Will the Federal Penitentiary Service raise salaries this year? As part of the reform of Russia's security forces, it is possible to merge the federal penitentiary service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In 2018, reforms are expected in all spheres of society, the prerequisites for the reorganization of the Federal Penitentiary Service are already emerging. The changes will affect every employee in the institution, the salaries of department employees will be revised, and control over the quality performance of professional duties will be strengthened.

The issue of merging the FSIN and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is under consideration - this is one of the most likely ways to advance reform in this department. The reorganization of this structure gave rise to the need for wage indexation, which has not been carried out for many years.

The latest news about the FSIN reform in 2018 concerns increasing employee wages

The fact that the wind of change is blowing is evidenced by the fact that the Ministry of Justice is considering a bill that will regulate the activities of the Federal Penitentiary Service and will become the main instrument for carrying out reform in 2018.

One of the fundamental points of the reform is the indexation of salaries of department employees, which has not been carried out for several years. The new bill provides for an increase in wages for employees of the penitentiary service and specifies a number of conditions on which the amount of wages will depend:

  1. the salary will be calculated in accordance with the position and rank;
  2. bonuses are provided for length of service;
  3. work under special conditions will be encouraged;
  4. senior management has the right to reward the work of employees and personal growth through incentives and bonuses.

In 2018, department employees can count on an increase in wages due to the fact that funding for this structure was previously cut. On this moment, there is a situation in which ordinary employees receive a fairly modest salary and the gap with the salaries of management is clearly visible. The Ministry is looking for ways to stabilize the situation and eliminate the imbalance.

The bill assumes that the salaries of senior officials will soon be cut, and as a result it will be possible to increase the wages of ordinary employees. This item has not yet been approved and is under discussion. Changes will occur smoothly, which will allow department employees to adapt to new conditions.

Wage indexation taking into account the level of inflation will be 5-6%. Employee salaries will be increased based on the table of average payments. Unpleasant is the forecast of experts who are confident that we should not expect an increase in wages. The economic crisis has led to a decline and in light of this, at the highest government level, the issue of canceling the salary increase is being discussed.

Latest news on the introduction of new rules for employees as part of the FSIN reform in 2018

The reorganization of the Federal Penitentiary Service could be carried out by merging with the Ministry of Internal Affairs or lead to the fact that this agency will completely withdraw from law enforcement agencies and receive a special status.

Particular attention is paid to FSIN employees; in accordance with the new requirements, department employees must:

  • treat prisoners well;
  • respect the rights of persons serving sentences;
  • respect the traditions of representatives of other nations;
  • contribute to the fight against corruption.

In accordance with the new standards, an employee of the updated Federal Penitentiary Service should become an example for persons serving sentences. Giving up immoral and bad habits is encouraged.

The new responsibility of the employees will be to describe all observed corruption facts and draw up a report on this incident. The grounds for dismissal will be failure to comply with the law and absenteeism.

Employees must be prepared to undergo testing for alcohol and drug use at any time. New legal provisions oblige employees to report to senior management any attempts to commit bribery while on duty.

Analyzing the new norms, it becomes obvious that officials are trying to create special group contract workers who will agree to conclude employment contract and work in the reorganized FSIN. The main requirement is communication skills, the ability to find a way out difficult situations and lack of bad habits.

New employees will be supervised by management during a trial period, which will range from 2 to 6 months. From now on, only a highly qualified specialist who has passed the competition can occupy a leadership position.

In order to smooth out the situation, FSIN employees will receive special social guarantees, for example, for length of service they will increase the duration of vacation. In case if professional activity served as a reason for threats from criminals - the state guarantees the protection and safety of employees of this department.

The FSIN reform in 2018 provides for a reduction in staff, this indicates the desire to create an elite federal structure

In 2018 will be tested compliance of employees with their positions, as a result of which the ranks of employees will significantly thin out. Personnel composition will change due to reduction leadership positions, while the wave of optimization will practically not affect ordinary employees.

Personal growth and contribution to the development of the department are encouraged. The dismissal will affect those employees who have virtually no influence on the development of this Federal Service. In the risk zone, on this moment, turned out to be psychologists.

