Relatives of the 1st and 2nd lines. Direct and collateral relationships in ascending and descending lines

The article provides only modern degrees of kinship that are still used today. I do not cite completely outdated and historical ones, such as, for example, shui, stry, etc.

What is the degree of relationship and who is usually indicated in the questionnaire

Of course, many of the following names are little familiar to modern city dwellers, but in Russia there are still patriarchal families in villages, where all degrees of kinship are still actively used.

Father-in-law - husband's father

Mother-in-law - husband's mother

Father-in-law - wife's father

Mother-in-law - wife's mother

Brother-in-law - husband's brother

Brother-in-law - wife's brother

Sister-in-law - husband's sister

Sister-in-law - wife's sister

Brother-in-law - sister-in-law's husband

Son-in-law - daughter's husband, sister's husband, sister-in-law's husband

Daughter-in-law - son's wife in relation to father

A daughter-in-law is a brother's wife, a son's wife for his mother, a brother's wife for

towards another brother's wife; also used instead of daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law

Matchmaker - the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other

Matchmaker - the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other

Grandfather (grandfather) - the father of the father or mother.

Grandmother (grandmother) - mother of father or mother

Great-uncle - uncle of the father or mother.

Great aunt - father's or mother's aunt

Grandson (granddaughter) - son (daughter) of a daughter or son in relation to a grandfather or grandmother. Accordingly, a cousin’s grandson (granddaughter) is the son (daughter) of a nephew or niece

Nephew (niece) - son (daughter) of a brother or sister (siblings, cousins, second cousins). Accordingly, the child of a cousin (sister) is a cousin nephew, a second cousin (sister) is a second cousin nephew

Great-nephew (niece) - grandson (granddaughter) of a brother or sister

Uncle (uncle, uncle) - brother of father or mother, husband of aunt

Aunt (aunt, auntie) - the sister of the father or mother in relation to the nephews. Uncle's wife in relation to his nephews

Cousin - related by grandfather or grandmother to the children of their sons and daughters

Second cousin - son of a great uncle or great aunt

Cousin - daughter of an uncle or aunt

Second cousin - daughter of a great uncle or great aunt

Except modern concepts degrees of relationship, it turns out, there are even more in use ancient names relatives.


Father and son.

Father and daughter.

Mother and son.

Mother and daughter.


Grandfather and grandchildren.

Grandmother and grandchildren.


Great-grandfather and great-grandchildren.

Uncle and nephews.

Aunt and nephews.


Cousins ​​and brothers.

Great-uncle and great-nephews (nieces).

Great-aunt and great-nephews (nieces).


Great uncle and great nephew (niece).


Second cousins ​​and brothers.

When getting acquainted with the terms of kinship relations, it should be remembered that the terms of consanguinity consist of keywords and definitions of the degree of relationship:

Grandmother, grandmother - father's or mother's mother, grandfather's wife.

Brother - each of the sons of the same parents.

Bro, bro, bro, bro, bro - cousin.

Bratanna is her brother's daughter, brother's niece.

Brother - a relative in general, cousin or distant.

Bratych is a brother's son, brother's nephew.

Grandson - the son of a daughter, son, as well as the sons of a nephew or niece.

Granddaughter, grandson - the daughter of a son, daughter, as well as the daughter of a nephew or niece.

Grandfather is the father of the mother or father.

Grandfather, grandfather - uncle's aunt.

Dedich is the direct heir of his grandfather.

A daughter is a female person in relation to her parents.

Dsherich is his aunt's nephew.

Daughter's aunt's niece.

Uncle is the brother of father or mother. Thus, uncle and aunt are brother and sister of mother or father. “The aunt has a darling nephew, and the uncle has a niece,” notes popular wisdom.

A mother is a female person in relation to her children.

A father is a male person in relation to his children.

The father is the eldest in the generation.

Fatherlander, stepfather - son, heir.

Nephew is the son of a brother or sister.

Nephew and niece are the son and daughter of a brother or sister. Great-nephews are the grandchildren of a brother or sister. By the way, grand-relatives are any relatives in the third degree (second cousins): a grand-brother can be called the son of a cousin. In a relatively recent era, these native Russian terms of kinship were supplemented by the French in origin words cousin and cousin, denoting first cousins, as well as any distant blood relatives in the same tribe.

Niece is the daughter of a brother or sister.

Nephew - relative, relative.

Progenitors are the first known pedigree couple from which the family originates.

Today, in our Everyday life, people are accustomed to consider as their relatives everyone who lives together under one roof, relatives living together and everyone whom fate encounters, again due to family relationships.

For example, a mother-in-law who lives with her daughter-in-law considers her the closest person. After all, she is the wife of her beloved son, looks after her, cares for her. However, this is far from true: those who have blood relations are considered relatives. For example, brothers and sisters, grandparents, mom and dad. Therefore, it is necessary to know your ancestry in the ascending line.

