Determination of the limit state of structures based on loss of bearing capacity depending on deformations.

GOST 30247.1-94







1 DEVELOPED by the State Central Research and Design Experimental Institute complex problems building structures and structures named after V.A. Kucherenko (TsNIISK named after Kucherenko) of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the Center for Fire Research and Thermal Protection in Construction TsNIISK (CPITZS TsNIISK) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Defense (VNIIPO) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Construction of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction (INTKS) on November 17, 1994.

State name

Name of body government controlled construction

The Republic of Azerbaijan

State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia

State Architecture of the Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Gosstroy of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Ministry of Construction of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

State Construction Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan

3 This standard is an authentic text of ISO 834-75 Fire resistance test - Elements of building constructions. Building construction"

4 ENTERED INTO EFFECT on January 1, 1996 as state standard Russian Federation Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated March 23, 1995 No. 18-26

5 INSTEAD ST SEV 1000-78, ST SEV 5062-85

GOST 30247.1-94


Building structures


Load-bearing and enclosing structures

Elements of building constructions.

Fire-resistance test methods.

Load bearing and separating constructions

Date of introduction 1996-01-01


1.1 This standard is used in conjunction with GOST 30247.0.

1.2 The standard applies to:

Load-bearing, self-supporting and curtain walls and partitions without openings;

Coverings and ceilings without openings with suspended ceilings(when using them to increase the fire resistance of a structure) or without them;

Columns and pillars;

Beams, crossbars, elements of arches, trusses and frames, as well as other load-bearing and enclosing structures.

When establishing fire resistance limits for structures in order to determine the possibility of their use in accordance with fire safety requirements regulatory documents(including during certification) the methods established by this standard should be applied.

GOST 30247.0-94 Building structures. Test methods for fire resistance. General requirements

ST SEV 383-87 Fire safety in construction. Terms and Definitions


The following terms are used in this standard.

3.1 Load-bearing structures (elements)- structures that can withstand permanent and temporary loads, including loads from other parts of buildings.

3.2 Fire resistance of the structure- according to ST SEV 383.

3.3 Self-supporting structures- structures that bear load only from their own weight.

3.4 Walling- structures that perform the functions of enclosing or separating volumes (rooms) of a building. Enclosing structures can combine the functions of load-bearing (including enclosing) and enclosing structures.


4.1 Bench equipment - according to GOST 30247.0.

4.2 When testing enclosing structures, the control device of the smoke channel system must provide excess pressure in the fire space of the furnace. When testing vertical enclosing structures, excess pressure must be maintained at a height of no less than the upper 2/3 of the furnace opening.

5 minutes after the start of the test, the excess pressure should be (10±2) Pa:

When testing horizontal elements - at a distance of 100 mm from the heated surface of the sample;

When testing vertical elements - at a height equal to 3/4 of the vertical size of the furnace opening, counting from the bottom.


According to GOST 30247.0.


Samples for testing structures must comply with GOST 30247.0 and have design dimensions.

If it is not possible to test samples of this size, then minimum dimensions samples and furnace openings are taken such as to ensure the minimum dimensions of the fire exposure zone on the sample in accordance with those given in Table 1.

Table 1 In meters

Design name

Minimum dimensions of the fire exposure zone per sample

Walls and partitions

Coverings and ceilings supported on two sides

Coverings and ceilings supported on four sides

Beams and other horizontal bar structures

Columns, pillars and other vertical rod structures


7.1 Test conditions are accepted in accordance with GOST 30247.0.

7.2.1 Samples of load-bearing and self-supporting structures must be tested under load. The load distribution and support conditions for the samples must correspond to the design schemes adopted in the technical documentation.

7.2.2 The test load is established from the condition of creating stresses in the design sections of the structural samples that correspond to their design values ​​or technical documentation.

7.2.3 When determining design stress values, only permanent and temporary long-term loads should be taken into account in their design values ​​with a safety factor equal to 1.

7.2.4 When applying a load, it is necessary to ensure that when the sample is deformed, the loads do not shift and do not affect the value of the fire resistance limit due to changes in heat exchange conditions with environment.

The load is set at least 30 minutes before the start of the test and is maintained (with an accuracy of ±5%) constant throughout the test.

