Automatic fire extinguishing systems with water mist and drying chambers. Modular expansion valve fire extinguishing: main advantages, models, principle of operation of units

There are AUPT installations where powder and gas are used as waste water, which in some cases have advantages over water. However, still the most common stationary systems fire extinguishing – water.

The explanation for this lies on the surface, or rather, it flows from every water tap - accessibility, low cost even with huge costs, volumes for localization/liquidation, practically unlimited or quite sufficient reserves for these purposes in external networks, fire reservoirs (reservoirs).

It's simple:

  • After activation of thermal, flame detectors, and in some cases in industrial premises with high category for explosion and fire hazards, explosion-proof fire detectors, the APS device sends a control signal to turn on the locking mechanism of the starting cylinder of the AUP-TRV extinguishing module.
  • It is also possible to start operation of the extinguishing system with sprayed water using starting device installation (module)/system AUP-TRV.
  • The displacing gas enters the tank with OTV (purified water, often with special additives).
  • The resulting fire extinguishing mixture under pressure enters the distribution (supply) and then into distribution pipelines mounted under the ceiling of the protected room, to sprinklers that emit the mixture in the form water mist, often called water mist, which effectively suppresses the fire.
  • Control/monitoring of the release of exhaust gas is carried out automatically, remotely, according to the readings of the mixture pressure indicator installed on the supply pipeline of the installation module. If the pressure in the tank with fire extinguishing agent exceeds the control value, it is triggered safety valve(membrane).


According to paragraphs. 3.45, 3.47 SP 5.13130 ​​a module is a single device that implements the functions of storing/supplying fire extinguishing agents after a trigger signal is given, and a modular extinguishing installation is several modules with common system fire detection and control/control of their launch.

In addition to the basic version - with a propellant gas cylinder, modular AUP-TRV, as well as TRV fire extinguishing modules, are of the injection type; when the OTV in the product is immediately under pressure and ready for use, which reduces the response inertia of an individual device and the AUPT system as a whole.

It is convenient to protect small premises and buildings with such equipment – ​​modules, such as modular installations/fire extinguishing systems of TRV.


Designed for surface local extinguishing of fires of class A, B, as well as electrical equipment with voltage up to 1 thousand V.

AUP-TRV, according to both domestic and foreign specialists effective for protecting the following objects, individual important premises in them:

  • Residential buildings, apartments.
  • Kindergartens, nurseries.
  • Nursing homes, boarding schools.
  • Educational institutions.
  • Hospitals, hospitals.
  • Hotels, motels, sanatoriums, hostels.
  • Industrial kitchen equipment.
  • Cabins, engine rooms, corridors of ships/ships.

As you can see from the list, these are mainly residential premises small area and heights with low fire load. The priority of using finely sprayed water instead of sprinkler/drencher installations, and even more so powder and gas ones, is quite clear - this is to ensure the safety of people.

Although manufacturers advocate the widespread use of AUP-TRV for extinguishing shopping and office centers, underground parking lots, industrial/warehouse premises, cable tunnels, archives, museums and book depositories, even objects oil and gas sector industry (!), experts consider this to be nothing more than an advertising message to the owners of buildings/structures and management of enterprises and organizations.

In most cases, traditional water installations do a good job of extinguishing such objects, and for extinguishing specific, especially important premises, powder and gas systems fire extinguishing; and the use of AUP-TRV there, as confirmed by calculations, is ineffective. To understand when and who needs systems, AUP-TRV modules are worth comparing the pros and cons of their acquisition and use.

Advantages and disadvantages

First of all, about the advantages:

  • Modules and AUP-TRV installations are ready-made, complete equipment that can be quickly installed on site, compared to the installation of, for example, a fire sprinkler system.
  • Due to the fact that the water mist sprayed by the sprinklers of the modules/installations is not dangerous for people’s breathing, it is possible to evacuate the protected premises during operation of the AUP-TRV.
  • Minimal damage to room contents compared to deluge/sprinkler and powder fire extinguishing systems.
  • The equipment of modular AUP-TRV requires minimal monitoring/care, similar to the maintenance of portable/mobile fire extinguishers, and scheduled maintenance is not much different from recharging fire extinguishers.

As usual, there were some drawbacks:

  • In contrast to the usual deluge, sprinkler water AUPT, the supply of fire extinguishing agent and displacing gas, therefore, the operating time of the expansion valve extinguishing module/installation is limited. It may not be enough to eliminate the fire; at best, it will be enough to localize it. Although there are installations with a compressor method of supplying the displacing agent, the complexity of the system will significantly affect the price of the products, and will also require expensive water treatment so that the small holes of the sprinklers are not clogged with mechanical impurities and mineral sediments.
  • The high cost of a set of equipment is a problem with most domestic manufacturers, not to mention foreign companies.
  • The need to install APS in protected areas, which is not necessary when choosing a sprinkler water system.

