Political map of America. Formation of the political map of Latin America

), in Vesey-India and on the mainland of South America. The West Indies include the islands of the Bahamas, Greater and Lesser Antilles. Most of these islands were discovered during the voyages of Christopher Columbus, who mistakenly mistook them for part of India. Unlike India (East Indies), these islands later became known as the West Indies. There are many states located there: , and others.

The total area of ​​the Latin America region is about 21 million km2. There are 33 sovereign states, as well as possessions of France, the Netherlands and the USA. They live in: descendants of European settlers, mestizos, mulattoes, Indians, blacks, migrants from different countries of the world, including European ones. Official languages: in most countries (former colonial possessions) - Spanish, - Portuguese, in Haiti and in the former possessions of France -, in the Dutch possessions - Dutch, in the rest - English.

Formation of modern political America has a long history. There is information that the first Europeans to reach the shores North America, were in the V-VI centuries. and the Normans (Vikings) in the 9th century. And people from the North may have traveled to America 2 thousand years before, leaving, according to scientists, traces of their stay in the form of inscriptions on stones in the Sherbuk area (160 km from).

Discovery, exploration and capture of territories and states of Latin America in the 15th-17th centuries. and their subsequent integration into the system were a consequence and integral part one of the stages in the development of European civilization. The conquests of the Ottoman Sultanate in Western Asia and the Balkans significantly complicated the use of sea and land trade routes to the South and Southeast. The need to provide direct access to sources of goods that were in high demand (spices, silk, etc.) determined the practical task of finding direct sea routes to and from Russia.

Currently, the United States and Canada are two highly developed capitalist states that have enormous economic, political and financial influence on their Latin American neighbors.

In the part of the world America there is also one socialist state - Cuba. Since 1898, the country was formally declared independent, but was actually occupied by the United States. In 1959, the liberation war against the dictatorial regime of Batista ended, and for almost 40 years the country has been ruled by Fidel Castro Rus (head of state, chairman of the State Council and Council of Ministers).

Confirming the goal of building a communist society, the Cuban Constitution of 1992 currently highlights national liberation ideals, principles of independence, sovereignty and identity as its ideological basis. However, elements of a market economy are being introduced into the country's economic complex.

The remaining countries of the world, America (Latin American countries) belong to the group of developing countries. Most of them won independence in the last century during the national liberation wars of 1810-1825, in which wide sections of the population took part: Indian peasants, blacks and mestizo, revolutionary intelligentsia, part of the clergy, representatives of the Creole nobility and merchants.

IN early XIX V. gained independence: Haiti (1804), (1809), (1811), (1816), Chile (1818), Nicaragua, Colombia (1821), Brazil (1822). ), Bolivia (1825). A republican system was established in all states (only the monarchy was maintained until 1889).

The states of Latin America have gone through a long path of development of capitalism. They are exceptionally rich natural resources, have a unique and eventful history, an original culture. According to many indicators, social economic development These countries are ahead of many developing countries in Asia and Africa, but are significantly behind industrialized countries.

From the period of their inception to the present day, these countries have been in strong economic and financial dependence, first on European countries and later on the United States. At the same time, within the region there are very significant differences in the level of socio-economic development between individual countries.

According to the typology of MSU scientists, Latin American countries are grouped as follows:

1. Key countries with large potential: Brazil and Mexico.

2. Migrant countries of early development of dependent capitalism: and Uruguay.

  1. Countries of large-enclave development of capitalism: Venezuela and Chile.
  2. Countries of externally oriented opportunistic development of capitalism: Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador.
  1. Small countries of dependent plantation economy: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, and Haiti, etc.
  2. Small countries of “concessional development” of capitalism: Jamaica, Suriname.
  3. Small countries - “apartment landlords” (islands or coastal countries located at the crossroads of trade routes; countries of “tax paradise”, “hotel countries”, countries of “flag of convenience”): Bermuda (British), Cayman Islands (British. ), etc.

Over a century and a half of independent development of countries south of the river. Rio Grande has accumulated large number serious problems. It was Latin American countries that provided countless examples of the participation of the military in economic and political life. Only in, according to historians, more than 190 military coups were carried out.

There is geopolitical rivalry between major countries of this region, territorial disputes and claims that cause armed conflicts and wars have not become a thing of the past, and the threat of military coups and civil wars has not been completely removed from the agenda.

Latin America today is experiencing something that does not fit into the idea of ​​a democratic process (although it is often reported). Sometimes it seems that the generals are returning to power again (Bolivia, Paraguay, Venezuela, Colombia).

Nevertheless, among developing countries, it was the countries of Latin America that were the first to embark on the path of economic integration, which is a process of internationalization of economic relations in order to accelerate and intensify economic development.

Currently in Latin America the following trading blocs exist: Latin American Integration Association (LAI), Andean Pact, Southern Cone Common Market (MERCOSUR), Central American Common Market, Caribbean Common Market, Organization of Central American States and related institutions I (e.g. Central American Bank for Economic Integration, etc.).

