Rituals for acquiring and developing magical power. Powerful magic rituals for birthdays How to make your own rebirth ritual magic

I want to talk about my first ritual experience.
I thought a lot about who would host my naming ceremony, I considered different variants, and while collecting information I realized that the ritual can be performed without communities, organizations or “specialist witches.”
I was guided by a man whom I respect very much, a man who has been involved in esotericism for 25 years. This ritual must be performed by the father, maybe an elder or a sorcerer. This man became a sorcerer for me.
Ritual clothing was purchased (it is not required, but I decided to play it safe), the text and script of the ritual were compiled. And for the sorcerer of the ritual, I carved a staff - my first work on wood; clay amulets were hung on the staff. The staff was decorated with carved symbols around the perimeter and the face of an elder.
The naming was timed to coincide with the full moon in Virgo. This was an event that I had been waiting for 3 years. And this despite the fact that the ceremony can be performed at the age of 13.
And then that day came. Beautiful autumn weather. We set off into the forest near Moscow, board the train, and all the way I was surprised by how harmonious the sorcerer looked with the staff. His appearance was so harmonious that no one paid attention to him, as if he had become invisible to other people.
This is the forest. We are looking for a place. We were lucky, the ideal place was found nearby. A clean, spacious clearing; on one of the stumps, eyes and a mouth were roughly carved out; in the center, instead of a nose, there was a branch. It was clear that it had nothing to do with tradition, but I decided that this was a good sign.
I took off my belt and made sure that I was not wearing anything that would form a knot; tradition requires that a person be absolutely open at such moments. Having left the demand (donation - flatbread and apples) in front of a makeshift altar made of logs, we began.
I knelt down and stood on my old stuff (a pre-made T-shirt). This rite is transitional and this thing symbolizes old life, on which we rely.
And suddenly he heard a voice. The Magus spoke so loudly that I shuddered. The whole forest became silent, as if participating in a sacrament. A protective circle was drawn around me with a staff.
Next came the calling of Veles so that he would bless our deed. Afterwards, a ritual of cleansing with water took place. Water was poured onto my crown, so to speak, sahasrara, which cleansed my energy.
Now my energy should have been communed with the elements in order to bring me closer to Mother Nature. Water again poured onto my crown, seeds fell, then a candle was placed around me and air was forced onto me.
Nowadays such rituals are only gaining their strength again, and for me, as a person who grew up in a standard family, this was unusual, but in the end it gave a more positive effect. The ritual symbolizes rebirth, and it is precisely as reborn that I feel myself.
After communion, the sorcerer tuned in to my energy and raised his hand above my head about 45 cm, but I felt it cm from my head. The whole ceremony was filmed and I later saw for myself where the hand was.
According to tradition, the real secret name is then spoken into the ear, which cannot be told to anyone. The only thing I can say is that it reflects me in the best possible way.
And finally, I was given an official name. The protective circle was destroyed and an oath of allegiance was given: “I Svetozar swear by Veles, to live according to the honor of the ancestral one, to bear the truth of God, to live according to the right of the ancestral one, and if I break my oath, then may the Chury-great-grandfathers turn away from me and the fire of Svarozhich will reject me.”
Imagining yourself during initiation and participating in it are completely different things. At the same time, I was overcome by barely restrained laughter mixed with fear and incomprehensible energy. I have never felt like this. And it was amazing.

Almost every person in his life sometimes thinks about correcting his destiny with magical intervention, but not everyone knows when and how to carry out conspiracies and rituals for money, love, cleansing and others magical actions. The success of the ritual depends on many factors that every novice magician should know about.

During the ritual, you must be determined to succeed.

How to behave during the ceremony

During the ritual, you must be determined to succeed. There must be an understanding in your head of what and why you are doing. A specific goal must be set towards which you will move with the help of magic. You must believe in what you are doing. If there is no faith, there will be no result. You should not perform rituals to see if they work; magic can have a bad effect on your health or financial and social situation.

  1. Be serious, don't be distracted by extraneous factors, don't laugh. Remember that everything you do is extremely serious.
  2. During any ritual, you should be as relaxed as possible and not tense with heavy thoughts. You can use meditation to relax. Experienced magicians can put their thoughts in order without using any meditation or visualizing their relaxation.
  3. You can try one of the relaxation methods used by novice magicians. Good, effective method relax.
  4. To do this, you will need to sit in the position that is most comfortable for you. It is advisable to “ground yourself”, recharge yourself with the energy of the earth, by sitting on it.
  5. If you are performing the ritual in winter and there is no opportunity to sit on the ground, you can sit on the floor at home, laying a rug or towel under you.
  6. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a standing position.

Around you in your mind there should be nothing but a luminous ball of energy that flies around you in a spiral, absorbing all the negative energy and bad thoughts.