This will help you understand the degree of relationship well, determine who is close and who is distant relatives, and who is just a family member.

These are completely different concepts, but sometimes it is necessary to know it. This may be useful, for example, if a controversial situation arises regarding the acceptance of an inheritance (with or without a will).

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Close relatives according to the Family Code of the Russian Federation

Close relatives, according to the UK, are a certain circle of persons specified by law. This concept is explained very well by Art. No. 14 SK, where all degrees of relationship are described in great detail: blood and innate.

  • According to the contents of this document, this category includes: Members of the same family that are related to each other by a direct ascending line
  • (kinship going from a person to his distant ancestors) or descending (coming directly from his ancestors). According to this point of view, the closest relationship is considered to be the blood relationship between parents and their children, grandparents and grandchildren. It’s a pity that people have a small number of such relatives: unfortunately, there aren’t many long-lived people now, but I’d really like to talk to my great-grandmother.

Siblings and brothers. According to the law, they are recognized as close blood persons.

The legislator does not make a distinction between full brothers and sisters (those who have both parents in common) and not full brothers and sisters (children who have only one parent, mother or father, in common).

Status Features

The most important restriction for close relatives is a categorical ban on entering into marriage.

  • In addition, some special features are provided for them (if you go beyond the borders of the UK), other legislation: They have the ability to send each other Money transfers
  • When initiating a criminal case or trial, they have every right not to testify against their relatives (in this case, they are also considered to be their spouse, and the differences between full and half brothers/sisters are not considered);
  • When making transactions with property in the form of donation or inheritance, close relatives do not pay the 13% tax required by law;
  • In the event of death, another person related to him has the right to receive leave at his own expense related to the funeral. In the same case, in almost all enterprises, according to Collective agreement
  • , pay a certain amount in connection with the loss of a close blood relative;

When entering into an inheritance, the payment of state duty for close relatives is significantly (2 times) reduced.

For other relatives, it is much higher. Who is considered a family member, but not a relative

Quite often people confuse the concept of close and blood relatives and family members.

However, from a legal point of view, these people are completely different.

According to the Housing Code, family members are everyone who lives in the same living space. Sometimes this is not relatives in a direct line, which is usually considered close - cousins, mother-in-law, father-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law can live there.

From this we can conclude that family members can be called everyone who lives together in the same apartment, has no blood relationship, just relatives on the side of husband or wife, stepsons and stepdaughters. Legal status of spouses

Legal spouses are the closest people to each other, whose relationships are regulated by law. However, here lies the most important nuance, which, at first glance, is incomprehensible to the ordinary person.

According to the interpretation of the IC, a husband and wife cannot be considered close relatives.

The relationship between spouses cannot be considered related; they are interpreted as inherent.

Marriage relations are, in a way, an agreement between two people to create a family and run a joint household and, therefore, family relationships between them and their relatives cannot be blood, but only inherent.

  • Family unions formalized in the form of a marriage contract are related by contractual relations, and not by kinship.
  • Citizens who are inherently related to each other:
  • Spouses (husband and wife);

The listed persons are family members in relation to each other. These also include others, such as stepmother, stepfather, children born in a civil marriage and others.

Spouses who have lived happily ever after, at the end of their days, often have to think about making a will.

When writing this document, if it is indicated that everything should go to the blood relatives, be sure to emphasize what exactly should go to the legal spouse.

After all, without this point, they may be left with nothing, because... are not blood relatives.

Another interesting point is that if the marriage relationship breaks down, all close relatives of the spouses will be considered former and will not have the right to claim a share of the inheritance.

Also, do not forget that since January 2016, close relatives are exempt from taxation of goods transferred by will or inheritance.

If family relations are not proven, then the heirs will have to pay a tax in the amount of 13% of the value of the property, and this, today, is an unaffordable amount for many.

It is known that any relationship exists in two forms:

consanguinity (in ascending and descending lines). It is a direct relationship: son, father, grandfather, grandson, great-grandson, great-grandfather, and so on.

lateral kinship (it can also be ascending or descending).

Both blood and collateral relationships are calculated by degrees. The birth of one person from another constitutes a degree. In blood (homogeneous) relationships, degrees are counted along the lines: ascending, descending and lateral.

The ascending line goes from a given person to father, grandfather, great-grandfather and higher.

Four lines of kinship ascending from me to my great-grandfather shows that I am related to him in the fourth degree.

The descending line goes from a given person to a son, grandson, great-grandson and beyond. Each such line constitutes a degree: thus, my great-grandson is related to me in the third degree.

There are also lateral lines in consanguinity. Lateral (heterogeneous) kinship, or property, can be: two-relative - it includes the relatives of the given person and the relatives of his wife. Three-parent - consists of the relatives of a given person and the relatives of his brother’s wife. Husband and wife are one flesh, and, as it were, one person (degree).

