Essay Russian land. Native nature in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”

Please help me write an analysis of Rubtsov’s poem “In the Evenings”) 1. What is this poem about? 2. What kind of mood are you in? Is there any


3. What pictures and images did the poet paint?

4. With the help of what visual and expressive means did he create them?

5. Are the landscapes of the 9th painting realistic or symbolic?

6. Try to determine the poetic meter.

7. What feelings does the lyrical hero experience?

8. What attracted you to this poem? What new do you think the poet said about the Motherland and nature?

1.Which sentence does NOT have a punctuation error?

1) The fragrant herbs were drying, the clouds were smoking.
2) The foliage of the birches hangs, without moving, the dew flows down the white trunks.
3) The fog, thinning, creeps up.
4) The cranes swam swimming in the blue sky.
2.Provide a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
Upon learning of the defeat of his troops,
1) terrible anger seized Darius
2)Darius was terribly angry
3) King Darius gathered a huge army.
4) Darius decided to assemble a new army.

In advance..thank you so much:3

Highlight isolated members in the text: The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - a real pearl of ancient Russian

literature. The author of "The Lay..." was the most educated man of his time
time, who studied the chronicles and knew history well. He's a witness
terrible disasters caused by nomad invasions. It can be argued,
that the author was a warrior, a participant in Igor’s campaign. Characters
works are Russian people who lived and acted in one of
turning points in the history of the Russian state. Igor, selflessly
who fought “with the filthy Polovtsy”, is a patriot and fearless warrior.
Svyatoslav Kyiv in the eyes of the poet is the personification of the genuine
statesman and thinker. His "golden word" is
the bitter lament of an experienced commander reflecting on
destinies of Rus'. The story of the defeat of Igor’s army is a bitter reproach
arrogant prince-brothers. The majestic image of Rus' in the poem
is inextricably linked with the poet’s thoughts about its harsh and glorious history, about
its present and future.

1. The autumn rain rustling outside the windows suddenly died down, and rare fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air.2. They danced for a long time in the rays of the night lamps, then softly

lay down on the withered grass, glistening with water, on black earth, which did not have time to freeze.
3. Less than an hour had passed before nature was transformed beyond recognition. 4. A fluffy snow-white blanket that covered the entire space around turned stumps, bushes and benches into fairy-tale strangers. 5. Passenger cars, dressed in warm sheepskin coats, with their blunt noses buried in the snowdrifts, dozed off peacefully. 6. The trees, which recently lost their yellow clothes, received a new fluffy outfit. 7. Their branches bent to the ground under the weight of expensive furs. 8. The night sky, illuminated from below by an even white light, sparkled with elegant stars. 9.A special silence reigned in the world, occasionally broken by the soft rustling of cars driving along the snowy road.
10.Nature quietly rejoiced at its renewal, the cause of which was the first snow.

1. Write out grammatical basis offers 2
2. Write down words with prefixes from sentence 10
3. Write down the owl verbs. view from sentences 1-2
4. Write out the phrase noun + noun from sentence 2
5. From the sentence. No. 5-10 write down the number of the sentence with homogeneous predicates
6. From the sentence. 8-10 write down the proposal number with a separate clause. turnover
7. Indicate the grammatical basis of the sentence. 2


Russian land. Native nature in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”

  1. Introduction: the idea of ​​a hike, nature, with a formidable omen, keeps Igor from taking a dangerous step.

  2. Main part:
A) the role of the landscape on the eve of the battle between the Russians and the Polovtsians

B) how nature experiences the defeat of Igor’s army

C) appeal to the forces of nature in “Yaroslavna’s lament”

D) how his native land helps Igor when escaping from captivity

D) the role of refrain

  1. Conclusion: how, through a deep and heartfelt image of Russian nature, the author conveys the idea of ​​unity, sympathy and love for his native Earth.

The poem “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” was written a long time ago, in the 12th century, and is recognized as the most significant work of ancient Russian literature, which is still interesting to read in our time. Because this book not only reveals the beauty of the Russian language, but also because the ancient author was able to show love for his homeland, for his people, for his native land. And this is important for everyone who lives in Russia.

The image of Russian nature plays a large role in the description of events. Nature is depicted as actor. She experiences, together with all people, both grief and joy, worries about the fate of Rus'. The author is a nature connoisseur; he describes the features of rivers, steppes, forests and natural phenomena.

The brave but short-sighted Prince Igor goes on a campaign against the Polovtsians alone and is defeated. Then he did not think about uniting the princes to fight the enemy; he thought that he would easily defeat the Polovtsians. But main idea the author’s goal is not to show Igor’s unsuccessful campaign, but to talk about the need to unite all Russian lands.

