Do-it-yourself biological treatment station diagram. Do-it-yourself septic tank without pumping and odor: simple solutions for your dacha

Autonomous sewage systems are a complex installation with a characteristic system of overflows, filtration and equally complex electronics. Only competent calculation and compliance with the rules and regulations will ensure a long and quiet life for the “autonomy”. How to arrange it yourself autonomous sewerage Wastewater for a private home, using “biological weapons” for peaceful purposes?

From the cesspool to the biological wastewater treatment station

Living in a private house is now becoming more comfortable, thanks to the successful and total implementation of engineered water purification systems. Autonomous sewerage is the most popular part of utilities.

Starting with primitive and labor-intensive do-it-yourself “economy options” - cesspools and installation of septic tanks, modern autonomous sewage systems for a private home are fundamentally different from their predecessors. The organization of sewerage installations is based on the principle of deep biological treatment Wastewater.

On what basis is an autonomous sewage system for a home organized?

The work of the autonomous sewer system of a private house is organized according to the wastewater treatment method, which involves the following stages:

Mechanical (cleaning from large fractions)

Biological (removal of organic compounds)


Disinfection of wastewater.

At the mechanical stage of treatment, wastewater passes into a state favorable for the release of suspended substances. The result of mechanical cleaning is the removal of up to 70 percent of contaminants and the creation of a uniform distribution of water in the drain.

The result of biological wastewater treatment is the degradation of water organic matter using microorganisms (aerobic and anaerobic).

An important stage in wastewater treatment is sludge dewatering or changing chemical composition water. To increase the efficiency of the mechanical process in the sewer system, a flocculant is used.

The final stage of wastewater treatment is based on its disinfection and subsequent volley discharge.

A simplified diagram of an autonomous sewer system in a private house for waste disposal consists of the following elements:

Sewage and fecal discharge storage tank

Tanks for cleaning and recycling.

But of particular interest are deep biological wastewater treatment plants, which include aeration tanks and digesters.

Aerotank is a reinforced concrete structure open type. Effluent water, which contains organic contaminants, is passed through the aeration tank; air and recirculated sludge in an active state are supplied. In a flow-type aeration tank, water circulates continuously. During aeration, the liquid can remain in the container for up to several days.

What is deep biological wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment technology using deep biological treatment stations can confidently be classified as complex processes in which microorganisms are involved. Technologically necessary:

Create conditions conducive to the formation of enzymes

Create conditions for aeration, oxidation and decomposition of substances

In the process of creating life support conditions for the biorefinery cycle, the products will be split

Carry out a technological discharge of treatment products into a body of water or onto the terrain.

Today, there are many models of deep biological wastewater treatment stations. Let us remind you that ready-made stations from the manufacturer are intended for the disposal of sewage, but not for their storage.

The most popular autonomous sewers are:

Topol - Eco

and this list is updated annually with new models.

Autonomous sewerage system, what could be simpler! The following video will tell you about this.

Deep biological wastewater treatment plants have an impressive cost, but their operational characteristics provide a good degree of wastewater treatment. In addition, advanced sewage treatment technology makes it possible to reuse purified discharged water for irrigation. How to install an autonomous sewer system for your home with your own hands?

Installing an autonomous sewer system yourself

Of course, it is preferable to entrust the installation of an autonomous sewage system to specialists. If you intend to install it yourself, you should initially consult with specialists who will help you choose a place to dig a pit for installation. It wouldn’t hurt to draw up a plan and installation diagram.

selection of installation model for autonomous sewerage

When selecting an installation model, the following initial data are required:

Number of consumers and sewerage users

Location groundwater and their water level

Geological composition of soil and soil

Working volume of the receiving chamber

Depth of insertion of the outlet pipe

Proposed location of the salvo discharge of wastewater.

Based on the collected data, the selection, purchase and delivery of an autonomous sewage system is carried out.

Helpful information

In the model of treatment facilities, the manufacturer indicates the depth of insertion of the sewer pipe into the system. This is a height of 1.05 - 1.45 mm from the soil level to the lower edge of the supply pipe.

what you have to do with your own hands for installation and installation

The installation of an autonomous wastewater treatment station consists of the following steps:

Excavation work

Installation of the station structure in the pit (without concreting)

Insulation of the top and side parts of the station

Drainage of station structure with sand

Laying of inlet and outlet pipes (inlet sewer pipe Ø110 mm with insulation and outlet pipe Ø110mm type DGT-PND)

Laying the electric cable VVG 4x1.5 in a protective tube HDPEØ25

Installation of a conical filtration well Ø0.6m. in the upper part, Ø1m. in the lower part, up to 2 m high.

Compressor connections

Installation of a polymer-sand hatch

Backfilling of soil.

If at the sight this list events, your enthusiasm has not waned, then it’s time to watch the proposed video.

This video will help you on how to install a wastewater treatment station yourself.

Anyone who builds a country house and installs a sewer system is simply obliged to take care of how to treat wastewater, because many unscrupulous residents install cesspools even without any internal work. finishing works. Once in the soil, wastewater can move into the water supply systems of nearby structures, and this has a negative impact on human health. Wastewater contains a large amount of harmful impurities and heavy metals.

Technological scheme for wastewater treatment using the biomembrane method with post-treatment by reverse osmosis.

In order to prevent getting into drinking water any impurities from wastewater, it is necessary to immediately think through and equip a biological treatment system when constructing sewer systems. Various methods and designs can be used for a wastewater treatment plant. There are special purification facilities for sale, but they are not cheap at all. It is easier and cheaper to build structures with your own hands. Installation will take approximately two weeks.