Conclusions: The choice of modules and TRV fire extinguishing installations should be made by the owner or manager of the protected facility based on design decisions or the conclusion of specialists in the field of fire safety, and not on advertising brochures from manufacturers who call such fire extinguishing systems universal.

Warehouses: features of fires

Today, not a single warehouse complex or production room cannot do without a highly effective fire extinguishing system. Considering that the majority of material assets stored in warehouses are flammable, easily flammable materials or are stored in flammable packaging, systems fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems are mandatory for all warehouses.

The features of warehouses and logistics complexes are the large area and height of the premises, the presence of various storage areas, the installation of high, up to the ceiling, shelving, narrow passages between them and between storage areas, the presence of unheated warehouses, a large number of material assets stored there, the loss of which in a fire or damage due to contact with a fire extinguishing agent can be very expensive.

Selecting an automatic fire extinguishing installation. Rationale for the use of finely sprayed water (MAW)

The main regulatory documents that serve as the basis for the design of fire extinguishing installations are Federal Law No. 123-FZ and SP 5.13130.2009 “Systems fire protection. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Design norms and rules." For large and complex facilities, including warehouses with a cargo storage height of more than 5.5 m, special technical specifications(STU), which determines the type of installation for a given specific facility.

Along with the requirements regulatory documents By fire safety it is necessary to take into account the features of such objects and calculate the economic efficiency of the selected fire extinguishing agent, and also know all its features and disadvantages.

Fires in warehouses due to the high density of combustible load are characterized by rapid growth temperature and an increase in the area of ​​the fire, which significantly complicates their extinguishing and leads to serious material damage. Often there is a fire in a warehouse that is not equipped automatic system fire extinguishing, leads to complete combustion of materials stored on it and collapse building structures because of high temperature.

Fire extinguishing systems for warehouses and production workshops should be aimed primarily at quickly localizing the fire and preventing significant material damage. A large concentration of flammable materials requires large amounts of water for fire extinguishing. As a rule, the main task when designing systems automatic fire extinguishing at such facilities is to ensure their sufficient water supply. In the absence or insufficient flow of water supply, there is a need to equip reservoirs or reservoirs to store fire-fighting water supplies.

In conditions of water shortage, fire extinguishing is of particular interest finely sprayed water(TRV). The efficiency of this method in some cases is significantly higher than conventional large-droplet systems, and their implementation requires significantly less consumption and water supply.

The main advantage of such a system is significant water savings. Thanks to sprayers of this class, four times less liters of water are consumed, and droplets with an ultra-small diameter (no more than 100-150 microns) cause less damage to the room and its interior, while dealing with the source of fire much more effectively.

For storage facilities for cellulose-based materials (paper, wood products), food and pharmaceutical warehouses, warehouses with complex and expensive electronic equipment, finely sprayed water (FWA) is the most acceptable solution.

At the same time, we must not forget that finely sprayed water should not be used to extinguish class D fires, as well as chemical active substances and materials, including:

Explosive when interacting with water (organoaluminum compounds, alkali metals);

Decomposes when interacting with water, releasing flammable gases (organolithium compounds, lead azide, aluminum, zinc, magnesium hydrides);

Interacting with water with a strong exothermic effect ( sulfuric acid, titanium chloride, thermite);

Self-igniting substances (sodium hydrogen sulfate).

Fire extinguishing mechanism of TRV installations

Finely sprayed water (MAW) is an effective and economical means of extinguishing fires. Thanks to the use of water supplied under fire as a fire extinguishing agent high pressure, and the production of droplets no larger than 100-150 microns creates a fine mist that quickly saturates the protected volume of the room, while reducing the oxygen concentration, significantly increasing the effectiveness of fire extinguishing using a minimum amount of water.

In addition, when water evaporates in the combustion zone, steam is formed, which temporarily prevents the gas exchange of combustion products with oxygen, and also participates in reducing the oxygen concentration near the combustion zone.

Water mist, having a high heat capacity and a large total active surface area of ​​the droplets, sharply reduces the temperature in the fire zone, stopping chemical reaction combustion. The rapid spraying and high cooling effect of the water mist make it possible to evacuate occupants even while the fire extinguishing system is operating. Thus, in addition to cooling, water implements two more extinguishing mechanisms: insulation and dilution.