Nature warned Igor against going on a hike solar eclipse, thunderstorm, as if trying to stop his army. But the prince did not pay attention to this.

Dark blue clouds hang over the Polovtsian army, who are marching towards the Russian squad. The defeat of Prince Igor and his warriors is also shown in the form of sadly bowed trees. Trees are losing their leaves, and even green grass drooped.

Yaroslavna turns to Russian nature. Her image helps to understand the grief of all women whose husbands died in the battle with the Polovtsians. The princess asks the wind, the Dnieper River and the sun, which tormented the warriors with thirst in the dry steppe, to save Igor. Yaroslavna believes that only nature can help her grief.

Nature helps Igor escape from captivity. He talks to the river and the river makes a green bed for the prince on the “silver banks”, enveloping him in white fog to hide him from his pursuers. Igor ran only at night, and hid in the bushes during the day. The seagulls, with their screams, informed him of the approaching pursuit, and Igor accelerated his run. The woodpeckers, with their knocking, showed the prince the right path.

The story is given special beauty by the repeated epithets of the beauties of Russian nature, as well as short repetitions in the same rhythm: “the earth is not here, the rivers flow muddy, the fields are covered with weeds.” This emphasizes the importance of nature in the poem and the leisurely nature of the story.

Through the description of the richness of nature, the author draws the wide expanses of Rus'. It is this beauty that the Russian people need to protect, love its nature, and preserve the unity of Rus'. Prince Igor, realizing his guilt before his Motherland, hurries to Kyiv, where he is joyfully greeted by the princes and people. The strife is behind us. Ahead lies the strengthening of the power of the Motherland, the confidence that no enemies are anymore scary.

An amazing monument of ancient Russian literature of the 12th century has survived to this day. - “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” Why is he so great? The culminating event of the epic - the defeat of Igor’s army - does not in any way detract from the magnitude of the “Word ...”; moreover, through this event we can feel the courage and bravery of the soldiers of that time, their unbroken devotion and love for the Russian land.

The role of landscape on the eve of the second battle between the Russians and the Polovtsians

A Russian person cannot live without faith. And in pagan times, turning to unknown forces is inevitable, and these powerful forces are hidden in our native nature. Before the second battle on Kayal, “...the dawns of blood herald disaster in the morning,” “a cloud is approaching,” “lightning flashes.” After such omens, the author does not specifically indicate how Igor behaves and what he says, however, this does not prevent us from seeing the approaching disaster even more clearly. “...The raw mother earth groans with a groan...” - the deliberate repetition of the roots at the beginning of the verse enhances the impression.

Mother Earth herself cannot withstand such intensity, but at the same time we feel the persistence, endurance and steadfastness of Igor’s army - “The Russian camp closed before the battle. Shield to shield - and the steppe was blocked.” This is the only way - “shield to shield” or even “shoulder to shoulder” - you can raise morale, because without this unity, the army would have disintegrated in a matter of minutes, but behind you is the Russian land, which is shedding tears. The author calls the earth a mother, from which we understand that Igor went to defend not only Russian territories, but also wives, sisters and mothers, without whom the family cannot continue. How strong is the connection between nature, homeland and man!

How nature experiences the defeat of Igor’s army

Igor’s battle began bravely, but defeat happened, and now this steppe, which the soldiers so selflessly guarded, “has fallen, is full of pity.” Nature itself lost its greatness - “and the trees bowed their branches.” Note that nature does not rebel against harm done to it - present and subsequent. She humbly bears a heavy burden, is imbued with regret for her sons and does not abandon caring for them. Thus, when escaping from captivity, native nature leads its warrior out of the “enemy’s bonds.”

How does native nature help Igor when escaping from captivity?

The author allegorically describes the escape of Prince Igor, who turns into a gogol, a reed, or a falcon. Prince Igor's wife Yaroslavna desperately appeals to the forces of nature. With all her thoughts and heart she rushes to help the prince. The princess addresses the sun, winds, and the Dnieper as brothers. Without such a selfless call and undivided love for their land and their betrothed, it would have been much more difficult for the squad and the prince to return to their homeland.

The role of the refrain “Oh, Russian land! You're already over the hill..."

Refrain “Oh, Russian land, you are already over the hill!” repeats itself, and the shades of feelings are somewhat different each time. This is also the impossibility of a return, because the prince made an undeniable decision. There is some bitterness of regret and guilt, because the result of the battle may turn out to be defeat. Sometimes one can hear inspiration in this exclamation, which helps to attract all the forces, but not to allow the enemy beyond the hills and steppes of Rus'.