Types of cleaning

The following facilities can be used for biological wastewater treatment:

  • ordinary cesspool;
  • cesspool overflow using a concrete ring;
  • underground or surface septic tank.

Diagram of the installation for biological wastewater treatment: 1 - primary settling tank; 2 — pre-aerator; 3 - aeration tank; 4 - activated sludge regenerator; 5 - secondary settling tank.

Water procedures for any person: washing, bathing, cooking - this is an integral and necessary part of life. The water that is formed after all human hygiene procedures is called wastewater. This wastewater goes down the drain with all the dirt, bacteria and chemical components of the powders and detergents. You can drain it all into a nearby river, but then sooner or later all living things in it will die. This is why biological wastewater treatment is necessary.

Septic tanks provide it fully. For them to work effectively, you must follow some rules. If the structure is erected correctly, there will be no unpleasant odors during its use and the biological component of wastewater treatment will be ensured. Septic tanks do not need to be constantly cleaned, like cesspools.

Materials for construction

It is worth noting that this type of biological treatment will last for many years, both in winter and summer. One operating condition is to add antiseptic and antibacterial powders to eliminate emerging odors. For the type of septic tank described, the following components are required:

  1. Scheme.
  2. Eurocubes (volume 800 liters each). They are better suited than concrete buildings because concrete can deteriorate over time. Cubes last up to 50 years.
  3. Tees.
  4. Pipes.
  5. Inlet and outlet pipes.
  6. Shovels for digging trenches.
  7. Lids and improvised means for closing the septic tank.
  8. Bricks for the base of the lids.
  9. Concrete solution.
  10. Formwork and reinforcing bars + wire.
  11. Plastic for insulating cubes.
  12. Oilcloth for waterproofing.

Preparatory work

The operation of the septic tank will be correct only if you install inlet and outlet pipes on the containers (Eurocubes). Only after installing these pipes can they be placed in the ditch. To prevent the soil from crushing the containers, after digging the trench, it is necessary to concrete it on four sides, because the cubes have a thin wall that can crack from pressure. To prevent wastewater from freezing, it is advisable to surround the cubes with sheets of foam plastic.

Before installing the cubes, they must be filled with plain water. This is to ensure that no damage occurs during installation. Biological treatment with installed containers is the first stage in the sewer system. If we take into account the processes of wastewater purification and further flow into aeration fields, we should think about a ditch for the drainage system. This ditch should be about 30 m long, and the depth depends on the soil conditions, but not less than 70 cm.

Preparing the trench

Before you start digging a trench, you need to mark the area. The cleaning installation takes place only in good, sunny weather, because the concrete solution will harden in rain and snow for a very long time. In addition, digging the ground in winter is difficult. In order for the cubes to fit, you need to make the trench 40-60 cm wider than the size of the perimeter of the cubes. You can avoid the penetration of moisture into the soil and isolate the concrete solution from moisture by covering the trench with oilcloth.

The next process will be the installation of reinforcing bars and formwork. The rods must be taken according to the depth of the trench. They are connected using iron wire. Then installed wooden boards along the perimeter of the reinforcing bars. Next, the concrete solution is mixed (sand and cement in a ratio of 2:6). After thoroughly mixing the solution, it is poured between the soil and the connected reinforcing bars. Reinforcement is installed to strengthen the concrete.

The solution dries in warm weather within 10 days. After the solution has dried, you need to remove the formwork. Those places where the solution has not hardened or has some defects must be covered until flat surface. The trench is ready. It is necessary to install cubes only after they have been assembled.

Drain design

To begin with, the drains of the containers are sealed. If the neck is small, it will need to be cut a little to accommodate the tee. On both sides of each cube you need to make holes for the pipe that will enter. The distance from the top of the cube is 15-25 cm. For further installation of ventilation, cut holes are required on the horizontal “roof” of the cubes.

It is important that all pipe connecting processes are carried out using tees.

In order for wastewater treatment to take place correctly, the cubes need to be connected to each other. To make this connection, you need to cut a round part from the opposite sides of each cube. Its diameter must match the diameter of the pipes. This hole should be 30 cm below the hole in the sewer pipe. The containers are connected to each other using a pipe. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is very good connection. This is necessary in order to avoid drips and sewage penetration through the holes.

For the connection, a metal rod is used, which is welded to the surrounding mesh of the container. It is necessary to cut a hole in the second container in order to later install a pipe for drainage system. It is important to carefully treat each pipe joint with silicone sealants.

Upon completion of the installation and connection work, the containers must be lowered into the trench and covered with sheets of foam plastic, and then covered with earth. Only ventilation pipes should remain on the surface.

The next process that needs to be carried out is removal from the containers drainage pipe. To do this, you need to purchase a perforated pipe with a diameter of 5 cm. This pipe must be connected to one of the containers and routed through the aeration ditch. For the system to work correctly and not freeze, this ditch needs to be lined with 25 cm of gravel. After installing the pipe in the ditch, it is covered with gravel and then with earth.

If the groundwater level is high or unstable, or has fluctuations that depend on weather conditions, it is necessary to create a bulk drainage field. In this case, you should do all the work described above, but with the additional installation of another container. It will serve as an additional well. A pump is installed inside this container, which is equipped with a pre-switching float. This is done so that the wastewater, already treated, is pumped into the area of ​​​​the drainage field, which is filled higher than the groundwater.

