Speman - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (tablets and forte form) of a medicinal product for the treatment of impotence and acceleration of sperm motility in men, including in old age. Speman: composition, instructions for use

Treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system in men includes taking various medications - medications, vitamin complexes, dietary supplements. The herbal medicine Speman is considered one of the effective pharmacological products in the treatment of infertility caused by deterioration in sperm quality.

This combined remedy based on extracts of medicinal plants has virtually no contraindications and can complement the prescribed therapy for all diseases of the glandular organ.

How effective is Speman - reviews from men

Reviews about the drug Speman, which can be read on review forums, are usually positive. It is described as a remedy that can help with infertility caused by decreased sperm quality, chronic prostatitis and dysfunction of the reproductive and genitourinary systems.

When is the drug needed?

Speman is produced by the Indian pharmaceutical company Himalaya Drug.Co (Himalaya Friend), as stated in the instructions for use it is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • prostate hyperplasia (as part of complex therapy to relieve symptoms of the disease);
  • reduced number of active sperm in seminal fluid;
  • decreased sperm motility.

These indications are important for men and women when planning a child, since due to infertility caused by low quality semen, almost 40% of couples do not become parents. Classic Speman is well suited for the treatment of these pathologies.

Speman's tablets will help with acute and chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, improve the functioning of the genitourinary system in older men, and cope with such manifestations of erectile dysfunction as:

  • early ejaculation;
  • spontaneous ejaculation;
  • decreased erection.

For men with similar disorders, the doctor will prescribe Speman Forte, a drug in which, unlike the classic one, the concentration of active components is increased.

Composition and action

Speman, according to the instructions, contains extracts of the following gifts of nature:

  • male orchis – increases overall tone, improves blood composition;
  • Compass lettuce is a natural sedative;
  • Tribulus terrestris and velvet itchy bean - both extracts:
    • normalize work nervous system,
    • restore psycho-emotional health,
    • strengthen erection and increase libido,
    • increase the level of sex hormones,
    • slow down ejaculation
    • stimulate sperm synthesis;
  • suvarnavang – fights sexual impotence and premature ejaculation, increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones, strengthens the body’s natural defenses;
  • beautiful argyrea;
  • pearl parmelia - both components improve mental balance by influencing the nervous system, fighting free radicals;
  • leptadenia reticularis – increases libido and sperm synthesis, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Rawolfia serpentine – reduces arterial pressure, calms.

The official description of the product states that the ingredients were selected according to the ancient Indian teaching on health - Ayurveda.

Its use has the most positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary organs and general health.

How to use the product

Before starting therapy, consult your doctor - he will tell you how best to use the drug. It is possible that the method of therapy and dose will differ from those recommended in the annotation.

According to the instructions, taking the tablets involves:

  • 2 pills twice a day with the following dosage reduction – for prostate hyperplasia;
  • 2 tablets three times a day for 4-6 months - with reduced quality of seminal fluid.

The characteristics of Speman Forte suggest a higher concentration of components, its dosages are reduced:

  • 1-3 pills three times a day for 14-28 days - with early ejaculation;
  • 1-2 tablets 3 times a day for 4-6 weeks, then in minimal therapeutic doses - if the quality of the ejaculate is low;
  • 1 pill three times a day for 1-2 months – with deterioration of sexual function caused by age-related changes and for its prevention.

You can take the pills regardless of food, at any convenient time. However, remember - fatty foods have a bad effect on the absorption of components, so stick to proper nutrition the entire course of therapy. Under strict ban alcohol.


Speman is a completely natural drug that has no analogues in Russia and abroad. Like every natural remedy, it is not prescribed if the patient has hypersensitivity to any of its components.

Side effects

Speman's composition includes plant extracts, minerals and chemical components to give the tablet the required dosage form. Among the adverse reactions that it can cause are:

  • epidermal rashes;
  • itching;
  • redness of the skin.

When taking tocopherol and Speman simultaneously, dyspeptic disorders may occur.

If these phenomena occur in the first days or hours after starting treatment, stop taking it and contact your doctor to prescribe a substitute.

special instructions

Speman is fully compatible with all medicinal products; worry that the drug will provoke a conflict chemical substances, not worth it. However, the effects of some medications may change.

