Sheds attached to the house: photos, varieties, installation stages and design features. Beautiful canopies in the yard of a private house with your own hands How to properly cover the yard with polycarbonate

If you have your own country cottage area or country house, and there is no gazebo or garage on your territory, then you can do what so many people do in similar situations. You can install a polycarbonate canopy right in the courtyard of a private house. The design will protect your car, swimming pool, front garden, furniture placed on your site from negative impacts atmospheric phenomena.

It can be rain or hail, wind or hurricane gusts, as well as the blazing sun, which can have not very pleasant consequences in the form of burning out plants, but also paint coatings products. Thanks to this design, in winter there will not be a mountain of snow on the threshold of your house, and at times even icy. Besides everything, yours suburban area will be under reliable protection from winds and rain.

Polycarbonate carport

Many people make a canopy in such a way that a car is “hidden” under it. But such a structure is very easy to build, and also disassemble back, if necessary. A special feature of a polycarbonate canopy is its protection. After all, a car that will be parked under such a structure will be protected by more than one hundred percent! Compared to plastic, polycarbonate is 8 times more stable and 10 times stronger than glass.

Such a structure is an excellent choice for summer cottages. After all, in the summer, you can leave your car overnight under such a canopy, and even near your house! At the same time, you don’t have to worry at all if there is a thunderstorm or scorching sun. Even in extreme heat, the car will not overheat, since polycarbonate “repels” the sun’s rays. After all, this material is a type of plastic!

What is the best way to organize such a structure? Look at our photos of polycarbonate canopies.

What type of material should I choose to build a canopy?

Before deciding on the type of structure that you plan to build on your site, it is important to find out in more detail about the types of polycarbonate, which one is better, properties, etc.

This question largely depends on what kind of General requirements to the characteristics of this material. The main types and characteristics of this subtype of plastic are:

  • Cell phone. This material is quite durable, has impact and wear resistance, and excellent thermal insulation properties. Thanks to its cellular structure, ultra-violet rays penetrate under the plastic, but the objects underneath do not heat up.
  • Monolithic. It behaves very strongly in relation to blows. Its strength compared to glass is 250 more! And if you need a material that is very impact-resistant, then choose monolithic polycarbonate.

What type of polycarbonate construction should I choose?

Once you have decided on the type of material to use, you need to decide what kind of design you will have for it?

Its structure can be:

  • Single-pitch. They are attached to the walls of buildings and installed using the hanging or support method. A very big advantage of this type is that the snow will not linger in winter.
  • Gable. This type is built in the same way as two single-pitched ones that are connected to each other. But it is installed independently of the walls of the building. And its main advantages are: high degree endurance and protection from gusty winds.
  • Arched. Installation of this type is carried out on a frame resembling an arch made of metal pipes points Such a structure can be a separately erected structure or combined with a building. This type of construction has a fairly high rigidity, which provides reliable resistance even to very strong wind turbulences, snowstorms and blizzards.

A selection of photos of polycarbonate canopies in the courtyard of a private house

Be sure to look at the photos on our website. Perhaps you will look for the most suitable design option for your site.

For example, if you have enough large territory, there is a swimming pool and a specially equipped recreation area; you can install an arched or gable structure. They will take up a lot of space. As a rule, on small areas polycarbonate canopies are being erected over the porch of the house. They look original from an aesthetic point of view, decorating the overall exterior. At the same time, it protects against bad weather or the blazing rays of the sun.

Above the porch itself it is worth installing a lean-to type. It can be made from various polycarbonates, depending on your individual preferences. Also, the type of construction can be anything, for example, a flat canvas, at a sharp angle; half-arched structure, the dome of which covers the porch; a polycarbonate canopy attached directly to the building, and its location in relation to the ground will be parallel.

The design of the visor depends largely on the entire exterior land plot, as well as the characteristics of the building. For example, if your house was built in the Art Nouveau or High-Tech style, pretentiousness and ornateness would be quite appropriate here. For a house in a classic style, restraint and conciseness are suitable. Concerning color design and the type of frame itself, then you should choose them based on the exterior of your suburban area.

