Trump's attitude towards same-sex marriage. Donald Trump made a shocking decision regarding gay people

Once Trump takes office, gays will no longer be glorified. He does not agree with Obama's policies, because gays are strongly pushing their rights. Something needs to be done about their unbridled behavior. Moreover, it is necessary to instill traditional family values ​​in people rather than promote perversions.

For many years in a row, the United States has encouraged people with unconventional orientation. Moreover, one could often find propaganda of tolerance in other countries. After some unpleasant events, Donald Trump is ready to change his policy towards such people.

Donald Trump has thought about the rights of LGBT people (an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and their communities). Trump realized that they felt quite at ease. They demand special treatment, but they themselves do not even observe ordinary things - they cannot behave with dignity in society. It all started with an attack on Ivanka Trump. On the plane, an LGBT representative attacked Trump's daughter; he stated that he would not fly on the same plane with her. Of course, the homosexual was calmed down and dropped off. As it turned out, a gay man has a good career and even a husband, which means he shouldn’t have problems communicating in society.

It turns out that society itself has spoiled homosexuals and all representatives of the LGBT community with its tolerant attitude. They do not at all consider it necessary to behave with dignity in society.

Donald Trump is furious; he has made a fateful decision. Once Trump takes office, gays will no longer be glorified. He does not agree with Obama's policies, because gays are strongly pushing their rights. Something needs to be done about their unbridled behavior.

...we need to instill traditional family values ​​in people rather than promote perversions.

It is possible that the heads of other states will follow Donald Trump’s example. After all, representatives of LGBT communities behave the same way there. It's time to put an end to this abuse of tolerance. Moreover, forgive the tautology, we need to instill traditional family values ​​in people rather than promote perversions.

Who is Pete Buttigieg

The first democratic primaries in the United States took place on February 3. But the presidential race began a year ago. Over the course of 12 months, the leaders changed, but in general it was always clear that the right to fight Trump for The White house one moderate “liberal” democrat and a representative of the radical wing of the socialist sense will fight. And if the candidate from the socialists was not clear until the very end, the relationship between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders was never fully clarified, then with the candidate from the moderate wing of the party, which is supported by the establishment, everything seemed clear. Joe Biden was consistently leading in the polls, could boast of the sympathy of a large part of the party elite, and also had almost 100% recognition in all states. The greater the general shock when Biden failed miserably in the Iowa primaries. And the winner in this state turned out to be (and a week later he consolidated his success in New Hampshire) Pete Buttigieg - an extraordinary candidate who was considered a dark horse.

A man of contradictions

If there was only one word to describe 38-year-old Pete Buttigieg, “controversial” would be the adjective.

The fact is that Pete has traditionally never followed the path of least resistance. On the contrary, sometimes he climbed into places where, it seemed, he shouldn’t have climbed at all - and emerged victorious. Pete Buttigieg is a phenomenon at his core, and it doesn’t matter how his campaign ends - he will continue to pursue his line.

In many ways, it was the ability to stick to his line and not act as is convenient that made Buttigieg the politician for whom up to a quarter of registered Democrats are now ready to vote. Moreover, sometimes his line is built as if out of some antagonism to what is accepted in society.

On the one hand, while this has brought success to Pete, he is following a difficult path, which he himself likes to talk about often, but the question is how far one can advance in big politics. It is still difficult to predict how Buttigieg’s campaign will end, but we can say with confidence: both success and defeat will be determined by the personal qualities of “Mayor Pete.”

Anglican from Catholic school

Pete Buttigieg is a controversial and, without a doubt, bright man. He was born to a Maltese immigrant who was a devout Catholic and sent his son to Catholic school. Young Pete really came under the strong influence of faith and left school... an ideological Protestant Anglican. And this is probably distinguishing feature Pete - he finds himself in circumstances that favor a certain development of events, and acts differently. And this applies not only to religion.