7.3Thermocouple placement

7.3.1 The average temperature on the unheated surface of samples of enclosing structures (walls, partitions, floors, etc.) is determined as the arithmetic average of the readings of at least five thermocouples. In this case, one thermocouple is placed in the center, and the rest - in the middle of the straight lines connecting the center and corners of the furnace opening.

7.3.2 In the case of testing samples of structures consisting of individual elements, it is necessary that they butt joints did not coincide with the installation locations of thermocouples designed to measure the average temperature of an unheated surface.

7.3.3 To determine the temperature at any point on the surface of the sample, thermocouples should be installed (or a portable thermocouple should be used) in such places on the unheated surface of the samples of enclosing structures where the maximum temperature is expected to appear (for example, in the area of ​​ribs), joints, metal embedded parts, etc. P.).

When determining the average temperature of an unheated surface, these points are not taken into account.

The locations of thermocouples for measuring temperature on the unheated surface of the enclosing structure sample should in any case be located no closer than 100 mm from the edge of the furnace opening.

7.3.4 When testing columns, pillars, beams, truss elements and other rod structures, thermocouples for measuring the temperature of structural materials, if such measurements are necessary, are installed in planes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the sample, located at least 1 m apart and no closer than 200 mm from inner surface ovens. One of these planes must be located at the center of the sample length.

7.4 Samples of external walls are tested under the influence of heat from the side facing the room during operation; coverings and floors - from below, beams - from three sides, and columns, pillars and trusses - from four or three sides, taking into account actual conditions of use and the worst expected test result.

Samples of single-layer and symmetrical multilayer structures interior walls are tested on one side, multi-layer asymmetrical - on each side, except in cases where the unfavorable side can be established in advance or the direction of the fire impact is known.


8.1 When testing load-bearing and enclosing structures, the following limit states are distinguished.

8.1.1 Loss bearing capacity(R) due to collapse of the structure or the occurrence of extreme deformations, the values ​​​​of which are given in Appendix A;

8.1.2 Loss of thermal insulation capacity (I) due to an increase in temperature on the unheated surface of the structure by an average of more than 140 °C or at any point on this surface by more than 180 °C compared to the temperature of the structure before testing or by more than 220 °C regardless of temperature structures before testing.

8.1.3 Loss of integrity (E) as a result of the formation of through cracks or holes in structures through which combustion products or flames penetrate onto an unheated surface. During the test, loss of integrity is determined using a tampon in accordance with GOST 30247.0, which is placed in a metal frame with a holder and brought to places where penetration of flame or combustion products is expected, and for 10 s kept at a distance of 20-25 mm from the surface of the sample.

The time from the start of the test to ignition or smoldering with the glow of the tampon is the fire resistance limit of the structure based on loss of integrity.

Charring of a tampon that occurs without ignition or without smoldering with a glow is not taken into account.

8.2 To standardize the fire resistance limits of load-bearing and enclosing structures, the following limit states are used:

For columns, beams, trusses, arches and frames - only loss of load-bearing capacity of the structure and nodes - R;

For outdoor load-bearing walls and coatings - loss of load-bearing capacity and integrity - R, E, for external non-load-bearing walls - E;

For non-load-bearing internal walls and partitions - loss of thermal insulation capacity and integrity - E, I;

For load-bearing internal walls and fire barriers- loss of load-bearing capacity, integrity and thermal insulation ability - R, E, I.


According to GOST 30247.0.


According to GOST 30247.0.




The deflection reached the value L/20 or

The rate of increase in deformation has reached

L 2 /(9000 h) cm/min,

Where L- span, cm;

h- design height of the structure section, cm.

2 For vertical structures the limiting state should be considered the condition when the vertical deformation reaches L/100 or the rate of increase in vertical deformations reaches 10 mm/min for samples with a height of (3±0.5) m.

Keywords: fire resistance limit, load-bearing and enclosing structures, test methods












GOST 30247.1-94







1 DEVELOPED by the State Central Research and Design-Experimental Institute of Complex Problems of Building Structures and Structures named after V.A. Kucherenko (TsNIISK named after Kucherenko) of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the Center for Fire Research and Thermal Protection in Construction TsNIISK (CPITZS TsNIISK) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Defense (VNIIPO) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Construction of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction (INTKS) on November 17, 1994.

