On herbs in capsules for the kidneys. Herbal preparations in the fight against kidney diseases

Diseases of the genitourinary system cause discomfort and disrupt a person’s normal life. Kidney pills are used to relieve symptoms of diseases and get rid of the cause of their occurrence. Depending on the nature of the disease, groups of drugs are distinguished. For complete recovery it is necessary complex treatment. Before using the drug, the patient must fully study the instructions for it.

Antispasmodics for the kidneys

All kidney diseases are accompanied by pain, which causes discomfort to the patient. To relieve spasms of the muscles and blood vessels of the kidneys, drugs with an antispasmodic effect are used. At home, it is recommended to use products based on drotaverine. These include “No-shpa”, “Papaverine” and “Platifillin”. The listed medications have a gentle effect on the muscles of the organ and relieve spasm. However, they are not effective for colic or severe painful spasms. In this case, combined agents such as “Spazmalgon”, “Baralgin” and “Spazmonet” are useful. Before taking medication, you should consult your doctor.

Analgesics for kidney diseases

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can not only relieve pain, but also influence inflammatory processes.

Kidney tablets with an analgesic effect are divided into 2 groups: antipyretics and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Medicines of both groups are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Antipyretics include the simplest painkillers, the main active ingredients of which are analgin or paracetamol. These include Analgin, Tempalgin, Nurofen and Panadol. In addition to pain relief, they also affect body temperature, gradually normalizing it. The second group of drugs consists of drugs with the property of reducing the inflammatory process. These include Citramon, Aspirin and Diclofenac. If the patient suffers from unbearable pain and the listed medications do not help, the doctor can use narcotic analgesics: Morphine, Promedol.

Antiseptics and antibacterial drugs

If the cause of kidney disease is an infection, the doctor prescribes antiseptics to the patient. Their action covers the fight against harmful microorganisms, bacteria and fungi. For a quick recovery, antiseptics should be combined with drugs from other groups. Widely used antiseptic drugs include potassium salt, Pyranoside, Rifampicin and Levorin.

Improper use of antibacterial agents can only aggravate the situation in which the disease becomes chronic.

Antibacterial agents for kidney diseases have a semi-synthetic composition. Each drug has its own characteristics of action on the body and restrictions on use. Therefore, self-medication is unacceptable. Only the attending physician can prescribe correct and effective therapy. The average course duration is 12−14 days. Disappearance of symptoms is possible after 5-6 days of use. However, premature completion of the course is fraught with the disease becoming chronic. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Amoxicillin, Nalidix and Cefaclor.

Diuretic medicines for kidney treatment

One of the consequences of kidney disease is disruption of their functioning. As a result, excess fluid and harmful salts accumulate in tissues and organs. To normalize function, diuretics are used. Doctors distinguish several groups of diuretics:

  • Thiazide drugs are characterized by rapid action. The result occurs 1-2 hours after administration and lasts up to 14 hours. Their advantage is almost zero yield useful substances along with urine. The popularity of this group for kidney diseases is explained by its ease of use, but they have a number of contraindications. Thiazide drugs include Hypothiazide and Hydrochlorothiazide.
  • Loops are used in hospital settings, when excess fluid needs to be quickly removed from the patient’s body. The result comes after 15-20 minutes. The use of loop diuretics at home can provoke an imbalance of substances. Drug names: Ethacrynic acid, Furosemide and Bufenox.
  • Potassium-sparing people drink at the initial stage of illness. Their results come as the active substance accumulates in the body. The first effect is visible 1-2 days after the start of administration. The advantage is the preservation of potassium and magnesium levels in the body. The names of the group’s products are: “Aldactone”, “Veroshpiron” and “Spironolactone”.
  • Osmotic drugs are prescribed in case of exacerbation of diseases. After normalization of the condition, their use is canceled. The most popular remedy is Mannitol.

Drugs that dissolve stones

Most often, doctors prescribe herbal medicines as part of complex therapy.

Kidney medications for urolithiasis perform the functions of crushing and removing stones and sand from the organs. For this purpose, you can take medications of synthetic origin or herbal remedies. Doctors often combine these groups to achieve quick results. The list of drugs is quite large, so for the correct selection you should consult a doctor. The best synthetic drugs: Panangin, Blemaren and Allopurinol. A good tendency for stones to pass is observed if the German drug Rovatinex is used. A good effect is obtained from such products as “Urolesan”, “” and “Canephron”.

