should become a habit and become an integral part of the day. Then the result will not be long in coming, and soon you will notice that your financial situation begins to improve.
Meditation to attract money luck is effective. The most important thing is to believe in its effectiveness and practice regularly. By following these simple rules, you will be able to remove energy blocks and improve your financial situation.


5 meditations to attract money into your life

Friends, listen meditations on money, and our advice and you will learn attract money into your life faster than you spend them. Meditation on money activates energy cash flow in your body. Use these meditations on money every day and fill yourself up energy of money.

3 Audio meditations

for money

Friends, below are three audio meditation to attract money into your life. They are different, but each of them gives a strong energy charge to attract money g into your life.. You can listen to that audio recording which one you like best or a different one every day.

Meditations for money It’s best to listen in the morning or before bed, lying down or sitting, as you feel comfortable. It is important not to cross body parts. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Energy should flow freely through your body.

Make yourself comfortable, turn on the recording meditation on money,

Listen and relax.

To listen to the recording, click on the white note.

Wait a few seconds while it downloads.

7.mp3 Meditation on attracting money


Meditation to attract money into your life.

Cash flow activation.


Meditation on money

Robert Stone.

Friends, I continue to introduce you to the authors of books that can change our lives. This article about meditation for attracting additional money was written based on Robert Stone’s book “Heavenly 911. How to turn to the right hemisphere of the brain for help.”

José Silva's mind control method will help you successfully meditate on money. Among the followers of the Silva Method are Richard Bach, Shaksi Gawain, and managers of major corporations. They all use money meditation in their practice.

This method expresses itself in a very simple and exciting form - like regular trips to the Magic City, symbolizing right hemisphere your brain.

Money is a symbol of prosperity. Perhaps, after love, the most important thing people care about is the inflow and outflow of money in life.

The imagination of the poor man constantly pictures his poverty, the difficulties of tomorrow. Since imagination is a creative process, the dreams of a poor person, caused by constant worry about money, reinforce his poverty.

At the same time, the imagination of a rich man paints completely different pictures for him. He loves his money, thinks about how and where best to invest the money so that it brings new income.

Thus, through the nature of his creative imagination, a rich man strengthens and increases his wealth.

The energy of consciousness is real energy. It is often called psychotronic. When your imagination is active in a state of relaxation, psychotronic energy is focused on the subject of your mental images. This is the creative energy of creation.

Thus, you create in reality what your imagination draws. Get rid of negative energy fear, anxiety, envy - they block the flow of constructive energy of a successful life into your life. Learn to relax and relieve stress with meditation.

And you will be able to achieve unprecedented heights in life. All your wishes will begin to come true by themselves.

Before you start meditating on money, get rid of any thoughts about money problems. Mentally prepare yourself for the fact that the solution to your financial problems will definitely come to you.

Subscribe and get a free audio recording

very strong practical meditation


or it is also called the MONEY MULTIPLICATION TECHNIQUE in the form above.

Meditation on money from Robert Stone.

Main stages

guided imagination meditation session

"Money Reproduction"

- Instructions for entering a state of relaxation:

  1. Sit comfortably;
  2. Quietly close your eyes;
  3. Take a few deep breaths;
  4. Release tension from your body by gradually relaxing from head to toe. Count down from 20 to 1; Relax each muscle in turn from your head to your toes.
  5. Feel the heaviness in your body as you perform the technique;
  6. Imagine images that make you feel relaxed;
  7. You are relaxed, sway on the waves of your breath. Alpha level.
  8. Mentally focus on the problem of money;
  9. Mentally reaffirm your belief that you will get tangible results from what you are doing now.
  10. .Imagine a beautiful door, gate or portal.
  11. Know that this door separates ours physical world from its source - the Higher Powers..

The more gilding, carvings and ornaments made of precious stones

You are able to see on this door, so much the better.

12. Feel the love for this door and the world that opens.

For her. The greater your desire to enter into it and the authentically yours

The feeling of love you experience is all the more guaranteed


13. Light this one up beautiful door bright white light. Watch this

Bright light, and using an imaginary rheostat, increase even more

Its brightness.

14. Walk to the door with full confidence that it will swing open when you

Get closer. This is what happens.

If the door remains closed, it means you feel unworthy. We'll have to start all over again. This time, after relaxation, forgive yourself sincerely.

15.Imagine how a fairyland with

Towers, temples and palaces.

Keep the image of this Magic City in your memory, make it your background. This is the city of your opportunities. a city where your dreams come true.

Action plan for getting extra money.