In “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” the natural phenomena and events in the lives of the heroes. Igor is defeated, and the trees bend their branches. Igor's thoughts rush to his homeland, and again nature arranges everything so that he remains unnoticed. The bond between father and sons is inseparable. Svyatoslav sees prophetic dream after the failures of Igor’s squad and pours out his “golden word”. The father, through tears, still accepts his sons and glorifies them. It is such deep humility, forgiveness and sacrifice of wives, mothers, nature itself and Svyatoslav that give strength to resist evil and live on in unity and brotherhood.

Animated series “Living Exhibits”. Series “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” – video

The handwritten original of “The Lay” was discovered by A.I. Musin-Pushkin, a famous collector of Russian antiquities, in a collection that he received from the Spaso-Yaroslavl Monastery. The find interested him, he studied the text of the manuscript and showed it to the director of the Moscow archive of the College of Foreign Affairs, historian N.N. Bantysh-Kamensky and his assistant A.F. Malinovsky. The famous historian N.M. became a consultant. Karamzin. On their advice, the count published the Lay in 1800. This fact became an extraordinary event in the cultural life of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. Many famous historians began to study this literary monument. The original manuscript itself burned in the Moscow fire of 1812.

The work “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” belongs to the genre of poem and is a kind of monument to ancient Russian literature. It is dedicated to the events of 1185 and describes the campaign of Prince Igor Svyatoslavich Novgorod-Seversky against the Polovtsians. Events developed as follows. A year before this campaign, the united Russian regiments under the leadership of the Prince of Kyiv Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich on the Orel River defeated a large horde of Polovtsians advancing on Rus'. Igor was not able to take part in the battle then, which he was very worried about, since he was unable to demonstrate his devotion to the alliance of Russian princes. Therefore, a year later he decided to go against the Polovtsians himself in order to open the road to the Black Sea, which had been closed to Rus' by the Polovtsians for more than a hundred years.

Military honor, the desire to prove commitment to the new all-Russian policy - these are the main reasons for the campaign organized by Igor. Details of this campaign are in ancient chronicles. However, personal courage in resolving such issues can only bring harm. Which is what ultimately happened. A short-term victory over the vanguard of the Polovtsians ended with a meeting with the main forces of the enemy, as a result of which Igor’s army was defeated, and he himself, wounded, was captured. This defeat of the Russian troops provoked a new attack of the Polovtsians on Rus'. The united Russian troops threw the Polovtsians back into the steppe. Prince Igor, with the help of the baptized Polovtsian Ovlur, managed to escape from captivity and get to Novgorod-Seversky. Based on these historical events and was written by the unknown author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

Analysis of the work

The main idea of ​​"The Word"

This is a call to Russian princes to unite. Feudally fragmented Rus' suffered from civil strife between princes and constant attacks from external enemies. The main opposing forces were the descendants of Manomakh and Prince Oleg, whose descendant Igor is. The author dreams of the unification of Russian lands under the rule of Kyiv. Modern research practically prove that the author of the Lay belonged to Oleg’s Nest.

He had quite difficult task, because he had, on the one hand, to exalt his prince. On the other hand, condemn him for a rash step. That is why the image of the prince is so ambiguous. But the true measure of all values ​​is the Russian land. It is she who is the main character of the work and its ideological and compositional center. The history of the Russian land is component image. The author constantly compares the past and present, drawing conclusions through the mouth of Svyatoslav about the need for unity of Russian princes in the face of the enemy.

All pages are imbued with patriotism, which expresses the main idea of ​​the author. The “Word” is the fiery speech of a patriot. Sometimes angry and mournful, excited and lyrical, but always full of faith in Rus' and its bright future. The main theme of the “Word” is grief over the misfortune that befell the homeland, the search for a way out of the situation. Analyzing the political situation, the author comes to the conclusion that Igor’s defeat was a consequence of disunity between the princes.

Heroes of the work

Images of the main characters in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” The style of the work is symbolic. Each hero is an image-symbol that expresses one quality.

Prince Svyatoslav

For example, the image Prince of Kyiv Svyatoslav is somewhat idealized. He is shown at the head of all Russian principalities in the traditional idea of ​​an ideal ruler. The old prince is formidable, wise and experienced. The author speaks of him as a falcon “in mytekh.” It is in the “golden word” of Svyatoslav that the author reveals his dreams of the unity of Rus'. He calls on the princes to forget strife and grievances, to defend their native land from a formidable enemy, “to step into the golden stirrup and close the gates of the steppe with your sharp arrows.” The old prince condemns the courageous but reckless princes who single-handedly opposed a strong enemy.