Sit in this position and imagine a ball until you are sure that all the negativity from you has gone into the ball.

Conditions for successfully performing the ritual

For the ritual to be successful, certain conditions specified in the description of the ritual must be met. If there are no certain conditions, then you need to adhere to general requirements, tested by time and our ancestors.

Venue of the ceremony

There should be no one except you in the place where you will perform the ritual. Some people say that it is okay to have pets around you, but this is not true.

  • During the ritual, you need maximum concentration, and people and animals can interfere with you and redirect your attention from the ritual to them. The consequences of this may not be particularly pleasant if you have practiced Black Magic; if White, then the ritual may simply not work.
  • It is advisable to carry out all rituals in nature, away from people. If it is not possible to carry out the ceremony in nature, you can do it at home, but among trees and herbs it will be much more effective.
  • Windows should be tightly closed and curtained if the description of the ritual says that it needs to be done differently, or if rituals are being performed to attract money or a ritual that attracts success.
  • The window in the window should be slightly open, but the windows should be curtained, if this action is described in the ritual, or if a ritual is being performed for a love spell or expulsion negative energy, when cleaning the house and when carrying out any negative action that should not linger in your home.
  • Before starting the ritual, it is worth performing rituals for protection.

Your home must have church candles, Thursday salt and silver. Also icons of all saints, holy water. If one of the saints is mentioned during the ritual, a candle must be lit in front of his icon. If the conspiracy mentions dark forces, then the icons should be removed from the venue, or covered with a scarf.

You during the ceremony

Your thoughts must be pure, you must be focused on the ritual. For greater concentration, you can use ancient meditation methods. To do this you need:

  • Sit in the lotus position, preferably the correct one, but if it doesn’t work out for you, then it will work out the way it works out for you. The main thing is effort. Close your eyes. Sit with your eyes closed for a minute if you think a minute is enough. Hear your breath, focus on each inhalation and exhalation.
  • As you inhale, mentally say “inhale,” and as you exhale, “exhale.”
  • Sit like this for at least seven minutes a day. For better results, and so that in the future you do not need to meditate for relaxation and concentration, Buddhists advise doing this meditation every day.
  • Rituals have been performed naked and barefoot since ancient times. There should be no clothing, underwear, or jewelry on the human body. It was allowed to leave the cross, because it was not a decoration. Rituals that were performed naked were often performed in communion with nature, in a forest or wooded area, near lakes or streams.
  • Nowadays, it will be difficult to completely isolate yourself in nature, and even to such an extent that you can be there naked, so naked rituals are carried out at home when no one is there.
  • In the modern interpretation of rituals, it is allowed to wear clothes if there is no possibility or special desire to be naked. Clothes should be made from natural materials, plain. The clothes are the simplest, a skirt and a T-shirt, a simple dress. Not bright colors, clothes should be either gray or muted passive colors.
  • There should be no makeup on your face, your hair should be loose, and it is advisable not to comb your hair in the morning.
  • It is also allowed to leave jewelry if they are used as talismans or contain natural minerals. If you still decide to leave the jewelry, then when performing Black Magic rituals, it is recommended to leave jewelry with agate and a silver frame. During White Magic rituals, silver and moonstone must be present in the jewelry.
  • You cannot tell anyone that you are performing, have performed, or are planning to perform a ritual. During the ritual, do not be distracted and do not talk to anyone. You cannot perform rituals if you are on your period.

At least three days before the magical ritual, you should not eat meat and dairy products, and you should not drink alcohol. Experienced magicians do not drink at all, and not just three days before the ritual.

During the ritual, your thoughts must be pure, you must be concentrated on the ritual

Magic paraphernalia

In addition to the icons of all Saints, holy water, Thursday salt And church candles There should be candles of possible colors in the house. Every candle a certain color has its own properties inherent only to a candle of each color. If you can't buy candles different colors, you can take white ones and decorate them with wax crayons.


The red candle symbolizes passion and desire. A red candle is used for love spells, attracting love and success in creativity.


A white candle symbolizes protection and purity and is used for any purpose.


A black candle is used to get rid of negative emotions, for causing damage or cooling.


A green candle symbolizes growth, success, and monetary gain. Green candles are most often used in wealth rituals.


The blue candle symbolizes getting rid of fear. Used to calm down. Blue candles can also strengthen subtle connection with the other world.


A brown candle is used in household rituals and symbolizes home comfort.


A pink candle is used in romantic rituals, for love and friendship.


An orange candle will become an indispensable assistant in rituals for a successful business.


The purple candle symbolizes approaching God. It is used exclusively in rituals belonging to White magic, despite such a dark color.