One more interesting fact, which doesn't say much about "Mayor Pete" himself, but complements the picture perfectly, is the origin of his last name. Buttigieg (or, if we're talking about the transcription, Buutage) is not an American surname, but a Maltese one. Malta is full of politicians, musicians and athletes who bear this surname. But the surname has deeper roots; if you analyze it etymologically, you will find that Mayor Pete's ancestors were... Arabs. Buttigieg is a distorted Arabic word for “father of chickens,” this surname meant that the ancestors of the US presidential candidate were engaged in breeding this particular animal. It is unknown how interested Pete himself is in this fact, but it is an interesting coincidence that the mayor can speak both Maltese and Arabic (and, in principle, knows six languages, which he learned during his adventurous life!).

Liberal from a conservative state

Of the seven candidates actually vying for the US presidential nomination, only one represents a state that is not deeply Democratic. As you might guess, this is Pete Buttigieg. In principle, in the United States it is very common for a politician to begin his career not in the state where he was born, but where political conditions favor his election. Thus, Senator from New Hampshire Bernie Sanders was born in Brooklyn, New York. Joe Biden, the candidate from Delaware, is a native of Pennsylvania. And the representative of liberal Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren, was born in extremely conservative Oklahoma.

For politicians in the United States, their home state is often really not that important, especially if their views differ significantly from the ideas shared by the majority of residents of that state. Pete Buttigieg was born in South Bend, Indiana, the region's most conservative state. Not long ago, the governor there was Michael Pence, the current Vice President of the United States, a very pious man and a favorite of the conservative electorate. The last time a Democrat became governor of this state was 20 years ago, and the situation with the Senate is also not particularly happy: not so long ago, the sensational winner Joe Donnelly lost his first re-election. The state is definitely unlucky for a Democrat to be elected: and Buttigieg could not help but understand this.

Pete became interested in politics early on. The first time he appeared in a big way was at the age of 18, when his essay won the John F. Kennedy competition on politics. Ironically, Buttigieg's work was dedicated to "the integrity and political courage of Bernie Sanders." It’s unlikely that Buttigieg would have thought that 20 years later it would be Sanders who would become his main opponent in the primaries. But he could no longer not understand the political situation while studying at Harvard - and yet he decided to return and build a career in his native South Bend. And, as history has shown, he was right. He was elected mayor of his hometown in 2011, when he was only 29 years old. This is a record among mayors of cities with a population of 100 thousand people; at that time there was no one in America younger than Pete. And he quite successfully coped with the management of the city, being re-elected for a second term.

"Combat Taxi Driver"

Pete Buttigieg joined the US Navy Reserve in 2009. According to him, politics also played a role in this, albeit very indirectly. The young man decided to join the military while he was campaigning for people in Iowa and communicating directly with voters. Then he was struck by the desire of the inhabitants of the outback to contribute to the defense of America, and decided that he, too, should take part in the defense of the country. But at the same time, he did not want to seriously withdraw from his political and civic activities, so he signed up for the reserves and waited for America to need his help.

This help was needed in 2014, when Buttigieg had already been elected mayor of more than South Bend. Theoretically, by that time, Buttigieg could have agreed to somehow avoid military service or at least hold it purely formally, not very far from home and domestic policy. But Mayor Pete decided to act honestly - he went to Afghanistan and began serving America there. Moreover, as a well-educated person, he was assigned to a unit responsible for the electronic security of American troops. He had to fight more on the information front than on the real one.

But Buttigieg himself, to put it mildly, didn’t like it. And he decided to take a drastic step: he asked to serve as a military driver. Why did the mayor of a city of 100,000 and a very promising politician need this? Only he knows about this, but nevertheless, the surprised military complied with his request. So Mayor Pete became a “combat taxi driver,” as he called himself. Buttigieg took high-ranking generals to Kabul, and he himself monitored security on the road, where there were sometimes mines or even militant ambushes. At the same time, I learned Farsi to communicate with the locals. Buttigieg served in Afghanistan for 7 months, during which time he was awarded the United States Medal of Commendation (for heroism and meritorious service).

"Not Gay Gay Enough"

Pete Buttigieg came out while serving as mayor of South Bend in 2015, shortly before his re-election. He admitted to being gay in an interview with the local newspaper, the South Bend Tribune. However, this did not in any way affect the attitude towards Buttigieg, and he won the election with a result of close to 80%, the most impressive in many years.