This applies to vitamin E - taking it together can provoke arterial hypertension and reduce glucose levels. Diabetics should remember the latter: it is advisable to obtain additional consultation with an endocrinologist to adjust the insulin dose for the entire period of therapy.

Treat with caution in persons with cardiovascular diseases and manifestations of hypervitaminosis.

Analogues of the drug

There are no analogues with identical composition. The only drug that can replace the original 100% is its “brother” with the Forte prefix. However, there are many other herbal and synthetic drugs on the pharmacological market that have a similar therapeutic effect.

What can replace Speman?

The list of analogs for action includes:

  • Adenoprosin – rectal suppositories;
  • Amazhestin - tablets;
  • Apiprost – capsules;
  • Vander - tablets;
  • Granufink;
  • Lespenefril – solution for oral administration;
  • Priligy - pills;
  • Prostex – suppositories;
  • Rendesmol - tablets;
  • Trivestan - tablets;
  • Uro-Vaxom - capsules.

Russian substitutes:

  • Bioprost – suppositories;
  • Vitaprost – suppositories;
  • Job-Nefro – drops;
  • Prostanorm – extract for oral administration;
  • Phytonephrol – powder.

Where to buy, how to store

You can buy the drug at any pharmacy, it approximate price- 400 rubles. If you order the drug at an online kiosk, you can buy it a little cheaper, but it is worth considering that you will also have to pay for delivery. It is better to place an order for several packages at once so that the funds are delivered free of charge.

Store pills at room temperature within 36 months from the date of issue.

Alcohol compatibility

Alcoholic drinks do not cause toxic reactions if you drink them during treatment. However, they slow down the absorption of active components and have a destructive effect on cardiovascular system, provoke inflammatory processes in the pelvis. Therefore, to get the desired medicinal effect, give up alcohol for the entire course of treatment.


According to urologists, Speman is an excellent remedy for men suffering from infertility and wanting to become parents.

Gently and safely, it eliminates disorders in the reproductive organs, increases viscosity, sperm volume, and the number of motile and full-fledged sperm.

The whole body feels the healing effect, and the quality of intimate life improves. Its price is much lower than many Western analogues, although the course is long. This is not a dietary supplement, but a complete medicinal product of plant, and therefore natural, origin.

Over the past few decades, there has been a sad trend of deterioration in the sexual health of the stronger sex. Bad ecology, bad habits, increased stress leads to men having problems in the intimate sphere and difficulty conceiving. Increasingly, young males are turning to doctors with complaints of decreased erection and deterioration of reproductive abilities. The current situation leads to the emergence on the drug market of a huge selection of drugs for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions.

Among the large range of medications intended to restore reproductive function in men, it is difficult to find a truly effective remedy. One of the effective drugs for the treatment of intimate problems is Speman and its analogue Speman Forte - products based on natural ingredients used for prostate adenoma and disorders of the maturation of male germ cells. Medicines can be used as separate medications or in combination with other drugs.

Composition and action

Speman consists of Ayurvedic combinations of medicinal herbs and minerals that normalize the levels of LH and FSH, positively affecting the growth of pituitary cells, which has a beneficial effect on the ability of the stronger sex to conceive.

Effects of Speman on the reproductive function of men:

  • stimulates hemodynamics;
  • activates the formation of mature male germ cells;
  • neutralizes the inflammatory process;
  • improves blood circulation in the pelvis;
  • provides therapeutic effect with prostate adenoma.

It is worth noting that Speman Forte is not used to improve the ability to conceive in men. The drug is produced in solid dosage form brown tint without shell.

Speman Forte and Speman

The drugs have almost the same names and composition, but have different pharmacological effects. The main difference between the drugs is the different ratio of ingredients. And, if Speman is intended to improve the qualitative and quantitative indicators of sperm, then the purpose of its analogue, Speman Forte, is to improve the quality of intimate relationships, especially in men older than middle age who have problems in the sexual sphere.

Based on the problem that the patient comes with, the doctor prescribes the medicine that will help solve it.


In addition to the drug Speman and Speman Forte, the pharmacological market has a large number of medications whose action is aimed at restoring male strength and curing infertility. Here are several equally well-known and effective analogues of Speman:

Some of the medications differ in composition from Speman, but pursue the same goals.