  • You should know the conspiracies by heart, pronounce all the words correctly and consciously. It is allowed to change words in conspiracies only to synonyms, so as not to violate the meaning of the conspiracy.
  • The spell can be written on a piece of paper, but only handwritten text gives the spell the necessary magical concentration. Also, the entries must be completed without errors.
  • The wealth plot is written on a blank, unlined sheet of paper with a pen with green ink. The colors of writing spells are of great significance in magical rituals.

When to perform rituals

What days to spend magical rituals? Practicing magicians will tell you when to perform rites and when to perform rituals. They basically claim any day except Sunday. You can turn to a magician for help so that he can show you when it is best to do the ritual you have chosen. It is only important to choose the appropriate lunar cycle for the ritual being performed.

The moon affects human body depending on phase

  1. Rituals for women are best performed on women's days, and for men - on men's days. Women's days this is Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Men's days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
  2. Rituals to attract money are done on Thursday.
  3. During dawn, sunset, midnight, and noon, the effect of rituals intensifies. Dawn, sunset, noon or midnight are not just one minute. You still have plus or minus half an hour left.
  4. Rituals for positive actions (ritual for money, success, wealth, love) are done on the waxing moon, when it is still light. Rituals for cleansing, spoiling, discord and similar magical actions that have fading properties are carried out at night on the waning moon.
  5. You can't do the same magical rituals during the Twelfth Feasts.

You cannot interrupt a ceremony that will take more than one day. If you tried to perform a ritual, but something went wrong (you were distracted, you forgot the words of the spell, there are not enough paraphernalia), you cannot perform another ritual on the same day, it is better to wait until a new day comes.

During the ritual

  1. Don't bend your fingers. If you need to read the plot several times, it is better to count the number in your mind. If you are afraid of losing your way, use matches or counting sticks.
  2. If you think that someone is standing behind you, do not turn around under any circumstances, but do not be afraid.
  3. You need to sit facing west, unless a different position is indicated in the provisions for the ritual.

After performing a magical ritual

  1. After performing the ritual, all remnants of magical paraphernalia must be burned or thrown away, unless otherwise indicated in the description of the ritual.
  2. Candles should not be extinguished by breathing; use a bottle cap or extinguish the flame with your fingers. To avoid getting burned, extinguish the flame with your fingers using a sideways movement.
  3. Items that you used during the ritual should not be used in everyday life. If this kitchenware, which you cannot do without, it is recommended to consecrate it before further use.
  4. If the ritual requires the candle to burn out to the end, and the remains of it need to be thrown away, then sprinkle salt on the candlestick.
  5. After performing rituals for damage or similar dark magical actions, you must observe a bloodless fast for at least three days. If the fast is not observed, there is a risk that the damage will affect you.

Do not tell anyone that you performed a magical ritual. If anyone asks, simply say that you can recommend it, that it is effective, if it really helped you. The ritual performed must remain secret between you and the one from whom you asked for help.

Magical rites and rituals require effort and time. If it seems to you that you have not achieved the desired result, you can perform another same or similar ritual, only in the next lunar cycle. Some, especially strong rituals can be repeated no more than once a year.

If you can’t get what you want, then this powerful magic will definitely help you! Take advantage of this powerful magic ritual!

This ritual has been repeatedly tested in practice - your wish always comes true!

Here you will find the valuable experience of our readers and various experts in this or that field, you will learn about rare recipes and effective methods of wish magic that will help you change your reality, set yourself up for success, attract wealth and prosperity¹, find healthy and beautiful body, develop various abilities, etc.

In this article you will learn about the real and very strong magic, use it for desires that are truly important and meaningful to you!

This ritual is a hereditary rite.

“This magical ritual was passed down to me by my great-grandfather, who was good at the art of magic.”

What will you need?

1. A blank white sheet of paper without any notes or stripes.

2. New spool of red thread.

3. Red pen.

4. Small wooden stick.

How is this magical ritual for the fulfillment of desires performed?

1. Sit down and think about when you think your wish might come true. This should be a realistic time for you. For example, you think that you can very well get the car of your dreams in a year.

2. Now you need to convert time to distance.

How to do it? Imagine that one month is equal to one kilometer. This means you can buy a car in 12 kilometers. This way you will shorten the distance to your cherished dream.

3. What to do next? Take a piece of paper and write on it with a red pen your desire in the present tense. For example: “I’m buying a car.” Then take a new spool of red thread. Make a package out of paper with your wish written down and start winding thread around it.

4. Imagine that at the other end of the thread is your desire, and as you wind the thread, you walk those 12 kilometers that separate you from your desire.

Attention: this wish magic will not work if...

The main thing is not to cut yourself or tangle the thread, otherwise the ritual will not work. If this does happen, try to return to this magic later - it means now is not the time for this desire.

Also, you cannot wind the thread in one day - the process is optimally extended over a week.