If you have a porch with an equipped canopy, then it will be very convenient to leave the same crop, bicycle, skis, sleigh, etc. on it to protect from rain and winds. And those structures that will be attached to the house will create a pleasant shade on hot summer days, and in winter they will protect your area around the house from snow and rain.

Each owner of his own plot tries to improve the territory in the most comfortable way. For this, various architectural forms are used, a variety of which are canopies in the courtyard of a private house, photos of which confirm the fact that, in addition to the main functions, canopies can become a real highlight local area. They are a unique attribute of coziness and comfort, allowing you not to postpone planned events due to the vagaries of the weather. Thanks to the availability of a large selection of high-quality materials on the market, and with a little imagination, you can build the most elegant and beautiful canopy in the courtyard of a private house (the photos below show some interesting ideas the use of such structures in the landscape design of the area near the house). Next, we’ll talk about the types of canopies and how to arrange them.

Canopies in the courtyard of a private house: photos of structures depending on the area of ​​application

Canopies are, first of all, structures designed to protect a particular area from precipitation (whether snow or rain), hot sun rays or falling leaves. Therefore, they place a canopy in the courtyard of a private house, mainly over recreation areas and the most “passable” areas.

Canopy in the form of a “visor”

We can say that a canopy over the entrance is mandatory - it protects not only from rain, but plays the role of a kind of protection against wet snow sticking to the steps and thresholds, which can lead to falls and injuries. There is another variety - a canopy extension over the terrace, with one side fixed to the wall, under which there can be comfortable furniture, barbecue and other attributes comfortable rest. As a rule, shelters over the porch are made in the same style as the main building, using appropriate materials and color solutions. For example, for a house made of timber, it is suitable wooden structure with the possible use of forged elements.


You can implement a canopy in the yard to protect the area from the entrance to the gate or outbuildings. Such structures have quite large dimensions and, for the most part, are an extension canopy, one side of which is attached directly to the wall of the house, and the other is supported on supports. Their undoubted advantage is that you can freely move along the paths at any time of the year, and in winter you do not have to clear them of snow. They can also be stationary (with supports on all sides) or mixed type.

In this case, it is better to construct closed canopies in the courtyard of a private house - the photos clearly demonstrate the advantage of “greenhouse” type structures.

You can use sliding elements to open the mobile sections in hot weather and close them securely in windy weather.

gazebo canopy

This canopy option is a favorite among summer residents and owners. country houses, building. Gazebos can be various forms: round, square, polyhedron-shaped, as well as open (the design involves the presence of supports and a roof) or semi-closed type (side walls are present). Such buildings are usually located in the greenest, picturesque areas of the site on hills.

Canopy over the playground

A canopy over a children's playground is a fairly popular design for families. Even in the worst weather, it is very difficult to keep a child in the house, so a canopy located above the swing, sandbox and horizontal bars will be a good help for the child and his parents. In addition, the canopy will protect the wooden elements of the site from precipitation and extend their service life.

Canopy to the yard to protect the car

A carport will definitely become indispensable for owners of small plots where there is virtually no free space to build a garage. Carports in the courtyard of a private house (the photo shows their various options) can also serve in the event of guests arriving, who, undoubtedly, will be more comfortable seeing their car on the site, and not outside it. Among other things, installing such a canopy will require significantly lower financial costs than building a garage.

What to make a canopy for the yard from?

Canopies of any functional type have a completely simple design, the main elements of which are supports, frame and roof. In order to choose materials, you should initially decide on the style - a canopy in the courtyard of a private house must correspond to the general landscape design territories.

The material for supports can be steel pipes, wooden beams, as well as columns constructed of brick. The frame, in most cases, is made of metal profiles or wood. The same material that covers the main buildings is often used to make the roof. Corrugated sheeting, plastic, metal tiles and soft types of materials are also well suited, among which polycarbonate stands out (due to its combination of strength and flexibility). Let's look at some of the most used options.

Sheds made of corrugated sheets in the courtyard of a private house: photos of bold ideas

Corrugated sheeting is considered ideal option for roofing - this is explained by many indicators. Among these are the following: ease of installation, not particularly complicated (in to a greater extent this applies to craftsmen who build canopies in the courtyard of a private house with their own hands); relative cheapness (especially if it is thin); high density, preventing furniture or car from fading; durability; practicality and unique compatibility with any materials used in the construction of the structure.