The very next year, Buttigieg crossed paths with schoolteacher Chasten Glezman on a dating app, with whom he began a relationship. The couple officially registered their union in June 2018. Indiana, like the rest of America, allows same-sex marriage. Thus, Pete Buttigieg turned out to be the second gay man in history who decided to compete for the presidency of the United States. At the same time, Buttigieg is the first serious contender for the nomination, because his predecessor Fred Karger was an outright outsider in the Republican Party.

It would seem that Buttigieg should receive the full and total support of the LGBT community, which has finally received its candidate. However, it suddenly became clear that his orientation was a serious obstacle on his way to the White House. And we are not yet talking about the conservative electorate, which is not very sympathetic to people of non-traditional orientation, we are talking about the primaries of the Democratic Party.

Buttigieg was opposed... by gays themselves! And not just any activist group, this was a truly powerful campaign aimed at proving that Mayor Pete is the “wrong gay.” She was so noticeable that a number of leading media outlets wrote about her, and the candidate himself admitted that he stopped reading newspapers with an LGBT focus due to the constant attacks on him. The fact is that Buttigieg was recognized as too “masculine gay” and suspected that he did not share the values ​​of the LGBT community. It sounds absurd, but in order to belong among gays, it is not enough just to have a non-traditional orientation, you must fully share their values ​​and regularly demonstrate this. And if a person does not make his passions public, then his sincerity raises serious questions in their minds.

In addition to gays themselves, Buttigieg's orientation greatly irritates the African-American electorate. In this environment, tolerance towards the LGBT community is much lower than in all others, and many, due to established prejudices, simply cannot take gays seriously in politics. For Buttigieg, this is a serious problem, because in a number of southern states, black people make up the majority among registered Democrats, and without their support, victory there would be simply impossible.

However, on this moment It’s too early for Buttigieg to think about such problems. He got off to a bright start with Super Tuesday about two weeks away. It is there that the votes of delegates from Texas and California will be played out, which will largely determine the winner. It will not be easy for Buttigieg in both cases, but there is a chance of victory in both cases. It is possible that Trump’s opponent in the fall of 2020 will not be the elderly socialist Sanders or the equally experienced centrist Biden, but a young gay man from conservative Indiana, Pete Buttigieg.

On the weakening of the rights and freedoms of the country's LGBT communities and religious minorities. The American publication Politico writes about this with reference to its sources. “The couple helped block a draft decree that would have abolished the rights of sexual minorities enshrined in legislation during the presidency,” the publication writes.

A draft LGBT rights order that would, among other things, repeal a ban on discrimination against gay people in the workplace has caused concern among journalists this week. At the same time, on Tuesday, January 31, the White House issued a statement that “President Donald Trump is committed to protecting the rights of all Americans, including the LGBT community. "President Trump continues to show respect and support for LGBT rights just as he did on the campaign trail."

"He is proud to be the first ever candidate to mention the LGBT community in his acceptance speech,"

pledging to protect the community from violence and oppression,” the statement said.

Speaking to reporters, he refused to comment on the possible consideration of this bill.

The order of then US President Barack Obama was signed in 2014. It expanded the protection of the rights of members of LGBT communities when hiring: in particular, it prohibited discrimination against representatives of communities working for companies that, in turn, carry out government contracts.

White House officials believe that the draft law weakening the rights of LGBT communities would not have made it to Trump's desk for his signature in any case.

According to Politico's sources, this is "one of 200 executive orders that were originally intended for the president's information." According to White House officials, such a law would not have been issued even if Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner had not intervened in this matter.

“(Among them) there are actual executive orders, there are drafts and sketches that were liked during the work, and there are some ideas from people from the outside,” a White House spokesman said, describing the documents.

Note that the section on the rights of the LGBT community was recently removed from the official White House website. However, the section on climate change also disappeared from the site. Both topics were important in the policies of previous US President Barack Obama, and the relevant sections disappeared immediately after the inauguration of President Donald Trump. Currently, Trump's energy plan has been published in place of the section on the LGBT community.