Reducing the composition will lead to an increase in the amount of responsibility and responsibilities of ordinary employees. The possibility that some correctional institutions will be liquidated cannot be ruled out. All convicts who are serving their sentences in the data structural divisions, will be transferred to other colonies.

Document on the reorganization. At the moment it has not yet been signed, it is at the stage of discussion and finalization in the Cabinet of Ministers Russian Federation. The relevant departments have already familiarized themselves with the new legislative framework and left positive feedback.

Reorganization will take place in 2018 federal service execution of punishments. The changes will affect wages employees of the department, as well as the requirements that are placed on them.

They say that significant changes are coming after the FSIN reform in 2018 last news. The Ministry of Justice is considering a separate bill that will regulate the activities of the federal department.

How will wages increase?

The new bill will include a pay increase for correctional officers. Today, wages depend on a number of conditions:

  • salary according to position and rank;
  • allowances for length of service, qualifications and special working conditions;
  • bonuses and incentive payments.

The increase in salaries for FSIN employees in 2018 in Russia is due to the fact that the department’s funding was recently cut, and therefore salaries did not increase. Now they are going to catch up. Officials are looking for opportunities to close the huge gap between the salaries of management and ordinary employees.

It is expected that the salaries of senior ranks will be reduced, which will allow ordinary security guards to increase their pay. This innovation has not yet been fully approved, but there is a high chance that rates will be raised in this way. Changes will occur gradually, through annual salary increases.

Experts believe that one should not count on a significant increase in payments. The average indexation of wages taking into account inflation will be 5–6%. Accordingly, the salaries of FSIN employees in 2018, based on the table of average payments, will increase according to this indicator. Last year, a situation arose in which inflation was 12%, but wages were indexed by only 5%.

There is an even more unpleasant forecast from experts, according to which there will be no indexing. Due to the ongoing crisis, the possibility of canceling the salary increase is being discussed at the state level.

New rules for employees

The salary increase is not the only change planned. The reorganization of the FSIN in 2018, according to the latest news, may lead to the agency leaving the law enforcement agencies and receiving a special status.

The Ministry of Justice is determined to tighten requirements for employees. The new law will stipulate:

  • good treatment of prisoners;
  • respect for the rights of those serving sentences;
  • respect for the traditions of different peoples;
  • rejection of corruption in all its forms.

Innovations also imply the abandonment of immoral habits and a ban on absenteeism. In addition, employees will be required to report any facts of corruption. Otherwise, they face dismissal.

Department employees will be subject to periodic testing for alcohol or drug use. As for the anti-corruption area, the law obliges prison guards to report to management any attempts at bribery.

Only those who get along with people will work in the FSIN system. At least, this is how one can interpret the article of the bill, which prescribes respectful treatment of those serving sentences and their loved ones. Employees of the structure will have to respect the customs of different peoples and all religions.

Every jailer is expected to enter into a mandatory labor contract. New employees will need to pass probation, which will range from 2 to 6 months. A person will be able to occupy a leadership position only after going through a competitive procedure.

Additional social guarantees are called compensation for such serious demands. For length of service, vacation time will be increased. And in case of pressure on an employee from criminal elements, he is guaranteed state protection.

However, experts worry that the tightening of requirements will lead to many employees resigning.

Reductions in the federal structure

However, the number of department employees will one way or another decrease. The reform involves reducing the staff of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018. Optimization occurs in most government agencies. Officials explain that without cuts it is impossible to achieve an increase in wages.

It is expected that the personnel composition of the federal department will change due to the reduction of senior positions. Ordinary employees will be virtually unaffected by the cuts. The authorities took into account the experience of 2012, when a sharp decrease in the number of guards led to an increase in the number of crimes committed by released prisoners. At the same time, the number of suicides among employees of the structure increased.

The bill assumes that layoffs will affect specialists who have little impact on the activities of the department. So, psychologists may be laid off.

Simultaneously with the decrease staffing plan to expand the range of responsibilities of regular employees. This is due to the fact that some correctional facilities will be closed altogether. For example, those that house fewer prisoners are being reorganized. Those serving their sentences will be transferred to other colonies, which will affect the workload of the guards at these institutions.