Depending on the type of construction and the amount of material required, sheds made of corrugated sheets in the courtyard of a private house (photos show various interpretations) can be arched, single-pitch or gable. The structure in the form of an arch looks much more interesting than a simple lean-to, but its construction will require a lot of experience, since it is quite complex. A gable canopy is used less frequently and is used mainly to equip the roof of an open summer kitchen.

Canopies made of metal profiles

The advantage of architectural forms made from metal profiles lies, first of all, in the visual lightness of the structure built with its help, which will easily fit into any design project for arranging the local area. In addition, metal profiles are a reliable and durable material that, with proper care, can last quite a long time. for a long time. Under proper care, in this case, means timely treatment of it with anti-corrosion compounds or special paints containing them.

Sheds made of metal profiles in the courtyard of a private house (photos show various types of structures - from primitive to more complex) are used for various purposes. They can protect a recreation area, car parking, open summer kitchen without creating any visible clutter in the space.

Wooden canopies in the courtyard of a private house: photos of beautiful options

Wooden structures are gaining more popularity over the years, since, regardless of the style of the main buildings, they easily fit into the natural landscape, becoming a part of the landscape. A wooden canopy in the courtyard of a private house can be used for a variety of purposes, and can also be stationary or attached to the wall of the main building.

It should be noted that wood is a material that can be easily processed, from which you can create the most bizarre shapes. Wooden sheds are built from logs or timber. Experts advise using beams measuring 90 by 90 mm for support, and further strengthening the supporting beam for strength. It is worth remembering that the wood must be treated with special solutions that protect against rotting and various insects.

Wooden canopies in the courtyard of a private house, as seen in the photo, can be decorated with carvings, figured pillars or point balusters. The main thing is to know moderation in everything and not to overdo it, so that it doesn’t turn out to be absurd.

Canopies in the courtyard of a private house: photos of 30 beautiful options updated: September 29, 2017 by: Kyiv Irina

Beautiful canopies in the courtyard of a private house with your own hands from a photo

Beautiful canopies can often be found not only in summer cottages, but also in the courtyards of private houses. Similar designs can be different types, made of various materials. Most often they perform a decorative function, however, they can serve as protection from direct sunlight, rain and precipitation.

Canopy in the courtyard of a private house

You can easily build a beautiful and modern canopy to decorate the yard of a private house yourself. As a rule, such designs are quite simple, so you only need a set necessary tools, materials for construction and a little time. Today, the variety of sheds is quite extensive, so it can be difficult to decide on the type of construction. Among the most popular types of yard and country canopies are:

Additionally, sheds can also be classified into distinct types depending on the material that was used to construct them. Based on this parameter, yard sheds can be built from: wood, metal, polycarbonate, corrugated sheets, fabric. Such structures can have straight, inclined, single-pitched and multi-pitched roof types.

Sloping polycarbonate canopy

Sloping fabric canopy

Wooden straight canopy with polycarbonate

Arched polycarbonate canopy

Polycarbonate canopies are one of the most common types of structures. They are easy to install, are highly durable and have a long service life. In addition, the cost of such material as polycarbonate is within reasonable limits. Building a canopy of this type does not require much effort or special skills. The roof of a polycarbonate canopy can be straight or wavy, created according to the arch prototype.

Wave-shaped polycarbonate canopy roof

Polycarbonate copes well with temperature changes and withstands moisture and dampness. In addition, this material is quite flexible, which allows it to be used to create original compositions. Installation of an attached polycarbonate roof is quick and easy. The main thing is that during construction it is necessary to take into account some features of the work:

  • do not forget to treat wooden beams and materials with a special solution to protect against insects, raw materials and rot;
  • for support it is best to use beams measuring 90 by 90 mm;
  • It is important to make markings on the site before starting work, which will help to correctly position all the elements;
  • the supporting beam must be strengthened with additional beams for strength;
  • Polycarbonate sheets are best secured with self-tapping screws.