The next hero, Oleg Gorislavich, represents the image of a seditious prince, provoking discord among the princes in Rus'.

Prince Vseslav of Polotsk

The restless Prince Vseslav of Polotsk, looking for a better life and more power, is no better. In the author's description, he is “cunning, clever,” even “prophetic.” But he also waited for the “judgment of God,” that is, death.


Boyan personifies the symbol of the image of a “prophetic” singer, originating from pagan gods. For the author, he is the one who, by the will of above, must glorify those who are chosen by God, the Russian princes.


The image of Yaroslavna is a symbol of a loving and devoted wife, a generalized image of Russian women, their heroic characters. Her love saves Igor in battle. She mourns not only for Igor, but also for all Russian soldiers. Her cry is a spell, an appeal to the forces of nature saves Igor from certain death, helps him escape from captivity. Since the publication of the Lay, the image of Yaroslavna has been associated with the image of a devoted and loving wife.

Buy-tour Vsevolod

Buy-tur Vsevolod is a strong and brave warrior. However, in battle he can be reckless and forget about caution, even about life. He is a symbol of the military valor of Russian soldiers, just like his warriors.

The Polovtsian princes Konchak and Gzak are symbols of evil and the personification of black power.

Prince Igor

There is only one hero of the Lay in the “movement” of the image - Prince Igor. He is brave and ambitious. But “young and wild.” In this he is contrasted with the experienced Svyatoslav. But, at the end of the work, the author points out the changes that have occurred to him. That is, despite his inconsistency, Igor is capable of changing his views and positions under the influence of certain events.

Thus, almost all the images in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” can be called symbolic. They reflect one quality, character trait, and are their bright and succinct exponents. This feature in the depiction of heroes is typical for works of folklore, where there is no complete reflection inner world character, his development.

There is another hero of “The Lay”, to whom a lot of words are devoted. This is nature. In The Word she is alive. She expresses herself with the howling of wolves, the squealing of eagles, the fading night and the extinct dawn. Nature here worries and mourns. She anticipates the defeat of the Russian regiments and this is expressed in bloody dawns and black clouds coming from the sea. These disturbing pictures are replaced by the author’s pathetic call for unity. And in the end there are pictures of joy and triumph.


Despite its apparent antiquity, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is deeply modern, because love for the Motherland, for the native land, the call for the unity of the state, the courage of the defenders of the Fatherland will always be relevant. Especially now, when forces hostile to Russia are trying to once again dismember it into small appanage principalities fighting each other. “The Word” received its further embodiment in the work of the great Russian composer A.P. Borodin in his opera “Prince Igor”, in cinema. These wonderful works, along with the literary text, foster love for the Motherland and patriotism.

Comparison of those armies of Oleg Svyatoslavich with the army of the present - his descendants. The ferocity of the battle of Igor's army

That was in those (old) armies and in those campaigns, but such an army (like this one - Igor Svyatoslavich) has never been heard of! From early morning until evening, from evening until dawn, red-hot arrows fly, sabers rattle on helmets, damask spears crack in an unknown field, among the Polovtsian land. The black earth under the hooves and bones (of the fallen) was sown and watered with blood: they (they) rose with grief across the Russian land.

Defeat of Igor's troops. Nature sympathizes with the misfortune of the Russians.

What noise is heard to me (what kind of noise can I hear), what rings to me (what kind of ringing do I hear) from afar (from a distant battlefield) early (in the morning) before the dawns? (Then) Igor (Svyatoslavich) returns the (fleeing) regiments (of the Chernigov kovuys), for he feels sorry for his dear brother Vsevolod. They fought (after all) a day, fought another; on the third day, by noon, Igor’s banners fell (Igor was defeated). Here two brothers (Igor and Vsevolod) were separated (captured and given to different khans) on the banks of the fast Kayala; here there was not enough bloody wine, here the brave Russians ended the feast (battle): they gave the “matchmakers” (Polovtsians, Polovtsian princes who constantly entered into marriage alliances with Russian princes) to drink, and they themselves died for the Russian land. (Nature itself sympathizes with the defeat of the Russians:) The grass withers with pity, and the tree bows to the ground with sadness.