There are organizations for the creation of joint facilities and the use of natural resources, such as: Latin American economic system(LAES), pact, group and related investment institutions (Inter-American Bank of Savings and Loans, Latin American Export Bank, etc.).

Within the framework of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has been operating since 1960, which also provides funds for the implementation of joint projects in the region.

Some of the countries in this region are also members of commodity associations, which serve to coordinate the positions and protect the interests of exporting countries (especially monocropping exporters) in foreign markets. These are commodity associations: Cocoa Producers Alliance, Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries, Organization of Exporting Countries (), Union of Banana Exporting Countries.

Structural changes occurring in the economy lead to the emergence of new trends in the development of integration processes. States are involved in integration groups, in which they play the leading role economically. These are the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and others. Negotiations are underway to form a free trade zone throughout the Western Hemisphere.

The video lesson is dedicated to the topic “Composition of Latin America. Political map". This topic is the first in the section of lessons dedicated to Latin America. You will get to know the diverse and interesting countries of the region, which play a significant role in modern world. The teacher will tell you in detail about the composition, borders, and uniqueness of the countries of Latin America. How additional material The lesson covers three topics: “Island of Freedom”, “Junta”, “Capture of Grenada”.

Topic: Latin America

Lesson: Composition of Latin America. Political map

1. General characteristics of Latin America. Compound

Latin America is the name given to the region of the Western Hemisphere located between the United States and Antarctica. Latin America is divided into several subregions. These are Middle America (Mexico, countries of Central America and the West Indies), Andean countries (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile), countries of the La Plata basin (Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina), Brazil. The name “Latin America” comes from the historical predominance of the language, culture and customs of the Romance (Latin) peoples of the Iberian Peninsula in this part of the world.

The region covers an area of ​​21 million square meters. km with a population of more than 570 million people.

Rice. 1. Political map of Latin America

2. Diversity of Latin American countries by area

The countries of Latin America vary in area: the largest country in the region is Brazil, the smallest are in the Caribbean.

3. Borders, EGL, form of government and structure of countries

The borders between countries pass mainly along rivers, ridges and other orographic features.

Economic and geographical position of Latin America:

1. Proximity to the USA.

2. Distance from other regions of the world.

3. Availability of the Panama Canal.

4. Almost all countries (except Bolivia and Paraguay) have access to the sea.

According to the form of government, all countries in the region are republics. Latin America includes more than 33 countries. Some countries are members of the Commonwealth (eg Guyana, Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago). Guiana belongs to France. Cuba is a socialist state.

In terms of the form of administrative-territorial structure, unitary states predominate; the following countries have a federal structure: Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Rice. 2. Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis

4. Stages of formation of a political map

Stages of formation political map Latin America:

1. Stage of pre-European colonization.

2. Colonial stage.

3. Post-colonial stage.

4. Stage after the Second World War.

The civilizations of the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas were located in Latin America.

The territory of Latin America was developed mainly by Spain and Portugal.

Puerto Rico has a special status. Puerto Rico is a territory dependent on the United States and has the status of an “unincorporated organized territory,” which means that this territory is under the administration of the United States (and is not an integral part of it), and is limited in scope by the US Constitution; The supreme power belongs to the US Congress, but the territory has its own system of self-government.

Rice. 3. Puerto Rico on the map

Currently, many issues regarding borders and ownership of territories have not been resolved. A striking example is the disputed Falkland Islands (Malvinas) between Great Britain and Argentina.

5. Liberty Island

Cuba. Official name - Republic of Cuba, unofficial since 1959 - Liberty Island - island state in the northern Caribbean. The capital is Havana. Cuba is the largest island state in the region, stretching for 1250 km. It is located at the junction of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, forming the “American Mediterranean”. The key depicted on the country's coat of arms is a symbol of the fact that discovered by Columbus in 1492, the island has been a kind of key to the New World for centuries. Cuba is a socialist state for a long time she was an ally of the USSR.

Rice. 4. Coat of arms of Cuba

6. Junta, capture of Grenada

Junta. In many countries this word refers to various organs public administration, including civilians. In modern Russian (as well as in a number of other languages ​​of the world) the word “ junta" used primarily to refer to a military dictatorship established as a result of a coup d'état. A striking example is the Government Junta of Chile.


Topic 10, P. 1

1. What regions (subregions) are distinguished in Latin America?

2. Name features of the EGP Latin America.



1. Geography. Basic level. 10-11 grades: Textbook for educational institutions/ A. P. Kuznetsov, E. V. Kim. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2012. - 367 p.

2. Economic and social geography of the world: Textbook. for 10th grade educational institutions / V. P. Maksakovsky. - 13th ed. - M.: Education, JSC "Moscow Textbooks", 2005. - 400 p.

3. Atlas with a set of outline maps for grade 10. Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: FSUE "Omsk Cartographic Factory", 2012. - 76 p.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A. T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: ill., map.: color. on

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography: a reference book for high school students and applicants to universities. - 2nd ed., rev. and revision - M.: AST-PRESS SCHOOL, 2008. - 656 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Thematic control in geography. Economic and social geography of the world. 10th grade / E. M. Ambartsumova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 80 p.