Sheds made of corrugated sheets are not so often used in summer cottages. As a rule, structures of this type can be found in covered parking lots or in the construction of a carport near a house.

Canopy made of corrugated sheets

Yard awnings

Popular options for furnishing a private home are yard tent canopies. As a rule, such structures are made of various materials and can be used for various purposes:

  • protection from the sun and precipitation of a private corner of the yard;
  • dividing the yard into separate sections;
  • to create a fence from neighbors.

Yard awnings are most often used to divide the space of a yard. This option is more profitable and cheaper than creating a hedge or high fence. In addition, you can do the construction of such a structure yourself by purchasing everything necessary materials.

Fabric awning canopy

Can be used to create yard awnings various materials However, most often, the following are used for their installation: polycarbonate, tarpaulin, awnings, fabric and others.


Canopy made of tarpaulin

The most simple option To create a durable fence for the yard, you can build a polycarbonate canopy. This type of material came into fashion not so long ago, however, it has already become one of the most popular due to its good technical performance and low price. Polycarbonate has many similarities with glass, however, it is more durable than the latter, and also does not deform or fade in direct sunlight. The sheets of this material are very durable, but despite this, they bend quite well. This allows you to use it to create various original designs.

Polycarbonate canopy

Such sheets are simply mounted using self-tapping screws. In addition, to the construction for the yard specified type There are no strict restrictions on area. The main thing that must be done during construction is the creation of a reliable and very durable frame.

There are often cases when owners simply do not know how to approach working with this type of material such as polycarbonate. In this case, you can choose an even simpler way to create a canopy for the yard - a fabric canopy. A similar structure is created using a tarp and helps to easily divide areas of the yard. Building this type of shed is very simple and quick, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money on materials. A tarp or other type of fabric will cost you much less than polycarbonate sheets.

Canopy made of tarpaulin

Sun protection awnings are considered quite popular. A feature of this type of construction is its simplicity and practicality. You can easily fold and put away such a structure when you no longer need it. In terms of external characteristics, such canopies resemble fabric structures without a frame. In addition to low cost and ease of operation, the advantages of such designs also include a large assortment. Thanks to the large number of models of various colors and patterns, such a design can harmoniously fit into a summer cottage and fit into any type and style of construction.

Awnings near a private house

Arched canopies

One of the most common types of yard and country houses is an arched canopy. This type of canopy is attractive appearance and functionality. For the construction of such a canopy, various materials are used, however, more often you can find buildings made of metal profiles. Arched canopies made of this material have many advantages:

  • high strength;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high quality;
  • practicality;
  • durability.

Compared to other materials, metal profiles are highly fire resistant and do not cause ignition. In addition, this material is environmentally friendly and created according to all requirements.

Arched metal profile canopy

The arched canopy, built from metal profiles, has a very neat appearance. Such a canopy can be used as decorative element, to protect the car from precipitation, for the construction of a home vineyard and greenhouse. However, this design also has one significant drawback - its high cost. The material itself will not cost you much, however, working with it is a rather specific and complex process. Therefore, you may not be able to create such a building on your own. This will require special tools, skills in working with metal and craftsmen who can help with construction.

Installation of metal profile

How to make canopies with your own hands using videos and ready-made drawings

If you need to install a canopy in your yard with your own hands, you first need to decide on its type. On the Internet you can find a wide variety of different models of such yard structures. Thanks to numerous photos and ready-made drawings, you can easily choose a ready-made structure for construction yourself. It makes it much easier preparatory stage construction, which consists of creating a project and drawing of a canopy.

Canopy over the terrace

Canopy-awning over the terrace

Terrace canopy project

Carport project

Drawing of an arched open canopy

Drawing of an arched closed canopy

Drawing of a lean-to canopy

Drawing of a gable carport

In addition, you can use video instructions that explain in detail all the stages of building courtyard and country sheds with your own hands.

The construction of a canopy of any type includes the following main steps:

  • creating a project or drawing of a building;
  • preparation of materials and tools;
  • soil preparation, surface leveling;
  • installation of structure supports, leveling and concreting;
  • after installing the supports, longitudinal beams are welded to them, which serve to fasten the metal profile;
  • profile flooring;
  • profile fastening.