Officials are rushing to reassure residents of the country, assuring them that there is no need to be afraid of an increase in the number of crimes. The reorganization will be carried out gradually, taking into account all possible problems.

Today, ordinary employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service bear a great responsibility, so the issue of increasing wages is relevant. Experts believe that an increase in rates will stimulate interest in high-quality performance of official duties.

Government officials have not yet approved the final version of the new bill. The document is currently at the stage of consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers. Previously, the bill was agreed upon by the relevant departments and received a positive review from the legal commission. After approval by the Cabinet of Ministers, it will be submitted for discussion to the State Duma.

The FSIN is a federal service that performs a seemingly invisible, but extremely important job - monitoring the execution of sentences handed down by the court. The work of this service is often underestimated, although the tasks they solve cannot be ignored, so the question of whether there will be a salary increase in the FSIN in 2018 is of interest to many.

Features of the service

The department of this organization manages a huge number of places of deprivation of liberty, among which colonies, pre-trial detention centers and prisons deserve special attention. The organization's employees provide the population with a quiet life, and, in fact, do almost the same work as the police. They facilitate the execution of criminal sentences imposed by the court and, importantly, keep suspects in custody. However, that’s not all, because they protect the rights of convicted people who are temporarily (by a court decision or investigation) in prison or a pre-trial detention center. Additional features FSIN officers are:

control over how convicted people behave;
checking places of deprivation of liberty and actively monitoring the people who are there, because according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, employees of the organization are responsible for the life and health of each convicted person (hence, their responsibilities include monitoring prisoners and preventing opportunities in which the latter could harm each other harm to a friend).

How much do FSIN earn?

It is worth saying that the latest news that there will be an increase in wages for employees in the federal penitentiary service is greatly exaggerated, because for 2018 special changes in the income of employees of this structure are not provided for the simple reason that the federal budget does not have enough financial resources for such an event. Today, the company’s employees (meaning lower and middle management) earn about 20,000 rubles for one month of work, and one cannot help but say that such an amount is too large and at least one person can afford to live relatively comfortably on it, not not to mention family.

The President promised that the income of public sector employees, which includes employees of the federal service, would increase significantly by 2018, but the crisis changed their plans and caused a serious budget deficit, so the income of representatives of this organization, if it has increased over the past few years, has only been insignificant.

News from authorities

Issues about increasing salaries for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service are constantly discussed in the press, and since the service is under the Ministry of Defense, they are the ones who deal with this issue. Recently, specialists from the Ministry of Defense published a document containing data indicating that the salaries of FSIN officers should be increased in accordance with the inflation rate. It must be said that the latter will clearly not be too impressive, because according to preliminary forecasts of experts, its level will be within 5%.

It is necessary to separately remember that some representatives of the public sector have already experienced strong changes that were aimed at increasing the level of their income. It would seem that this news can be rejoiced, but, in fact, every person understands that money does not come out of thin air, so the authorities, before increasing wages, carried out a large-scale optimization, during which hundreds of people were laid off. The cuts made it possible to free up some budget funds and spend them on increasing salaries, but for this reason, almost 15% of the company’s employees lost their jobs.

Regarding whether there will be reductions in the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018 or not, we can say for sure that layoffs are definitely not planned today. There are two reasons for this:

the service has already lost too much a large number of employees, therefore additional layoffs may have too strong an impact on the functioning of the entire structure as a whole (the specific nature of the work of FSIN employees does not allow them to perform their work efficiently with too few employees);
on the eve of elections, it is simply unprofitable for the authorities to carry out large-scale layoffs, because voters will react extremely poorly to such news and may refuse to vote.

It must also be said that due to a sharp reduction in the number of service employees several years ago, prisoners began to actively escape from prisons and other places of deprivation of liberty, and given the fact that the number of people who form the basis of the law enforcement system has decreased, the percentage of crimes among the population has increased sharply . This means that the authorities must strive to not only maintain the number of employees in the organization at the current level, but also increase their number. And, naturally, under such conditions it is impossible to do without increasing wages in the federal penitentiary service, and the latest news received from the authorities suggests that it will still happen.