2. The most complete edition typical options real tasks of the Unified State Exam: 2010. Geography / Comp. Yu. A. Solovyova. - M.: Astrel, 2010. - 221 p.

3. The optimal bank of tasks for preparing students. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Textbook / Comp. E. M. Ambartsumova, S. E. Dyukova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2012. - 256 p.

4. The most complete edition of standard versions of real Unified State Examination tasks: 2010. Geography / Comp. Yu. A. Solovyova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 223 p.

5. Geography. Diagnostic work in the Unified State Exam format 2011. - M.: MTsNMO, 2011. - 72 p.

6. Unified State Exam 2010. Geography. Collection of tasks / Yu. A. Solovyova. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

7. Geography tests: 10th grade: to the textbook by V. P. Maksakovsky “Economic and social geography of the world. 10th grade” / E. V. Baranchikov. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2009. - 94 p.

8. Unified State Exam 2009. Geography. Universal materials for preparing students / FIPI - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 240 p.

9. Geography. Answers to questions. Oral examination, theory and practice / V. P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

10. Unified State Exam 2010. Geography: thematic training tasks / O. V. Chicherina, Yu. A. Solovyova. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 144 p.

11. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Model exam options: 31 options / Ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2011. - 288 p.

12. Unified State Exam 2011. Geography: Model exam options: 31 options / Ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2010. - 280 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements .

2. Federal portal Russian Education.

3. School. xvatit. com.

4. Wikipedia.

5. Wikipedia.

You need to download a lesson plan on the topic » Composition of Latin America. Political map (geography grade 10)?

Part of the world, America consists of two continents - North and South America, connected by the Isthmus of Panama.

There are two economically developed countries in North America - the USA and Canada. In fact, the island of Greenland also belongs to this continent - this is part of the territory of the European state of Denmark, which has internal autonomy. All other countries in the Americas part of the world are located in the so-called Latin America. There are more than 40 of them, among them 33 politically independent states and 12 colonies. There is also one socialist country in this region - Cuba. Latin America is the region of the Western Hemisphere between the United States and Antarctica. It includes Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and South America. Moreover, Mexico, Central America and the West Indies are often combined into the Caribbean subregion. IN South America There are two subregions: Andean (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile) and La Plata countries (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil). The name “Latin America” comes from the historically prevailing influence in this part of the world of the language, culture and customs of the Romanesque (Latin) peoples of the Iberian Peninsula - the Spaniards and Portuguese, who in the 15th-17th centuries. conquered this part of America and colonized it. Colonial conquests of other European states - Great Britain, France, the Netherlands - in this region began later and were relatively small. Almost a thousand years ago, the first Europeans to reach the shores of North America were the Vikings (Newfoundland Island, the mouth of the St. Lawrence River). But information about this event was lost in the depths of centuries. Only towards the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th centuries. European feudal states began to strive to find new sea routes to the countries of the South and Southeast Asia(since the land routes were controlled by the powerful Ottoman Empire). For this purpose, sea expeditions were undertaken, where main role Spain and Portugal played.

In 1492, Christopher Columbus, a Genoese by birth, led a Spanish expedition to find the shortest western route to India. October 12, 1492 is considered the official date of the discovery of America. Columbus discovered the islands of the Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, the Antilles, as well as part of the coast of Central and South America, declared lands of Spain. Long before Europeans discovered America, developed states existed there: the Aztecs - on the territory of modern Mexico in the Mexican Highlands with their capital in Tenochtitlan, the Mayans - on the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) and the Incas - on the west coast of South America (Peru, Ecuador) with their capital in Cusco. All these civilizations were destroyed with the arrival of European colonialists.

Most of the modern states of Latin America are former colonies of Spain, and Brazil is a former Portuguese colony. In 1494, the Treaty of Tordesillas was concluded between Spain and Portugal, which delimited the spheres of their colonial expansion in the world (the border ran along the meridian 270 miles west of the Azores - to the east of it was the zone of colonial conquest of Portugal, and to the west - Spain) .

Other European states also took part in the colonization of America. John Cabot, who served the English monarch in 1497-98. reached the shores of North America. Immigrants from European countries settled on the Atlantic coast of North America. The first 13 British colonies subsequently became the “core” of the struggle for independence (from British rule) - in 1776 the United States of America was formed. Currently, the USA and Canada are two highly developed capitalist states on the American continent that have enormous influence on their Latin American neighbors.

There is one socialist state in this part of the world. Back in 1898, Cuba was formally declared independent, but was actually occupied by the United States. In accordance with the unequal treaty of 1903, the United States received an indefinite lease on the Guantanamo Bay naval base (on the island of Cuba). In 1959, the liberation war against the dictatorial regime of Batista ended in victory, and since then, the country has been ruled by Fidel Castro Rus (head of state, chairman of the Council of State and Council of Ministers) for more than 30 years.

Confirming the goal of building a communist society, the Cuban Constitution of 1992 highlights national liberation ideals, principles of independence, sovereignty and identity as its ideological basis. Elements of a market economy are being introduced into the country's economic complex.

