Basic principles of apartment interior design. The most important principles of interior design

We all sometimes need to renovate our homes. And I want to not just hang wallpaper, paint the floors, but create something special and unique. Nowadays, many design specialists offer their services, but not everyone can use them. Most often, we have to do repairs ourselves.

Before starting renovations, you need to think through and draw up a general design plan for all rooms of the house (apartment). After all, a house is a single whole; it should be cozy and comfortable to live in. Do not forget that renovation and home design are interconnected. Therefore, it is enough to know the basic rules of design and decoration of premises and use them in practice.


Nowadays, when designing a room, much attention is paid not only to beauty and comfort, but also to to a greater extent its functionality. When planning the design of a room, you need to consider how convenient it is to use. Everything should be aimed at the family members living in this house, so that they receive maximum comfort.

Therefore, it is necessary to think through the design of housing according to the functions performed by individual rooms - cooking, storing things, hygiene procedures, communication, a place to work and sleep.

Of course, the main functional load is present in furniture. It should be comfortable and take up little space. For example, kitchen set you can choose a configuration such that it takes up little space and can accommodate a large number of necessary items And household appliances. It is not necessary to place furniture only near the walls, do not be afraid to experiment, of course, within reason, and take into account the integrity created design rooms.

Expressiveness and aesthetics

The room should make such an impression that one can say about it that the owner of the house has an excellent sense of style. All design components should complement each other. And in order to ensure this integrity, you need to choose the right color scheme.

It is better to choose at least three or four primary colors, and additionally use their shades. Decorative elements need to be combined in a certain way - they can be contrasting or similar in pattern and chosen color. You can safely use catchy accents for the interior, not forgetting, of course, their relationship with the overall design of the room. There is no need to clutter your home with unnecessary little things, even beautiful ones.

Decorative items should be chosen not only for the aesthetic pleasure of others, but also to hide flaws in the design, if any. The main thing is to select and arrange them correctly, without cluttering the space.

Balance and proportionality

It is very important to maintain a balance of interior elements in the house, that is, balance. Successfully balancing a room means correctly arranging all the objects and achieving their visual balance. Balance can be symmetrical (they use a classic, “mirror” approach), asymmetrical (they use different objects that are visually perceived the same) and radial (the interior is built around one point).

The dimensions of the item must be proportional to the size of the home. This rule applies to everything that is in the room, both architectural decorative elements (size of doors, windows, location) and general furnishings (furniture, patterns on fabrics, various accessories). Therefore, all these components must be proportional to each other and fit the size of the room.

This rule is especially important if the room is very large and you need to highlight different functional areas. To highlight them, you can try many options, for example, use furniture to divide the space, and materials of different textures; install partitions, screens, multi-level floors.

When creating your own project for the design and decoration of a room, you must remember that all the factors listed above - the functionality of the room, aesthetics, proportionality - are closely intertwined and depend on each other.

Of course, it is difficult to create an interior in a non-standard apartment. It is necessary to take into account that space is limited, and the apartment itself must perform a large number of functions. Even experienced designers do not always take on such orders. But if you want, there is always the opportunity to find a way out - consult with friends, read books, watch ready-made design projects online and apply them directly to your home.

It’s easier for owners in this regard large apartments and their own houses. It all depends on imagination and possibilities. And it’s up to you to decide how you want to make your home. Feel free to embody your ideas, and the result will be a unique room that will delight you after a tiring day at work and express your unique personality.

Rule number six. We expand the space using the Copperfield method.

Each of us, at least once in our lives, watched in fascination as a magician pulled out a rather well-fed and phlegmatic rabbit from an empty, at first glance, tiny box. Magicians, like no one else in the world, know how to use color, shape and mirrors to make an object visually smaller or, conversely, larger than it actually is.

“Illusionist” designers also use these same secrets. They also have in their arsenal whole set means with which you can “pull apart” the walls and “raise” the ceiling. These means include: light, color and, of course, glass and mirrors.

Moreover, a mirror is one of the most ancient and favorite accessories for expanding space by designers. The use of paired mirrors placed opposite each other, the use of inclined mirrors allows you to visually increase the size of even a very small room. Carry out a simple experiment - remove the mirror in the bathroom, and you will immediately feel how much this room has “shrinked”!