When you get a ball wound on paper, take the end of the thread and realize that you finally hold your desire in your hands. Now take a small wooden stick and tie the end of the thread tightly to it, thinking about the desire.

After this, the paper with the wound thread and the stick must be burned. After some time, the wish will be 100% fulfilled. Tested personally and many times.

Alexey Zatvornov

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All people come into this world, being born, as well as leaving, dying... But they live differently. Some people live happily, have a positive attitude, confidence, are able to create a happy family and achieve success in life, others do not... What is the reason? Why does this happen and what influences it?

This is all greatly influenced by how the conception, gestation and birth of a person took place. How the parents treated each other, what kind of “atmosphere” reigned in the family, what beliefs the father and mother had, how the child was raised. How he grew up, what he encountered, what conclusions he made and how he acted.

The experience of our time and the wisdom of the past suggests that the state in which conception occurred, and how gestation and childbirth took place - leave a dominant mark on the health and psyche of a person! The attitude of parents towards each other shapes the attitude of the child, and subsequently, the husband to his wife and the wife to her husband, the attitude towards relatives, towards children and those people who are similar in words and deeds to those relatives and friends who influenced the mother and child.

For example: if one of the parents, let’s say the mother “wanted” the child, but the father did not or thought it was too early, was overly worried about possible financial difficulties or simply I wasn't/wasn't sure about my partner, then a number of problems may arise. “Wanted” and “unwanted” children are very different from each other in behavior and attitude. It is difficult for “unwanted” people to achieve success, they subconsciously feel that they are “useless” and because of this they may be prone to depression and apathy, it will be more difficult for them to create families, they may have a reluctance to have their own children, because they were not wanted... Because of all this, infertility may even arise - psychosomatics is triggered.

If the child " father didn't want“, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, the child’s volitional qualities and potential will be reduced, i.e. he will have great difficulty achieving success and will often “give in” to difficulties. If the child " mother didn't want", regardless of the reasons, even if it was on an unconscious level, for example: there were financial difficulties, job instability, lack of confidence in the father, bad living conditions, I was simply afraid, “intimidated” by doctors or relatives, which happens with the first child, etc., then such a child will have reduced immunity and will have certain problems in physical health; there may also be instability emotional state and increased nervousness.

If the mother suffered or had financial difficulties during pregnancy, this will affect the child’s financial capabilities and his success. Moreover, it is not the situations themselves that are important, but the attitude and conclusions of the mother, since the child “reads” her mood and feelings, both at the mental level and at the physical level, since with any emotions the corresponding hormones are released that affect the fetus.

There are also external influences. For example: one of the relatives did not accept the father or “expressed” claims to the mother, tried to turn her against him, or simply, the mother was forced to live with her mother-in-law, and she had “her own views on life”, and because of this they were scandals... This situation could lead to isolation or “non-acceptance of relatives” in the child.

The personality also “relies” on that experience in his actions and when making decisions. But the fact is that in the early stages of formation physical body, when our consciousness is not mature enough to analyze and remember what is happening, our body “absorbs” emotions, states and mental images. This leads to an interesting nuance: the body remembers, but the mind does not. Everything that happens to and around the nascent man, everything negative feelings and the events that happened to the mother are remembered by the body in the form of “blocks” and “clamps”.

Modern psychology works only with the consequences of such problems and, usually, attributes everything to “ bad heredity“, but this does not solve the problems, since the cause of the problem is not recognized and has not been corrected.

But there is a wonderful way to realize and correct the very cause of the problem once and for all!

Methodology "Rebirth"- this is an opportunity to free yourself from your unconscious negative experience, from traumas and complexes acquired at conception, during gestation and birth. This is an opportunity to realize and correct what you did not know about yourself and what you cannot find out any other way!
The practices of the “Rebirth” technique allow you to immerse yourself in unconscious experience and consistently, experiencing early stages your development, free yourself from the influence of negative experiences.

Special physical exercise will help your body “remember” that period of life and everything that happened to you at that time, thanks to which you will realize and then correct Negative influence of the past; You will tune your mind and body to a harmonious perception of yourself and the world around you, to success and prosperity.

Most feel that they “became a different person” right at the seminar. Although the transformation process continues for another 50 days.

Using the “Rebirth” technique, you can remove emotional blocks from most areas of life; free yourself from blocks, fears and subconscious settings for health problems, in family and business; increase your stress resistance and self-motivation; set goals correctly and achieve them; find strength in yourself and increase the quality of your life.

You have a unique opportunity to transform yourself, to go through three periods: conception, gestation and childbirth. Like in a fairy tale, bathe in three cauldrons and become a handsome prince or princess.

After going through these periods, you will realize and rewrite the negative images and traumas of the past, replacing them with health, happiness and harmony. You will become a successful person, one for whom success is the norm of life!

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