The countries of Latin America are united by common historical destinies and many problems of socio-economic development. They belong according to typology to the group of developing states. Most of the former Spanish colonies won independence in the last century in the national liberation war of 1810-1825. At the beginning of the 19th century. gained independence: Haiti (1804 - the first independent state in Latin America), Ecuador (1809), Mexico, Chile (1810), Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela (1811), Argentina (1816) , Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Peru, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala (1821), Brazil (1822), Uruguay, Bolivia (1825). Dominican Republic (1844). A republican system was established in all states, only Brazil maintained a monarchy until 1899. From the period of their origin to the present day, these countries have been in strong economic and financial dependence (on European countries and the United States). In the regions of North and South America there are several economic unions and groups (NAFTA, LAAI, OCAS, MERCOSUR, etc.). However, integration is hampered by the difference in the level of economic development of the countries, as well as the instability of the political situation in the region (armed clashes, frequent civil wars and military coups, terror against democratic forces). Over the course of a century and a half of independent development of the countries south of the Rio Grande, a large number of serious problems have accumulated. It is Latin American countries that provide countless examples of the participation of the military in political life. Suffice it to recall the military coup in Chile (General Pinochet); the 34-year military dictatorship of General Stroessner in Paraguay; frequent military coups in many countries in this region (the last one in Haiti in 1992). In Bolivia alone, according to historians, more than 190 military coups were carried out.

In addition, there are traditional geopolitical rivalries between Argentina and Brazil, Chile and Peru. Territorial disputes and claims, which more than once resulted in serious conflicts, have not become a thing of the past (for example, Bolivia’s desire to gain access to Pacific Ocean due to a strip of Chilean territory). Crisis episodes in Latin American history continue: Peruvian President Albert Fujimori dispersed the parliament that opposed him. The Venezuelan parliament no less decisively dismissed its president, Carlos Andres Perez. The Brazilian parliament has removed the country's president, Fernando Color de Mello. The uneasy situation is also observed in lately in Mexico (revolts by the Indian population in the south of the country, etc.) the threat of civil wars has not been completely removed from the agenda. Guerrilla movements in Latin America have declined as the international climate warms recent years, but in Peru and Colombia, as well as in Central American countries, they pose a certain danger to governments.

In 1993-1994 Democratic elections took place in many Central American countries. With the exception of Costa Rica, where alternative elections have been held for forty years, Central American countries do not have deep-rooted democratic traditions. For El Salvador, these are the first free elections in half a century after the rampant military regimes and civil war. In Panama, elections were controlled for over 20 years by the military, etc. And yet, despite all the difficulties, in Latin American countries there has recently been a tendency towards a neoliberal path of development, a reduction in the role of military institutions in society and an improvement in the economy.

History of discovery and development. In the Americas part of the world, consisting of two continents - North and South America, connected by the Isthmus of Panama, there are more than 40 countries and territories. This also includes the island of Greenland (part of the territory of the European state of Denmark, which has internal autonomy).

How many times has America been discovered?

    Columbus and his companions were not the first inhabitants of the Old World to visit America. There are assumptions about Arab and Egyptian sailors visiting America; the possibility of such travel was proven by the expeditions of Thor Heyerdahl. Archaeological finds confirm the Norman campaigns in Greenland in the 9th century. The expeditions were led by Erik Turvaldson, nicknamed Rowdy (“Red”), who lived in Iceland at that time. It was he who named the coast Greenland (“Green Land”). Perhaps he wanted to attract beautiful name Icelanders to convince them to settle there. Or perhaps the name originally referred only to certain parts of the southwest coast, protected from cold winds.

    Later, Leif the Happy, son of Eric the Red, went to the shores of Greenland. It is believed that he landed on the island of Newfoundland, which he named Vineland (“ Rich country"), since in the surrounding area there grew a lot wild berries. However, the Normans failed to establish a permanent colony in Vineland, but they discovered the Baffin Sea, Baffin Island, and Hudson Bay.

Rice. 75. Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)

In America, there are two geohistorical regions - Latin America and Anglo-Saxon America. Anglo-Saxon America includes the USA and Canada; to Latin - South America itself, Central America and the countries of the West Indies (Caribbean). The border between the regions runs along the Rio Grande River, which is the border between Mexico and the United States.

The discoverer of America is considered to be Christopher Columbus (Fig. 78), who in 1492, with the blessing of the King and Queen of Spain - Ferdinand and Isabella, set sail in search of the shortest western route to India. The path to the east is through Indian Ocean was known, but unacceptable to the Spaniards, because this hemisphere was completely dominated by Britain.

On October 12, 1492, Columbus's companions landed on the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas group of islands. This date is considered the official date of the discovery of America. Colonization began with the Caribbean islands, which became springboards for the political and economic development of other areas of America. In the first quarter of the 16th century. Central America was colonized, and somewhat later the Spanish conquistadors passed through the intermountain Andean valleys to South America.