  1. Do relaxation.
  2. Set up your imagination.
  3. Mentally open the door and enter it.
  4. State clearly that you need more money.
  5. Ask for help.
  6. Place a $1 bill or higher on your lap that you stocked up on in preparation for your session.
  7. Remain with your eyes closed. Visualize a ball of light about thirty centimeters above your head. Mentally increase the brightness of the light. Imagine how this ball slowly sinks into your head, gradually descending along the body until it reaches the level of the solar plexus (above the navel). Now shine a beam of light coming from your navel onto a banknote. Watch as the money begins to glow, charging with energy. Extinguish the beam. Imagine how the money goes away and disappears from sight. Wait a moment. Now watch the flow of money return. See how the space around you is filled with countless banknotes. Slowly lift the glowing ball up along your body, returning it to the starting point above your head. Dim the ball's light. Imagine walking back out the door and returning to your chair. Leave the door open. Slowly count from 1 to 5. Open your eyes. Spend the bill or change it within 24 hours.
  8. Complete the money meditation with a smile and full confidence that the money will come to you.

Elena Kropacheva is your transformation coach.

I invite you to individual sessions via Skype

Write to me by e-mail [email protected]

With the help of meditation, you will open the money channels responsible for attracting financial flow. This is directly related to monetary luck, thanks to which you will finally forget about material difficulties.

Nowadays, there is no person who would be satisfied with his financial situation. People always want to get more money and not deny themselves anything. Some want a new car, others want to open their own business, others dream of traveling. But money has one terrible feature: it runs out. No matter what we predict, there are always not enough of them. The cause of financial difficulties is closed money channels, which can be opened through meditative practices.

Meditation is an excellent and effective method of increasing material resources. There is no harm in this practice. It helps increase monetary luck, prosperity and abundance.

How to meditate correctly

Money Rain

This meditation is suitable for those who have a developed imagination. In a state of rest, closing your eyes, you need to imagine a rain of money or a hurricane. These thoughts should completely absorb you, penetrate deep into your body, mind and soul. You can imagine that the wind is carrying large bills of money straight towards you. It is necessary that, imagining this, you receive pleasure and joy, and experience a feeling of satiety. The practice lasts about 10 minutes.

The door to the world of wealth

Meditation, which is called the door to the world of wealth and abundance, is very effective, especially for those who want their financial situation to stabilize. It consists of imagining a door. But this door is not simple: behind it lies the world of your dreams, a world full of luxury and wealth.

First, you should imagine what the door looks like: its color, shape and, of course, its location. Then you need to imagine what lies behind this door - it should be what you want and dream about most. Behind it may be a sunny summer that lasts all year round, luxury cars, beautiful streets and expensive shops, you yourself are rich and representative. Visualize everything down to the smallest detail - this is a very important procedure. This should be a place that has everything you want.

Next, you need to imagine that with each step you are getting closer to this door. Walk slowly, easily and naturally. When you approach it, the door should open wide in front of you. Enter there, to the place where there is an abundance of money and expensive things. Look around carefully, swim in the money and take with you everything you can carry. Take everything you like, fulfill your desire, which you have dreamed of all your life.

Take your time: you are not stealing anything from anyone. All the blessings of the world belong to you, enjoy it. When leaving, do not close the door. This meditation is practiced for 20 minutes.

Money magnet

The practice of "magnet" is very common among meditations to attract monetary luck. All you need to do is imagine that you are a magnet, a “bait” for money. You attract money to you: large bills, coins and even gold. This technique can be combined

An old proverb says: “Sometimes money ends, and sometimes money ends.” If this unpleasant stage has arrived in your life, and finances catastrophically stop flowing, despite great efforts, it’s time to remember the science of the ancients. Meditation for attracting money is the best the best remedy rectify the situation.

Energy Messengers

Hindus have always maintained that meditation allows you to merge with the Spirit of the Universe. Therefore, they sublimated all their needs into a mantra, sending it into space. A powerful clot of energy should sooner or later return to your life in the form of a solution to pressing problems. Remember that the most strong mantra, as well as meditation on attracting money will definitely bring you what you want only if you read it constantly. Do not practice reading several mantras at once. Persistently and confidently read one chosen until you receive what you ask for.

Will allow you to attract luck and wealth into your life. It is quite short and easy to remember. It should be read 108 times for those who want to achieve financial prosperity and promotion. It sounds like this:


If you want to achieve financial well-being and fulfillment of your desires, read:


Money tree, cherish and grow

If a mantra requires renunciation and liberation of the mind, meditation, on the contrary, forces you to mentally create the desired situation for yourself.