State name

Name of the state construction management body

The Republic of Azerbaijan

State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia

State Architecture of the Republic of Armenia

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

Gosstroy of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Ministry of Construction of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

State Construction Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan

3 This standard is an authentic text of ISO 834-75 Fire resistance test - Elements of building constructions.

4 ENTERED INTO EFFECT on January 1, 1996 as a state standard of the Russian Federation by Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated March 23, 1995 No. 18-26

5 INSTEAD ST SEV 1000-78, ST SEV 5062-85

GOST 30247.1-94


Building structures


Load-bearing and enclosing structures

Elements of building constructions.

Fire-resistance test methods.

Load bearing and separating constructions

Date of introduction 1996-01-01


1.1 This standard is used in conjunction with GOST 30247.0.

1.2 The standard applies to:

Load-bearing, self-supporting and curtain walls and partitions without openings;

Coverings and ceilings without openings with suspended ceilings (when used to increase the fire resistance of the structure) or without them;

Columns and pillars;

Beams, crossbars, elements of arches, trusses and frames, as well as other load-bearing and enclosing structures.

When establishing the fire resistance limits of structures in order to determine the possibility of their use in accordance with the fire safety requirements of regulatory documents (including certification), the methods established by this standard should be used.

GOST 30247.0-94 Building structures. Test methods for fire resistance. General requirements

ST SEV 383-87 Fire safety in construction. Terms and Definitions


The following terms are used in this standard.

3.1 Load-bearing structures (elements)- structures that can withstand permanent and temporary loads, including loads from other parts of buildings.

3.2 Fire resistance of the structure- according to ST SEV 383.

3.3 Self-supporting structures- structures that bear load only from their own weight.

3.4 Walling- structures that perform the functions of enclosing or separating volumes (rooms) of a building. Enclosing structures can combine the functions of load-bearing (including enclosing) and enclosing structures.


4.1 Bench equipment - according to GOST 30247.0.

4.2 When testing enclosing structures, the control device of the smoke channel system must provide excess pressure in the fire space of the furnace. When testing vertical enclosing structures, excess pressure must be maintained at a height of no less than the upper 2/3 of the furnace opening.

5 minutes after the start of the test, the excess pressure should be (10±2) Pa:

When testing horizontal elements - at a distance of 100 mm from the heated surface of the sample;

When testing vertical elements - at a height equal to 3/4 of the vertical size of the furnace opening, counting from the bottom.


According to GOST 30247.0.


Samples for testing structures must comply with GOST 30247.0 and have design dimensions.

If it is not possible to test samples of such sizes, then the minimum dimensions of the samples and furnace openings are taken to ensure the minimum dimensions of the fire exposure zone on the sample in accordance with those given in Table 1.

Table 1 In meters

Design name

Minimum dimensions of the fire exposure zone per sample

Walls and partitions

Coverings and ceilings supported on two sides

Coverings and ceilings supported on four sides

Beams and other horizontal bar structures

Columns, pillars and other vertical rod structures


7.1 Test conditions are accepted in accordance with GOST 30247.0.

7.2.1 Samples of load-bearing and self-supporting structures must be tested under load. The load distribution and support conditions for the samples must correspond to the design schemes adopted in the technical documentation.

7.2.2 The test load is established from the condition of creating stresses in the design sections of the structural samples that correspond to their design values ​​or technical documentation.

7.2.3 When determining design stress values, only permanent and temporary long-term loads should be taken into account in their design values ​​with a safety factor equal to 1.

7.2.4 When applying a load, it is necessary to ensure that when the sample is deformed, the loads do not shift and do not affect the value of the fire resistance limit due to changes in heat exchange conditions with the environment.

The load is set at least 30 minutes before the start of the test and is maintained (with an accuracy of ±5%) constant throughout the test.

7.3Thermocouple placement

7.3.1 The average temperature on the unheated surface of samples of enclosing structures (walls, partitions, floors, etc.) is determined as the arithmetic average of the readings of at least five thermocouples. In this case, one thermocouple is placed in the center, and the rest - in the middle of the straight lines connecting the center and corners of the furnace opening.

7.3.2 When testing structural samples consisting of individual elements, it is necessary that their butt joints do not coincide with the installation locations of thermocouples intended to measure the average temperature of an unheated surface.