In America, Europeans met local civilizations. At the beginning of the Conquest, on the Mexican Highlands there was a powerful Aztec state with its capital in Tenochtitlan, on the Yucatan Peninsula - the Mayan city-states, in the Andes and on the Pacific coast of South America - the Inca Empire with its capital in Cusco. These civilizations made significant advances in the development of mathematics, astronomy, medicine, fine arts and architecture. The Aztecs and Incas fiercely resisted the Europeans, but their states were destroyed in the fight against the conquistadors.

In 1494 the first treaty was concluded New history agreement on the division of the world - Tordesillas (Fig. 76). All over him globe was divided into two parts along a conventional line passing through Atlantic Ocean across both poles, 370 leagues (over 2 thousand km) from the westernmost part of the Cape Verde Islands. To the east of this imaginary line, the entire sea and land were recognized as the possessions of Portugal, to the west - Spain. Only the northeastern protrusion of South America (part of modern Brazil) was in the sphere of Portuguese dominance. Almost the entire territory of America fell into the “Spanish part of the world”, therefore most of the modern states of America are former colonies of Spain. On the conquered lands, new administrative-territorial units were created - viceroyalties: New Spain ( modern territory Mexico and neighboring states) and Peru, as well as the captaincy general and the general government. Later, in the 18th century, the viceroyalties of New Granada (on the territory of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela) and Rio de la Plata were formed. Brazil was a Portuguese colony.

Immigrants from England settled on the eastern coast of the North Atlantic, and 13 English colonies subsequently began the struggle for independence, which marked the beginning of the creation of the United States. belonged to France western part the islands of Haiti, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon and other islands in the Caribbean, as well as French Guiana in northern South America.

Rice. 76. Borders between the possessions of Spain and Portugal

Some territories were held alternately by the European powers. For example, Suriname was first a Spanish colony, then an English colony, then the Netherlands exchanged their colony of New Amsterdam (now New York) for it from Great Britain. largest city in the USA).

The formation of a new political map of the region was accompanied by the extermination of the indigenous inhabitants of the continent, who were subjected to physical destruction and died from excessively hard work in mines and plantations.

The liberation movement in America began in the 18th century, when the United States won independence (1776). In 1780, a major uprising was raised on the territory of Peru, which the Spaniards brutally suppressed by 1783. In 1791, a revolution of black slaves took place in the French colony of Saint-Domingue (the western part of the island of Haiti), who achieved recognition of the autonomy of the island and the abolition of slavery . In 1804, the independence of Saint-Domingue (now the Republic of Haiti) was proclaimed.

At the beginning of the 20th century. As a result of the wars of independence in the Spanish colonies, sovereign states were formed in most of Latin America.

In the first half of the 19th century. the former French colony of Haiti (1804) gained independence - the first independent state in Latin America, the colonies of Spain - Ecuador (1809), Colombia, Mexico, Chile (1810), Paraguay, Venezuela (1811), Argentina (1816), Dominican Republic, Costa -Rica, Nicaragua, Peru, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala (1821), the Portuguese colony of Brazil (1822), the Spanish colonies of Uruguay and Bolivia (1825).

Simon Bolivar and the liberation struggle of the peoples of South America

    Simon Bolivar was born in 1783 in Caracas (Venezuela) into the family of a Creole aristocrat. He spent his youth in Europe, where, under the influence of the Great french revolution took an oath to devote his life to the liberation of his homeland from colonial dependence.

    In 1813, he led a campaign that ended with the capture of Caracas, was proclaimed president of the Second Republic and was awarded honorary title Liberator. But a year later, having been defeated by the Spaniards, Bolivar was forced to emigrate to Jamaica and then to Haiti, from where he twice made forays into Venezuelan territory.

    In 1819, he defeated the Spanish army at the Battle of Boyaca, liberated New Granada and was elected president of the Gran Colombia Republic created within its borders. It included almost the entire territory of the Northern Andes within modern Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador, and in 1821 Panama voluntarily joined them.

    Two years later, having finally completed the defeat of Spanish forces in Venezuela, Bolivar's army liberated the province of Quito (modern Ecuador), and in 1824 - Peru. The founding congress of the republic, formed on the territory of Upper Peru, decided to name it Bolivia in honor of the Liberator.

    The victories won by Bolivar actually put an end to Spanish colonial rule in South America, slavery was abolished here, and a republican form of government was established.

Rice. 77. Simon Bolivar (1783-1830)

A republican system was established in all states, only Brazil maintained a monarchy until 1889.

The territory of modern USA was formed from different colonies. The French (since 1731) colony of Louisiana passed to Spain in 1762 as a result of the war, and in 1800 it returned to France. In 1803, the United States bought Louisiana for $15 million, doubling its territory. In 1836, the United States annexed Texas, in 1846-1848. - Mexico's territory up to the Great Salt Lake. California and New Mexico (present-day states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico) were purchased from Spain in 1848 for $18.25 million.

In 1867, Canada (a British colony) was granted dominion status.

In 1864-1870 Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay fought a war against Paraguay, which lost half of its territory and lost a significant part of its population.