Money tree meditation is very powerful. Her philosophical meaning is that you visualize the growth of your financial prosperity in the form of a tree, the crown and leaves of which consist of money. By imagining its strength, growth and power, you attract these qualities into your life through practice. When meditating on attracting money, you should feel the aura that the tree emits, feel the banknotes growing on it at a tactile level. It is important to penetrate color perception. The greenery of branches and bills should enter every cell of your body. You will feel the aroma of juicy color until you feel dizzy.

The essence of money tree meditation is to bring prosperity into the mind, body, and soul. You must receive and consolidate this energy of luck, wealth and strength within yourself. Merge with him into a single whole. When meditating, try to immerse yourself in its energetic power for a longer time. With each practice, your tree should become larger, higher, more voluminous and more powerful. By practicing money tree meditation daily, you will be able to ensure that all the characteristics that you cultivate on it will pass into your essence.

Money, whirlwind, rain

Money Whirlwind and Rain Meditation is designed to ensure that luck and wealth do not leave your life. Concentrate and imagine that it is starting to rain. First, rare drops of water fall from the cloud, and then they turn into banknotes. There are more and more of them. They gently fall on you, you put your palms up, touch them and feel the pleasant roughness. Then, a gust of wind creates a money whirlwind that captures you too. You float with the banknotes, enjoying their smell and rustling. Then the wind subsides, you gently and smoothly fall to the ground, but everything banknotes stay near you. Feel the sensation of pleasure, flight and enjoyment of ownership big amount money. During meditation, mentally repeat: “Money comes to me and does not decrease. I am rich and happy."

Open door and valley of fortune

Meditation on money opened door is also a very strong practice for attracting funds. Imagine what's in front of you closed door. She is very beautiful, emitting a bright light. She exudes warmth. The door pulls you towards it, urging you to open it. But when you approach it, it suddenly opens itself. You see an amazing valley of luck, filled with light, rich colors, money and jewelry. What you see evokes uncontrollable positive emotions in your soul. You take the bills in your hands, dial them and try on the jewelry. When you leave, you take with you whatever you want. But when you go out the doors, they don't close. This means that a financial flow has come into your life and is no longer going to leave your home.

In order for the reading of mantras and meditation to be more powerful, do them in solitude, at a calm, measured pace. The mind must be freed from extraneous, unrelated thoughts. To do this, prepare your consciousness by contemplating fire, water or concentrating on some object that has a calming effect on you.

How often do we lack determination to reach our goals? How often do we retreat due to certain circumstances, give in to difficulties, or simply agree to the conditions or requests of others, and begin to act to the detriment of our interests. As a result, we lose time and energy, but we do not get one step closer, or even move away from it, we do not realize ourselves in the profession or in any other aspects of life. Independent meditation on the goal will help you achieve the desired result. If you need material security and stability to feel happy and independent, practice beautiful meditations to attract wealth.

Online meditation on the goal - practical benefits of classes

To decide what you really need, where you want to go, and what you ultimately want to achieve, practice self-guided online goal meditation. Will it be the main objective life, or some small, achievable goal, it is important that it is yours, and that you go towards it without sacrificing anything of your own for the sake of your interests. Sometimes sacrifices are necessary, but there are often situations when they are only harmful.

Free Wealth Meditation – Get Into the Money Whirlwind

There is an interesting money meditation, or modern meditation for attracting wealth, which involves activating the imagination, awakening the practitioner’s abilities to visualize. Take a comfortable, relaxed position and close your eyes. Imagine a whole cash flow, a whole heap of bills. Multi-colored money rain, shower, whirlwind. Banknotes shower you, get under your clothes, fall out of your collar, you are in the center of a money whirlwind. And you know that all this money is yours, belongs to you, was, is and will be in your life, and will not go anywhere. A powerful wealth meditation will help you maintain your money energy and expand your cash flow.

Flow of abundance - an effective meditation for attracting wealth

It is not at all necessary that meditation for money be based on the imagination of real objects related to the material component of life and the world of money. It is not at all necessary, when performing an independent wealth meditation, to visualize stacks of banknotes, expensive cars and mansions. Imagine infinite space - the universe, the great universe. From there, from the center of the universe, a golden ray falls on you. Absorb the energy of abundance, the powerful energy of the colors of gold and turquoise, silver and purple.

Feel the pleasant warmth and pleasure of ownership in your body. Hold this state within yourself for as long as you can. You can repeat free meditations on attracting wealth to yourself often, even daily; there are no restrictions in this matter. And changes in your life will certainly come, and they will come very soon, you will even be surprised by this, you can buy a working amulet to attract good luck and success.

Listen to the video meditation on gaining wealth

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that the Universe is abundant. Then you will agree that there are enough benefits for everyone. You just need to know how to take as much as you need. And this method is meditation to attract money and good luck.