Speaking about light as a tool for working with space, it is difficult to limit ourselves to the scope of this article. Therefore, we will present only a few general tips. When lighting small rooms, you can safely abandon the central ceiling light source - use several local light sources. Make more active use of wall, floor or table lamps, creating your own light “zoning” that is comfortable for you. And, of course, don't forget about natural light! Windows, in small apartment Do not tightly drape with thick curtains. It is better to use light, translucent fabric.

Color is also one of the most important tools in working with space, and many articles on our website will be devoted to this topic. In this article we will also present just a few simple tips and recommendations. The use of a floor covering of a uniform color and a compatible wall color in adjacent rooms allows you to visually, as it were, unite them. Choosing a light tone for the walls and ceiling also helps to achieve a visual “expansion” of the space. Moreover, the lighter tone of the ceiling in comparison with the walls naturally “raises” it. Everyone probably knows about the properties of “striped” color alternation - vertical stripes increase the space vertically, and horizontal stripes increase the space horizontally, respectively.

Rule number seven. Don't turn your apartment into Batman's secret bunker!

In numerous films about the winged guardian of order, his secret underground bunker is literally stuffed with various devices and devices for all occasions! We need to cook something - welding machine at hand, you need to sharpen something - and here you have a lathe. But, as you remember, Batman, after all, did not have any particular problems with the dimensions of his “official” and “secret” housing. You and I are not Batman, and we don’t have such living spaces, so it’s worth thinking: do we really need all these pieces of furniture and interior design that are now cluttering up the apartment?

For example, is a children's sports complex really necessary if the child has not been able to go to it for five years, and this grandiose structure made of pipes and crossbars occupies a third of the room? If the younger generation still has a craving for sports, hang a folding wall-mounted horizontal bar! Or, let’s say, the bathroom, which was last used to soak clothes in the old fashioned way by a mother-in-law who came from the village. Install a shower stall and gain some more space! Consider whether you need a classic “Soviet” pair of armchairs with a coffee table - maybe replace them with one single bean bag chair that can be easily moved around the apartment.

Rule number eight. “After Senka and the hat”

Currently, furniture manufacturers offer a fairly wide range of multifunctional transformers, ready to become, at your request, a bed, a wardrobe, a desk or dining table! Also, for apartments with modest dimensions, it would be appropriate to use furniture without “architectural frills” or folding furniture. After all, often, manufacturers of sofas and armchairs, following the lead of pseudo-designers, bring out huge armrests, or make an exorbitantly high back, although exactly the same sofa can be bought without “wing” armrests. Folding furniture is also a topic for a separate discussion, since modern market furniture is quite actively developing this stylish trend.

All these “furniture” tips will also help you lighten and expand your living space.

Rule number nine. A sledgehammer won't help matters.

Paradox. It would seem that if you make one large room out of two small rooms, it will help make the apartment more spacious visually. In fact, this is not true at all.

Of course, if you first completely clear the apartment of all furniture and things, take a final look at it and start smashing the walls with a sledgehammer, you will eventually feel the new space. There are no walls or partitions, instead of a storage room - great niche, from front door You can run a sprint race to the opposite corner of the apartment. Now let’s return the necessary furniture and things, and it will immediately become clear that, having destroyed the walls that separated the various zones of the apartment, we are forced to re-zone the room with something else. Well, you can’t put a bed in the middle of this space!

European interior designers have gone even further in this matter. They advise making additional closets, storage rooms, and rooms even in a small apartment. And the principle of converting quantity into quality begins to work! A large number of premises creates the illusion of large space!

Rule number ten. Final. Golden.

Instead of describing this rule at length and with reason, let's simply say: NEVER USE READY-MADE WALLPAPERS WITH A PATTERN IN A SMALL APARTMENT! Yes, yes, that’s right, in capital letters!

Buy high-quality, environmentally friendly paint, pick up a roller and paint the walls of your apartment! This is exactly what almost 90% of Europeans do. Do you think they are stupider than us? Every time you travel to Europe, for some reason you find it hard to believe in the stupidity of the people there. Europeans have long understood that only painted walls can make their home stylish, comfortable and cozy. Only against the background of painted walls, it looks special beautiful furniture. Only painted walls create the necessary space even in small rooms.