Under no circumstances should the container containing wastewater be allowed to be filled to the brim, especially in the cold season. When the liquid inside the container freezes, this liquid will expand, and the walls of the cubes may burst due to the internal pressure created. Good way who will not allow such emergency situations- This is the installation of a drain barrel. It must be set below freezing. There is another option - maximum insulation of the walls of the containers.

Ventilation systems must be installed. When installing sewer systems, ventilation risers or installations are installed that suck in air using the valve method. This is done so that there is no accumulation of rarefied air in the pipes, which prevents wastewater from draining into the tanks. It is better to divide the wastewater treatment compartments into a clean compartment and a dirty one.

After all the work has been done and after the compartments have been filled in, for interior beauty in the yard you need to make a brick frame. This is also done in order to equip the tanks with lids. Yes, and extra thermal insulation won’t hurt. That is, you need to cover the top places of these tanks brickwork. Having made the markings and a small foundation with formwork and reinforcing bars, you need to fill everything concrete mortar. The ratio of solution components needed is described above.

After the foundation has hardened, you need to lay bricks around the perimeter and use cement mortar connect them. The structure should be insulated with covers. You can use hatches or make opening doors on a vertical surface brick house. This is also convenient because upon arrival of the machine that will pump out the contents, you can simply open the lid to access the septic tank.

Work principles

The principle of biological treatment is to prevent wastewater from entering the soil and aquatic environment, because there are many water supply systems on the territory of private houses, for example, wells, rivers and lakes. Once in the soil, wastewater mixes with groundwater and then enters water supply systems, so wastewater must be treated.

The operating principle of the above-described septic tanks for wastewater treatment is the mechanical separation of solid components from the liquid. For wastewater treatment, the main thing is to prevent these solid components from getting into the soil and water. Once the solid parts are separated from the liquid, the liquid part of the wastewater will be broken down anaerobically. At the first stage of cleaning, thanks to the two-level design of the drain tank, the liquid passes from one section to another. Anaerobic digestion refers to the process of breakdown by bacteria. For such biological treatment, it is necessary to add biological activators to the containers.

When wastewater is treated, the waste that remains undissolved, which is approximately 1%, settles at the bottom of the septic tank. Purified water will go into the ground, but will not harm the environment, although it is not sterile.

To clean such a structure, you need to call a special sewer truck. But this will need to be done, if you count from the moment of construction, almost 1.5 years later. Experts recommend installing septic tanks in the fall. This is not so debilitating for a person, since there is no summer heat, and there will not be much microbial activity, which is also important.

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Sewerage and wastewater treatment in private country house

Country houses located in dacha associations rural areas and even in a number of cottage villages, they do not always have the ability to connect to a centralized sewer network. The optimal solution to the problem is the use of a local treatment plant - VOC

From the cesspool to the VOC

Modern technologies in the field of engineering equipment are advancing by leaps and bounds, and today many types of installations for the treatment of household wastewater have been developed. Let us remember how the history of private sewerage developed.

First - a cesspool, then its modernized version - a septic tank, and finally installations in which full cycle wastewater treatment. The latter are called differently: deep biological treatment stations (systems), wastewater treatment plants (WTP), local treatment plants (WTP), etc.

In order not to get confused in these names, which essentially mean the same thing, we will use the abbreviation VOC.

But we’ll talk about VOCs a little later, and now let’s discuss the question: are septic tanks already a thing of the past or not yet?

Since a consumer inexperienced in the problems of private sewerage sometimes misinterprets the meaning of this term, it would not be amiss to recall that a septic tank industrial production It is a large container (most often made of plastic) located in the ground and connected by an inlet pipe to the sewer outlet from the house.

The simplest septic tank is essentially a large barrel; more complex models are divided into two or three sections or consist of two or three separate containers. The septic tank not only accumulates wastewater, it is where it first decomposes into heavy waste, which gradually settles down, and light, which floats to the surface. Thanks to this treatment method, called mechanical, the wastewater is purified by 60%, which is a very low degree of purification, and therefore it is prohibited to discharge it onto the terrain.

Technologies ten years ago assumed the construction of filtration fields adjacent to the house - drainage systems through which the soil was purified of wastewater from the septic tank. Today this is an outdated method. However, the septic tank itself cannot be discounted. Sometimes it helps solve certain problems. For example, if we are not talking about a country house for year-round use, but about a dacha where the family visits seasonally or periodically. Since the septic tank is suitable for processing a relatively small volume (1-3 m 3 /dg.) of household wastewater and fecal matter, you will have to call a sewer truck from time to time. To reduce the rate of filling the container, wastewater can be divided into “gray” (water after washing dishes, bathing, washing) and “black” (flow from the toilet) and only “black” ones can be sent to the septic tank.

In any case, for a periodic home, a septic tank will be the most economical solution. Sometimes it has to be installed for other reasons. For example, in water protection zones, where the use of even VOCs is prohibited, wastewater is purified by 94-98%. Actually, this is all the information a private developer needs to know about a septic tank in order to make a choice in favor of a septic tank or VOC.

Wastewater disposal options

a) Discharge of purified water by gravity into the existing drainage network
b) Discharge of wastewater into an intermediate well in which a drainage pump is installed
c) Pressure discharge of wastewater into a road ditch
d) Gravity discharge of wastewater into a filter (drainage) well

Operating principles of aeration VOCs

Individual sewer installations on Russian market a great variety is represented. Some of them, called differently, are actually almost “twins”. And therefore it makes no sense to describe each model separately and compare them. It is much more important for the future user to understand the fundamental design differences between the systems from each other.