When constructing a shed for any type of yard, it is worth considering some tips that will help you avoid mistakes. First of all, do not forget to treat the part of the beam or pipe immersed in the ground with a solution that will protect the material from rust or rot. Besides, the best option for the roof of the canopy there will be a choice of a wave-shaped profile that can ensure the rolling off of moisture and precipitation.

Beautiful canopies in the courtyard of a private house with your own hands - photos, yard awnings, arched canopies - drawings, how to make it yourself - video


Polycarbonate canopies are elegant and durable, serving for relaxation and protection from bad weather. Do-it-yourself construction does not require any special skills, but you should know some nuances.

How to choose the right cellular polycarbonate?

Cellular polycarbonate is one of the modern materials, from which you can build a canopy with your own hands. Panels made of several plastic layers are firmly connected by vertical stiffeners. They have high quality characteristics: durable, easy to install and bend, giving the shape of an arc. The special structure of the material creates protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Honeycomb panels require special handling:

  1. 1. After purchasing, we do not store them in the light. If there are suspicions that the seller has violated this condition, we refuse to purchase from him.
  2. 2. When purchasing, we do a spot check of several plates: with the help of another person, lightly tighten them with a screw. Panels with defects crack.
  3. 3. We remove the protective film after completion of construction. Standard fasteners allow you to do this without problems.
  4. 4. We install quickly, preferably within one day. If we don’t have time, we remove the protective film and resume work in a few days. We do subsequent installation carefully: the slabs without protection are easy to scratch.
  5. 5. Place on the UV-resistant side. It is marked on the film.

These precautions are due to the fact that the UV protection consists of a thin layer, reminiscent of glue on tape. When the sheets are left in the light, a reaction begins, protective layer becomes unusable, it becomes impossible to separate it. In addition to the fact that the canopy does not protect from ultraviolet radiation, the strength of the slabs decreases. When choosing a material, we focus on the purpose and type of the future structure. We take into account the characteristics of the climate zone: wind strength, amount of snow falling. A wise choice will help you avoid unnecessary expenses. Thin sheets will require more frequent lathing, while sheets that are too thick will make the structure heavier and cost more.

The sheets are marked, which consists of numbers and letters. The number in front of R indicates how many longitudinal sheets are in the panel, the letter X indicates that the stiffeners are located diagonally. The larger the number in the designation, the thicker the material; a larger bending radius is allowed. For carports, depending on their area, wind strength and amount of snow, we use panels with the number 2 or 3. For carports we use the 3RX brand, which is also suitable for conventional structures. In areas with heavy snow and strong winds, 5R is recommended, but be aware that this X grade is very tough.

Types of structures - which roofing scheme should you choose?

The canopy can be given almost any shape, but the most popular are arches with one or two slopes. Arched canopies attract with their graceful shapes. They can be made in the courtyard of a private house as a shelter for vehicles, they are used to create transitions between buildings, and they serve as a porch at the entrance.

This shape creates special resistance to weather conditions. Snow does not stay on the surface, rain flows down on both sides, and it is difficult for the wind to damage the structure due to the downward oriented sidewalls. The arched canopy above the front door looks attractive. At self-production The only problem that may arise is related to bending the profiles.

Arches can be built in the form of a cascade. They are used in places with a large roof slope, for example, above a high staircase leading to front door. If you build a canopy of one arch over such a large space, it will have to be given a strong forward slope. Rain streams will pour not only on the sides, but also on the first steps, hitting people. Cascade arrangement individual elements will get rid of this shortcoming. The structure looks very beautiful, but it is more difficult to build than a simple arched one.

Construction is simple pitched roof very light. There is no need to bend profiles and panels; sheets of any thickness will do. No rafters are required, you can get by with longitudinal and transverse beams. But that's where all the advantages end. Firstly, such roofs look very simple. That is why they are used as protection from the sun and rain, or somewhere in the backyard as an extension to a garage, household. room. Secondly, the slope is small, a lot of snow accumulates.

A gable roof is more difficult to manufacture, but much more practical to use. The slopes go down on both sides, providing much better protection from wind and rain. The slope becomes greater, snow almost does not accumulate. The gable canopy is rigid and withstands even strong winds. The application of such a design is the widest: parking lot, barbecue shelter, barbecue, porch, pavilions in the yard for transitions.