Spermaplant is an active food supplement designed to improve reproductive abilities in men by activating sperm and their fertilizing properties. The contents of the drug include:

  • Nettle extract, which improves sexual desire, has a diuretic effect, which is an excellent prevention of prostate diseases.
  • Taurine is an amino acid that increases the activity and vitality of sperm.
  • Arginine is a stimulator of the formation of male germ cells.
  • Carnitine is a tartrate that is the most important component of sperm, guaranteeing their development and vitality.
  • Fructose – improves sperm fertility. It is a source of energy for ejaculated sperm.
  • Citric acid – catalyzes the oxidation of calories, providing nutrition to the body.

Release form - 10 sachets weighing 3.5 g. The price of Spermaplant is quite low, the drug is not inferior in effectiveness to its analogues. It’s impossible to say for sure which is better – Speman or Spermaplant. According to patient reviews, both drugs have proven positive in the treatment of infertility.

This herbal medicine has a wider spectrum of action. It is used to treat impotence, male and female infertility, prevent atherosclerosis, and for severe physical activity, as a general tonic, as well as in the treatment of varicocele together with the hepatoprotector Aescusan. The medicine is based on an extract of the herb Tribulus terrestris. The main active component is protodioscin, which is formed in the body and is included in chemical reaction with other components of Tribestan. It is thanks to protodioscin that the drug can promote the production of male hormones in men and female hormones in women. In addition to normalizing hormones, the medication has a number of other features:

  • has antibiotic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • relieves swelling in the genitals;
  • activates the ability to conceive and sexual desire;
  • has antifungal effects.

What to choose, Speman or Tribestan, is usually very difficult, since both products have a similar composition. Most often, patients are guided by price – Speman’s cost is almost 3 times lower.

It is worth noting that Tribestan is often taken by athletes to build muscle mass and an increase in testosterone in the blood. To protect the liver, Liv-52 is used together with the drug.

The drug Spermactin is prescribed for men who have difficulty conceiving a child. The drug contains L-carnitine and fructose. Most often, the drug is used as part of combination therapy for infertility of unknown etiology. The medication improves the morphological parameters of sperm, increases sperm volume and is used mainly before reproductive methods. The effectiveness of Spermactin has been clinically proven and confirmed by numerous results. Thus, the composition and quality of sperm improved several times with long-term use.

The drug normalizes the process of sperm development and increases their motility. When purchasing one of the products - Speman or Spermaktin, you should take into account their differences: Spermaktin has many side effects and contraindications.

The cost of both medications differs slightly.

Spematon has another name: Speroton. The drug is a vitamin and mineral complex that restores male sexual function, increases sperm viability and the likelihood of conception. Most often, the drug is prescribed as a prophylaxis during pregnancy planning. Spematon and Speman can be used simultaneously. Both medications showed good result while improving sperm parameters such as viscosity, motility and volume.

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

Treatment of male infertility is a long process. To achieve a positive result, complex therapy is necessary. With an integrated approach to treatment, the drug Speman is used. The product is effective for infertility, as evidenced by reviews.

Let's consider the description, action, reviews of a common drug for infertility.


Speman is a combined herbal preparation that has a stimulating effect on the sexual function of men. Namely:


The tablets of the drug are round, light (dark) brown in color with inclusions. One tablet contains:

  • pearl parmelia – 16 mg;
  • male orchis tubers – 65 mg;
  • astercanthus longifolia – 32 mg;
  • compass lettuce – 16 mg;
  • itchy velvet beans – 16 mg;
  • mosaic gold – 16 mg;
  • beautiful argyrea – 32 mg;
  • creeping testicles – 32 mg;
  • leptadenia reticularis – 32 mg;
  • pearl parmelia – 16 mg.

When to use the product

The drug Speman has a comprehensive effect on the male reproductive system and is prescribed for various male diseases.

Contraindications for use

It is forbidden to use by persons under 18 years of age and with individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.

Side effects

Having studied the composition and reviews, we can conclude that in general the medicine is well tolerated by patients. However, in exceptional cases, a number of side effects may occur when taking:

  • hives;
  • rash;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • headache;
  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness.