Conventionally, all installations can be divided into two types: aeration and complex. First, wastewater treatment occurs through work aerobic bacteria, which use the oxygen contained in the air for their life. How does it enter the VOC tank? Aeration (saturation of water with air oxygen) is performed forcibly: for this purpose, compressors (pneumatic aeration) or pumps (ejector aeration) connected to the installation are used.

The wastewater treatment method used in such equipment is biological, which is why this type of VOC is also called biological treatment systems (less commonly, bioseptics). Structurally, the device is a container (usually made of polypropylene) with technological hatches, divided by partitions into several sections: a septic tank, an anaerobic bioreactor, a first stage aeration tank - a biofilter, a settling tank, a second stage aeration tank, a secondary settling tank - a contact tank, a pump compartment. Number of chamber compartments different models may be different.

Their common purpose is to consistently purify household wastewater to the parameters specified in the technical data sheet. This is done as follows. Wastewater is sent to a septic tank, where it is fermented, suspended solids are separated, sand and other insoluble inclusions settle. After this, the partially clarified wastewater enters an anaerobic bioreactor, where it is purified by anaerobic sludge (a community of microorganisms). The process takes place without access to oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria convert difficult-to-oxidize organic compounds into easily oxidized. Then comes the turn of cleaning in the first stage aeration tank with the influence of oxygen (using forced aeration). Here the wastewater is mixed with activated sludge, which absorbs and oxidizes pollutants. Afterwards, the wastewater enters the second stage aeration tank, where it is further purified (by oxidation and adsorption) with a biofilm of microorganisms formed on a load of artificial “algae” with continuous fine-bubble aeration. Next, in the secondary settling tank, activated sludge is deposited and returned to the septic tank using an airlift, and wastewater purified to 98% is discharged to a low relief area. This is how VOCs of the first type work – aeration ones.

Complex wastewater treatment plants in a private house

VOCs of the second type are complex installations in which wastewater treatment occurs in three ways: mechanical, biological and chemical-physical (coagulation). Structurally, they differ significantly from aeration units. Complex VOCs consist of a vertical settling tank with partitions (septic tank) and a bioreactor located above it. In the septic tank, sedimentation and anaerobic treatment take place. In the bioreactor - aerobic (with oxygen) purification of already clarified wastewater. Bacteria attach to the bioload of the reactor, forming an active biofilm. The installation kit includes a precipitating chemical (coagulant) in the form of tablets. It binds phosphorus, significantly reduces its concentration in wastewater and accelerates the process of sedimentation. The coagulant is in plastic container, which is hung on the toilet bowl. With each flush, particles of the substance enter the system along with the wastewater.

What should the consumer know?

Aeration VOCs do not allow volley discharge of wastewater (more than 100 l/h). For example, if there are often guests in the house, the flow of waste water (bathing, showering, etc.) increases sharply, due to which the colony of bacteria used for cleaning is partially (or completely) washed away. And therefore, for some time after the salvo discharge, the installation will not be able to purify wastewater to the indicators specified in the passport. A long-term power outage also negatively affects the operation of systems of the first type, namely, it leads to partial or complete death of the bacterial colony. True, some manufacturers “forget” to notify the buyer about this. Others argue that this is not a significant drawback of the devices, because you just need to place store-bought bacteria for septic tanks in a container, and the installation will begin to function as before. This is indeed true, but in this case the degree of wastewater purification declared by the manufacturer will not occur earlier than in two to three weeks.

But complex VOCs are not threatened by either a salvo discharge or a power outage negative consequences. The reason for this is the design differences between installations of the first and second types. The fact is that in aeration VOCs, aerobic and anaerobic processes occur in one volume, where due to aeration there is constant mixing of activated sludge. In complex VOCs, sedimentation of sludge occurs in a separate chamber, where it is in a state of relative rest, and since bacteria in such systems live not only in the water, but also in the bioreactor, they are not in danger of being washed out by abnormal wastewater, nor are they in danger of dying due to shutdown electricity. Even with a long interruption in power supply, bacteria on the biofilter are alive for three months. Reaching the operating mode declared by the manufacturer occurs 4-10 days after the installation is started.

Domestic waste should not enter aeration units ( toilet paper, hygiene items), since this can lead to blockage of the pumps that ensure the operation of the station. In addition, it is not advisable to discharge chemical household detergents into it, which worsen the conditions necessary for the life of bacteria. But complex installations are more “loyal” to these factors, mainly due to their design features. Household waste that gets into them (toilet paper, napkins, food debris, pet hair, polymer films) remains in the settling chamber and cannot penetrate into the section where the pumps are located. A small amount of chlorine-containing preparations (washing powder, bleaches), which entered the second type VOC along with water, will also not lead to loss of system functionality.

Both types of devices are energy-dependent - the compressor (pump) must operate in continuous mode. However, complex VOCs have slightly lower electricity consumption due to the fact that they do not use a compressor, but a pump operating on a timer (15 min./on - 15 min./off).

The Russian market offers systems of varying complexity from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. In some of them, the cleaning process is controlled by a programmable controller, which changes the operating mode of the installation based on the amount of incoming wastewater. If there are few of them, the controller switches the system to an economical mode, and in case of salvo resets, to a forced one. Although automation simplifies the operation of the system, it significantly increases the price of VOC and its further maintenance.