Design – we calculate the dimensions and quantity of materials

When starting construction, we first find out for ourselves the size of the building and its location. We take into account climatic influences: snow cover thickness, wind strength and direction. In order for a building to fit into the overall design, its shape and color must be in harmony with the main buildings. The required technical specifications all materials.

Having decided, we proceed to making the drawing. On it we accurately indicate the dimensions, shape of the roof, materials of supports and frame. We calculate the required amount of all materials and fasteners. We take into account that for panel thicknesses up to 8 mm, a distance between frame elements of 600 mm is sufficient. For sheets of greater weight, select a longitudinal pitch of 700 mm, and a transverse pitch of 1 meter. The height of the canopy is based on ease of use: it should be at least slightly higher than a person’s height.

We take into account that the panels have standard sizes. We place the sheathing so that the joints fall on it. We place the rafters in increments that are a multiple of the total width - 2.1 m or parts of the whole. We place the purlins at a distance exceeding the pitch between the rafters by 1.5 times.

We calculate support posts using the following indicators:

  • the minimum size of metal pipes for supports and rafters is 40×40 mm;
  • wall thickness – 2 mm;
  • make the foundation base 10 mm wider, more is possible;
  • the depth of the pits for supports is at least 0.5 m;
  • on the side roof trusses we take a profile of 20 mm or more, for diagonal grilles - 15 mm.

In addition to metal, wood is used to build a canopy. The rigidity of polycarbonate allows the use of beams with a small cross-section: 100×60 mm as the main ones and 60×40 mm for the auxiliary ones. The properties of polycarbonate are close to metal, but not wood. In combination with a wooden frame, it is similar to slate or ondulin.

If the roof area exceeds 8 m2, it is required accurate calculations taking into account the load of wind and snow. They do this independently, using climate maps and special tables and formulas. Errors may result in deformation or collapse. You can contact a specialist or use finished project.

Making a frame - from foundation to sheathing

It is advisable to use metal for the frame under a polycarbonate roof. It is durable and does not require particularly precise calculations; average ones can be used. For load-bearing elements, the optimal profile is steel pipes square section, whose corners are rounded. They are very easy to install, durable and inexpensive. Round ones are inferior only in ease of fastening.

We install support pillars on the marked area. There are quite a lot of options. For large structures that create a large load, the best option will screw piles suitable diameter. We wrap them 1.2 m deep. They will cost no more than concreting, but can withstand a very heavy load. But if we decided on concreting, then we do the foundation correctly. Be sure to use anchors to which the pole, wooden or metal, is attached. This is how they are made concrete blocks for the foundation. If you do them yourself, you can save a lot:

  • we dig holes: 30 cm in diameter and 80 cm in depth;
  • install fittings;
  • pour concrete, cover with polyethylene and leave until completely set;
  • We screw the support posts to the anchors.

At their tops we install jumpers that will connect the structure. We secure everything with electric welding. It is recommended to use rectangular or square pipes: round ones do not have enough area for a reliable welding connection. If the polycarbonate canopy is adjacent, we attach it to a special beam. We attach it to the wall with anchor bolts, and then attach the rest of the parts to it. To install it, draw a horizontal line at the desired height. We drill several holes for the anchors along it. We pull the beam towards the house, tightening the bolts well.

For a wooden canopy, we dig into the ground up to 1 m. This is better than installing beams in sections of pipes. First, soak the end of the wood well with hot bitumen or waste oil. Then we wrap it in roofing felt and bury it in the ground. We attach timber along the top, which acts as beams, and rafters to them. We use boards for purlins and braces. Connections are made using metal corners.

The question arises about required quantity supports The distance between them is permissible from 1.7 m to 6 meters. It all depends on the area of ​​the canopy and the load it puts on the structure. Risers on concrete foundation They can withstand any amount of snow; the worst thing for them is a strong wind. For this reason, it is necessary to take into account not only the maximum permissible distance, but also minimal. The step between the supports should not be less than 1.7 m, otherwise for strong wind it will be perceived as a solid wall.