In 1879-1884. As a result of the Pacific War, the Peruvian provinces of Tarapaca, Tacna (later returned to Peru), Arica, and the coastal regions of the Bolivian province of Atacama, rich in saltpeter and copper, went to Chile.

In 1898, during the Spanish-American War, the United States annexed Puerto Rico and occupied Cuba. By the beginning of the 20th century. 27% of America's territory was occupied colonial possessions: Great Britain (largest) - Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras (now Belize), Canada, Windward Islands, Newfoundland, Leeward Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, Falkland Islands, Jamaica; Denmark - Danish West Indies, Greenland; the possessions of the Netherlands were the Netherlands West Indies, Curacao, Dutch Guiana (Suriname); USA - Alaska, Puerto Rico; France - French Guiana, the islands of Guadeloupe, Martinique, the islands of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon.

Forms government system and board. Most of the states in the region are unitary republics. Federative Republics - Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Canada, Mexico, USA, Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Non-self-governing territories: British possessions - Anguilla, Bermuda, Virgin (British) Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat, Terkes and Caicos, Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (disputed territory of Great Britain and Argentina), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands; USA - Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico (loosely associated with the USA); France - Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique (overseas departments); Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin and Saint Pierre and Miquelon (overseas communities). Within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Aruba, Curacao, Sint Maarten are self-governing states; Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba are special communities.

Independent member states of the Commonwealth: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Grenada, Dominica, Canada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica.

Main events of the 20th - early 21st centuries.

1902- Cuba's independence was declared.

1903- independence of Panama (formerly a department of Colombia) was declared.

1916- Date of the Co-American convention on the cession of the United States to the Danish West Indies: Denmark sold the islands of St. Thomas (St. Thomas), St. John (Saint John) and Holy Cross (Santa Cruz) for $25 million , as well as the Virgin Islands (transferred in 1917).

1922- Suriname received the status of annexed territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

1931- Great Britain recognized Canada's complete independence in domestic and foreign policy.

1938- signing of an agreement between Bolivia and Paraguay, ending the war of 1932-1935. because of the Gran Chaco region (3/4 of its territory went to Paraguay).

1946- The French government adopted a law granting the status of overseas departments to the colonies of Guadeloupe, French Guiana, and Martinique.

1948- formation of the Organization of American States.

1952- the island of Puerto Rico (US possession) received the status of free association with the United States.

1954- Dutch Guiana received the status of an autonomous part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands with internal self-government rights.

1956- the British colony of Trinidad and Tobago received limited internal self-government.

1958- formation of the West Indies Federation as part of the British possessions in the Caribbean: the Cayman Islands, Barbados, Leeward Islands, Windward Islands (except the British Virgin Islands), Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines (until 1956 - as part of the Windward Islands colony).

Alaska was admitted as the 49th state of the United States.

1959- The Hawaiian Islands were admitted as the 50th state of the United States. Revolution in Cuba (Fig. 78).

The British colony of Terkes and Caicos (in 1874-1962 was part of Jamaica) received internal self-government.

1961- granting internal self-government to Barbados.

1962- collapse of the West Indies Federation. The independence of Trinidad and Tobago is declared. Jamaica's independence is declared.

1964- internal self-government was granted to the Bahamas and British Honduras.

1966- independence of Barbados and Guyana was declared.

1967- the status of a state associated with Great Britain with the rights of internal self-government was granted to the colonies of Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Anguilla, Saint Lucia.

1969- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines received the status of a state associated with Great Britain.

1973- British Honduras renamed Belize. The independence of the Bahamas is declared. 1975 - Suriname's independence is declared.

1978- Dominica's independence was declared.

1979- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Saint Lucia gained independence.

1980- Anguilla left the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

1981- independence was granted to the state of Antigua and Barbuda.

Belize's independence is declared.

1982- the seizure by Argentine troops of the Falkland Islands, which have been in the possession of Great Britain since 1833, and retaliatory military actions by Great Britain (a temporary agreement on the cessation of hostilities was signed in 1983).

1983- US intervention against Grenada. Saint Kitts and Nevis gained independence.

1986- Aruba withdrew from the Federation of the Netherlands Antilles.

2007- according to the results of the 2003 referendum (the population of the northern part of the island of St. Martin voted for separation from Guadeloupe), Saint-Martin became an overseas community within France.

2010- the collapse of the Netherlands Antilles (within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Curacao and Sint Maarten became self-governing states, and Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba became special communities).

Territorial disputes between countries arose mainly due to the possession of potentially resource-rich areas and the uncertain status of borders left over from colonial times.

Rice. 78. Fidel Castro - President of Cuba (1976-2008)

Rice. 79. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

In the Pacific War 1879-1884. Chile fought against Peru and Bolivia for control of the Atacama Desert. This war was “fueled” by the interests of the imperialist powers of Europe and the United States in strategic raw materials: gunpowder was made from saltpeter mined here, copper was used to make brass for cartridge cases and artillery shells. The war ended in victory for Chile, but Bolivia lost access to the Pacific Ocean.