Where to dispose of wastewater in a country house

When installing equipment, one of the main questions is where the water purified in the installation goes. The simplest option is to drain it by gravity. After treatment in VOCs, wastewater is discharged directly onto the terrain or into a drainage network (trench, roadside ditch) at least 80-90 cm deep, protected from flooding. The second option is a filter well, used in cases where drainage by gravity is not possible.

From the VOC at a distance determined by the project, a reinforced concrete well with a depth of about 3 m is made. Crushed stone is poured at the bottom (in order to increase the productivity of the system). The capacity of the well depends on the type of soil.

IN sandy soils it is 80 l/day. per 1 mg area outer surface well filter cylinder, in sandy loam - 40 l/day. IN clay soils or if the groundwater level is high, this scheme does not work. In these cases, drainage pumps are used. To pump purified water from VOCs, submersible devices with a nominal bore ( maximum size impurities) 10-12 mm. The pump can be installed directly in the last VOC chamber or in an additional intermediate well; it must be sealed. This is necessary so that the pump does not also pump groundwater.

When installing a wastewater treatment system, it is important to consider that it should be located at a distance of 3-5 m from the cottage, so that winter time wastewater coming from the house did not freeze on its way to VOCs


Manufacturers indicate the cost of installations differently. Some name the price only for the equipment itself, others -on the system“turnkey”, that is, taking into account installation.

When choosing devices for wastewater treatment, it is better to focus on full complex services. On average, VOC + delivery to the customer’s site + installation will cost from 80,000 rubles. (installation volume is designed for four users) up to 140,000 rubles. (for ten users).

Some systems may require monthly maintenance, the cost of which sometimes reaches 20% of the equipment price per year.

The general rule for all installations is to clean the settling chamber on average once a year from accumulated excess sludge using a sewage disposal machine. The cost of vacuum cleaner services is 750-800 rubles/m3.

What volume of wastewater plant to choose

Selecting a domestic treatment plant for specific construction conditions is a complex multifactorial task. First of all, it is necessary to calculate the productivity of the equipment, since the size of the container depends on this.

The specific water disposal rate (according to SNiP 2.04.01-85) ranges from 200 to 300 liters per person per day and includes the use of a toilet, bathtub, shower, kitchen sink and washing machine. A family of three to four people spends on average 200 liters of water per day on washing, washing dishes and laundry, another 200 liters on the toilet, and 400 liters on showers and baths.

In total it turns out to be 800 liters. The size of the container is chosen taking into account that its working volume exceeds the daily water consumption by three to five times. Therefore, in our example we need a 4 m 3 tank.

Do-it-yourself installation of an aeration station (VS) - photo

a) Preparation of the pit, subsystem b, c) The installation body is placed in the pit, d, e) Insertion of underwater and outlet lines into the body of the treatment plant f, g) Installation of electrical equipment, filling the installation with water and sprinkling with sand, h) External part of the aeration station


Previously, organizing “life support” in rural areas by urban standards was more difficult than in space. Fortunately, times have changed, the issue is being resolved even where connecting to centralized water supply and sewerage is a matter of the unrealistically distant future. It is simply solved locally for one or several households - by drilling an artesian well and choosing an autonomous sewage system.

What to prefer - a septic tank, a bioseptic tank or a biological treatment station?

All options for local treatment systems (LOS) have both pros and cons. Let's find out!

Local principles

First, a little science. We must understand that any modern arrangement The system that solves the “toilet” problem (by the way, including the dry closet) works thanks to microorganisms. As a result of the life activity of these invisible creatures, biological oxidation processes occur in the wastewater. The solid fraction of the waste decomposes, other organic compounds are formed, and the water settles. It's simple, but there is a nuance. Biological oxidation is of two types: aerobic (when the process occurs with access to oxygen) and anaerobic (without access).

And different bacteria take part in these processes. When aerobic ones get down to business, the degree of cleaning complies with current hygienic standards; when anaerobic ones work, it does not correspond, and additional treatment is required.

What is a septic tank

In fact, a septic tank is a storage tank for sewage waste containing anaerobic bacteria. Structurally, they represent a reservoir - sealed or without a bottom. There are models consisting of non-

How many containers are connected to each other with pipes and overflows? Heavy particles sink to the bottom, the most liquid fraction consistently flows from chamber to chamber. By settling in this way, the plums are gradually cleared.

Theoretically, the more chambers (containers) a septic tank has, the better and more reliable it is. But in practice, in complex systems there is a higher risk of breakdown, their operation is more expensive, since many components require periodic maintenance. In addition, as a rule, greatest number sediment remains in the first section. So there is no need to unnecessarily complicate the septic tank; three containers are optimal.

Part of a big whole

A septic tank is not a self-sufficient device. Thanks to anaerobic processes, plums will leave about 65% of the contaminants in it. Where to put the foul-smelling moisture that is still far from ideal? It is drained into a drainage well or taken through the so-called “filtration field” (a plot of land arranged away from the house in a special way for the purification of water by filtering it through the soil). Therefore, you need to have on your land plot this drainage well or a place sufficient to organize a “filtration field”. What to do with the sediment that accumulates at the bottom of the chambers? It is periodically raked out. Alas, you can’t do it without a vacuum cleaner. This means that it is necessary to ensure free access for the sewer truck to the septic tank. These points will have to be taken into account when choosing an autonomous sewage system.