In this case, treatment is symptomatic. There is no information about overdose.

How to use the drug

For infertility, the dose is 2 tablets in the morning, afternoon and evening. Course - 1-1.5 months.

Treatment is prescribed by the doctor individually for each patient, depending on the duration and severity of the disease.

"Speman" for prostatitis

Speman can be used for prostatitis. In this case, the dosage regimen is standard: 2 tablets in the morning and evening. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician based on the severity of the disease.

special instructions

We should not forget that Speman medicine is prohibited for use by persons under 18 years of age who drink alcohol. The drug is not intended for women to take during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since its effect in this case has not been studied. The interaction of the drug with antibiotics and other drugs is not known. Not addictive. Available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Analogues of "Speman"

There are many similar drugs, namely: Canephron, Vitaprost, Lespeflan, Ranel, Uroprost, Flaronin, Urolesan, Cyston and others.

The original drug Speman is produced in India. But, there are also those that are produced in Ukraine and Russia. Try to purchase original medicine. Because it has better reviews. The original Indian drug contains 2 times more active ingredient than its analogues.

When purchasing Speman, it should not be confused with Speman-forte.

The latter is used for erectile dysfunction.

Problems with men's health are a sensitive topic that men decide to discuss only as a last resort.

The drug Speman is a real lifesaver for patients suffering from prostatitis, oligospermia, poor sperm motility, high sperm viscosity, premature or spontaneous ejaculation, and age-related sexual dysfunction.

The tablets contain only plant components, including hawthorn, astercanthum longifolia, tribulus, leptadenia, beautiful argyrea, lettuce, pearl parmelia, suvarnavang, velvet beans.

Long-term use of the drug improves the quality of sperm, increases potency, normalizes blood flow in the genitourinary system, and eliminates discomfort due to symptoms of prostatitis. Speman eliminates congestion and inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, restoring its function. The medicine is produced in India and Russia.

Prices range from 540–740 rubles per package of 100 tablets. Contraindications include only individual intolerance to any component. If the product is not suitable, when choosing what to replace speman with, they often consider close substitutes with similar indications.

Russian-made analogues

Synonyms of speman from domestic producers vary in cost. Drugs with a high price tag are presented along with cheaper medications. Name of the drug Average price in rubles
Characteristic 960–1500 Spematon The remedy is vitamin complex

, with useful microelements in the composition.

A Russian-made drug is prescribed when planning pregnancy to improve the quality of male sperm.

The product increases the functionality of the male reproductive system, improves the vital activity of active sperm. 990–1600 Vitaprost

The product reduces swelling, normalizes secretion, increases blood microcirculation, has immunomodulatory and antiplatelet properties, and eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of prostatitis.

SpermPlant 400–700 Dietary supplement in sachet form.

An inexpensive drug for the treatment of male infertility by influencing the process of spermatogenesis.

The product has a plant base. Indications for use: deterioration of sperm quality, male infertility.

Speman Forte 650–900 An exact analogue of Speman for men with an identical composition. Only the dosages of the components in the medicine differ.

Speman Forte is often prescribed to older men to stabilize sexual function and treat accelerated ejaculation.

Prostanorm 110–390 An effective replacement for a cheap drug for the treatment of prostatitis and improvement of ejaculate parameters.

The herbal medicine has anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic, analgesic properties, and normalizes the process of urination.

Ukrainian substitutes

Some Ukrainian-made drugs have a similar area of ​​application to speman. The list contains cheap analogues of the drug, as well as their brief characteristics.

  • Prostatilen. A herbal medicine for the treatment of prostate diseases, improving the functioning of the reproductive system in men. Available in the form of rectal suppositories and lyophilisate for preparing a solution. The average price is 180–610 rubles.
  • Prostalad Tincture. A drug for oral administration in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary disorders, and weakened sexual function.

    Alcohol tincture with herbal ingredients. An inexpensive Ukrainian synonym for speman with a similar effect. The average price is 170–190 rubles.

Belarusian generics

The table contains a list of medications to treat problems men's health. Belarusian generics of the drug Speman.

Other foreign analogues

Modern imported medicines that have shown high effectiveness in treating male infertility, chronic prostatitis and sexual dysfunction.