Advantages of using water mist installations (MAW)

The main advantages of extinguishing warehouse premises with modular automatic fire extinguishing installations using finely sprayed water:

Autonomy of the technological part of the installation from external sources. The TRV system does not require a supply of water or electricity.

TRV systems demonstrate high extinguishing efficiency combined with low consumption of fire extinguishing agent;

Complete safety when the expansion valve is exposed to people and material assets if the modules are filled clean water without additives;

Extended fire extinguishing activity. At the end of the installation, the water mist hangs in the room for another 10-15 minutes and continues to flow into areas with elevated temperatures. This is especially important for suppressing smoldering processes and preventing re-ignition.

Minimum material costs when restoring and bringing fire extinguishing modules with finely sprayed water MUPTV into working condition after activation. There is no need to dismantle the modules; water is poured into the module itself on site.

Finely sprayed water has a high smoke-precipitating ability. Practice proves that after the installation of finely sprayed water has been activated, there is no need to turn on the smoke removal system.

Due to the fire extinguishing supply, a very small amount of extinguishing agent (FEA) is not required additional devices to remove it after the installation has been triggered.

Environmentally friendly (certified, safe additives for humans are used);

Easy installation, Maintenance and operation;

The method of storing the fire extinguishing agent and propellant gas can be combined or separate. Water is used as a fire extinguishing agent in accordance with GOST 2874, which may contain various additives that preserve the quality of water and increase the efficiency of the extinguishing process. With certain additives, finely atomized water modules can be used at temperatures down to – 50 0C.

Nitrogen gas is used as a propellant gas technical GOST 9293, air, mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

Modular water mist fire extinguishing installations comply with climatic version"UHL" placement category "4" according to GOST 15150-69, but in the temperature range from 5°C to 55°C. Degree of protection of electrical equipment from external influences according to GOST 14254 IP 33 or IP 54.

Installation pipelines should be made of galvanized or of stainless steel. The pipelines must be sealed at maximum pressure Pwork.max. (13 MPa) and withstand the test pressure Fig. = 1.25Rrab.max.

Operating principle of a water mist fire extinguishing installation

The operating principle of the TRV installation is as follows:

1. The fire alarm system detects a fire and issues an electrical signal to the shut-off device on the water mist fire extinguishing module's starting cylinder.

The automatic fire extinguishing system with finely sprayed water (ASP TRV) allows the use of water as a fire extinguishing agent with maximum efficiency.

When used in this way, most of the disadvantages of water are reduced to minor consequences.

Operating principle

  1. Special fire detectors various types determine the source of the fire and, if possible, its location.
  2. An activated fire alarm system sends an alarm signal to the console and activates the locking and starting device on the main module.
  3. The shut-off and release device opens a channel for gas to enter the water cylinder, where a gas-liquid composition with additional fire extinguishing additives is formed.
  4. The mixture is supplied under pressure to the spraying devices through a pipeline.
  5. Control of the release of finely sprayed water is carried out automatically and remotely using pressure detectors, which are located at control points on the pipeline.
  6. When the limit pressure in the water container is exceeded, the safety system is activated, and part of the gas is released through a safety device - a safety valve.

In standby mode, gas does not flow into the water container, therefore, the main cylinder is not under pressure, which increases the duration of operation of the entire system.

The size of a drop of finely atomized water is about 100 microns. Under the influence of high temperature, water turns into steam, which blocks the flow of oxygen to the source of fire. The effectiveness of extinguishing an average source of fire is 1 minute. The steam-water suspension remains in the air of the room, depending on the movement of air currents, for up to 15 minutes, which prevents the reoccurrence of a fire.

In addition to extinguishing the fire, the finely dispersed water mixture precipitates most of the particulate matter in the smoke, significantly reducing smoke levels.

Area of ​​use

The use of a high-pressure water mist fire extinguishing system is regulated by SP 5.13130.2009. They are used to extinguish fires of categories A, B and C. However, their use is allowed in rooms where electrical installations with voltages up to 1000V are located. ASP TRV is recommended to be installed at the following facilities:

  • Multi-level indoor parking;
  • Production and warehouse premises;
  • Archives, library collections and book depositories;
  • Cultural and entertainment complexes:
    • Theaters and cinemas;
    • Galleries;
    • Exhibition centers and pavilions;
  • Retail and office premises;
  • Hotels.


The performance characteristics of water mist fire extinguishing systems significantly exceed those of conventional systems of comparable cost and similar functionality.