For arched canopies at the dacha you will have to bend the profiles. There are several methods available at home:

  1. 1. We use a pipe bending machine. The purchased one is expensive, but you can make it yourself using the principle that can be seen in the photo.
  2. 2. We make cuts in the profile to a depth of 5–8 mm, bending them in the direction opposite to them. We apply patches to the resulting holes and weld them.
  3. 3. Fill the pipe with sand and heat it up. Smooth curves emerge, the walls do not flatten.

We continue assembling the frame, carrying it out on the ground. We assemble the trusses and weld them parallel with braced slats. We start from the edges, gradually moving towards the center. Ready design We install it on the longitudinal profile and grab it pointwise. We check the correct location and finally weld it. We install and weld purlins across the rafters. Let's check again. Minor deviations are possible: the metal “pulls” during welding. We correct in such places with a sledgehammer.

A wall-mounted canopy requires sidewalls. Using anchor bolts, we vertically attach a profile pipe to the wall opposite the outer trusses. From it we extend pipe sections to the point where the rafters connect to the outer supports. If necessary, we extend another profile pipe, placing it horizontally. We weld vertical jumpers between them. For all load-bearing elements of the frame it is permissible to use pipes with a side width of 40 mm; for auxiliary elements (purlins, braces) we use half-size profiles.

Laying roofing sheets – does durability depend on installation?

Once all the frame parts are in place, it's time to install the polycarbonate panels. If their dimensions need to be adjusted to the dimensions of the canopy, we resort to cutting. There is hardly a special machine in the house - professionals use expensive tools. Cutting with a regular circular saw or jigsaw is cheap, but leads to the formation of microcracks.

The best option is to use a circular hand saw. They are usually used for cutting laminate flooring. A special wheel is used with fine teeth that have a special profile and are not set. The saw must have a system that removes sawdust. Then the cut will come out clean, without chips. As a last resort, we use a mounting knife, but cutting with it is long and tedious.

The most common method of fastening polycarbonate is with thermal washers. The special fastening includes sealing and plastic washers and plugs for them. Everything is tightened with self-tapping screws. Attempts to replace thermal washers with conventional ones do not lead to anything good. In this case, the coefficients of thermal expansion do not match, the sheets warp, and the strength of the flooring weakens.

We maintain a distance of at least 30 cm between the fastening points. More frequent weakening of the panels makes them less durable due to the many holes. We install 3 fasteners per run. It is especially important to adhere to four points:

  • screw the screws in strictly vertically;
  • we tighten the fastenings moderately: over-tightening spoils the polycarbonate, and insufficient tightening does not provide the necessary strength;
  • We place the holes for the screws at a distance of at least 4 cm from the edge of the panel;
  • their diameter is 2–3 mm larger than the size of the screws.

In addition to thermal washers, fittings are used for fastening: end and split profiles and punched tape. The detachable one includes a base and a lid. We attach the base to the frame with self-tapping screws, and fasten the lid to it with a special lock. It is used at the junction of sheets. To seal the ends we use punched tape. We glue it along its entire length, then fix the end profile on it. It is needed not only for beauty, to give the structure a complete look, but also serves as a protection for the channels. Moisture and dirt do not enter the internal cavities, and the transparency of the material is maintained.

We maintain thermocompression gaps between the sheets, which are 3–5 mm. When the temperature changes, the sheets move without damaging the mount.

To make a polycarbonate canopy country house I have been pleased with its beauty and convenience for a long time; it requires choosing the right materials and adhering to installation technology. Easy care: wash with plain water without detergents.

A canopy is a small architectural object that is supported by supporting supports. It serves to protect against snow, rain and scorching sun rays. Modern facilities made of corrugated sheets are very beautiful and fit harmoniously into general style plot. This is a great holiday destination for the whole family. Installing such a structure adjacent to the house is quite simple.

To do this, it is not necessary to hire professional builders. When choosing the decor, design and finishing of a canopy made of this material attached to a house, you should focus on the architecture of nearby buildings. A well-thought-out design is half the battle. Photos of various projects of canopies made of corrugated sheets will allow you to decide on the most suitable option for your private home.