They took their main step in protecting LGBT rights in the United States two years ago.

On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. This decision was made with a margin of one vote: five judges were in favor, four were against. This situation is indicative: there is no complete consensus on this issue in society.

Supporters of same-sex marriage "have asked for equal consideration under the law, and the Constitution gives them that right," Justice Anthony Kennedy said. Position conservative forces expressed Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia, who called the decision “an assault on the American system and a threat to democracy.” At the same time, President Barack Obama, commenting on the court ruling, said that American society it got “a little better.”

According to statistics for June 2015, 9 million representatives of the LGBT community lived in the United States. According to a May Gallup poll, 60% of Americans approved of gay marriage, while 37% opposed it. At the same time, some of them believed that same-sex couples could limit themselves to “civil unions”, which would provide certain rights.

The US presidential administration is launching a campaign to decriminalize homosexuality in countries where it is illegal to have an unconventional sex. sexual orientation. The reason for launching the program was the execution young man in Iran, NBC reported, citing White House officials.

The company is led by US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenel, the highest-ranking openly gay person in the Trump administration.

US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell

“It is concerning that in the 21st century, some 70 countries still have laws that criminalize the status or behavior of LGBT people,” said an official involved in organizing the campaign.

To mark the launch of the campaign, the United States invited LGBT activists from different countries Europe, although the initiative primarily targets countries in the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean. In total, there are 72 states in the world whose laws punish homosexual orientation or behavior, eight of which provide for the death penalty.

At the moment, 24 states around the world recognize gay marriage, and in another 28 you can enter into a civil union. According to NBC News, in the United States, the last laws that in any way persecuted homosexuals were overturned by the Supreme Court in 2003. In 2015, same-sex marriage was legalized in all states.

The current head of America, Donald Trump, has spoken out against same-sex marriage. He was an ardent opponent of sexual minorities, but during the election campaign, Donald changed his mind. He said that gay people need protection of rights and support. What changed after the inauguration, in relation to migrants, why did it become more friendly to gays and transgender people?

The statement on protecting the rights of gay people surprised the population - earlier, in 2014, the President of America spoke unequivocally about LGBT people and opposed same-sex unions. In 2015, he said that you just need to come to terms with the existence of such people and stop discrimination, suddenly Trump's attitude towards gays and transgender people changed.

The following year, during the election campaign, the opinion of the future ruler of the United States changed again. He said that if he takes the post of head of state, he will seriously think about changing the composition of the Supreme Court of the United States, which could introduce a ban on same-sex unions. The speech caused a stir in society - advocates for the rights of sexual minorities and the members of this group themselves were alarmed. Later, the politician clarified that he is not against registering such relationships, but is sure: this question must be considered within the framework of legislation separate state. Trump and Clinton supported gay citizens during the election race.

The future ruler spoke out against discrimination against transgender people, the law banning the use of toilets (the law prohibited the use toilet rooms, are not intended for the gender indicated on the birth certificate).

What has changed since taking office?

The 45th President of the United States is a conservative when it comes to family values. When Donald officially took office, the section on protecting the rights of LGBT citizens disappeared from the White House website. This happened the day after the inauguration. The event alarmed representatives of sexual minorities, since the opinion of the ruler of America towards this category of citizens changed repeatedly.

But Trump promised that he would continue the program to protect the rights of sexual minorities and transgender people serving under the federal contract signed under Barack Obama. Donald Trump is the first representative of the Republican Party to make such a statement.

Among them, there are no laws on LGBT people.

Statements about LGBT

After the infamous statement about banning same-sex marriage, six months later, the president announced that he was not going to abolish the marriages of gays and lesbians. The politician argued that his opinion is not important, since the issue has already been resolved by law.

On June 15, 2016, after the terrorist attack in Orlando, during which a gay club was shot, the politician provided support to gay people. He thanked the gay community and promised to protect its members from migrants. As part of this program, after taking office, the head of state introduced
, and this decision was largely justified by the terrorist attack in Orlando.

On his Twitter, the ruler even posted a thematic post with gratitude: “Thank you LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary drags more people into the country who threaten your freedoms and beliefs.”

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