Herbal medicines for the kidneys

Herbal medicines for the treatment of kidneys are widely used in medicine. Their advantage is the absence of adverse reactions of the body. Herbal preparations are allowed for children and pregnant women. There is only one contraindication - individual intolerance to the ingredients of the composition. For a quick recovery, the medicine should be selected by a doctor based on test results and the course of the disease. Medicines that have a herbal composition:

  • "Nephroleptin" is a dietary supplement. Helps improve kidney function. It has a complex of actions, but at the same time has some contraindications.
  • "" - drops from a set of medicinal herbs that supply the body with vitamins and microelements. Used to cleanse the kidneys, treat and prevent liver diseases.
  • "Canephron N" - German tablets for the treatment of kidneys and urinary tract. Thanks to the composition, long-term use is allowed. It has 2 release forms: drops and tablets.
  • "Cyston" is prescribed for almost all kidney diseases. Contains herbal components.

Is Chinese medicine effective?

Chinese medicine is based on the theory that every human organ is given energy at birth. Moreover, it should remain unchanged for as long as possible. To do this, you need to feed your organs with the energy of the outside world. As soon as the energy given at birth begins to be wasted, illnesses begin. The Chinese consider the kidneys to be one of the main organs. If all their energy is wasted, the person dies. To maintain the organ, you should perform a special set of exercises:

Daily exercise not only has a positive effect on the kidneys, but also strengthens the body as a whole.
  • Stand straight, legs in line with your shoulders, feet parallel to each other. Your back should be kept straight. While inhaling, smoothly raise your arms, palms down, to shoulder level. As you exhale, smoothly tilt your body to the right, while your arms should maintain their original position. Go down until right hand will not touch the floor. Direct your gaze to the raised left hand. Relax. Inhale and slowly return to the starting position. Do the same in the other direction.
  • Stand straight, tense your legs and buttocks as much as possible. Inhale slowly and hold your breath. Count to 10. At the same time, place your hands on the kidneys (on the back below the ribs) and press on each kidney in turn. At the same time, try to bend your back as deeply as possible.
  • The starting position is similar to the second exercise. The difference is that pressure is replaced with light spanking. It is recommended to wet your hands cold water. This technique is needed to improve blood circulation.

Suppositories for kidney diseases

Application antibacterial drugs in the form of suppositories, they are often used for exacerbations of inflammatory processes.

Medications for the genitourinary system in the form of suppositories are often used for men and women. The product "Palin" is widely used. It has an antibacterial effect. Visible results occur 1-2 hours after administration. The preventive effect of the drug extends to patients prone to relapses. For vaginal infectious diseases in women, “Palin” is prescribed in combination with other drugs. “Phytosuppositories No. 5” are used for kidney diseases in acute and chronic forms. The drug contains natural ingredients that, when combined, help cleanse the genitourinary system. They also help restore kidney function after illness. Recommended dosage: 1-2 suppositories per day. The duration of the course is 10 days. After this, you should take 10 days of rest and repeat taking the drug. The number of courses is determined by the doctor. Antispasmodics will reduce the pain from an attack of renal colic.

Colic is not a separate disease. In most cases, it becomes a consequence of urolithiasis. The main symptom of colic is pain that comes on suddenly and makes it impossible for a person to move. Pregnant women experience increased uterine tone, and people with a low pain threshold experience nausea. Drug treatment includes taking antispasmodics. The main ones, also allowed during pregnancy, are “Baralgin”, “No-shpa” and “Papaverine”. The best option reduce colic in the absence of medication - a heating pad filled with warm water. If your kidneys hurt, then it will have a good effect warm shower, able to calm and relax.

In the 36.6 pharmacy network you can purchase medications to eliminate health problems. On our resource you can familiarize yourself with a large number medicinal herbs, which have a beneficial effect on a person and help decide a large number of problems. They are suitable for all groups of the population and have an affordable price.

What you need to know about the work of our resource:

  • users can take advantage of special offers that are always posted on the main page of the site;
  • A convenient opportunity is to order medicinal herbs online. And pick it up, paying on the spot, at the pharmacy most convenient for you;
  • medicinal herbs that are sold in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in surrounding areas, have passed the necessary certification procedure confirming the effectiveness and high quality of the product;
  • Payment for the required product is made personally by the buyer at the pharmacy you selected on the card.

Indications for use

Medicinal herbs purchased at a pharmacy have proven effectiveness in improving health. With their help you can get things done nervous system, stomach and other vital organs.

Tinctures have a beneficial effect when:

  • insomnia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • eye fatigue;
  • decreased immunity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • sexual activity disorders.

Altai herbs are a classic medicine that will help cope with health problems.


Depending on the characteristics of the body, some herbal extracts are not recommended for use, as they can cause allergies and poor health.