Advantages of corrugated sheets

Ideal roofing material, from which the canopy will be constructed, is considered corrugated sheeting. He has the following advantages:

  • Easy to install. Structures made from corrugated sheets are not complicated. At its core, this is a rather primitive frame, which is supplemented with sheathing elements and installed on several supports. If a person does not know how to use welding machine and never worked with metal, then build a canopy from corrugated sheets on wooden frame it won't be difficult for him. But in this case, the service life of such a product will not be too long, since the wood itself will be to blame. To improve its properties, water-repellent and antiseptic impregnations are used.
  • Affordable price. Corrugated sheeting is an inexpensive material, and the cheapest is considered to be a profiled sheet with a small thickness. However, the service life in this case will be short. Therefore, it is best to buy thick corrugated sheeting.
  • Durability. If you carefully monitor the frame and regularly update its protective coating, it can stand for a very long time. Profiled flooring lasts much less, but if it is replaced with a new one, the canopy can last for several more decades.

Corrugated sheeting is very practical material, and you can make a canopy in the courtyard of a private house, even with minimal skills. It goes well with any materials that are used for building extension. In addition, it helps to implement a large number of architectural styles and design solutions. This material is quite dense and protects furniture or a car that is left under the shed roof from fading.

Canopies made of this material come in various designs, which can be seen in the photo. The following types are considered the most common:

  • arched;
  • single-pitched;
  • gable.

They differ from each other in the complexity of installation and the amount of material used.


A canopy made of corrugated sheets in the form of an arch looks very nice. But in order to attach it to the house, you will need decent construction experience, since such a design is considered very complex. Difficulties arise due to the fact that the roof purlins to which the corrugated sheeting must be attached must have a curved shape, and to obtain such a bend, special equipment is used.

Single-pitch canopy

This corrugated sheet construction does not require any special skills or the use of special installations. The only thing you need to pay special attention to is the correct angle of the roof. Thanks to the slope, the canopy is protected from the accumulation of snow on it in winter, and the frame is freed from unnecessary load.

Gable canopy

This is already a full-fledged roof, but such a canopy is made from corrugated sheets very rarely. This roof shape can only be used when it is necessary to create a spacious open-type summer kitchen.

In addition, there is a multi-slope design - this tent-roofed canopy. Such a structure is considered the most difficult to manufacture and only professional builders should undertake it.

Installation of a canopy made of corrugated sheets

As already mentioned, a canopy made of corrugated sheets is a simple design, and it is quite easy to manufacture, but you still have to work hard. Installation is carried out in a certain sequence.

Install supports. To do this, they dig holes for the posts up to 50 cm deep, in which they are then concreted. When carrying out work, it is necessary pay attention to two points:

  • installation of supports must have a clear vertical level;
  • a bond of metal and concrete, which is provided by corners, reinforcement or other iron objects, welded to the bottom of the supports.

The roof frame is made. As soon as the concrete hardens, all supports around the perimeter are tied together profile pipe. It turns out something like a frame, which is the basis for the roof. Place it at an angle so that the melting or rainwater could flow freely from the roof. Then the resulting frame is reinforced with transverse beams. The roof frame is ready. To enhance the strength of the structure, the supports are additionally tied one stiffening ring. Thus, a rigid and durable gazebo is obtained.

Install roofing sheathing for corrugated sheeting. To do this on metal carcass sew on a wooden block, placing it across the beams and securing it to them with self-tapping screws. The corrugated sheeting can also be screwed directly to the metal frame.

The corrugated sheet is secured. The sheets are attached to the sheathing or frame using self-tapping screws with press washers and rubber gaskets. They are installed in its lower part through the wave. They also take care of the overlap, without this the roof will leak.

At the end of the work, the canopy made of corrugated sheets is sheathed from below, hiding behind it electric wires, which supply power to lighting fixtures. You should know that almost all covered sheds attached to a private house equipped with individual lighting. It is very convenient and practical.

Thus, a corrugated canopy in the courtyard of a private house is a very important structure under which the whole family can relax. If you can’t make it yourself, then it’s better to use the services of professional builders. Photo various options awnings will help you make the right choice.

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