7.3.3 To determine the temperature at any point on the surface of the sample, thermocouples should be installed (or a portable thermocouple should be used) in such places on the unheated surface of the samples of enclosing structures where the maximum temperature is expected to appear (for example, in the area of ​​ribs), joints, metal embedded parts, etc. P.).

When determining the average temperature of an unheated surface, these points are not taken into account.

The locations of thermocouples for measuring temperature on the unheated surface of the enclosing structure sample should in any case be located no closer than 100 mm from the edge of the furnace opening.

7.3.4 When testing columns, pillars, beams, truss elements and other rod structures, thermocouples for measuring the temperature of structural materials, if such measurements are necessary, are installed in planes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the sample, located at least 1 m apart and no closer than 200 mm from the inner surface of the oven. One of these planes must be located at the center of the sample length.

7.4 Samples of external walls are tested under the influence of heat from the side facing the room during operation; coverings and floors - from below, beams - from three sides, and columns, pillars and trusses - from four or three sides, taking into account actual conditions of use and the worst expected test result.

Samples of single-layer and symmetrical multi-layer internal walls are tested on one side, multi-layer asymmetrical ones - on each side, except in cases where the unfavorable side can be established in advance or the direction of fire exposure is known.


8.1 When testing load-bearing and enclosing structures, the following limit states are distinguished.

8.1.1 Loss of bearing capacity (R) due to collapse of the structure or the occurrence of extreme deformations, the values ​​of which are given in Appendix A;

8.1.2 Loss of thermal insulation capacity (I) due to an increase in temperature on the unheated surface of the structure by an average of more than 140 °C or at any point on this surface by more than 180 °C compared to the temperature of the structure before testing or by more than 220 °C regardless of temperature structures before testing.

8.1.3 Loss of integrity (E) as a result of the formation of through cracks or holes in structures through which combustion products or flames penetrate onto an unheated surface. During the test, loss of integrity is determined using a tampon in accordance with GOST 30247.0, which is placed in a metal frame with a holder and brought to places where penetration of flame or combustion products is expected, and for 10 s kept at a distance of 20-25 mm from the surface of the sample.

The time from the start of the test to ignition or smoldering with the glow of the tampon is the fire resistance limit of the structure based on loss of integrity.

Charring of a tampon that occurs without ignition or without smoldering with a glow is not taken into account.

8.2 To standardize the fire resistance limits of load-bearing and enclosing structures, the following limit states are used:

For columns, beams, trusses, arches and frames - only loss of load-bearing capacity of the structure and nodes - R;

For external load-bearing walls and coverings - loss of load-bearing capacity and integrity - R, E, for external non-load-bearing walls - E;

For non-load-bearing internal walls and partitions - loss of thermal insulation capacity and integrity - E, I;

For load-bearing internal walls and fire barriers - loss of load-bearing capacity, integrity and thermal insulation ability - R, E, I.


According to GOST 30247.0.


According to GOST 30247.0.




The deflection reached the value L/20 or

The rate of increase in deformation has reached

L 2 /(9000 h) cm/min,

Where L- span, cm;

h- design height of the structure section, cm.

2 For vertical structures, the limiting state should be considered the condition when the vertical deformation reaches L/100 or the rate of increase in vertical deformations reaches 10 mm/min for samples with a height of (3±0.5) m.

Key words: fire resistance limit, load-bearing and enclosing structures, test methods












    Appendix A (mandatory). Determination of the limit state of structures based on loss of bearing capacity depending on deformations

Interstate standard GOST 30247.1-94
"Building structures. Test methods for fire resistance. Load-bearing and enclosing structures"
(put into effect by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated March 23, 1995 N 18-26)

Elements of building constructions fire-resistance test methods. Loadbearing and separating constructions

Instead of ST SEV 1000-78, ST SEV 5062-85

1 area of ​​use

1.2. The standard applies to:

Load-bearing, self-supporting and curtain walls and partitions without openings;

Coverings and ceilings without openings with suspended ceilings (when used to increase the fire resistance of the structure) or without them;

Columns and pillars;

Beams, crossbars, elements of arches, trusses and frames, as well as other load-bearing and enclosing structures.

When establishing the fire resistance limits of structures in order to determine the possibility of their use in accordance with the fire safety requirements of regulatory documents (including certification), the methods established by this standard should be used.