"Pros" and "cons" of septic tanks

Preservation of performance after long breaks in use.

Some models do not require an electrical connection.

Low degree of wastewater treatment - up to 65%.

There may be unpleasant odors near the installation.

Installation requires significant space on site.

Access roads are required for maintenance.

Complex installation of bulky and heavy equipment.

A septic tank is not the best solution if the groundwater level is high and if the area is clayey.

What is a bioseptic

This is a type of septic tank in which the cleaning process is enhanced by regular loading of bacterial preparations.

Its design includes a biofilter - a small reservoir with a chemically inert, rot-resistant backfill. This could be, for example, foam balls, shungizite, expanded clay or shell rock. The backfill is an excellent medium for the growth of bacterial colonies and at the same time plays the role of a mechanical filter - it retains solid fragments of sewer drains. The degree of purification in a bioseptic tank is slightly higher than in a conventional one, and less sediment forms at the bottom of the chambers. That is, all other things being equal, the vacuum cleaner will have to be called less often.

What is an aeration tank

In fact, an aeration tank was originally a reservoir in which purified wastewater is mixed with activated sludge - a biocenosis of microorganisms capable of absorbing organic matter. Today, deep biological treatment plants that include this tank are often called an aeration tank. A type of bioseptic? You could probably say that. But, definitely, the difference between an aeration tank and a septic tank with a biofilter is fundamental: other bacteria, aerobic, are used here.

The operation of the system is based on biological oxidation with the access of air, which is pumped by the compressor. Due to aeration, the oxidation process occurs evenly throughout the entire volume. The “final product” - odorless sludge - is fed into a special compartment. Filtered water does not require additional purification!


Any LOS is designed for a certain number of users. To calculate the volume of a treatment plant, it is recommended to proceed from 200 l/day per person. The volume of simultaneous discharge of wastewater (“salvo discharge”) is also important. This indicator can greatly affect the quality of cleaning. The more throughput VOC per day, the more reserve it must have to simultaneously receive discharges from various plumbing units within an hour.

"Pros" and "cons" of an aeration tank

High degree of wastewater purification - the output product is odorless.

Possibility of installation in a ventilated basement. The aeration tank does not have to be buried in the ground, like a septic tank (a drain riser is required!).

Space is saved on the site - a “filtering field” is not needed.

In winter, an aeration tank is more efficient than a septic tank (aerobic processes occur with the release of heat, anaerobic processes with absorption).


The main purpose of sewerage in a country house is the collection, purification and further disposal of wastewater generated when water is used for economic and hygienic purposes. Also suburban sewerage for a summer residence it is able to cope with the processing of feces. At any dacha where people sometimes live, it is necessary to equip a sewer system that will create normal living conditions.

An important component of civilized life is the presence of sewerage and running water. Residents apartment buildings do not think about how sewer systems function, since all waste flows into a sewer maintained by city utilities.

Drainage is waste water from sinks, bathtubs, kitchen sinks, and feces from toilets. They are discharged through an internal pipeline outside the house, and then into the street sewer network.

If there is no centralized drainage, then you have to install your own sewerage system to remove and treat wastewater.

In such cases, you can create:

  • alloy construction (thawed and rainwater enter the treatment plant along with domestic wastewater);
  • separate system (in this case, separate drains are created for melt and rainwater).
The most the best solution is to create a separate system in which wastewater is treated.

The simplest sewage system for a summer residence is created with your own hands from the following elements:

  • yard external network;
  • treatment facilities;
  • home internal network with plumbing fixtures.

Sewage scheme at the dacha

Before starting to create a sewer system, be sure to make a diagram of the location of its main elements. It also identifies the home and the plumbing fixtures being serviced. It is recommended to “tie” all plumbing to one collector, which will direct the drains to the same place. Read also: "".

If sewage comes from different ends of the site, then sometimes it is necessary to create more points for waste disposal. When laying pipes, it is necessary to determine the depth of soil freezing, as well as the groundwater level. Read also: "".

Choosing a location for a sewer system near a country house

When choosing a location for a sewer pit, the soil and terrain features are examined, taking into account:
  • distance from buildings, fences and water supply elements;
  • slope of the site;
  • Possibility of access of special equipment to clean the pit.
Since dacha buildings are intended for temporary use, there is no need to create large sedimentation tanks. Thanks to this, there is no need to invest a lot of time and money in the country sewer system.
According to construction and sanitary standards, the sewage pit must be removed from residential buildings at a distance of at least 5 meters. It is better to install a sump tank at the lowest point of the site to facilitate the flow of wastewater into it.
A correctly drawn up project allows you to avoid overuse of pipes and comply with all the nuances (when creating a sewer system, it is necessary to take into account the location of the telephone cable, gas main and other communications). It is important that water supply and sewerage systems do not overlap.

Construction of a sewerage system

Currently, a biological treatment station for a summer residence is popular. In modern areas, septic tanks are common because they are more efficient than traditional pit cesspools. These devices are capable of purifying wastewater and discharging it into the ground. Of course, sometimes it will be necessary to call a sewer truck, but such a need will arise much less frequently than when creating a regular pit.

In order to build an effective sewer system with a septic tank, you need to follow the instructions exactly.