Completing the design theme small apartments Of course, it should be said that all the rules and advice given in the article must be applied wisely. Simply copying or using any “pure” ideas often leads to even greater chaos and bad taste not only in the interior, but in all areas of life. The recommendations that you have gleaned from the text serve as a kind of road signs, directing you to a more comfortable and shorter road. And where will you turn at the numerous intersections of the difficult and winding road to stylish apartment– it’s up to you to decide. And, by the way, rules are what they are for, to break them, at least occasionally!

By understanding the basic principles by which interior design is created, any space can be transformed into a fabulous environment. Surely you know what it’s like to be in a well-designed room. When you literally feel how everything is connected to each other, complements each other and works together cohesively for our pleasure. And if you look at each piece of furniture separately, you involuntarily notice that it is “just right” here. Do you want to achieve this effect in your own home? Then check out the following interior design principles. Combine this knowledge with practice and experimentation, and you are sure to find your way to creating a beautiful space.

1. Balance

In design, balance creates a sense of balance. It's about equalizing or approximating the visual weight of different objects. At the same time, balance is created not only through their shape, but also through color, pattern and texture.

What is visual weight? Take, for example, two identical vases in white and black - will they look the same against the same background? There are many ways to make an object appear heavier or lighter than it actually is. Here are the main ones:

  1. dark tones, bright, saturated colors and warm shades give objects more weight than light tones, cool shades and muted colors;
  2. Heavy or unusual patterns and shapes also have more visual weight because they attract more attention;
  3. transparent bodies and reflective surfaces always look lighter;
  4. textured surfaces visually weigh more than smooth ones.

There are three various types balance in the interior:

  • symmetrical or formal- a balance that must be maintained when creating traditional or formal spaces. To do this, the room is evenly divided into two sides, which reflect each other. However, differences between the parties in some minor details are welcome. If you choose not to take risks and make both sides exactly the same, then your room may become monotonous and boring.

Interior design - symmetrical balance

Interior design - symmetrical balance

  • asymmetrical or informal- balance in which all lines, colors, shapes and textures are balanced without exact duplication. Creating this balance is more difficult, but also more interesting. For example, a sofa on one side of the room can be balanced by placing a grand piano on the other side.

Interior design - asymmetrical balance

  • radial- balance that is achieved with the help of the central object and all the other elements located around it. An example here would be a round one with chairs around it and cupboards located against the walls on both sides of the room.

Interior Design - Radial Balance

2. Rhythm

Just like in music, rhythm in interior design creates repeating patterns and contrasts to add visual interest. You can achieve this by alternating the same colors, shapes and patterns at regular intervals (distances). The purpose of this is to make the eyes move around the room.

For example, you can set a certain rhythm by using the same pattern on sofa cushions, then lift it to the picture on the wall and repeat it again on the carpet at the other end of the room. By looking around the room and noticing the same patterns along its entire perimeter, a person will be able to feel the integrity of the design of this interior.

Interior design - rhythm

Interior design - rhythm

Interior design - rhythm

3. Harmony

Harmony in an interior is created when all its elements work together to convey a single message. Just as rhythm can create excitement, harmony brings a sense of calm. For example, you can create harmony by using only one color in a design, even if all the objects are very different in shape, size and texture.

Interior design - harmony

4. Accent

A room where everything has equal importance will appear either scattered or boring. You need to focus on something. Architectural spaces often have so-called "points of interest", such as a fireplace or a window with a beautiful view.

Interior design - emphasis

You can also place a bright object, such as a rug or a rug, in the center of the room, and organize all the other furniture around it so that it emphasizes its originality.

Interior design - emphasis

Interior design - emphasis

If there is not enough space for this, then simply group the furniture or add one bright element (carpet, vase, etc.).

Interior design - emphasis

5. Proportions and scale

Proportion is the relationship between the sizes of two objects, and scale is how the size of one object relates to another or to the space in which it is placed. For example, a large sectional cushioned furniture in a small room it will look out of place, taking up most of it and leaving room only for a small one coffee table and a chest of drawers.

Why is that? Some proportional relationships between objects or object and space are more pleasing than others. The ancient Greeks came up with Golden Rule, which reduces all proportions to one simple formula: the ratio of the smaller object to the larger one must be the same as the ratio of the larger object to the space as a whole. This proportion is also present in nature, from where all artists and architects borrow it.