GOST 30247.0-94 Building structures. Test methods for fire resistance. General requirements

ST SEV 383-87 Fire safety in construction. Terms and Definitions

3 Definitions

The following terms are used in this standard.

Load-bearing structures (elements)- structures that can withstand permanent and temporary loads, including loads from other parts of buildings.

Fire resistance of the structure- according to ST SEV 383.

Self-supporting structures- structures that bear load only from their own weight.

Walling- structures that perform the functions of enclosing or separating volumes (rooms) of a building. Enclosing structures can combine the functions of load-bearing (including self-supporting) and enclosing structures.

4 Bench equipment

4.2 When testing enclosing structures, the control device of the smoke channel system must provide excess pressure in the fire space of the furnace. When testing vertical enclosing structures, excess pressure must be maintained at a height of no less than the upper 2/3 of the furnace opening.

5 minutes after the start of the test, the excess pressure should be Pa:

When testing horizontal elements - at a distance of 100 mm from the heated surface of the sample;

When testing vertical elements - at a height equal to 3/4 of the vertical size of the furnace opening, counting from the bottom.

5 Temperature

According to GOST 30247.0.

6 Samples for testing structures

Samples for testing structures must comply with GOST 30247.0 and have design dimensions.

If it is not possible to test samples of such sizes, then the minimum dimensions of the samples and furnace openings are taken to ensure the minimum dimensions of the fire exposure zone on the sample in accordance with those given in Table 1.

Table 1

Design name Minimum zone sizes
fire impact on the sample
Width Length Height
Walls and partitions

two sides

Coverings and ceilings supported by
four sides

Beams and other horizontal
core structures

Columns, pillars and other vertical
core structures

3,0 - 3,0

7 Testing

7.2.1 Samples of load-bearing and self-supporting structures must be tested under load. The load distribution and support conditions for the samples must correspond to the design schemes adopted in the technical documentation.

7.2.2 The test load is established from the condition of creating stresses in the design sections of the structural samples that correspond to their design values ​​or technical documentation.

7.2.3 When determining design stress values, only permanent and temporary long-term loads should be taken into account in their design values ​​with a safety factor equal to 1.

7.2.4 When applying a load, it is necessary to ensure that when the sample is deformed, the loads do not shift and do not affect the value of the fire resistance limit due to changes in heat exchange conditions with the environment.

The load is set at least 30 minutes before the start of the test and is maintained (with accuracy) constant throughout the test.

7.3 Arrangement of thermocouples

7.3.1 The average temperature on the unheated surface of samples of enclosing structures (walls, partitions, floors, etc.) is determined as the arithmetic average of the readings of at least five thermocouples. In this case, one thermocouple is placed in the center, and the rest - in the middle of the straight lines connecting the center and corners of the furnace opening.

7.3.2 When testing structural samples consisting of individual elements, it is necessary that their butt joints do not coincide with the installation locations of thermocouples intended to measure the average temperature of an unheated surface.

7.3.3 To determine the temperature at any point on the surface of the sample, thermocouples should be installed (or a portable thermocouple should be used) in such places on the unheated surface of the samples of enclosing structures where the maximum temperature is expected to appear (for example, in the area of ​​ribs, joints, metal embedded parts, etc. .P.).

When determining the average temperature of an unheated surface, these points are not taken into account.

The locations of thermocouples for measuring temperature on the unheated surface of the enclosing structure sample should in any case be located no closer than 100 mm from the edge of the furnace opening.

7.3.4 When testing columns, pillars, beams, truss elements and other rod structures, thermocouples for measuring the temperature of structural materials, if such measurements are necessary, are installed in planes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the sample, located at least 1 m apart and no closer than 200 mm from the inner surface of the oven. One of these planes must be located at the center of the sample length.

7.4 Samples of external walls are tested under the influence of heat from the side facing the room during operation; coverings and ceilings - from below; beams - on three sides; columns, pillars and trusses - on four or three sides, taking into account actual conditions of use and the worst expected test result.

Samples of single-layer and symmetrical multi-layer internal walls are tested on one side, multi-layer asymmetrical ones - on each side, except in cases where the unfavorable side can be established in advance or the direction of fire exposure is known.

8 Limit states

8.1 When testing load-bearing and enclosing structures, the following limit states are distinguished.

8.1.1 Loss of bearing capacity R due to collapse of the structure or the occurrence of extreme deformations, the values ​​of which are given in Appendix A.