Somewhat earlier (1864-1870), the Triple Alliance, formed by Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, fought a war with Paraguay, which as a result lost half of its territory and lost a significant part of its population.

In 1902-1903 Bolivia unsuccessfully fought with Brazil for ownership of the rubber-rich southwestern Amazon. This war, inspired by British capital, was called the “war of the rubber syndicate.”

In 1932-1934. the so-called Letician conflict broke out between Colombia and Peru for the right to access the Amazon, and in 1941, during the war with Peru, Ecuador lost a significant part of the oil-promising Amazon territory. Since then, the border between the two countries contesting their right to this area has remained undemarcated, and until recently real battles broke out in the border strip with bombings and landings.

Territorial disputes stemming from the region's colonial past include the conflict between Belize and neighboring Guatemala. But perhaps the most famous conflict was the dispute between Argentina and Great Britain over the ownership of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (1982).

Falkland Islands

International organizations. The largest political organization, which includes almost all states in the region, is the Organization of American States (OAS). It was created in 1948 (in force since 1951) on the initiative of the United States, replacing the International Union of American Republics that had existed since 1890.

Officially, the goals of the OAS were declared to be the maintenance of peace and security in America, the peaceful settlement of disputes between member states, joint defense against aggression, and the promotion of social, economic and cultural development of American states.

Currently, 35 countries are members of the OAS: Argentina, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Haiti, Guyana, Guatemala, Honduras, Grenada, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba (Cuba was excluded from participating countries in 1962), Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, El Salvador, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, USA, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago , Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Jamaica.

68 states of Europe, Asia, America, and international organizations have observer status.

The seat of the main bodies of the OAS is Washington (USA).

Claiming political and economic dominance in the Western Hemisphere (the slogan “America for the USA”), the United States tried to turn the OAS into an instrument for the implementation of the so-called doctrine of Pan-Americanism, the slogan of which is “the common historical destinies of the American countries.” The authorship of this political doctrine is attributed to President Monroe (1823). The United States has repeatedly used the OAS as a weapon for economic, political and ideological expansion in Latin America. The OAS did not interfere with US aggression in Guatemala (1954) and Panama (1964), and participated in the US intervention in the Dominican Republic (1965).

Over time, despite constant attempts by the United States to maintain and strengthen its influence in the OAS, Latin American states began to pursue a more independent policy. In 1979, the OAS General Assembly, condemning the Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua, rejected the US proposal to send international armed forces to this country.

Outside the framework of the OAS, such integration groups as the Andean Commonwealth of Nations (Andean Group), the Amazon Pact, the Latin American Economic System, etc. have been created and are successfully operating.

Political map of America

  1. What geographical regions are distinguished in America and what countries are included in them?
  2. When did the colonization of America begin and which countries took part in it?
  3. Why did Brazil become a colony of Portugal?
  4. Which political events influenced the formation of the political map of America?
  5. List the countries of America that were colonies of Spain, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Portugal.
  6. When did most Latin American countries gain independence? Which historical events had an impact on this process?
  7. What form of government did the American countries choose after gaining independence? Why?
  8. List the federal states in America.
  9. What consequences did it leave? European colonization in America? Which countries are part of the Commonwealth (British)? In which countries state language Is the language English (French, Spanish, Portuguese)?
  10. Which major events last quarter of the 20th century influenced the formation of the political map of America?
  11. What interstate problems and areas of political instability in America do you know?

Latin America on the world map is a collection of countries located in territories that were previously dependent on European metropolises. These countries occupy part of South and North America, as well as the isthmus between them. Latin America is an amazing land of mysterious civilizations such as the Aztecs and Mayans, as well as brave caballeros, sultry beauties, unique traditions and cultures. A group of Romance languages ​​(Spanish, Portuguese and French) are used as the official languages ​​of Latin American countries.

Countries and capitals of Latin America

Below are the countries and capitals of Latin America, as well as their brief characteristics.