News about the near future

In general, the salary increase for representatives of this structure will be made only through the indexation procedure, although the authorities have set themselves a plan aimed at equalizing salaries between enterprise managers and ordinary employees. It is believed that if the wages of all employees are almost the same, then, firstly, they will approach the performance of their duties more efficiently, and, secondly, this will reduce corruption activity. Accordingly, the increase in the salary of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018 in Russia for different representatives of the management level of the organization will occur unevenly.

A similar rule will apply in other budgetary organizations, and the authorities even established an official coefficient of dispersion between salaries, which should not be more than 1:8 (that is, the salary of a manager can only be eight times higher than the salary of an ordinary employee). It is also worth mentioning that wages will have to be paid strictly twice a month, and for each day of delay the employer will be forced to pay compensation to his employees, and he will be subject to quite significant fines.

The FSIN is a federal service that performs a seemingly invisible, but extremely important job - monitoring the execution of sentences handed down by the court. The work of this service is often underestimated, although the tasks they solve cannot be ignored, so the question is: will there be a salary increase in the FSIN in 2018

The department of this organization manages a huge number of places of deprivation of liberty, among which colonies, pre-trial detention centers and prisons deserve special attention. The organization's employees provide the population with a quiet life, and, in fact, do almost the same work as. They facilitate the execution of criminal sentences imposed by the court and, importantly, keep suspects in custody. However, that’s not all, because they protect the rights of convicted people who are temporarily (by a court decision or investigation) in prison or a pre-trial detention center. Additional functions of the FSIN officers are:

How much do FSIN earn?

It's worth saying that latest news that there will be an increase in wages for employees in the federal penitentiary service are greatly exaggerated, because for 2018 no special changes in the income of employees of this structure are provided for the simple reason that the federal budget does not have sufficient financial resources to carry out such an event. Today, the company’s employees (meaning lower and middle management) earn about 20,000 rubles for one month of work, and one cannot help but say that such an amount is too large and at least one person can afford to live relatively comfortably on it, not not to mention family.

The President promised that the income of public sector employees, which includes employees of the federal service, would increase significantly by 2018, but the crisis changed their plans and caused a serious budget deficit, so the income of representatives of this organization, if it has increased over the past few years, has only been insignificant.

News from authorities

Questions about increasing salaries for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service are constantly discussed in the press, and since the service is under the Ministry of Defense, they are the ones who deal with this issue. Recently, specialists from the Ministry of Defense published a document containing data indicating that the salaries of FSIN officers should be increased in accordance with the inflation rate. It must be said that the latter will clearly not be too impressive, because according to preliminary forecasts of experts, its level will be within 5%.

It is necessary to separately remember that some representatives of the public sector have already experienced strong changes that were aimed at increasing the level of their income. It would seem that this news can be rejoiced, but, in fact, every person understands that money does not come out of thin air, so the authorities, before increasing wages, carried out a large-scale optimization, during which hundreds of people were laid off. The cuts made it possible to free up some budget funds and spend them on increasing salaries, but for this reason, almost 15% of the company’s employees lost their jobs.

Regarding there will be a reduction in the FSIN in 2018 or not, we can say for sure that layoffs are definitely not planned today. There are two reasons for this:

  • the service has already lost too many employees, so additional layoffs may have too much of an impact on the functioning of the entire structure as a whole (the specific nature of the work of FSIN employees does not allow them to do their job efficiently with too few employees);
  • ​ on the eve of elections, it is simply unprofitable for the authorities to carry out large-scale layoffs, because voters will react extremely poorly to such news and may refuse to vote.

It must also be said that due to a sharp reduction in the number of service employees several years ago, prisoners began to actively escape from prisons and other places of deprivation of liberty, and given the fact that the number of people who form the basis of the law enforcement system has decreased, the percentage of crimes among the population has increased sharply . This means that the authorities must strive to not only maintain the number of employees in the organization at the current level, but also increase their number. And, naturally, under such conditions it is impossible to do without salary increases in the federal penitentiary service and the latest news, received from the authorities indicate that it will still happen.