  1. Tribestan. The best drug for the treatment of infertility in women and men.

    It is prescribed to improve the functioning of the nervous system, normalize the menstrual cycle, increase the number and quality composition sperm, lowering blood cholesterol levels, treating inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

    The composition of the medicine is represented by herbal components. Country of origin: Bulgaria. The average price is 1800–3600 rubles.

  2. Spermactin. Prescribed for dysfunction of the reproductive system. The product is a biologically active food supplement. It is sold in powder form, which is diluted and taken orally, or in bottles with a ready-made solution.

    The product has a positive effect on the fertilizing ability of sperm, as well as on their motility. The drug is produced in the USA. The average price is 2800–3650 rubles.

  3. Tentex Forte. The medicine is a cheap analogue of the drug speman. The scope of application includes disorders of sexual activity in men, decreased libido, premature ejaculation, lack of erection.

    The drug performs an androgenic, general tonic, stimulating function. Release form: tablets. Country of origin: India. The average price is 480–900 rubles.

Please note that simultaneous use of Speman with other medicines, which improve the quality of the spermogram, causes an increase in the effect of these drugs. You should not prescribe medications on your own without consulting a specialist.

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One of the hot topics today is male infertility. Problems with conception are observed in half of the cases due to the fault of men. main reason- poor environment, fast pace of life, and lack of necessary care for the body. True infertility occurs only in 5% of cases. Others can be successfully treated by changing their usual lifestyle and taking medications. Let us consider in more detail what indications and contraindications there are, what Speman’s instructions for use include.

An effective medicinal product based on medicinal plants that help improve sperm formation and eliminate congestion.

Composition and properties of plants

Astercanthus longifolia Refers to aphrodisiacs. Has diuretic properties. Affects the processes of spermatogenesis.
Orchis Increases male strength
Compass lettuce Has a calming and diuretic effect.
Parmelia pearl Sedative, tonic, immunomodulatory drug.
Leptadenia reticularis Relieves the inflammatory effect, tones, fights bacteria.
Argyrea is beautiful Aphrodisiac. Diuretic. Antiseptic.
Velvet bean itchy Used to prevent male infertility
Suvarnawang Increases male strength, balances male energy.

Important! Efficiency is achieved through the interaction of the active components included in the composition.

The tablets are coated, which dissolves in the intestines, description in Russian. Developed based on the principles of Indian medicine. The ingredients are exclusively natural. Plants with different concentrations are contained in each tablet. Number of tablets: 100 pieces.

Indications for use

If you refer to the radar encyclopedia, the drug is prescribed for:

  1. An increase in the size of the prostate gland, which is benign.
  2. Acute and chronic inflammatory process in the prostate.
  3. Low motility of germ cells.
  4. If it is necessary to increase sperm viscosity.
  5. Prevention.
  6. Increased amount of sperm released.

Indications for use: medicinal and preventive purposes, as well as the rehabilitation period after undergoing basic therapy for diseases:

  • chronic prostatitis (elimination of symptoms, improvement of erection, restoration of prostate functionality);
  • male infertility (stimulation of the spermatogenesis process, improving the quality of seminal fluid, increasing the ability to fertilize, increasing testosterone production);
  • (reduces the size of the gland and improves urine output).

It is used as an independent medicine, as well as a component of complex therapy.

How to take Speman before or after meals? The effectiveness of the product does not depend on food intake. You can take pills for men before or after meals.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is plant-based and causes virtually no side effects. Sometimes you may experience:

  • an allergic reaction, which manifests itself as redness and itching of the skin;
  • nausea with bouts of vomiting;
  • headache.

When taking the drug side effects may occur if a person has previously had similar diseases:

  • hypervitaminosis;
  • heart attack;
  • thromboembolism;
  • cardiosclerosis.

Speman and alcohol are incompatible. Alcohol-containing drinks reduce the effect of the product.

These are the main contraindications when taking the drug.

Based on many years of practice, no side effects occur even when taking a higher dose or taking several drugs at the same time.

Exceptions include personal intolerance to components. Does not affect management ability vehicle. If you are taking other medications, you should discuss this issue with your doctor. If there is no improvement, it is necessary to conduct additional diagnostics of the body.