  • some plants are not recommended to be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • there are some solutions that are not recommended to be combined with other medications;
  • individual intolerance to individual herbs and their components.

Release forms

Release forms directly depend on the dosage of the active component of medicinal herbs. Prescribed at the discretion of the doctor or in moderate dosage.

What forms are in our catalog:

  • powder;
  • pills;
  • extract or plant material;
  • filter package.

Herbal infusions are available without a doctor's prescription, so you can choose the most convenient format for yourself.

Manufacturing countries

Medicinal herbal collections are widespread throughout the world, as they have a positive effect on the general condition of the body. They practically do not differ in composition; it is recommended to purchase based on personal preferences.

Which manufacturing countries are in our catalog:

  • Russia;
  • Ukraine;
  • Croatia;
  • China and others.

We are confident that you will find the right medicinal herbs for you!



  1. [i] WHO monographs on medicinal plants - 2018. - Access at: http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/documents/s17534ru/s17534ru.pdf

Dashamool vati, Dashamool in tablets.

Dasamula is a legendary, highly effective Ayurvedic composition of ten plant roots. Due to its high effectiveness, this composition is used in many Ayurvedic medicines (both for external and internal use).

Dasamula is a classic Ayurvedic composition of ten roots. Each plant has its own specific healing properties, which effectively help fight many problems: general malaise, liver and kidney diseases, rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, colds, fever. Dasamula is used as a cleansing and rejuvenating agent for the body. It has a particularly beneficial effect on the lungs and bronchi, liver, adrenal glands and kidneys, genitourinary system, and strengthens the immune system. Dasamula normalizes all three human doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha).

It is no coincidence that 10 plant roots specially selected in the recipe are combined into one Ayurvedic preparation. Each root is aimed at normalizing the function of a specific endocrine organ. Together, these ten roots, thanks to their rich content of sitosterols and glucosides, normalize the condition of the entire neuroendocrine system. In this regard, the composition of Dasamul is effective for the treatment of all hormonal disorders.

As a result of numerous studies, it was found that the composition of Dasamul stimulates the production of somatotropin by the pituitary gland, which revitalizes the functioning of the thymus within a few months, and within 3 to 5 years completely restores its function (even with atrophy of the thymus gland). It is important that the synthesis of somatotropic hormone of the pituitary gland has a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Dasamula- an excellent tool for deep cleansing the body and removing waste and toxins from it. In addition to cleansing the body, Dasamula is a general strengthening and tonic. These properties of the classic composition are used for Ayurvedic steam procedures. Steam herbal baths with Dasamula composition together with powder massage (Udvartana) - effective remedy For fast weight loss and getting rid of cellulite. And herbal steam baths with Dasamula after oiling with medicinal oils in the Abhyanga procedure are a reliable remedy for getting rid of diseases of bones and joints.

Dashamula is indicated for diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, of cardio-vascular system, for allergies of various origins, huge positive influence affects the respiratory system. The beneficial effect of Dashamula is also noted on the digestive system, especially on the normalization of the large intestine. An indispensable means for removing toxins after taking antibiotics, for various intoxications.

Dasamula, like Triphala, balances all three Doshas and can be used as a cleansing and rejuvenating agent for the body. It has a particularly beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys, cleansing and toning the genitourinary system and the blood purification system. Can be used as a rehabilitation product after childbirth. Helps relieve the effects of alcoholism.

These 10 roots, thanks to the rich content of sitosterols and glycosides, normalize the state of the neuroendocrine system, regulating the function of the most important hormonal organs: the thyroid, pancreas and thymus glands, adrenal glands, and reproductive system. Therefore, Dasamula is used in Ayurveda to treat hormonal diseases.

To normalize the function of hormonal organs, Dasamulu is good to combine with Ashwagandha (1 teaspoon of powder twice a day before meals, preferably with warm water or herbal tea).

Contraindications for use Dasamula does not exist. However, for correct application and achieve a therapeutic effect, we recommend consulting a Vaidya, a specialist in Ayurvedic medicine.

Characteristics of the main herbs that make up Dasamula:

  • Bilva (Aegle marmelos)
  • Due to the content of the specific glycoside marmelosin, it has an anti-arrhythmic and tonic effect. The rich amount of azulenes in the plant causes anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.
  • Agnimantha (Premna integrefolia)

Stimulates the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. A specific rubber alkaloid has a tonic effect. The presence of salicylates in this plant allows it to be used in the treatment of rheumatism and polyarthritis. In addition, substances were found in it that stop the reproduction of gonococci.