Interior design - correct proportions

Interior design - basic principles updated: March 21, 2014 by: Margarita Glushko

Do you lack harmony in your own bedroom? Do you want changes in your home?

Try to incorporate the seven design principles into the interior that StarLight Scenery uses when creating interior design.

Today we will reveal to you the secrets of impeccable interior design. Although, in fact, these are not secrets at all. Learning these seven key principles is part of curriculum for the design of any interior. The combination of these is present in all the well-designed interiors that we admire.

If you incorporate each of the principles into your home design, you can create beautiful interior and compete with professionals. Let's start!


Balance in interior design plays an important role. Visual balance is based on the correct distribution of objects in the room. There are three ways to create balance:

  • Using symmetrical balance is the most common way to achieve visual balance. To create symmetrical balance in a room with a fireplace, place one large object in the center (such as a painting or mirror) and place matching objects on either side of it. This is a simplified example, but it shows the perfect balance.

  • By using asymmetrical balance in your home, you will create a more relaxed atmosphere. Let's look at the fireplace example again. Instead of choosing matching candlesticks, you can replace them with dissimilar objects of similar sizes, since an even distribution has visual weight. Although it takes a little more effort, asymmetry will give your room a more relaxed look.

  • Radial balance refers to objects positioned around a major central axis. The most well-known application of a radial balance is on a table placed in the center of a dining room.


Unity, continuity and harmony are necessary to connect all interior spaces. Using different dissimilar styles throughout your home will not give good results, it will make you feel like you are traveling from one country to another. Each of your interior spaces must work together to create a cohesive whole.

Using similar design elements will unify your decor. For example, decorating the walls of each room in different colors can be harsh. However, if you combine spaces using limited color palette, you will create visual smoothness of lines and harmony.


Contrast in a room can refer to color, shape and use of space.
One of many designers' favorite ways to create contrast is with color. Nothing creates a visual impact like using black and white in a room.

Another effective method add contrast - using shape. For example, using a large round mirror above the sofa, round table to the side and two square ottomans. This gives you the contrast of circles and squares.

Contrast also includes positive and negative spaces in a room. Just as you have areas with positive visual activity, you should also include areas with empty (negative) space to create contrast in the volume. Keep this in mind when organizing the maintenance of the premises.


Rhythm in music and interior design are similar in nature. Consider the rhythmic beat of a song and the repeating design elements in a room. Your foot taps a beat and your eyes scan the room, stopping at the design elements. Bring a sense of rhythm and movement to your rooms through color, shape, size, texture or patterns through repetition, progression, transition.

Repetition is very easy to do, just do it with light hand. Using splashes of orange (or another bright color) throughout the room will do the trick. However, be aware that too much repetition in a room can be annoying, just like listening to the same track all day, every day!

Progression is achieved by using a group of objects that vary in size. A collection of shells, candles and even pumpkins, ranging from small to large sizes are all examples of progression.

The transition is a little more difficult to describe. It allows you to lead your gaze softly and smoothly from one object or room to another. Arched doorways, windows and curvy furniture are the most common transition tools in interior design.


We all know what an accent is. This means that every room or space has an element of architecture or some object that catches our eye first. The fireplace is the most common architectural accent. A huge piece of art, an aquarium, or a large piece of furniture can also be the focal point of the room.

Interior design elements such as color, texture and shape are used to draw attention to the focal point and should highlight the focus rather than clash with it. If you line your fireplace with bronze glass tiles, you'll create an accent with color and texture.

Scale and proportions

Have you ever been to big room in which the furniture seems insignificant compared to the space, or in small room Where does the furniture overpower the space? If so, you understand the importance of scale. Scale refers to the size of objects in space.

Proportion, on the other hand, refers to the size of one object in relation to another. For example, you have a large easy chair, and next to it you place a miniature table. The proportions of the elements are chosen incorrectly. An elegant chair and a table will go much better visually.


Design details home interior go far beyond accessories. Think about the details that are used as decoration on the cake. Likewise in interior design, details are small, subtle touches that can have a huge impact on the perception and appearance of a room. Things like trim on pillows, lamp shades, or decorative switch plates and sockets add little touches of personality to your home that make it look complete!

By following these 7 design principles in the interior of your home, you will get excellent results, regardless of the chosen style.

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