News about the near future

In general, the salary increase for representatives of this structure will be made only through the indexation procedure, although the authorities have set themselves a plan aimed at equalizing salaries between enterprise managers and ordinary employees. It is believed that if the wages of all employees are almost the same, then, firstly, they will approach the performance of their duties more efficiently, and, secondly, this will reduce corruption activity. Respectively, FSIN salary increase in 2018 in Russia

for different representatives of the management level of the organization will occur unevenly.

A similar rule will apply in other budgetary organizations, and the authorities have even established an official coefficient of dispersion between salaries, which should not be more than 1:8 (that is, the salary of a manager can only be eight times higher than the salary of an ordinary employee). It is also worth mentioning that wages will have to be paid strictly twice a month, and for each day of delay the employer will be forced to pay compensation to his employees, and he will be subject to quite significant fines.

The conclusion is simple... It is quite difficult to give precise data on, because the final budget for the coming year has not been approved, therefore, they cannot announce exact figures. However, we can rejoice in the fact that service employees can count on the indexation of salaries to the level of inflation and the absence of the likelihood of another wave of layoffs (as part of optimization), which in itself can already be considered excellent news.

It was previously discussed that indexation of salaries of FSIN employees for 2018 may have been canceled altogether, but that’s why the authorities decided to refute it. It is impossible to cancel the only event that today, even if only slightly, increases the salaries of state employees, especially since there are funds in the budget for its implementation. There are no funds in the country today for an additional increase in salaries of public sector employees.

The FSIN is engaged in a seemingly inconspicuous, but in fact important job - monitoring the implementation of court decisions. The work of employees of this service is underestimated, and salaries are rarely increased. Are there any changes planned for 2018?

What is the salary based on?

The total salary depends on the following indicators:

  • salary according to position;
  • salary according to rank;
  • long service bonus;
  • rank allowance;
  • bonus for working with classified documents;
  • allowance for special conditions of service and health risks.

The amount of various additional payments can be up to half of the income of a FSIN employee. It is also worth noting that salaries can “jump” from region to region. For example, in the Chechen Republic, the income of a junior inspector is about 58 thousand rubles, in Magadan region- about 45 thousand, in the Kamchatka Territory - 36 thousand. In other regions and republics, salaries are much lower. In the Saratov region, for example, there are only 26 thousand, that is, more than 2 times less than in Chechnya.

What is the average salary of the Federal Penitentiary Service?

Despite the good indicators listed above, now average earnings employees of the FSIN are in the region of 20 thousand rubles, only the top management and employees earn more individual regions. It is difficult to live on that kind of money and this leads to a decrease in the reputation of the service.

It is difficult to say whether there will be a salary increase in the future. No changes are envisaged in the structure of this body, and the cat has run out of money in the federal budget.

The President promised that public sector incomes would increase in 2018, but the budget deficit could become an obstacle to this. It is more likely that salaries will simply be indexed, adjusted for inflation (within 5%).

What will happen if salaries increase?

Even if it comes to a real increase in income, it’s too early to rejoice. Extra funds cannot be pulled out of thin air; they are obtained through personnel optimization. And it is carried out through mass inspections and re-certifications, as a result of which hundreds of people will be laid off.

This measure will allow part of the budget to be allocated to increase salaries, but up to 1/5 of employees will lose their jobs.

But for now, no one will be fired (and salaries will not be increased), for two reasons.

There is a constant turnover of personnel at the FSIN, many leave, and replacements do not always come. If additional layoffs are made, disruptions in the structure may follow, the number of crimes will increase, and this will hit the image of the state as a whole.

Speaking of image, it is worth remembering the upcoming elections in March 2018. Massive layoffs will hit trust in the authorities and the mood of voters will worsen.

However, changes will still have to be made in the future. IN last years The number of prison escapes and violations in the execution of punishments has sharply increased. A small number of employees physically do not have time to keep track of everything. Their number will have to be increased, but no one will go there for a low salary. In these conditions, the salary will need to be increased.

The current budget until 2020 includes an annual indexation of 4%. In 2018, this will cost 4.5 billion rubles, in 2019 – 5.5 billion, and in 2020 – all 10.5 billion. So, at a minimum, there is no need to be afraid of a lack of indexation.

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