Therefore, the wife’s father (father-in-law) in relation to the husband is the same as his own father. Also, the husband's father (father-in-law) is the same in relation to his wife as her own father.

My wife and I are two lines, count them as one, and then, in addition to these two lines, count all the lines (degrees) from these two. The number of ascending and descending lines taken together constitute the degree of relationship. So:

Example 1- four lines. Consequently, my brother is related to my wife’s sister in the fourth degree of kinship.

Example 2- six lines. Consequently, my own wife’s aunt is related to her own niece in the sixth degree.

Example 3- six lines. Consequently, my own nephew is related to my wife’s niece in the sixth degree.

Example 4- seven lines. Consequently, my cousin is related to my wife’s niece in the seventh degree.

Note: Marriages within kinship Orthodox Church prohibited up to the sixth degree inclusive, as this led to the degeneration of the race.

In Russian there is an additive " great”, "cousin" made it possible to express any relationship of blood relationship.

Currently, the Russian kinship system covers 16 terms of “living” properties:

· father-in-law (husband's father);

mother-in-law (husband's mother);

· father-in-law (wife's father);

mother-in-law (wife's mother);

· son-in-law (daughter's husband, sister's husband);

· daughter-in-law (son’s wife, if “I” is a man);

· daughter-in-law (son’s wife, if “I” is a woman, brother’s wife, husband’s brother’s wife);

· brother-in-law (husband's brother);

· sister-in-law (husband's sister);

· brother-in-law (wife's brother);

· sister-in-law (wife's sister);

· brother-in-law (wife's sister's husband);

· matchmaker (father of a daughter’s husband or son’s wife;

· matchmaker (mother of a daughter’s husband or son’s wife).

What are the main differences between this crown relationship system? Not every relationship has its own appropriate term here. The wife's brother is a brother-in-law, but there is no special term for a brother-in-law's son.

Some terms—namely, son-in-law and daughter-in-law—are ambiguous. This system is somewhat asymmetrical: a sister-in-law's husband is a brother-in-law, a brother-in-law's wife is a daughter-in-law; but the brother-in-law’s wife and sister-in-law’s husband are not named in any way. In this system of family ties there is no regularity, “algebraicity”, which is observed in terms of the consanguineous system, where kinship relations are expressed using the prefixes “great” and “counsel”.

In order to more fully present the picture of the Russian kinship system, it is necessary to mention one more subsystem of current terms associated with remarriage:

· stepfather (mother’s new husband);

· stepmother (husband’s new wife);

· stepson (son of a husband or wife from a previous marriage);

· stepdaughter (daughter of a wife or husband from a previous marriage);

· half-brother (my father’s son from another mother);

· half-sister (my father’s daughter from another mother);

· half-brother (my mother’s son from another father);

· half-sister (my mother’s daughter from another father);

· half-brother (son of a stepmother or stepfather);

· half-sister (daughter of stepmother or stepfather)

Of this system of kinship relations, the third and fourth arise as a result of “my” remarriage, the rest as a result of the remarriage of my parents.


LINE OF RELATIONSHIP, a sequence of relatives related to each other by relations of generation. Usually a distinction is made between straight and lateral L. r. Straight L. r. persons descended from each other are related; distinguish between ascending (from descendants to ancestors) and descending (from ancestors to descendants) L. r. Lateral L. r. are formed by relatives who have a common ancestor (father and son are a direct linear family, uncle and nephew belong to a linear family, each of which is considered as a lateral relative to the direct linear family of another relative). Distinction between straight and lateral L. r. first emerged in kinship systems reflecting clan organization; it is absent in the classifications generated by the dual-generic structure. kinship systems. In addition to straight and lateral lateral lines, there are also lateral lines. by father and mother, the opposition of which exists in kinship systems determined by an exogamous organization (clan or clan). Therefore, in most modern European In kinship systems, the father is terminologically different from his brothers, and the brothers of the father and mother are designated by the same term.

In law with L. r. sometimes it involves a change or termination of rights and obligations. In the USSR, both direct and lateral legal rights have legal significance.

M. V. Kryukov

Demographic encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Chief Editor DI. Valentey. 1985 .

See what “LINE OF RELATIONSHIP” is in other dictionaries:

    line of kinship- line of kinship, a sequence of relatives related to each other by relations of generation (see Kinship). There are direct and lateral lines of kinship. Individuals descended from each other are connected by a direct line of kinship: great-grandfather grandfather ... ...

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    descendant line of kinship- The line of kinship leading to the younger generation, from ancestors to descendants. Descending intonation; Descending accent; (linguistic. Intonation, stress with a gradual decrease in tone.) ... Dictionary of many expressions

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