After all, brothers, a sad time has come, the desert (non-residential space - the steppe) has already covered the army (the corpses of the dead are covered with grass). Resentment arose in (these fallen) troops of Dazhbozh’s grandson (i.e., Russians), a virgin entered the land of Trojan (Rus), splashed her swan wings on the blue sea near the Don; splashing, drove away the times of abundance. The struggle of the princes against the filthy stopped, for brother said to brother (prince to prince): “This is mine and that (also) is mine.” And the princes began to talk about (every) small thing, “this is great,” and themselves (thereby) forging sedition against themselves. And the filthy (taking advantage of this) from all sides came with victories to the Russian land.

Mourning of Igor's warriors who died in battle.

ABOUT! (Alas!) the falcon (Igor) flew far away, beating the birds (Polovtsy) - to the sea! Igor’s brave regiment cannot be resurrected (what happened cannot be reversed)! Karna and Zhelya (funeral gods) clicked on it (on Igor’s fallen regiment) and galloped across the Russian land, opening the fire in the flaming (funeral) horn. The Russian wives burst into tears, saying: “We can no longer comprehend our dear loved ones in our thoughts, we can’t think about them, we can’t see them with our eyes, and we can’t hold gold and silver (and in our hands) at all.”

Consequences of Igor's defeat.

And brothers, Kyiv groaned from grief, and Chernigov from misfortunes. Longing spread across the Russian land; abundant sadness spread in the midst of the Russian land. And the princes forged sedition against themselves, and the filthy (Cumans), rushing to the Russian land with victories, they themselves took tribute per squirrel from the court.

An explanation of the reasons why Igor’s defeat turned out to be so difficult for the entire Russian land: Igor, with his unsuccessful campaign, destroyed the fruits of the previous victorious campaign against the Polovtsians of Svyatoslav of Kyiv.

For (because it all happened that) those two brave Svyatoslavichs, Igor and Vsevolod, had already awakened the treachery (of the Polovtsians) by (their) discord (with their head Svyatoslav and with other princes, not wanting to fight together against the Polovtsians), and him (this deceit) their “father” (their leader) Svyatoslav (Vsevolodovich of Kiev, cousin of Igor and Vsevolod), the formidable great Kiev, put to sleep with a thunderstorm (fear that overtook them): he nailed (the Polovtsians) with his strong regiments and damask swords, stepped on the ground Polovtsian (a year before), trampled down hills and ravines (Polovtsian), disturbed rivers and lakes (by fording them), dried up streams and swamps (“bridges” over “muddy places” - paving roads for the army). And the (most) filthy (khan) Kobyak from the Lukomorye (at Sea of ​​Azov) from the great iron regiments of the Polovtsians, like a whirlwind, was torn away (captured): and Kobyak fell in the city of Kyiv in the Svyatoslav Gridnitsa (in the large banquet chamber, which sometimes, in the case of large quantities prisoners were used as a prison). Here the Germans and Venetians, here the Greeks and Czechs sing the glory of Svyatoslav, reproach Prince Igor, who drowned wealth at the bottom of the Kayala River of the Polovtsian River - who poured Russian gold (at the bottom of Kayala) (after all, the times of abundance passed for Rus' after the defeat of Igor). It was then that Prince Igor moved from a golden (princely) saddle to a slave saddle (from a prince he became a slave - a captive). The visors near the cities (passages on the city walls, where people usually poured out when meeting or seeing off an army, from where they cried for the fallen in the distance) became despondent, and the joy (in the cities) faded.

And Svyatoslav saw a cloudy (incomprehensible, unclear to him) dream in Kyiv on the mountains (where he lived). “This night, in the evening, they dress me,” he says, “with a black funeral blanket on a yew bed; they draw me blue wine mixed with grief; They pour large pearls onto my chest with the empty (empty of arrows) quivers of filthy foreigners and pamper me. There are already boards without a prince in my golden-domed mansion (as in the case of a deceased person, when the deceased is carried out of the house through a dismantled roof). All night from evening gray crows They played (foreshadowing misfortune) near Plesensk (near Kiev), in the outskirts of the city stood the Kiev forest, and they (they are crows) rushed to the blue sea (to the south, to the places of sad events).”

Svyatoslav's boyars explain to him the meaning of his dream, telling him about Igor's defeat.

And the boyars said to the prince: “Already, prince, grief has filled your mind; after all, two falcons (Igor Svyatoslavich and Vsevolod Svyatoslavich) flew from their father’s golden throne (like from a falcon block from which falcons fly during falconry) to obtain the city of Tmutorokan or drink with a helmet from the Don (to win a victory on the Don). Already (these two) falcons had their porches cut off with filthy sabers, and they themselves were entangled in iron putins (put on the falcons so that they would not fly away) (- shackled).

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