8.1.2 Loss of thermal insulation ability I due to an increase in temperature on the unheated surface of the structure by an average of more than 140°C or at any point on this surface by more than 180°C compared to the temperature of the structure before testing or more than 220°C regardless of the temperature of the structure up to tests.

8.1.3 Loss of integrity E as a result of the formation of through cracks or holes in the structure through which combustion products or flames penetrate onto the unheated surface. During the test, loss of integrity is determined using a tampon in accordance with GOST 30247.0, which is placed in a metal frame with a holder and brought to places where penetration of flame or combustion products is expected, and for 10 s kept at a distance of 20-25 mm from the surface of the sample.

The time from the start of the test to ignition or smoldering with the glow of the tampon is the fire resistance limit of the structure based on loss of integrity.

Charring of a tampon that occurs without ignition or without smoldering with a glow is not taken into account.

8.2 To standardize the fire resistance limits of load-bearing and enclosing structures, the following limit states are used:

For columns, beams, trusses, arches and frames - only the loss of the load-bearing capacity of the structure and nodes R;

For external load-bearing walls and coverings - loss of load-bearing capacity R and integrity E, for external non-load-bearing walls - E;

For non-load-bearing internal walls and partitions - loss of thermal insulation capacity I and integrity E;

For load-bearing internal walls and fire barriers - loss of load-bearing capacity, integrity and thermal insulation capacity R, E, I, respectively.

9 Evaluation of test results

Interstate standard GOST 30247.1-94


Elements of building constructions fire-resistance test methods. Loadbearing and separating constructions

Instead of ST SEV 1000-78, ST SEV 5062-85

1 area of ​​use

1.1. This standard is used in conjunction with GOST 30247.0.

1.2. The standard applies to:

Load-bearing, self-supporting and curtain walls and partitions without openings;

Coverings and ceilings without openings with suspended ceilings (when used to increase the fire resistance of the structure) or without them;

Columns and pillars;

Beams, crossbars, elements of arches, trusses and frames, as well as other load-bearing and enclosing structures.

When establishing the fire resistance limits of structures in order to determine the possibility of their use in accordance with the fire safety requirements of regulatory documents (including certification), the methods established by this standard should be used.

2 Normative references

GOST 30247.0-94 Building structures. Test methods for fire resistance. General requirements

ST SEV 383-87 Fire safety in construction. Terms and Definitions

3 Definitions

The following terms are used in this standard.

Load-bearing structures (elements) are structures that bear permanent and temporary loads, including loads from other parts of buildings.

Fire resistance of the structure is according to ST SEV 383.

Self-supporting structures are structures that bear load only from their own weight.

Enclosing structures are structures that perform the functions of enclosing or separating volumes (rooms) of a building. Enclosing structures can combine the functions of load-bearing (including self-supporting) and enclosing structures.

4 Bench equipment

4.1 Bench equipment - in accordance with GOST 30247.0.

4.2 When testing enclosing structures, the control device of the smoke channel system must provide excess pressure in the fire space of the furnace. When testing vertical enclosing structures, excess pressure must be maintained at a height of no less than the upper 2/3 of the furnace opening.

5 minutes after the start of the test, the excess pressure should be (10±2) Pa:

When testing horizontal elements - at a distance of 100 mm from the heated surface of the sample;

When testing vertical elements - at a height equal to 3/4 of the vertical size of the furnace opening, counting from the bottom.

5 Temperature

According to GOST 30247.0.

6 Samples for testing structures

Samples for testing structures must comply with GOST 30247.0 and have design dimensions.

If it is not possible to test samples of such sizes, then the minimum dimensions of the samples and furnace openings are taken to ensure the minimum dimensions of the fire exposure zone on the sample in accordance with those given in Table 1.

Table 1

7 Testing

7.1 Test conditions are accepted in accordance with GOST 30247.0.

7.2.1 Samples of load-bearing and self-supporting structures must be tested under load. The load distribution and support conditions for the samples must correspond to the design schemes adopted in the technical documentation.

7.2.2 The test load is established from the condition of creating stresses in the design sections of the structural samples that correspond to their design values ​​or technical documentation.

7.2.3 When determining design stress values, only permanent and temporary long-term loads should be taken into account in their design values ​​with a safety factor equal to 1.