In progress:

  1. A pit is dug approximately 3 meters deep; after completion of the work, the bottom is compacted with a layer of clay.
  2. If concrete is used, the walls are formworked. For this you will need: wooden beam, OSB sheets, plastic pipe scraps (read also: " ").
  3. After formwork, its sheets are fixed in the pit. For this purpose, a wooden beam is used - it is used to wedge the formwork sheets in the pit. After the structure is securely fastened and wedged, the pipe pieces are inserted into pre-created holes. The pipes are driven into the ground at least 50 mm so that they do not turn out under the influence of concrete, which may then fall into the pit.
  4. Metal rods are used to reinforce the walls - this design will be much stronger. A special hole is required for the pipe entry.
    It is advisable that the septic tank be located no more than 15-20 meters from the foundation of the house, but no closer than 5 meters. To calculate the required capacity of the device, you need to multiply the daily rate of waste per person by the number of residents.
  5. The bottom of the septic tank is filled with concrete. As for the walls, the concrete or brick used in their construction is plastered. After filling one part of the pit, the solution is allowed to dry for 2-3 days, then the formwork is moved to the other two walls, and concrete is poured again.
  6. Depending on the depth of groundwater and soil type, filter devices are selected. One of the most reliable options is a well made of reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of 1500 millimeters.
If a filter well is installed, then the sewage system for country house is created as follows:
  1. A shaft is dug; its size should exceed the diameter of the rings by 80 centimeters.
  2. A concrete screed is made around the perimeter, and the center must remain free so that wastewater can seep into the ground.
  3. 3 rings are placed into the hole using a crane.
  4. In the lowest of them, holes with a diameter of 5 centimeters are drilled using a hammer drill, the distance between them should be approximately 10 centimeters.
  5. The well is filled with filter material to a height of about 1 meter. Soil, gravel, broken bricks and other small materials are used as backfill.
  6. The same backfill is done between the outside walls of the well and the rings. The inlet pipe is installed 500 millimeters above the backfill level so that it enters the well through a side hole in the reinforced concrete ring.
  7. A hatch with two holes is installed: for the cover and for the exhaust riser (500 and 100 millimeters, respectively).

In addition to a septic tank, it is recommended to create a filter well on unstable soil.

Laying sewer pipes

When installing a sewer system in a dacha, not only is a septic tank installed, but pipes are also laid, and in compliance with all building codes. The system must have a sufficient slope so that the movement of wastewater is spontaneous.
The farther the drainage pit is from the house, the deeper the pipe entrance should be. If this rule is not followed, the wastewater will not drain on its own, so you will have to use a pump to pump it out. This will lead to unnecessary costs and troubles.
Sewage systems for dachas are created from cast iron or plastic pipes. Plastic products must be sealed with a rubber gasket, and cast iron ones are sealed with tarred heel and covered with cement mortar.

To lay the pipeline, a trench with a depth of at least 1 meter is dug, otherwise they will have to be insulated. Typically, the depth at which pipes are laid depends on the average winter temperature. For example, in regions with a warm climate, the depth of the trenches can be 70 centimeters, and in areas with harsh winters it must be increased to 180 centimeters.

In unstable soil, the bottom of the dug trench is strengthened with a layer of sand about 15 centimeters thick. The ditch is then covered with soil and compacted.

It is better to lay pipes without turns, since it is in these areas that blockages most often form. If this is not possible, then a manhole, which is sealed with concrete, and in some situations with hot bitumen.

Internal sewer network

After building a septic tank and laying pipes, an internal sewer network is installed. The house network ensures the collection of wastewater and its delivery to the street sewer system.

Self-created internal system as follows:

  1. Sinks, bathtub, washbasin and other plumbing fixtures are connected to a riser with a diameter of 50 millimeters. The devices are connected using a pipe of the same diameter with a slope that does not exceed 25 millimeters per linear meter.
  2. At the outlet of any plumbing fixture, water seals are installed that prevent unpleasant odors enter the house.
  3. The toilet requires a riser with a diameter of 100 millimeters, and the pipes are laid at an angle not exceeding 12 millimeters. According to SNiP, a large slope should not be created, since in this case the sewer system will often become clogged.
  4. All risers are connected to a collection sewer water supply system, which removes wastewater from the house. Its diameter should be 100 millimeters.
  5. A small window measuring 300x300 millimeters is created in the basement wall or in the foundation of the house to lead the sewer network from the building to the street (read also: "").
  6. A pipe is placed into the hole made. Be sure to leave a gap of at least 150 millimeters. Otherwise, the pipe may be damaged when the building shrinks.
When creating an internal sewer network, plastic or cast iron pipes. Plastic products are connected with special fittings, and cast iron products are connected by welding.

It is quite possible to do sewerage in a summer cottage yourself, you just need to have some skills. There are several options for autonomous sewers, and each site owner can choose the type of system that meets his requirements and capabilities. The most modern type of sewage system is a design with a septic tank, in which the wastewater is treated and then disposed of in the ground without harming the environment. For a sewer system to be effective, it is important to comply with all building codes and rules.

When a country cottage is located in an area that has no communication with the central sewer system, the only way to ensure the collection and purification of wastewater is to do it yourself in a country sewer system. In general, in matters of improvement country houses The most acute problem is the sewerage equipment, because water can be delivered from a well or borehole, heating will appear with the purchase of a heating boiler, but wastewater disposal is not so easy to organize.

Wastewater treatment methods

Today there are many advanced wastewater disposal technologies that do not harm the environment. Here are the main types of sewerage for country house:

  • deep biological treatment station.

Despite the differences in design and operating principles, the installation of country sewerage of any type is carried out in strict accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/ The construction of a sewerage system is necessarily preceded by a planning stage, the result of which should be a suburban sewerage system drawn up on paper.