  • High fire extinguishing efficiency. The consumption of water with special fire extinguishing additives does not exceed 1.5 liters. per 1m2 of controlled premises;
  • Absolute safety for people who are in the room. The extinguishing process can begin immediately after detecting a fire without waiting for personnel to evacuate.
  • High smoke deposition ability;
  • Environmentally friendly, subject to the use of certified fire extinguishing additives;
  • Independence from external water sources;
  • Compactness, possibility of placing main pipelines or modular units behind suspended ceilings, which preserves the interior design.
  • Opportunity reuse With minimal costs to restore functionality.

System design and design features

The rules and technical parameters of the project, and the installation sequence are regulated federal law(Federal Law) No. 69 of December 21, 1994 and No. 123 of July 22, 2008. As well as technical standards SP 5.13130.2009, NPB 88-2001 and some others.

  1. Tank for storing water with added fire extinguishing agents;
  2. A device that forms a gas-liquid mixture;
  3. Siphon intake tube;
  4. Fastening tape;
  5. Drain plug (bolt);
  6. Safety relief valve;
  7. Gas cylinder for mixing and displacing water;
  8. Locking and starting device;
  9. Brackets for attaching a gas cylinder to a container of water;
  10. High pressure hose for supplying gas to the mixer;
  11. Intermediate fitting;
  12. Tee for connecting a pressure alarm and ;
  13. Pressure alarm;
  14. Interfloor covering;
  15. Supply pipeline;
  16. Sprayers;
  17. Tee;
  18. Distribution pipes;
  19. Place for refilling fire extinguishing agents;
  20. Targeted delivery device;
  21. High pressure hose.

Despite the ease of installation of the system, if its design and installation is carried out by inexperienced engineers, mistakes may be made that will lead to unjustified complication, increase in cost or decrease in operating efficiency.

The most common mistakes:

  • Installation of autonomous modules or a central unit with water and gas of a smaller volume than required for a room of this type;
  • Using pipes without zinc or any other protective coating for pipeline installation;
  • Exceeding the distance of placing water and gas cylinders from each other and from the controlled premises;
  • Placing a water cylinder below the permissible level;
  • Incorrect distribution of extinguishing zones (placement or direction of sprayers).

Types of automated water mist fire extinguishing systems

Classification by type of launch:

  1. – non-automatic spray nozzles are used. Activation is accomplished by opening the main control valve.
  2. – use automatic sprinklers. There are two types of sprinkler systems:
    1. Water-filled - there is always water in the pipes supplying water to the sprinklers. Extinguishing begins immediately after the alarm is triggered.
    2. Air-filled - water fills the pipes only up to the control valve. Supply into the distribution pipeline is carried out only after the sprinklers are activated.

    The delay time for the start of the fire extinguishing process of an air-filled system is insignificant, and the resistance of the pipeline to corrosion processes increases significantly.

  3. Preliminary action - is a type of air-filled sprinkler system, equipped with fire detection detectors. At their signal, the shut-off valve opens and the fire extinguishing mixture enters the pipes. However, the fire extinguishing process begins only after the sprinklers are activated.

Depending on the operating pressure, systems are distinguished:

  • With low pressure - up to 12.1 atm.;
  • With average pressure - 12.1 - 34.5 atm.;
  • With high pressure - more than 34.5 atm.

The difference between a deluge and a sprinkler nozzle is that the latter has a low-melting polymer insert or a glass flask with a heat-sensitive substance inside. When the threshold temperature increases, they open, freeing the nozzle for water supply.


Autonomous water mist fire extinguishing modules

Fire extinguishing module with fine spray water TRV Garant 30.

Installed in rooms with a class fire danger F1 - F5. It is used in extinguishing fires of categories A and B with electrical equipment turned on with voltage up to 1000V. The duration of the fire extinguishing process is at least 5 seconds, during which time the device emits 30 liters. water with added fire extinguishing agents, the proportion of which should be 0.3 kg. The service life of the device is 10 years and it can be reused up to 5 times. The module operates at an operating temperature range of +5 - +50°C.

Modular water mist fire extinguishing installation typhoon.

Used to extinguish class A1, A2, B1, B2 fires. A special feature of the device is the presence of four multi-directional spray nozzles, which increase the coverage area of ​​the water suspension. Depending on the height of the device, 2-8 m, it can effectively treat an area of ​​6-20 m2. The effective operation time of the installation is 3-6 seconds, depending on the number of spray nozzles.

Extinguishing fires using modules or fine spray systems is very effective, but can only be used in heated rooms.

Usage automatic installations fire extinguishing with finely sprayed water (AUPT TRV), both with and without additives, is a common practice today. The use of such fire extinguishing systems has proven to be an effective and cost-effective method of fire extinguishing, both in terms of installation and maintenance costs.