  • Shionaki (Oroxilum indicum)
  • Rich in glycoside oroxylon, which has an analgesic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The plant is used to treat gastroenterocolitis, rheumatism and colds.
  • Kasmarya (Gmelina arborea)
  • Has a laxative, diuretic, lactogenic effect. Used to treat gonorrhea and chronic cystitis. Eliminates intoxication from snake and scorpion bites.
  • Patala (Stereospermum suaveoleus)
  • Eliminates indigestion, reduces swelling and cough.
  • Shaliparni (Desmodium gangeticum)

It has a pronounced antipyretic and diaphoretic effect. The plant is rich in the alkaloid rubber, and therefore has a tonic effect.

  • Prishniparna (Uraria picta)

Thanks to the rich content of terpenoids and tannins, it eliminates bleeding and strengthens the vascular endothelium. Expectorant and antipyretic effects are also noted.

  • Vrihati (solanum indicum)

It has a mucolytic, expectorant, antiallergic effect. Particularly effective for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Eliminates flatulence and intestinal colic. An antitumor effect was also revealed. Contains the alkaloid solanidine, mucoplisaccharides and pectins.

  • Kantakari (Solanum jaquini)

Stimulates the synthesis of corticosteroids and sex hormones, thanks to the rich content of carpesterol. Glucoalkaloids solancarpine and solacarpidine eliminate congestive cough, vasomotor rhinitis, and urticaria. This plant also has a moderate laxative and diuretic effect.

  • Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris)

It is the most famous plant from the group of dashamula roots. It is very rich in silicic acid salts, the presence of which prevents the formation of kidney stones. Substances that have a selective anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect on the genitourinary area have been found in gokshura. Normalizes semen synthesis and its viscosity. Increases potency. Prevents the development of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma.


For external use:

Mix 20 gr. Dasamuls with 3 liters of water. Boil to 2 liters. Add the resulting decoction to water while taking a bath or use it to pour over the body.

For use in a steam bath, phyto-barrel: place 5g (5 tablets) of Dasamul in a special steam bath container; if these are tablets, grind them.

For internal use: 2 tablets before meals, 10-15 minutes, 2 times a day. To enhance the effect, 5 g is possible. (10 tablets) crush, add 1 liter of water and evaporate in a steam bath by 1/3. Take 200 ml per day (this is the norm for the whole day) before meals. In the acute phase of diseases, increase the consumption rate to 400 ml. solution.

Herbal medicines for the treatment of kidneys, despite their natural basis, have many advantages over synthetic medicines. Herbal preparations are the same medicines, in which the active ingredients are natural ingredients. Unlike synthetic drugs, herbal medicines are harmless and have virtually no contraindications, so their long-term use will not cause any harm to other organs. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of herbal medicines.

The value of herbal kidney tablets is due to their plant extracts, which in their natural form effectively affect pathological processes. Herbal medicines have many positive properties, since they contain whole complexes of useful substances that are widely used in folk medicine. There are many known recipes traditional medicine to treat diseases with herbs, so herbal medicines combine the effectiveness of medicines and the benefits of plants. To produce herbal preparations, whole herbal preparations are used, which increases their effectiveness. Kidney diseases cause a lot of discomfort, so their treatment requires an integrated approach to relieve not only the symptoms, but also eliminate the cause of the pathological condition.

Which herbal remedy to choose depends on the type of kidney disorder. The most common causes of pathologies are inflammation and infection. Herbal preparations, like no other remedy, can quickly and effectively cure the disease and restore normal kidney function.

Types of kidney diseases

The kidneys are a natural filter that cleanses the body of toxins and salts, removing them from the body along with the urethra. Normally, the kidneys can pass up to 4-5 liters of fluid per day, but when inflammation or infection appears in them, their productivity decreases and abnormal processes develop, causing impaired kidney function and an abundant accumulation of toxins in the body. The structural unit of the kidney is the nephron, which is a collection of blood vessels that filter the blood. Among the clinical manifestations of kidney diseases are the following:

  • glomerulopathy – nephron lesions: inflammatory and hereditary;
  • tubulopathy – tubular lesions: obstructive, necrotic and hereditary;
  • stromal pathologies;
  • developmental anomalies;
  • tumor-like neoplasms or cysts;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • vascular diseases (thrombosis and renal infarction).

Scheme of urolithiasis

Based on the type of kidney pathology, a herbal treatment is selected. Despite all the benefits and safety that herbal preparations have, there is no universal medicine for the treatment of kidneys, therefore, in order for the drug to be as effective as possible, it must be selected in accordance with the clinical picture of the disease.