  • Antigua and Barbuda is a small Caribbean state. The country's population is more than 86.6 thousand inhabitants. Official language- English. The capital is the city of St. John's.
  • Argentina is the second largest country in Latin America by area. Its population is more than 42.6 million inhabitants. The official language of Argentina is Spanish. The capital is the city of Buenos Aires.
  • Belize is a country located in the Caribbean. The country's population is 308 thousand inhabitants. The official language is English. The capital is Belmopan.
  • Bolivia is a country located in the center of South America. Its population is about 10.5 million inhabitants. The official languages ​​are Spanish and Quechua. The capital is the city of Sucre.
  • Brazil is the largest country in Latin America. It occupies the territory of central and eastern South America. Population – 201 million inhabitants. The official language is Portuguese. Capital – .
  • Venezuela is a country located in the north of South America. Its population is more than 28.4 million inhabitants. The official language is Spanish. The capital is a city.
  • Haiti is one of the poorest Latin American countries, constantly suffering from natural disasters, and coups d'etat. Population – about 9.9 million inhabitants. The official languages ​​of Haiti are French, Creole and . The capital is Port-au-Prince.
  • Guatemala is a country located in the central part of the Americas continent. Population – about 14.4 million inhabitants. Most of The inhabitants are mestizos and Indians. The official language is Spanish. The capital is Guatemala City.
  • Honduras is a country located in the central part of the Americas continent. It is washed and Caribbean Sea. Population – more than 8.4 million inhabitants. The official language is Spanish. The capital is the city of Tegucigalpa.
  • The Dominican Republic is a country located in the east of the picturesque island of Haiti. Population: approximately 9.7 million inhabitants. The official language of the Dominican Republic is Spanish. The capital is a city.
  • Colombia is a country located in South America. Population – more than 45.7 million inhabitants. The official language is Spanish. The capital is a city.
  • Costa Rica is a small country located in the center of the Americas continent. Its population is more than 4.2 million inhabitants. The official language is Spanish. The capital is the city of San Jose.
  • Cuba is an island country located in the Caribbean. Its unofficial name is Liberty Island. Population – just over 1 million inhabitants. The official language of Cuba is Spanish. Capital – .
  • Mexico is a country located in the south of North America. Its population is 116.2 million inhabitants. The official language is Spanish. Capital – .
  • - a state located in the central part of the Americas continent. Population – more than 6 million inhabitants. The official language of Nicaragua is Spanish. The capital is Managua.
  • Panama is a state located on the Isthmus of Panama. Its population is about 3.7 million inhabitants. The official language of Panama is Spanish. The capital is Panama.
  • Paraguay is a country in the center of South America. Its population is more than 6.3 million inhabitants. The official languages ​​of Paraguay are Spanish and Guarani. The capital is Asuncion.
  • Peru is a country in South America, located in its northwestern part. Its population is about 30.5 million inhabitants. The official languages ​​of Peru are Spanish, and in some regions - Aymara, Quechua, etc. The capital is Lima.
  • El Salvador is a country located in the center of the Americas continent. Its population is 6.9 million inhabitants. The official language of El Salvador is Spanish. The capital is San Salvador.
  • Uruguay is a country in the southeastern part of South America. Its population is more than 3.3 million inhabitants. The official language is Spanish. The capital is Montevideo.
  • Chile is a country located in the southwest of South America. Its population is more than 17.2 million inhabitants. The official language of Chile is Spanish. The capital is Santiago.
  • Ecuador is a country located in South America. Its population is more than 15.4 million inhabitants. The official language of Ecuador is Spanish. The capital is Quito.

In addition, Latin America includes the following territories: Puerto Rico (US territory) and the territories of French Guiana, Martinique, Guadeloupe, San Martin and San Barthelemy.

Sights of Latin America

Latin America is incredibly rich in interesting places. Here are located 3 of the 7 new wonders of the world. All attractions of Latin America can be divided into natural and man-made objects, as well as cities and villages of ancient civilizations.

Natural attractions

  • Ojos del Salado is the most high volcano Earth (6887 m).
  • The Atacama Desert is the driest place on the planet, located in western South America.
  • The Andes are the longest mountain system in the world (9000 km).
  • Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world (979 m).
  • The Amazon is the longest and most picturesque river on the Planet (6437 km).
  • c - the largest South American island, with an area of ​​47,992 square meters. km. This is a virgin land that is famous for its wildlife, beautiful scenery and harsh climatic conditions.
  • Iguazu Falls, located on the border of Argentina and. They represent one of the most beautiful natural wonders of our Planet.

Man-made landmarks

  • The Maracana Stadium in Brazil is one of the largest stadiums in the world, capable of accommodating up to 103 thousand fans.
  • The statue of Christ the Redeemer is one of the 7 new wonders of the world. The statue is located on Mount Corcovado in Rio.
  • Geoglyphs of the Nazco Plateau - a group of amazing images, lines and geometric shapes created by an unknown civilization.
  • Moai are the stone idols of Easter Island.

Cities and villages of ancient civilizations

  • Cusco (Peru) is the ancient capital of the Inca Empire and one of the oldest South American cities. The name of the city is translated from Quechua as “navel of the world.”
  • Machu Picchu (Peru) is one of the 7 new wonders of the world, known as the “city in the sky” or “lost city of the Incas”.
  • Teotihuacan (Mexico) – the famous “ghost town”, which is the oldest locality Western Hemisphere.
  • Umxal (Mexico) – ancient center Mayan civilization, located on the Yucatan Peninsula.
  • Panama (80 cm), Paraguay (86.7 cm), El Salvador (83.5 cm), Uruguay (85.9 cm), Chile (83.5 cm), (84 cm), Cuba (84.8 cm) and in Argentina (86.7 cm).
  • Legua is a unit of length used in Guatemala (1 unit = 5.573 km), Honduras (4.2 km), Colombia (5 km), Cuba (4.24 km), Ecuador (5 km), Paraguay (4 .33 km), Peru (5.6 km), Uruguay (5.154 km), Chile (4.514 km), Brazil (6.66 km), Mexico (4.19 km) and Argentina (5.2 km).
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