The effectiveness of using TRV is due to the following. The combustion mechanism is based on a combination of a number of factors: the presence of fuel, oxygen and high temperature. Accordingly, to extinguish it, it is necessary to lower the temperature in the combustion zone, reduce the oxygen concentration and isolate the source of the fire from access to oxygen. To effectively suppress combustion, it is necessary to reduce the temperature in the combustion zone. A sharp cooling of the combustion zone can lead to a complete cessation of combustion. By dilution we mean a decrease in the oxygen content in the combustion zone to such values ​​at which the combustion process begins to slow down and die out. Insulation means limiting the access of oxygen to the combustion zone, which leads to the slowdown and extinction of the fire. Insulation can be provided by the properties of OTV. For example, the extinguishing composition OTV-V1, developed by LLC NPK Technologies and Fire Extinguishing Systems, has additives that form a film on the surface of the protected object. This film retains its properties for at least 15 minutes and, thus, isolates the source of fire from access to oxygen, preventing it from re-igniting.

When water enters the fire area, it boils. There is a powerful removal of heat from the combustion zone. In addition, due to the fact that the expansion valve has a droplet size tens of times smaller in diameter compared to the droplet size of sprinkler AUPTs, the surface area of ​​the water that comes into contact with the fire zone increases hundreds of times, and the number of drops in 1 liter of water increases thousands. Abundant vaporization occurs, which significantly reduces the oxygen concentration in the combustion zone. Thus, when using expansion valves, the amount of water required to extinguish the fire zone is reduced tens of times. For example, to extinguish a medium-sized room, several tons of water will be required in the case of using sprinkler automatic fire extinguishing devices, and several tens of liters in the case of using automatic fire suppression valves. When extinguishing expansion valves, an important problem is the “delivery” of a small drop to the combustion zone, because powerful convection currents of hot air prevent this, reducing the effectiveness of extinguishing. Droplet weighting is achieved by the design of nozzles and the use of various additives. For example, LLC NPK Technologies and Systems fire safety» has developed and patented an original extinguishing composition, OTV-V1, and a KSP sprayer, which, in combination with a modular installation, form a complex that ensures the “transportation” of a drop of water into the combustion zone, increasing the efficiency of the extinguishing composition and extinguishing in general.

The use of TRV has a number of significant advantages compared to other AUPTs.

  • complete autonomy from external sources. The TRV system does not require a connection to a pipeline or to electricity according to the 1st category. Modular AUPT TRVs with additives based on MUPTV 100-G-VD, produced by LLC NPK Fire Safety Technologies and Systems, are used at facilities where there are no Vodokanal water limits. Modular installations do not require water storage tanks, water supply pumps, or other additional equipment.
  • high extinguishing efficiency combined with low consumption of fire extinguishing agent (almost a hundred times lower traditional ways water fire extinguishing).
  • safety when exposure to expansion valves affects people and protected objects.
  • long-term insulating effect on the fire object. For example, when extinguishing using a TRV installation with additives based on MUPTV100-G-VD “Nimbus”, low expansion foam is formed at the output (the advantages of TRV extinguishing and foam extinguishing are combined). Upon completion of the installation, the foam remains on the surface of the protected object for at least 10-15 minutes, which is especially important for suppressing smoldering processes and preventing re-ignition.
  • The AUPT TRV easily returns to operating condition after activation. It is necessary to fill the OTV modules and pump up the pressure using compressor or other source of compressed air;
  • The expansion valve has a high smoke settling ability, which is especially important for facilities with large numbers of people.

Today, expansion valve systems are widely used to protect various types of objects.

Living spaces.

Objects with large numbers of people: offices, shopping and entertainment centers and shopping centers.

Cultural objects- museums, art galleries, libraries.

Athletic facilities(rooms under the stands, gyms).

Industrial premises for various purposes. For example, LLC NPK Fire Safety Technologies and Systems has experience in protecting LNPP-2 facilities with modular AUPT TRVs with additives, and has successfully tested its AUPT TRVs when extinguishing electrical equipment with voltages up to 72 kV. The company's assets include the protection of facilities of the State Corporation Rostat, Zarubezhneft, Distillery, etc.

Archives, covered parking lots and parking lots, transport facilities, zoos, stables- far from it full list objects where AUPT TRV will find application. It is necessary to especially note the convenience of modular AUPT TRVs with additives, which consists in the fact that a battery of modules can be installed in any place convenient for the customer, without taking up “vital” space.

The design of fire extinguishing systems based on expansion valves is regulated by the STO (Organization Standards) of the manufacturer of expansion valve installations, as well as SP5.13130.2009.

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