A cesspool is the simplest autonomous sewage system for a country house. Elementary installation, low cost - these are its advantages. But the maintenance of the pit will cost a pretty penny. Regardless of its volume, the pit will regularly fill with sewage, for which vacuum cleaners must be invited to pump out. In addition to the high price for the services of these specialists, there will be an unpleasant odor on your site during pumping activities.

Calculation of cesspool volume

During construction cesspool it is necessary to calculate what its volume should be. At the same time, they start from the fact that the frequency of cleansing the pit is no more than twice a year. Next, take the number of people permanently or temporarily living in a country house and multiply it by a figure from 3 to 4 (how many cubic meters of wastewater each person produces monthly). Using these simple calculations, the required volume of the cesspool is calculated.

Construction of a cesspool

The organization of sewerage begins with choosing a location for the future cesspool. It should be located 12 m from the house and 1 m from the fence.

Pro tip: To avoid unpleasant consequences, install a septic tank and other treatment facilities at a distance of 30 m from water intake wells.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. A hole of the required volume is dug. This can be done manually or using an excavator. The walls of the recess are leveled.

  1. A reinforced mesh is laid out at the bottom of the pit to a height of 7-10 cm and secured with stakes. It is better to use a mesh with mesh sides of 20 x 30 cm, made of a metal rod with a diameter of 8-10 mm. Raising the mesh above the bottom is necessary so that when the concrete screed is subsequently poured, it does not press against the ground. To do this, you can place stones or bricks under the mesh.
  2. A concrete screed is laid with a layer of 20-25 cm. Wait until it dries completely (at least a week).
  3. At this moment it is being built internal sewerage country house. Then laying and supplying is carried out sewer pipes to the pit (outer part of the system).
  4. When the floor of the cesspool is ready, they begin to build the walls. They can be made of concrete (“”) or brick (“”). In the first case, a removable formwork 30-50 cm in height with a reinforced lattice inside is built. Concrete is poured into the formwork and time is given to dry. After the lower part of the walls is ready, the formwork is raised to pour the next batch of concrete - and so on until the required height is reached. In case of device brick walls masonry is used in a checkerboard pattern to improve the penetration of runoff into the soil.

Pro tip: Making the walls of a cesspool or septic tank from concrete using removable formwork, make sure that after removing it there are no cracks or other damage in the walls. Otherwise, the service life is reduced, and the harm to the environment increases significantly.

As a rule, sewage systems for a country house are built for long-term operation, so it is not recommended to use cinder blocks as a material for walls. From constant interaction with water they are destroyed at high speed.

The cesspool must be covered. You can use a ready-made concrete slab equipped with a hatch, or you can make it yourself. Along the perimeter of the pit, along the upper border of the walls, expansions are made in the ground, into which an unedged board is installed. A reinforced lattice is laid on top of it, and the structure is filled with concrete.

Pro tip: As a cesspool, you can use a barrel with the required volume (“”), which must be buried in the soil. To extend the service life of this structure, cover the barrel with bitumen mastic.

Septic tank

Principle of operation

More environmentally friendly and effective solution is a septic tank for the sewage system of a country house. By collecting wastewater, it provides excellent cleaning and clarification of liquids, and processes solid organic inclusions with the help of anaerobic bacteria.

In the assortment of specialized stores you can find ready-made septic tanks, which only need to be transported to the installation site and assembled. Although, it is possible to install sewerage in a country house with your own hands.

To anaerobic bacteria managed to carry out their tasks effectively, the wastewater must settle for a certain time in one chamber and then flow into the next. For a country cottage, it is considered optimal to have three chambers in the septic tank. The fact is that two containers are not enough for high-quality wastewater treatment, and installing 4 or more is costly.

By by and large, a septic tank is a cesspool divided by partitions in which holes are equipped for the flow of waste. The bottom and walls of the septic tank are equipped with waterproofing to prevent feces from entering the soil.

Installation process

Self-installation of a septic tank is identical to the installation of a cesspool; the difference lies in the construction of two additional walls that will divide the pit into 3 parts.

The process consists of three stages:

  1. A pit of the required volume is built, the walls are leveled.
  2. The bottom is reinforced and filled concrete screed, which must dry completely.
  3. The side walls are built using removable formwork concrete walls. Then the area of ​​the septic tank is divided into 3 equal parts, formwork is built and 2 more walls are poured. Upon reaching ½ the height of the internal walls, overflows are constructed. They are made from a piece of pipe, which is installed with a slope and filled with concrete. Between the first and second containers, the height of the overflow installation should be slightly higher than between the second and third.

Deep biological treatment stations

Those who have purchased such modern sewage equipment as a biological wastewater treatment plant for their country cottage do not have to worry about possible contamination environment. It is impossible to build a sewer system of this type with your own hands, but self-installation The finished system is quite affordable. With a station productivity of up to 1.5 m3, attraction lifting machines not required.

The deep wastewater treatment station is made from polymer materials, and therefore weighs a little. You can lower it into a hand-dug pit by calling your friends for help. It is important to locate the sewer installation in such a way that the pipe connected to it does not have any bends.

For areas with high level The groundwater system can be installed on the surface of the ground or a partial deepening can be arranged. But then it is necessary to provide the station with a mechanism for forced transportation of wastewater.

An effective system for accumulating and treating wastewater and waste is one of the main aspects of comfortable life outside the city. That is why local sewerage for a country house is so important and significant.

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