7.2.4 When applying a load, it is necessary to ensure that when the sample is deformed, the loads do not shift and do not affect the value of the fire resistance limit due to changes in heat exchange conditions with the environment.

The load is set at least 30 minutes before the start of the test and is maintained (with an accuracy of ±5%) constant throughout the test.

7.3 Arrangement of thermocouples

7.3.1 The average temperature on the unheated surface of samples of enclosing structures (walls, partitions, floors, etc.) is determined as the arithmetic average of the readings of at least five thermocouples. In this case, one thermocouple is placed in the center, and the rest - in the middle of the straight lines connecting the center and corners of the furnace opening.

7.3.2 When testing structural samples consisting of individual elements, it is necessary that their butt joints do not coincide with the installation locations of thermocouples intended to measure the average temperature of an unheated surface.

7.3.3 To determine the temperature at any point on the surface of the sample, thermocouples should be installed (or a portable thermocouple should be used) in such places on the unheated surface of the samples of enclosing structures where the maximum temperature is expected to appear (for example, in the area of ​​ribs, joints, metal embedded parts, etc. .P.).

When determining the average temperature of an unheated surface, these points are not taken into account.

The locations of thermocouples for measuring temperature on the unheated surface of the enclosing structure sample should in any case be located no closer than 100 mm from the edge of the furnace opening.

7.3.4 When testing columns, pillars, beams, truss elements and other rod structures, thermocouples for measuring the temperature of structural materials, if such measurements are necessary, are installed in planes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the sample, located at least 1 m apart and no closer than 200 mm from the inner surface of the oven. One of these planes must be located at the center of the sample length.

7.4 Samples of external walls are tested under the influence of heat from the side facing the room during operation; coverings and ceilings - from below; beams - on three sides; columns, pillars and trusses - on four or three sides, taking into account actual conditions of use and the worst expected test result.

Samples of single-layer and symmetrical multi-layer internal walls are tested on one side, multi-layer asymmetrical ones - on each side, except in cases where the unfavorable side can be established in advance or the direction of fire exposure is known.

8 Limit states

8.1 When testing load-bearing and enclosing structures, the following limit states are distinguished.

8.1.1 Loss of bearing capacity R due to collapse of the structure or the occurrence of extreme deformations, the values ​​of which are given in Appendix A.

8.1.2 Loss of thermal insulation ability I due to an increase in temperature on the unheated surface of the structure by an average of more than 140°C or at any point on this surface by more than 180°C compared to the temperature of the structure before testing or more than 220°C regardless of the temperature of the structure up to tests.

8.1.3 Loss of integrity E as a result of the formation of through cracks or holes in the structure through which combustion products or flames penetrate onto the unheated surface. During the test, loss of integrity is determined using a tampon in accordance with GOST 30247.0, which is placed in a metal frame with a holder and brought to places where penetration of flame or combustion products is expected, and held for 10 s at a distance of 20-25 mm from the surface of the sample.

The time from the start of the test to ignition or smoldering with the glow of the tampon is the fire resistance limit of the structure based on loss of integrity.

Charring of a tampon that occurs without ignition or without smoldering with a glow is not taken into account.

8.2 To standardize the fire resistance limits of load-bearing and enclosing structures, the following limit states are used:

For columns, beams, trusses, arches and frames - only the loss of the load-bearing capacity of the structure and nodes R;

For external load-bearing walls and coverings - loss of load-bearing capacity R and integrity E, for external non-load-bearing walls - E;

For non-load-bearing internal walls and partitions - loss of thermal insulation capacity I and integrity E;

For load-bearing internal walls and fire barriers - loss of load-bearing capacity, integrity and thermal insulation capacity R, E, I, respectively.

9 Evaluation of test results

According to GOST 30247.0.

10 Test report

According to GOST 30247.0.

Appendix A


Determination of the limit state of structures based on loss of bearing capacity depending on deformations

The deflection reached L/20 or

The rate of increase in deformation reached L 2 /(9000h) cm/min, where L is the span, cm;

h - design height of the structure section, cm.

2 For vertical structures, the limiting state should be considered the condition when the vertical deformation reaches L/100 or the rate of increase of vertical deformations reaches 10 mm/min for samples with a height of (3±0.5) m.

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