Speman can be used when planning pregnancy.

Taking and interacting with medications

The product is packaged in a plastic bottle, which is equipped with detailed instructions by application. How many tablets should I take? It all depends on the disease.

Tablets are taken according to the following scheme:

  1. Treatment of prostate adenoma: in case of acute inflammatory process, take 2-3 tablets three times. The course of treatment ranges from one to two months, it all depends on the stage of the disease and the rate at which symptoms decrease. After acute symptoms decrease, the dose is reduced.
  2. For male infertility, the daily dose is two tablets three times. The course is selected individually with the attending physician. According to experts, an increased dosage than indicated in the instructions gives a positive result.

The drug is used in bodybuilding together with vitamins and sports nutrition.

If we consider what to replace Speman with, then Tribestan is most often used. Both types have a wide range of effects. The method of application is similar, taking into account the dosage of the medicine.

Comparing the drug and its analogues, Tribestan can be distinguished; they are very similar in composition. Speman and Tribestan have some differences.

The difference is that the analogue contains more medicinal plants. The scope of the medicine is wide: stabilizing the menstrual cycle, improving the functioning of the nervous system, improving sperm quality, and returning the former pleasant sensations from intimate life. It has found active use in other areas as a highly effective herbal medicine. There are virtually no side effects. If you consider compatibility with other medications, you should consult your doctor.

How much does the drug cost? Patients prefer it because the cost is lower and ranges from about 330 rubles.

Can women take the medicine? Doctors do not recommend taking the product, since it was originally intended for men. For women, analogues in Russia are suitable - Tribestan. Behind Lately it is actively used to get rid of immunological infertility in women.

Differences between Speman and Speman Forte

What is the difference between a classic medicine and tablets with the Forte prefix? It is customary to add the Forte prefix to those drugs that have an enhanced effect, but this is not the case with this medication. Instructions for use for men are included.

Differences between funds:

  1. Color and diameter of tablets.
  2. If you look at the composition of Speman Forte, there is an additional plant extract - snake rauwolfia.
  3. The differences between Speman and Speman Forte are in different areas of application and direction of impact.

Forte can be drunk without reference to meals.

Forte tablets are taken to regulate sexual dysfunction; it increases the amount of ejaculant.

Therefore, after each course of steroid supplements, it is necessary to take tablets with the Forte prefix and their other analogues, which will help the body recover and increase natural testosterone.

A herbal preparation can help completely rid a person of negative impact steroids on the body. It is used mainly by athletes after 40 years of age.

Note! Sometimes the remedy is very useful for young men who are just starting their sports career.

What to replace it with? You can use Tribestan or Tribulus. You can read reviews in detail about these drugs on forums and websites. In addition to increased libido, men noted an increase in the quantity and quality of ejaculate. The drug is very effective when planning pregnancy, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Andrey, 33 years old, Moscow: “My wife and I have been planning a child for about two years now, but to no avail. After testing, an insufficient number of active sperm was detected. I've been taking the pills for about a month. Sperm activity has doubled and is 80%. Side effects are missing. I am planning an appointment for about another month. We really want a child.”

Evgeniy, 50 years old, Vladivostok: “I was diagnosed with prostatitis and prescribed curative therapy, one of the components of which was herbal preparation in tablets. The first positive changes are visible. The painful sensations have subsided. And the wife is very pleased.”

Tatyana, 32 years old, Rostov-on-Don: “We’ve been living with my husband for five years now, but we haven’t gotten pregnant. Another problem is short sexual intercourse. My husband doesn’t want to go to the doctor, he’s embarrassed. Having found information about the product, I bought the medicine on the Internet. The husband agreed to drink. After a month of use, the duration of sexual intercourse increased. I am pleased. After completing the course, I saw the long-awaited two stripes on the test. I recommend to everyone".

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Let's sum it up

Which herbal medicine is better? It is impossible to give a definite answer. We found out how Speman differs from its analogues, but each person is individual, so selection must be made taking into account the doctor’s recommendations, as well as personal preferences. Whenever allergic reaction, stop taking. To achieve a positive effect, it must be taken for at least three months. It has established itself as a safe drug that gives noticeable results. Before use, consult a doctor.

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