Most of us have been in a financial situation where money was melting away before our eyes, along with the opportunity to earn it, and the need for it was increasing. Sometimes it seemed that this was a temporary situation, and we just needed to find another one for ourselves. extra work

or change the old one. But, believe me, trying to solve the problem of attracting money and luck in this way can only work if life really requires you to change your job or cope with your laziness.

If you start working more, but cannot get out of the financial hole, further work will only drain the last of your strength and will not bring the desired result. As a result, you will exhaust yourself physically and psychologically. Life won't bring you joy negative feelings will take over you completely.

You need to know a magical way to attract money to yourself. He exists. Believe in it and use it while you have the strength, and you can still build your life according to your own scenario. This method is meditation for getting money, happiness and good luck.

Those who have not used meditation in their life do not need to be afraid that it is difficult and they will not succeed. To get money, happiness and good luck, it is recommended to use mental meditation. It is simpler than traditional and contains states familiar from life.

We remove our own prohibitions on attracting money and good luck

You need to know that attracting good luck is primarily hampered by beliefs, which sometimes we do not notice, because they have entered our lives so strongly that they have become a part of us. They need to be removed. Negative beliefs can be something like this:

  • There is not enough good for everyone. This is a purely material approach, because the Universe is abundant, and money is a manifestation of a certain type of spiritual energy in matter. Your monetary abundance depends on how you can fill yourself with this energy. And rest assured, the Universe will definitely have enough money, happiness and good luck for you.
  • The money goes only hard work. This is an outdated position that was used where it was necessary to manage a person. The Universe welcomes spiritual work and thanks you for it, including material well-being.
  • Big money comes from dishonest labor. Remember that there is also a lot of money where there is an abundance of mental well-being.

Find in yourself those beliefs that prevent you from attracting money, joy and luck into your life, and understand that they are false. These are the barriers that will force you to give your all to overcome them. They can be easily removed during meditation.

Mental meditation “money luck”

Features of guaranteed results

  1. Meditation for attraction should begin with an understanding of the main money problem. You need to imagine it already resolved, that is, clearly imagine what you want to have and feel it. You should not say or imagine how this problem will be solved. The Universe will help solve it in the least expensive way for it, about which a common person does not know.
  2. If you talk or imagine exactly how money will flow to you, this can prevent the Universe from quickly removing your problems, because in this way you ask it certain actions that may take more effort and time.
  3. After starting the practice of meditation to receive money, joy and good luck, take a close look at how the circumstances around you begin to develop. Great abundance doesn't just fall from the sky. This also requires certain actions from you, and life will tell you what to do.
  4. Most important point– belief in obtaining results. Don't let doubt ruin your magical state of well-being and abundance for a second. Believe - it is prepared for you, you just need to find the key and take it. And the key is your faith, without a doubt.
  5. Be happy about your achievements. Develop a sense of confidence that you are worthy financial well-being. Learn to receive gifts from life. The principle of attraction of like will work here.

Several options for meditation with visualization

Money rain.

Having calmed your mind, imagine that large, heavy clouds have gathered in the sky above your head. Thunder struck, and banknotes of the denomination that evokes the feeling fell from above. material well-being. They fall on you, and everything around you is filled with the desired rustling papers. You feel that this is enough to solve your money problems. The rain stops, the sun shines and a rainbow appears in the sky.

Magnetic wallet.

Imagine your wallet filled with banknotes. You go to the store, spend money as much as you want, but your wallet is magnetic, and money is attracted to it from all sides from thin air, from nowhere. It fills up again, and you can again afford to buy whatever you want.

Money leaf fall.

You are sitting in a gazebo in your garden, looking at the yellowed leaves of the trees. This color is not easy, it is the color of gold and abundance. The wind blows, leaves fall on your knees, on your hands, on your shoulders, turning into banknotes. You take them in your hands, feel the peace and fulfillment that they bring into your life. You put them in packs on the table.

Every person is the creator of his own prosperous life

You can create this image yourself in your imagination, which gives you a feeling of material well-being, a feeling in which there are no money problems. Remember at what moment it comes to you and evoke it in yourself. Perhaps the sight of some rich people and their wealth helps create a sense of financial independence in you. These could be places. For example, a bank building or a rich architectural structure.

Attracting money and good luck to yourself is a creative work; it is associated with filling yourself with positive emotions. At such a moment, human energy is purified at the karmic level.
Meditation to attract money and good luck does not require material costs, it is free. You have nothing to lose if you do it. After each meditation on attracting, thank money for coming into your life, respect the power that filled you and opened the door for cash flow into your life.

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