The pills are usually prescribed by a doctor; We often drink herbs at our own discretion. But you need to know what to avoid: the combination of some herbs and medications can be unsuccessful and even dangerous.

Today dietary supplements with medicinal plants are becoming more and more popular. They are sold without a prescription, and we prescribe them ourselves without consulting a doctor. Why not - this is not “chemistry”, but “herbs”! But the active substances contained in roots and herbs are not fundamentally different from substances obtained industrially. Both - powerful weapon, and when used together, they sometimes give rise to unexpected reactions. Let's say a 50-year-old man decides to take the extract ginkgo biloba to prevent age-related memory loss. At the same time, a doctor, unaware of this, prescribed him acetylsalicylic acid for heart problems. The patient conscientiously took both - and a few months later it ended in a stroke...

How to avoid such a scenario?
Firstly, Tell your doctor about all herbs and supplements you take. We will talk about the properties of some popular plants, but some side effects Almost everyone has it.
Secondly, It would be a good idea to play it safe and also consult with a qualified herbalist. He knows more about the side effects of herbs than the average doctor.
And thirdly, Always take medications and herbs separately, at different times of the day (say, some in the morning, others in the evening) to avoid unwanted “meetings”.

Has antibacterial and antiviral activity. It is used for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza and to increase immunity.
. Echinacea should not be taken together with antifungal medications: the combination is toxic to the liver.
. Do not take echinacea at the same time as medications that suppress the immune system: they neutralize each other's effects.
. Echinacea is strictly prohibited for patients with autoimmune diseases, tuberculosis and AIDS.

Valerian root
A popular remedy for improving sleep and combating mild to moderate forms of anxiety.
. Valerian root preparations should not be taken together with other anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants: their sedative effect can be additive with unpredictable results.
. Valerian and other sedative herbs are not recommended to be taken together with antihistamines.

Ginkgo biloba
This ancient plant from China improves capillary blood circulation and blood supply to the brain, improves attention and memory.
. Ginkgo preparations should not be taken together with anticoagulants (blood thinning substances): their combined action can lead to excessive blood thinning, bleeding and hemorrhage.
. The combination of ginkgo and MAO inhibitor drugs for the treatment of depression may not be advisable.

St. John's wort
In Russia, St. John's wort is widely used for a variety of diseases, but in the West it is considered mainly a remedy for depression and nervous tension and is part of many sedatives.

St. John's wort should not be taken with medications that cause photosensitivity, such as some antibiotics, as it may worsen this effect.

You should not drink St. John's wort if you are taking antidepressants that affect serotonin levels: the effects can add up to unpredictable results.
. People taking anticonvulsants should not take St. John's wort without consulting their doctor. Research suggests that these agents may interact with each other.
. According to some reports, St. John's wort may reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills, as well as some anti-asthma medications.

A popular herbal remedy to improve tone.
. Ginseng promotes blood thinning, so it should not be taken simultaneously with cardiac, antihypertensive and antidiabetic drugs.
. The combination of ginseng and MAO inhibitors can in some cases cause manic psychosis.
. In combination with coffee and caffeine preparations it causes irritability.

Used to treat a variety of conditions, from colds to asthma. The main active ingredient, ephedrine, is present in many remedies for the common cold, as well as in weight loss medications.
. It is not recommended to take ephedra and drugs containing it together with hypo- and hypertensive drugs (lowering and increasing blood pressure), as it increases blood pressure and increases the heart rate.
. Ephedra should be avoided by those taking medications to regulate blood sugar as it interferes with their action.
. Combining it with MAO inhibitors dangerously increases blood pressure.
. When combined with certain heart medications, ephedra can cause arrhythmia.

Used to prevent migraine attacks. It should not be consumed before or immediately after surgery as it may cause severe bleeding.

Liquorice root and its syrup are often prescribed for colds, ARVI with cough, as well as peptic ulcers and to relieve menopausal symptoms.
. Licorice should not be consumed if you are taking antidiabetic medications as it may interfere with their effectiveness.
. Licorice depletes the body's potassium stores and may cause cardiac arrhythmias, especially in patients taking certain heart medications. Also, you should not combine it with diuretics, since this increases potassium loss sharply.
. Licorice reduces the activity of the thyroid gland, and therefore it may be necessary to change the dose of medications that stabilize the production of thyroid hormones.
. Do not take licorice with antihypertensive drugs - it reduces their effectiveness.
. Licorice preparations are not recommended for kidney and bladder problems.

Widely used as a laxative.
. It should not be taken with other laxatives.
. Psyllium may interfere with the absorption of iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin B12, and some medications.

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